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rd booklet 2011

The 2011 Ontario University Regional Dialogues
Resource Guide is brought to you by the General
Committee on Secondary School Liaison in partnership
with the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre
(OUAC). The resource guide was designed specifically
at the request of Ontario guidance counsellors. We
hope it provides a one‑stop-shop for your frequently
asked questions. The information contained
within the guide is written specifically for use by
counsellors rather than students. The best resource
for your students is eINFO: www.electronicinfo.ca.
If you are looking for additional copies of the 2011
Ontario University Regional Dialogues Resource
Guide for your guidance colleagues, please visit:
The Ontario universities thank you for your
participation in the 2011 Ontario University
Regional Dialogues.
The GCSSL and the OUAC
Le guide de ressources Universités de l’Ontario –
Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources 2011 vous
est présenté par le General Committee on Secondary
School Liaison, en partenariat avec le Centre de
demande d’admission aux universités de l’Ontario
(le Centre). Le guide de ressources a été conçu à
la demande précise des conseillères et conseillers
en orientation de l’Ontario. Nous osons espérer
qu’il vous servira de guichet unique pour répondre
à vos questions les plus fréquemment posées. Les
renseignements contenus dans le guide s’adressent
spécifiquement aux conseillères et conseillers en
orientation plutôt qu’aux élèves. La meilleure
ressource à consulter par les élèves demeure eINFO :
Si vous avez besoin d’exemplaires additionnels
du guide de ressources Universités de l’Ontario –
Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources 2011 pour
vos collègues, veuillez vous rendre à la page suivante :
h t t p : / / o r i e n t a t i o n . o u a c . o n . c a / re s o u rc e /
Les universités de l’Ontario vous remercient de
votre participation aux Dialogues régionaux 2011
des universités de l’Ontario.
Sincères salutations,
Le GCSSL et le Centre
Every effort has been made to ensure this document was accurate at the date of printing, April 2011.
Un effort considérable fut déployé afin d’assurer l’exactitude de ce document en date de sa publication en avril 2011.
Table of Contents
Table des matières
Visit eINFO for More Information!
Visitez eINFO pour plus d’information!.....................................................................................................................3
Algoma University.......................................................................................................................................................4
Brock University...........................................................................................................................................................6
Carleton University......................................................................................................................................................8
University of Guelph.................................................................................................................................................12
University of Guelph-Humber.............................................................................................................................14
Lakehead University..................................................................................................................................................16
Laurentian University................................................................................................................................................20
McMaster University.................................................................................................................................................22
Nipissing University...................................................................................................................................................24
OCAD University........................................................................................................................................................28
University of Ottawa.................................................................................................................................................30
Queen’s University.....................................................................................................................................................32
Royal Military College of Canada.............................................................................................................................34
Ryerson University.....................................................................................................................................................38
University of Toronto St George Campus................................................................................................................40
University of Toronto Mississauga Campus........................................................................................................42
University of Toronto Scarborough Campus......................................................................................................44
Trent University.........................................................................................................................................................48
University of Ontario Institute of Technology.........................................................................................................50
University of Waterloo..............................................................................................................................................52
Renison University College.................................................................................................................................54
St. Jerome’s University........................................................................................................................................56
The University of Western Ontario..........................................................................................................................60
Brescia University College...................................................................................................................................62
Huron University College....................................................................................................................................64
King’s University College....................................................................................................................................66
Wilfrid Laurier University..........................................................................................................................................70
Wilfrid Laurier University-Brantford..................................................................................................................72
University of Windsor...............................................................................................................................................74
York University..........................................................................................................................................................76
York University Glendon Campus.......................................................................................................................78
Visit eINFO for More Information!
Find a Program: Use the Program Wizard or the Areas
of Study Chart to browse all university programs.
Offers of Admission: View general admission
information for each university.
Campus Visits: Browse each university’s campus tours
and special events for 2011.
Deadlines and Notices: View the 2011 application
deadlines for Ontario secondary school students.
IB and AP Requirements: Obtain information about
International Baccalaureate (IB) or Advanced
Placement (AP) admission requirements.
Language Requirements: View each institution’s
English or French language admission requirements.
Residence and Meal Plans: Find information about
each university’s residence options and meal plans.
Scholarships and Awards: Search the scholarships
that are available to first-year students.
University Contact Information: View detailed
contact information for each university.
University Research Checklist: Refer students to
this list of handy steps as a guideline to help their
research and application process run smoothly.
Visitez eINFO pour plus d’information!
Trouvez un programme : Utilisez l’Assistant de recherche
de programmes ou le Tableau des domaines d’études
pour parcourir tous les programmes universitaires.
Offres d’admission : Consultez les renseignements
généraux en matière d’admission de chaque université.
Visites de campus : Parcourez les visites de campus et
les événements spéciaux de chaque université prévus
en 2011.
Dates limites et avis : Consultez les dates limites
de demande d’admission de 2011 pour les élèves du
secondaire de l’Ontario.
Exigences BI et AP : Obtenez des renseignements
sur les exigences d’admission relatives aux cours de
Baccalauréat international (BI) ou de Niveau avancé (AP).
Exigences linguistiques : Consultez les exigences
linguistiques d’admission (français ou anglais) de
chaque établissement.
Résidences et plans de repas : Trouvez des
renseignements sur les options de résidence et les
plans de repas de chaque université.
Bourses et prix : Faites des recherches sur les prix
et bourses accessibles aux étudiantes et étudiants de
première année.
Renseignements sur les universités – Coordonnées :
Consultez des renseignements détaillés sur les coordonnées
de chaque université.
Liste de vérification – Recherches sur les universités :
Aiguillez les élèves vers cette liste d’étapes à suivre pour
les aider à effectuer leurs activités de recherche et à
remplir leur demande d’admission.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Repeated Courses:
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning, Private
School, and
Correspondence Courses:
Ranking on OUAC
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection Process,
Support Available for the
Transition to University
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Scholarships and
Financial Aid:
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Additional Scholarships
Information and
Bursary Information:
Highest grade will be used to calculate average.
All courses are granted equal standing. Private school courses are only considered equivalent if the school is recognized by the
Ministry of Education.
Not taken into consideration
$200 per term
All students entering their first year of studies at Algoma University are encouraged to participate in an Academic Orientation
session University
prior to theRecruitment
start of the fall
semester. The orientationEmail:
can be attended in-person or online to ensure students
Visits: 705-949-2301, ext. 4211/4217
make the proper course selections.
Marie, ON
Toll Free:
a Summer
Transition Program for students
any university.
Algoma University Admissions Office
Email: admissions@algomau.ca
St. East
Phone: 705-949-2301, ext. 4220
if offered at the U/M level.
Sault Ste. Marie, ON P6A 2G4
Web: www.algomau.ca/apply
University Financial Aid Office
Email: fao@algomau.ca
1520 Queen St. East
Phone: 705-949-2301, ext. 4219/4710
value ofwe
to all direct
school applicants
and We
can be scholarships,
arranged at any
time however,
the September
to April with
their top to
All guaranteed
sit in onscholarships
a class, meet
and tour
residence. All tours are individualized according to the interest
of the student.
from out of town? We will pay 50% of a Greyhound bus ticket (up to $100), and will provide you with free
accommodation in a local hotel.
Contact our Prospective Student Advisor, Jenn Reid
Upcoming Events:
Grade 11 Days: May 26-27
Residence Options:
Spirit Village (townhouse or dorm) and Downtown Residence
All single rooms
Residence Application
June 2,students
first-year students who apply by the deadline.
Room Deposit
Master of Computer Gaming Technology and BA in Information Technology
Online Application?
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
Offers out to all applicants who met admission requirements based on their midterm grades.
Special Consideration
Special consideration made on an individual basis by the Assistant Registrar, Admissions.
The $16 million Biosciences and Technology Convergence Centre will bring together teaching, research and commercial activities in a dynamic
to foster
of innovation and growth. Along with teaching and faculty research labs, established enterprises like the internationally recognized
Yeswill anchor the facility.
Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre
11 Marks:
11 marksstudents
will only be
for early
of admission.
The Bachelor
of Social Work program
for used
practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities
Arts – Portfolio
and societies. Application:
The program has aFine
focus on multi-cultural social work in and with Northern, rural, remote, Indigenous, and Franco-Ontarian
Music – Audition
Deferral Policy:
Students who have been offered admission may defer their offer for one year as long as they do not attend any academic
institution (secondary or postsecondary) during that year.
IB Policy:
Admission is based on the applicant obtaining a minimum score of 28.
A minimum grade of 5 in a class and 28 overall is required for consideration of transfer credit.
AP Policy:
Applicants who have completed AP courses in appropriate subjects with a grade of 4 may receive transfer credits. Applicants
must also meet the standard university requirements of six U/M courses.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Repeated Courses:
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning, Private
School, and
Correspondence Courses:
Ranking on OUAC
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection Process,
Support Available for the
Transition to University
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Highest grade will be used to calculate average.
All courses are granted equal standing. Private school courses are only considered equivalent if the school is recognized by the
Ministry of Education.
Not taken into consideration
$200 per term
All students entering their first year of studies at Algoma University are encouraged to participate in an Academic Orientation
session prior to the start of the fall semester. The orientation session can be attended in-person or online to ensure students
make the proper course selections.
Student Services offers a Summer Transition Program for students attending any university.
Considered only if offered at the U/M level.
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Guaranteed entrance scholarships, minimum value of $1500, to all direct from secondary school applicants with 80% and over on
their top six U/M. All guaranteed scholarships are renewable. www.algomau.ca/awards
Additional Scholarships
Application Information and
Bursary Information:
Residence Options:
Spirit Village (townhouse or dorm) and Downtown Residence
All single rooms
Residence Application
June 2, 2011
Residence Guaranteed?
Guaranteed private rooms to first-year students who apply by the deadline.
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application?
The $16 million Biosciences and Technology Convergence Centre will bring together teaching, research and commercial activities in a dynamic
atmosphere to foster innovation and growth. Along with teaching and faculty research labs, established enterprises like the internationally recognized
Sault Ste. Marie Innovation Centre will anchor the facility.
The Bachelor of Social Work program prepares students for generalist social work practice with individuals, families, groups, organizations, communities
and societies. The program has a particular focus on multi-cultural social work in and with Northern, rural, remote, Indigenous, and Franco-Ontarian
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
contact information
Beth, Linda, Jeff, Matt, Jamie, Tania, Joe and Kara: 905-688-5550, ext.4293,
liaison@brocku.ca, brocku.ca/futureundergraduates
Marion Barbas, ext.3434, 101apps@brocku.ca, brocku.ca/admissions
scholarships and
financial aid:
Student Awards: Aaron House, ext.3958, awards@brocku.ca
Financial Aid: Anik Powell, ext.3958, safa@brocku.ca
campus tours/events:
Monday to Friday, 10 a.m. or 2 p.m. Register at brocku.ca/futureundergraduates
institutional information
student population:
new programs:
History Co-op, Liberal Arts Co-op
program changes:
Exercise Science is strongly recommended for applicants to Physical Education,
Kinesiology (BKin), and the concurrent Physical Education/Bachelor of Education
programs, both Junior/Intermediate and Intermediate/Senior levels. Those admitted
without Exercise Science must complete a half-credit course in PEKN 1P01 prior to
registration in PEKN 1P90 and PEKN 1P93.
admissions and transition information
fall 2011 offer
The majority of our offers of admission have been extended to eligible applicants. Final
rounds of offers are based on a minimum of six interim/final 4 U or M grades, including
grades from prerequisite courses. Students who received an early offer to an alternate
program will be automatically reassessed for their preferred choice upon receipt of
second term interim grades. Equal consideration is extended to all applicants, whether
they receive an offer of admission in February, April or May. Each successful applicant
will be reviewed after the submission of final grades, and must meet conditions as
indicated in their offer of admission letter.
special consideration
Brock University’s Accessibility Policy and the process to apply under the policy, can be
found on the OUAC 101 application at www.ouac.on.ca/docs/101/b.pdf.
alternate offers of
If a student applies to only one Brock program and does not qualify, in most cases, the
student is automatically considered for an alternate program.
grade 11 marks:
Conditional February offers were based on final 3 U/M grades, successful completion of at
least one 4 U/M course, and registration in prerequisite 4 U/M courses.
Concurrent education applicants must submit a Profile Questionnaire. Music applicants are
required to audition, and applicants to Dramatic Arts must attend the DART Invitational.
deferral policy:
Only in very rare circumstances does Brock grant deferrals.
IB policy:
Students who have been granted the IB diploma will be considered for admission and may
receive up to 3.0 transfer credits on the basis of higher level subjects completed with a
grade of 5 or better.
AP policy:
AP courses may be used to determine admissibility and the granting of transfer credit or
exemption. If students have completed AP courses with an examination grade of 4, they
may be eligible to receive university credit to a maximum of 2.0 Brock credits. An official
AP transcript is required as part of the evaluation process.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
policy on repeated
Brock will consider the higher of the two attempts.
policy on courses
taken outside of day
Students should email the Admissions office at 101apps@brocku.ca to notify us and
provide proof of registration in the course. It is the student’s responsibility to ensure we
receive the final grade. Space cannot be guaranteed in all programs.
ranking on OUAC
Students can expect to receive an offer of admission to only one Brock program. When
more than one Brock program is indicated on the application, the highest choice listed for
Brock will be considered first. Brock’s ranking in relation to other university choices is not
tuition deposit:
There is no tuition deposit for domestic students.
course selection
process, first year:
Students should refer to the Guide for New Students 2011 included with their offer of
admission. Visit brocku.ca/webcal to view the appropriate undergraduate calendar.
support available
for the transition to
Smart Start is our one day summer academic orientation program. Registration is open
at brocku.ca/smartstart. Students may add to their Smart Start experience with LEAP
- a bonus day and leadership program. Learn more at brocku.ca/csle/leap. Students
interested in exploring the outdoors should check out Brock BaseCamp: rock climbing,
canoeing and backpacking trips are offered before classes begin. Learn more at
dual credits/SHSM programs:
Brock does not recognize dual credits or SHSM programs.
English proficiency
scholarship and financial information
guaranteed entrance
scholarship program:
Brock Scholars awards are open to every incoming, full-time, year-one student with an
incoming average of 80% or higher. Visit brocku.ca/futureundergraduates/awards.
Applications for the Brock Leaders Citizenship Society ($8,000) were due on
March 11, 2011. Visit brocku.ca/futureundergraduates/awards for details regarding all
other awards.
bursary information:
Students with financial need may qualify for a $1,250 entrance bursary. Student profiles
were due before March 31, 2011.
residence options:
Brock offers six individual residences in two distinct styles: traditional and townhouse.
Take a virtual tour of our residences at brocku.ca/residence.
residence application
Thursday, June 2, 2011.
We are happy to guarantee residence to incoming year one full-time students, who are
coming directly from secondary school, or whose primary residence is outside of Ontario.
Residence applications and deposits must be received by the deadline. Students with a
90%+ average may select their preferred residence building.
room deposit fee:
online application:
Visit brocku.ca/residence to access the application.
what’s new?
Our new Global Transitions program offers students an opportunity to start their university experience in
another country - travelling, volunteering and earning university credit. Learn more at brocku.ca/internationalservices/globaltransitions.
Construction is well underway on the Cairns Family Health and Bioscience Research Complex, a state-of-the-art
facility where students and faculty will explore new frontiers in green science and health and wellness.
Work will begin on a new facility for the Marilyn I. Walker School of Fine and Performing Arts. The downtown
venue will showcase professional artists while helping to develop our next generation of artists from Brock.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Contact information
General Inquiries:
315 Robertson Hall
Tel: 613-520-3663
1125 Colonel By Dr.
Toll Free: 1-888-354-4414
Ottawa, ON K1S 5B6
Fax: 613-520-3847
For guidance counsellors: www.admissions.carleton.ca/guidance
Director, Jean Mullan: Tel: 613-520-2600, ext. 8879 | Email: jean_mullan@carleton.ca
Assistant Director, Doug Huckvale: Tel: 613-520-2600, ext. 8713 | Email: doug_huckvale@carleton.ca
Director, Janice O’Farrell: Tel: 613-520-2600, ext. 3710 | Email: janice_ofarrell@carleton.ca
Assistant Director, Jen Sugar: Tel: 613-520-2600, ext. 6664 | Email: jen_sugar@carleton.ca
www.carleton.ca/admissions | Fax: 613-520-3517
Scholarships and Financial Aid
Director, Perry Legakis: Tel: 613-520-3601 | Email: perry_legakis@carleton.ca | Fax: 613-520-3560
Campus Tours
General campus tours are offered year round, Monday to Saturday. Program-specific or specialty
tours are held on selected days. View the schedule and register for a tour at www.carleton.ca/tours.
Upcoming Events
Leading Engineering Applicants Program (LEAP) in May and CU Day in October. For a full list, visit
Institution information
Student Population
25,000 full and part-time students
New Programs
BEng in Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Engineering; BSc (Major) in Biology and four
BSc (Honours) Biology concentrations (Physiology; Ecology, Evolution and Behaviour; Molecular
and Cellular Biology; Health Science); BSc (Honours) Earth Sciences concentration in Resource
Economics; minor in European and Russian Studies; co-op programs in European and Russian
Studies, French and History
Program Changes
Bachelor of Commerce concentration in Operations Management replaced by concentration in
Supply Chain Management; name of BSc Integrated Science concentration in Health Science changed
to Life and Health Sciences; Computational Chemistry no longer offered; European and Russian
Studies concentrations replaced by BA (Honours) and BA (Combined Honours) in European and
Russian Studies
Admission and transition information
Fall 2011 Offer Information
Offers of admission are made on a rolling basis. Each time we receive grades from the OUAC, we
reassess to determine eligibility.
Special/Extenuating Circumstances
If students have experienced special/extenuating circumstances that should be taken into
consideration when we evaluate their application, they should submit a letter regarding these
outstanding circumstances to Admissions Services.
Special Consideration Policy
For students with disabilities
The Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities (PMC) provides individualized services to
students registered at Carleton with documented disabilities. Students should self-identify to the
PMC and meet with a coordinator to discuss individual needs for accommodation and support
services early each term, prior to the start of your academic program at Carleton.
Alternate Offers of Admission
If Ontario secondary school students are not eligible for their first choice, they will be given an
alternate offer of admission in early May. We will endeavour to give the student a choice that is as
close as possible to their original program selection.
Grade 11 Marks
Used for preliminary offers sent in December and January for those with high averages. Used again
in February as part of calculation for early offers in combination with available Grade 12 marks.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Supplemental Application
Portfolios required for Architecture, Industrial Design, Information Technology (IMD stream), and
Humanities. Audition required for Music. Additional information (and ECE diploma) required for
Child Studies. Supplementary Application required for Social Work.
Deferral Policy
Deferrals granted for most programs. Some limited enrolment programs require a higher average for
deferral of offer to be approved. There are no deferrals for programs that require a supplementary
application, portfolio or audition.
IB Policy
Visit the section on “Transfer/Advanced Standing Credit” at www.carleton.ca/admissions/howtoapply.
AP Policy
Visit the section on “Transfer/Advanced Standing Credit” at www.carleton.ca/admissions/howtoapply.
Policy on Repeated Courses
Carleton takes the best grade.
Policy on Summer School, Night
School, Virtual Learning, e-Learning,
Private School, and Correspondence
All Ministry-approved secondary school courses are treated equally.
Ranking on OUAC Application
If a student is interested in a limited enrollment program (such as Journalism), they should rank it
ahead of a more general program (such as Bachelor of Arts).
Tuition Deposit
Tuition payment is due August 31. No deposit (except for Residence) is required before then.
Course Selection Process, First-Year
Registration begins in the last week of June. Registration information is sent out at the end of May.
Support Available for the Transition
to University
Carleton Complete: Student Experience Office (orientation, leadership development, community service
learning initiatives, family outreach); Student Academic Success Centre (academic advising and study
workshops); Paul Menton Centre for Students with Disabilities; Learning Commons (research and IT
support in Library)
Dual Credits/SHSM Programs
Many dual credit courses are accepted for use in the admission average. Courses are evaluated at the
time of admission.
English Proficiency Requirements
The language of instruction at Carleton is English. Therefore, students whose first language is not
English must demonstrate that they can cope with the language demands of an English-language
university. Visit www.admissions.carleton.ca/english.
Scholarship and financial aid information
Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship
Students are automatically considered for Entrance scholarships when applying to Carleton so no
application is required. Starting at an overall admissions average of 80%, Entrance Scholarships are
renewable over the first four years of an undergraduate degree with A- standing. If lost one year,
scholarship may be regained at its original value with a return to A- standing (10.0 GPA).
Additional Scholarships Application
Information and Deadline:
Students with a 90% admission average are eligible to apply for one of our Prestige scholarships.
Applications are due March 1. Other program-specific scholarships are available.
Visit www.carleton.ca/awards.
Bursary Information
Students must apply for bursaries online by June 30. Visit www.carleton.ca/awards.
Residence information
Residence Options
Traditional double rooms and suite-style rooms (approx. 3520 residents in 11 residence buildings)
Residence Application Deadline
Student must be admitted to Carleton on or before May 19, 2011 to be eligible for guaranteed
residence and must accept residence offer by the June 9, 2011, 4:30 p.m. deadline. Non-guaranteed
students must apply online by the June 9, 2011 deadline.
Residence Guaranteed?
Space in residence is guaranteed to all current Ontario secondary school students entering first-year
studies who accept their admission offer, complete the Residence Information Form (available at
www.central.carleton.ca), accept their offer of residence and pay the deposit by the June 9, 2011
deadline—all online.
Room Deposit Fee
The deposit is currently $700 (under review for 2012/13).
Online Application
Students eligible for guaranteed residence must indicate their interest in residence on their
application to Carleton. Applications for non-guaranteed residence are available online and due by
June 9, 2011 in order to be considered for the residence space lottery held on June 13, 2011. After
that date, applicants go on a waitlist.
What’s new
n The
Carleton University Ravens are the CIS (Canadian Interuniversity Sport) 2011 Men’s Basketball champions, for the seventh time in
nine years.
n A 100,000 sq. ft. building for the Faculty of Engineering has been erected on Carleton’s campus alongside the Rideau Canal. It officially
opened on January 20, 2011, and will house the Bachelor of Engineering programs in Sustainable and Renewable Energy Engineering
and Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Engineering, as well as a number of programs in biomedical engineering. Two other
new buildings are nearing completion: a new residence building and a building by the Rideau River that will house the Norman Paterson
School of International Affairs, the School of Journalism and Communication and the School of Public Policy and Administration.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Changing Lives.
Improving Life.
Effie Gatsinos, Assistant Registrar, Student Recruitment, gatsinos@registrar.uoguelph.ca, 519-824-4120, ext. 56053
Janette Hogan, Assistant Registrar, Admissions, jhogan@registrar.uoguelph.ca, 519-824-4120, ext. 58529
Scholarships and Financial Aid:
Scholarships - Monica Bertolo, mbertolo@registrar.uoguelph.ca, 519-824-4120, ext. 56032
Financial Aid - Debbie Mair, dmair@registrar.uoguelph.ca, 519-824-4120, ext. 56029
Campus Tours:
admission.uoguelph.ca/tour, 519-824-4120, ext. 58712
Upcoming Events:
Student Population:
Undergraduate population is 16,878 (with an overall population of 20,986).
New Programs:
There are no new programs for fall 2012 entry, at this point in time.
Guelph is consistently ranked as one of Canada’s top comprehensive and research universities. We offer 12 undergraduate
degree programs and 87 majors, as well as various diploma programs through our main and regional campuses (Ridgetown,
Kemptville and Alfred).
Program Changes:
There are no program changes for fall 2012 entry, at this point in time.
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
Guelph’s offers of admission will be made prior to May 30, 2011, and students will have until June 2, 2011 to respond.
Special Consideration Policy:
Admission Services will review Special Admission Consideration Form (SACF) submissions, with staff from the Centre for
Students with Disabilities (CSD), in May. As with Student Profile Form (SPF) submissions, the SACF will be reviewed for
applicants who have an admission average that falls within a discretionary range of the final cut-off for each program/major (up
to 5%) should they not have otherwise received an offer by that point. More information regarding this process can be found on
the CSD website at www.csd.uoguelph.ca/csd/high_school
Alternate Offers of Admission:
Students can expect to receive only one offer of admission from Guelph. Their highest choice to Guelph would be considered
first. Only in the event that a student is not admissible to their highest choice at Guelph would the next choice be considered.
Students are therefore strongly advised to place their preferred program as their highest choice of Guelph programs. Students
should have made these changes by April 1, 2011.
Applicants not admitted to a co-op program based on admission average are automatically considered for admission to the
regular program. Applicants not admitted to BA – Criminal Justice & Public Policy, or Studio Art are automatically considered for
admission to BA – Major to be Determined. Applicants not admitted to BSc – Bio-Medical Science are automatically considered
for admission to BSc – Biological Science.
Grade 11 Marks:
Grade 11 U/M marks are used in admission average calculation for our early offers of admission.
Supplemental Application:
Guelph has several programs that require supplemental application forms to be completed. Students may also complete a
Student Profile Form (SPF) in support of their application. For all forms, please visit: admission.uoguelph.ca/forms
Deferral Policy:
Students are able to defer offers of admission at the University of Guelph for one year, as long as another postsecondary
institution is not attended during that time. An application is required by August 12, 2011, and can be obtained by emailing
admission@registrar.uoguelph.ca. Students will incur a $60 deferral fee.
IB Policy:
Admission and scholarships will be determined using the conversions submitted to the OUAC by the applicant’s secondary
school. Transfer credit may be given for higher level courses with grades of 5 or better, to a maximum of 2.0 credits; credit will
be assessed once final transcripts are received.
AP Policy:
Applicants who have completed AP examinations with a minimum grade of 4 will be eligible to receive university credit, to a
maximum of 2.0 credits. Transfer credit is dependent on the program to which a student applied and will be assigned once an
official College Board AP transcript is received.
Policy on Repeated Courses:
For the fall 2011 admission cycle, Guelph is using the highest U or M grade reported for any repeated courses, as long as the
course has been taken at a Ministry inspected and approved school.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Summer School, Night
The University of Guelph considers U or M courses taken via the aforementioned options to be equivalent to U or M courses
School, Virtual Learning, e-Learning, offered by regular day school, as long as the courses have been taken at a Ministry inspected and approved school.
Private School, and Correspondence
Ranking on OUAC Application:
The order of choice on the university application form makes no difference for admission to Guelph unless a student is applying
to more than one program at Guelph. In this case, Guelph considers the highest choice program first.
The only exception is the Bachelor of Landscape Architecture program. This program gives preference to first and second choice
applicants in the admission process.
Tuition Deposit:
A non-refundable registration deposit of $200 will be required by August 12, 2011, for all students starting at Guelph in fall 2011.
Course Selection Process, First-Year: Students will be sent information on selecting their courses online from the Office of Enrollment Services. This will occur after
they have accepted their offer of admission, beginning in the middle of May. Counselling sessions will be available virtually and
on campus.
Support Available for the Transition The Centre for New Students provides incoming students with many opportunities to connect with the Guelph community and
to University:
receive support before arriving on campus in September, as well as upon arrival for Orientation Week and throughout their first
year. www.studentlife.uoguelph.ca/cns/
Dual Credits/SHSM Programs:
The University of Guelph does not currently recognize dual credits or the SHSM programs, except for an agreement with the
Bluewater School District Board where a first-year 0.5 course credit exemption is offered to students completing the SHSM-A,
who are admitted to the Bachelor of Science in Agriculture program with a minimum 75% admission average.
English Proficiency Requirements: Applicants will be required to present evidence of English Proficiency if their primary or first language is not English and they
have had less than four years of full-time secondary or postsecondary school study demonstrating satisfactory academic
progress in an English-language school system. Acceptable English Proficiency test information can be found at
Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship
University of Guelph Entrance Scholarships are awarded to students based on their admission average, including required
courses, for the program to which they were admitted. Applications are not required. 85-89.9% = $2,000; 90%+ = $3,000
Additional Scholarships Application Guelph has a number of merit- and needs-based programs to assist students over and above government sources. The value of
Information and Deadline:
the awards will vary, as will the deadlines for applications. Please visit www.uoguelph.ca/registrar/studentfinance
U of Guelph Athletics does offer scholarships; however, awards are determined by athletic staff. A minimum admission average of
80% is required for consideration for first year students.
Bursary Information:
The Financial Need Assessment Form for Entrance Awards was due on April 15, 2011.
Residence Options:
Guelph is a residentially-intensive university, with over 5,000 students living on campus. We have more than 14 residences to
choose from, including traditional dorm style, apartment style and townhouse living. We also offer Academic Clusters, Living
Learning Centres and Themed Learning Communities.
Many of our residences require a meal plan, which is something to look forward to since Guelph has been ranked as having the
best campus food in Canada, eight years in a row! ww
Residence Application Deadline:
The online residence application and a $500 residence deposit must be submitted by 4:30 p.m. EDT, June 2, 2011.
Residence Guaranteed?
Residence is guaranteed to all first-year students provided they apply online and submit their deposit by the June 2, 2011
Room Deposit Fee:
$500. Please see website for cancellation charges: ww.housing.uoguelph.c/resfee/cancel
Online Application:
Yes! www.housing.uoguelph.ca
WhAT’s NeW
Engineering Expansion:
The School of Engineering is continuing with its ambitious expansion strategy that will see a doubling in student enrollment and
faculty in the coming years. The growth is originating from three key areas: recently introduced Mechanical, Biomedical and
Computer Engineering programs, increased enrollment in existing undergraduate and graduate programs and expanding fields
of research, particularly in areas related to sustainability and innovation.
First Year Seminars
First Year Seminars (FYS) are back! Created exclusively for first-year students to help with the transition to university learning
and provide them with interactive, research-intensive, learner-centred, small group sessions, FYS will be taught by some of our
most dynamic faculty and staff.
Admission Services • University of Guelph • Guelph, ON • N1G 2W1
Direct line to Admission Services: 519-821-2130 • Main University switchboard: 519-824-4120
guidance@registrar.uoguelph.ca • http://admission.uoguelph.ca
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Toronto, Ontario
A University Honours Degree and
a College Diploma in 4 years!
Jennifer DeDominicis – Campus Registrar
P: 416.798.1331, ext. 6040 E: jennifer.dedominicis@guelphhumber.ca
Kimberly Zammit - Manager, Admissions
P: 416-798-1331, ext. 6277 E: kimberly.zammit@guelphhumber.ca
Mahwish Choudhry - Financial Services Coordinator
P: 416-798-1331, ext. 6054 E: mahwish.choudhry@guelphhumber.ca
Hilton Lieu - Prospect Coordinator
P: 416-798-1331, ext. 6056 E: hilton.lieu@guelphhumber.ca
Melissa Melo - Liaison Officer and Events Coordinator
P: 416-798-1331, ext. 6454 E: melissa.melo@guelphhumber.ca
Scholarships and Financial Aid:
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
3,400 undergraduate students.
Fall 2012: Students entering the Justice Studies program will have the choice to focus their
studies in either Police Foundations, or Community and Justice Services.
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
Special Consideration Policy:
Alternate Offers of Admission:
Grade 11 Marks:
Supplemental Application:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Policy on Repeated Courses:
Policy on Summer School, Night School,
Virtual Learning, e-Learning, Private
School, and Correspondence Courses:
Ranking on OUAC Application:
Admission consideration is based on a minimum 75% average inclusive of six 4U/M courses
(or equivalent) including required subjects (or a 70-74.9% with a Student Profile), and the
completion of the Ontario Secondary School Diploma (or equivalent).
The first round of offers of admission were issued in February, the second round in March,
and the final round of offers of admission will be sent in early May. Students will have until
June 2, 2011 to respond to their offer.
Applicants are encouraged to complete the High School Student Profile. This is where they
can let the Admissions Committee know about activities they have been involved in that
have contributed to their personal development. Factors beyond their control that may have
negatively affected their academic performance will also be considered.
Alternate offers of admission are not available.
February Offers: Top six completed 4U/M (or equivalent) courses; where less than six
completed 4U/M courses are available, completed 3U/M courses will be used; where no
4U/M courses are available, five 3 U/M courses will be used.
March Offers: Top six completed 4U/M (or equivalent) courses; where less than six
completed 4U/M courses are available, completed 3U/M courses will be used.
Students with averages above 75% are also encouraged to complete the Student Profile.
Applicants whose averages are between 70-74.9% must submit a Student Profile to be
considered for admission. The Student Profile can be completed online at guelphhumber.ca
by May 1, 2011.
The University of Guelph-Humber does not defer offers of admission. Students are
encouraged to apply for the year they wish to attend.
Students applying with an IB diploma should present a minimum score of 24. Currently
enrolled IB candidates should submit predicted IB final results. Students should include
subject requirements for the programs to which they are applying to among their higher and
standard level subjects. Transfer credit may be given for higher-level courses with grades of
5 or better.
Applicants who have completed Advanced Placement examinations with a minimum grade
of 4 may be eligible to receive university credit to a maximum of two credits, subject to the
discretion of the Admission Committee.
In the case of repeated courses, the University of Guelph-Humber will accept the highest
Previously completed courses through any of these formats, provided the institution is
accredited by the appropriate provincial Ministry of Education, will be treated in the same
manner as those completed through day school.
Students can expect to receive only one offer of admission from the University of GuelphHumber. If a student is interested in applying to more than one program at the university,
programs must be ranked according to preference on the OUAC.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection Process, First-Year:
Support Available for the Transition to
Dual Credits/SHSM Programs:
English Proficiency Requirements:
A non-refundable tuition deposit of $200 is due on August 12, 2011 for new students.
Course selection takes place over the summer months, and further details will be included in
the New Student Guide mailed to students in June.
Several transition and support initiatives are available for new students including:
• Next Steps – Thursdays in May: Applicants are invited to visit the university Thursdays in
May (1-9pm) to meet with admissions, financial, and academic advising staff individually.
• KickStart – July 8 or 9: This summer event is designed to assist new students and their
families as they prepare for the transition to university life.
• Orientation – Aug 30, 31 or Sept 1: A one-day program filled with information to prepare
students for classes and how to succeed as a University of Guelph-Humber. (Students will
be assigned an orientation date according to their program).
• Student Transition and Resource Team (START): START Leaders will guide first year
students through Orientation and will be available throughout their first year to help them
to connect to the campus and mentor them through their transition to university.
Currently, the University of Guelph-Humber does not offer dual credit/SHSM programming.
Students must present proof of English proficiency if their primary language is not English
and they have completed less than four years of full-time secondary school study in an
English-language system. If required to provide proof of English proficiency, students may
do so by submitting one of the following test scores:
CAEL: Minimum 70
IELTS: 6.5, no band less than 6
MELAB: 85 (Composition score of 83, Overall 3)
TOEFL: Paper 600; Computer 250; TWE 5; Internet 89 (no scaled score less than 21)
Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship
Additional Scholarships Application
Information and Deadline:
Bursary Information:
Applicants with a minimum 75% average or above are automatically considered for the
Academic Merit Entrance Scholarship. There is no deadline to apply for this scholarship – so
long as a student is admissible, they will be considered for this award.
The Academic Merit Entrance Scholarship is based on final 4U/M marks (or equivalent),
inclusive of subject requirements. Scholarship amounts range from $1,000 - $4,000. Please
visit guelphhumber.ca/financial for more information.
Student Profile Scholarship: All applicants are encouraged to complete the Student Profile.
Applicants who present an overall average of between 70-74.9% must complete a Student
Profile to be considered for admission. Based on the Student Profile, 20 scholarships valued
at $500 each will be awarded. The Student Profile can be completed at
guelphhumber.ca/profile and is due May 1, 2011.
Needs-Based Entrance Scholarship: Based on academic merit and demonstrated financial
need. Students must complete this application on our website by April 1, 2011.
Bursaries are available to current students as early as August of each academic year.
Residence Options:
Residence Application Deadline:
Residence Guaranteed?
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application:
All rooms in residence are single rooms, but options include dorm style and suite style
rooms. Living options include co-ed, same sex and quiet floors.
Residence applications must be received by June 2, 2011 for students applying for fall 2011.
Residence is available on a priority basis to all first year students applying directly from
secondary school.
A room deposit fee is not required with an application to residence, however a nonrefundable $500 room deposit will be charged to the student’s account in July.
Paper applications for residence will be mailed to applicants with their offer of admission.
This completed application should be received by Admission Services by June 2, 2011.
In 2010-2011 the University of Guelph-Humber supported our students with $1.6 million in awards and scholarships.
Our 2,300 + alumni are making their mark in exciting careers, innovative research, and professional opportunities. In fact, 92% of our
alumni are employed or pursuing further education and 82% were employed within 6 months of graduation.
We are pleased to announce that in June 2011, our first class from the Bachelor of Applied Science Psychology degree will graduate.
University of Guelph-Humber students enjoy new travel study opportunities in England, Austria, and Italy.
We are thrilled to be offering a field course in which students will have an opportunity to learn from Aboriginal communities residing in
the James and Hudson Bay areas about mental health issues in Ontario’s Cree communities.
This spring, we will host our first annual Toronto High School Psychology Conference. The conference will take place the weekend of
May 28-29, 2011. This is a great opportunity for students to meet with other secondary school students from Ontario and explore
different areas of interest in psychology.
Our Athletic Centre received a facelift this past year; the new 14,000 square foot facility includes a weight room, cardio room, High
Performance Centre, two fitness studios and is home to the new Health and Wellness Centre. It will also provide state-of-the-art
learning spaces for students in our Kinesiology program.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Regional Dialogue Guidance Counsellor Update
Spring 2011
Contact Information
Robert Perrier
P: (807) 343-8674
Manager, Undergraduate Recruitment
F: (807) 346-7879
E: robert.perrier@lakeheadu.ca
Andrea Huillery
P: (807) 343-8153
Manager, Undergraduate Admissions
F: (807) 766-7209
E: andrea.huillery@lakeheadu.ca
Scholarships & Financial Aid
Phyllis Bosnick
P: (807) 343-8206
Administrator, Student Financial Aid & Awards
F: (807) 346-7760
E: phyllis.bosnick@lakeheadu.ca
Web Addresses
Main website: www.lakeheadu.ca
Prospective Students & Campus Tours: www.mylakehead.ca
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lakeheaduniversity Twitter: twitter.com/mylakehead
Institutional Information
Student Population
New Programs
7,600 students (Thunder Bay Campus)
1,000 students (Orillia Campus)
Honours Bachelor of Science in Bioinformatics
Thunder Bay Campus – Lakehead’s newest science degree is the first Bioinformatics program to truly
bridge the worlds of information technology and molecular biology. Whether designing a new lifesaving drug or decoding a complex genome sequence, bioinformaticians are leading the next stage of
scientific evolution. Admission requirements are unchanged.
Honours Bachelor of Arts & Science with optional BEd (HBASc or HBASc/BEd)
Orillia Campus – The foundational program for Lakehead University’s Orillia Campus has been
expanded to include two new specializations and minors: Criminology and Media Studies.
Students majoring in Interdisciplinary Studies will now select any two of the 11 offered specializations.
Admission requirements are unchanged.
Admissions & Transition Information
Fall 2011 Offer Information
Lakehead reviews applications and extends Offers of Admission on a rolling basis. All students will
receive a response by May 25, 2011, and will have to respond to their Offers by June 2, 2011.
Special Consideration Policy
Students with an identified disability will be given equal consideration for admission when IEPs were in
use in their regular high school program. Students with additional extenuating circumstances
impacting their admissibility should be in contact with the Office of Admissions for consideration.
Students who meet the General Admission Requirements to Lakehead, but who do not meet their
program-specific requirements will automatically be considered for an alternative program.
Alternate Offers of
Lakehead University’s Gateway Program provides admission for students whose high school
experience may not reflect his/her potential for success at university. Students who do not meet the
minimum required admission average to Lakehead will automatically be considered under Gateway.
To be considered for Gateway, students must achieve a final overall average of 65% based on their
best 6 Grade 12 U or M courses.
Grade 11 Marks
Early Offers of Admission based on exceptional Grade 11 academic courses may be extended,
conditional upon meeting all requirements as outlined in their offer.
Supplemental Application
There are no supplemental applications for students applying direct from high school.
Deferral Policy
Students who have received an Offer of Admission may request a deferral for one year (excluding
Engineering, Music, Nursing, and Visual Arts) at http://admissions.lakeheadu.ca
IB Policy
Applicants who have completed an IB diploma will be considered for admission provided the diploma
includes the subject area requirements for the chosen program of study. A total score of 28 in six
subjects is required, three of which must be at the higher level with no subject score less than 4.
Applicants presenting the IB diploma or certificate may be considered for advanced standing credit in
some higher-level subjects with a score of 5 or better.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
AP Policy
Applicants who have achieved a minimum grade of 4 on the placement exam may be eligible to
receive advanced standing credits.
Repeated Courses
Lakehead University does not penalize students who repeat courses. We will accept the best attempt.
Non-Traditional Learning
Lakehead University accepts all ministry-approved courses, regardless of mode of instruction. Students
are responsible to advise and supply transcripts if they are taking courses outside of their regular
school program. Summer School courses must be submitted by August 15, 2011.
summer/night school, virtual e-learning,
private school & correspondence
Ranking on OUAC App
Lakehead will assess students for admission to all programs applied to regardless of ranking on the
OUAC application. Qualified students may receive Offers to all programs applied to.
Tuition Deposit
$100 non-refundable deposit is due by June 2, 2011 to secure a student’s spot.
Course Selection Process
Registration will open for first-year students in late June 2011. Complete details on how to register
online and course selection may be found at: http://howtoregister.lakeheadu.ca
Transition to
University Supports
Headstart Summer Orientation (Thunder Bay Campus) July 8 & 9, 2011
Fall 2011 Orientation: Thunder Bay Campus: Sept. 8 – 11, 2011, Orillia Campus: Sept. 9 – 11, 2011
Visit Orientation Online: http://orientation.lakeheadu.ca
Lakehead University does not recognize dual credits at this time.
Dual Credits/SHSM
NEW! Graduates of select SHSMs (Environment, Health & Wellness, or Mining) may be eligible to
receive: 1) Guarantee for the Residence Hall Room-Style of their choice, and a 2) $500 Award
See www.mylakehead.ca for complete details on this unique opportunity for SHSM graduates.
English Proficiency
Applicants whose native language is not English, and who have not studied in an English language
school system for more than three full years, will be required to present proof of English proficiency.
Accepted tests and minimum scores are available at: http://admissions.lakeheadu.ca
Scholarship Information
Scholarship/Bursary Website
The Office of Student Financial Aid and Awards
Entrance Scholarships
95% and OVER = FREE TUITION * over 4 years
90.0% to 94.9% = $ 10,000 ◊ over 4 years
85.0% to 89.9% = $ 6,000 ◊ over 4 years
80.0% to 84.9% = $ 3,000 ◊ over 4 years
Automatically awarded to high-ranking
Canadian students based on a high
school scholarship average, calculated
on the 6 highest Grade 12 academic
courses (finals) available in July 2011.
Conditional upon completion of the
Entrance Bursaries
Bursaries are awarded based on financial
need, and in the case of the Access
Bursary, based on living over 700 km
from the Thunder Bay or Orillia Campus.
* Renewable providing 90% average is achieved in each academic year. If a student’s university academic average falls between
80%-89.9% the student will receive an amended scholarship valued at $2,500/ year for each subsequent academic year for the
remaining term of the scholarship.
◊ Renewable at the same value provided 80% is achieved in each academic year.
up to $1,500 (General) + $800 (Access) = $2,300
Students must apply online for Entrance & Access Bursaries through
the website: http://financialaid.lakeheadu.ca
Two Deadlines: April 15, 2011 and June 30, 2011
Residence Information
Residence Options
Lakehead’s Thunder Bay Campus offers three styles of accommodation: Residence Halls, Apartments,
and Townhouses. Generally, first year students will be offered accommodation in a Residence Hall.
Lakehead’s Orillia Campus opens its first Residence in September 2011. Each student will enjoy a single
room in the modern residence hall-style dorms, sharing a bathroom with only one other person.
Residence Guarantee
& Application Information
Lakehead guarantees admission to residence to all first-year students, provided that they are admitted
and they accept their Offer of Admission by June 2, 2011. Each student will receive a Residence
Housing Application and Contract in their Offer of Admission Package.
Room Deposit Fee
There is no fee to apply to residence.
$500 Room Reservation Down Payment must be made by the indicated due date to secure a student’s
spot in residence. This down payment will be applied towards a student’s total residence fees.
What’s New?
New Orillia Campus, North America’s First LEED ® campus
for environmental sustainability, opened in Sept. 2010;
first Orillia Campus Residence to open Sept. 2011
Lakehead University is now WI-FI enabled at both
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Thunder Bay Campus Chancellor Paterson Library receives
a $1.2 million renovation and opens the technologyenabled Learning Commons; a one-stop shop for students
seeking to improve their skills in research, writing, and
Admissions and
transitions Information
Contact Information
Sudbury | Barrie
Liaison Services
Toll free: 1-800-263-4188
Local: 705-673-6594
Toll free: 1-800-461-4030
Local: 705-675-1151, ext. 4843
Scholarships and
financial aid
Toll free: 1-800-461-4030
Local: 705-675-1151, ext. 4843
Campus tours
Toll free: 1-800-263-4188
Local: 705-673-6594
Upcoming events
Starting Point: May 28 and 29, 2011
Students stay in Laurentian residences to experience campus life at the fullest.
Student population
9,000 students
New programs:
Program changes
Fall 2011 offer
All of Laurentian’s Offers of Admission will be made prior to May 30, 2011,
and students will have until June 2, 2011 to respond. Alternate offers
of admission
If a student is not offered admission to a limited enrollment program, Laurentian will offer the student admission
to an alternate program of study, considering they meet the requirements.
At the end of year one, students often have the opportunity to re-apply to their first program of interest.
Grade 11 marks
Grade 11 U or M marks are considered for early offers of admission to qualified students.
All supplementary applications can be found at admissions.laurentian.ca
n Radiation Therapy – Interview, clinical site orientation
Health Promotion: Personal profile form
n Kinesiology: Personal profile form
n Sport and Physical Education – Personal profile form
n Midwifery: Extra application form
n Fine Arts (Music or Theatre) – Audition or portfolio
n Outdoor Adventure Leadership: Personal profile form
Deferral policy
Laurentian does not defer admissions.
IB Policy
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is acceptable for admission to Laurentian University provided applicants
have achieved a minimum score of 28 and have fulfilled the diploma requirements with six subjects: three
at higher level and three at subsidiary level. Transfer credits may be granted for higher-level courses with
grades of five (5) or better. Applicants must submit their IB transcripts to be evaluated.
AP Policy
Applicants who have completed Advanced Placement courses in appropriate subjects with a grade of
four (4) or more may receive transfer credits equivalent to a maximum of two courses (12 credits).
Applicants must also meet the regular university admission requirements since AP courses are not accepted
in lieu of these.
Policy on
repeated courses
If a student repeats a course, Laurentian will take the best of the two marks.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Admissions and
transitions Information
Scholarship and financial
aid information
What’s new?
Policy on summer school,
night school, virtual
learning, e-learning,
private school, and
correspondence courses
As long as it is approved by the Ontario Ministry
of Education, Laurentian University will accept
the Grade 12 U or M courses.
Ranking on OUAC
Multiple applications to programs can result in multiple offers.
Tuition deposit
A tuition deposit is required before
• June 17, 2011 for Open programs ($300)
• June 2, 2011 for limited enrollment programs ($200)
• June 2, 2011 for Midwifery ($250)
Course selection
process, first-year
For course selection, go to www.webadvisor.laurentian.ca
Support available for
the transition
to university
Student Success Center
Toll Free: 1-800-461-4030
Local: 705-675-1151, ext. 3434
Dual credits/SHSM
Aboriginal Student Dual Credit Pilot Program. The program is a partnership between Laurentian University,
the Rainbow District School Board and the Sudbury Catholic School Board. Guaranteed Entrance
scholarship program
Full-time students have access to these renewable scholarships in any year of their program:
80 – 84.9% / $1,500 ($1,000 after first year)
85 – 89.9% / $2,000
90 – 94.5% / $2,500
95 – 100% / $3,500
Additional scholarships
application information
and deadline
Entrance scholarships are automatic. All other scholarships have a deadline of May 1, 2011.
