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Digital Marketing and Awareness a Pathway to growing brand recognition
By Abubakar Sadeeq (MCS)
Web Developer
Digital Technologist
CTO Snackyfi (former)
Technology Consultant (Hagos Supplies Nigeria LTD)
Director of ICT/Media MSSN Unijos
Ag. PRO NACOS Unijos Chapter
Principal Partner Sabi Tech Nigeria
Personal Blog: www.zentech.com.ng
Linked in: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sadeeq-abubakar-118521226
After careful review of the website in question; www.kasooq.com, I have come up with a
pathway on how to reach digital success and achieve brand recognition.
Brand awareness is a term that refers to the degree of consumer familiarity of a product by its
name using various marketing channels. Simply put, it is a measure of how well your target
audience recognizes your brand. I have broken down into seven strategies, we can establish
brand awareness and improve sales of your network. One by one, I will analyze ways to bring
the so much desired publicity to your brand.
1. Social Media: we can begin with an obvious scenario: if you want your brand to be easily
recognized. Cream of the crop brand awareness campaigns will get lots of views for
your products and brand online.
However, there will still be need for a difference between showing off your products and
interacting with consumers. Social media is meant to be interactive, fun, and relational.
So you need a way to highlight your brand and products – interactively.
This is why I recommend social media giveaways as a brand awareness marketing
strategy. For example, here’s an Instagram giveaway by Snüz, a high-end brand for
babies and parents in the UK.
The idea is very basic. When and if an individual comments on Snüz’ Instagram post
and tags a friend, they join a prize draw for a bundle of babywear goodies. They’re also
encouraged to like the post and follow the brand. By doing this, the brand sticks to
people's minds because they feel a personal investment in the brand because they've
shared a conversation about it with their friends. Also, comments, likes and follows will
lead to more engagement with the brands social media thus leading to more visits to the
website and more sales. Personally I have experienced this with my already successful
blog www.zentech.com.ng and I will be in a good position to tell you that there is a direct
relationship between social media engagements and website visits. When someone
sees your product for the first time, it’s only the beginning of their journey towards
making a purchase. You’ll need to guide them on that journey – through brand
positioning and the growth of the brand/customer relationship.
We already know that getting people to interact with your brand helps with brand
recognition. You can reinforce that effect by responding to what people share with you.
www.statista.com predicts that there'll be about 3 billion social media users by 2021.
This shows that the market is very high and the opportunities nearly limitless.
Bearing in mind that most social media sites have advertisement platforms, you could
also run paid ads on those sites. Research and experience has told me that about 70%
of ads run on social media lead to direct sales on eccomerce sites.
2. Physical Awareness/Support: From my personal introduction above, it is obvious that I
have strong influence in the student community and several affiliations with many other
student organizations that are even too many to mention. With this, I can influence
thousands of students to engage with a particular brand and patronize them if necessary.
With several tech invents that I am hands on in their planning and implementation eg.
techsync, google developer student clubs, e.t.c be sure that your brand will be
highlighted and recognized by students and technology enthusiast and by extension, a
huge audience.
3. Referral Programs: Plain and simple, people like free stuff. Offer something for free for
those that refer a new customer to you. Dropbox does this well, by providing you with
500 megabytes of free memory if you refer a friend and they sign up for an account. This
motivates people to share posts about your company, so they can get that freebie from
the referral.
4. Community engagement: you'll agree with me that what will stand out in a brand is
hands on community engagement. If a brand is seen to engage on a one on one level to
community members it becomes the talk of the town. If members of the community take
the brand as theirs, they'll stop at no cost to ensure that their friends and families
participate and patronize that brand.
With these and many other skill sets I possess, there is no doubt that I'll be very instrumental
towards making your brand a success and the talk of the town.
Feel free to reach me via telephone or whatsapp on: 07031115516 or email:
I'll be expecting to hear feedback from you in the near future. Thanks for perusing.