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Discussion 4

Course Report
Artem Shubin
Student ID:
System Engineering
School of Aeronautics & Astronautics
1) market competitiveness,
In the nasa system engineering handbook analyze of market is on the first place of
developing space flight program. Space flight program formulation purpose is to
establish a cost-effective program that is demonstrably capable of meeting Agency
and mission. First included activities are:
• Identify program stakeholders and users
• Develop program requirements based on user expectations and allocate them to
initial projects
Then its implementation. Purpose of implementation is to execute the program and
constituent projects and ensure that the program continues to contribute to Agency
goals and objectives within funding constraints. And one of activities is:
Initiate projects through direct assignment or competitive process (e.g., Request for
Proposal (RFP), Announcement of Opportunity (AO)
So, as we can see analyze of market, users and stakeholders is very essential point
for nasa space flight program developing. Due to it, nasa make a decision: is this
program reasonable or not, and if yes, then set a program plan cost-effectively.
This point is very useful not only for commercial aviation, but for every large-scale
project, because such project is very risky and have to be cost-efficient especially
in commercia. Therefore, this method takes place in commercial aviation. The only
differences are that, yet aviation market is larger, than space market, so in
commercial aviation it takes more calculation, evaluative resources, therefore can
take more time and increased budget.
2) global technology base
As for market assessment, nasa assess technologies. For every project nasa develop
and baseline Technology Development Plan. And already for the program
preparation assess technology and maturation strategies. Nasa assess what
technologies are available now and what will be available during project
This point help nasa’s engineers to understand is some project’s purposes are
possible, or current or near future technologies still aren’t at the demanded level.
Also this analyze provide information about what will be technological newness of
the program at the end of it.
This point also is very important for commercial aviation, because aircrafts
designing is very long process, and if establish technologies of previous level, then
at the end of the project developing there could be problems, because aircraft will
be technologically outdated.
3) key design features and design valuation
Such key design features can become a weighty factor for users, when making
decision what to buy. Every developer has to establish key features of its project,
otherwise, it will be less popular on market.
Final design of the project must be evaluated, firstly for problem-searching,
secondly for customer convenience to understand what product it’s buying, and if
more this evaluation clear for customer, then better.
4) which strategy would be more successful in breaking into the current duopoly
In my opinion all three strategies are weighty, but the 3d one is the most, because
customers firstly assess project’s uniqueness and key features. In commercial
aviation customers are usually: airlines, airlines have to sell places in aircrafts to
passengers, if the aircraft will be more attractive for passenger due to such key
features, then more passengers will choose this airline. So, this is an explanation
why key design feature are very essential.
[1] Steven R. Hirshorn, NASA systems engineering handbook.