KIN G KMA20/KR21 MARKER BEACON RECEIVER ISOLATION AMPLIFIER INSTALLATION MANUAL 006-0044-02 REV. 2 Downloaded from manuals search engine JUNE, 1976 Downloaded from manuals search engine KlNG KMA 20 /KR 21 BEACON RECEIVER/ MARKER AMPLIFIER ISOLATION TABLEOF CONTENTS SECTIONI GENERAL INFORMATION Page Paragraph 1. 1 1. 2 1. 3 Characteristics 1-1 1-2 Required 1-6 Introduction Technical Accessories SECTIONII INSTALLATION 2. 1 2.2 2. 3 2.4 2. 5 2. 6 General Unpacking Installation 2-1 2-1 2-1 and Inspecting Equipment Notes and Precautions Procedure Installation Marker Antenna KA 40 Installation 2-2 2-2 Installation 2-3 (Optional) SECTION IIIOPERATION 3. 1 Marker 3.2 Isolation 3-1 3-2 (KMA 20 and KR 21) Amplifier (KMA 20) Beacon LISTOF ILLUSTRATIONS Figure 2-1 Page 2-7 KMA 20 Installation KR 21 Instanation KA 40 Instanation KMA 20 Interconnect KR 21 Interconnect KR 21 lnterconnect KA 40 lnterconnect 2-8 Pin Function 2-2 2-3 2-4 2-5 2-6 Drawing Drawing Drawing Diagram Diagram Diagram Diagram for 000-1024-00 2-4 2-5 2-6 2-7 2-9 (27. BV DC') (13. 75VD(') thru 2-9 2-10 2-11 -16 i Downloaded from manuals search engine Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KR 21 MARKER BEACON RECEIVER/ AMPLIFIER ISOIATION HISTORY OF REVISIONS Hevision 1, August 1972 for Change Page Reason Title Page Warranty Denotes New Revision New Warranty of Contents Added Table Revision Added History Contents History 1-1 1-3 1-4 1-6 2-1 2 -2 2-3 2-4 2 -5 2-6 2-7 2-11 2 -13 2-15 3 -1 3-1 3-2 of Rev. Test Added Information Lamp and Selectivity Revised Sensitivity Word Misspelled Installation Parts List Added Note Added Warning Paragraph to 7. 6 Changed Numbers corrected Figure Drawing New Installation New Installation Drawing Turned on Page Drawing Interconnect Corrected Reversed Pins Figure Added Figure Added Marker Dese ription Information Added Information 09/11 Changed HI-LO Added about ii Downloaded from manuals search engine New Paragraph Switch 6 added. Downloaded from manuals search engine KMA20/KR 21 MARKERBEACONRECEIVER/ ISOLATIONAMPLIFIER OFREVISIONS HISTORY Revision 2, June, 1976 Page Reasons Title Page Warranty Contents of Revision History Denotes New Revision Deleted Page Number changes Added for Revision 2 1-3 Technical Characteristics 2-2 Paragraph Paragraph 2.3 2.3 2-7 2-9 for Change (5) Updated updated (7) updated Interconnect 2-11 Figure Figure Figure 3-2 Section updated 2-6A changed 2-6B changed 2-8 updated 3.2 to 2-5 to 2-6 updated iii Downloaded from manuals search engine Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KR 21 MARKER BEACON RECEIVER/ ISOLATION AMPLIFIER SECTION I GENERAL INFORMATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The King KMA 20 beacon receiver, to harmonize with TSO certification conditions. is a compact transistorized unit providing the functions of marker and audio control isolation amplifier panel. The unit has been styled the all new generation Crown equipment. panel mounted of Silver operation under environmental varying of the KMA 20 assures The KMA 20 is designed to provide a uniformly system when aircraft radio functioning with other units of the new Silver Crown line. is designed utilized Although the equipment with primarily it will also perform for use with the KX 170 NAV/COMM unit, effeciently Crown transceivers older Silver and radios. semiSignificant include its AUTO switch new features of the KMA 20 design feature: concealed and its ability to control COMM and NAV audio marker light presentation independently. Automatic for the marker to compensate for lamps, dimming circuitry cockpit is also ambient incorporated in the design. lighting, beacon receiver comprises Within the KMA 20, the marker one section of the unit. receiver without amplifier and audio The marker of the KMA 20, available the isolation receiver controlled and panel is the KR 21. The receiver is a crystal superheterodyne has excellent and freedom from interference and FM stations. selectivity of television Operating controls receiver consists for the marker of two toggle switches on the KMA and an audio selector and lamp test control switch. The KR 21 20: a HI-LO sensitivity presentation and test control. A three light has only the HI-LO lamp is de sensitivity lenses signed into the front panel of the unit with colored to indicate passage over the A-O-M Besides are identified markers. the colors, the stations engraved by the letters aircraft on the lenses plus the appropriate audio Should the user tone. desire frequency remote marker Radio Corporation a location for the lights, manufacturers King an remote optional light assembly designated the KA 40 for use with the KMA 20 only. amplifier isolation possible the combining of the KMA 20 makes of all receiver into a single speaker inputs cockpit with 40db of isolation between each radio. The amplified levels are to the level necessary to drive a 4 ohm input power of the signals circuit (diode switch) An electronic muting is provided to automatically isolate speaker. from the isolation amplifier button the output of all receivers whenever the microphone The audio Rev. 1, August, 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine Page 1-1 a Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KR 21 MARKER BEACON RECËIVER/ AMPLIFIER ISOLATION is pressed. This amplifier design high reliability. feature utilizes eliminates only one the possiblity of audio feedback integrated and a push-pull circuit The in the cockpit. output stage for Crown radio functions at the front Audio control of the Silver system are performed selector panel of the KMA 20. A microphone rotary a series of eight audio switch, selector switches and a marker beacon control are the operating receiver sensitivity controls The microphone selector routes audio and keying information to of the unit. transceiver or to a EXT ramp or