PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR DEVICES TOPIC : SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Density of States function, g(E) Fermi-Dirac Distribution function, f(E) Distribution Function and Fermi Energy Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes n0 and p0 Equation Intrinsic carrier concentration Fermi level for Intrinsic Semiconductor Extrinsic Semiconductor Position of the Fermi Level of the Extrinsic Semiconductor Non-Degenerated Semiconductor Variation of EF with Doping Concentration and with Temperature Compensated Semiconductor Statistics of donors and acceptors Formula to remember Question Bank Solved problems Assignment SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Density of States Function g (E) The conduction in the crystal depends on the number of charge carriers. The number of charge carrier that contributes to the conduction process is the function of the number of available energy or quantum states. The density of these allowed energy state is called the density of state function. This helps to calculate the hole and electron concentration. 4π(2m)3/2 E h3 g(E) = number of quantum states per unit volume per unit energy It is given by g(E) = Where, Density of allowed electronic energy states in the conduction band is g c (E) = 4π(2m*n )3/2 h3 E-E c As the energy of the electron in the conduction band decreases, the number of available quantum states also decreases. Similarly, density of allowed quantum state in the valence band is g v (E) = 4π(2m*p )3/2 h3 E v -E It is important to note that quantum states do not exist within the forbidden energy band. So g(E) = 0 for Ev < E < Ec The density of energy states in the conduction band and valence band as a function of energy is shown in the figure. Fermi – Dirac Probability Function : In the crystal, the electrical behaviour will be determined by statistical behaviour of a large number of electrons. Electrons in the crystal obey Fermi – Dirac probability function where the particles are distinguishable but only one particle is permitted in each quantum state. The particles are assumed to be non – interacting. fF (E) = Fermi – Dirac distribution function = Fermi – Dirac probability function = Probability that a quantum state at the energy E will be occupied by an electron. Filled quantum state Total quantum state Fermi – Dirac distribution fF (E) is given by f F (E) = 1 E-E F 1+ exp kT Where EF = Fermi energy 2|P age SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Boltzmann approximation If (E - EF) >> kT E-E F kT Then E-E F exp kT - (E-E F ) f F (E) = exp kT >> 1 Then f F (E) = >> 1 1 (E-E F ) exp kT This become Boltzmann approximation Distribution function and Fermi Energy We know that 1. f F (E) = Let T = 0 K and if Then 1 E-E F 1+ exp kT E < EF E-E F exp = exp ( - ) = 0 kT So fF (E) = 1 Thus the entire electron have energy below the Fermi energy at T=0 K in their lowest possible energy states. 2. Let T = 0K and if Then E > EF E-E F exp = exp ( + ) = kT FF(E) So fF (E) = 0 Thus no electron have energy above the Fermi energy at T=0 K A plot for the Fermi probability function versus energy at T = 0 K 3. Let T > 0K and Then EF E E = EF E-E F exp = exp ( 0 ) = 1 kT So f F (E) = 1 2 1 if 1.0 Thus the probability of a state being occupied at E = EF is 1 2 Fermi – Dirac probability function varies with temperature and is shown in the figure at different temperature. 3|P age SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM 2 A plot for the Fermi – Dirac probability function and the Maxwell – Boltzmann approximation is shown in the figure. 4|P age SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Equilibrium Distribution of Electrons and Holes In an intrinsic semiconductor at T = 0K, all the energy state in the conduction band is empty with electrons and all the energy state in the valence band is filled with electrons. However, as the temperature starts to increase, the valence electron will gain thermal energy. Some electrons in the valence band may gain sufficient energy and jump to the conduction band. This creates an empty space (called the holes) in the valence band corresponding to each electron jumping from valence band to the conduction band. Thus in an intrinsic semiconductor the number of electrons in the conduction band is equal to the number of holes in the valence band. If n(E) is the distribution of electrons in the conduction band with respect to energy, then it is given by n(E) = g c (E) . f F (E) Where g c (E) density of allowed quantum states in the conduction band and f F (E) Fermi - Dirac probability function i.e the probability of a quantum state being occupied by an electron Similarly, the distribution of hole p(E) in the valence band with respect to energy is given by p(E) = g v (E) . [ 1 - f F (E) ] Where g v (E) density of allowed quantum states in the valence band and 1 - f F (E) Probability that a quantum state is not occupied by an electron Graphical representation of n(E) , p(E) , g c (E) , g v (E) , f F (E) are shown in the adjoining graph. Calculation of thermal equilibrium concentration of electrons (n0 ) n0 is the thermal equilibrium concentration of electron. We can find it out by integrating the distribution of electron, n(E), in the conduction band n(E)=g c (E) . f F (E) We know that Where g c (E) density of allowed quantum states in the conduction band and Fermi - Dirac probability function i.e the probability f F (E) of a quantum state being occupied by an electron Now, n0 n(E) dE Ec n0 g(E) f F (E) dE Ec Where E c = minimum amount of energy corresponding to conduction band 5|P age SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM => 4π(2m*n )3 2 h3 n0 Ec E-E c 1 dE E-E F 1+exp kT ------- ------ (1) If Ec -EF >> kT E-EF >> kT Then ( For conduction band electron, we have E > E c ) Then Fermi –Dirac distribution reduces to Boltzmann approximation, i.e. 1 E-E F 1 + exp kT fF E = 1 E-E F exp kT - E-E F = exp kT ------- ------ (2) Putting equation (2) in equation (1) we get n0 Ec 4π(2m*n )3 2 h3 -(E-E F ) E-Ec exp dE kT ------- ------ (3) Equation (3) can be solved by substituting the following η= Let E - Ec kT ------- ------ (4) Then dη = dE kT dE = kTdη ------- ------ (5) Again as E E c , then η 0 ------ (6) And ------- as E , then η Again from eqn (4) we have, E - Ec = η1 2 η= E - Ec kT kT1 2 ------- ------ (7) Putting the above values in eqn (3) we get n0 0 n0 0 n0 0 4π(2m*n )3 2 1 2 -( E- E F ) η (kT)1 2 exp kT dη h3 kT 4π(2m*n )3 2 1 2 -(E- Ec ) - (Ec - E F ) η (kT)3 2 exp dη 3 h kT * 32 4π(2mn ) - (Ec - E F ) η1 2 (kT)3 2 exp (-η )exp dη h3 KT 6|P age SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM 4π(2m*n kT )3 2 - (Ec - E F ) 1 2 -η exp η e dη 3 h kT 0 n0 n0 = 2πm*n kT n0 = 2 2 h - (E c - E F ) n 0 = N c exp kT 4π(2m*n kT )3 2 - (Ec - E F ) 1 exp 2 π 3 kT h 32 ( integral is a gama function ) - (E c - E F ) exp kT ------- ------ (8) 32 2π m*n kT Where, N c = 2 is called the effective density of states in the conduction h2 band. * If m n m 0 = 9.1 10 -31 kg and T = 300 K ( say ) Then Nc = 2.5 x 1019 cm-3 Similarly we can get thermal equilibrium concentration of holes in the valence band (p0) - (E F - E v ) p0 = N v exp kT ------- ------ (9) 32 2π m*p kT h2 Where, Nv = 2 is called the effective density of states in the Valence band. The order of Nv is also 1019 cm-3 The effective density of state functions Nc and Nv are constant for a given semiconductor material at a fixed temperature. From eqn (8) and (9) it is clear that n0 and p0 depends on: Effective density of states function Fermi energy level Intrinsic carrier concentration For intrinsic semiconductor, we have, n 0 = p 0 = n i ( say ) and E F = E Fi = intrinsic fermi energy We know that and - (E c - E Fi ) n 0 = n i = N c exp kT - (E Fi - E v ) p 0 = n i = N v exp kT So, - (E c - E Fi ) - (E Fi - E v ) n 0 p0 = n 2i = N c N v exp exp kT kT - (E c - E v ) n 0 p 0 = n 2i = N c N v exp kT ----------------- (1) ----------------- (2) 7|P age SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM - Eg n 0 p0 = n 2i = N c N vexp kT ----------------(3) Where, (E c - E v ) = E g = Bandgap Energy ni is strong function of temperature. At a constant temperature, the value of ni for a semiconductor material is constant and is independent of the Fermi energy. ni = 1.5 x 1010 cm-3 Silicon at T = 300 K Eg = 1.12 eV Fermi level for Intrinsic Semiconductor We know that the thermal equilibrium concentration of electrons and holes are: and - (E c - E Fi ) n 0 = N c exp kT - (E Fi - E v ) p0 = N v exp kT ------------------ (1) ------------------ (2) Where E Fi = intrinsic fermi energy But we know that at thermal equilibrium for intrinsic semiconductor, we have, n 0 = p0 - (E c - E Fi ) N c exp kT = N v exp - (E Fi - E v ) kT Taking natural logarithm on both sides we get - (E c - E Fi ) lnN c + = kT - (E Fi - E v ) lnN v + kT kT lnN c - E c + E Fi = kT lnN v - E Fi + E v 2E Fi = (E c +E v ) + kT ln E Fi = Nv Nc N 1 1 (E c +E v ) + kT ln v 2 2 Nc E Fi = E midband energy m* 1 + kT ln *p m 2 n E Fi = E midband energy + 3 m*p 3 kT ln * m 4 n 2 ----------------- (3) From equation (3) following things are obtained Then, E Fi = E midgap 1. If mp = mn Thus Fermi Energy level is exactly at the center of the band gap. 2. If mp > mn Then Fermi Energy level EFi is slightly above the center of the band gap. 3. If mp < mn Then Fermi Energy level EFi is slightly below the center of the band gap. 8|P age SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM We know that Nc and Nv depends on mn and mp We have seen from the above that the intrinsic Fermi energy level shifts away from the band with larger density of states. This is due to maintain equal number of electron and holes. 