Secondary schools must nominate their recipient of the Leadership Award by May 1, 2011.
Bursary Information
Bursary applications are due by May 1, 2011.
Residence options
Laurentian has seven residences, five of which are available for first-year students. There are apartment-style
and dorm-style residences. A meal plan is available but not required.
Residence application
deadline/ guarantee
First-year applicants, with a 75% average or above in secondary school, are guaranteed a room in residence
if they apply by June 2, 2011.
Room deposit fee
A $500 - $550 deposit is required when you receive your offer of residence in June.
Online application: www.residence.laurentian.ca
Sudbury | Barrie
• A new residence is set to open for September 2012. It’s a 236 single bedroom residence for upper year students. It brings the total number
of beds from 975 to 1211 for the Sudbury campus.
• Men and Women Rowing is now a Varsity Sport. Laurentian University offers the perfect environment for rowing with its five lakes
surrounding the campus.
• The Vale Inco Living with Lakes Centre construction is progressing quickly. It’s set to open this summer. It can be found at the heart of an
industrial watershed and the centre of Canada’s massive Boreal Ecozone with its million lakes. This research centre will become the new home
for the internationally renowned group of scientists – The Cooperative Freshwater Ecology Unit (Co-op Unit). 2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Bourses et aide
Visite du campus
Événements à venir
Service de liaison
Sans frais : 1-800-263-4188
Appel local : 705-673-6594
Sans frais : 1-800-461-4030
Appel local : 705-675-1151
Poste 4843
Sans frais : 1-800-461-4030
Appel local : 705-675-1151
Poste 4843
Sans frais : 1-800-263-4188
Appel local : 705-673-6594
Point de départ (28-29 mai 2011) – Les élèves demeurent dans les résidences de la
Laurentienne afin d’avoir un avant-goût de la vie universitaire.
Population étudiante
9 000 membres
Automne 2011 – Détails
sur les offres
Autres offres
Notes de la 11e année
Politique de report
Politique du BI
Toutes les offres d’admission de la Laurentienne seront expédiées avant le 30 mai 2011
et les candidats devront y donner suite avant le 2 juin 2011.
Si une personne n’est pas acceptée à un programme contingenté, la Laurentienne
pourrait lui offrir l’admission à un autre programme d’études, si elle satisfait aux
exigences. À la fin de la première année d’études, elle pourra demander à nouveau
l’admission au programme contingenté.
On tient compte des notes des cours U ou M de la 11e année pour les offres
conditionnelles d’admission.
Les formulaires supplémentaires sont affichés à www.admissions.laurentienne.ca
La Laurentienne ne reporte pas les admissions.
Le baccalauréat international (BI) est accepté pour l’admission à l’Université
Laurentienne, à condition que le candidat ait obtenu une note d’au moins 28 et ait
satisfait aux conditions du grade en suivant six sujets : trois en option forte et trois en
option moyenne. Des équivalences peuvent être accordées pour des cours en option
forte si la note obtenue est de cinq (5) ou plus. Il faut présenter le relevé de notes du BI
pour évaluation.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Politique de l’examen de
niveau avancé
Politique sur les cours
non réussis
Politique sur les cours
d’été, du soir,
d’apprentissage enligne,
d’établissements privés
et par correspondance
Demande au CRDAUO –
Ordre des choix
Droits de scolarité –
Processus de sélection
des cours (1re année)
Transition vers les
études universitaires –
Soutien offert
Les personnes qui ont terminé les cours donnant droit à des équivalences (cours AP)
dans les sujets appropriés et qui ont obtenu une note de 4 ou plus pourraient recevoir
des crédits pour un maximum de deux cours (12 crédits). Elles doivent aussi satisfaire
aux exigences normales d’admission à l’Université, car les cours donnant droit à des
équivalences ne les remplacent pas.
Si une personne doit reprendre un cours, la Laurentienne tient compte de la meilleure
des deux notes.
Si le ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario l’approuve, l’Université Laurentienne
acceptera ces cours U ou M de 12e année.
L'ordre des choix n'est pas pris en considération lors du processus de décisions
concernant les admissions.
Pour les droits de scolarité, il faut verser un cautionnement :
• avant le 17 juin 2011 pour les programmes non contingentés (300 $)
• avant le 2 juin 2011 pour les programmes contingentés (200 $)
• avant le 2 juin 2011 pour le programme de formation de sage-femme (250 $)
Choix de cours : www.webadvisor.laurentian.ca
Centre d’appui à la réussite scolaire
Sans frais : 1-800-461-4030
Appel local : 705-675-1151
Poste 3434
Programme de bourses
d’entrée garanties
Demandes de bourses
et dates limites –
Renseignements sur les
bourses d’études
Chaque année du programme d’études, les membres à plein temps de la population
étudiante ont droit à ces bourses d’études renouvelables :
80 à 84,9 % / 1 500 $ (1 000 $ après la 1re année)
85 à 89,9 % / 2 000 $
90 à 94,9 % / 2 500 $
95 à 100 % / 3 500 $
Les bourses de début d’études sont accordées automatiquement. La date limite pour
les autres bourses est le 1er mai 2011. Pour les Bourses de leadership, les écoles
secondaires doivent nommer un lauréat ou une lauréate de leur école avant le 1er mai
2011. www.laurentienne.ca
La date limite pour présenter une demande de bourse d’aide est le 1er mai 2011.
Options de résidence
Date limite – Demande
de place en résidence
Votre place en
résidence est-elle
Cautionnement pour
frais de résidence
Demande en ligne
La Laurentienne a sept résidences, de style dortoir ou appartement, dont cinq sont
offertes aux étudiants de première année. Un plan repas facultatif est aussi offert.
S’ils en font la demande avant le 2 juin 2011, les finissants des écoles secondaires ayant
obtenu une moyenne d’au moins 75 % et présentant une demande à la 1re année
d’études auront une place en résidence.
Oui. S’ils en font la demande avant le 2 juin 2011, les finissants des écoles secondaires
ayant obtenu une moyenne d’au moins 75 % et présentant une demande à la 1re année
d’études auront une place garantie en résidence.
Il faut verser un cautionnement de 500 à 550 $ dès la réception de l’offre de résidence
au mois de juin.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
McMaster University
Scholarships and Financial
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
905-525-9140, ext. 23650 liaison@mcmaster.ca
905-525-9140, ext. 23650 liaison@mcmaster.ca
905-525-9140, ext. 24319 awards@mcmaster.ca
905-525-9140, ext. 23650 liaison@mcmaster.ca
May @ Mac – Open House – Saturday, May 7, 2011
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
22,000 full-time undergraduates
Bachelor of Fine Arts – Direct-Entry Program
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
Special Consideration
Alternate Offers of
Grade 11 Marks:
Supplemental Application:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Policy on Repeated
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning,
Private School, and
Correspondence Courses:
Offers of admission will be made to qualified applicants based on their top six 4U/M courses including all
required courses. Averages are calculated to two decimal points and are not rounded up. All applicants
will be informed of a decision no later than May 30, 2011.
Students with extenuating circumstances may forward documentation to the Admissions Office.
Extenuating circumstances may be evaluated on a case-by-case basis.
McMaster does not make automatic alternate offers of admission for any program. We encourage
applicants to apply to up to three programs as we will consider each program choice simultaneously and
will communicate an admission decision for each program they select on OUAC.
McMaster may make select offers of admission to highly qualified applicants based on Grade 11 grades.
Four direct-entry programs at McMaster require the submission of a mandatory supplementary application
for admission consideration: Arts & Science Program; Bachelor of Health Sciences (Honours) Program;
Integrated Science Program; Midwifery Program.
Students may submit a written request to have their offer deferred for a period of one year. Requests are
reviewed on a case-by-case basis by the specific faculty. Normally, decisions on deferrals are not made
until late August upon receipt of final grades. Should a deferral be granted, the student may not attend
any educational institution (including secondary school) for the deferral period, and must re-apply via the
OUAC the following year.
Students may present a full IB diploma or a combination of IB courses (certificate) and 4U/Ms (or
equivalent). For the purposes of both admission and residence single-bed guarantee, applicants who
present both percentage grade equivalents and IB predicted scores will be evaluated solely on their
percentage grades, unless they make a written request to have their IB predicted scores assessed
(deadline: May 1, 2011). Students may request to be evaluated for advanced credit of up to 18 units for
completed Higher level courses with a minimum final score of 5, at the discretion of the Faculty.
Applicants who have completed AP courses will be considered for admission to a Level I program.
Applicants who have completed the AP exams in acceptable courses with a minimum grade of 4 may be
recommended for up to 18 units of advanced credit upon request. An official copy of the final AP Exam
Results Report is required as part of the evaluation process.
Normally the highest mark available for a course will be used in the calculation of the admission average.
The Admissions committee may request more information and review cases on an individual basis.
Courses taken at a ministry-inspected and approved institution are treated as equal for the purposes of
calculating an admission average. Similarly, courses taken during summer school, night school or via elearning and correspondence are accepted as reported with no penalty to the student. Summer school
courses taken in 2011 may not be used to maintain an Offer of Admission for September 2011 entry, as
the course work is completed after the June 30, 2011 deadline to meet conditions.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Ranking on OUAC
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection Process,
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
No effect on admission.
Not required.
Online registration for Level I courses typically opens in late June – early July. Academic advising is
The Student Success Centre is committed to providing quality services that guide students toward the
achievement of their academic and development goals. Students are supported from the time they accept
our offer to attend – to their years at the university as they make choices, deal with issues and improve
skills that will prepare them for future success upon graduation.
McMaster does not recognize dual credits or SHSM programs for advanced standing in any of the
university’s programs.
Students will be required to submit an English Language Test if they have not: a) resided in an Englishspeaking country for at least four years immediately prior to September 2011 OR b) attended an Englishmedium educational institution in a full-time academic program for at least three years immediately prior
to September, 2011.
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Additional Scholarships
Application Information and
Bursary Information:
Based on final admission averages as of June 30, 2011
All awards are non-renewable
95% + = $3000
90 – 94.99% = $1200
85 – 89.99% = $750
80 – 84.99% = $500
In course awards are available for upper level students. More information is available at:
Bursaries are available once a student is enrolled at the university. Applications open in September 2011.
Please see website for details:
Decision criteria: Financial Need
Residence Options:
Residence Application
Residence Guaranteed?
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application:
12 residence buildings (co-ed and all-female available)
Traditional dormitory, suite and apartment style buildings
June 2, 2011 by 4:00 p.m.
Based on grades – typically a 79% admission average is required
95% admission average guarantees a single-bed space
$600 due by June 2, 2011
New Staff: Jennie Anderson,
Aboriginal Recruitment & Retention Officer
905-525-9140, ext. 24325
Jennie Anderson is working toward developing strategies and policy to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of recruitment and retention
initiatives for Aboriginal students at McMaster. Jennie is here to offer support and advocacy through the application and transition process.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
100 College Drive North Bay, ON P1B 8L7, 705-474-3450, www.nipissingu.ca
Financial Aid
Upcoming events
Lori-Ann Beckford - Assistant Registrar, Liaison, loriannb@nipissingu.ca, ext. 4518
Heather Brown - Associate Registrar, Admissions/Liaison, heatherb@nipissingu.ca, ext. 4516
Beth Brisson - Student Awards Clerk, finaid@nipissingu.ca, ext. 4311
Connie Hill - Receptionist, Liaison, info@nipissingu.ca, ext. 4517
Regional Applicant Receptions in May — Eligible students will receive an invitation
programs to which they have applied will automatically be
considered for an alternate program for which they do qualify.
Student population — Approximately 3800 full-time students.
Grade 11 marks — Some applicants may have received offers
The average class has 31 students, with a student to faculty
ratio of 21:1.
based on exceptional Grade 11 marks.
New programs—Bachelor of Science in Nursing Scholar
Practitioner Program (BScN SPP). The BScN SPP is a two
year nursing degree program in partnership with a health care
institution consortium in Toronto for students who have
completed a university degree in another discipline. This
program is offered in the health care institution consortium
through a blended delivery model, and is six semesters in
length over two years.
Bachelor of Science (Honours) in Environmental
Geography—This program will focus on the understanding of
natural environmental systems and processes at a wide range
of temporal and spatial scales. Students will also examine
human interactions with these environmental systems, including
contemporary issues such as climate and land use change.
Program Changes — Reminder that students no longer
require a 4U Math for admission consideration to Nipissing’s
Bachelor of Business Administration program. Students
admitted without a 4U Math will be required to take an
equivalent Math course in first year.
Supplemental application — Nipissing University does not
require supplemental applications from students coming directly
from secondary school.
Deferral policy — Students may request a deferral in writing to
the Registrar’s Office once they have received an offer of
admission. To defer, students must accept their offer, meet all the
conditions of their offer and re-apply through the OUAC for the
following year.
Students may not attend any other postsecondary institution
during their deferral period.
IB policy — Applicants who have successfully completed the
International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma with at least six
subjects, including three at the higher level, with a minimum final
grade total of 24, will be considered for admission. Advanced
standing, to a maximum of 18 credits, may be granted for
courses completed at the higher level with a grade of 5 or
AP policy — Applicants who have completed Advanced
Placement (AP) courses are encouraged to submit their
examination results. Official AP score reports must be sent
directly to Nipissing University. Advanced standing will be
Fall 2011 offer information — Offers of admission are sent out granted for most AP courses completed with a grade of 4 or
on an ongoing basis. All students will have a decision made on higher, to a maximum of 18 credits.
their application(s) by May 30, 2011. Students will have until
June 2, 2011 to respond.
Policy on repeated courses — Nipissing University will take
the higher grade.
Special Consideration Policy — Applications from Aboriginal
ancestry, visible minorities and/or persons with disabilities who Policy on summer school, night school, virtual learning,
meet the minimum stated requirements for admission to the
e-learning, private school, and correspondence courses —
university but not the admission average for the program to
Nipissing accepts marks that fall under the Ministry of
which they have applied, may apply for consideration under the Education’s curriculum (or equivalent) issued by a ministry
accessibility policy. Such candidates should identify
approved and inspected institution. Students must have ensured
themselves in writing to the Registrar’s Office at the time they
that mid-term and/or final grades for these courses were sent to
apply for admission. Eligible persons must be Canadian
the OUAC by their secondary school by April 28, 2011, to be
Citizens or Permanent Residents and applying to first year
included in the regular admission decision timelines. Summer
studies from secondary school or postsecondary education.
school grades should be submitted by early August. Only
grades completed as of June 30, 2011 will be used to calculate
Alternative offers of admission— Applicants who do not meet the scholarship average for students who receive an offer
admission requirements or admission averages for the
of admission by May 30, 2011.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Ranking on OUAC Application — Nipissing University does
not use application ranking for admission decisions. An
admission decision is made for every application choice.
Tuition deposit — A non-refundable tuition deposit of $200
is due by June 2, 2011.
Course selection process, First Year — Nipissing
University strongly encourages students to take part in the
New Student Orientation (NSO) event that incorporates a
comprehensive session on the course selection process with
the assistance of academic advisors.
Support available for the transition to university — Both
academic and personal support services are available to
students including peer mentorship, subject drop-in clinics
and counselling. www.nipissingu.ca/studentaffairs
Dual credits/SHSM programs — This policy is currently
under review.
English proficiency requirements— Acceptable proof of
English proficiency can be found at www.nipissingu.ca/
Guaranteed scholarship program
Nipissing University guarantees entrance scholarships to all
secondary school students admitted to full-time studies with a
minimum final average of 80% and above in their best six
4U/4M courses completed as of June 30, 2011. These
scholarships are automatic and do not require an application.
Additional scholarships application information and
deadline—Application required
Schulich Scholarship in Science and Education—
presented to full-time students in a Bachelor of Science (BSc)
program with a focus on education—BSc with Concurrent
Education or Orientation to Teaching (OTT). 100 scholarships
are available each year for $6000 each.
Chancellor’s Award— $10,000 renewable for up to three
additional years at $3,000 per year for a total of $19,000.
Decision criteria — Criteria for scholarships, awards and
bursaries vary and can include a combination of grades,
extracurricular activities, leadership and community
Deadline for scholarships requiring a separate application is
May 1, 2011.
Bursary Information—please visit www.nipissingu.ca/
financialaid/ for information about bursaries and scholarship
Residence options — Nipissing offers six person
townhouses and four person apartment suites, each with
private bedrooms at the North Bay campus. A brand new
suite-style residence will be available for Muskoka campus
students beginning in fall 2011. www.nipissingu.ca/residence
Residence application deadline — June 2, 2011
Guaranteed residence? — A private bedroom in residence
is guaranteed to all secondary school students who receive a
full-time offer of admission by May 30, 2011 and who submit
their residence application and deposit by June 2, 2011.
Room deposit fee — $300 (non-refundable)
Online application — Available through Web Advisor at
RESIDENCE AT MUSKOKA CAMPUS — In September 2011, students attending the Nipissing-Muskoka campus will benefit from a
new residence. Located directly across from the main academic building, the Muskoka Residence Complex is a suite-style residence
with both two bedroom and four bedroom suites. Each fully furnished suite features private bedrooms, a kitchen with a fridge and
stove, a living room, and a full bathroom for every two students.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Admissions &
Scholarships and Financial
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Mailing Address: 100 McCaul Street, Toronto ON, M5T 1W1
Office Location: Level 3, 240 Richmond Street West, Toronto ON
Tel: 416-977-6000, ext. 489, 428, 310, 308, or 236
Fax: 416-977-6006
Email: admissions@ocad.ca
Web: www.ocad.ca/prospective_students
Tel: 416-977-6000, ext. 250
Email: FinancialA@ocad.ca
Web: www.ocad.ca/students/financial_matters
Email: ngalati@ocad.ca
Tel: 416-977-6000, ext. 489
Web: www.ocad.ca/prospective_students/learn_more
OCAD U’s 96th Annual Graduate Exhibition, May 5 to 8, 2011
Web: www.ocad.ca
Summer Intensive Program - July 11 to 15, 2011 OR July 18 to 22, 2011
Digital Summer Intensive Program - August 8 to 12, 2011
Web: www.ocad.ca/prospective_students/preparing_a_portfolio
Email: portfolioclinics@ocad.ca
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
4000 Undergraduate Students (full- and part-time)
100 Graduate Students (full- and part-time)
New programs to be announced, pending approval.
Program changes to be announced, pending approval.
Fall 2011 Offer
Special Consideration
Alternate Offers of
Grade 11 Marks:
Supplemental Application:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Policy on Repeated
Admission to OCAD U is based primarily on the result of the portfolio
assessment. All offers of admission were sent out at the beginning of April and
are conditional on applicants meeting minimum academic requirements.
OCAD U makes every effort to help facilitate the application process for
applicants with disabilities. All new students should contact the Centre for
Students with Disabilities to make an intake appointment to meet with staff from
the centre. Appointments can be booked at 416-977-6000, ext. 339.
OCAD U does not make alternate offers of admission.
OCAD U does not consider Grade 11 marks when making admission decisions.
No supplemental applications are required.
OCAD U does not grant deferrals.
IB subjects are not transferrable to OCAD U’s first year program and the
university does not grant advanced credit.
AP courses are not transferrable to OCAD U’s first year program and the
university does not grant advanced credit.
The highest successful completed grade will be used in the admission average
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning,
Private School, and
Correspondence Courses:
Ranking on OUAC
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection Process,
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Provided that the school or institution is accredited by the Ontario Ministry of
Education, OCAD U will accept Grade 12 U or M courses regardless of how or
where the course is taken. Final official documents are due by August 19, 2011.
OCAD U considers all applicants equally regardless of the ordered choice on the
OUAC application.
A $500 non-refundable tuition deposit is required by June 2, 2011.
Information about early registration and Registration Assistance Days will be
sent to new students after the June 2, 2011 confirmation deadline. Registration
and course selection for all OCAD U students takes place online in July.
Transitional programs at OCAD U offer a variety of interactive sessions to
provide an introduction to tools and resources at OCAD U, the Student Mentor
Program and ways to get engaged within the campus and community.
OCAD U does not give advantage to applicants with dual credits or in SHSM
programs in making admissions decisions.
An applicant whose first language is not English and who has not completed four
full years of study in an Ontario secondary school is required to submit successful
TOEFL results in addition to ENG4U. Minimum TOEFL requirements: 80 overall
with at least 19 in Reading, 14 in Listening, 22 in Speaking and 20 and Writing.
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Additional Scholarships
Application Information
and Deadline:
Bursary Information:
OCAD U does not offer guaranteed entrance scholarships.
All new full-time first year students who accept their offer of admission will be
considered. No application is required except for the BMO Financial Group
Award. Details will be available online in June.
Entrance bursary applications and deadline information will be available online in
OCAD U does not have student housing but we do provide excellent resources
and referrals, including links to independent residences around Toronto on our
website: www.ocad.ca/students/campus_life/housing_information.
OCAD University is pleased to announce the addition of the Inclusive Design Research Centre (IDRC) and the Inclusive
Design Institute (IDI) to our community. The IDRC/IDI re-imagines digital tools, systems, and practices for human
diversity and inclusion and deal with complex problems of collaborating and participating with our full spectrum of
differences. Whether an artist or a designer, these principles can be an integral part of studies at OCAD U.
OCAD U is in the process of developing a south campus, which currently consists of 205 Richmond Street west where
our Graduate Studies, the IDRC/IDI, Development and Alumni Relations, Marketing and Communications, and Drawing
and Painting thesis studios are located. The south campus also includes two buildings at 230 and 240 Richmond Street
West. Admissions and Recruitment moved to this new location along with our Visual Resources Department/Archives.
The buildings will continue to be renovated and retrofitted for new offices and programs as we expand what is available.
Students entering in Fall 2011 will have a much broader choice of courses and majors to choose from. The Digital
Futures: Technology, Innovation, Art, Design program will allow students to graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts or a
Bachelor of Design with a specialization in digital media and related technologies. Specializations: Physical, Tangible
and Embedded Interactions; Performance, Games and Screen Media; Data Visualization: Data, Computation and
Aesthetic Design; Inclusive design: Technological Practices for Health and Wellness; Business: Foresight and
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
ContaCt information
Tel.: 613-562-5800, ext. 5779
Tel.: 613-562-5315
Scholarships and financial aid:
Tel.: 613-562-5734
Campus tours:
Register at www.admission.uOttawa.ca
Upcoming events:
University of Ottawa Day – Friday, October 28, 2011
Information Evening and Fair – December 8, 2011
institutional information
Student population:
New programs:
Extended French Stream in Science
Program changes:
admissions and transition information
Fall 2011 offer information:
Offers go out in three rounds:
Dec/Jan – based on top five Grade 11 and/or 12 marks
Feb-Apr – based on top six Grade 11 and/or 12 marks; must include at least two
Grade 12 marks and prerequisites
Apr-May – based on top six Grade 12 marks
Special consideration policy:
Students applying with a disability should register with SASS in July. Students with
special circumstances should send supporting documentation to the admission office.
Alternate offers of admission:
If a student is not offered admission to a limited enrolment program, uOttawa will
offer the student admission to an alternate program of study.
Applicants not admitted into a CO-OP program or the immersion program will be
considered for the corresponding regular program.
Grade 11 marks:
uOttawa considers Grade 11 marks in the first two rounds of admissions (and in
automatic renewable scholarship evaluations as well).
Supplemental application:
uOttawa’s six direct-entry faculties do not require supplemental applications (see
viewbook for additional specific requirements).
Deferral policy:
Students may submit a written request to have their offer of admission deferred for a
period of one year, with no need to reapply through the OUAC. Requests are reviewed on
a case-by-case basis. Should a deferral be granted, the student must not attend any
educational institution (including secondary school) during the deferral period.
IB policy:
Students are eligible for admission if they have a score of at least 26 and they have
the prerequisites. Students may receive transfer credits for higher-level subjects with
a score of 5 or more.
AP policy:
Students may receive up to 30 credits (10 one-term courses) of advanced standing,
provided they obtain a minimum score of 4 in each subject. This may vary according
to the program requested.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on repeated courses:
The highest mark available for the course will be used in the calculation of the
admission average.