passenger the selected hail speaker address system. control The AUTO switch of the standard model is utilized with the microin conjunction For normal operation phone selector switch. COMM 1 and COMM of the AUTO switch, in the center in the SPEAKER position, 2 are placed (off) position. With the AUTO switch microcontrolled the receiver audio selected by the operation of the is automatically on COMM 1, receiver phone selector. Thus if transmitting audio for COMM 1 will be routed to the cockpit speaker. eliminates the constant manipulation This feature of COMM receiver back and forth between audio selectors when switching transmitters. Speaker, off or mute, and headphone audio control of each of the aircraft radios is accomplished three-position with the remaining toggle switches. type solid state regulator is used to supply the regulated to the marker A series voltage receiver and audio boards of the unit. Since each aircraft installation is wired for eithier interchange13. 75 or 27. 5V operation of the unit, the KMA 20 and KR 21 are completely able between aircraft with no internal changes. wiring 1.2 TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS MARKER SPECIFICATION TSO COMPLIANCE: CONTROL: DUTY CYCLE: INPUT IMPEDANCE: OUTPUT: Page 1-2 Downloaded from manuals search engine BEACON RECEIVER - KMA 20/KR 21 CHARACTERISTIC TSO C35c Env. Panel mounted audio selector the unit. Category equipment. controls DACAAAX. and Sensitivity on the front panel of Continuous. Designed to match 50 ohm antenna. AmpCapable of 10 milliwatts into Isolation lifier input of 5000. Capable of 6. 25 watts at the 4O speaker output. November, 1969 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KR 21 MARKER BEACON RECEIVER/ ISOLATION AMPLIFIER SPECIFICATION OUTPUT: CHARACTERISTIC (Cont) to 1. OVRMS at the isolation adjusted input. Factory amplifier DESIGN: All FREQUENCY: Crystal-controlled SENSITIVITY: Low: High: SELECTIVITY: 6db at ±10KHz 60db at 575KHz AGC Less than 6db variation in audio when the rf level from is varied old to 200, 000µv. CHARACTERISTICS: ISOLATION TSO COMPLIANCE: solid CONTROL: Panel controls DUTY CYCLE: - C50b at 75MHz. for for hard hard Min. Max. output lamp level thresh- KMA 20 Env. Category mounted equipment. are on the front DACAAAX. All operating panel of the unit. Standard model accomodates two transceivers and four external receivers, International model accomodates three transceivers and four external receivers. INPUT IMPEDANCE: 500 ohms. INPUT ISOLATION: 40db between input INPUT SELECTOR Each isolated audio input SPEAKER, SWITCHES: terminations: MUTING: Audio mitter Rev. lamp threshold lamp threshold Continuous. INPUTS: INPUT parts. No moving 2, 000µv 500µv AMPLIFIER TSO state. 2, June, 1076 Downloaded from manuals search engine channels. Muting is 40db is keyed. has three OFF or or better when independent PHONE. a trans- Page 1-3 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING 21 KMA 20/KR MARKER BEACON RECEIVER/ ISOLATION AMPLIFIER CHARACTERISTIC SPECIFICATION 4 ohm output: output is 6. 25 watts at the 4 ohms Rated power With a supply output. voltage of speaker power output 27. Svde, increases capability to 8 watts. OUTPUT: SPEAKER 8 ohm output: output is 6, 25 watts at the 8 ohm Rated power at 27. 5 output. With a supply voltage speaker to power output increases vde, capability 8 watts. DISTORTION: Less FREQUENCY . RESPONSE: KMA POWER than 10a/o at rated 6dh from Within 350Hz output. to 3000Hz. 20 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: lnstrument panel lighting: KMA 20 idle current: current: KMA 20 operating PHYSICAL DIMENSIONS: WEIGHT: 13. 75V 300ma 1. 1 amps Length: Width: Height: 27. 5V 150ma 1. 1 amps 6. 293 inches 6. 2 inches. 1. 6 inches. behind instrument panel. 2. 3 lbs. KR 21 GENERAL POWER REQUIREMENTS: Current: Idle Operating Panel Page 170ma Current: Lighting: 1-4 Downloaded from manuals search engine 120ma 300ma 250ma None at 13. 75V at 27. 5V at 13. 25V at 27. 5 V Rev. 1, August, 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/101 21 BEACON REC,EIVER/ MAR<ER AMPLIFIER I3OLATION SPE CIFICATION CHARACTERISTIC PHYSICAL Length: Width: Height: DIMENSIONS: 0. 562 lbs. WEIGHT: KA 40 POWER PHYSICAL REQUIREMENTS: DIMENSIONS: GENERAL furnished Marker by KMA lamp power is operating. 0. 125 amp while the lamp Length: Width: Height: 2. 5 inches 3. 2 inches 1. 05 inches (including 20 connector) 0. 25 lbs. WEIGHT: November, 5. 667 inches 3. 20 inches 1. 050 inches 1969 Downloaded from manuals search engine Page 1-5 Downloaded from manuals search engine KMA20/KR 21 MARKERBEACONRECEIVER/ ISOLATION AMPLIFIER 1.3 UNITS/ACCESSORIES REQUIRED KPN 066-1024-XX KPN 066-1021-01 A. Unit: B. Kit: KMA20 Installation KR 21 & KA 40 Installation KMA20 KR 21 Installation QUANTITY 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 2 Kit (See Figure 2-8) KPN 050-1167-00 030-2016-00 Connector Kit: 089-6163-05 (4) screws Both are included with 050-1167-00 consists and unit. of the,following: DESCRIPTION KING PART NO. Solder Lug (Dual) Cable Half Clamp 32 Pin Connector Ampheno1 26-190-32 Cover Mounting Plate Connector Mounting Plate #4 Esna Nut 4-40 x 5/16 Screw Flathead Pan Head 4-40 x 1/4 Screw Pan Head 6-32 x 1/4 Screw Pan Head 4-40 x 5/16 Screw Flat Washer 008-0041-00 030-1019-00 030-2061-01 047-1760-00 047-1762-01 089-2188-22 089-5523-05 089-5903-04 089-5907-04 089-5903-05 089-8025-30 Accessories: KA 40 Remote Lamp Assembly Page 1-6 Downloaded from manuals search engine (071-0003-00) Rev. 2, June, 1976 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING 21 KMA 20/KH MARKER BEACON RECEIVElt/ ISOLATION AMPLIFIER SECTIONII INSTALLATION 2.1 GENERAL Installations of the KMA 20, equipment agency dimensions installed, installing mounting location to fit these and KR 21 and KA 40 will differ according and other factors. harness