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A Music LP 1st Quarter

MONDAY – JULY 9, 2018
Lesson 4
Week 4
I. Objective:
Clap, tap, chant, walk, and play musical instruments in response to sound with the
correct rhythm
in measures of 2s (marching)
in measures of 3s (dancing the waltz)
in measures of 4s (echo clapping)
II. Subject Matter
A. Topic : Beats in 2s, 3s, and 4s
B. Songs:
Week 4- “Soldiers’ March”,
“ Rocky Mountain”
C. