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Writing Research Reports: Guidelines & Structure

Educational Research and Statistics – I (Code:6569)
Unit No. 9
Presented By
Sana Rubab
Bushra Yousaf
Table of Contents
The Research Report
Assembling the Report
Writing the Report
• You have also studied various statistical
techniques used to analyze the data collected
for the research, to interpret the data and to
present it in meaningful ways .
The Research Report
Research Report
• A research is undertaken when some difficulty is
experienced in realizing the desired objective . The
basic purpose of a research report is to
communication to other in the field ,complete and
accurate information about what was done ,how it
is down and what results were obtained.
Guidelines for preparing the
research report
• The writing of the research report should be undertaken after all
the data have been collected and analyzed, and the conclusion
based on these data have been drawn and firmly established.
• The research report should describe as clearly, directly and briefly
as possible exactly how the research was conducted, how the data
were collected, and how the conclusions were drawn.
• The research reports are written, are all well-versed in the basic
facts and principles of the field of research report with
elementary background material.
Typical Format Of the
Research Report
• There is no one way of presenting a research report in written
form; there are many good and acceptable ways .the essential
core of the research report consists of the new piece of
knowledge that has resulted from the research study .
thus all research reports contain three major sections,
1. the introductory explanation
2. the presentation of the data collected and its analysis
3. A summary of the general conclusions.
some researchers add a fourth section, namely:
4 recommendations for future action.
Nature and background of the study
• This section really provides the rationale for the study . The major
topics to be considered in this section being
1. Statement of the problem;
2. Reasons for making the study
3. Review of related literature
4. Further elaboration of the problem
5. General hypothesis
Method of the study and presentation of data
An actual research is described in details and the basic data
collected are presented.
1. Actual steps followed in course of the research
2. Instruments used for collection of data
3. Validity and reliability of instruments
4. Population and sample studied
5. Description of the evidence gathered
6. Summary of data
Summary and conclusion
• It should contain a brief recapitulation of the entire study and
should present briefly arguments and data supporting the
conclusion draw from the interpretation of data. Some
researchers also include within this chapter a section on
recommendations about actions to be taken to use the new
knowledge discovered in the study
Writing The Report
Prepare a Detailed Outline
Adopt a Simple Style
Use Dictionary Frequently
Build Strong Paragraphs
Write Clear, Strong Sentences
Follow Accepted Practices
Revision of The Draft
Introducing Quotations
➔Short Quotations
◆ Not more than 50 words
◆ Reverse use of quotation marks
◆ Use of three dots or periods
◆ No addition is allowed
◆ Use the word (sic) for error in original words
➔Long Quotations
◆ No quotation marks
◆ Use single space
◆ Use indented margin
● Functions of Footnotes
● Example
Author-number System
Functions of Footnotes
Use of Ibid (ibidem)
Use of Loc. cit (Loco citato)
Use of op. cit (opere citato)
Author-number System
Encouraged to save space
Alphabetically arranged list at end
Commonly used in journal articles
Serial number and page no. are
placed in parentheses
➔ Annotated Bibliography
◆ A two or three lines description of the subject dealt with in the work
and the element found useful is all that is included.
◆ Example
➔ Annotated Bibliography
◆ A two or three lines description of the subject dealt with in the work
and the element found useful is all that is included.
◆ Example
➔ Bibliographic entry for books and reports
◆ Title is underlined
◆ In case of reports, commission/agency name comes in place of author.
◆ Example
➔ Annotated Bibliography
◆ A two or three lines description of the subject dealt with in the work
and the element found useful is all that is included.
◆ Example
➔ Bibliographic entry for books and reports
◆ Title is underlined
◆ In case of reports, commission/agency name comes in place of author.
◆ Example
➔ Bibliographic entry for articles
◆ Name of author, “the title of the article”, name of journal, vol.no. ,
(date of publication) and he page number.
Assembling The Research Report
Assembling the Research Report
1. Preliminaries
 Title page – (title of the study, name of
investigator, respective degree name,
department and university name along
with date of completion of study)
 Preface/acknowledgements – optional
 Table of content – (Headings and
 List of table, charts illustrations, etc.
Steps for Arrangement of Material
2. The Text
3. Reference Material
 Appendices – copies of questionnaires,
tests or other data gathering devices and
if there are large no. of tables, charts,
graphs of other illustrative material
 Bibliography
 Chapters are consider as the main text.
 The heading hierarchy would be:
• Heading underlined – Heading
without underline
• Heading in the centre – Heading on
left-hand margin
• Heading on left-hand margin –
Paragraph heading
 Tables and figures should be numbered
Typing Instructions
 Typing should be done by the investigator himself /or give proper instructions and
guidance to a typist.
 Paper quality - 8 by 11
 Get an extra copy for your record
 Should be typed on one side (Left align)
 There should be double space all over the document except long questions
 Leave generous margins - 1 ” from left, an inch at top and bottom.
 Page number may be at the right hand corner or at the centre – Usually 6 spaces from
the top of the page.
 The typing should start four spaced below the page number.
Thank you