The cable requirements. various This section information to the number of will be fabricated contains interconnect receivers by the diagrams, to installation. pertaining ANÐINSPECTING EQUIPMENT 2.2 UNPACKING Exercise evidence shipping care the equipment. Make a visual inspection of the unit for extreme when unpacking of damage shipment. If a claim for damage save the incurred is to be made, during container filed with the the claim. The claim should be promptly to substantiate transportation all packing, unit storage company. and bracing or When filler has been removed, place the equipment in the shipping material in the original packing. Save the packing used container for use in reshipment. NOTESANDPRECAUTIONS 2.3 INSTALLATION -WARNINGSee Figure proceeding 2-BA with & H before assembly. cable KMA 20 will conform to the needs of the customer, agency conditions installing and existing Customer options will determine the exact wiring to unit location and type of installation. to be utilized the following suggestions should details in the installation. be considered llowever, before proceeding with the actual installation. Close adherence to these suggestions will assure The as a more (1) satisfactory (3) from the equipment. the equipment The KMA 20 may mounted location. be rigid in any front panel space requirements and the depth accomodate the necessary required instrument panel. Since behind the aircraft the unit is shorter than the other it is normally mounted at the top of a vertical When the equipment cover radios, stack. a front-operating hold down screw tray) is installed, allows installation and (mounting easy mounting removal of the unit from the aircraft tray. leave enough space on the If possible grasping of the unit face panel to allow the unit during Thembove applies sides removal. either or horizontally to the KR 21 and KA 40 and additionally they may be mounted vertically by changing the marker lenses. Select Placement. location (2) performance which will the protective cover plate on the rear When shipped, and connector Routing. mounting cover for the cable to emerge are assembled from the right side of the unit. of the equipment If it is desired that the cable emerge from the left side of the unit, the connector mounting to take is that Pin 1 of the unit connector plate may be reversed. The only precaution mate connector when the unit is installed. with Pin 1 of the harness Cable which have separate audio grounds, On all receivers it is recommended Grounding. grounds to a solder lug on the connector plate be carried mounting of the KMA 20. here should be terminated io minimize the possibility of ground All audio grounds current into the audio that the grounding system. It is also suggested noises being introduced or speakers connections from the speaker be made at the KMA 20 ground terminals. System that these Rev. 1, August, 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine Page 2-1 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KH 21 MARKER BEACON RECElVER/ AMPLIFIER ISOLATION (4) (5) of all KMA 20 units Supply Voltage. Since the internal is the same, wiring different de supply voltages is not necessary. is shown Wiring information diagrams. wiring This is also the case in the KR 21, for wiring in the installation (-00/07 Versions) for the optional procedure The location and installation speaker, or alternately will be developed system, a PA (passenger address) manufacturer by the installing agency. information from When installation the airframe is available, a power capability of at least 8 to 10 it should be utilized. A speaker having and an impedance watts of 8 ohms is required. If a ramp hail or PA speaker is not utilized, the EXT speaker output with a load resistor. must be terminated This is accomplished by 8 ohm resistive load. KMA20's previous terminating Pin 9 with an external to S/N 11233 had an internal However,care made to make certain resistor must which available at Pin 8. Ramp Hailer. Ramp hail" .be resistive (6) load P.A. (-09/10/11 audio output is in the KMA20 to be installed. is Versions) which system. address address (7) configuration selected The by The 09/10/11 Versions -09/10/11 the mic-selector have versions of switch the KMA 20 have can EXT (Ramp both an extra for passenger and P.A. Hailer) 4 ohm be used passenger capability. transceivers Transceiver Speaker Terminations. and recent Output Nearly all current speaker have a 4 ohm output connection from the amplifier-modulator to feed a cockpit amplifier to the KMA 20 use the directly when an isolation is not used. Since the audio inputs output 500 ohm headphone the 4 ohm output of such amplifiers To connection, is not loaded. eliminate this undesireable twos ohm resistors are provided in the KMA 20 to condition, perform this loading function. PROCEDURES 2.4 INSTALLATION (a) (b) Study the installation After the location in (c) (d) Figure 2-1 to allow is determined, Figure 2-1 Refer to Figure (KMA 20) four mounting hole locations. bracket. mounting Secure (KMA (e) Fabricate note of (f) Mount the equipment 20 only). the external the preceeding cover the panel make 2-2 (KMA 20) or for installation space adequate (KR 21) 2-2 (KR 21) or Figure punch and drill Mark, (mounting and connect or the using 2-3 Figure holes to the instrument rack) cable in accordance with precautions. installation the KR 21 in the panel cutout Figure or of the installation the wiring the connector the dimensions (KA cable. shown 40). 