4. Extrinsic Semiconductor n- type semiconductor 1. Intrinsic + pentavalent = n-type 2. Electrons are the majority charge carrier 3. Holes are the minority charge carrier 4. n 0 > p0 5. n 0 > n i and p 0 < n i 6. E F > E Fi p- type semiconductor 1 Intrinsic + trivalent = p-type 2 Holes are the majority charge carrier 3 Electrons are the minority charge carrier 4 p 0 > n0 5 p 0 > n i and n 0 < n i 6 E Fi > E F Position of the Fermi level of Extrinsic Semiconductor We know that - (E c - E F ) n 0 = N c exp kT -------------- (1) Taking logarithm on both the sides we get - (E c - E F ) lnn 0 = lnN c + kT N E c - E F = kT ln c n0 In n-type semiconductor we have, Nd > ni Thus and (E c - E F ) = lnNc - ln(n 0 ) kT -------------- (2) n 0 Nd N E c - E F = kT ln c Nd -------------- (3) Equation (3) represents the information regarding EF for n-type semiconductor with respect to EC. It is clear that EF lies below EC. Similarly, in p-type semiconductor we have, 9|P age SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM N E F - E v = kT ln v Na ---------------(4) Equation (4) represents the information regarding EF for p-type semiconductor with respect to Ev. It is clear that EF lies above Ev. Fermi Energy Level of Extrinsic Semiconductor w.r.t EFi : We know that - (E c - E F ) n 0 = N c exp kT (E E c Fi ) + (E F -E Fi ) n 0 = N c exp kT - (E c - E Fi ) (E F -E Fi ) n 0 = N c exp .exp kT kT (E - E ) n 0 = n i exp F Fi kT ---------------------- (5) n E F - E Fi = kT ln o ni ---------------------- (6) Equation (6) represents the information regarding EF for n-type semiconductor with respect to EFi. It is clear that EF lies above EFi. Similarly, for holes concentration we have - (E F -E Fi ) p 0 = n i exp kT ---------------------- (7) p E Fi - E F = kT ln o ni ---------------------- (8) Equation (8) represents the information regarding EF for p-type semiconductor with respect to EFi. It is clear that EF lies below EFi. From equations (6) & (8) we have If E F > E Fi If E F < E Fi then n 0 > n i from eqn. (6) then n 0 < n i from eqn. (6) and from eqn. (8) and p0 > n i from eqn. (8) p0 < n i thus n 0 > p 0 This is n-type semiconductor thus p0 > n 0 This is p-type semiconductor 10 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Non- Degenerated Semiconductor In extrinsic semiconductor number of impurity atom added is small compared to the semiconductor atom. Small number of impurity atoms are spread far enough apart so that there is no interaction between donor electrons ( in case of n-type ) Due to the presence of impurity a discrete, non-interacting donor energy states in n-type semiconductor is create. Similarly a discrete non-interacting accepter energy state is created in p-type semiconductor. These types of semiconductor are referred as non-degenerated semiconductor. N-type Semiconductor P-type Semiconductor Degenerated Semiconductor When concentration of impurity atom increases then Distance between the impurity atom decreases There will be an interaction between the charge carriers ( for example donor electrons in n-type) Single discrete donor energy level ( for n-type) and single discrete acceptor energy level (for p-type) will split into a band of energies. Donor states widen and may overlap the bottom of the conduction band. Acceptor state may overlap the top of the valance band. In n-type semiconductor when concentration of electrons in the conduction band exceeds the density of states Nc then EF will lie within the conduction band. In p-type semiconductor when concentration of holes in the valence band exceeds the density of states Nv then EF will lie within the valence band. Energy states below EF are mostly filled with electrons and energy state above E F are mostly empty. In degenerated n-type semiconductor, the states between EF and Ec are mostly filled with electrons. So electron concentration is very large In degenerated p-type semiconductor, the states between Ev and EF are mostly empty. So hole concentration is very large Variation of EF with Doping Concentration We know that 11 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM N E c - E F = kT ln c Nd As Nd increases, (E c - E F ) decreases. Thus EF shifts towards the conduction band for n-type semiconductor. Similarly, EF shifts towards the valence band for ptype semiconductor as acceptor impurity concentration increases. In general as doping level increases the Fermi level shifts towards