Outline : Objectives Background Introduction Major Concepts of the theory Major Assumption of the theory Six-Step Nursing Process Critiques Strength and Weakness of the theory References 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 1 Roy adaptation theory 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 2 Learning objective At the end of this session students are expected to: Define Roy adaptation theory know the purpose Roy adaptation theory list Assumptions of Roy adaptation theory Identify major Concepts of Roy adaptation theory discuss Meta-paradigm of Roy adaptation theory critique of Roy adaptation theory strength and weakness RAM 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 3 Sister Callista Roy Nurses theorist,writer, lecturer, and researcher Professor and nerse theorist at the bosten collage of nursing in chest nut hill Born at los Angeles on october 14,1939 Master degree program in pediatric nursinguniversity of california,Los Angeles in1966 Masters and PHD in sociology 1973 and 1977 the roy adaptation model was developed in 1776 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 4 ROY ADAPTATION MODEL • “ THE GOAL OF NURSING IS TO PROMOTE ADAPTATION FOR INDIVIDUALS AND GROUPS IN EACH OF THE FOUR ADAPTIVE MODELS i.e. PHYSIOLOGIC NEEDS, SELF CONCEPTS, ROLE FUNCTION, AND INTERDEPENDENT RELATIONS THUS CONTRIBUTING TO HEALTHQUALITY OF LIFE, AND DIYING WITH DIGNITY.” 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 5 The use of models in nursing provides nurses to focus on the role of nursing and its applications rather than medical practice. In addition, it helps patient care to be systematic, purposeful, controlled and effective. One of the commonly used models in nursing is Roy Adaptation Model. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 6 According to Roy adaptation model, the aim of nursing is to increase compliance and life expectancy. Roy Adaptation Model evaluates the patient in physiologic mode, self-concept mode, role function mode and interdependence mode aiming to provide holistic care. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 7 Roy conceptualizes the person in a holistic perspective.Biopsychosotial persons are in constant interaction with their environments. Characteristics of a system include inputs, outputs, controls, and feedback. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 8 Johnson’s nursing model was the impetus for the development of the RAM. Roy also incorporated concepts from Helson’s adaptation theory, von Bertalanffy’s system model, Rapoport’s system definition, the stress and adaptation theories of Dohrenrend and Selye, and the coping model of Lazarus (Phillips, 2010). 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 9 Assumptions Scientific assumptions Integration of human and environmental meanings results in adaptation Awareness of self and environment is rooted in thinking and feeling. Thinking and feeling mediate human action. philosophical assumptions Persons have mutual relationships with the world and God. Persons are accountable for the processes of deriving, sustaining, and transforming the 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 10 universe. Integration of cross cultural experiance Cultural needs and necessity to eliminate culture-bound analysis of key concepts. A concept central to the culture may influence the RAM to some extent. Cultural expressions of the RAM may lead to changes in practice activities such as nursing assessment. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 11 Major concepts of Roy addaptation model 1.Person: humans are holistic beings that are in constant interaction with their environment.Biopsychosotial Humans use a system of adaptation, both innate and acquired, to respond to the environmental stimuli they experience. 2.Environment: defined as conditions, circumstances, and influences that affect humans’ development and behavior as an adaptive system. envirnment is stimuliwhich can be positive or negative. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 12 Focal stimuli:- refer to the stimuli that are most immediately confronting a person. Contextual stimuli:- are all other stimuli that might have a positive or negative influence on the situation. Residual stimuli:-are internal and external factors that may be affecting the individual or group. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 13 Major conc... 3.Health Health is defined as the state where humans can continually adapt to stimuli. If they cannot adapt accordingly, the integrity of the person can be affected negatively 4.Nursing: he goal of nursing is he promotion of adaptation for individuals and groups. Nurses eliminate ineffective coping mechanisms and eventually lead to better outcomes. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 14 Internal process Regulator The regulator subsystem is works primarily through the use of the autonomic nervous system in making physiologic adjustments (Roy, 1976). neurochemical and endocrine systems. Coginator The cognator subsystem processes that are related to brain functions such as perception, judgment, learning, and emotion. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 15 Four addaptive modes Physiologcal-Physical modes Physical and chemical processes involved in the function and activities of living organisms. This mode’s basic need is composed of the needs associated with oxygenation, nutrition, elimination, activity and rest, and protection. self-concept mode Focuses on psychological and spiritual integrity and a sense of unity, meaning, and purposefulness in the universe. This includes body image and self-ideals. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 16 Cont... Role Function Mode • Refers to the roles that individuals occupy in society fulfilling the need for social integrity, it is knowing who one is, in relation to others. Interdependance mode • This mode focuses on attaining relational integrity through the giving and receiving of love, respect and value. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 17 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 18 Levels Of Addaptation Integrated process The various modes and subsystems meet the needs of the environment. These are usually stable processes (e.g., breathing, spiritual realization, successful relationship). Compensatory Process The cognator and regulator are challenged by the environment’s needs but are working to meet the needs (e.g., grief, starting with a new job, compensatory breathing). 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 19 Cont... Compromised Process The modes and subsystems are not adequately meeting the environmental challenge (e.g., hypoxia, unresolved loss, abusive relationships 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 20 input stimuli control process regulator or coginator effectors physiologic self-concept role-function interdependan ce out-put adaptive or ineffective feed back adaptation level 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 21 Six steps of nursing process 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Assess the behaviors manifested from the four adaptive modes. Assess the stimuli, categorize them as focal, contextual, or residual. Make a statement or nursing diagnosis of the person’s adaptive state. Set a goal to promote adaptation. Implement interventions aimed at managing the stimuli. Evaluate whether the adaptive goal has been met. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 22 Critique:Analysis and Ealuation purpose • The purpose of the Roy adaptive model is facilitating the rehabilitation of a patient through adaptation by stating the four adaptive mode with its specific stimuli and finally drawing intervention, which is all the patient well being is assessed and potential risks will be identified. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 23 Cont... Concept • The concept of the theory is broad and a little complicated to understand and implement because every single adaptive modes are defined and need to include its own intervention. Definitions • Definitions stated in the Roy adaptive theory are clear and every single words that needs special definitions are defined well. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 24 Structure • Structure of the Roy adaptive model is difficult to understand unless we have a deep understanding of the concept it is difficult to analyze it. Relationships • Relationships stated in the theory are very appropriate and clear to understand it. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 25 Cont... According to Chinn and Kramer critical reflection 1. Clarity- well-defined terms, a clear structure that can be followed 2. simplicity- very complex .theory is packed densely with great information but requires vast amount of time and re-reading to grasp fully 3. Generality- it covers and incredibly wide range of nursing encounters can be applied well to case studies and nursing phenomena 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 26 cont... 4.Accessibility - the full usage of the theory in every day clinical nursing encounters very challenging, if not impossible. 5.Importance- vital as it brings a very different perspective to nursing as a whole and also has contributed to the start of many middle ranged theories . 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 27 Strength and Weaknesses of theory Strength Every concept was operational well defined The sequence of the concepts was logically ordered The concepts of Roy’s model are stated in relatively simple terms It guides nurses to use observation and interviewing skills in doing an individualized assessment of each person. Her concept was applicable with many practice settings of nursing. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 28 Cont... weakness The theory was time-consuming. Difficult to apply during emergencies situation that requiring quick action. The individual might have completed the whole adaptation process without the benefit of having a complete assessment for thorough nursing interventions. Adaptive responses may vary in every individual and may take a longer time compared to others. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 29 Cont... Thus, the span of control of nurses may be impeded by the time of the patient’s discharge. When an individual presents an ineffective response during his or her adaptation process, the nurses’ roles were not clearly discussed. The main point of the concept was to promote adaptation, but none were stated on preventing and resolving maladaptation. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 30 Conclusion The Use of Roy theory in nursing provide nurses to focus on the role of nursing and its applications rather than medical practice . The theory helps patient care to be systematic, purposeful, controlled and effective. The aim of this theory is to increase compliance and life expectancy. Roy adaptation theory evaluates the patient in physiologic, self-concept, role function and interdependence modes aiming to provide holistic care. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 31 Refernces 1. 2. 3. 4. Wills M. Evelyn, McEwen Melanie (2002). Theoretical Basis for Nursing. Philadelphia. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. Andrew, H.A. and Roy, C. (1991). Overview of the physiologic mode. In George, J. (Ed.). Nursing theories: the base for professional nursing practice. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange. Roy, C. and McLeod, D. (1981) The person’s theory as an adaptive system. In George, J. (Ed.). Nursing theories: the base for professional nursing practice. Norwalk, Connecticut: Appleton & Lange. Roy, C. and Adrews, H. A. (1999). The Roy adaptation model (2nd ed). In McEwen, M. and Wills, E. (Ed.). Theoretical basis for nursing. USA: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 32 Thank you 12/25/2021 Group 11 roy addaptation theory 33