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Chaotic Image Encryption Algorithms Research

media security
Research progression on chaotic image encryption
Nowadays, image multimedia data depends on the Internet for transmission. Due to its
large storage space and difficulty in transmission, the secure transmission technology of
confidential images needs to be developed [1]. Image encryption (IE) algorithm can
convert images into randomly encrypted images. Due to its easy implementation and
high portability, the proposed IE scheme is gradually applied to multimedia technology
[6]. Image encryption mainly uses four methods. The four principles are sequential
arrangement[8], secret segmentation and sharing[9], modern cryptography[10], and
chaotic dynamic systems[11]. The image encryption technology chaotic dynamic
systems y based on chaotic dynamic system[12] is a cryptographic encryption
technology that has developed rapidly in recent years.
In the past ten years, traditional chaotic image encryption technology is based on the
spatial domain and the transform domain[4]. Most of these methods directly act on
image pixels, mapping the original image to a random/cryptographic image. The
sequences generated by these traditional chaotic systems are pseudo-random and
periodic. If the attacker makes minor changes to the original image, then use the
proposed algorithm to encrypt the original image before and after the change. The
periodicity of the algorithm may be calculated [5].
Wu and his team proposed a color image encryption scheme based on a onedimensional chaotic system and DNA sequence manipulation. Randomly transform the
key stream through DNA coding rules. Complementary and XOR operations are
performed on the DNA matrix to break the strong correlation between adjacent image
pixels [7]. Through the robustness test and NPCR and UACI scores, it can be concluded
that the algorithm has better security and robustness. Regarding the efficiency of the
algorithm, the algorithm combined with parallel computing technology greatly reduces
the complexity of the algorithm [7].
Jizhao Liu and his team developed a new fourth order chaotic pulse system and its
encryption method [3]. The system generates two chaotic sequences using the average
pixel value of the original image, then XOR transforms the pixels of one sequence, and
encrypts the other sequence by row and column transformation [3]. The system uses
hyperbolic sine as a nonlinearity. Its NPCR and UACI scores were close to ideal values
and are better than algorithms that use DNA coding rules. Its security is better than the
traditional chaotic system, but the encryption and decryption time is too long.
Pan Shuang and his team proposed a image encryption system which is based on
complex chaotic system and artificial neural network. Compare to the tradition
encryption algorithm, Pan’s model also used chaotic sequence as the input layer to get a
random sequence, but their neural network can be used to eliminate chaotic periodicity
[2]. As a result, the impact of chaotic periodicity on the capability of the system will be
reduced effectively. Moreover, their chaotic system Logistic mapping is adopted as a
trigger, combined with Tent and Sine mapping [2]. Their algorithms have improved in
media security
terms of security and time efficiency.
In conclusion, the combination of chaotic dynamic system's image encryption algorithm
and DNA coding to eliminate the periodic influence of the chaotic system is a feasible
method [13]. Another modern technology that is combined with artificial neural
networks has more potential in terms of security and algorithm efficiency.
[1] Raja, S. P. (2018). Secured medical image compression using DES encryption technique
in Bandelet multiscale transform. International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and
Information Processing, 16(04), 1850028.
[2] Pan, Shuang, Wei, Jianguo, Hu, Shaobo, Multimedia Tools and Applications January, 2019,
A Novel Image Encryption Algorithm Based on Hybrid Chaotic Mapping and Intelligent
Learning in Financial Security System
[3] Liu, Jizhao, Tang, Shusen, Lian, Jing, Ma, Yide, Zhang, Xinguo, Multimedia Tools and
Applications November, 2018, A novel fourth order chaotic system and its algorithm for
medical image encryption
[4] Singh, S. P., Bhatnagar, G., & Gurjar, D. K. (2018). A secure image encryption algorithm
based on polar decomposition. 2018 IEEE 14th International Colloquium on Signal
Processing & Its Applications (CSPA).
[5] Farah, M. A. B., Guesmi, R., Kachouri, A., & Samet, M. (2020). A novel chaos based
optical image encryption using fractional Fourier transform and DNA sequence operation.
Optics & Laser Technology, 121, 105777.
[6] Wang, M., Wang, X., Zhao, T., Zhang, C., Xia, Z., & Yao, N. (2020). Spatiotemporal
Chaos in Improved Cross Coupled Map Lattice and Its Application in a Bit-level Image
Encryption Scheme. Information Sciences.
[7] Wu, X., Kan, H., & Kurths, J. (2015). A new color image encryption scheme based on
DNA sequences and multiple improved 1D chaotic maps. Applied Soft Computing, 37, 24–39.
[8] Orchel, M. (2007). Support Vector Machines: Sequential Multidimensional Subsolver
(SMS). Signal Processing Algorithms, Architectures, Arrangements, and Applications SPA
[9] Fadhil Al-Husainy, M. A., & Al-Sewadi, H. A. A. (2018). Full Capacity Image
Steganography Using Seven-Segment Display Pattern as Secret Key. Journal of Computer
Science, 14(6), 753–763.
[10] Izmerly, O., & Mor, T. (2006). Chosen ciphertext attacks on lattice-based public key
media security
encryption and modern (non-quantum) cryptography in a quantum environment. Theoretical
Computer Science, 367(3), 308–323.
[11] Liu, Y., Wang, J., Fan, J., & Gong, L. (2015). Image encryption algorithm based on
chaotic system and dynamic S-boxes composed of DNA sequences. Multimedia Tools and
Applications, 75(8), 4363–4382.
[12] Diaconu, A.-V. (2014). An image encryption algorithm with a chaotic dynamical system
based Sudoku Grid. 2014 10th International Conference on Communications (COMM).
[13] Zhang, J., & Huo, D. (2018). Image encryption algorithm based on quantum chaotic map
and DNA coding. Multimedia Tools and Applications.