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UK Investment: Opportunities and Strategies

The UK
Why the UK Is the best place for
The UK is one of the leading locations in the
world. A rich and diverse market with world
class industries including life science , ICT,
creative,financial and professional business
services and automotive engineering .
The UK offers an attractive location for
business With easy access to consumers ,
product innovators, Suppliers and partners.
The UK maintains this highly attractive
conditions for business and investment .
The UK Gov's plan for growth drives coordinated action that seeks to create the
most competitive tax system in the G20 The
legal system supports and protects
business interests , and cuts to
bureaucracy are reducing burdens on
business .
The UK industrial strategy
The UK’s Industrial Strategy is a
partnership with businesses, local
government and educational
institutions in the UK and overseas to
ensure the UK remains one of the best
places in the world to innovate, do
business, to invest and create jobs.
The strategy invests in the skills,
industries and infrastructure of the
future and supports the citizens and
businesses to embrace and benefit
from the opportunities of technological
Policies include:
IDEAS • Raising total R&D investment to 2.4 per cent of GDP by 2027. • Increasing the rate of
the R&D tax credit to 12 per cent. • Investing £725m in new Industrial Strategy Challenge Fund
programmes that make the most of new technologies and capture the value of innovation.
PEOPLE • Establish a technical education system that rivals the best in the world, to stand
alongside our world class higher education system. • Invest in maths, digital and technical
education, helping to boost science, technology, engineering and maths (STEM) skills. • Create a
new National Retraining Scheme that supports people to re-skill, beginning with a focus on digital
and construction training
BUSINESS ENVIRONMENT • Launch and roll out Sector Deals - partnerships between government
and industry aiming to increase sector productivity. The first Sector Deals are in life sciences,
construction, Artificial Intelligence and the automotive sector. • Drive over £20bn of investment in
innovative and high potential businesses, including through establishing a new £2.5bn Investment
Fund, incubated in the British Business Bank. • Launch a review of the actions likely to be most
effective in improving the productivity of small and medium sized enterprises, including how to
address the ‘long tail’ of less productive businesses.
According to Office National
statistics IPP fell by record 5.4% in
Quarter 1, 2021, reflecting
decreased investment in purchased
software . This follows a 1.3%
annual increase in IPP investment
during 2020 , driven in part by
firms purchasing software to
facilitate changes in working
conditions brought about by
coronavirus pandemic.
Uk Foreign investment
According to fresh numbers released today (22nd June) by the Department for
International Trade, foreign investment created 55,319 new employment across the
country last year (DIT).
Nearly 48,000 new employment were created as a result of government assistance,
with DIT working directly with the investing firms and providing services to smooth
their entry into the UK.
Despite the global economic downturn caused by the epidemic, the UK remains
one of the most attractive investment destinations in the world, with 1,538 FDI
projects planned for the 2020/2021 fiscal year.
The UK economy demonstrated its fundamental strengths by attracting foreign
investment. The United States remains our largest investor, followed by India.