TyreDefect Defect Gauge Gauge THICKNESS LESS THAN WORN PROFILE 16 MM F M G S NEW PROFILE APPROX. 13 MM. Fig 1- Thin Flange WORN PROFILE NEW PROFILE F M G S RADIUS OF FLANGE TIP LESS THAN .5 MM Fig 3- Sharp Flange S F G NEW PROFILE M WORN PROFILE ROOTRADIUS LESS THAN 13 MM Fig 5- Radius at the Root of the Flange 83.5 MM (B.G.) 57 MM (M.G.) F M G S MORE THAN 35 MM (B.G.) 32 MM (M.G.) Fig 4- Deep Flange F M G S F M G S Fig 6- Flatness of Tyre Fig 2- Thin Tyre Tyre Defect Gauge 75 51 51 3 60 * 50 * 13 19 5R 22 DIA 13R 38 19 6 25.5 24 32 R .5 25 38 38 44.5 13R F 22 R 38 M G S 25.5 63.5 73 165 5 8R 19R 35 NOTE:[1.] All dimensions are in MM. [2.] Condemning marks to be stamped on both sides of Gauge as:‘F’ Condemning Mark, Solid forged and rolled Wheels. ‘M’ Condemning Mark, Mansell ring. ‘G’ Condemning Mark, Glut ring. ‘S’ Condemning Mark, Stud fastened. [3.] Steel plate 3.2mm.Thick to IS:226,Fe 410-S. [4.] Dimensions Marked Thus * 50 mm. for ICE & BEML Coaches. 60 mm. for B.G. Wagons. 28.5 35 22 16 INCLINE 1 IN 20