Needle Stick Injury & PEP DEPT OF MICROBIOLOGY Dr Vasantrao Pawar Medical College Hospital & RC, Nashik WHAT IS OCCUPATIONAL EXPOSURE • Occupational exposure refers to exposure to potential blood-borne infections (HIV, HBV and HCV) that may occur in healthcare settings during performance of job duties. Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) refers to comprehensive medical management to minimize the risk of infection among Health Care Personnel (HCP) following potential exposure to blood-borne pathogens (HIV, HBV, HCV) 2 WHOARE AT RISK • All Health Care Personnel, including emergency care providers, laboratory personnel, autopsy personnel, hospital employees, interns and medical students, nursing staff and students, physicians, surgeons, dentists, labour and delivery roompersonnel, laboratory technicians, health facility sanitary staff and clinical waste handlers and health care professionals at all levels 3 WHAT ARE “SHARPS”? Sharps are devices that are intentionally sharp to puncture or cut skin (needles, scalpels, etc.), or become sharp due to accident, such as broken glass tubes. • Hypodermic needles • Scalpels • IV devices • Capillary tubes • Glass containers • Pipettes • Others 4 WHAT KIND OF DEVICES USUALLY CAUSE SHARPS INJURIES? • Hypodermic needles • Blood collection needles • Suture needles • Needles used in IV delivery systems • Scalpels 5 HOW COMMON ARE SHARPS INJURIES? • Estimates indicate that 600,000 to 800,000 needle stick injuries occur each year. • Unfortunately, about half of these injuries are not reported. • ALWAYS REPORT sharps injuries to your employer to ensure that you receive appropriate follow-up care. 6 SHARPS MANAGEMENT • What is an occupational exposure? • A blood or body fluid exposure that occurs as a consequence of a work-related activity • There are two types of blood and body fluid exposure: • Percutaneous exposure (penetrates the skin) e.g. needle stick injury (NSI) or cut with a sharp object such as a scalpel blade • Non-percutaneous or Mucocutaneous exposure (contact of mucous membrane or non-intact skin with blood or body fluids) e.g. blood splash to the eye 7 INCREASING THE RISK OF SHARPS Past studies show sharps injuries are often associated with these activities: INJURIES • Recapping needles or other devices • Transferring a body fluid between containers • Failing to dispose of used needles or other devices properly in punctureresistant sharps containers 8 WHOAREAT RISK • Health Care Personnel are at risk of blood-borne infection transmission through exposure of a percutaneous injury (e.g. needle-stick or cut with a sharp instrument), contact with the mucous membranes of the eye or mouth of an infected person, contact with non-intact skin (particularly when the exposed skin is chapped, abraded, or afflicted with dermatitis or contact with blood or other potentially infectious body fluids. potentially infectious body fluids PROTECTING YOURSELF • Report all needle stick and sharps-related injuries promptly to ensure that you receive appropriate follow-up care. • Tell your employer about any sharps hazards you observe. • Participate in training related to infection prevention. • Get a Hepatitis B vaccination. SHARPS MANAGEMENT • Who is at risk of an occupational exposure? • All healthcare workers who have the potential for exposure to infectious materials (e.g. blood, tissue, and specific body fluids, as well as medical supplies, equipment or environmental surfaces contaminated with these substances) e.g: • Nurses • Doctors • Laboratory staff • Technicians • Therapists • Support personnel e.g. housekeeping, maintenance • Dental staff • Contractual staff • Students SHARPS MANAGEMENT GENERAL PRINCIPLES • Needles should not be recapped, bent or broken by hand, removed from disposable syringes or otherwise manipulated by hand. WHAT INFECTIONS CAN BE CAUSED BY SHARPS Sharps injuries can expose workers to a INJURIES? number of blood borne pathogens that can cause serious or fatal infections. The pathogens that pose the most serious health risks are • Hepatitis B virus (HBV) • Hepatitis C virus (HCV) • Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) RISK OF ACQUIRING INFECTION • The average risk of acquiring HIV infection from different types of occupational exposure is low compared to risk of infection with HBV or HCV. In terms of occupational exposure the important routes are needle stick exposure (0.3%risk for HIV, 9–30% for HBV and 1– 10%for HCV) and mucous membrane exposure 0A.O0M9 DR.T.V(.R D %for HIV). 