2-3 in and (KA 40) for the aircraft panel the panel mounting wiring diagram taking harness. -CAUTIONovertighten Do not screw. the locking 2.5 MARKER ANTENNA INSTALLATION Beacon Any standard type Marker the KMA 20 or KR 21. However, that a flight check it is suggested Page 2-2 Downloaded from manuals search engine Receiver due to be made Antenna the possible after meeting variations installation may be used TSO requit ements with and sensitivifles of the antennas, if the sensitivity to determine setting Rev. 2, June, 1976 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 2Ò/KE 21 MAHKER BEACON RECEIVER/ ISOLATION AN PLI FIER of the antenna. for the sensitivity to compensate It is recombe changed RG-58/U that coaxial cable for connecting be used the antenna to the KMA 20 or KR 21 Receiver Antenna terminals. in the receiver mended Marker should 2.6 KA40 INSTALLATION (OPTION) the outline consult and dimension drawing, If the King KA 40 Remote Light Adapter is utilized, 2-3 for attaching information panel. for the KA 40 is Figure the unit to the instrument Wiring diagram of the KMA 20. contained in the installation wiring Rev, 1, August, 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine Page 2-3 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING 21 KMA 20/KR BEACONREGEIVER/ MARKER AMPLIFIER ISOLATION I O CUTOUT DIMENSIONS BEHIND AIRCRAFT (3 LS60 FOR PANEL MOUNT ( 587) 6750 NOTES I DIMENSIONS IN PARENTHESIS 2. WEIGHT 2.3LBS Ig ARE IN CENTlMETERS (762) 3000 (15.94) 6281 ( CUTOUT DIMENSIONS FOR FRONT AIRCRAFT PANEL MOUNT 4.12) 1.620 REE 293 THIS SURFACE FLUSH WITH INSTURMENT PANEL FIGURE Page 2-4 Downloaded from manuals search engine 2-1 KMA 20 (DWG. NO. INSTALLATION 155 -50 51-00) 2 650 DRAWING Rev. 1, August, 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/ R 21 MA (KER BEACON RECEIVER/ ISOLATION AMPLIFIER ---- 2.700 (6.858) 2.812 (7.142) (8.128) 3.200 - o 0.056 (0.142) -- (0.4 75) - O.iB7 -- (IS.062) 5.930---- --- NOTES I ALL DIMENSIONS IN PARENTHESIS ARE IN CENTlMETERS. LBS. 2 WEIGHT 0.562 FIGURE 2-2 KR 21 (DWG. Rev. 1, August, 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine ÏNSTALLATION 155-5052-00) NO. DRAWING Page 2-5 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KR 21 BEACON RE CEIVER MARKER AMPLIFIER ISOLATION † -O * -O / O - O - 2.700 WO.056 i (0.142) (6.858) a 2.8 12 (7.l42) OO 4 38 ( ( O7 5 ) 2 NOT E Si I. ALL DIMENSIONS IN PARENTHESIS ARE IN CENTIMETERS. 2. WEIGHT: 0.25 LBS. FIGURE Page 2-6 Downloaded from manuals search engine 2-3 KA 40 INSTALLATICN 155-5053-00) (DWG. NO. DRAWING Rev. 1, August, 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING 21 KMA 20/KR MAEKER BEACOlN RECEIVER/ AMPLIFIER SOLATION JiOI | I KR 21 L A A NC B B NC C C D D K K E E F F J J RG-58/U H H MARKER BEACONRECEIVER ANTENNA NC POWER AND AUDIO GROUND i 500A AUDIO OUTPUT TO ISOLATIONAMPL. NC COAX FROM STANDARD 2-5 KR 21 INTERCONNECT (696-1801-01) DIAGRAM (27. SV) PIOI A A NC B B NC C C D D K K POWER AND AUDIOGROUND E E 500.0. F F J J RG-58/U H H MARKER BEACONRECEIVER ANTENNA I L FIGURE June, 27.5 V DC JIOI KR 21 2, a - FIGURE Rev. PIOI 1976 Downloaded from manuals search engine 2-6 13.75 V DC N.C. AUDIOOUTPUT TO ISOLATIONAMPL. NC KR 21 INTERCONNECT 696-180 (DWG. NO. COAX FROM STANDARD DIAGRAM 1-00) (13. 75V) Page 2-9 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KR 21 BEACON RECEIVER MARKER ISOLATION KMA20 AMPLIFIER | PART OF P2OI P401|J4OI A A 21 B B 20 C C f D D E E F F H H J J K K KA 40 l FIGURE 2-7 KA 40 (DWG. Page 2-10 Downloaded from manuals search engine INTERCONNECT 696-1802-00) DIAGRAM NO. Rev. 2, June, 1976 Downloaded from manuals search engine (MA 20/KR 21 MARKERBEACON RECEIVER/ ISOLATION AMPLIFIER A/C Ground Light Inst. Inst. Light A/C Power 1 2 3 4 VERSION FUNCTION PIN -00 -00 -00 Non-Switching 500 ohm Input Speaker Output (Comm 1) Speaker Output (Comm 2) Speaker Load Common (Comm 1 and 2) 8 ohm Ramp Hailer A/C Speaker 4 ohm Mic Audio In HF Mic Audio 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 HF (Radio through through through through through through through through through through through through -00 Ground Dimmer (13.75VDC) Tel) 500 ohm Input -00 -00 -00 -00 -00 -00 -00 -00 No Conn. -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 -16 versions for -03, -00, -09, HF Audio -07, Radio Marker Marker -10, Audio in for version Tel through through through through through -00 through Comm1 Audio Comm2 Audio Nav 1 Audio -00 Ant Ant. Ground Wht. Light Out -00 -16 -16 -00 -16 -00 -16 Light Out Amber Light Out 22 4 ohm PA Speaker Mic Key In 23 HF Mic Key Comm1 Mic Key Comm2 Mic Key Comm1 Mic Audio Comm 2 Mic Audio Nav 2 Audio ADF Audio DME Audio 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 version through through -00 through through through through through through through -00 -16 -16 -00 -16 -00 -16 -00 -16 -00 -16 -00 -16 -00 -16 -04, for -06, versions -07, ADF #2 Audio for and Headphone Out -00 FIGURE 2-8 Rev. 2, June, 1976 Downloaded from manuals search engine PIN FUNCTIONS FOR 066-1024-00 -00, -12, -01, versions -03, and -15 -13, -02, -16. -11 -05, -14. No conn. 32 -16 -16 -00 DME Audio -16 -15 for No conn. 24 -15 through -00 Ÿ for version No conn. 21 / through -00 Audio In for version Rcvr ?/ - Blue -15 Beacon -16 -12 -16 -00 Marker 20 -04, -02, -01, -11. -05, 14 15 16 17 18 19 versions In for -06, and-16. -13,-14,-15 -08, for through THRU versions and -09 -08, -10 -16 -16 Page 2-11 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20 /KR 21 MARKER BEACON RECEIVER/ AMPLIFIER TSOLATION SECTIONIII OPERATION 3.1 MARKER BEACON (KMA20 ANDKR21) Marker receivers beacon are used to provide accurate fixes by informing the pilot passage over beacon located on airways stations and ILS approach courses. Three of beacons are used. the outer marker and the middle They are the inner marker, of his types marker. instrument The outer, middleand inner markers are used in conjunction with the radio course systems. marker landing The outer is normally positioned on the front localizer near approach altitude the point where the glideslope path intersects inbound the minimum after the procedure Radio from the airport will vary from 4 to 7 miles. turn. Distance