that band. The variation of Fermi energy with the variation of doping concentration is shown in the figure. Variation of EF with Temperature We know that, for n-type semiconductor the position of the Fermi level is given by N E c - E F = kT ln c Nd and n E F - E Fi = kT ln o ni * As the temperature increases, then Nc increases and (E c - E F ) increases. Thus EF moves away from the conduction band. * As the temperature increases, then ni increases and EF moves closer to intrinsic Fermi level. * At higher temperature, semiconductor material loses its extrinsic characteristics and begins to behave more like an intrinsic semiconductor. * At low temperature Fermi level goes above Ed for n-type material and below Ea for p-type material. * At T= 0K, All energy states below EF are full and all energy states above EF are empty. The variation of Fermi energy with the variation of temperature is shown in the figure. Compensated Semiconductor When a semiconductor contains both donor and acceptor impurities atom then it called a compensated semiconductor. If Nd>Na then it is called n-type compensated semiconductor we have If Na>Nd then it is called p-type compensated semiconductor we have If Na = Nd, then it is a completely compensated semiconductor. It will show the characteristics of intrinsic semiconductor. 12 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Statistics of Donors and Acceptors Due to the presence of donor electrons, a donor level is created just below the conduction band. The energy corresponds to the donor level is Ed. When donor electrons receive energy it jump to the conduction band and become ionized. These electrons are treated as free electrons. The corresponding amount of energy is called the ionization energy. Thus, ionization energy = Ed – Ec Where, Ec = Minimum amount of energy corresponds to conduction band Ed = Energy corresponds to the donor level The density of the electrons occupying the donor level ( nd ) is given by nd = Nd - Nd+ Nd = Concentration of the donor atoms or donor electrons Nd+ = Concentration of the ionized donors (i.e the number of electron jumped to the conduction band. Again, n d = If --------------(1) Ed - EF >> kT , then eqn. (1) become nd If Nd 1 E - EF 1 + exp d 2 kT Ed - E F Nd = 2 N d exp kT 1 E - EF exp d 2 kT Ed - EF >> kT , --------------(2) then also Boltzmann approximation valid. So we can write Ec - E F --------------(3) n 0 Nc exp kT nd Now represents relative number of electrons in the donor state compared with nd + n0 the total number of electrons Ed - EF 2N exp kT Ed - EF 2N d exp + Nc exp kT So, nd = nd + n0 nd = nd + n0 d Ec - EF kT 1 Ec - Ed Nc 1+ exp 2N d kT --------------(4) Where Ec - Ed = Ionization energy of the donor electrons Case : I Freeze – out At absolute zero ( T = 0K ), all the donor electrons are in their lowest possible energy state i.e all the donor state must contain an electrons. No electron from the donor state is thermally elevated into the conduction band. This effect is called freeze – out. Thus at freeze – out we have nd = Nd , and Nd+ = 0 Putting this condition in eqn. (1) we get 13 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM nd = Nd 1 E - EF 1 + exp d 2 kT Nd = Nd 1 E - EF 1 + exp d 2 kT 1 E - EF exp d = 0 2 kT E - EF exp d = 0 = exp - kT Ed EF > Ed - E F = ve Thus the Fermi energy level must be above the donor energy level at absolute zero. In case of p-type semiconductor at absolute zero temperature, the impurity atom will not contain any electron, so Fermi energy level must be below the acceptor energy state, so that the Fermi energy level must be below the acceptor energy state. Case : II Complete ionization At room temperature, all the electrons from the donor level are thermally elevated to the conduction band for n-type semiconductor and become ionized. This is called complete ionization. So for complete ionization we have nd = Nd - Nd+ = 0 Nd = Nd+ Donor Impurity concentration = Ionized Donor Impurity For p-type semiconductor acceptor atom has accepted an electron from the valence band. So a hole is created at the valence band for each acceptor impurity atom. So for complete ionization we have pa = Na - Na- = 0 Na = N -a Acceptor Impurity concentration = Ionized Acceptor Impurity Where pa is the density of the holes occupying the acceptor level and is given by pd = Now Na = N a - N a1 EF - Ea 1+ exp 4 kT pa represents relative number of holes in the acceptor state compared with pa + p0 the total number of holes pa = pa + p0 1 Ea - E v N 1 + v exp 4N a kT 14 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Equilibrium Electron and Hole concentration using charge neutrality Due to the presence of donor electrons, a donor level is created just below the conduction band. The energy corresponds to the donor level is Ed. When donor electrons receive energy it jump to the conduction band and become ionized. These electrons are treated as free electrons. The corresponding amount of energy is called the ionization energy. Thus, ionization energy = Ed – Ec Where, Ec = Minimum amount of energy corresponds to conduction band Ed = Energy corresponds to the donor level The density of the electrons occupying the donor level ( nd ) is given by nd = Nd - Nd+ Nd = Concentration of the donor atoms or donor electrons N = Concentration of the ionized donors (i.e the number of electron jumped to the conduction band. + d For p-type semiconductor the occupies the acceptor level which is just above the valence band. The acceptor atom has accepted an electron from the valence band. So a hole is created at the valence band for each acceptor impurity atom and we say that holes are ionized ( N-a ) So, pa = Na - Napa = density of the holes in the accepter level Na = Concentration of the impurity acceptor atoms N = Concentration of the ionized acceptors From the charge neutrality condition we have Density of negative charges = Density of positive charges - a n0 + Na- = p0 + Nd+ n 0 + Na = p0 + N d n 0 + Na = n 0 + (N a - pa ) = p0 + (Nd - n d ) (During complete ionization) n i2 + Nd n0 ( p0 = n i2 ) n0 n02 - (Nd - Na ) n0 - ni2 = 0 This is a quadratic equation of n0. The solution is given by n0 = (N d - N a ) (N d - N a ) 2 4 n i2 2 Negative sign is not acceptable. So, n0 = (Nd - Na ) 2 2 Nd - Na 2 + ni 2 -------------------- (1) Similarly for p0, we have p0 = (Na - Nd ) 2 2 Na - Nd 2 + ni 2 Equation (1) and (2) represents the n0 compensated semiconductor. -------------------- (2) and p0 concentrations for and extrinsic 15 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Formulae to Remember 1. 4π(2m ) E-E c h3 g c (E) = Density of allowed electronic energy states in the conduction band * 3/2 n g c (E) = 4π(2m*p )3/2 2. g v (E) = 3. f F (E) 4. fF (E) = Fermi – Dirac distribution function = Fermi – Dirac probability function = Probability that a quantum state at the energy E will be occupied by an electron. Where, EF = Fermi energy Probability that a state is being empty of electron is given by E v -E h3 g v (E) = Density of allowed quantum state in the valence band 1 E-E F 1 + exp kT 1 f F (E) =1 5. 1 1 E-E E - E F 1+exp 1+exp F kT kT If (E - EF) >> kT 1 Then f F (E) = (E-E F ) exp kT = - (E-E F ) exp kT This become Boltzmann approximation 6. If n(E) is the distribution of electrons with respect to energy in the conduction band then n(E) = g c (E) . f F (E) Where g c (E) density of allowed quantum states in the conduction band and f F (E) Fermi - Dirac probability function i.e the probability 7. of a quantum state being occupied by an electron If p(E) is the distribution of holes with respect to energy in the valance band then p(E) = g v (E) . [ 1 - f F (E) ] Where g v (E) = density of allowed quantum states in the valence band 8. and 1 - fF (E) = Probability that a quantum state is not occupied by an electron Concentration of electrons in the conduction band by assuming Boltzmann approximation is given by - (E c - E F ) n 0 = N c exp kT * Where, N c = 2 2π m2n kT h 32 = effective density of states in the conduction band. 16 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM 9. Concentration of holes in the valence band by assuming Boltzmann approximation is given by - (E F - E v ) p 0 = N v exp kT 32 2 π m*p k T h2 Where, N v = 2 10. Valence band. Intrinsic carrier concentration is given by - Eg Where, (E c - E v ) = E g = Bandgap Energy n 0 p0 = n 2i = Nc N v exp kT Silicon at T = 300 K 11. is called the effective density of states in the ni = 1.5 x 1010 cm-3 Eg = 1.12 eV Position of the intrinsic fermi level with respect the center of the band gap is given by E Fi = E midband energy + m*p 3 kT ln * m 4 n mn = effective mass of the electron mp = effective mass of the holes Where E Fi = intrinsic fermi energy 12. Position of the fermi level in the n-type semiconductor in terms of N c and n 0 is given by N Ec - E F = kT ln c n0 13. Position of the fermi level in the n-type semiconductor in terms of N d and N c N Ec - E F = kT ln c Nd is given by 14. Since, in n-type semiconductor we have, N > n and n 0 Nd i d Position of the fermi level in the p-type semiconductor in terms of N a and N v 15. N is given by E F - E v = kT ln v Na Concentration of electrons in the conduction band in terms of n i is given by (E -E ) n 0 = n i exp F Fi kT 16. Concentration of holes in the valence band in terms of n i is given by - (E F -E Fi ) p 0 = n i exp kT 17. Position of the fermi level in the n-type semiconductor