15 WHICH FLUIDS ARE POTENTIALLY INFECTIOUS FOR HIV? • blood? • spinal fluid? • saliva? • pleural fluid? • sweat? • pus? • feces? • urine? WHICH FLUIDSARE POTENTIALLY INFECTIOUS FOR HIV? • blood • spinal fluid • saliva • pleural fluid • sweat • pus • feces • urine NEEDLE STICK AND SHARPS INJURIES Procedures for Effectively Handling Sharps Injuries HIV PEP • Exposures common • 56 documented cases of health care workers contracting HIV fromexposures; 138 other possible cases • Area of considerable concern but little data 19 RISK OF HIV TRANSMISSION FOLLOWING PERCUTANEOUS (NEEDLE • Pooled analysis of STICK) EXPOSURE prospective studies on health care workers with occupational exposures suggests risk is approximately 0.3%(95%CI, 0.2% 0.5%)1 • Presence or absence of key risk factors may influence this risk in individual exposures 20 • ASSESS EXPOSED INDIVIDUAL Theexposed individual should haveconfidential counseling andassessmentby anexperienced physician. Exposedindividuals whoare knownor discovered to be HIV positive should not receive PEP. They should be offered counseling and information on prevention of transmission and referred to clinical and laboratory assessmentto determine eligibility for antiretroviral therapy (ART). Besides the medical assessment,counselling exposed HCPis essential to allay fear and start PEP. IMMEDIATE MEASURES • Percutaneous: • wash needle sticks and cuts with soap and water • remove foreign materials • Non-intact skin exposure: • wash with soap and water or antiseptic • Mucous membrane • flush splashes to the nose, mouth or skin with water • irrigate eyes with clean water, sterile saline or sterile irrigants COUNSELLING FOR PEP • Exposed persons (clients) should receive appropriate information about what PEP is about and the risk and benefits of PEP in order to provide informed consent for taking PEP. It should be clear that PEP is not mandatory. PSYCHOLOGICAL SUPPORT • Many people feel anxious after exposure. Every exposed person needs to be informed about the risks, and the measures that can be taken. This will help to relieve part of the anxiety. Some clients may require further specialized psychological support. DOCUMENT EXPOSURE • Documentation of exposure is essential. Special leave fromwork should be considered initially for a period of two weeks. Subsequently, it can be extended based on the assessment of the exposed person’s mental state, side effects and requirements. PRACTICALAPPLICATION IN THE CLINICAL SETTINGS • For prophylactic treatment the exposed person must sign consent form. • · Informed consent also means that if the exposed person has been advised PEP, but refuses to start it, this needs to be recorded. This document should bekept by the designated officer for PEP. • · An information sheet covering the PEP and the biological followup after anyAEB must be given to the person under treatment. However, this sheet cannot replace verbal explanations. • SHARPS MANAGEMENT GENERAL PRINCIPLES Policies and procedures including NSI management Standard Precautions including personal protective equipment (PPE) Hepatitis B vaccination Education programs Modifications to work practices including alternatives to using needles Safe handling of sharps Sharps disposal systems i.e. puncture-resistant containers Injury prevention features/safety devices Active Passive 27 PRESCRIBE PEP Deciding on PEP regimen There are two types of regimens: Basic regimen: 2-drug combination Expanded regimen: 3-drug combination • The decision to initiate the type of regimen depends on the type of exposure and HIV serostatus of the person. 