Policy on summer school, night
school, virtual learning, e-learning,
private school and correspondence
All courses that are taken through a ministry-inspected and approved institution are
treated as equal for the purpose of calculating an admission average.
Ranking on OUAC application:
No effect on admission.
Tuition deposit:
None required – full tuition due September 2 to avoid late payment fees.
Course selection process, first-year:
Course selection begins on May 16, 2011 at 8 a.m. and is done online through our
registration tool, Rabaska.
Support available for the transition
to university:
u101 Program; Access Service; Transition Program for students with special needs; Summer
math workshops; faculty mentorship programs and more. Visit www.sass.uOttawa.ca.
Dual credits/SHSM programs:
English Proficiency Requirements:
Must have completed English 4U in order to be admissible to all programs.
International students who have not completed a minimum of three years full time
studies in English must provide a language proficiency test (example: TOEFL).
sCholarship and finanCial aid information
Guaranteed entrance scholarship
Automatic renewable admission scholarship – scholarship average of 80%+ required.
Additional scholarship application
information and deadline:
None for the renewable admission scholarship (awarded automatically)
March 1 for President’s, Chancellor’s and Faculty of Science Research scholarships
March 31 for other scholarships and bursaries.
Bursary information:
Education Bursary – March 31
French Studies Bursary – Awarded automatically to students enrolled in French
Immersion Studies or in the Extended French Stream.
residenCe information
Residence options:
Three styles – traditional, suite, apartment
Residence application deadline:
June 2, 2011
Residence guaranteed?
Residence is guaranteed for all first-year students admitted before May 20, 2011
(except individuals who have completed more than five university courses).
Room deposit fee:
$700, payable by June 2, 2011 by certified cheque or money order.
Online application:
Students must apply online through their InfoWeb account.
What’s neW?
International students are now eligible for scholarships and the CO-OP program! Deadline for application (including submission
of complete file) is April 1, 2011. uOttawa now offers an Extended French Stream in the Faculty of Science!
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Recrutement :
Tél. : 613-562-5800 poste 5779
Admission :
Tél. : 613-562-5315
Bourses et aide financière :
Tél. : 613-562-5734
Visite du campus :
Inscription au www.admission.uOttawa.ca
Événements à venir :
Journée de l’Université d’Ottawa – vendredi 28 octobre 2011
Soirée et foire d’information – 8 décembre 2011
renseignements sur l’établissement
Population étudiante :
39 599
Nouveaux programmes :
Régime de français enrichi en sciences
Modifications aux programmes :
renseignements sur l’admission et la transition
Automne 2011 – Détails sur
les offres :
Trois rondes d’offres d’admission :
déc.-janv. – basées sur les cinq meilleures notes de 11e ou 12e année
févr.-avril – basées sur les six meilleures notes de 11e ou 12e année dont deux doivent
être des notes/préalables de 12e année
avril-mai – basées sur les six meilleures notes de 12e année
Politique de considération spéciale :
Les personnes handicapées doivent s’inscrire auprès du SASS en juillet. Les élèves
désirant que des circonstances particulières soient considérées doivent faire parvenir
toute documentation d’appui au bureau de l’admission.
Autres offres d’admission :
Les candidats n’obtenant pas l’admission à un programme contingenté recevront une
offre d’admission à un programme d’études de rechange.
Les demandes de candidats n’ayant pas obtenu l’admission au régime coop ou au
régime d’immersion en français seront considérées pour le programme d’études
régulier correspondant.
Notes de la 11e année :
L’Université d’Ottawa considère les notes de 11e année dans les deux premières rondes
d’admission (et pour l’examen des demandes de bourses d’admission renouvelables).
Demande supplémentaire :
Pour l’admission à l’une des six facultés d’accueil de l’Université d’Ottawa, aucune
demande supplémentaire n’est requise (consulter le prospectus pour toute exigence
d’admission particulière).
Report d’une offre d’admission :
Pour reporter une offre d’admission sur une période de 12 mois sans devoir passer
à nouveau par OUAC, il faut en faire la demande par écrit et accepter de ne pas
entreprendre d’autres études pendant la période.
Baccalauréat international :
Les étudiants ayant un résultat total supérieur à 26 et les préalables au programme
d’études choisi sont admissibles. Ils peuvent obtenir des équivalences pour les cours
avancés ayant une note de 5.
Reconnaissance d’équivalences (AP) :
Il est possible d’obtenir jusqu’à 30 crédits (10 cours d’une session) en équivalences,
à condition d’avoir une note minimale de 4 dans chaque matière et dépendant des
exigences du programme choisi.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Cours répétés :
La note la plus élevée servira à calculer la moyenne d’admission.
Cours d’été, du soir, d’apprentissage
en ligne, d’établissements privés et
par correspondance :
Tous les cours suivis dans un établissement approuvé peuvent servir à calculer la
moyenne d’admission.
Demande OUAC – Ordre des choix :
Aucune conséquence sur l’admission.
Droits de scolarité – Dépôt :
Aucun dépôt requis. Le paiement total des droits de scolarité doit être fait au plus
tard le 2 septembre pour éviter les frais de retard.
Processus de sélection des cours
(première année) :
L’inscription aux cours commence le 16 mai 2011 à 8 h, sur Rabaska, notre outil
d’inscription en ligne.
Transition vers les études
universitaires – Soutien offert :
Programme u101; Service d’accès; Programme de transition pour les étudiants ayant
des besoins particuliers; ateliers d’été en mathématiques; programmes de mentorat
facultaires, et plus : voir le www.sass.uOttawa.ca.
Crédits doubles/Programmes MHS :
Exigences relatives aux aptitudes
en français/anglais :
Les étudiants doivent avoir réussi un cours d’anglais 4U ou de français 4U.
renseignements sur les bourses d’études et l’aide finanCière
Programme de bourses d’entrée
garanties :
Bourses d’admission renouvelables : moyenne de bourse d’au moins 80 % requise
Demandes de bourses et dates
limites – Renseignements
additionnels :
Les bourses d’admission renouvelables sont accordées automatiquement.
Date limite pour la Bourse du recteur, la Bourse du chancelier et la Bourse de
recherche de la Faculté des sciences : 1er mars
Date limite pour les autres bourses : 31 mars
Renseignements sur les bourses
d’études :
Bourse d’accès aux études : 31 mars
Bourse d’accès aux études en français : accordées automatiquement aux étudiants
inscrits à un programme offert en français et aux étudiants inscrits au régime
d’immersion ou de français enrichi.
renseignements sur les résidenCes
Options de résidence :
Trois styles : résidence traditionnelle, unités de deux chambres, appartement
Date limite – Demande de place en
résidence :
Le 2 juin 2011
Votre place en résidence est-elle
Place garantie à tous les étudiants de 1re année admis avant le 20 mai 2011 (sauf les
personnes ayant suivi plus de 5 cours universitaires).
Dépôt pour frais de résidence :
700 $ : payable au plus tard le 2 juin 2011 par chèque certifié ou mandat.
Demande en ligne :
Pour faire une demande en ligne, il faut passer par le compte InfoWeb.
Quoi de neuf?
Les étudiants étrangers ont maintenant accès aux bourses et au régime d’enseignement coopératif! L’échéance pour
soumettre les demandes (l’ensemble du dossier) était le 1er avril 2011. L’Université d’Ottawa offre un régime de français
enrichi à la Faculté des sciences!
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
2011 Regional Dialogue Info at a Glance Contact Information Recruitment & Jesse Campling: 613-­‐533-­‐6000 ext. 78427 Admission Contacts: Kevin du Manoir: 613-­‐533-­‐6000 ext. 74118 Caitlin Shanahan: 613-­‐533-­‐6000 ext. 77117 www.queensu.ca/admission Financial Aid Contact: Student Awards Office Phone: 613-­‐533-­‐2216 Fax: 613-­‐533-­‐6409 www.queensu.ca/studentawards campling@queensu.ca dumanoir@queensu.ca shanahac@queensu.ca Campus Tours: Book online: www.queensu.ca/admission/contacts.html Book by phone: 613-­‐533-­‐2217 Book by email: tours@queensu.ca Upcoming Events: Queen’s is offering Saturday tours during the month of May on May 7, 14, 21 and 28. Institutional Information Student Population: 14,951 Full-­‐time Undergraduate, 3,987 Graduate, 4,741 Other (Part-­‐time, Theology, etc.) (2010 Figures) New Programs: Queen’s is not introducing any new programs for September 2011. Program Changes: The Queen’s Commerce program will increase its enrollment to 450 for September 2011. Admission Information Fall 2011 Offer Complete applications are currently being considered. We hope to let all students know Information: where they stand with regards to their status at Queen’s by mid-­‐May. All Ontario applicants must respond to their offers by June 2, 2011 unless otherwise indicated in their Offer of Admission. Special Consideration Any students who have had circumstances beyond their control which may have impacted Policy: their grades should submit documentation to the Undergraduate Admission Office as soon as possible. This may include, but is not limited to: medical circumstances, IEPs and compassionate grounds. Alternate Offers of Applicants are generally not considered for automatic alternate offers of admission. The Admission: only programs in which we do make alternate offers are Concurrent Education/Computing and Concurrent Education/Music. Applicants to those programs will be considered for Computing or Music if they are unsuccessful in the Concurrent Education application. Grade 11 marks: Queen’s uses Grade 11 marks for consideration when Grade 12 marks are absent. Supplemental Application: Queen’s requires all applicants to submit the Personal Statement of Experience (PSE) in order to be considered. The Commerce, Concurrent Education, Kinesiology and Physical and Health Education programs require a Supplementary Essay in addition to the PSE. The PSE is submitted online via the myQueen’s Portal at my.queensu.ca. Applicants to the Fine Art and Music programs are required to submit portfolios and hold auditions, respectively. Deferral Policy: Queen’s grants one-­‐year deferrals on the basis of final grades and the reason for requesting the deferral. Students must accept their offer of admission prior to requesting the deferral. Written requests must be received at Queen’s by August 1, 2011. IB Policy: Queen’s will consider applicants completing the full IB Diploma on either of their Ontario grades or the IB scores. For all applicants, transfer credits may be given for Higher Level Courses with a score of 5 or higher (6 or higher for selected Engineering courses). AP Policy: Queen’s will grant transfer credit for AP results with a score of 4 or 5. Transfer credit availability is listed on the Undergraduate Admission webpage. Policy on Repeated Queen’s will take the highest grade obtained for both admission and scholarship purposes. Courses: Summer courses taken immediately prior to attendance at Queen’s will not be taken for scholarship purposes. Policy on courses taken Queen’s will take all courses offered towards the OSSD from inspected schools as outside of day school: determined by the Ontario Ministry of Education for both admission and scholarship purposes. Courses are not penalized or weighted. 38
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
OUAC Ranking: Queen’s does not take OUAC ranking into consideration for offers of admission. Tuition Deposit: New this year, applicants will no longer be required to make a minimum tuition deposit by August 1. Instead, full tuition fees will be due September 1, with the balance of fees due by September 30. Students with demonstrated financial need may submit a Commitment to Pay to defer partial fee payment. Students eligible for OSAP will automatically have their tuition partially deferred. Course Selection: Queen’s will facilitate online course selection during the summer months. Students will be contacted by their Faculty or Program with further details. Support for Transition to University: Dual/SHSM Programs: English Proficiency Requirements: Queen’s offers many different support mechanisms for students in their transition to University life. These services include, but are not limited to: In-­‐Residence Programming, Queen’s Learning Commons, Health, Counselling and Disability Services, Peer Tutoring, Free Engineering Tutorials, Orientation Week, Countdown to Queen’s, University Chaplain, Summer Course Selection, Adaptive Technology Centre, Queen’s Writing Centre, IT Support Desk, Food Services and the Four Directions Aboriginal Student Centre. Credits are not taken into consideration specifically, but Queen’s encourages students to reflect upon their experiences on their PSE. Applicants who have studied in an English-­‐Medium school for three years prior to their attendance at Queen’s are not required to submit a Test of English Proficiency. Students required to submit Test scores may submit TOEFL (88 overall, 24 writing, 22 speaking, 22 reading, 20 listening), MELAB (90), IELTS (7 on academic module), CAEL (overall 70 with no band below 60) or the Queen’s School of English Academic program. Scholarship and Financial Aid Information Guaranteed Queen’s offers automatic scholarships (no application required) to students who are Scholarships: admitted with a 90% average or above. Students between 90.0-­‐94.9% will receive $2,000 in their first year. Students above 95.0% will receive $4,000 in their first year and have the opportunity to receive $4,000 in their second year. www.queensu.ca/studentawards Entrance Scholarships: The Queen’s Major Admission Awards require a separate application due December 1, 2011 (for September 2012). They are based on superior academic ability, creative and original thinking, involvement in school or community activities and proven leadership. Financial need is also taken into consideration for some awards. Bursary Application The Queen’s Entrance Bursary application is currently available online for September Deadline: 2011 applicants. We encourage future applicants to submit their bursary application by March 1 (for September 2012) so we can let them know what funding is available at the time of their offer. Bursaries are based solely on financial need. Residence Information Residence Options: Queen’s offers dormitory style residences across 15 distinct buildings. Our residences range in size from 68 to 600 students in both co-­‐educational and single-­‐gender floor settings. We also offer Theme Floors where students can live with others who share their personal or academic interests. Residence rooms are typically either single or double rooms with room assignments being conducted by a random lottery process. Residence Application Both the residence application and residence deposit must be received at Queen’s no later Deadline: than June 9, 2011. Residence Guarantee: Queen’s guarantees residence for all first-­‐year full-­‐time students who submit their residence application and deposit by the deadline above. Residence Deposit: The residence deposit required to be submitted by June 9, 2011 is $525.00 CAD. Online Application: Queen’s Residences offers an online application at https://rms.housing.queensu.ca.
What’s New? New for Students! ¥ Our new student administrative system came online on March 9, 2011. SOLUS replaces our old ASQ and QCARD systems and will allow students and applicants much more flexibility in accessing their accounts. ¥ All students are now eligible for our Automatic Entrance Awards, including those who are not Canadian Citizens or Permanent Residents. New on Campus! ¥ The ground has been broken on the Isabel Bader Arts Complex, located on the beautiful Kingston waterfront. When complete in 2013, the state of the art facility will include a 560-­‐seat concert hall, waterfront café, 100-­‐seat studio theatre and public art gallery. 2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
613-541-6000, ext. 6953
613-541-6000, ext. 6962
613-541-6000, ext. 6693/3857
Scholarships and Financial
613-541-6000, ext. 6013
Campus Tours:
Offered Tuesdays and Thursdays throughout the year. Large groups
can be accommodated by request with prior notice. Tours are not available on
weekends or holidays.
Upcoming Events:
Student Population:
Approximately 1,000 full-time undergraduate students attend RMCC.
New Programs:
No new programs.
Program Changes:
No program changes.
Fall 2011 Offer
Special Consideration
Offers of admission are normally made in March/April.
Not applicable.
Alternate Offers of
Successful candidates receive an employment offer from the Canadian Forces
Recruiting Centre, which includes the Academic offer of admission to RMCC. There are
no alternative options with this offer.
Grade 11 Marks:
RMCC uses Grade 11 and the completed Grade 12 marks that are available to
determine admission.
Supplemental Application:
Not applicable. Applications must be processed through a Canadian Forces Recruiting
Deferral Policy:
Not applicable.
IB Policy:
Program is recognized as beneficial. No transfer credits are granted.
AP Policy:
Program is recognized as beneficial. No transfer credits are granted.
Policy on Repeated
An applicant’s full academic background is used to determine suitability for admission to
RMCC. Repeated courses do not cancel out previous marks in those courses.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning,
Private School, and
Correspondence Courses:
As long as the course is recognized by the Ontario Ministry of Education, it is acceptable.
Ranking on OUAC
Not applicable. Please visit a Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre to apply for RMCC.
Tuition Deposit:
Not applicable.
Course Selection Process,
Course selection will be made on arrival at RMCC in August.
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
All ROTP/RETP candidates are required to complete a three-week Basic Military
Training Course prior to attending RMCC. This training is held in August followed by the
First Year Orientation Program (FYOP) held during the first five weeks of classes. Other
assistance programs, such as Peer Assistance Groups, are available on Campus.
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Not applicable.
Applicants must be able to communicate in either English or French.
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Candidates selected to attend RMCC are under either the Regular Officer Training Plan
(ROTP) or the Reserve Entry Training Plan (RETP).
The ROTP is a fully subsidized education plan and all academic fees are paid for by the
Canadian Forces. ROTP candidates also receive a monthly salary.
Under the RETP candidates pay for tuition/books, residence and meals. RETP
candidates do not receive a salary during the Academic Year but are guaranteed
employment during the summer months. RETP candidates are eligible to apply for
financial aid through OSAP and other organizations if applicable.
Additional Scholarships
Application Information
and Deadline:
Not applicable.
Bursary Information:
Not applicable.
Residence Options:
All ROTP/RETP full time students are required to live in residence. Exceptions may
apply for married students.
Residence Application
Not applicable.
Residence Guaranteed?
Room Deposit Fee:
Not applicable.
Online Application:
Not applicable. Apply through your local Canadian Forces Recruiting Centre (CFRC).
Consult www.forces.ca under “Contact Us” to find the CFRC in your area.
Selected candidates may be required to complete their first year of undergraduate studies at the Collège militaire royal
de St-Jean in St-Jean sur Richelieu, QC. On successful completion of this first year of studies candidates will proceed to
Royal Military College of Canada in Kingston, Ontario to complete their undergraduate degree.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Royal Military College of Canada
Collège militaire royal du Canada
Recrutement/Liaison :
613-541-6000, poste 6953
613-541-6000, poste 6962
Admission :
613-541-6000, poste 6693/3857
Bourses et aide financière :
613-541-6000, poste 6013
Visite du campus :
Offerte les mardis et jeudis tout au long de l’année. Il est possible d’accueillir de grands
groupes si une demande est faite à l’avance. Il n’y a pas de visite le week-end et les jours
Événements à venir :
Population étudiante :
Il y a environ 1 000 étudiants de premier cycle à temps plein au CMRC.
Nouveaux programmes :
Modifications aux
programmes :
Aucun nouveau programme.
Aucune modification aux programmes.
Automne 2011 – Détails sur
les offres :
Les offres d’admission sont normalement faites en mars/avril.
Politique de considération
spéciale :
Sans objet.
Autres offres d’admission :
Les candidats retenus reçoivent une offre d’emploi du Centre de recrutement des Forces
canadiennes, qui comprend une offre d’admission au CMRC. Il n’y a pas d’autres options
avec cette offre.
Notes de la 11e année :
Pour déterminer l’admission, le CMRC utilise les notes de la 11e année ainsi que toute note
de 12e année disponible.
Demande supplémentaire :
Sans objet. Les demandes doivent être traitées par l’intermédiaire d’un centre de recrutement
des Forces canadiennes.
Politique de report :
Sans objet.
Politique du BI :
Le programme est reconnu comme profitable. Aucun crédit de transfert n’est accordé.
Politique de l’examen de
niveau avancé :
Le programme est reconnu comme profitable. Aucun crédit de transfert n’est accordé.
Politique sur les cours
répétés :
L’ensemble des antécédents scolaires du candidat est utilisé pour déterminer son
admissibilité au CMRC. La reprise de cours n’annule pas les résultats antérieurs obtenus à
ces cours.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Politique sur les cours d’été,
du soir, d’apprentissage en
ligne, d’établissements
privés et par
correspondance :
Demande OUAC – Ordre des
choix :
Droits de scolarité – Dépôt :
Processus de sélection des
cours (première année) :
Transition vers les études
universitaires – Soutien
disponible :
doubles/Programmes MHS :
Exigences relatives aux
aptitudes en
français/anglais :
Tout cours reconnu par le ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario est acceptable.
Sans objet. Veuillez vous rendre à un centre de recrutement des Forces canadiennes pour
poser votre candidature au CMRC. www.forces.ca
Sans objet.
Le choix des cours sera effectué à l’arrivée au CMRC en août.
Tous les candidats au PFOR/PFIR doivent suivre un cours d’instruction militaire de base
d’une durée de trois semaines avant leur arrivée au CMRC. Cette instruction a lieu en août,
et elle est suivie du programme d'orientation des élof de première année (POPA), qui se
déroule durant les cinq premières semaines de cours. D’autres programmes d’aide sont
offerts au campus, comme le programme d’aide aux pairs.
Sans objet.
Les candidats doivent pouvoir communiquer en anglais ou en français.
Programme de bourses
d’entrée garanties :
Les candidats admis au CMRC participent soit au Programme de formation des officiers de la
Force régulière (PFOR), soit au Programme de formation (Intégration à la Réserve) (PFIR).
Le PFOR est un programme de formation entièrement subventionné et tous les frais scolaires
sont payés par les Forces canadiennes. Les étudiants du PFOR reçoivent également un
salaire mensuel.
Dans le cadre du PFIR, les étudiants doivent payer leurs frais de scolarité/livres, leur
logement en résidence et leurs repas. Les étudiants du PFIR ne reçoivent pas de salaire
mensuel durant l’année scolaire, mais se voient garantir un emploi d’été. Les participants au
PFIR sont admissibles à l’aide financière fournie par le RAFEO ainsi que par d’autres
organismes, s’il y a lieu.
Demandes de bourses et
dates limites –
additionnels :
Sans objet.
Renseignements sur les
bourses d’études :
Sans objet.
Options de résidence :
Date limite – Demande de
place en résidence :
Votre place en résidence
est-elle garantie? :
Dépôt pour frais de
résidence :
Demande en ligne :
Tous les étudiants inscrits à temps plein au PFOR/PFIR doivent habiter les résidences. Les
étudiants mariés pourraient faire l’objet d’exceptions.
Sans objet.
Sans objet.
Sans objet. Rendez-vous à un centre de recrutement des Forces canadiennes (CRFC) pour
poser votre candidature. Consultez le site www.forces.ca, sous la rubrique « Contacteznous » pour trouver le CRFC de votre région.
Les candidats retenus pourraient devoir effectuer la première année de leurs études de premier cycle au Collège militaire royal
de St-Jean, à St-Jean sur Richelieu, Québec.
Lorsqu’ils ont terminé avec succès leur première année d’études, les étudiants se rendront au Collège militaire royal du
Canada à Kingston, Ontario, pour terminer leur programme de premier cycle.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Ryerson University is Canada’s leader in innovative, career-oriented education and
a university clearly on the move. With a mission to serve societal need, and a longstanding commitment to engaging its community, Ryerson offers close to 100
undergraduate and graduate programs. Distinctly urban, culturally diverse and
inclusive, t he university is home t o 28,000 students, including 2,000 masters and
PhD students.
Recruitment and Admissions
Scholarships and Financial
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Marisa Modeski, Manager, National Recruitment
Tel: 416-979-5030 Email: modeski@ryerson.ca
Tel: 416-979-5113 Email: awards@ryerson.ca
General Campus Tours operate Monday – Friday at 10 a.m. and 1 p.m.
Register: www.ryerson.ca/undergraduate/admission/visit
Virtual Tour: www.ryerson.ca/undergraduate/admission/visit/virtualtour
To see all events please visit: www.ryerson.ca/undergraduate/admission/visit
Student Population:
28,000 full-time undergraduate and graduate students
New Programs:
Bachelor of Arts in English, Fall 2011
Program Changes:
Geographic Analysis joins the Common Arts Platform/Foundation Year for Fall 2011.
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
We are on track with release of admission decisions. Applicants may view all decision communications
issued to them by Ryerson via their Choose Ryerson portal.
Special Consideration Policy:
The Access Centre provides students with disabilities accommodation services and supports needed to
achieve academic success and access to the university. Students are encouraged to contact the
Access Centre at the time of application:
Tel: 416-979-5290 Email: accessfrontdesk@ryerson.ca
Alternate Offers of
Alternate offers are not automatic. Applicants may advise Ryerson if they wish to be considered for an
alternate program.
Grade 11 Marks:
We released 6,100 offers of admission for Fall 2011 on the basis of final Grade 11 averages, and
registration in the required Grade 12 courses. All offers based on Grade 11 marks are conditional.
