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There is no such thing as a bitch in power. Bitch is like the N word for women.
There are a lot of women in power actually. The women in Police, the women in the army, women at the
DMV. Powerful positions that keep us in place.
But most people don’t see it that way Why? because of the word bitch.
A girl at the DMV fails your driving test. Fucken bitch
A girl pulls you over and gives you a ticket. What a bitch.
The word bitch strips away the power of their position.
They may be in power but in the end they are “being a total bitch.”
It’s the N word for Women.
Men don’t have this problem. If a guy cop pulls of you over and gives you a ticket. It’s you that’s the
bitch. “Fuck!”
Ass holes and dicks have lots of power. They fuck the bitches.
There are multiple kind of dog intelligence. Get a dog that’s easier to train.
Spices is just ground up bird food that taste good.
What do fridges and tv’s have in common. No one ever has the same exact tv as someone else.
My dog yells at inanimate objects.
Fish as a pet is the cruelest thing. Birds can sit on your shoulder. Dogs can run go for walks. Fish just
swim in the same place. You can’t take a fish to the beach with you.
“oh yeah just taking my fish for a stroll around the ocean.”