in terms of n o and n i is given by E F - E Fi = kT ln n o ni 17 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM 18. Position of the fermi level in the p-type semiconductor in terms of p o and n i is given by E Fi - E F = kT ln po ni 18 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Numerical Density of state functions & Fermi-Dirac Distribution Function 1. Determine the total number of energy states in the GaAs between Ec and Ec + kT at T = 300 K. For GaAs m*n = 0.067 m0, m*p = 0.48 m0 Ans.: We know that 4π(2m*n )3/2 g c (E) = E-E c h3 E + kT 4π(2m*n )3/2 c g T (E) = E-Ec dE h3 Ec E c + kT 3 4π(2m*n )3/2 2 2 g T (E) = E-E c h3 Ec 3 * 3/2 3 4π(2m n ) 2 . . kT 2 g T (E) = 3 3 h g T (E) = 2. 4π 2 x 0.067 x 9.11 x 10-31 6.625 x 10 -34 3 . 3 2 . 0.0259 x 1.6 x 10-19 2 3 3.28 x 1017 cm -3 g T (E) = 3.28 x 10 23 m -3 = Find the ratio of the effective density of states in the conduction band at Ec + kT to the effective density of states in the valence band at Ev - kT. gc gv Ans.: = 4π(2m*n )3/2 h3 4π(2m*p )3/2 E-E c gc gv (a) (b) Ans. (a) E v -E h3 3. 3/2 m* = *n m p gc gv m* = *n m p 3/2 Ec kT - Ec E v - E v + kT 3/2 If EF = Ec, find the probability of a state being occupied at E = Ec + kT If EF = Ev, find the probability of a state being empty at E = Ev - kT f F (E) = 1 1 1 = = 0.269 E-E E + kT -E 1+exp 1 c F c 1+exp 1+exp kT kT (b) 1 - f F (E) = 1 1 1 1 0.269 = 1 =1 1+exp -1 E-E F E v -kT-E v 1+exp 1+exp kT kT 4. Determine the probability that an energy level is occupied by an electron if the state is above the Fermi level by (a) kT (b) 5 kT (c) 10 kT 1 1 Ans.: (a) Here E – EF = kT f (E) = = = 0.269 F E-E F 1+ exp kT 1+ exp 1 19 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM (b) Here E – EF = 5kT, So f F (E) = 5. 1 1 = = 6.69 x 10-3 E-E 1+exp 5 F 1+exp kT Determine the probability that an energy level is empty of an electron if the state is below the Fermi level by (a) kT (b) 5 kT (c) 10 kT Ans.: 1 - f (E) = 1 F (a) 1 = E-E F 1+exp kT E – EF = kT, 1 E F -E 1+exp kT 1 - f F (E) = 1 = 0.269 1+exp 1 (b) and (c) Similarly Show that the probability of an energy state being occupied ΔE above the Fermi energy is the same as the probability of a state being empty ΔE below the Fermi level. Ans.: The probability of a state at E1 = EF + ΔE , being occupied is 6. 1 E -E 1+exp 1 F kT f F (E1 ) = 1 E 1+exp kT The probability of a state at E2 = EF - ΔE , being empty is 1 - f F (E 2 ) = 1 7. Hence f F (E1 ) = 1 - f F (E 2 ) (a) Determine for what energy above EF ( in terms of kT ) the Fermi – Dirac probability function is within 1% of the Boltzmann approximation. (b) Give the value of the probability function at this energy. Ans.: (a) Boltzmann - Fermi - Dirac Fermi - Dirac E - E 1+exp 1 F kT E - E exp 1 F kT 8. = 0.01 - 1 = 0.01 1 E1 -E F exp kT 1 E1 - E F 1+exp kT 1 E - E 1+exp 1 F kT - 1 E1 - E F exp kT = 0.01 = 0.01 E - E E - E exp 1 F 100 1 = 0.01 x exp 1 F kT kT E1 - E F ln(100) E1 - E F kT ln(100) kT (b) 1 1 1 = E 2 -E F EF - E2 E 1+exp 1+exp 1+exp kT kT kT f F (E1 ) = E1 - E F 4.6 kT 1 E -E 1+exp 1 F kT E1 E F 4.6 kT 1 1 0.0099 0.01 4.6 kT 1+exp 4.6 1+exp kT Calculate the temperature at which there is a 1% probability that a state 0.30 eV below the Fermi level will be empty of an electron. 20 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Ans.: 1 1 E-E E - E F 1+exp 1+exp F kT kT 1 1 0.99 1 - 0.01 = - 0.30 - 0.30 1+exp 1+exp kT kT 1 - 0.30 1.0101 1+exp 0.99 kT 1 - f F (E) = 1 - 0.30 exp 0.0101 kT 0.30 = ln (99) kT kT 1 0.30 exp 99 0.0101 kT 0.30 = = 0.06529 ln(99) T = 756 K 9. Assume the Fermi energy level is exactly in the center of the band gap energy of a semiconductor at T = 300 K (a) Calculate the probability that an electron occupies an energy state in the bottom of the conduction band for Si, Ge and GaAs. (b) Calculate the probability that an energy state in the top of the valence band is empty for Si, Ge and GaAs. Ans.: At E = E midgap f F (E) = f F (E) = 1 E-E F 1+exp kT 1 Eg 1+exp 2 kT 1 Eg 1+exp 2kT 1 = 4.07 x 10-10 1.12 1+exp 2(0.0259) 1 f F (E) = = 2.93 x 10-12 0.66 1+exp 2(0.0259) For Si, E g = 1.12 eV f F (E) = For Ge, E g = 0.66 eV For GaAs, E g = 1.42 eV f F (E) = 1 1.42 1+exp 2(0.0259) = 1.42 x 10-12 (b) Similarly 10. Calculate the temperature at which there is a 10-6 probability that an energy state 0.55 eV above the Fermi energy level is occupied by an electron. Ans.: 1 6 f F (E) = 10 0.55 1+exp kT 1 0.55 0.55 1+ exp = 106 exp 106 6 10 kT kT 0.55 0.55 = ln 106 kT T = 461 K kT ln 106 11. Calculate the energy range ( in eV) between f F (E) = 0.95 and f F (E) = 0.05 for E F = 7.0eV at (a) T 300 K (b) 500 K 21 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM Ans.: At E = E2 So, f F (E 2 ) = 0.05 1 E2 EF 1+exp