28 OUTCOMES OF HIV EXPOSURES • No infection no immune memory • Aborted infection cellular immune • Acute infection response seroconversion 29 HIV CHEMOPROPHYLAXIS • Because post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) has its greatest effect if begun within two hours of exposure, it is essential to act immediately. The prophylaxis needs to be continued for four weeks. Exposure must be immediately reported to designated authority and therapy administered. Never delay start of therapy due to debate over regimen. Begin with basic 2-drug regimen, and once expert advice is obtained, change as required. • 30 PEPREGIMENS: BASIC REGIMENS • Two NRTIs • Simple dosing, fewer side effects • Preferred basic regimens: Zidovudine (AZT) OR tenofovir (TDF) plus lamivudine (3TC) OR emtricitabine (FTC) • Alternative basic regimens: stavudine (d4T) OR didanosine (ddI) plus lamivudine (3TC) OR emtricitabine (FTC) 31 EXPANDED PEP REGIMENS • Basic regimen plus a third agent • Rationale: 3 drugs may be more effective than 2 drugs, though direct evidence is lacking • Consider for more serious exposures or if resistance in the source patient is suspected • Adherence more difficult D potential for toxicity 32 EXPANDED PEP REGIMENS • PreferredExpanded Regimen: • Basic regimen plus lopinavir/ritonavir (Kaletra) • Alternate Expanded Regimens: • Basic regimen plus one of the following: • Atazanavir* +/- ritonavir • Fosamprenavir +/- ritonavir • Indinavir +/- ritonavir • Saquinavir (hgc; Invirase) + ritonavir • Nelfinavir • Efavirenz 33 SEEK EXPERT OPINION IN CASE OF • Delay in reportingexposure (> 72 hours). • · Unknown source • · Known or suspected pregnancy, but initiate PEP • · Breastfeeding mothers, but initiate PEP • · Source patient is onART • · Major toxicity of PEP regimen. 34 Percent of HCWs TOLERABILITY OF HIV PEP IN HEALTH CARE WORKERS 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Incidence of Common Side Effects Nausea Fatigue Headache Vomiting Diarrhea Myalgias 35 FOLLOW-UP HIV TESTING • CDC recommendations: HIVAb testing for 6 months postexposure (e.g., at 6 weeks, 3 months, 6 months) • Extended HIVAb testing at 12 months is recommended if health care worker contracts HCV from a source patient co-infected with HIV and HCV • VL testing not recommended unless primary HIV infection (PHI) suspected 39 RECOMMENDATIONS HEPATITIS B • For the unimmunized: • prophylactic HBIG • initiate the vaccine series • GENERAL PRINCIPLES IN HEPATITIS B VACCINATION Hepatitis B Vaccination • A primary course of hepatitis B vaccinations over six months • Mandatory for all staff in contact with patients and patient-contaminated material • Titre level (HBsAb) four to six weeks after last dose • Booster doses not required if titre level >10 mIU/mL 42 PROTECTING YOURSELF FROM NEEDLE STICK INJURIES A SELF RESPONSIBILITY ??? • Avoid the use of needles where safe alternatives are available. • Help your employer select and evaluate devices with safety features that reduce the risk of injury. • Use devices with safety features provided by your employer. • Do not recap needles or scalpels. • Plan for safe handling and disposal of sharps before using them. RECOMMENDATIONS HEPATITIS C • No effective prophylaxis • Immunoglobulin and antiviral agents are NOT recommended • Determine status of source • Establish baseline serology and serumALT of employee and repeat testing at 4-6 months postexposure • Early treatment if infection occurs • Refer to Hepatologist HEPATITIS C: FOLLOW-UPTESTING • CDC guidelines: follow-up HCVAb andALT at 4-6 months1 • Consider periodic HCV RNAscreening (monthly?) if earlier detection desired • Note that unlike acute HIV infection, most patients are not symptomatic with acute HCV infection2 45 MAJOR REFERENCES • MMWRreviews • CDC guidelines • Post-Exposure Prophylaxis an evidence-based review Christopher Behrens, MD Hillary Liss, MD Northwest AIDS Education & Training Center University of Washington • NACO guidelines on Post exposure prophylaxis