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holiday guide 2020

2020 Holiday
Marketing Guide
The pandemic has had a great impact on
consumer shopping habits this year. Many have
been forced to move to online shopping due to
the lock downs.
In fact, 36% of consumers shop online weekly
since the rise of COVID-19, up from 28% prepandemic, according to new data from Digital
Commerce 360.
While this does not mean the demise of
traditional brick and mortar storefronts, having
an online presence is important for every
business. A website for customers to find your
business information (offerings, prices, location,
contact info) and at minimum a Facebook or
Instagram account to promote to customers
As shown, 2020 has seen a drama�c increase in overall online sales. With that
there is also many shipping issues arising, so many business will be trying to get a
head start, to make sure that items are arriving to consumers before the holidays.
Many of the big-box retailers have decided to start their sales even earlier this
year. While many sales used to begin on blank Friday and con�nue the following
few weeks, this year some are beginning as early as the beginning of November.
Big Box retailers like Target, Walmart and Best Buy are already announcing some of
their upcoming deals right now.
By star�ng early, there will hopefully be less of a last second rush of orders that
could lead to late arrivals or expensive shipping. In a survey of 12.,000 consumers
more than 50% of consumers have already started shopping for these gi�s or will
begin in October, while 33% plan to start in November and 9% in December.
If you are selling products, this may be the �me to start
offering shipping op�ons as well as curbside pickup. Since
the start of the pandemic, many people’s shopping habits
have changed to more online shopping.
If possible, try to set up a promo�on that can offer free
shipping if you spend a certain amount (i.e. Spend $49+
and receive free shipping). This may en�ce someone to
add another item to their cart to avoid spending money
on shipping.
Extend Sales Period
Black Friday/Small Business Saturday/Cyber Monday will s�ll be big events this year,
and you will want to hold some of your best promo�ons during that 4 Day period.
However, do not limit yourself to just that weekend to hold special deals, many
consumers will be looking for deals even earlier.
While you may want to save the bigger deals for that weekend, start your promo�ons
early in November to try and reach those early shoppers. With consumers beginning
their holiday shopping early, you don’t want to completely miss them if you are
wai�ng un�l a�er Thanksgiving to run a promo�on
Small Business Saturday
This is the day that small business owners should be focused on the most. Black Friday and Cyber
Monday most consumers will usually flock towards big retails such as Walmart and Amazon.
However, Small Business Saturday has become increasingly popular in America over the past few
years; giving people a chance to support their locally owned business in the area.
While the en�re weekend is a chance to drive traffic, small business day is when the spotlight will
be on you small business owners. Consumers will look to the stores in their local community in
a�empts to support local business owners. The holiday has only grown since its incep�on in 2010,
with 2019 marking the largest year on record. Shoppers supported local small businesses with an
es�mated $19.6 billion poured back into their local communi�es.
2020 in par�cular is the year that local shopping ma�ers more than ever. Many businesses were
forced to shut down temporarily and are s�ll struggling to get back to where they were preCovid19. So many people will be looking to help support their favorite local business this year.
Raise Awareness
While some people know about small business Saturday, you
should s�ll begin promo�ng it early. It is important to build
an�cipa�on for the day and make an event out of it, rather than
throwing together a last-minute sale. If consumers know about
your event in advance this may encourage them to make plans
to stop into your store or check your website the day of for your
special deals.
The best way to do this is through email and social media
marke�ng. If you have an email list of exis�ng customers, send
out 2-3 emails over the few weeks prior to small business
Saturday to generate awareness and interest.
Social media should be used in a similar fashion. Post to your
accounts a few �mes in the weeks leading up to small business
Saturday to keep online followers in the loop on what you have
planned for the day. Be sure to use hashtags such as
#SmallBusinessSaturday, #ShopSmall, or #ThinkLocal to help
broaden your reach.
Plan Deals
As previously stated, have a plan for the promo�ons you are going to run. These do not have to be slashes in overall
prices to try and compete with the prices of large retailers. They could be promo�ons such as offering a free dessert
with any 2 entrées purchased at your restaurant. Giving a gi� card on purchases over a certain amount. So if a
customer spends over $49 on small business Saturday, give them a $5-10 gi� card to your store for their next
purchase. This will bring them back in the future where they will more than likely spend more than the $5-10 you
This is the �me to use promo�onal discounts to en�ce shoppers. Most businesses are already extending out these
deals during the holidays but this year it is especially important. Many people are facing financial challenges this
year with the pandemic. This will have people searching for the best bang for their buck when it comes to holiday
However, slashing your prices isn’t the only way to a�ract customers looking for deals. Another op�on is to offer a
discount on mul�ple items in the same category or complementary products. Alterna�vely, you can offer a
percentage off orders over a certain amount.
Collaborate With Surrounding Business
If you have other small businesses in the surrounding
area, now would be a great �me to team up with them.
This is a great way to make it a full event for the town as
shoppers can browse the area and shop in different local
stores. Collabora�ons can be things as simple as
including other business in your social media marke�ng
efforts. You can also try to work together in a sales
effort. For example, a local candy shop can offer 10% off
with proof of purchase from the neighboring family
owned restaurant.
Ask for Reviews
Asking for reviews will help improve your marke�ng for the long run.
Customers are always happy to help small businesses, so there is no
be�er �me to ask for their help. It is so important for small businesses
to have an online presence and many poten�al new customers will look
at your online reviews before deciding to do business with you.
Therefore, asking you loyal and suppor�ve customers to leave an online
review will help you in the long run. You can even make it a promo�on
and offer a coupon or gi� card for their next purchase if they come back
in a�er leaving a review. Customers are already willing to spend their
�me and money to support your business, what is another 2 minutes to
leave a good review on google?
Whether it is YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok video marketing
has grown over the best few years. More and more people are
watching videos on their phones regularly throughout the day.
Video is a good chance to show customers your face and the
people behind the brand. It also is your chance to tell a story
about your brand, that can captivate your audience.
Think about ways to incorporate video into your holiday
marketing materials. Create video advertisements for social
media networks, organic content you can share on your
website or social channels, or use video to create virtual
Make a Splash with your Website:
As stated there will be even more growth this year when it comes to online shopping. So now it
is even more important to have a well designed website.
No matter what business you are in, you should have a website for customers to find you
online. Even if you are not selling products online, a well designed website with business and
contact info is a great source for online consumers.
Make sure your website is user-friendly with an appealing design. You could even create a
special holiday-themed landing page, or countdown clock for special deals
While customers will be shopping online, they may
not think to check your website.
While digital is still extremely important when it
comes to marketing, the old school print
advertisements still have plenty of value.
Utilize email marketing to reach out to your
audience and give them info on new deals that you
have coming up.
Try and use a catchy subject line to grab their
attention and incorporate a holiday theme to have
it feeling different than your regular email
Whether you are a store-front or an online store, small business Saturday is a great
opportunity to drive traffic to your business. This year has been very difficult for many
small businesses, so if capable, many people will be ready to support small businesses. So
plan early, execute and provide the great customer service you always do and hopefully
this will put you on the fast track to recovery.
AP Digital Marke�ng is ready to help small businesses overcome, grow, and thrive a�er
2020. Talk to a representa�ve today to find out how we can help.