from the marker in an elliptical pattern. cone shaped frequency vertically is projected The marker of two signal at 400Hz and is keyed to emit dashes at a rate is modulated per second. When passing and the pilot The middle from the power to modulation equipped series of the outer will hear marker a series the blue light will of low tone dashes. flash "on/off" at a two per second rate marker about 3200 feet is normally on the front localizer course located approach pattern end of the ILS runway. The radiated in shape and is similar marker with 1300Hz and the the outer marker. The middle signal is modulated When the KMA 20 (KR 21) is keyed to identify by alternate dots and dashes. aircraft the middle pitched tone in a passes marker a medium the pilot hears synchronously dots and dashes and the amber light flashes with the tones. transmitter The inner marker and is located close to the end of the runway. The beacon are designed antenna to project a cone shaped pattern of 75MHz energy, The vertically. radio output of the transmitter is modulated with an audio tone of 3000Hz. An frequency aircraft with the KMA 20 (KR 21) will receive a 3000Hz or equipped tone in headphone marker speaker The inner and the white lamp will be lighted while over the station. is a point approximately used to indicate and if on proper 1500 ft. from the runway glide path the altitude should be approximately above the runway 100 feet. beacon The marker function in the KMA 20 provides the pilot with audio switching control and the Hi-Lo Switch in the KR 21 and KMA 20 provide sensitivity switching control. marker receivers provide position. The effect of the high Many only a "low sensitivity" position the size of the cone shaped "area sensitivity of indication" enlarge is to greatly above the station. or slightly An aircraft flying at high altitude off course may fail to receive the signal when in the low sensitivity postion. that the KMA 20 It is suggested Rev. 1, August, 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine Page 3-1 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KR 21 BEACON RECEIVER/ AMPLIFIER ISOLATION MARKER marker switch first be placed sensitivity in high sensitivity is received. The control switch may be turned position aural until to low sensitivity appropriate suggestion is especially This or tower at that moment. control already been indicated. munication with approach if he to and/or lamp the duration a appears of the indication and to obtain more accurate reading of passage since the signal to build and fade faster on low sensitivity. The marker audio off to obtain the may now be turned exact from the light only, time of center passage since the imminence passage has of station indication reduce is involved in radio com- high sensitivity an advance indication position may be used to effectively give the pilot that he to expidite the ILS approach the pilot may wish to is approaching the outer marker. In order retain the outer marker With the KMA 20 (KR 21) marker higher speed until he is nearby inbound. from about mile the outer marker. in high sensitivity the aural tone will begin one At position and reduce this time, the pilot may switch the KM.A 20 (KIl 21) marker engine to low sensitivity retrim power for final approach also and perform to speed, cockpit checks. He is then prepared actual indicates over the outer marker and the glideslope begin descent when the marker passage is intercepted. The 3.2 IsotATIONAMPLIFIER (KMA20) Both transmitting at the front panel switch and receiver and audio distribution functions Crown radio of the Silver controls the functional consist Basically selector switches. the KMA 20. of audio selector switch performs The microphone information to the appropriate destination are controlled system selector of a microphone two tasks. It routes microphone keying and audio and secondly, it switches the output of the isolation information 2 positions, microphone COMM 1 or COMM of the International this In the HF position model, to one of two speakers. In the transmitter. to the appropriate transmitter. information when the TEL. position is selis routed to the high frequency Likewise, to KT 96 King phone in the version. In these three ected, the keying and mic audio is routed positions amplifier speaker. the isolation output is fed to the cockpit capabilities the pilot with several depending on the option made The EXT position on 00 /07 provides at installation. the output of the amplifier In the EXT position, is normally connected to a "ramp hail" speaker or alternately to a passenger address system. Should one of the receivers be selectheard ed in this mode, audio will in the EXT speaker microphone the be until the is keyed. When and the microphone is keyed, the receiver audio output the microphone is muted is fed to the EXT amplifier is rounted -12 speaker The put output. EXT position is provided A series of trols can be the pilot control the audio switches switched amplifier headphones the amplifier external bypasses control co-pilot provided Page toggle provides a passenger the from address with a "ramp system. inputs position off hail" function. to the isolation to connect each to the speaker amplifier. And an added Each of out- 4 ohm these con- the center receiver's tothe of audio input then routes the audio output position in the "up" or to position, in the "down" position. In the PilONE receiver audio completely only a bypass Since individual and the KlVIA 20 performs switching function. with the speaker the to one receiver of the receivers the pilot may listen while is provided, the isolation and on 09/11 for use as which input receiver headphones. audio monitor another One non-switched could utilizing which that are not to be switched, as Hadar Altimeter can be used for audio signals ring from the