Supplemental Application:
Non-Academic Requirements are required for Grades-Plus programs. A listing of Grades-Plus
programs and the Non-Academic Requirements are available here:
Deferral Policy:
Limited, must be requested in writing to the Director of Admissions.
IB Policy:
Students applying with the International Baccalaureate (IB) diploma must present passes in at least six
subjects: three at the Higher level and three at the Standard level, with a grade total not less than 26
and with no mark less than 4. Transfer credits may be available for Higher Level (HL) courses with a
grade of 5 or higher.
AP Policy:
Graduation from a Grade 12 academic program at an accredited secondary school with high academic
standing including minimum B grades in the program-specific subject prerequisites and a minimum B
overall average. Transfer credits may be granted for AP subject examinations with grades of 4 or
Policy on Repeated Courses:
For admission purposes, we accept the highest completed grade. For scholarship purposes, we will
allow two repeat attempts in total.
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning, Private
School, and Correspondence
All courses are treated equally as long as they have been completed at a school that is accredited by
the Ministry of Education. Summer school courses taken after June 24, 2011 require authorization:
Ranking on OUAC
Order of choice is not considered in the admission selection process for all programs.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Tuition Deposit:
$1,000 Due: July 5, 2011 Note: OSAP does not cover tuition deposit.
Course Selection Process,
Required courses are generally loaded into first year timetables. New s tudents will select electives
commencing early August. Students are encouraged to review the Approval Guide for full details:
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
A wide range of university and program orientation activities are available as well as continued
transitional support throughout first year. www.ryerson.ca/studentservices
Dual Credits/SHSM Programs:
Opportunities at Ryerson are limited due to small classes and precise intakes. Schools are welcome to
contact the program Chairs directly to explore further.
English Proficiency
Applicants from a country where English is not the first language, or where English is an official
language but not the first language, including applicants who have resided in Canada for four calendar
years or less (i.e., date of entry to Canada was on or after January 1, 2007 for Fall 2011), are required
to present proof of English Language Proficiency at a satisfactory level.
Ryerson accepts results from the following tests of English language proficiency:
RTEP ( Ryerson Test of E nglish P roficiency), TOEFL, I ELTS, MELAB, and C AEL. Minimum required
scores vary by academic program.
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Guaranteed & Competitive Entrance Scholarships are open to Canadian secondary school students
who are Canadian Citizens, Permanent Residents and who are currently enrolled full-time (minimum of
three Ontario Grade 12 U/M courses or Canadian provincial equivalent within the 2010-11 regular
school year), have been continuously enrolled full-time (no gaps in full-time attendance prior to the
2010-11 regular school year), are enrolling in a postsecondary institution for the first time, and have
submitted a complete application to Ryerson by May 1, 2011. Applicants who fit the above criteria with
final averages of 90% and higher who meet the terms and conditions for a scholarship are guaranteed
an entrance s cholarship. Whether t he scholarship i s renewable or awarded on a one-time onl y basis
varies by program. With an 80% and higher students are eligible in both entrance scholarship
categories for $500 up to $4000. Further information is available online:
Bursary Information:
The Ryerson University bursary is based on the Student Access Guarantee laid out by the Ministry of
Training Colleges and Universities: http://www.ryerson.ca/currentstudents/financialaid/sag/bursary
Residence Options:
Ryerson offers three on-campus residences: Pitman Hall is a traditional style14-storey residence that
houses 555 students in single bedrooms. The International Living/Learning Centre (ILC) is a former
11-floor hotel that houses 252 students in extra-large single rooms with ensuite bathroom. O’Keefe
House is a 33-student residence with double and triple occupancy rooms. There is a large communal
kitchen onsite. Meal plans are mandatory for Pitman Hall and the ILC.
Residence Application
June 6, 2011; applications are available online May 1.
Residence Guaranteed?
Residence is not guaranteed. Priority is given to first-year students coming directly from secondary
school whose permanent address is the furthest distance from Toronto. When the number of applicants
exceeds the number of spaces, a priority sequence waiting list is grnerated. Applicants must be
accepted into a full-time undergraduate program to be eligible to apply for residence.
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application:
Maple Leaf Gardens will soon opens its doors as the new home to the Ryerson Sports and Recreation Centre!
Ryerson’s Photography Gallery and Research Centre (part of an expansion and redesign of the existing School of Image Arts
building) will open in fall 2012. It will house the university’s world-renowned Black Star Historical Black & White Photography
Collection, as well as additional study, teaching and academic space.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Admissions and Transition Information
Contact Information
St. George Campus
Office of Student Recruitment/Dedicated Counsellor Line: 416-978-6380
Faculty of Arts & Science: recruit.artsci@utoronto.ca // 416-978-4272
Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering: engineering@ecf.utoronto // 416-978-3872
Faculty of Music: undergrad.music@utoronto.ca // 416-978-3741
Faculty of Physical Education & Health: undergrad.peh@utoronto.ca
Admissions & Awards
172 St. George Street
Toronto, ON M5R 0A3
T: 416-978-2190
TTY: 416-978-1902
F: 416-978-7022
E: admissions.help@utoronto.ca
Scholarships &
Financial Aid
www.adm.utoronto.ca 416-978-2190
Campus Tours
Upcoming Events
Upcoming events for admitted students will vary by program and campus. See School Counsellor website for specific
listing: http://discover.utoronto.ca/school‐counsellors
St. George Campus:
Faculty of Arts & Science – 26,338
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering – 4,992
New Programs
and Changes
Visit http://discover.utoronto.ca/school‐counsellors for info on new programs and changes.
Fall 2011 Offer
Offers are sent out in three rounds – early offers in February, second round in March/April and the final round
(including refusals) are sent in May. For detailed information, visit: http://discover.utoronto.ca/school‐counsellors
An Admissions Committee may grant special consideration. If you wish to request special consideration, the
following must be submitted to Admissions and Awards: a) A letter (written by student) describing your situation
and how it directly influenced your grades, b) Complete academic documentation, c) A letter from a physician if
you are citing medical grounds, d) Corroborating letter(s) from your guidance counsellor/social worker, etc.,
e) A recent psycho‐educational assessment if you have a learning disability.
Alternate Offers of
Alternate offers of admission will vary by program:
Faculty of Arts & Science – no alternate offers of admission
Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering – will provide alternate offers within their faculty. Applicants have the
opportunity to list alternate choices on their Student Profile Form.
Grade 11 Marks
Used only to make some early offers of admission in February and will vary by program.
Rotman Commerce, Faculty of Music, Faculty of Physical Education and Health, Faculty of Applied Science and
Engineering, Vic ONE & TrinONE
Deferral Policy
Admitted students can request a one‐year deferral of the original offer of admission. The request must be
submitted by September 1st of the academic year to which the student has been admitted. The student may not
attend another postsecondary institution during the deferral period and all conditions placed on the original offer
of admission must be fulfilled. To request a deferral, a student must accept their offer of admission and write a
formal letter to the Admissions & Awards office indicating plans for the upcoming year, why they require a deferral,
and they must confirm they will not attend another postsecondary institution. If, at the time of admission, a
student receives a scholarship and a spot in residence, this will carry over to the start of their first year.
IB Policy
Students who are admitted may be awarded transfer credit for International Baccalaureate Higher Level subjects
with a minimum grade of 5 (sent electronically by the IBO). For details please refer to:
AP Policy
Students who are admitted may be awarded transfer credit for Advanced Placement examinations with a score of
4 or 5 (sent electronically from the Educational Testing Services). For details please refer to:
Policy on
Repeated Courses
Individual programs at U of T reserve the right to give preference to students whose marks are the result of a first
attempt at each course, particularly in prerequisite subjects.
The Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering generally considers first attempts only. Should an applicant repeat
a course, they will have the opportunity to explain why on the Student Profile Form.
Rotman Commerce within the Faculty of Arts & Science will consider only the first attempt in math courses.
Faculty of Physical Education & Health – 695
Faculty of Music – 511
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Scholarships and
Financial Aid:
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
Fall 2011 Offer
Special Consideration
Alternate Offers of
Grade 11 Marks:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Policy on Repeated
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning, Private
School, and Correspondence
Ranking on OUAC
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection
Process, First-Year:
n atp
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Support Available for
the Transition to
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program: secondary
Information and
Bursary Information:
Residence Options:
 are
 Citizens
from $
Residence Application
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application:
a ,oo-
;;;a ; and an
clinic, .
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Scholarships and
Financial Aid:
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
Fall 2011 Offer
Special Consideration
Alternate Offers of
Grade 11 Marks:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Policy on Repeated
Policy on Summer
School, Night School,
Virtual learning, eLearning, Private
School, and
Ranking on OUAC
Joe Stokes, Assistant Registrar, Student Recruitment
T: 905-721-8668, ext. 2794 E: joe.stokes@uoit.ca
Becky Dalton, Assistant Registrar, Admissions
T: 905-721-8668, ext. 2017 E: becky.dalton@uoit.ca
Susan Allward, Assistant Registrar, Student Awards and Financial Aid
T: 905-721-8668, ext. 2484 E: susan.allward@uoit.ca
Please visit www.uoit.ca for upcoming events.
More than 7,500 students in undergraduate and graduate studies.
UOIT has added two new programs within the Faculty of Social Science and
Humanities, Psychology – Forensic Psychology as well as Sociology –
Community Development. We have also added a new diploma to degree
program, Nuclear Power Bridge.
The majority of offers are sent by late April, 2011. All remaining admission
decisions will be sent to applicants based on Grade 12 (4U or 4M) marks. Late
applications will be evaluated based on space availability.
Applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum admission requirements and
wish consideration for admission on the basis of their disability must follow the
steps for Consideration on the Basis of Disability, available at www.uoit.ca/csd.
Applicants who do not meet the admission requirements, or whose application
cannot be accommodated due to space limitations, may receive an offer to a
closely related program. Contact admissions@uoit.ca or 905-721-3190.
Grade 11 marks are only used for early offers of admission.
Students may defer their application for admission by one year. When an
application is deferred, the student will not have to reapply, but will be
reassessed for admissibility on a competitive basis in the relevant admission
Applicants may be eligible for transfer credit. Please visit
www.uoit.ca/transfercredit for important dates and more information.
Applicants may be eligible for transfer credit. Please visit
www.uoit.ca/transfercredit for important dates and more information.
If an applicant repeats a course to improve a grade for submission, the higher
grade will be used in the admission calculation. Grades must be submitted
according to the dates outlined at www.uoit.ca/importantdates.
UOIT will accept credits from all accredited institutions. The highest 4U or M
equivalent mark(s) will be used for admission. Please note: Summer school
courses taken immediately prior to the start of the September term and
upgrading marks are not included in grade calculation for awards.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection
Process, First-Year:
Support Available for
the Transition to
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Additional Scholarships
Application Information
and Deadline:
Bursary Information:
Residence Options:
Residence Application
Residence Guaranteed?
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application:
$100 non-refundable deposit.
Students will receive information about registering for courses from the
Registrar’s office in June.
UOIT has a wide variety of support. Please visit www.uoit.ca/firstyear for more
UOIT supports many secondary schools with SHSM enrichment activities.
Minimum three (3) years in a formal, full-time secondary or postsecondary
institution where the language of instruction was English. For more information,
visit: www.uoit.ca/englishproficiency.
Automatic Awards of Recognition are given to students entering UOIT from a
Canadian secondary school with an average of 80% or higher. Awards are
based on the student’s top six Grade 12U or M, or equivalent final grades.
:: 95% or higher: $12,000 ($3,000 x four years)
:: 90 to 94.9%: $8,000 ($2,000 x four years)
:: 85 to 89.9%: $6,000 ($1,500 x four years)
:: 80 to 84.9%: $5,000 ($1,000 x four years)
*Renewal is subject to maintaining a minimum average. Other restrictions may apply.
UOIT offers a variety of scholarships to applicants who demonstrate academic
achievement and exceptional leadership and community development. Current
Canadian secondary school students can apply for the following scholarships.
:: Chancellor’s scholarship: $28,000
:: President’s scholarships: $24,000
:: Founder’s scholarships: $20,000
For more information about scholarships and awards please visit:
The Student Awards and Financial Aid office administers a variety of bursaries
based on financial need, including the Aboriginal Student Bursary, Bursaries for
Students with Disabilities, Child Care Bursary, First-generation Bursary and
Ontario Special Bursaries.
Furnished residences feature rooms with two beds or suites with two private
bedrooms. Visit www.uoitrez.ca for information.
June 2, 2011.
First-year students who accept their offer of admission and apply to residence by
June 2, 2011 are guaranteed a space.
Following the January 12 secondary school application deadline, the Ontario Universities’ Application
Centre (OUAC) had received 7,090 applicants to UOIT programs, a 7.3% increase over the
same period in 2010.
UOIT recently added to our downtown campus, when our Faculty of Social Science and Humanities
and a full range of UOIT services officially opened in our new space.
Our new Clean Energy Research Laboratory (CERL) officially opened its doors to research in
The General Motors Automotive Centre of Excellence (ACE), the first commercial automotive
research, development and innovation centre of its kind in the world also officially opened in 2010.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
ideas start here
In 1984, a fourth-year Waterloo Engineering student founded his own
company. There’s nothing too unusual about that – the University of Waterloo
is a hotbed of entrepreneurship.
What is remarkable is the company he founded: Research in Motion (RIM),
maker of the BlackBerry® smartphone. RIM has become one of Canada’s most
successful companies and a strong supporter of Waterloo’s co-op program.
With the world’s largest co-op program and with a unique intellectual
property policy that allows researchers to own their inventions, Waterloo has
earned a reputation as Canada’s most innovative university – where ideas
come to life.
Amelia Burton, Manager, Liaison: 519-888-4567, ext. 37145, aburton@uwaterloo.ca
Nancy Weiner, Associate Registrar, Admissions: 519-888-4567, ext. 32265, nweiner@uwaterloo.ca,
Scholarships and financial aid:
519-888-4567, ext. 33583, findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/financing
Campus tours:
519-888-4567, ext. 33614, findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/visitus
Upcoming events:
You @ Waterloo Day, Saturday, May 28, 2011 – an event for students who have received an Offer of
Admission to the University of Waterloo
Student population:
26,451 full-time undergraduate students; nearly 16,000 are in co-op
New Programs:
Global Business and Digital Arts – Links globalization, cultural studies, ethics, economics, and marketing.
Students complete two years in Waterloo and then two years at our new digital media campus in Stratford.
Effective for fall 2012
Mathematical Optimization – Students choose either Business Optimization or Operations Research to
prepare for a career in manufacturing, transportation, banking, or communications. Effective for fall 2011
Tourism and Parks Management – Students will learn the critical components of tourism and parks planning,
management, and funding. Effective for fall 2011
Minor in Human Nutrition – Available to all undergraduate students in a four-year program and includes the
study of nutritional biochemistry, digestion, absorption, and metabolism. Effective for fall 2011
Program Changes:
Recreation and Business is now Recreation and Sport Business.
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
As of February 11, 2011, Waterloo had made 5,570 offers, which is approximately 29% of the total number of
offers expected to be made by May 30th. Waterloo made additional bulk offers in March, which brought the
number of offers to approximately 53% of the total expected by May 30th.
Special Consideration Policy:
Students were given an opportunity to disclose their special needs information (e.g., Individual Education
Plan) and to provide any documentation by March 31, 2011, so that it could be considered by the admission
Alternate Offers of Admission:
When a program is available in both co-op and regular, applicants not admitted to the co-op program are
normally automatically considered for the corresponding regular program. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/
Grade 11 Marks:
Grade 11 U and M marks are considered for early offers of admission to qualified students. In mid-March,
both Grade 11 and 12 U and M marks are reviewed in order to select students for the Accounting and
Financial Management Admissions Assignment (afm.uwaterloo.ca/admissions) and the Architecture
interview process (www.architecture.uwaterloo.ca/prospectivestudents/admissionsprocess.html)
Supplemental Application:
An Admission Information Form (AIF) must be filled out for most programs and is available online:
IB Policy:
Transfer credit will be considered for individual certificate or diploma Higher Level courses in which
normally a minimum final grade of five is attained. The number of credits varies depending on the program.
AP Policy:
Transfer credit will be considered for courses in which normally a minimum final grade of four is attained.
The number of credits varies depending on the program. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/ap.php
Policy on Repeated Courses:
For Faculty of Engineering programs, including Software Engineering and excluding Architecture, a student
may have 3% to 5% deducted from the total overall admission average and might not be considered for
Faculty of Engineering entrance scholarships.
For Faculty of Mathematics programs, the overall admission score may be adjusted for each Grade 12
course that is repeated.
For all other faculties and programs, including Architecture, each case will be given individual consideration
when the admission decision is made. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/repeated.php
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning,
Private School, and
Correspondence Courses:
Provided that the school or institution is accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Education, the University of
Waterloo will accept Grade 12 U and M courses regardless of how or where courses are taken. On their Admission
Information Form, students may be asked to list the courses they have taken or are taking outside of regular
day school. If students are applying to a program in the Faculty of Mathematics, in some cases, their overall
admission score will be adjusted. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/repeated.php#nonday
Deferral Policy:
If students have received an Offer of Admission but wish to begin their studies in a later term, they may request a
deferral of their admission for one full year. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/offers.php#deferred
Ranking on OUAC
Waterloo does not review application ranking when making decisions. A decision will be made for every
Waterloo application choice.
Tuition Deposit:
No tuition deposit is required. Information about paying fees is at findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/thenextstep/
Course Selection Process,
Some or all courses may be selected for students. For details about course selection, visit findoutmore.
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
Student Life 101 – two-day student overnight experience and one-day parent experience in July or August
– This event helps newly admitted students and their parents with the transition to first-year university.
Special publications – Students can register for e-Zines, the online magazines that provide monthly updates
about academics and student life. studentlife.uwaterloo.ca/publications.php
Orientation Week – September 5–10, 2011 – This week is one of the most memorable experiences of university,
when students will have the opportunity to become familiar with the campus while meeting new people and
learning about campus life. orientation.uwaterloo.ca
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Waterloo does not recognize dual credits or SHSM programs except for an agreement with the Waterloo District
School Board (WDSB). Students who take SES4UI and attain a grade of 75% through a secondary school
affiliated with the WDSB will be considered for Earth Sciences 121 transfer credit for some programs.
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Students admitted to full-time first-year studies at Waterloo who have an admission average of 85% or higher
based on marks available in early May, which must include marks for courses required for the program to which
the student has been admitted, will receive one of the following scholarships:
• President’s Scholarship of Distinction, 95%+ - $2,000 and the opportunity for a $1,500 International
Experience Award and/or a $1,500 Research Award, both available to qualified students in their upper years.
• President’s Scholarship, 90% - 94.9% - $2,000.
• Merit Scholarship, 85% - 89.9% - $1,000.
Program-specific entrance scholarships are also offered. For complete conditions and details, visit the website:
Additional Scholarships
Application Information
and Deadline:
The majority of Waterloo entrance scholarships are awarded automatically, and a separate application is not
required. Exceptions are listed at findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/financing/scholarships.php.
Bursary Information:
Approximately 1,000 Waterloo Entrance Bursaries, valued from $500 to $4,000, are awarded each year
to students with demonstrated financial need who are entering their first year of post-secondary studies.
Candidates must be Ontario residents as defined by OSAP. The bursary application deadline was April 15, 2011.
Criteria for scholarships vary and may include academic excellence, extracurricular activities, community
involvement, and performance in special contests.
Residence Options:
Waterloo has nine first-year residences. A meal plan is required in some residence facilities and optional in
others. Waterloo offers traditional-style residences, where students eat in cafeterias and food outlets, and suitestyle and townhouse residences, which include a kitchen so that students can prepare and eat meals “at home.”
In some programs, students can participate in a Living-Learning Community so that they can live in residence
with other students in their area of study and take part in events and workshops organized by upper-year peer
leaders. livinglearning.uwaterloo.ca
Residence Application
Students must confirm their room in residence by submitting the Residence Community Ranking Form and a
non-refundable $500 deposit by 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 2, 2011. housing.uwaterloo.ca/getready4rez
Conrad Grebel, one of Waterloo’s University Colleges, has a separate online application and interview process.
Residence Guaranteed?
Residence is guaranteed at Renison, St. Jerome’s, St. Paul’s, and the Waterloo Residences as long as students
meet the conditions outlined at findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/housing.
Room Deposit Fee:
A non-refundable $500 deposit must be submitted with the Residence Community Ranking Form by 11:59 p.m.
EDT, June 2, 2011 (housing.uwaterloo.ca/getready4rez). A separate process is required for Conrad Grebel.
Online Application:
Students must submit a Residence Community Ranking Form and non-refundable $500 deposit by
11:59 p.m. EDT, June 2, 2011 (housing.uwaterloo.ca/getready4rez). An application and separate process are
required for Conrad Grebel.
• A 2010 graduate from Waterloo’s School of Accounting and Finance topped 3,400 other future Chartered Accountants to earn the highest
score on the Uniform Final Exam and win the prestigious Governor General’s Gold Medal.
• The success of our students is one of Waterloo’s highest priorities. Our new Student Success Office leads and co-ordinates a number of
programs and initiatives in order to help our students be successful. success.uwaterloo.ca
• The Faculty of Environment has recently opened a satellite campus in Huntsville, Ontario, to be used for research, field courses, and
student accommodation.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
While studying in Arts and Business, Pete realized that his true passion was in social policy. With the
and was accepted to Renison’s Bachelor of Social Work program. His field placement at The
helps refurbish older computers and donate them to those in need.
At Renison, students can discover their passion, find engaging courses, develop career opportunities
and even find ways to connect communities.
Ronak Patel,
Patel, Recruitment
Recruitment Coordinator:
Coordinator: 519-884-4404,
519-884-4404, ext.
ext. 28638,
28638, more@renison.uwaterloo.ca
Mary Jane
Jane Crusoe
Crusoe Registrar,
Registrar, Admissions:
Admissions: 519-884-4404,
519-884-4404, ext.
ext. 28633,
28633, ren-reg@renison.uwaterloo.ca
Scholarships and
and financial
financial aid:
519-888-4567, ext.
ext. 28633,
28633, ren-reg@renison.uwaterloo.ca
ren-reg@renison.uwaterloo.ca renison.uwaterloo.ca/prospective/financing
Campus tours:
519-888-4567, ext.
ext. 28638,
Upcoming events:
You @ Waterloo Day, Saturday, May 28, 2011 – an event for students who have received an Offer of
Admission to
to the
the University
University of
of Waterloo
Student population:
643 undergraduate
undergraduate students
Program Changes:
As of 2012 Social Development Studies will offer specializations in Education, Individual Well-Being and
Development, and
and Social
Social Policy.
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
As of March 4, 2011, Renison University College has made 120 offers and will continue to make additional
offers until May 30th.
Special Consideration
Consideration Policy:
Students were
were given
given an
an opportunity
opportunity to
to disclose
disclose their
their special
special needs
needs information
information (e.g.,
(e.g., Individual
Individual Education
Plan) and
and to
to provide
provide any
any documentation
documentation by
by March
March 31,
31, 2011,
2011, so
so that
that it
it could
could be
be considered
considered by
by the
the admission
Alternate Offers
Offers of
of Admission:
When a
a program
program is
is available
available in
in both
both co-op
co-op and
and regular,
regular, applicants
applicants not
not admitted
admitted to
to the
the co-op
co-op program
program are
normally automatically
automatically considered
considered for
for the
the corresponding
corresponding regular
regular program.
program. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/
Grade 11
11 Marks:
Grade 11 U and M marks are considered for early offers of admission to qualified students.
Supplemental Application:
An Admission
Admission Information
Information Form
Form (AIF)
(AIF) must
must be
be filled
filled out
out for
for most
most programs
programs and
and is
is available
available online:
Deferral Policy:
If students have received an Offer of Admission but wish to begin their studies in a later term, they may
request a
a deferral
deferral of
of their
their admission
admission for
for one
one full
full year.
year. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/offers.
IB Policy:
Transfer credit
credit will
will be
be considered
considered for
for individual
individual certificate
certificate or
or diploma
diploma Higher
Higher Level
Level courses
courses in
in which
normally a
a minimum
minimum final
final grade
grade of
of five
five is
is attained.
attained. The
The number
number of
of credits
credits varies
varies depending
depending on
on the
the program.