kT 1 E EF 1+exp 2 0.05 20 kT f F (E 2 ) = 0.05 E EF exp 2 kT By symmetry, at 19 E = E2 E2 EF ln 19 kT -------(i) 1 - f F (E1 ) = 0.05 E F - E1 ln 19 kT So, --------(ii) Now from eq (i) + (ii) E 2 - E1 2 ln 19 kT (a) At E 2 - E1 T = 300 K, E 2 - E1 (b) At kT = 0.0259 eV, 2 (0.0259) ln 19 = 0.1525 eV T = 500 K, E 2 - E1 2 kT ln 19 kT = 0.04317 eV, 2 (0.04317) ln 19 = 0.254 eV The Semiconductor in Equilibrium For Silicon N C = 2.8 × 1019 cm -3 19 -3 10 -3 , N V = 1.04 × 10 cm , n i = 1.5 × 10 cm 12. Calculate the probability that a state in conduction band is occupied by an electron and calculate the thermal equilibrium electron concentration in Silicon at T = 300K. Given that Fermi energy is 0.25 eV below the conduction band. Answer: The probability that an energy state E = Ec is occupied by an electron is given by 1 6.43 x 10-5 1 f F (E) = E-E F 1+ exp KT 0.25 1 exp 0.0259 Electron concentration is given by - E C -E F => n 0 = N C exp KT - 0.25 n 0 = 2.8 * 1019 exp 0.0259 n 0 = 1.8 *1015 cm -3 13. Calculate the thermal equilibrium hole concentration in silicon at T = 400 K. Given that Fermi energy is 0.27 eV above the valence band energy. 3 Answer: N v T 2 N v 400 K N v 300 K => Again = 400 300 3 3 400 2 => N v = N v 300 K 400 K 2 400 Nv 400 K = 1.04 x 1019 300 kT = 0.0259 eV 300 K 300 3 2 => Nv 400 K = 1.6 x 1019 cm-3 22 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM kT 400 K Thus kT 300 K = 400 400 = 0.0259 x =0.03453 eV 300 300 Now the hole concentration is - E -E - 0.27 15 -3 p0 = N V exp F V = 1.6 *1019 exp =6.43 x 10 cm KT 0.03453 14. Calculate the intrinsic concentration in Gallium Arsenide ( GaAs) at 300 K and 450 K. Given that N C = 4.7 × 1017 cm -3 N V = 7.0 × 1018 cm-3 Answer: kT300 K = 0.0259 eV T = 300 K At -E g n i2 = NC N V exp kT => -1.42 n i2 = (4.7x1017 ) (7.0 x 1018 ) exp =5.09 x 1012 cm -6 0.0259 n i = 2.26 x 10 6 cm -3 At T = 450 K 450 = 0.0259 x 300 kT 450 K = kT 300 K NC 450 K 450 = (4.7 x 10 ) 300 3 17 2 => 450 =0.03885 eV 300 NV 450 K 3 450 = (7.0 x 10 ) 300 18 3 2 3 450 2 450 2 1.42 18 n = (4.7 x 10 ) (7.0 x 10 ) exp 300 300 0.0259 => n i2 = 1.48 x 10 21 cm -6 n i = 3.85 x 1010 cm -3 2 i 17 15. Find the intrinsic carrier concentration in Silicon at T = 200 K Answer: n 2 = N N exp -E g i n 2 i C = kT V 19 (2.8 x 10 200 ) 300 3 2 19 (1.04 x 10 200 ) 300 3 2 1.12 exp 200 0.0259 300 n i = 7.68 x 10 4 cm -3 16. Calculate the position of the intrinsic Fermi Level with respect to the center of the band gap in Silicon at T = 300 K. Given that mn* = 1.08 m0 and mp* = 0.56 m0 Answer: We know that E Fi - E midband energy = E Fi - E midband energy = m*p 3 kT ln * m 4 n 0.56m0 3 0.0259 ln = - 0.0128 eV = - 12.8 meV. Thus 4 1.08m0 intrinsic Fermi level in Silicon is 12.8 meV below the mid energy. 23 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM 17. The intrinsic carrier concentration in silicon is no greater than n i = 1.0 x 1012 cm -3 . Assume Eg =1.12 eV. Determine the maximum temperature allowed for the Silicon Answer: n i2 = NC N V exp -E g kT 1.0x10 12 2 = T (2.8 x 10 ) 300 19 3 2 T (1.04 x 10 ) 300 19 3 2 1.12 exp T 0.0259 300 T = 381 K 18. The magnitude of the product g C (E) f (E) in the conduction band is a function of energy. Assume the Boltzmann approximation is valid. Determine the energy with respect to E C at which the maximum occurs. Answer: We know that 3 - E - EF 4 (2m*n ) 2 g (E) f(E) = E-E exp C g C (E) f(E) = 4 (2m*n ) h3 g C (E) f(E) E - EC C h3 3 2 E - EC - E - EC - EC - EF exp exp kT kT - E - EC exp kT - x x exp kT g C (E) f(E) kT E - EC x Let For g C (E) f(E) to be maximum we must have d - x x exp = 0 dx kT - x -1 - x 1 x exp + exp = 0 kT kT kT 2 x - x 1 1 + = 0 = kT 2 x 2 x x = E = kT 2 EC + x kT E - EC = kT 2 kT 2 19. Assume the Boltzmann approximation in a semiconductor is valid. Determine the ratio of n(E) = g C (E) f (E) at E = EC + 4 kT to that E = E C + kT Answer: g C (E) f(E) Thus n(E1 ) n(E 2 ) n(E1 ) n(E 2 ) E - EC 2 - E - EF exp kT - E1 - E C exp kT E1 - E C n(E1 ) = n(E 2 ) - E2 - EC E2 - EC exp kT 4kT -E1 E 2 = exp kT kT 2 = 2 2 1 exp 4 2 = 2 2 exp - 3.5 24 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM n(E1 ) n(E 2 ) = 0.0854 20. Two semiconductor materials have exactly the same properties except that material A has a band gap energy of 1.0 eV and material B has a band gap energy of 1.2 eV. Determine the ratio of ni of material A to that of material B at T = 300 K. Answer: 2 i 2 i n (E1 ) n (E 2 ) = n(E1 ) n(E 2 ) -E gA exp kT -E gB exp kT = exp - E gA E gB kT - E gA E gB = 47.5 = exp 2kT 21. The carrier effective masses in a semiconductor are m*n = 0.62 m 0 and m*p = 1.4 m0 Determine the position of the intrinsic Fermi level with respect to the center of the band gap at