King KT 06 KLng Phone. signal 3-2 Downloaded from manuals search engine Hev. 2, June, has been Au dio 1976 Downloaded from manuals search engine KING KMA 20/KR 21 MARKER BEACON RECEIVER/ ISOLATION AMPLIFIER KN-70 LOAD JUMPER JUMPER PINS AS INDICATED NUMBER OF EXTERNAL GIVEN FOR LOADS GLIDESLOPE EXTERNAL LOADS ONE VOR/LOC DEV FLAG M F KK NN H B PP UU TT XX DEV C M NONE TWO NONE THREE 1NTERNAL FLAG KK NN NONE NONE _A 3 PRE-RFEGURLATOR 030-006Ì-00 275V OPERATION P2OlO30-2|O5-OO PARTOF P70l 030-2106-01, STATOR X W V D STATOR E STATOR F PA?TOF J70l I C R,0TOR H i PARTOF J70l +VOR FLAG T NA † i------Ty L__ _.xx -G.S.FLAG L +G.S.FLAG FF F - +RIGHT 8 J3.75V +iOV × E CONTROL CONTROL .5MHz CONTROL .7MHz CONTROL IDMS 42 .a AIRFRAME 38 20 A/C 3USS HCz CONRORLOL J i 10 ll T *¿Cs ---- LAMPDIM'R(27.5V) --- REFERENCE VARIABLE ILS DD H A/C 2 AIRFRAME GROUND(N SPEAKER OUTPUT 16 AWG) 21 AUX AUDIO#l(NO 6 e e KX l70 COMM COM 500- 34 NAV = AA 500 CONNECTION) OUTPUT (COMI) OUTPUT (NAV AA Dllo MHz CONTROL I MHz CONTROL I2 ^0 i4 39 1 22 A MIC ÍMic KEY (COMM l) AUDIO(COMMI) I DME MHz"A" " " " - 23 21 RR J 702 P702O30 vy 0005-00 25 GLIDE SLOPE ANT. 26 27 DME KHz a "D" "E" "A" TO i ¯¯ 28 -- 29 3 C 3 I 32 FIGURE llev. 1, August, 2-5 KMA 20 INTERCONNECT DIAGRAM (DWG. NO. 155-1075-00) 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine I) NNOCCONNNNEECCT ONN AUXAUDIOi‡4(NOCONNECTION) l6 [3 ENERGIZE (27, 5V) Page 2-9 " " " " a "C" "D" "E" DME SWITCHING COMMON GNU #2 INST LIGHT DIMMEl N.C.!NST C PHASE PHASE ,A 27.5Vt‡16AWG IS 3 N S M ONLY OUT SIGNAL OUT .!MHz .3MHz INPUT PARTOF 7| 33 IO9MHzCONTROL UU SOLDER LUG IN CONNECTOR 030-2101-03 Pl7\ 6 P --- U SWITCHING MATRJX) (ILS VOR /LOC ^ UP FOR TESTING ( SWITCHED)A/C 27.5V w +DOWN L PARTOF UD EE LAMPDIM'R (l3.75V) LAMPD1M'R(13.75V) LAMPDIM'R(27.5V) ---PP + PART OF p 7 Xtl6AWG #16AWG ^^ 4LEFT 030-206 PARTOF J l7l - P70l R KN 70 VOR / LOC CONVERTER GLIDE SLOPE RE CVR COMM ANT. SPKR GROUND Y JJ ' ¯ (A/C) WW FLAG 030-OO6l-OO Pl72 N.C. e PART OF ' 73 C N.C. +FROM KPl 550 INDICATOR C O -VOR q O , i +l3.75VDC C (A/C) ROTOR + A go N.C. LL STATORG t- A +27.5VDC t' Pi73 NAV ANT .. J201 WIRING D)AGRAM 27.5 V ONLY ) REMOTE DME LIGHT DIMME BUSS 27,5 KA 39 (07HO4 l-O I ) PRE-REGULATOR FOR 27.5V OPERATION + 27.5VDC Î N.C. A AC B O B O +I3.75VDC i ËN.C. (A C) (A C) kl6AWG 050-006f-OO I PJ72 dl72 JI73 IPl73 030-OO35-OOP40l COMM ANT, KM A 20 INSTALL JUMPER BETWEEN BANDS IF RAMP i PINS 030-2|Ol-03 HAI.LERlSETUSED. PART PART J 7l OF Pl7| OF PART OF J,7l A/C BUSS 27.5V NAV ANT. 030-2002-00 LAMP DIMMER NC. LAMPDIM'Rí275V)N.C 3383 (#)6 AWG) OI GLIDE SLOPE ANT, PART OF 030-2lO-03 Pl7l (l3.75V) J2Of 16AWG 030-0061-00 P30l LAMP DIM R (l3.75V) LAMPD\M'R(27.5V) E 20 P20l 030-206l-OO' I 2 4 3 SOLDER CONNLECTORNHOUSING 5 6 l3 l4 16 24 J2 25 27 Il 23 2826 29 15 30 7 31 l9 20 2f 22 8. 9 JO 32 IS A/C !7 SPARE AMBLERELLAAMMP N.C I M KR ANT 17 AfRFRAME \3.75V PWR GROUND(Bl6AWG) -- --- ' OREM WHITE | UNU#2OAWG DME 500 ADF 500 - AIRCRAFT RAMP LIGHT DIMMER SPEAKER HAILER 8 4^ (13.75V) - BUSS 27.5V SPEAKER GROUND 42 OUTPUT - NAV 500^OUTPUT AUX AUDlON HF 5002 AUX AUDIO‡‡ 2 INPUT 6 I-; I• (NO CONNECTION) (NO CONNECTION) .3 7 POWER SIGNAL MHZ CONTROL MHZ CONTROL MHZ .5 e GROUND [3.75V H INPUT C A OUT .7 N CONTROL MHZ CONTROL MHZ CONTROL R 9 S .9 - 36 CONNECTÍON) 4 MIC KEY HF MIC AUDIO (NO CONNECTION) AUX AUDIO*l 3 AUX AUDIO# KEY (COMM 2) (NAV2) (NO I ^ COMM NAV UNIT INPUT ‡120AWG HF MIC .i v 1 COM 500 A/C A/C 27.5VlNPUT VOR/LOC SOLDMEAR L2OG SPEAKER OUTPUT INST LIGHT DIMMER 275V INST N.C. SWITCHED (:l‡l6AWG) . 3 E LAMP INPUT INPUT 2l HEADPHONE --AIRFRAME SWITCHED A/C l3 ¡4 37 (08 MHZ (09 MHZ - 1 CONTROL W CONTROL X IIO MHZ CONTROL Ill MHZ CONTROL ILS ENERGlZE V U 4 g (COMM 2) I MIC AUDIO (COMM2) 30 TO AUTOPILOT COUPLER g +LEFT DEFLECTION +RIGHT +UP DEFLECTION DEFLECTION L DOWN DEFLECTION M DME MHz '. " MIC, A -- "C" l.UNLESS TO REMOTE DME NOTE'D,WIRE SIZE IS‡i22AWG e EQUlPMENT Downloaded from manuals search engine DME KHz li a " " " COAX INTERNAL NOT USED.(SEE CHART). 4. USE JWl6AWG TO INTERCONNECT POWER GROUNDS. 25 26 ( MINIMUM. IS RGS8 A/U. LINES DENOTE JUMPERS TO LOADS WHEN EXTERNAL LOADS ARE 2.ALL ANTENNA 3.KN-70.DASHED 22 24 "D" NOTESI J30l F ¡ "A 27 ligu 28 "C" 29 "D" 30 "E" DME SWITCHING 3\ COMMO 32 155-1075-00 (R-I) VOR I LS UN I T KING KMA 20/KR 21 MARKER BEACON/RECEIVER ISOLATION AMPLIFIER KN-70 LOAD JUMPER JUMPER PlNS AS INDICATED FOR GIVEN NUMBER OF EXTERNAL LOADS GLIDESLOPE EXTERNAL LOADS ONE FLAG M H C F B M H TWO THREE VOR/LOC DEV NONE NONE DEV FLAG KK PP UU NN TT XX KK NN NONE NONE INTERNAL WIRING DIAGRAM 13.75 V ONLY 030-006l-00 Pl73 Pl72 73 030-0061-00 NAV ANI P20 I 030-2|O5-00 J 201 W V STATOR D STATOR E STATOR F STATOR G PART OF P 70 I 030-2106-01, t' PAR MM CC a PARTOF J 701 BB _,, PART P701 OF PARTOF p 7| LAMPDIM'R(l3.75V) +TO + 9 KP I-550 INDICATOR NW FLAG ,, K N-70 VOR / LOC CONVERTER GLIDE SLOPE RE CVR .N L -G.S.FLAG L GG +G.S.FLAG F - B -- +RIGHT -EE L LAMPDIM'R (13.75V) _- LAMP DIM'R (27.5V) --- .l. U ¯ FOR TESTING ONLY ( REFERENCE .VARIABLE PHASE PHASE PART OF PI71 E AIRFRAME GND#20 33 38 20 BUSS [3.75V A/C si MATRJX) .3MHz CONTROL .5MHz CONTROL .7MHz CONTROL .9MHz CONTROL LOS MHz CONTROL IO9MHz CONTROL I O MHz CONTROL i i I MHz CONTROL T |LS SPEAKER 6 CO MM NAV UNIT g ENERGIZE ir 36 re [2 16 l3 40 14 39 1 22 COM 500^ NAV 500 I) (NO CONNECTION) AUX AUDIO 43(NO CONNECTlON) CONNECT]ON) N4 (NO ( COMM I) Q DME MHz"A" DME KHz "A" -s C 21 P702O30-OOO5-00 " " 25 GLIDE SLOPE ANT- 26 27 " '" 3l | 1, August, I) (NAV 23 30 Rev. #2 (COM OUTPUT MIC AUDIO (COMMI) 1 KMA 20 INTER CONNE CT DIAGRAM (DWG. NO. 155-1074-00) (13. 