AP Policy:
Transfer credit
credit will
will be
be considered
considered for
for courses
courses in
in which
which normally
normally a
a minimum
minimum final
final grade
grade of
of four
four is
is attained.
The number
number of
of credits
credits varies
varies depending
depending on
on the
the program.
program. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/ap.php
Policy on
on Repeated
Repeated Courses:
Each case
case will
will be
be given
given individual
individual consideration
consideration when
when the
the admission
admission decision
decision is
is made.
Policy on
on Summer
Summer School,
Night School,
School, Virtual
Virtual Learning,
e-Learning, Private School,
School, and
Correspondence Courses:
Provided that
that the
the school
school or
or institution
institution is
is accredited
accredited by
by the
the Ontario
Ontario Ministry
Ministry of
of Education,
Education, Renison
Renison University
College will
will accept
accept Grade
Grade 12
12 U
U and
and M
M courses
courses regardless
regardless of
of how
how or
or where
where courses
courses are
are taken.
taken. On
On their
Admission Information Form, students may be asked to list the courses they have taken or are taking
outside of
of regular
regular day
day school.
school. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/repeated.php#nonday
Ranking on
OUAC Application:
Renison University
University College
College does
does not
not review
review application
application ranking
ranking when
when making
making decisions.
decisions. A
A decision
decision will
will be
made for
for every
every Waterloo
Waterloo application
application choice.
Tuition Deposit:
No tuition
tuition deposit
deposit is
is required.
required. Information
Information about
about paying
paying fees
fees is
is at
at findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/thenextstep/
Course Selection
Selection Process,
Process, FirstFirstYear:
Some or
or all
all courses
courses may
may be
be selected
selected for
for students.
students. For
For details
details about
about course
course selection,
selection, visit
visit findoutmore.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
Student Life 101 – two-day student overnight experience and one-day parent experience in July or August
– This event helps newly admitted students and their parents with the transition to first-year university.
Special publications – Students can register for e-Zines, the online magazines that provide monthly updates
about academics and student life. studentlife.uwaterloo.ca/publications.php
Orientation Week – September 5–10, 2011 – This week is one of the most memorable experiences of university,
when students will have the opportunity to become familiar with the campus while meeting new people and
learning about campus life. orientation.uwaterloo.ca
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Waterloo does not recognize dual credits or SHSM programs except for an agreement with the Waterloo District
School Board (WDSB). Students who take SES4UI and attain a grade of 75% through a secondary school
affiliated with the WDSB will be considered for Earth Sciences 121 transfer credit for some programs.
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Students admitted to full-time first-year studies at Renison who have an admission average of 79.0% or higher
based on marks available in early May, which must include marks for courses required for the program to which
the student has been admitted, will receive one of the following scholarships and awards:
• Renison Principal’s Scholarship of Excellence, 90%+ - $2,000 and the opportunity for an additional $1,000
for two students achieving the top admissions average above 90%
• Renison Principal’s Scholarship, 90.0%+ - $2,000.
• Entrance Scholarships, 88.0% - 89.9% - $1,500.
85.0% - 87.9% - $1,200.
82.0% - 84.9% - $800
80.0% - 81.9% - $500.
• Entrance Award, 79.0% - 79.9% - $200
Conditions apply renison.uwaterloo.ca/prospective/financing/scholarships
Additional Scholarships
Application Information
and Deadline:
The majority of Waterloo entrance scholarships are awarded automatically, and a separate application is not
required. Exceptions are listed at renison.uwaterloo.ca/current/tuition/listing.shtml.
Bursary Information:
Approximately 1,000 Waterloo Entrance Bursaries, valued from $500 to $4,000, are awarded each year
to students with demonstrated financial need who are entering their first year of post-secondary studies.
Candidates must be Ontario residents as defined by OSAP. The bursary application deadline was April 15, 2011.
Residence Options:
University of Waterloo has nine first-year residences opportunities available for Renison registered students.
Residence at Renison University College will give priority to Renison registered students.
Criteria for scholarships vary and may include academic excellence, extracurricular activities, community
involvement, and performance in special contests.
A meal plan is required in some residence facilities and optional in others. Waterloo offers traditional-style
residences, where students eat in cafeterias and food outlets, and suite-style and townhouse residences, which
include a kitchen so that students can prepare and eat meals “at home.”
In some programs, students can participate in a Living-Learning Community so that they can live in residence
with other students in their area of study and take part in events and workshops organized by upper-year peer
leaders. livinglearning.uwaterloo.ca
Renison University College houses the Social Development Studies Living Learning Community. renison.
Residence Application
Students must confirm their room in residence by submitting the Residence Community Ranking Form and a
non-refundable $500 deposit by 11:59 p.m, EDT, June 2, 2011. housing.uwaterloo.ca/getready4rez
Conrad Grebel, one of Waterloo’s University Colleges, has a separate online application and interview process.
Residence Guaranteed?
Residence is guaranteed at Renison, St. Jerome’s, St. Paul’s, and the Waterloo Residences as long as students
meet the conditions outlined at findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/housing.
Room Deposit Fee:
A non-refundable $500 deposit must be submitted with the Residence Community Ranking Form by 11:59 p.m.
EDT, June 2, 2011 (housing.uwaterloo.ca/getready4rez). A separate process is required for Conrad Grebel.
Online Application:
Students must submit a Residence Community Ranking Form and non-refundable $500 deposit by
11:59 p.m. EDT, June 2, 2011 (housing.uwaterloo.ca/getready4rez). An application and separate process are
required for Conrad Grebel.
• The success of our students is one of Waterloo’s highest priorities. Our new Student Success Office leads and co-ordinates a number of
programs and initiatives in order to help our students be successful. success.uwaterloo.ca
• A 2010 graduate from Waterloo’s School of Accounting and Finance topped 3,400 other future Chartered Accountants to earn the highest
score on the Uniform Final Exam and win the prestigious Governor General’s Gold Medal.
• The Faculty of Environment has recently opened a satellite campus in Huntsville, Ontario, to be used for research, field courses, and
student accommodation.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
» Academically registers students in the Faculty of Arts
and the Faculty of Mathematics
» Students have access to all the services and facilities
at the University of Waterloo
» Offers small interactive classes where professors
know students by name
» Students graduate with a highly respected University
of Waterloo degree
Glen Lombard, Registrar, glombard@uwaterloo.ca, 519-884-8111 ext. 28243
Glen Lombard, Registrar, glombard@uwaterloo.ca, 519-884-8111 ext. 28243
Scholarships and Financial
Glen Lombard, Registrar, glombard@uwaterloo.ca, 519-884-8111 ext. 28243
Campus Tours:
Glen Lombard, Registrar, glombard@uwaterloo.ca, tours@sju.ca, 519-884-8111 ext. 28243
Upcoming Events:
You @ Waterloo Day, Saturday May 28, 2011 – an event for students who have received an Offer of Admission to
St. Jerome’s University and the University of Waterloo.
Student Population:
835 full-time students; 184 part-time undergraduate students.
New Programs:
Global Business and Digital Arts – Links globalization, cultural studies, ethics, economics, and marketing.
Students complete two years in Waterloo and then two years at the new digital media campus in Stratford.
Effective for fall 2012.
Mathematical Optimization – Students choose either Business Optimization or Operations Research to prepare
for a career in manufacturing, transportation, banking, or communications. Effective for fall 2011.
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
Offers of Admission are made on an ongoing basis beginning in February of 2011. All offers will be made by May
Special Consideration
Students were given an opportunity to disclose their special needs information (e.g., Individual Education
Plan) and to provide any documentation by March 31, 2011, so that the information can be considered by the
admission committees.
Alternate Offers of
When a program is available in both co-op and regular, applicants not admitted to the co-op program are
normally automatically considered for the corresponding regular program. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/
Grade 11 Marks:
Grade 11 U and M marks are considered for early offers of admission to qualified students.
Supplemental Application:
An Admission Information Form (AIF) must be filled out for most programs and is available online:
Deferral Policy:
If students have received an Offer of Admission but wish to begin their studies in a later term, they may request a
deferral of their admission for one full year. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/offers.php#deferred
IB Policy:
Transfer credit will be considered for individual certificate or diploma Higher Level courses in which normally
a minimum final grade of 5 is attained. The number of credits varies depending on the program. findoutmore.
AP Policy:
Transfer credit will be considered for courses in which normally a minimum final grade of 4 is attained. The
number of credits varies depending on the program. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/ap.php
Policy on Repeated
For Faculty of Mathematics programs, the overall admission score may be adjusted for each Grade 12 course
that is repeated.
For all other faculties and programs, each case will be given individual consideration when the admission
decision is made. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/repeated.php
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning,
Private School, and
Correspondence Courses:
Provided that the school or institution is accredited by the Ontario Ministry of Education, the University
of Waterloo will accept Grade 12 U and M courses regardless of how or where courses are taken. On their
Admission Information Form, students may be asked to list the courses they have taken or are taking outside
of regular day school. If students are applying to a program in the Faculty of Mathematics, in some cases, their
overall admission score will be adjusted. findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/admissions/repeated.php#nonday
Ranking on OUAC
St. Jerome’s University does not review application ranking when making decisions. A decision will be made for
every Waterloo application choice.
Tuition Deposit:
No tuition deposit is required. Information about paying fees is at findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/thenextstep/
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Course Selection Process,
Some or all courses may be selected for students. For details about course selection, visit findoutmore.
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
Student Life 101 – a two-day (with overnight) student experience and one-day parent experience in July or
August – the event helps newly admitted students and their parents with the transition to first-year university.
e-Zine magazine and Special publications – Students can register for e-Zine, the online magazine that provides
monthly updates about academics and student life. studentlife.uwaterloo.ca/publications.php
Orientation Week – September 5–10, 2011 – This week is one of the most memorable experiences of university,
when students will have the opportunity to become familiar with the campus while meeting new people and
learning about campus life. orientation.uwaterloo.ca
Dual Credits/SHSM
St. Jerome’s University does not recognize dual credits or SHSM programs except for an agreement with the
Waterloo District School Board (WDSB). Students who take SES4UI and attain a grade of 75% through a
secondary school affiliated with the WDSB will be considered for Earth Sciences 121 transfer credit for some
English Proficiency
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Students admitted to full-time first-year studies at St. Jerome’s University who have an admission average of
82% or higher (based on marks available in early May, including required courses for the program the student
has been admitted to) will receive one of the following scholarships:
• President’s Scholarship of Distinction, 95%+ - $2,000 and the opportunity for a $1,500 International
Experience Award and/or a $1,500 Research Award, both available to qualified students in their upper year
• President’s Scholarship, 90% - 94.9% - $2,000.
• Mathematics Merit Scholarship, 85% - 89.9% - $1,000
• Arts Entrance Scholarship, 82% - 89.9% - $1,000 – $1,500
• Additional entrance scholarships can be found at sju.ca
• Program-specific entrance scholarships are also offered. For complete conditions and details, visit the
website: findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/financing/scholarships.php
Additional Scholarships
The majority of St. Jerome’s entrance scholarships are awarded automatically, and a separate application is not
Application Information and required. Exceptions are listed at findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/financing/scholarships.php
Criteria for scholarships vary and may include academic excellence, extracurricular activities, community
involvement, and performance in special contests.
Bursary Information:
Approximately 1,000 Waterloo Entrance Bursaries, valued from $500 to $4,000, are awarded each year
to students with demonstrated financial need who are entering their first year of post-secondary studies.
Candidates must be Ontario residents as defined by OSAP. The bursary application deadline is April 15, 2011. For
details and the application, visit the website: findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/financing/bursary.php.
St. Jerome’s Residence offers a home to 286 students. Students from all faculties at Waterloo who confirm their
offer by June 2, 2011 are eligible to apply for residence at St. Jerome’s. Residence fees include an all inclusive,
all-you-can-eat meal plan that offers great variety and flexibility, high-speed wireless internet, a do-it-yourself
pantry, and a Residential Learning Community that focuses on experiential learning, community service,
leadership development and education programming.
For Information regarding residence at St. Jerome’s University contact:
Ian Sherman, Residence Manager, ian.sherman@uwaterloo.ca, 519-884-8111, ext. 28209
For information on residence at the University of Waterloo and the first-year residence guarantee, please visit:
Residence Application
Students must confirm their room in residence by submitting the Residence Community Ranking Form and a
non-refundable $500 deposit by 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 2, 2011. www.housing.uwaterloo.ca/getready4rez
Residence Guaranteed?
Residence is guaranteed as long as students meet the conditions outlined at findoutmore.uwaterloo.ca/housing.
Room Deposit Fee:
A non-refundable $500 deposit must be submitted with the Residence Community Ranking Form by 11:59 p.m.
EDT, June 2, 2011.
Online Application:
Students must submit a Residence Community Ranking Form and Deposit online at www.housing.uwaterloo.
ca/getready4rez by 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 2, 2011.
Students who wish to live in the St. Jerome’s residence are encouraged to rank it as their #1 choice in order to
be given priority.
The Sexuality, Marriage and Family Studies (SMF) program has become a full department at St. Jerome’s University. SMF addresses human
interactions within relational and sexual contexts. It examines not only basic anatomical knowledge and sexual health, but also the formation
and maintenance of relationships, parental skills, and the impact of culture on sexual and family-related values, ideas and attitudes.
Beyond Borders is an international learning program at St. Jerome’s University with a mandate to develop students’ leadership abilities while
also increasing their awareness of local and global concerns related to poverty, marginalization, health, environment, and oppression. In
collaboration with local and international partners students apply their academic training towards good global stewardship, social justice and
solidarity with marginalized peoples around the world.
Residence Service Learning Project in Peru aims to help students living in residence build a connection with the developing world through
a two-week travel experience in Peru. The experience focuses on providing students with an opportunity to experience the world outside of
the classroom while giving them tangible skills. Students work with coffee growers in Peru to build a better understanding of common global
needs and interests that are just and fair. As a sign of their commitment to and solidarity with the developing world, SJU provides the fair trade
Café Feminino blend of coffee that is produced in the area the students travel to and work in each summer.
For more information, check out the SJU in Peru Service Learning Project brochure at: www.sju.ca/residence/sjuinperu.pdf
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Scholarships and Financial Aid:
Campus tours:
Upcoming events:
Marilyn Nash, 519-661-2111, ext. 83209, email: mnash@uwo.ca
Iain Smith, 519-661-2111, ext. 88229, email: ismith@uwo.ca
Sue Gorski, 519-661-2111, ext. 84822, email: sgorski@uwo.ca
Norma Merino – Scholarships, 519-661-2111, ext. 85958, email: nmerino@uwo.ca
Hala Hussein – Financial Aid, 519-661-2111, ext.85425, email: hhussei4@uwo.ca
To arrange a tour, book online at http://welcome.uwo.ca or call 519-661-2100.
Fall Preview Day - November 19, 2011 & March Break Open House – March 10, 2012
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
35, 807 (2010-2011)
• Major and Minor in French Language and Literature
• Major in Sexuality Studies
• Major and Minor in French Language and Linguistics
• Minor in Dance
• Minor in French Language and Translation
• Western/Fanshawe Collaborative Program in Music Recording Arts
• Combined Honors - Arts and Humanities (BA) and Richard Ivey School of Business (HBA)
• Combined Honors - Psychology (BA) and Richard Ivey School of Business (HBA)
• Withdrawal of the 5-year B.Sc. Honors Mathematical Science and Bachelor of Education
• Changes to the Bachelor of Management and Organizational Studies Program:
Honors Specializations, Double Majors and Specializations now offered in: Accounting,
Consumer Behaviour, Finance for Management and Organizational Studies , Human Resource
Management and Commercial Aviation Management
• Western Engineering Go Global Certificate Program
Fall 2011 offer information:
Special Consideration Policy:
Alternative offers of admission:
Grade 11 marks:
Supplemental applications:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Ontario High School students were offered admission beginning in January, and offers will
continue until mid-May 2011. Prerequisite courses are included in the calculation of midyear and final admission averages. All offers are conditional upon maintaining the minimum
final average stipulated, and the successful completion of the OSSD.
Western's Special Consideration Profile provides an opportunity for students to share any
extenuating circumstances that have adversely affected their grades.
Students with various disabilities are encouraged to contact the Student Development
Centre. www.sds.uwo.ca/ssd/
Alternative offers of admission are not made automatically on Western’s main campus.
Students who wish to be considered for more than one program should list each program
as a separate choice on the OUAC application.
Grade 11 marks are considered during the early rounds of offers.
Any mandatory supplemental applications, as well as other optional forms can be found
at http://welcome.uwo.ca/preview/admissions/forms.html.
Students receiving an offer of admission who wish to register instead for September of
the following year may request a deferral of their admission for a period of one year.
Students must submit the request in writing to the Admissions Office and include the
activities they will be participating in during that year. Deferrals are not automatic.
Western’s main campus admission Scholarships for deferred students are based on
the scholarship eligibility criteria in the year of registration.
Students must complete the full International Baccalaureate Diploma including
passes in a minimum of six subjects of which three must be at the Higher Level.
A minimum predicted grade total of 30 including points awarded for the
successful completion of the Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge. No
mark less than 4 on any individual course. IB applicants are eligible for
transfer credit consideration for each Higher Level subject with a score of 5
or higher.
If students achieve a four out of five on their final AP exams, they may be
considered for transfer credit to a maximum of two full credits.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on repeated courses:
Policy on summer school,
night school, virtual school, and
correspondence courses:
OUAC application form ranking:
Tuition deposit:
Course Selection:
Support available for the
transition to university:
Dual credits/SHSM programs:
English Proficiency Requirements:
For courses taken more than once, we will consider the highest reported successful grade
achieved in that course.
As long as the courses are approved by the Ministry of Education of Ontario, they are looked
at equally in terms of admission.
OUAC ranking does not play a role in Western’s Main Campus admission process.
There is no tuition deposit required.
Summer Academic Orientation (SAO), taking place from June 20-July 29. SAO participants
have the opportunity to select their courses with a professor or academic advisor, create a
timetable, register for courses and learn about Western services and university life.
Register at www.sao.uwo.ca.
There are many programs and services at Western to help students with the transition
to University. The Student Success Centre, Student Development Centre, Orientation
Week, and University Student Council all work to provide a strong sense of both academic
and community support. Some examples include The Leadership and Mentorship
Program (LAMP) and Ready for University! http://success.uwo. ca/
The Undergraduate Admissions Office may require any applicant to write a test of English
proficiency if their first language is not English. Students will be required to write one of
six acceptable English language proficiency tests. They are encouraged to write a test at
the earliest possible date. http://welcome.uwo.ca/preview/admissions/proficiency.html
Guaranteed scholarships
Additional Scholarship
Application Information
and Deadlines:
Bursary Information:
Continuing Admission Scholarship: 95% + - $10,000 ($2,500/year for 4 years)
Western Scholarship of Excellence: 90% - 94.9% - $2,000 1 year
Western Scholarship of Distinction: 87% - 89.9% - $1,000 1 year
*International students are now eligible for Admission Scholarships
• National Scholarships – Nominations due by February 14.
• Unlimited Admission Scholarships – No application necessary.
Residence Options:
Residence Application Deadline:
Guaranteed Residence?
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application?
The University of Western Ontario has eight residences.
Residence is guaranteed for single students as long as they meet the
conditions outlined at www.residenceatwestern.ca/first.cfm. Students
entering with a 90% average or higher who live in residence in first year are
also guaranteed accommodation for their second year.
A $600 deposit is due when students accept Western’s offer of admission.
There is no online application. Students will complete a residence
placement questionnaire online.
 Western again tops Globe survey – for the ninth year in a row, Western ranks highest in student satisfaction
among large Canadian universities, according to the 2011 Globe and Mail University Report Card.
 Adrian Owen, one of the world's foremost neuroscientists, has been recruited by The University of Western
Ontario to assume the role of the Canada Excellence Research Chair in Neuroscience and Imaging. He made
headlines in February 2010 for a ground-breaking study demonstrating that some patients in a vegetative state
can communicate.
 The Faculty of Engineering at The University of Western Ontario was rewarded for integrating sustainability
into its curriculum, being named among the best in the country in a national ranking.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Affiliated with the University of Western Ontario, Brescia University College is
Canada’s women’s university.
Scholarships and
Financial Aid:
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
Fall 2011 Offer
Special Consideration
Alternate Offers of
Grade 11 Marks:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Rhea Johnson, Senior Liaison & Communications Officer
rhea.johnson@uwo.ca 519-432-8353, ext. 28261
Surnames A-L:
Jessica Patterson, Admissions & Liaison Officer
jessica.patterson@uwo.ca 519-432-8353, ext. 28301
Surnames M-Z:
Nicole Sansone, Admissions & Liaison Officer
nsanson4@uwo.ca 519-432-8353, ext. 28045
Dianne Konings, Financial Aid Officer
dekoning@uwo.ca 519-432-8353, ext. 28382
Monday to Friday at 10:30 a.m. & 1:30 p.m. Weekend tours available upon special request.
Register online at: www.brescia.uwo.ca/admissions/visit_us
Take the Lead Public Speaking Contest, Saturday, April 9, 2011
“Ask a Grad”, Thursday, April 28, 2011
Legacy Dinner, Friday, May 6, 2011 at Aroma Restaurant, London, ON
Honors Specialization in Crime and Communities, Major in Dimensions of Leadership,
Honors Specialization in Nutrition and Families, Honors Specialization in Community
Development in a Global Context, Major in Food Management.
In September 2009, the Honors Specialization in Foods and Nutrition was renamed Honors
Specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics.
For students who have applied from an Ontario secondary School, Brescia has sent out three
rounds of admission offers. We continue to assess files on an on-going basis. If a student
has concerns or questions about their application please contact your Admissions Officer.
Students who have extenuating circumstances may complete an Applicant Profile at:
Brescia is committed to providing accessibility services for students with disabilities, and
meets all requirements under the AODA. Brescia students are welcome to utilize Western's
main campus services for students with disabilities along with services offered at Brescia.
Brescia will make an alternate offer of admission to our Arts or Social Science program if an
applicant’s admission average for a specific program does not meet the minimum
Brescia will consider Grade 11 marks for first-round offers of admission; however, Grade 11
marks are not included in admission offer calculations.
Applicants who may fall slightly below the minimum admission average can complete an
Application Profile that outlines their extracurricular involvement and extenuating
circumstances. The Application Profile is available online at:
Accepted students may request a deferral for up to one year. Requests for deferral must be
made no later than one month prior to the beginning of the term which the student was
initially accepted to. Please contact the Registrar’s Office 519-858-5151 for additional details.
IB applicants who have successfully completed the IB diploma program with a grade total of
28 and a score of 5 or better in Higher Level examinations are eligible for transfer credit
consideration for each Higher Level subject.
Transfer credit may be granted for AP courses with a grade of 4 out of 5. A maximum of two
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Repeated
Policy on Summer
School, Night School,
Virtual Learning, eLearning, Private
School, and
Ranking on OUAC
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection
Process, First-Year:
Support Available for
the Transition to
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Additional Scholarships
Application Information
and Deadline:
Bursary Information:
Residence Options:
Residence Application
Residence Guaranteed?
transfer credits may be awarded. All transfer credits are subject to faculty approval, and some
AP courses may not be eligible for transfer credit. Please contact the Admissions Office for
additional details.
Brescia considers repeated courses as one credit and we will take the highest mark received
in the course for your final admission average calculation.
Brescia accepts all 4U or M courses as equal regardless of whether the course was taken in
summer school, night school, online, through correspondence, or private school.
Ranking is not considered in admissions decisions.
First installment of tuition is due on Monday, August 15, 2011.
First-year students attend a half day Summer Orientation Day (SOD) where they meet with
an Academic Advisor to select and then register for courses. International or Out-of-Province
students who are unable to attend a SOD can schedule a telephone advising appointment to
select their courses.
All students are invited to attend a Summer Orientation Day (SOD), held on selected dates
throughout June and July. International students are invited to attend the International
Bridging Program.
Not applicable.
Brescia accepts TOEFL, MELAB, IELTS, CAEL, and CanTest as proof of English proficiency.
Please contact the Admissions Office for additional details.
The top three entering students with the highest admission average are offered full academic
tuition (with possibility of the scholarship continuing).