T = 300 K. Answer: E Fi E Fi - E midband energy = E midband energy = m*p 3 KT ln * m 4 n 1.4m0 3 0.0259 ln = + 0.0158 eV 4 0.62m0 22. Calculate EFi, with respect to the center of the band gap in Silicon for T = 200 K. Answer: E Fi - E midband energy = N 1.04 x 1019 1 1 kT ln V = kT ln 19 2 2 2.8 x 10 NC EFi - Emidband energy = - 0.495 kT 23. The electron concentration in Silicon at T = 300 K is n0 = 5 x 104. (a) Determine p0. Is this n or p – type material? (b) Determine the position of the Fermi level with respect to the intrinsic Fermi level. Answer: n0 = 5 x 104 at T = 300 K 1.5 x 1010 n2 p0 = i = n0 5 x 104 2 4.5 x 1015 cm 3 As p0 > n 0 the material is p-type semiconductor. We know that - E F -E Fi p0 = n i exp => kT p E Fi -E F = kT ln 0 ni 4.5 x 1015 E Fi -E F = 0.0259 ln = 0.3266 eV 10 1.5 x 10 24. Determine the values of n0 and p0 for Silicon at T = 300 K if the Fermi energy is 0.22 eV above the valence band energy. Answer: E F -E V = 0.22 eV at T = 300 K - E F -E V - 0.22 19 15 -3 p0 = N V exp KT = 1.04 x 10 exp = 2.13 x 10 0.0259 cm E C - E F = 1.12 - 0.22 = 0.90 eV 25 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM - E C -E F - 0.90 18 4 -3 n 0 = N C exp = 2.8 x 10 exp = 2.27 x 10 cm kT 0.0259 25. The value of p0 in Silicon at T = 300 K is 1015 cm-3. Determine EC – EF and n0. Answer: p0 = 1015 cm-3 at T = 300 K - E F -E V p0 = N V exp => kT N 1.04 x 1019 E F - E V = kT ln V = 0.0259 ln = 0.24 eV 1015 p0 => EC EF 1.12 0.24 0.88 eV 26. For a particular semiconductor, Eg = 1.50 eV. m*p = 10 m*n at T = 300 K, and ni = 1.0 x 105 cm-3. (a) Determine the position of the intrinsic Fermi energy level with respect to the center of the band gap. (b) Impurity atoms are added so that the Fermi energy level is 0.45 eV below the center of the band gap. (i) Are acceptor or donor atoms added? (ii) What s the concentration of impurity atoms added? Answer: (a) E Fi - E midband energy = (b) m* 3 3 kT ln *p = 0.0259 ln 10 = + 0.0447 eV 4 mn 4 Impurity added so that E midband energy - E Fi = 0.45 eV (i) So it is p-type semiconductor. Thus acceptor impurity is added. (ii) E Fi - E F = 0.0447 + 0.45 = 0.4947 eV - E F -E Fi 0.4947 5 13 -3 p0 = n i exp = 10 exp = 1.97 x 10 cm KT 0.0259 p 0 = N a = 1.97 x 1013 cm -3 ASSIGNMENT 1. What is the quantum state within the forbidden energy band? 2. When do the Fermi – Dirac distribution changes to Boltzmann approximation? 3. What is the physical significance of Fermi – Dirac distribution function fF(E)? 4. What is the value of fF(E) at 0K for E > EF and E < EF? 5. At absolute zero a semiconductor acts as an insulator. Justify it by using Fermi – Dirac distribution function. 6. fF(E) represents the probability of a state being occupied by an electron. Then what will be the probability of a state being empty? 7. Define allowed energy band. 8. Define density of state function. 9. What is Fermi energy? 10. What is Boltzmann approximation? 11. Fermi – Dirac distribution function varies with temperature. Represent it graphically. 26 | P a g e SEMICONDUCTOR IN EQUILIBRIUM 12. What is direct and indirect band gap semiconductor? 13 Write the equation for n(E) as a function of the density of states function for conduction band and the Fermi probability distribution function. 14 Write the equation for p(E) as a function of the density of states for valence band and the Fermi probability distribution function. 15 Write the equations for n0 and p0 in terms of Fermi energy by assuming Boltzmann approximation. 16 What is the value of intrinsic carrier concentration in silicon at T=300K? 17 Under what condition would the intrinsic Fermi level be at the mid-gap energy? 18 What is donor impurity and acceptor impurity? 19 Sketch a graph of n0 versus temperature for an n-type material. 20 Sketch graphs of the Fermi energy versus donor impurity concentration. 21 Sketch graphs of the Fermi energy versus temperature. 22 Write the condition of which Fermi-Dirac probability function changes to Boltzmann approximation. 23 What is the order of Nc and Nv for most of the semiconductor material at T=300K? 24 Discuss that the intrinsic Fermi energy level is a function of mn and mp 25 What are donor and acceptor level? 26 What is ionization energy? 27 Justify that in n-type semiconductor the position of the Fermi energy level is above the Fermi energy level for intrinsic semiconductor. 28 Justify that in p-type semiconductor the position of the Fermi energy level is below the Fermi energy level for intrinsic semiconductor. 29 What is a non-degenerate semiconductor? 30 What is a compensated semiconductor? 31 How is the Fermi energy level change with impurity concentration? 32 How is the Fermi energy level change with temperature? 27 | P a g e