Uploaded by Safowan Raiyean

Culture WebQuest: Sociology & the Modern World

Safowan Raiyean
Period 07 Now
WebQuest: Culture
In this digital quest you will be looking at a couple of different websites that talk more
about culture and the modern world. Please make sure the follow the directions in each
Section 1
Directions: Go to the website listed below and answer the questions.
American Sociological Association 
Questions 1-3 “Culture”:
1. According to the American Sociological Association,
Sociology understands culture as the
_______customs_______, _______beliefs_______, ______rules_______,
_____arts_____, _______knowledge_______, and collective identities and
memories developed by members of all social groups that make their social
environments meaningful (6 pts.)
2. Sociologist study cultural meaning by exploring ______individual________ and
______group______ communication (2 pts.)
3. List one way that cultural meaningfulness is expressed ________________social
narratives, ideologies, practices_____________ (1 pt.)
Section 2
Directions: Go to the website listed below and answer the questions.
ThoughtCo 
Questions 4-13 “So What Is Culture, Exactly?”
4. Culture is important for shaping_____social______
___relationships____, maintaining and challenging
_____social_____ ___order___, determining how
we make ___sense___ of the world and our
place in it, and in shaping our everyday actions and
_______experiences_________ in society (6 pts).
Safowan Raiyean
Period 07 Now
5. How do Sociologist define non- material aspects of cultures? (2 pts.)
____Sociologists define the non-material aspects of culture as the values and beliefs,
language, communication, and practices that are shared in common by a group of
6. Culture is also the ____rules_______, _____norms_______, ___laws____, and
morals that govern society (2 pts).
7. What is “disclosure?” (2 pts.)
__Disclosure is the words we use as well as how we speak and write them.___
8. Culture also includes the collective practices we participate in, such
as___________ ceremonies, the celebration of __________________
___________, and attending _________ ______________ (5 pts.)
9. What is Material Culture? (2pts.)
__Material culture is composed of the things that humans make and use.____
10. Give 3 examples of material culture (3 pts.)
1. ___________buildings_____________ 2. _____________technological
gadgets_____________ 3. _________clothing_______________
11. Aspects of material culture are more commonly referred to as ____cultural
products______ (2 pts.)
12. Explain the connection between material and non-material culture in your own
words (4 pts):
__The connection between material and non-material culture is that non-material
tends to be what we speak, describe and feel, where else the material culture is
the cultural things people make which can also be about a non-material such as
a language book.__
13. Explain why culture is so important to Sociologist in your own words (this should
be detailed) (4 pts.) :
__Culture is so important to sociologists because it gives them the information
about how people in different places live their lives. To add on, this helps with the
Safowan Raiyean
Period 07 Now
Section 3
Directions: Go to the website listed below and answer the questions.
Forbes 
Questions 14-22 “The Culture behind Technology”
14. According to, “The Culture behind Technology,”
is informed by _____cultural___ ____norms____ and
____social____ ____conventions___ (4 pts.).
15. What does the author say about driver less cars? (2 pts.)
__________Culture and technology can conflict where drive less
cars are not trusted by 50% of the customer._______________________________
16. Much of our technology is driven by __cultural__ norms and political _realities_.
(2 pts.)
17. Until the late____18th century___, travel took place in Europe on the left-hand
side of the road (2 pts.).
18. In 1773, as ___horse traffic____was increasing and the width of roads
decreasing, the British Government introduced the __General Highways Act_
which recommended keeping _left__(6 pts).
19. In a post-Revolutionary ____France__, this practice became prevalent as part of
a general re-ordering of _society__ and was continued by Napoleon who ordered
his armies to keep __right___ (3 pts.).
20. With Napoleon’s __revolutionary wars_, right-handed driving spread to the
countries surrounding France_Spain__, __Germany__, Switzerland, __Italy__,
and then even further afield in _Poland___and Denmark (6 pts)
21. The US started off with __right__-hand driving thanks to _General Lafayette_
who gave advice during the War of Independence (3 pts).
Safowan Raiyean
Period 07 Now
22. The rules of technology and the _social___ __conventions__ that lead to certain
innovations has far more to do with social and personal conditions than the
__technology___itself (3 pts.)