Automatic Entrance Scholarships:
80.0%-82.9% - $1,500
83.0%-84.9% - $2,000
85.0%-87.9% - $2,500
88.0%-90.9% - $3,000
91.0%+ - $3,500
The above scholarships are automatic based on admission average, are unlimited in number,
and have the possibility of continuing for each year of study.
Community Leader Award $1000, deadline to apply is May 30, 2011.
Wolfe Family General Entrance Scholarship, deadline to apply is June 15, 2011.
Traditional dormitory-style rooms; some single rooms available. Brescia’s residence is a
community of approximately 170 residents; residents have the option of selecting a focusedinterest floor.
June 15, 2011
Residence is guaranteed to all first-year students who receive an offer of admission, provided
they apply and pay their deposit by June 15, 2011.
Deposit of $400 is due June 15, 2011 with a completed application.
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application:
• New module in Community Development in a Global Context has an option for students to complete an
international practicum placement as part of their course work.
• Brescia’s Girls LEAD summer camp will host its second year internationally in the Barbados, July 2011.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
See “What’s New” on next page.
Huron no longer offers spaces in Media, Information and Technoculture (MIT).
Fall 2011 Offer
Offers to Huron operate on a rolling basis and Huron will continue to make offers as
space permits into May/June. The anticipated cut-off for Arts, Social Science, Theology
and Management and Organizational Studies (MOS) for fall 2011 is 78%.
Huron will grant alternate offers of admission from MOS to Social Science.
Scholarships and
Financial Aid:
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Alternate Offers of
Grade 11 Marks:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Policy on Repeated
Policy on Summer
School, Night School,
Virtual Learning, eLearning, Private
School, and
Ranking on OUAC
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection
Process, First-Year:
Lauren Smolen, Recruitment Coordinator
519-438-7224, ext. 212 lsmolen2@uwo.ca
Kathy Mazur-Spitzig, Admissions Coordinator
519-348-7224, ext. 233 ksmazur@uwo.ca
Scholarships information: Contact Admissions
Financial Aid: Jane Parker
519-438-7224, ext. 215 mjparker@uwo.ca
Book tours at huronuc.ca/tours or 519-438-7224, ext. 204
Virtual Tour: http://huronuc.ca/tour
Fall Preview Day: Saturday, November 19, 2011
March Break Open House: Saturday, March 10, 2012
Huron will make select conditional offers to students based on extraordinary Grade 11
performance. Admissions decisions are always conditional until final offers are confirmed
based on Grade 12 grades.
Required only for National Scholarship consideration and the Herstmonceux first year
abroad program.
Huron will grant deferrals to students wishing to take a year off and not participate in
academic study. Students must maintain a minimum final average and produce a letter
outlining their activities while away from school. The following January, students must
reapply through the OUAC, and provide a statement of activities outlining what the
student did during their deferral. There is no cost to defer at Huron.
Huron will take the higher grade with no penalty.
Huron treats all courses as equal with no penalty as long as they appear on a Ministry
approved transcript.
Huron does not take into consideration ranking on the application form.
Huron has no tuition deposit. Fee bills will be emailed to students in mid-August with
payments due at the end of August.
New students will attend a Transition Session (see details on next page).
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Support Available for
the Transition to
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Additional Scholarships
Application Information
and Deadline:
Bursary Information:
Summer Transition Sessions are held in June and July. Students will receive academic
counselling and assistance with registration during these sessions as well as an
orientation to campus.
Please contact the Admissions office for information.
85.00-89.99 - $1500
90.00-92.99 - $2000 (renewable, must maintain 80% each year of study in 5.0 courses)
93.00 and up - $2500 (renewable, must maintain 80% each year of study in 5.0 courses)
Entrance scholarships are awarded automatically, no application necessary.
National Scholarship deadline: February 18, 2011.
National Scholarship: min. 90% mid-year average plus evidence of leadership in
community and extracurricular activities in the arts/athletics.
Huron sends a bursary application to all applicants who are admitted. Applicants who
meet the stated deadline for pre-assessment will receive their bursary assessment
before a response is required to an offer of admission from Huron. Students may
continue to apply for bursaries throughout the summer.
Residence Options:
Residence Application
Residence Guaranteed?
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application:
Traditional dorm style residence. A limited number of suite style rooms available for
students on lifestyle themed floors. 70% of spaces are single rooms.
June 2, 2011
Huron guarantees residence for all first-year students who meet the response deadline.
$750 due June 2, 2011.
Students must complete their residence application online. The link to the online
application is provided in their offer package.
Ivey HBA and Huron Combined Degree Programs
Huron is pleased to offer two combined programs with the Richard Ivey School of Business; one with Psychology*, the
other Global Studies. Students completing these five-year programs will graduate with an Honors Business
Administration (HBA) degree and an Honors Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Psychology with an Honors Specialization in
Psychology, or an Honors Bachelor of Arts (BA) in Global Studies with an Honors Specialization in Global Development
Studies, Global Culture Studies or Globalization Studies. To complete all of the requirements, students in this program
will spend their first two years at Huron in their program before attending Ivey for their third year. Fourth and fifth years
will be spent attending courses at both campuses. Students hoping to complete a combined program apply during their
first year at the Ivey Business School.
*Pending Final Approval
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Get Connected... Make A Difference
Internationally Recognized University of Western Ontario Degree
Top Ranked Faculty
Small, Interactive Classes
The Globe & Mail ranks Western as #1 for Best Student Experience
Tracy Cunningham, Associate Registrar, terb@uwo.ca, 1-800-265-4406, 519-433-3491, ext. 4309
Tracy Cunningham, Associate Registrar, terb@uwo.ca, 1-800-265-4406, 519-433-3491, ext. 4309
Erin Cronsberry, Admissions & Liaison Officer, egrandf@uwo.ca, 1800-265-4406, 519-433-3491,
ext. 4335
Scholarships and
Financial Aid:
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Student Population:
New Programs:
Program Changes:
Fall 2011 Offer
Special Consideration
Alternate Offers of
Grade 11 Marks:
Deferral Policy:
IB Policy:
AP Policy:
Claire Andrews, Admissions & Liaison Officer, candre5@uwo.ca, 1-800-265-4406, 519-433-3491,
ext. 4391
Shelly Guerin, Student Financial Services Officer, sguerin@uwo.ca, 1-800-265-4406, 519-4333491, ext. 4317
Welcome Day on Saturday, May 14, 2011, 1 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
For a complete listing of campus events go to:
3,200 full time, 500 part time
King’s Foundation Year in the Humanities
Catholic Studies for Teachers (CST) now able to include applications for students interested in
teaching in the Junior Intermediate stream.
Offers of admission began near the end of January and have been rolling as we receive updated
grades. All of King’s offers of admission will be made prior to May 30, 2011 and students will
have until June 2, 2011 to respond.
Students who wish to have special consideration due to extenuating circumstances or
extracurricular activities are encouraged to submit an Applicant Profile which will be considered
in cases where the minimum average was not met.
When a student is not eligible for a limited enrollment program which usually has a higher
admission average, they will automatically be reconsidered for admission into our faculties of
Arts and Social Science.
Only in early offers of admission that went out in January. If a student did not receive an offer at
that time we are waiting to receive more updated Grade 12 marks before making an admissions
Students who wish to have special consideration due to extenuating circumstances or
extracurricular activities are encouraged to submit an Applicant Profile which will be considered
in cases where the minimum average was not met.
Students may defer an offer of admission for one year. They must submit a letter to the
Registrar’s Office requesting the deferral along with a deposit of $200 which will guarantee their
space the following year and be applied to their tuition payment at that time.
Students must be registered and successfully completed the Diploma program and earn a
minimum grade total of 28. Transfer credit may be awarded.
Students who achieve a mark of 4 out of 5 on their final AP exams may be considered for transfer
credit to a maximum of two full credits as approved by the appropriate faculty.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Repeated
Policy on Summer
School, Night School,
Virtual Learning, eLearning, Private
School, and
Ranking on OUAC
Tuition Deposit:
Course Selection
Process, First-Year:
Support Available for
the Transition to
Dual Credits/SHSM
English Proficiency
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Additional Scholarships
Application Information
and Deadline:
Bursary Information:
Residence Options:
Residence Application
Residence Guaranteed?
Room Deposit Fee:
Online Application:
King’s will take the highest grade on a course that has been repeated.
Courses taken in a format other than traditional day school classes will be considered equally for
King’s does not consider ranking on the OUAC application when making our admissions
decisions to any program.
$440 will be due 10 days after a student registers for their courses in the summer.
All incoming new students are required to participate in Summer Academic Orientation (SAO) at
which time they will be able to select their courses, create their timetable, get their student cards
and make fee payment arrangements. Online booking for these appointments began
April 1, 2011 from our main web page: www.kings.uwo.ca
Participation in the SAO program for class selection prior to classes beginning in September
Academic and Personal support services through Dean of Student’s office:
The application deadline for Entrance Scholarships requiring an application was
March 1, 2011.
The High School Entrance Bursary deadline is June 17th. To be eligible for this bursary, you
must apply and qualify for needs based OSAP programs and have ministry unmet need.
We have 370 residence spaces which are either traditional-style or townhouse-style both
with kitchenettes and common lounge space. A meal plan option is required to live in all of
our residences. www.kings.uwo.ca/admissions/residence/fees/
June 2, 2011 to be eligible for the guarantee of residence.
$300 due by June 2, 2011
King's Foundations in the Humanities (KFH)
This new program for 2011 provides students with a comprehensive, interdisciplinary and critical survey of the development of
Western civilization. The KFH provides a collaborative approach to the study of the humanistic tradition in a small group
setting with intensive faculty-student interaction.
Catholic Studies for Teachers
King’s is now able to admit students into both the Junior Intermediate and the Senior Intermediate streams of our Catholic
Studies for Teacher’s program.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
100 YEARS IN 2011
Holly Cox, Director, Recruitment and Admissions - hcox@wlu.ca, ext. 5709
Glennice Snyder, Manager, Recruitment - gsnyder@wlu.ca, ext. 3100
David McGuire, Manager, International Recruitment - dmcguire@wlu.ca, ext. 3101
Craig Chipps, Manager, Brantford Recruitment Services - cchipps@wlu.ca, ext . 5777
Lois Wood, Associate Registrar, Admissions – lawood@wlu.ca, ext. 6099
admissions@wlu.ca, www.wlu.ca/admissions
Scholarships and financial
Ruth MacNeil, rmacneil@wlu.ca
Campus tours
www.chooselaurier.ca or 519-884-0710, ext. 3385
Student population
Waterloo campus - 11, 484; Brantford campus - over 2,600
New programs
BBA Business and Sustainability stream
Honours BSc Biochemistry and Biotechnology combined with Conestoga College Biotechnology
Technician Diploma
Program changes
Administration Option is changing its name to Management Option – Students apply at the end of
second year.
Entry to Honours Psychology: Research Specialist now occurs after year two.
Fall 2011 offer information
Offers will be made prior to May 28, 2011; students must respond by midnight on June 2, 2011.
Special Consideration
If you choose to disclose a disability, all supporting material must be sent to Admissions by April 1,
2011. Learning Services offers support services and resources for Laurier students.
Alternate offers of
Students will be AUTOMATICALLY considered for alternate offers of admission. Students are
encouraged to only apply once. Changes to alternate offers can be made directly to the admissions
Grade 11 marks:
Grade 11 U and M marks may be considered for early offers for qualified students. Students are
encouraged to do well in Grade 11 in order to receive an offer.
Supplemental application
The optional Applicant Background Summary (ABS) form is available for students who believe that they
will fall three percent below the cut-off to their program of choice.
Deferral policy
Student may request a deferral for extenuating circumstances.
IB Policy
For admission consideration must pass at least six subjects with three at the highest level. Score
range is 28-35 depending on desired program.
AP Policy
Credits awarded on case-by-case basis, with a minimum grade of 4, up to maximum of 3.0 credits.
Policy on repeated
Laurier will accept the higher of the two courses.
Policy on summer school,
night school, virtual
learning, e-learning,
private school, and
correspondence courses
Laurier will accept Grade 12 U and M courses provided the school or institution is accredited by the
Ontario Ministry of Education.
OUAC application form
Laurier does not assess a student based on choice. Students are assessed on academic merit and
Tuition deposit
No tuition deposit is required.
Course selection
Course registration starts May 1.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Support available for the
transition to university
Headstart - A half-day program designed to introduce students to their program, meet faculty and staff,
receive help building a timetable, and pick up their student ID.
University 101 & 102 – These non-credit courses prepare incoming students for university studies by
providing both instruction on university-level academic skills and opportunities to apply these skills by
re-creating the university environment throughout the assignments and tests.
Write Start - This workshop reviews university expectations of academic reading and writing and
prepares students to take their critical thinking skills to the next level.
LEAP – Three-day leadership program for first-year students designed to introduce students to
leadership and extra-curricular activities.
TriAGe - TriAGe will help prepare students who plan to enroll in an entry level university calculus course
by reinforcing fundamental skills in Trigonometry, Algebra and Geometry. Topics discussed will include:
algebraic manipulations used to simplify expressions and solve equations and inequalities; analytic
geometry; and polynomial, rational, exponential, logarithmic and trigonometric functions.
Orientation Week – Student-organized academic and campus life sessions aimed at preparing students
for life at Laurier, Sept 5 – 10, 2011.
Dual credits/SHSM
Laurier does not recognize dual credits or SHSM programs at this time. Students are encouraged to
include this information on the Applicant Background Summary Form.
English Profiency
TOEFL- paper test 560, computer test 220, internet based test overall score of 83 with a min of
20 in each component, IELTS- 6.5, MELAB 85, CAEL- 70, with no part below 60, Pearson Test of
Language Proficiency - 59
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program
Entrance Scholarships are guaranteed for students who meet the minimum averages.
President’s Scholarship – 95% or higher = $20,000 (over four years)
Entrance Scholarships – 90% - 94.9% = $2,000
Entrance Scholarships – 80% - 89.9% - see Student Awards website for details
Bursary Information
The Entrance Bursary deadline was April 15, 2011. If students missed the deadline or are ineligible they
can apply for bursary assistance in their first year through our undergraduate tuition bursary program.
Bursaries are based exclusively on financial need. Students are required to report all available sources of
income. Additional bursaries are available to upper-year students.
Residence options
19 residences provide 2,900 spaces. We offer dormitory-style (singe/double) or apartment-style (single/
A meal plan is required for dorm-style residences and optional for apartment-style residences. Learning
Communities include Leadership; Global Engagement; Active Living; and Business.
Residence Application
Student must confirm their residence application by 11:59 p.m. EST, June 2, 2011.
Residence Guaranteed?
Residence is guaranteed to all first-year students who submit their application and deposit by the
deadline. Students who have an average of 90% or above have their choice of residence style and room
Room deposit fee
$400 deposit required by the residence application deadline.
Online application
Students can apply online by the residence application deadline
Jorge Heine, a political science professor at Wilfrid Laurier University and the Chair in Global Governance at the Basillie School of
International Affairs (BSIA), has been named one of the “10 Most Influential Hispanic Canadians - 2010” by a panel of executives and
Co-op is growing - students complete more than 1,200 co-op work terms annually in arts, science, business and economics.
Admissions and Recruitment will be merging to better meet the needs of students, parents and guidance counselors. The new department
name is Recruitment and Admissions.
There is a growing focus on Aboriginal students including initiatives in aboriginal programming and recruitment. The NEW Aboriginal
Student Services Centre opened in January 2011, marking an important committment to Laurier’s Aboriginal students.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
100 YEARS IN 2011
Holly Cox, Director, Recruitment and Admissions - hcox@wlu.ca, ext. 5709
Craig Chipps, Manager, Brantford Recruitment Services - cchipps@wlu.ca, ext. 5777
Lois Wood, Associate Registrar, Admissions – lawood@wlu.ca, ext. 6099
admissions@wlu.ca, www.wlu.ca/admissions
Scholarships and financial aid
Lisa Neziol - lneziol@wlu.ca
Campus tours
www.wlu.ca/brantford/tour, chooselaurierbrantford@wlu.ca or 519-756-8228, ext. 5816
Student population
Laurier Brantford will have over 2,600 full time undergraduate students in September, 2011.
New programs
Laurier Brantford is welcoming the first incoming classes for its two newest programs this year: Business
and Technology Management and Youth and Children’s Studies. See the “what new” section on the next
page for a more detailed description of those programs. In addition, we are proud to offer our first Masters
program in Criminology for 2011, building off the strength of our popular undergraduate program.
Program changes
French is now available as a teachable subject for Concurrent Education Students in both the P/J and
J/I divisions as of September 2011. Also, English and Psychology which previously had to be taken in
combination with another program can both be done as stand-alone BA degrees.
Fall 2010 offer information
Offers will be made prior to May 28, 2011; students must respond by midnight on June 2, 2011.
Special Consideration Policy
If you choose to disclose a disability, all supporting material must be sent to Admissions by April 1,
2011. Learning Services offers support services and resources for Laurier students.
Alternate offers of admission
If a student does not meet the academic qualifications for their program of choice, they will
AUTOMATICALLY be admitted to a program for which they qualify.
Grade 11 marks:
Grade 11 U and M marks may be considered for early offers for qualified students. Students are
encouraged to do well in Grade 11 in order to receive an early offer.
Supplemental application
The optional Applicant Background Summary (ABS) form is available for students who believe that they
will fall three percent below the cut-off to their program of choice.
Deferral policy
Student may request a deferral for extenuating circumstances.
IB Policy
For admission consideration must pass at least six subjects with three at the highest level. Score range is
28-35 depending on desired program.
AP Policy
Credits awarded on case-by-case basis, with a minimum grade of 4, up to maximum of 3.0 credits.
Policy on repeated courses
Laurier will accept the higher of the two courses.
Policy on summer school,
night school, virtual
learning, private school and
correspondence courses
Laurier will accept Grade 12 U and M courses provided the school or institution is accredited by the
Ontario Ministry of Education.
Ranking on OUAC application
Laurier does not admit a student based on choice. Students are admitted on academic merit and
Tuition deposit
No deposit is required.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Course selection
Course registration starts May 1.
Support available for the
transition to university
University 101 and 102 are two-week courses designed to help students understand and practice
the skills that are the keys to success at university. Both courses are offered several times
throughout the summer.
University 101: Develop skills such as time management, reading critically, note taking and exam
University 102: Help students understand and practice the basics of university-level reading,
writing and research skills
Headstart - A half-day program to learn more about programs, get help from staff and students, build a
timetable, and have student ID photos taken.
Orientation Week – Specific academic session aimed at preparing student for life at Laurier,
Sept 5 – 10, 2011.
Learning Services – provides a series of workshops and seminars year round
Dual credits/SHSM programs
Laurier does not recognize dual credits or SHSM programs.
English Profiency
TOEFL- paper test 560, computer test 220, internet based test overall score of 83 with a min of
20 in each component, IELTS- 6.5, MELAB 85, CAEL- 70, with no part below 60, Pearson Test of
Language Proficiency - 59
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program
Entrance Scholarships are guaranteed for students who meet the minimum averages.
President’s Scholarship – 95% or higher = $20,000 (President’s Scholarship, $5000, over four years)
Entrance Scholarships – 90% - 94.9% = $2,000
Entrance Scholarships – 85% - 89.9% = $1,000
Entrance Scholarships- 80% - 84.9% = $750 (Excluding Concurrent Education students)
See Student Awards website for the most up-to-date information
Bursary Information
The Entrance Bursary deadline was April 15, 2011. If students missed the deadline or are ineligible they
can apply for bursary assistance in their first year through our undergraduate tuition bursary program.
Awarded to full-time Year 1 students, bursaries are based exclusively on financial need and do not have
to be repaid to the university. The entrance bursary application form requires the applicant to report all
available sources of income and will be used to assess financial need. The application must be signed
and completed fully before submitting; incomplete applications will not be assessed.
Residence options
All Laurier Brantford residences are currently apartment style. These are co-ed by floor with singlegender apartments and a mix of single and double rooms.
Residence Application
Student must confirm their residence application by 11:59 p.m. EDT, June 2, 2011.
Resdence Guaranteed?
Residence is guaranteed to all first-year students who submit their application and deposit by the
deadline. Students who have an average of 90% or over have their choice of room style.
Room deposit fee
$400 deposit required by the residence application deadline.
Online application
Students can apply online by the residence application deadline
Bachelors of Business Technology Management – This program recognizes and promotes the increasing interdependence of business
and technology in today’s society. Co-op is guaranteed for all students in the program, which is accredited by the AACSB, and
graduates will also receive certification by the Canadian Coalition for Tomorrow’s Information and Communication Technologies (CCICT).
Bachelor of Arts Youth and Children’s Studies - This program looks at children and youth not just as objects of academic inquiry, but
as subjects and agents in their own right who engage with and impact the wider world around them. The program is interdisciplinary,
and features at least one Community Service Learning placement over the four years of study.
Two new academic buildings are scheduled to open for September 2011, including the East Wing of our Research and Academic
Centre, which will feature lab space allowing Laurier Brantford to offer science courses for the first time.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Mike, Krista, Wendy, Katia, Marium & Tim 1-800-864-2860, liaison@uwindsor.ca, www.uwindsor.ca/futurestudents
Charlene Yates, Associate Registrar 1-800-864-2860 ext. 3332 yater@uwindsor.ca
Scholarships & Financial Aid:
Aase Houser, Director, 519-253-3000 ext. 5074 or 1-800-864-2860, aase@uwindsor.ca www.uwindsor.ca/awards
Residence Services:
Diane Rawlings, Deptartment Head, 1-800-864-2860 Ext. 3279, rawlin1@uwindsor.ca
Campus Tours:
Upcoming Events:
Head Start Orientation, www.uwindsor.ca/headstart, May 26, 27, 30, June 9, 10, 13
Fall Open House, www.uwindsor.ca/fallopenhouse November 4, 2011
Student Population:
Approximately 12,500 full-time undergraduates, 2,000 part-time students, 1,500 graduate students
New Programs:
BA (Labour Studies): Four-year degree program
Program Changes:
BHK (Kinesiology): In addition to the best six Grade 12U/M average, a minimum grade of 70% in each of ENG4U and
SBI4U is required.
BSc (Environmental Science): ENG4U, MHF4U, SCH4U, and SBI4U are required. SPH4U is recommended. MCV4U
is strongly recommended.
BSc (Physics): For all programs in Honours programs: Beginning Winter 2012, the admission requirements will be
ENG4U, MHF4U, and SPH4U. MCV4U is strongly recommended. SCH4U is recommended.
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
Early offers were made in March based on first semester grades. Additional offers will be extended in May based on
mid-term, full-year courses and second term mid-term grades.
Special Consideration Policy:
Requests for special consideration should be made in writing to the Office of the Registrar.
Alternate Offers of Admission:
Students not accepted into the program of choice are automatically considered for alternate programs and may phone
the Office of the Registrar to investigate additional options. 1-800-864-2860 ext. 5332.
Grade 11 Marks:
May be used for the purpose of early admission offers.
Supplemental Application:
Acting, Drama in Education and Community (www.uwindsor.ca/drama), Music and Music Therapy
Deferral Policy:
Deferrals will be considered for confirmed applicants to most non-limited enrolment programs. All conditions on the
original offer of admission must be satisfied before a deferral will be considered. The deferment may not exceed one
academic year.
IB Policy:
Full diploma must be completed with passes in six subjects
For admission to first year: At least three subjects at the Higher Level and with a grade total of at least 24 and no
mark less than 4. In addition, the candidates must meet the prerequisites specific to the faculty to which they are
seeking admission.
For transfer credit: IBD applicants who have successfully completed the full diploma with a grade total of 28 or more
(exclusive of additional points which may be awarded for the successful completion of the Extended Essay and Theory
of Knowledge) may be granted a general elective course credit, depending on program selection, for each Higher Level
subject completed with a score of 5 (80-89%) or better, for a maximum of four general elective course credits.
AP Policy:
Applicants with a 4 out of 5 grade on their final Advanced Placement (AP) examinations may be considered for
transfer credit to a maximum of four semester courses.
Policy on Repeated Courses:
The highest achieved grade for a repeated course will be used.
Policy on Summer School, Night School,
Virtual Learning, e-Learning, Private
School, and Correspondence Courses:
Courses accredited by the Ministry of Education will be considered for admission.
