` البرنامج التعليمي الدولى 2021/2022 - الفرقة الثالثة Egyptian Students Research III WEEK Day Saturday 18-12-2021 Week 1 Sunday 19-12-2021 Monday 20-12-2021 Tuesday 21-12-2021 Wednesday 22-12-2021 Topic and type of session (LCT/TUT/Meeting) Proposal-LCT (1): Proposal writing Teaching method Online (selfstudy) Time Assignment Meeting (1) 4 فصل مركز المؤتمرات 4 فصل مركز المؤتمرات 9-12 Proposal-TUT (I): Case study on proposal writing Proposal-LCT (2): Data collection methods and tools Proposal-TUT (II): Data collection methods and tools Thursday 23-12-2021 Assignment Meeting (2) Saturday 25-12-2021 Biostatistics-LCT (1): The normal Distribution Curve Week 2 Biostatistics-LCT (2): Statistical inference & Hypothesis test. Sunday 26-12--2021 Biostatistics LCT (3): Nonparametric tests Monday 27-12-2021 Biostatistics-TUT (I) Applications on normal distribution curve, statistical inference & hypothesis testing, and Non-parametric tests Biostatistics-LCT (4): Statistical errors and pvalue Tuesday 28-12-2021 Biostatistics-LCT (5): Central Limit Theorem & CI 9-12 Online (selfstudy) 4 فصل مركز المؤتمرات 9-12 4 فصل مركز المؤتمرات 9-12 Online (selfstudy) Online (selfstudy) 4 فصل مركز المؤتمرات Online (selfstudy) 9-12 Wednesday 29-12-2021 Thursday 30-12-2021 Biostatistics-LCT (6): Correlation and Regression analysis Biostatistics-TUT (II) Applications on statistical errors, p-value, central limit theorem, CI, Correlation, and regression analysis. Proposal submission Online (selfstudy) 4 فصل مركز المؤتمرات 9-12 CMD 9-12 *CMD: Community Medicine department; LCT: Lecture; TUT: Tutorial. منسق المرحله االكلينيكيه بيريهان سالم.د