75V) 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine Page 2-7 32 . ‡‡2OAWG HF 500- CONNECTION) OUTPUT AUX AUDIO MIC KEY --, I 29 -4 - AUX AUDj0 37 13.75V OUTPUT AUX AUDIO#l(NO - BUSS GROUND(4* l6 AWG) AIRFRAME 21 28 2 AWG JNST LIGHT DJMMER (13.75V) A/C 2 - FIGURE 3 INST LIGHT GND i‡ 16 AWG 17 10 H J702 2 42 CONTROL ^ Y RR I SOLDER LUG IN CONNECTOR HOUSING 030-2|Ol-03 SPKR GROUND PARTOF a y 3 N S +DOWN | SWlTCHING C OUT SIGNAL OUT MHz J UU M K V{lLS VOR /LO D UP OF .o +I U PP --- I ( SWlTCHED) 13.75V w x ^^ P EE LEFT + ¯ R JJ +VOR FLAG T LAMPD1M'R(27.5V) Y FROM -VOR J 201 P2Ol 030-2061-00 ROTORH u I - LL ROTOR C Y Z COMM ANT. PA IT OF J 701 " " " " "D" "E" a a "B" "C" b "D" "E" DME SWlTCHING COMMON , ) TO REMOTE DME I HF MIC KEY HF M1C AUDIO 030-OO6l-OO l KM A - 20 ( 030-2|O!-03 ) A/C BUSS |3.75 4 5 5 6 Il 23 2826 \3 f4 16 24 l2 2527 29 [5 30 7 31 l920 21 22 8 9 BLUE LAMP WHITE LAMP DME 500 -3- INPUT REMOTE OPTION ^ MKR A NT. V(4tl6 PART OF Pf 7\ PART OF J 7 i ¯ 030-2002-00 PART OF Pl7\ 030-2|Ol-03 LAMP DIMMER (13.75V) LAMP DIM'R (13.75V) p LAMPDIM'R(27.5V) AIRCRAFT SPEAKER RAMP HAILER 8 ^ 4 A T v SPEAKER GROUND OUTPUT 42 -0-OUTPUT (COMM 2) OUTPUT 31 (NAV2) 35 AUX AUDiO‡‡ I (NO CONNECTION) AUX AUDIO*l 2 (NO 37 ! DME MHz "A" " " -e MIC. e " " 2.ALL ANTENNA COAX IS RG58A/U. 3. KN 70. DASHED LlNES 1)ENOTE JUMPERS TO INTERNAL LOADS WHEN EXTERNAL LOADS ARE NOT USED. (SEE CHART). - Downloaded from manuals search engine ( e n CONTROL I 22 23 24 . 25 "E" 26 27 .ngu 28 s u " " MHZ .3 7 .5 e .7 "C" "D" "E" DME SWITCHING COMMON OUT CONTROL CONTROL .9 MHZ CONTROL 108 MHZ 109 MHZ CONTROL CONTROL IIO MHZ CONTROL lli MHZ CONTROL ILS ENERGlZE TO AUTOPILOT COUPLER g +LEFT H C A D 29 30 31 32 17 i ni"CIIU S T UN I I X y U DEFLECTION +RIGHT DEFLECTION +UP DEFLECTION DOWN DEFLECT]ON al VOR I LS W ll 4 J30\ F N 9 (O j E 8 CONTROL MHZ MHZ P30! L M "C" nD" DME MHz "A' a 39 "B" " IS ‡f 22 AWG MINIMUM. SIGNAL MHZ 6 4n MIC AUDIO (COMM 2) TO REMOTE DME VOR/LOC 4 (COMM 2) '. 3|O · INPUT N.C. 27.5V INPUT 6 gy · 36 CONNECTION) ( NO CONNECTION) ( NO CONNECTION) AUX AUDIO# 4 ^ COMM NAV UNIT A/C GROUND 13.75V INPUT .! SPEAKER MIC KEY \3.75V SWITCHED A/C POWER (#l6AWG) 3 AUX AUDIO*l 3 Y IS SWITCHED A/C J40I GLIDE SLOPE ANT. NAV ANT. LAMPDIM'R(27.5V 2! -A- INPUT Sl1E OF J i7l 20 INPUT NOTE'D,WiRE PART SOLDER LUÜ KMA-20 COM 500 NOTE'SI l. UNLESS 030-0035-00P401 030-006|-00 3383 AWG) AIRFRAME PWR GROUND(NI6AWG) NAV 500^ - IPl73 17 HEADPHONES -ADF 500 JI73 ¯ a . JI72 10 32 18 (7 SPARE AMBER LAMP .. I i INSTALL JUMPER BETWEEN PINS\ T USED. \ 8 AND 9 IF RAMP HAl.LER IS Pl72 COMM ANT li :- in PIN FUNCTION 1 A/C 2 INST. LIGHT GND LIGHT DIM'R., 3 INST. 4 A/C 5 No Conn. COMM 1 SPKR 6 7 8 9 10 RAMP HAIL SPKR LD. RAMP HAIL 89 - A/C SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SPKR 42 SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME COMM 2 SPK EXT. -11 SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME. SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 11 MIC AUDIO IN SAME SAME SAME SAME 12 HF MIC AUDIO SAME SAME SAME SAME NO CONN. NO CONN. HF AUDIO IN HF AUDIO IN 13 HF AUDIO IN 14 COM 1 AUDIO SAME SAME SAME 15 COM 2 AUDIO SAME SAME SAME SAME 16 NAV 1 AUDIO SAME SAME SAME SAME MARKER ANT. SAME SAME SAME 18 MARKER ANT. GND. SAME SAME SAME SAME 19 WHT LIGHT OUT SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 17 SAME SAME SAME 20 BLU LIGHT OUT 21 AMBER LIGHT OUT SAME SAME SAME SAME 22 PA 42 SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 23 MIC KEY IN 24 HF MIC KEY SAME SAME SAME SAME 25 COM 1 MIC KEY SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 26 SAME COM 2 MIC KEY SAME SAME 27 COM 1 MIC AUDIO SAME SAME SAME SAME 28 COM 2 MIC AUDIO SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 29 NAV 2 AUDIO 30 ADF AUDIO SAME SAME SAME 31 DME AUDIO NO CONN. NO CONN. NO CONN. SAME SAME SAME 32 HEADPHONE OUT FIGURE Rev. 13.75VDC PWR -10 -09 -08 GND 1, Atuggist, SAME SAME 2-8B PIN FUNCTION (ETVVGr.PIC). FOR 066-1024-08 696-1805-00) 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine thru -11 I'age 2-15 SEME SAME ADF 2 AUDIO SAME KMA 20 VERSION:: PIN FUNCTION 1 A/C GND' 2 3 4 S 6 7 8 9 INST, INST. -00 gr PWR -05 -06 -07 SAME SAKE SAME SAME SAKE SAME SAME SAKE SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SABE SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAKE SAME SAME SAME SAKE SEME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAKE SAME SAME SAME 89 RAMP HAIL SPKR SAME SAME * COM lå * * *,* * * a-, 15 COM 2 aWÐEG k 16 NAV 1 AUDW k j yv~f 4 . SAME SAME SAKE SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAMË SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME NO CONN. HF AUÙIO IN HF AUDIO IN NO CONN, HF AUDIO IN HF AUDIO IN NO CONN. HF AUDIO.IN SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAMÉ MARKER ANT. MARKER ANT. GND, WRT-LIGHE-9UT WWhe-tf@HT-00T SAME SAME SAME SAME 49 12 13 14 20 -04 13,75VDC RAMP HAIL SPKR LD. A/C 21 22 SAME -07 SGM-a-ZZEÐe MIC AUDIO IN 17 SAME ERU EXT. 10 18 SAME -00 -03 SAME NO CONN. 88R-4-GBER 11 19 SAME 066- -02 SAME Àssä SLAÊ LIGHT GND LIGHT DIM'R. A/C 4 -01 SAME SR4E SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME AMBER-tTORT-BUT SAME SAME SAME SAME SAKE SAME SAME SAME PA-4 SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAKE SAME 23 MIC KEY IN SAKE SAME SAME 24 ßÐ-4G£rõëiY SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 25 COM 1 MIC KEY SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 26 SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAKE 27 COM 1 MIC AUDIO SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME 28 COM 2 MIC ADDIO SABE SAKE SAME SANE SAKE SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME SAME COM 2 MIC KEY 29 NAV 2 AUDIO 30 3\ 32 * SAME SAME SAME ADF AUDIO * * * * * * f4 SAME HEADPHONE OUT FIGURE Rev. DME AUDIO 1, JLugpast, 2-8A SAME SAME DME AUDIO SAME SAME SAME ADF 2 AUDIO DME AUDIO SAME PIN FUNCTIONS FOR 066-1024-00 696-1804-00) (I39VCI. fšCI. 1972 Downloaded from manuals search engine SAKE thru SAME DME AUDIO SAME -07 I>age 2-13 SAME ADF 2 AUDIO SB4E SAME DME AUDIO SAME SAME SAME DME SAME Downloaded from manuals search engine - SPEAKER OUTPUT 27 -- - -- - - DME 50KHz -, DME KHz K3--~ DME KHz KO DME KHz Kl--DME KHz K2--- - 9 -- -- -- -- COMMON ILS VOR/1ßC ----.... G.S. 0.11tile tullTROL N T --- -- y - -g -- -- -- - -- '¯' - 4 RR PRASE REFERENCE OTHERMISE JUMPER EXTERNAL ONE F B H IMMAGE, SPEAKER SWITCHING TT NONE XX PP TT NONE NN NN PP UU KK FIAG KK DEV VOR/LOC BE ACCESSIBLE AND SAFE KEEP GROUND SEPARATE FROM KMA 20 GROUND, HEADSET INSTALIATION. 