Ranking on OUAC Application:
We appreciate being ranked first.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Tuition Deposit:
Fee information can be accessed at www.uwindsor.ca/cashiers
Course Selection Process, First-Year:
Confirmed students can access the necessary information to register online on May 1, 2011 using our registration
package. Students should also register for the Head Start program at www.uwindsor.ca/headstart
Support Available for the Transition to
Information is available from our Educational Development Centre
www.uwindsor.ca/edc 1-800-864-2860 ext. 3288
Dual Credits/SHSM Programs:
UWindsor does not recognize dual credit or SHSM programs for advanced standing.
English Proficiency Requirements:
Applicants whose native language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in English to be considered for
admission. This can be demonstrated in the following ways:
1) A minimum score of 6.5 on the International English Language Testing System (IELTS); or
2) A minimum score of 60 on the Carleton University’s Canadian Academic English Language Assessment (CAEL);
3) Successful completion of the University of Windsor’s English Language Improvement Program (ELIP) (level III)
with a minimum final grade of 75%;
4) A minimum score of 85 on the English Proficiency Test administered by the English Language Institute of the
University of Michigan (MELAB); or
5) A minimum score of 220 with a T.W.E. 4.5 on the Computer-based Test, 83 with an essay score of 21 on the
Internet-based Test of English as a Foreign Language (T.O.E.F.L.); or
6) Receive a minimum of five semester transfer credits based on work completed at a recognized English-speaking
University. (Normally, students must have at least one term of full-time study.); or
7) Receive a minimum of one year of transfer credit based on work completed at a non-university postsecondary
institution with above average standing; or
8) Have completed all secondary or postsecondary education in English speaking countries such as the UK, West
Indies and other countries as specified by the undergraduate admissions office; or
9) Can demonstrate that they have completed three years of full-time secondary or postsecondary study in a school
where the language of instruction is English (e.g., in a British, Canadian, American or Australian Curriculum or an
international diploma like the International Baccalaureate) and can demonstrate English proficiency. In some cases an
English proficiency test may still be required; or
10) Applicants who do not satisfy the above requirements and wish exemption must provide the Admissions Office
with a letter detailing the reasons for their appeal and include a letter of recommendation from their secondary school
principal or designate. The Manager of Undergraduate Admissions or Director of International Admissions assesses
the request for exemption of this requirement.
Guaranteed Entrance Scholarship
Entrance Awards start at 80% and range from $3,200 - $16,000.
Outstanding Scholars Awards (for select programs) combine scholarship money and an academic appointment.
The Outstanding Scholars Awards can be received in addition to entrance awards. The combination of awards
(Outstanding Scholars, Entrance Scholarships, and the residence scholarships) for students above 90% can
amass to $25,500 - $33,500. For more information on the Outstanding Scholars program please see
Additional Scholarships Application
Information and Deadline:
Awards Search: www.uwindsor.ca/sis, log in as a “guest” and use our scholarship search. Some awards solely
recognize academic achievement and are automatic while others may also recognize extracurricular involvement and
financial need.
Applicants to the University of Windsor may log in to www.uwindsor.ca/myuwindsor with their student ID# and
four-digit access code.
Bursary Information:
Residence Options:
Single room suites, single rooms, double rooms and townhouses (upper-year students).
Residence Application Deadline:
June 2, 2011
Residence Guaranteed?
First-year students who apply prior to the deadline of June 2, 2011 (with a $500 deposit) are guaranteed a room in
residence. Applications may be accepted past the deadline; however, assignments are based on availability. Students
have the opportunity to stay in residence beyond first year..
Room Deposit Fee:
Phase 1 of the $112-million, 300,000-sq.ft. Centre for Engineering Innovation (CEI) will open late Spring, 2011. Phase 2 will open in the summer of 2012. CEI will
provide our students with an extraordinary facility within which to learn and to see engineering in action. It will feature laboratories and research facilities where
emerging priorities such as environmental sustainability, alternative energy, nanostructure, lighter materials, and more efficient manufacturing systems can be
addressed. The Intelligent Community Forum 2011 ranked Windsor as one of the top 7 most intelligent communities in the world! Our Lancer teams captured the
2010/11 national championship in men’s and women’s Track and Field and Women’s Basketball – all within 8 days!
Every effort has been made to ensure this document was accurate at the date of printing. March 2011
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
York University is the leading interdisciplinary research and teaching university in
Canada. York is host to a dynamic academic community of more than 50,000
students and 7,000 faculty and staff, as well as 250,000+ alumni worldwide. Our 10
faculties and 26 research centres conduct ambitious, groundbreaking research that is
interdisciplinary, cutting across traditional academic boundaries.
Shelby Verboven, Canadian Recruitment & Events
shelbyv@yorku.ca / (416) 736-2100 ext. 70498
Guidance Counsellor Hotline: (416) 736-5305
Scholarships and Financial
Kam Holland, Manager, Scholarships & Bursaries
hollandk@yorku.ca / (416) 736-2100 ext. 33702
Campus Tours:
Kate Duncan, Recruitment Officer, On-Campus Programs
kduncan@yorku.ca / (416) 736-2100 ext. 40010
Customized school group visits are available. Public campus tours are offered throughout the
week and occasionally on weekends. For a calendar of available tours, visit
Upcoming Events:
Guidance Counsellor Day: Friday, June 3, 2011, Keele Campus
Student Population:
New Programs:
 Bachelor of Science in Environmental Biology (BSc)
 Bachelor of Applied Science in Software Engineering (BASc)
 Direct-entry Bachelor of Education (BEd): Begin a BEd in first year, in combination with
programs in Fine Arts, Science & Engineering or Glendon.
 Minor in Business (can be combined with most major programs)
Program Changes:
 The following programs have been closed: Math for Commerce (BA); Russian Studies; Public
Administration and Justice Studies (BA); Public Policy and Administration (BA); and Public
Policy and Management. Students with an interest in public policy are encouraged to
explore York's new Bachelor of Public Administration (BPA).
 Admissions requirements for Kinesiology & Health Science (BA) and biology-based
programs will change for 2012. futurestudents.yorku.ca/requirements/hs_ont_new
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
Offers of admission started to be made in January 2011 with early offers to some programs.
Additional rounds of offers are made in March and May.
Special Consideration Policy:
Modified admission consideration is available to students with diagnosed learning, physical or
mental health disabilities. futurestudents.yorku.ca/requirements/modified_adm
Alternate Offers of
If students are not offered admission to the program to which they have applied but are
admissible to another program of study, York will provide an alternate offer of admission.
Grade 11 Marks:
Grade 11 marks can be used for early consideration for some programs. These marks will only
be used to help a student and the bulk of offers are still made on grade 12 results.
Supplemental Application:
Most programs will be looking at grades only, with the following exceptions: Bachelor of Fine
Arts programs (evaluation or audition); Schulich School of Business (supplementary
information form); Direct Entry concurrent education (supplementary information form)
Deferral Policy:
Most programs will consider a deferral request for one term or one year from high quality
students. Students should accept their offer of admission and complete the “Bridging the
Gap” form.
IB Policy:
Students with completed higher level courses with grades of 5 or better may receive up to 18
credits of transfer credit.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
AP Policy:
Student with completed AP courses with grades of 4 or 5 may receive up to 30 credits of
transfer credit.
Policy on Repeated Courses:
The higher mark will be accepted.
Policy on Summer School,
Night School, Virtual
Learning, e-Learning, Private
School, and Correspondence
Courses that are ministry accredited will be accepted regardless of mode of delivery.
Ranking on OUAC
Students are encouraged to rank their choices honestly. Offers of admissions will be given for
any program that a student has applied to and is eligible for at York, regardless of rank order.
Tuition Deposit:
$450 due within five days of enrolling in courses.
Course Selection Process,
All incoming students are required to attend an enrollment appointment where they will
meet with an academic advisor and begin course registration. Appointments are attended
throughout the summer.
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
Mandatory enrollment appointment for all first year students. The RED Zone: a one-stop space
where new students can go to find out everything about student life and support services.
Dual Credits/SHSM
We welcome students in SHSM programs to come for an on-campus reach ahead program.
Contact Kate Duncan at kduncan@yorku.ca for more information.
English Proficiency
Students may meet York’s English language requirements if they have completed a specified
number of years of English schooling. York accepts English language test scores from TOEFL,
IELTS and YELT. Details at: futurestudents.yorku.ca/requirements/docs_language
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
The York University Renewable Entrance Scholarship is available to Canadian high-school
students who achieve a final admission average of 80 per cent or higher.
 95%+: $12,000 ($3,000 x 4 years)
● 90 - 94.9%: $8,000 ($2,000 x 4 years)
 85 - 89.9%: $4,000 ($1,000 x 4 years) ● 80 - 84.9%: $2,000 ($500 x 4 years)
Admitted students to Science & Engineering with an average 90%+ are eligible for an
additional $2,000 for first year.
Additional Scholarships
Application Information and
York’s numerous prestigious scholarships include the Governors' Awards of Distinction of
$32,000 and the Avie Bennett Visionary Leadership Award of $36,000. Application due dates
of either February 1 or March 1. futurestudents.yorku.ca/financialsupport
Bursary Information:
York bursaries range from $2,000 to smaller amounts to help cover costs such as books and
supplies. Students must complete the Student Financial Profile (SFP).
futurestudents.yorku.ca/financial support/SFP
Residence Options:
4,000+ students (1,600 are in first year) live at York in our 10 undergraduate residences.
Most buildings offer traditional dorm-style rooms sharing common washrooms and lounges.
All buildings are co-ed, though same-gender floors and washrooms are available.
Residence Application
June 1, 2011
Residence Guaranteed?
Residence is guaranteed to first-year students admitted directly from a full-time secondaryschool program and who apply by the deadline. First-year students admitted with an average
of 90% or higher are also guaranteed a single room if requested by the deadline.
Room Deposit Fee:
A $300 room reservation deposit paid directly to your Student Account is required to accept
your residence offer.
Online Application:
Students apply to Residence through MyFile at yorku.ca/myfile
The new Life Sciences Building will open in September 2011, offering brand new lab and classroom spaces for
students in the life sciences.
The $50 million renovation and expansion of Osgoode Hall Law School will be completed this summer.
Residence students will now have the opportunity to select from living and learning themed floors in each residence.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Glendon is the founding campus of York University, located on 85 acres of parkland in midtown
Toronto. Through a top-quality liberal arts education with a strong international dimension,
Glendon prepares future leaders with the added benefit of language training in English, French and
often a third language. The Glendon experience is uniquely defined by a close-knit community, a
selection of IBA programs, average class sizes of 24 students, as well as access to York’s resourcerich Keele campus.
Téléchargez la version française à www.glendon.yorku.ca/OUAC/CampusGlendon.pdf
Isabelle Creusot,
Manager, Student Recruitment & Applicant Relations
icreusot@glendon.yorku.ca, 416-736-2100, ext. 88221
Same as above
Scholarships and Financial Aid:
finance@glendon.yorku.ca, 416-487-6701 or www.glendon.yorku.ca/moneymatters
Campus Tours:
Available weekdays at noon and on designated weekends.
Upcoming Events:
E-Party; April 12 and May 25, 2011 – students can chat online with professors, students and
service experts. www.yorku.ca/eparty
Guidance Counsellor Day; June 3, 2011 – York’s annual professional development day for
counsellors. www.futurestudents.yorku.ca/counsellors
Fall Campus Day; November 13, 2011
Expérience Glendon; March 4, 2011
Student Population:
New Programs:
• New stream in the Psychology program: Cognitive Neuropsychology with hands-on
opportunities. www.glendon.yorku.ca/neuropsychology
• Direct-entry Bachelor of Education for French teachers for primary-junior, juniorintermediate and intermediate-senior levels.
Program Changes:
The International Studies program is now offered as an iBA option.
Fall 2011 Offer Information:
Rolling offers in progress; next round is released in early May (based on mid-term grades).
Special Consideration Policy:
Students with a diagnosed physical, learning, or psychiatric disability are strongly encouraged
to identify themselves during the admissions process. Even if their circumstances don’t
impact their admissibility to Glendon, this information is used to ensure that students are
aware of the support services that are in place.
Alternate Offers of Admission:
If an application does not meet the requirements for one program, applicants may receive a
similar offer provided that the average cutoff for the alternate program is met.
Grade 11 Marks:
Grade 11 U and M marks are considered for early offers of admission to qualified students.
Supplemental Application:
Required for the French direct-entry Bachelor of Education program. If not selected for the fall
2011 program, applicants will be reconsidered for fall 2012 Concurrent program after their
first year at Glendon. Supplementary information will be kept on file.
Deferral Policy:
Can apply for deferrals (applications and entrance scholarship) for up to one year. Application
for deferral must be submitted to the Office of Admissions by September 15, 2011.
IB Policy:
Transfer credit granted for Higher Level IB courses with final grades of 5 or better depending
on the program (maximum 18 credits = 3 university courses).
AP Policy:
Transfer credit granted for final scores of 4 or 5 on the Advancement Placement (AP) exams,
depending on the program (maximum 30 credits = 5 university courses).
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Policy on Repeated Courses:
Repeated courses are accepted; the Office of Admissions will take only the course with the
highest grade.
Policy on Summer School, Night
School, Virtual Learning, eGrade 12 U or M courses that are approved by the Ontario Ministry of Education are accepted.
Learning, Private School, and
Correspondence Courses:
Ranking on OUAC Application:
Application ranking is not reviewed when making decisions.
Tuition Deposit:
An enrollment deposit of $450 is due within five business days of enrolling in courses.
Course Selection Process, FirstYear:
Personalized academic advising appointments guide students in selecting and enrolling in
courses that match their program requirements, personal goals and interests.
Support Available for the
Transition to University:
Year-round academic advising service; student and parent orientation programs; university
learning skills conference; transition workshops.
Dual Credits/SHSM Programs:
We do not recognize dual credits or SHSM programs. However, we offer specialized
presentations in related SHSM disciplines. For more information, contact Isabelle Creusot,
English Proficiency
Glendon applicants can provide proof of language proficiency in English or in French.
Students may meet our English language requirement if they have successfully completed:
• Four full years of study in Canada in English at the secondary school level
• Four full years of study at the secondary school level in English in a country where
English is a primary language or primary language of instruction.
Acceptable English language tests: York English Language Test, TOEFL, IELTS.
Candidates can also write the French Language Admissions Test administered by Student
Recruitment and Applicant Relations.
Guaranteed Entrance
Scholarship Program:
Awarded to students with a final average of 80% or higher (from $500 to $3,000/year),
scholarships are renewable based on grade-point average and course load. Eligible students
must be attending a Canadian secondary school and be a Canadian citizen, permanent
resident or protected person. www.glendon.yorku.ca/moneymatters
Additional Scholarships
Application Information and
The application deadline for all York awards of distinction is Feb 1, 2011. Additional
information on scholarships and bursaries is available at
Bursary Information:
Students must complete the Student Financial Profile by April 4, 2011. www.yorku.ca/sfp
Residence Options:
Dormitory-style residence rooms with over 90% single rooms; scenic views of the Don Valley,
Glendon forest, and student quad are available for all four years of study.
Residence Application Deadline: June 1, 2011 (for room guarantee)
Room Deposit Fee:
Single rooms are guaranteed to first-year students admitted directly from a full-time
secondary school program and who apply by the residence application deadline. For more
information, visit www.glendon.yorku.ca/residence.
Online Application:
Residence Guaranteed?
• The Centre of Excellence for Bilingual and French-language Postsecondary Education expansion project is underway,
consisting of a new wing with language labs, amphitheatres, and study space to open in December 2011.
• The Centre for Global Challenges, the global think tank of the Glendon School of Public & International Affairs, has launched
under the direction of Alex Himelfarb, former Canadian ambassador.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Glendon, qui fut le premier campus de l’Université York, est situé dans un parc de 85 acres au centre de
Toronto. Grâce à ses programmes d’arts libéraux de grande qualité comprenant une importante composante
internationale, Glendon prépare les chefs de file de demain tout en leur assurant une formation linguistique
en français, en anglais et souvent dans une troisième langue. L’expérience Glendon se caractérise par une
communauté unie, un choix de programmes d’IBA, des petites classes de 24 étudiants en moyenne et
l’accès aux vastes ressources du campus Keele de York.
Recrutement :
Isabelle Creusot,
Directrice, Service de recrutement étudiant
icreusot@glendon.yorku.ca, 416-736-2100 poste 88221
Admission :
Voir ci-dessus
Bourses et aide financière :
finance@glendon.yorku.ca, 416-487-6701 ou
Visite du campus :
Visites du lundi au vendredi à midi et certaines fins de semaine www.glendon.yorku.ca/futurestudents
Événements à venir :
Séance de clavardage : 25 mai 2011 – Les étudiantes et étudiants peuvent discuter en ligne avec des professeurs,
des étudiants et des spécialistes des services. www.yorku.ca/eparty
Journée pour les conseillères et conseillers d’orientation : 3 juin 2011 – Journée annuelle de perfectionnement
professionnel de York à l’intention des conseillères et conseillers. www.futurestudents.yorku.ca/counsellors
Journée d’automne : 13 novembre 2011
Expérience Glendon : 4 mars 2012
Population étudiante :
2 600
Nouveaux programmes :
• Nouvelle spécialisation dans le programme de psychologie : neuropsychologie cognitive avec possibilité
d’acquérir une expérience pratique. www.glendon.yorku.ca/neuropsychology
• Baccalauréat en éducation avec entrée directe pour les futur(e)s enseignant(e)s de français aux niveaux
primaire/moyen, moyen/intermédiaire et intermédiaire/supérieur.
Modifications aux
programmes :
Le programme d’études internationales comprend maintenant une option d’iBA.
Automne 2011 – Détails sur
les offres :
Offres d’admission continues; la prochaine série d’offres sera communiquée au début de mai (en fonction des
notes de mi-trimestre).
Politique de considération
spéciale :
Les étudiant(e)s qui ont un handicap diagnostiqué, des difficultés d’apprentissage ou un handicap physique ou
psychologique sont fortement encouragés à en informer Glendon pendant le processus d’admission. Même si leur
handicap n’a pas d’effet sur leur admissibilité à Glendon, cette information sert à s’assurer qu’ils sont au courant
des services de soutien en place. www.glendon.yorku.ca/admissions/disabilities
Autres offres d’admission :
Si une candidat(e) ne remplit pas les exigences du programme visé, l’université pourrait lui faire une offre dans un
autre programme, à condition que le seuil d’admission dans ce programme soit atteint.
Notes de la 11 année :
Demande supplémentaire :
Politique de report :
Les notes obtenues aux cours U et M de 11 année sont prises en considération pour les offres d’admission
anticipée qui sont faites aux étudiantes et étudiants admissibles.
Une demande supplémentaire est requise pour le programme de baccalauréat en éducation en français, avec
entrée directe. Les candidates ou candidats qui ne sont pas sélectionnés pour démarrer le programme à l’automne
2011 seront considérés pour le programme concomitant qui débutera à l’automne 2012 après leur première
année. Les informations supplémentaires fournies seront conservées dans un dossier.
Les étudiant(e) de l’école secondaire peuvent faire une demande de report d’admission et de bourse d’entrée de
York pour une période maximale d’un an. Les demandes de report pour le programme à l'automne 2011 doivent
être envoyées au Bureau des admissions d’ici le 15 septembre 2011.
Politique du BI :
Octroi de crédits pour les matières à option forte réussies avec une note finale d’au moins 5 selon le programme
(maximum de 18 crédits = 3 cours universitaires).
Politique de l’examen de
niveau avancé :
Octroi de crédits aux candidates ou candidats qui ont obtenu une note finale de 4 ou 5 à l’examen Placement
avancé (Advanced Placement ), selon le programme (maximum de 30 crédits = 5 cours universitaires).
Politique sur les cours
répétés :
Les cours répétés sont acceptés; le Bureau des admissions tiendra uniquement compte de la note la plus élevée
Politique sur les cours d’été,
du soir, d’apprentissage
enligne, d’établissements
Nous acceptons les cours U ou M de 12e année qui sont approuvés par le ministère de l’Éducation de l’Ontario.
privés et par
correspondance :
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Demande OUAC – Ordre des
choix :
L’ordre des choix n’est pas pris en considération lors du processus de décisions concernant les admissions.
Droits de scolarité – Dépôt :
Un dépôt de 450 $ pour les droits de scolarité est exigé dans les cinq jours ouvrables suivant l’inscription aux
Processus de sélection des
cours (première année) :
Des séances individuelles d’orientation pédagogique aident les étudiantes et étudiants à choisir et à s’inscrire à
des cours qui répondent aux exigences de leur programme d’études ainsi qu’à leurs objectifs et centres d’intérêts
Transition vers les études
universitaires – Soutien
disponible :
Un service d’orientation pédagogique est offert toute l’année; programmes d’orientation pour les étudiants et les
parents; conférence sur les compétences d’apprentissage requises à l’université; ateliers concernant la transition.
Crédits doubles/
Programmes MHS :
Nous ne reconnaissons pas les crédits doubles ni les programmes MHS. Cependant, nous proposons des
présentations spécialisées sur des disciplines se rapportant aux MHS. Pour plus d’informations, veuillez contacter
Isabelle Creusot, icreusot@glendon.yorku.ca.
Les candidates ou candidats peuvent fournir une preuve de compétence linguistique en français ou en anglais. Ils
pourraient répondre à nos exigences linguistiques s’ils ont terminé avec succès – ou sont sur le point de le faire –
soit :
• Quatre années complètes d’études secondaires en français ou en anglais au Canada
• Quatre années complètes d’études secondaires en français ou en anglais dans un pays où le français ou
l’anglais est une langue officielle ou la première langue d’enseignement
Exigences relatives aux
aptitudes en français/anglais
Tests linguistiques d’anglais acceptés : York English Language Test, TOEFL, IELTS. Les candidates ou candidats
peuvent aussi passer le test de compétence en langue française administré par le Service de recrutement.
Programme de bourses
d’entrée garanties :
Ces bourses (d’une valeur de 500 $ à 3 000 $ par an) sont accordées aux étudiant(e)s ayant une moyenne finale
de 80% ou plus. Elles sont renouvelables si les exigences concernant la moyenne et le nombre de cours suivis sont
respectées. Pour y être admissibles, les étudiant(e)s doivent être inscrits dans une école secondaire canadienne,
être citoyens canadiens, résidents permanents ou personnes protégées. www.glendon.yorku.ca/moneymatters
Demandes de bourses et
La date limite pour toutes les demandes de prix d’excellence décernés par York est le 1er février 2012. Des
dates limites –
renseignements complémentaires sur les bourses d’études et les bourses sont disponibles à
Renseignements additionnels
Renseignements sur les
bourses d’études :
Options de résidence :
Date limite – Demande de
place en résidence :
Les étudiants et étudiantes doivent remplir le Profil financier des étudiants d’ici le 4 avril 2012. www.yorku.ca/sfp
Plus de 90 % des chambres sont individuelles; vues magnifiques sur la Don Valley, la forêt de Glendon et le
quadrilatère. Possibilité de vivre en résidence pendant les quatre années d’études à Glendon.
1 juin 2012 (pour avoir une place garantie)
Une chambre individuelle est garantie aux étudiant(e)s de première année qui sont admis à Glendon directement
Votre place en résidence estaprès avoir terminé un programme d’études secondaires à temps plein et qui font une demande d’ici la date
elle garantie? :
limite. Pour plus de détails, visitez www.glendon.yorku.ca/residence.
Dépôt pour frais de résidence
500 $
Demande en ligne :
Le Centre d’excellence pour les études postsecondaires en français et bilingues est en cours d’agrandissement. La nouvelle aile, qui comprendra
des laboratoires de langues, des amphithéâtres et des espaces d’études, sera inaugurée en décembre 2011.
Le Centre sur les défis mondiaux, qui est l’organisme d’études et de recherches de l’École des affaires publiques et internationales de Glendon, a
ouvert ses portes sous la direction d’Alex Himelfarb, ancien ambassadeur canadien.
2011 Regional Dialogues Resource Guide
2011 Dialogues régionaux guide de ressources
Compiled by the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre, April 2011.
Compilé par le Centre de demande d’admission aux universités de l’Ontario, avril 2011.