Microsoft Azure Cloud Plan: Deployment & Benefits

Comprehensive Cloud Plan
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Comprehensive Cloud Plan
Executive Summary
Microsoft Azure is a cloud computing platform that can provide storage, networking, analytics
and computing services. Therefore, its implementation can help an organization meet its goals
and manage challenges due to its capability to support multiple tools. The cloud computing
forms offered by Azure include saverless, platform as a service (PaaS), infrastructure as a service
(IaaS) and software as a service (SaaS). When implemented, an organization will be charged for
using Azure platform on a pay-as-you-go framework, implying that the charges will correspond
to the specific resources utilized each month. For successful implementation of an Azure
platform, there are a few system requirements that should be considered by an organization. In
this case, it is crucial to examine the environment the desired Microsoft Azure cloud platform is
going to be deployed. However, requirements vary depending on whether the platform is
deployed by express or distributed framework. When an express deployment method is
preferred, Microsoft Azure cloud can only be tested on a single virtual or physical machine with
at least 8GB random access memory (RAM) and 40GB disk space. However, when a distributed
deployment method is chosen, Microsoft Azure cloud should be installed on several virtual or
physical machines within the targeted environment. Under the distributed deployment type, a
minimum of 8 physical or virtual machines is needed and at least 2 central processing units
(CPUs) with a RAM capability and disk space of 8GB and 40GB respectively. Additionally,
before Microsoft Azure cloud is implemented, software requirements such as Windows Server
2012 R2 or Windows Server 2016 are needed. Upon complying with such requirements, a
distributed deployed or an express deployment of Azure cloud can be adopted by an
organization. This comprehensive cloud plan will outline the benefits out using Azure and
explain different deployment models of Azure cloud. Besides explaining the need for the Federal
Risk and Authorization Management Program, the plan will also propose an implementable
Azure governance model.
Benefits of Using Azure
Microsoft Azure is the leading provider of platform as a service (PaaS) and infrastructure as a
service (IaaS). By implementing Azure cloud, an organization can efficiently manage, deploy
and build apps easily and quickly without incurring the expense of maintaining or buying the
underlying cloud infrastructure. Besides meeting critical compliance and security requirements,
Microsoft Azure can also be customized to suit the unique needs of a company. Moreover, Azure
can also be fully incorporated with major Microsoft products. It can complement the existing
applications and software for the case of a company with an existing Microsoft infrastructure.
Microsoft Azure has established itself as the preferred cloud solution for organizations aimed at
growing and staying ahead of the competitors.
Moreover, Azure is suitable for both established and small enterprises. Given that it is designed
to accommodate any enterprise size, a company can effortlessly scale an Azure cloud
infrastructure to meet its information technology (IT) demands. In this regard, in-house IT costs
such as maintenance and hardware requirements can be saved since an organization can store and
launch its external and internal applications in the cloud. Additionally, Microsoft Azure cloud
infrastructure allow the personnel to focus of core business duties without worrying about
underutilization or maintenance of equipment. As such, a company can easily deploy its current
apps with minimal downtime. This also enable scalability in accordance with the company
growth, thus allowing it to incur the expenses on what it needs to operate.
Microsoft Azure prioritizes security. The cloud infrastructure is designed to competitively help
an organization protect its data from unauthorized access. This is evidenced by many compliance
certifications needed, thus making it a priority choice for many high-risk industries such as
government organizations and healthcare. When an Azure cloud infrastructure is deployed, both
the end users and the platform are protected. Such security is enhanced by multifactor
authentications needed to access stored data.
Azure Cloud Types and Deployment Models
Microsoft Azure cloud infrastructure provides multiple services for imagined and unimagined
scenarios. Such services are categorized in terms of PaaS, IaaS and SaaS.
Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Microsoft Azure Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) enable organizations using it to rent
information technology infrastructures such as virtual machines, storage, servers, networks and
the operating system on a pay-as-you-go basis. As a basic cloud computing category, IaaS gives
an organization control over the running of critical infrastructures. For instance, an organization
deploying IaaS is responsible for operating systems, load balancing and antivirus. Deployed IaaS
enables an organization to customize the needed computing power, storage and networking for
smooth running of operations. In this case, an entity is free to access the needed information
technology environment suitable for the prevailing business needs.