15. FOR BOOM MIC O IF STANDARD 3-WIRE MICADPHONE PLUG IS USED, THE FRAME SHOULD BE INSULATED WASHERS TO AVOID INTRODUCING NOISE INTO MIKE AUDIO. INTERCONNECT OPTIONAL ON KX175B. NONE 300MA AUXILIARY MIC INPUT - - 16. INTERŒlM 17 26 12. IS PIN PIN 13. AUDIO #2 - - ENERGI2E-- P/O BY 1 18 17 1755 OFERATION DME P/O 12 28 13 29 23 24 8 7 27 --• --- - -- , 26 10 9 29 11 Ai i P1001 -- - --- 2 3 SPARE DME SWITCHING 50KHz ILS-NC raon G.S. FLAG G.S. FIAG i gg¡gi i INST LIGHT LIGHT DIMMER-27.5VDC -16 (KI265) INDICATORS NOTE 8 DDetER B A KA39 CONTROL NO JUMPER 2A A B G GG FF U r - 1 X , V aa T Z . t _q T P201 --- A/C n PONER O m I r K C Kl(032-0008-00 MIC K N 7-6021-00) 7.5VDC INPUT (MARKER LIGHT OUTPUT) BECOME: REQUIRED. CR 1 oso-21er ao REAKE 7, 8. AND 24. PINS 7 AND 8. PINS NGE SHOWN. -00/-15 KNGS DME INDICATOR FOR THREE JUMPER JUMPER DIMMER-NC FOR TUD INDICATORS FOR ONE INDICATOR INST INPUT CONTINUGUS) y #16AWG-- #16AWG-- 12) (SEE NOTES 13 & 14) DIMMER CONTROL Ê C Nc ac 17 32 33 3A 35 36 22 16 15 030-2146-00 P/O 9651 14 NC (NGTE NC COMMDN OUTPUT EONER #16AWG INPUT A/C REMOTE OPTION FOR VERSIONS FOR VERSION THE lAMP OUTPUTS PIN 21 has no connection PIN 20 has no connection. PIN 19 MARKER RADIO 5002 INPUT - - C ENERGIZE RIGHT ILS + DOMHY IDAD , DUMMY IDAD-# + LEFT STATOR D STATOR E STATOR F staron o ROTOR C ROWR + H TOR FIAG VOR FLAG + TO - + 9. KN74 13.75VDC SNITCHED 13.75VDC (0.75A --NAV K3 K2 K1 50KHz Hz Hz Hz 36 AUX AUDIO #1----AUDIO #237 --AUX Aux AUDIO #3 15 is Aux aunto es- -- -- -- --DME --DME --DME -- (1, SA CORTINUOUS) (5.0A 201 DUTY FACTOR) --COB91 --COMM -- KMA20 P/O P201 ..... N 4 MHz M2 KHz KO MHz M3 --DME --DME MHE MO HRz M1 --DME --DME INST LIGHT DIMMER-NC 33 LIGHT DIMMER---27.5VDC 38 --INST POWER #16AWG 20 --A/C EX175/XX P171 P 27.3VDC 2 1 3 18 P1001 K 5 K X 23 24 25 27 28 29 30 31 32 5 42 P171 --ONE 030-2101-04 16. 8. 7, VOR/LOC IN ENERGIZE 2 OUT OF 3 4 19 oso-2ost-oo COMMON----- --POWER GROUND ---ILS BREAKER PANEL IN FLIGHT ILS -ILS OITTPUT TO GIANNEL GROUNDS. O 5 MOUNTEDIN THE AIRCRAFT COMM NAV 15 NOT USED" CAPABILITY: WHENRAMP HAILER AND AIRCRAFT EXTERNAL SWITCHING AT KMA20, RES1STOR --- RETURN LEADS SHOULD BE CONNECTED TO PIN 1 RAMP HAILER OUTPUT (Pin 9) TO BE TERMINATED WITH 7.52 5 WATT IDAD FROM PHYSICAL OR INSTRUMENT PANEL SUCH TRAT THEY WILL RAMP HAILER a. K REQUIRED NUHBER OF EXTERNAL IDADS. BREAKERS ARE TO BE NONE H M NONE M C FIAG FOR DEV GLIDES1ßPE IttE ALL SYSTEM GROUNDS ARE AIRFRAME CONVERT KIl75/KIl75B P1NS AS INDICATED POWER BUSS CIRCUIT THREE TWO TUTING #24AWG HINIMUM. SPECIFIED, RG58A/U. ALL WIRES VARIABLE PRASE P 5 B NOTE UP DOWN + + UNLESS LOADS FOR N LEFT + NOTE 5 M RIGHT U + 5 F1AG + G.S. NOTE FMG G.S. - NOTED, -- S V T VOR FMG VOR FMG + 5 PRC11 NOTE X W + - A W ROTOR H ALL ANTENNA COAX IS VV -- c -A H M S UU KK EE B Fy L NN JJ -- SS W -- --+ E F B STATOR G ROTOR C STATOR F D es21 -- a STATOR D 13 1' CONTROL CONTROL 110MHz 111MHz 12 10 7 6 2 26 21 1 20 18 17 33 38 £1 11 --- 13.75VDC- VOR/IDC OUT NAV SWITCHED #16AWG POWER GROUND #16AWG•- #16AWG----- INPUT- EOWER --- P/O 14) CONTROL STATOR E BB A/C NAV 13.75VDC - #16ANC #16AWG POWER INPUT COMM SWITCHED A/C DIMMER DIMMER LIGHT LIGHT INST L1 INST OPERATION EED CONTROL -- -- MK R . 10 109MHz -- -- . HEADPHONES ADF 5000 INPUT DME 5002 INPUT COMM 13.75VDC 5A 42 E 5002 INPUT IS) CONTROL 030-2070-00 SPEAKER NOTE 7 FOR 27.5VDC 2A NOTE CONTROL 3 11 18 23 89(SEE GROUND #16nWG IDAD COMMONy HF (RADIO T£LEPHONE) AIRFRAME SPEAKER RAMP HAILER 13.75VDe DœMNT L . 108MHz POWER GROUND (#22AWG) -- HF MIC KEY 24 13 30 31 32 17 HF MIC AUDIO 13.75VDC A/C POWER 13.75VDC A/C POWER DIMMERDIMMER 12 LIGHT LIGHT POWER--#20AWG 39 40 ""¯ (SEE NOTE7 14 p 0.7MHz UNLESS 11. SFE INST INST A/C AIRCRAFT DIMMER CONTROL 0 - SEE NOTE Au PA SPEAKER NON-SHITCH 500 ohm INPUT AMBER lAMP BLUE LAMP WHITE LAMP 1) (COMM 1) 3 4 9 8 1 10 2 MIC AUDIO MIC KEY (COMM 3A 35 P171 P172 9 P/O 030-0061-00 P173 030-0061-00 5002 OUTPUT (COMM 1)-5000 OUTPUT (NAV 1) OR - OR 0.9MHz CONTRÕL NC 12) NC #16AWG -- CC MM LL HH FF Y -- -- -- -- P U D #16AWG- 3HITCilIll:; POWER CONTROL +10.0VDC X E --0.3MHz -iŠMiiz A --- A/C COMMON ENERGIZE SWITCHED ILS IN OUT ILS VOR/LOC R -- --- ENERGI2E ILS INPUT COMM 13.75VDC THE KA47 MAY BE USED 10 SCODE DME'S. 10. K M 19 20 21 22 5 27 25 16 29 28 26 COMM ANT NAV ANT 030-0101-00 030-0101-00 SPEAKER OUTPUT --NAV --- 14 ---COMM 7 15 EDWER#16AkG A/C COMM SNITCHED DD J INPUT NAV SWITCHED 13.75VDC-NC NAV 13.75VDC NC DIMMER---13.75VDC -- -- NC NC -- P7C1 AA LIGHT LIGHT DIMMER POWER---#16AWG -- INST SPARE INST A/C -- -- 1. 6. --- NC (NOTE NC POWER GROUND #16AWG-- -- -- -- -- -- --, -- AUX AUDIO #1---AUX AUDIO #2AUX AUDIO #3--#4AUX AUDIO CONTROL CONTROL 110MHz 111MHz -- -- -- -- -- 108MHz -- - - -- CONTROL CONTROL 0.0MHz 109MHz CONTROL CONTROL 0.7MHz 3. KN70 -- -- -- - - -- 030-2106-01 3 19 4 26 17 18 1 20 33 38 21 42 16 15 36 37 12 13 16 11 10 - -- 4. 5. INc DME SWITCHING COMMON 32 SWITCHING+10.0VDC 2 G.S. 0.1MHz CONTROL 6 CONTROL 7 --0.3MHz CONTROL 8 -0.5MHz 31 29 30 28 -- - - - 34 --COMM 5000 OUTPUT (COMM 2)-5000 OtfrPUT (NAV 2)---35 --NAV MIC AUDIO (COMM 2) 39 -MIC KEY (coMM 2) 40 50KHz ILS 5 DME MHz MD 22 MHz MI--23 -DME DME MHz M2--24 DME MHz M3 25 2. NOTES: L | | I 0 K N K X 5 K X . P20 P201 030 2061-00 P/O 030 2101-06 COMM ANT 0061-00 OR 030-0101-00 NAV ANT OR 030-0101-00 Pl7 030 P17 030-0061-00 Pl73 -01 SWTCH 14V) 28V)