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Digital Signal Processing (DSP) Introduction

Feb, 2021
Department of Computer Engineering
University of Tripoli
Digital Signal Processing
 Text books:
Digital Signal Processing, Principles, Algorithms, and Applications: John G.
Proakis, Dimitris G.Manolakis, 4th edtion.
Discrete Time Signal Processing – A. V. Oppenheim and R.W. Schaffer, with
john buck, 2nd edition.
 Course evaluation system
» Test 1:
» Test 2:
» Home works:
» Mini projects or special report
» Final
Slide 2
Digital Signal Processing
Time domain:
• differential equ.
• Convolution integral
• State variable
Frequency domain
• Fourier series
• Fourier transform
Complex domain
Laplace transform
Time domain:
• Difference equ.
• Convolution sum
• State variable
Frequency domain
• Fourier analysis
Complex domain
𝑧 = 𝑟e𝑗ѳ
Slide 3
What is signal ?
A signal is anything you can see, hear, observe or measure using some machine.
• Examples: Speech, audio, light, radio, TV, radar, supersonic, temperature, ECG, EEG, etc.
A signal is defined as any physical quantity that varies with time, space or another independent
A signal is the carrier of information.
.ECG contains information related to sickness. medical diagnosis
.Voice contains information about who is speaking and what is spoken
.Speech recognition•
.Speaker recognition
Representation of signals
– Mathematic representations of signals
Continuous-time signal or analog signal
– x(t)
• Discrete-time signal or sequence
– x(n) or x(nT) or xn
• Digital signal
– Discrete value of x(n)
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Classification of signals
 Analog signal
Continuous independent variable (e.g time)and continuous dependent
variable (e.g voltage).
 Quantized signal
continuous independent variable and discrete dependent variable.
 Discrete signal
Discrete independent variable and continuous dependent variable.
 Digital signal
Discrete independent variable and discrete dependent variable.
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Classification of signals
Classification of Signals
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What is a system?
A system is defined as a physical device that performs an operation on a signal.
System is characterized by the type of operation that performs on the signal. Such
operations are referred to as signal processing.
 Representation of systems
Signal processor
» x(n): input, stimulus
» y(n): output, response
System analysis
–To understand the properties of a given system
• System design
–To find system that meets given specifications
• System synthesis
–To find a system structure
• System implementation
–To realize a system using software or hardware
Slide 7
What is signal processing ?
The purpose of signal processing is to make it easier to extract useful information
and to make correct decisions.
For this purpose, we have
– Signal enhancement
– Signal restoration
– Signal reconstruction
– Signal synthesis
– Signal estimation and prediction
After signal processing, we can extract more important information, and recognize,
aware, and make decisions.
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What is signal processing
 Signal Enhancement
– Signal amplification in radio, TV, human ears
– Image enhancement in image processing
 Signal Restoration
Restore a signal corrupted by noise or useless background
–Tuning in radio and TV
–Noise cleaning
–Pick up the voice of a certain person in a party
 Signal Reconstruction
Reconstruct a signal from different measurement
–Computerized tomogram (CT)
–Synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imaging
–Reconstruct 3D images from different 2D views
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What is signal processing
 Signal Synthesis
Find a system that can generate the desired signal
–Speech synthesis
–3D sound synthesis
–Make a virtual world in computer
 Signal Estimation
Estimate the future values from observed data
–Stock prediction
–Electrical Demand prediction
–Image compression
–Adaptive signal processing
Slide 10
Basic signals
Some basic signals
• There are four basic signals
–The unit sample signal (impulse signal)
–The unit step signal (step signal)
–The ramp signal
–The exponential signal
–The sinusoidal signal
• All other signals can be represented by the
basic signals given above.
–Fourier series
–Fourier transformation
Slide 11
Digital Signal processing
Slide 12
DSP in a global chain
Slide 13