Figure 1: Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)
Platform as a Service (PaaS)
PaaS is another type of Azure cloud computing utilized for supplying the needed software
application delivery, testing, development and management. For this reason, Azure Platform as a
Service is specifically designed to help developers create web and mobile applications without
having to incur the inconveniences of managing the underlying storage, networks and databases
infrastructure. PaaS enable an organization to build its products and services cheaply and
comparatively fast. It also enable organizations to scale their resources without incurring a
significant capital cost. The needed resources are purchased on a pay-as-you-go basis, thus
promoting efficient utilization of resources.
Figure 2: Platform as a service (PaaS)
Software as a Service (SaaS)
Microsoft Azure SaaS facilitates the provision of software products being demanded over the
Internet. In this case, demanded software products are offered on a subscription basis. This
implies that the Azure SaaS manages and hosts the underlying software applications and the
corresponding infrastructure for smooth operation. Azure SaaS also carries out key maintenance
works such as software upgrades and security patches on behalf of the users. In such a case,
users can use various software products without incurring the cost of building them.
Figure 3: Software as a Service (SaaS)
Deployment Models
There are various deployment modes to be considered when configuring a cloud computing
solution. Notable deployment models include private cloud, public cloud and hybrid cloud.
Public Cloud
Microsoft Azure can be deployed as a public cloud. This implies that the respective cloud
computing resources are operated and owned by Microsoft Azure and delivered to the target
customers over the internet. In such a case, all supporting infrastructure, software and hardware
are managed and owned by Microsoft Azure. Under public cloud deployment model,
organizations share similar storage, network and hardware devices. Web browsers are used to
manage and access the needed services.
Private Cloud
Microsoft Azure can also be deployed as a private cloud whereby the computing resources are
strictly used by one organization. Unlike public cloud, the infrastructure and the services in a
private cloud are mostly maintained on a private network. In such a case, the software and
hardware resources are strictly meant to be used by one organization. Private cloud is desired
when security and privacy are needed as evidenced by the case of financial institutions and
government agencies.
Hybrid Cloud
Microsoft Azure can be deployed as a hybrid model by combining both the public cloud and
private cloud. In such a case, applications and data can seamlessly navigate between private and
public environments. It is preferred in cases where sovereignty and regulation are mandatory.
Definition of Terms
In cloud computing, a tenant is a group of users sharing common access a software
infrastructure. A tenant plays a fundamental role in a SaaS environment. Given that SaaS
provides usually build applications and avail them to the customers who need to sign up to
access the needed resources, such customers will be depicted as tenants of such SaaS systems.
Management Group
In cases where there are many subscriptions within an organization, there may be need to adopt a
framework to manage compliance, policies and access to such policies. For the case of Microsoft
Azure, management groups provide the needed scope to undertake such subscriptions. Therefore,
am organization organizes its subscriptions into management groups to enhance the application
of necessary governance conditions. Therefore, management groups help companies organize
their subscription and resources.
It is a pricing model used in different cloud computing infrastructures. In this case, cloud
computing customers are required to make an upfront payment being granted an access to a
desired cloud service. The charged subscription prices are based on the length of the period.
Resource group
In Microsoft Azure, resource groups refers to an approach of grouping an asset collection for
easy monitoring, provisioning and access control. This is crucial for effective management of
costs. Resource groups are used to improve business efficiency by streamlining various assets.
It includes software applications, artificial intelligence, networking, databases, processing power
and storages deployed in a cloud computing environment.
The Significance of FedRAMP
In cloud computing, it is mandatory for cloud service providers holding federal data to be
authorized by FedRAMP. When planning to roll out a cloud computing plan, FedRAMP
authorization is a crucial component of the adopted security plan since it ensures consistency in
monitoring and evaluation of security. All cloud computing providers and government agencies
are legally expected to adhere to the spelt out set of standards. FedRAMP authorization cannot
be underestimated. It boosts the security credibility of a cloud service provider beyond the
FedRAMP marketplace. For FedRAMP certification to be effected, a provisional authority to
operate is issues by the Joint Authorization Board (JAB). This is a vital process appropriate for
cloud computing service providers facing both moderate and high risks. Besides the issued
provisional authority, the authority to operate is also significant in FedRAMP authorization. In
this case, a service providers is mandated to establish a relationship with a corresponding federal
agency to issue it with an operating letter.
Azure Governance Model