SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE PHYSICS S. M. SZE Department of Electronics Engineering National Chiao Tung University Hsinchu, Taiwan TABLE OF CONTENTS Ch 0 Introduction PART I SEMICONDUCTOR PHYSICS Ch 1 Energy Bands and Carrier Concentration in Thermal Equilibrium Ch 2 Current Transport Phenomena PART II SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Ch 3 p-n Junction Ch 4 MOS Capacitor Ch 5 MOSFET Ch 6 Non-volatile Semiconductor Memory PREREQUSITES This course is for junior or senior undergraduate students or equivalent in electronics or electrical engineering, applied physics or materials science Prerequisites : Modern Physics Calculus Introductory Electronics TEXTBOOKS AND REFERENCE BOOKS Textbooks S. M. Sze and M. K. Lee, Semiconductor Devices: Physics and Technology, 3rd Edition, Wiley, Hoboken (2013) 中譯本(正體字):曾俊元,半導體元件物理與製作技術,第三版,國立交 通大學出版社 (2013) 中譯本(簡體字):赵鹤鸣,半导体器件物理与工艺,第三版,苏州大学出 版社 (2014) Reference Books J. N. Burghartz, Guide to State-of-the-Art Electron Devices, IEEE, Wiley, West Sussex, UK (2013) S. M. Sze and K. K. Ng, Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd Edition, Wiley Interscience, Hoboken (2007) 中譯本(正體字):張鼎張、劉柏村,半導體元件物理,第三版,國立交通 大學出版社 (2008) 中譯本(簡體字):耿莉、张瑞智,半导体器件物理,第三版,西安交通大 学出版社(2008) CHAPTER 0 INTRODUCTION Semiconductor devices are the foundation of the electronics industry ― the largest industry in the world with an annual sales of over 2 trillion US dollars ($2,000,000,000,000). An understanding of semiconductor devices is essential to the study of advanced courses in electronics. In this chapter we consider: Global electronics and semiconductor industry Four device building blocks Eighteen major semiconductor devices Semiconductor device trends ELECTRONICS AND SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRIES Figure 1 shows the gross world product (GWP) and sales volumes of the electronics, automobile, semiconductor, and steel industries from 1980 to 2010 and projected to 2020. Electronics industry ― the largest industry in the world Annual sales ― more than US$2 trillion ($2,000,000,000,000) Semiconductor industry ― a subset of the electronics industry, will constitute 25% of electronics sales in 2020. THREE STAGES OF DEVELOPMENTS OF THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY Vacuum Tube ― Electronics Age Vacuum tube was invented by De Forest in 1906 Vacuum tube ushered in the Electronics Age Radio, TV, early digital computers, basic communication systems were developed Transistor ― Modern Electronics Age The transistor effect was discovered by Bardeen, Brattain and Shockley in 1947 Transistor ushered in the Modern Electronics Age The hearing aid, personal computer, color television, and advanced communication system were developed THREE STAGES OF DEVELOPMENTS OF THE ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY (Cont.) Non-Volatile Semiconductor Memory (NVSM) ― Digital Age The NVSM effect was discovered by Kahng and Sze in 1967 NVSM has ushered in the Digital Age The digital cellular phone, tablet computer, digital camera, implantable defibrillator, smart IC card, etc. were developed. At present, every modern home has more than100 NVSMbased microcontroller systems (e.g., in air conditioner, digital TV, microwave oven, washing machine, refrigerator, etc.), and every modern car has 50-100 NVSM-based microcontroller systems (e.g., in engine control, transmission control, HVAC heating, ventilation, air conditioning, ABS anti-lock braking system, GPS global positioning system, etc.). DEVICES BUILDING BLOCKS All semiconductor devices can be constructed from 4 device building blocks Figure 2 shows the basic device building blocks (a) Metal-semiconductor interface (b) p–n junction (c) Heterojunction interface and (d) Metal-oxide-semiconductor structure Metal Semiconductor (a) Semiconductor A Semiconductor B (c) p-type Semiconductor n-type Semiconductor (b) Metal Oxide Semiconductor (d) DEVICES BUILDING BLOCKS (Cont.) Metal Semiconductor (a) Semiconductor A Semiconductor B (c) p-type Semiconductor n-type Semiconductor (b) Metal Oxide Semiconductor (d) Metal-semiconductor interface: an intimate contact between a metal and a semiconductor p-n junction: formed between a p-type (with positively charged carriers) and an n-type (with negatively charged carriers) semiconductor Heterojunction interface: formed between two dissimilar semiconductors Metal-oxide-semiconductor structure: a combination of a metaloxide interface and an oxide-semiconductor interface MAJOR SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES We have 18 major devices, with over 140 device variations related to them. The most important two devices are the MOSFET and the non-volatile semiconductor memory. FIVE MAJOR SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES Metal-Semiconductor contact: the first semiconductor device ever studied (1874). It can be used as a rectifying contact or an ohmic contact p-n junction: p-n junction theory serves as the foundation of the physics of semiconductor devices Bipolar transistor: formed by combining two p-n junctions. Bipolar transistor ushered in the Modern Electronic Age, but since mid 1980 it has been supplanted by MOSFET FIVE MAJOR SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES (Cont.) MOSFET: formed by using an MOS capacitor as the gate and two p-n junctions as the source and drain. MOSFET is the most important logic device for advanced integrated circuits Non-volatile semiconductor memory (NVSM): formed by modifying the gate electrode of a conventional MOSFET so that semipermanent charge storage inside the gate is possible (10 to 100 years). NVSM is the most important memory device for long-term information storage, and has ushered in the Digital Age. THE FIRST TRANSISTOR The transistor effect was discovered by Bardeen, Brattain, and Shockley in 1947 while working at Bell Labs Germanium substrate as the base, two point contacts as the emitter and collector Transistor effect was observed, i.e., the input signal was amplified THE FIRST ENHANCEMENT MOSFET Invented by Atalla and Kahng in 1960 while working at Bell Labs Silicon substrate, thermally grown SiO2, and aluminum gate Gate length is 20 μm, oxide thickness is 100 nm MOSFET is the most important logic device for advanced integrated circuits THE FIRST NON-VOLATILE SEMICONDUCTOR MEMORY (NVSM) The NVSM effect was discovered by Kahng and Sze in 1967 while working at Bell Labs A floating gate was imbedded in the insulator for charge storage NVSM effect was observed, i.e., long-term information storage was obtained PENETRATION RATE IN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY 100 90 70 Transistor NVSM Laser HDD 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 19 86 19 88 19 90 19 92 19 94 19 96 19 98 20 00 20 02 20 04 20 06 20 08 20 10 20 12 20 14 20 16 Penetration Rate 80 YEAR Transistor NVSM Laser HDD 100% 100% 28% 18% Penetration Rate in 2014 THE HYBRID INTEGRATED CIRCUIT Invented by Kilby in 1959 while working at Texas Instruments It contained one bipolar transistor, three resistors and one capacitor Made in Ge, devices were connected by wire bonding and isolated by mesa etching THE FIRST MONOLITHIC INTEGRATED CIRCUIT • Invented by Noyce in 1959 while working at Fairchild Semiconductor Corporation • All devices fabricated in a single semiconductor substrate and connected by Al metallization • It is a flip-flop circuit ― modern-day static random access memory (SRAM) circuit • This invention laid the foundation for the rapid growth of the microelectronics industry THE FIRST DRAM CHIP (1103 by Intel) DRAM (dynamic random-access memory) was invented by Dennard in 1967 while working at International Business Machines (IBM) company The DRAM Chip was made by Intel in 1970 with a feature length of 8 μm DRAM is a two-element circuit block ― one MOSFET and one MOS capacitor DRAM is an important working memory where information is held temporarily before being filed for long-term storage (e.g., in NVSM) THE FIRST MICROPROCESSOR (4004 by Intel) • Developed by Hoff et al. in 1971 while working at Intel Corp. • The chip contains entire central processing unit (CPU) • It is a four-bit microprocessor, 3 cm x 4 cm, 2300 MOSFETs and 0.1 MIPS (million instructions per second) • p-channel, polysilicon gate, 8 μm design rule SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICE TRENDS Most important device trends include : higher density, higher speed, lower power consumption, and nonvolatility Figure 8 shows the exponential decrease of the minimum feature length versus time 22 nm 16 nm Rate of reduction of feature length ~ 13% per year In 2002, microelectronics→ nanoelectronics Device miniaturization→ low cost, high speed, reduced energy of operation At present, the length→ 16nm, may reach 10nm in 2020 INCREASE OF MEMORY DENSITY Figure 9 shows the exponential increase in dynamic random access memory (DRAM) density and nonvolatile semiconductor memory (NVSM) density versus year DRAM density : x2 every 18 months (1978 to 2000), slowed down after 2000 NVSM density : x2 every 18 months (2000 to present), by 2020 it may reach 10 Tb (Terabits) = 1013 bits MICROPROCESSOR COMPUTATIONAL POWER Figure 10 shows the exponential increase in microprocessor computational power versus year Computational power: x2 per 18 months (from 1980 to present) A Pentium-based computer is more powerful than CRAY 1 supercomputer in 1960s Soon it may reach 107 MIPS (million instructions per second) TECHNOLOGY DRIVERS Figure 11 shows the growth curves for different technology drivers Bipolar transistor: Beginning of the Modern Electronics Age (1950-1970) MOSFET-based DRAM and microprocessor for personal computer and advanced electronic systems (1970-1990) Nonvolatile semiconductor memory for numerous digital electronic system, beginning of the Digital Age (1990) SUMMARY OF CHAPTER 0 Semiconductor devices are the foundation of the electronics industry A historical review is presented for all major semiconductor devices In the past 140 years, semiconductor-device field has evolved from a simple metal-semiconductor contact to sophisticated integrated circuits containing billion (109) of devices and operating at trillion (1012) instructions per second MOSFET is the most important device for logic circuits, and NVSM is the most important device for long-term information storage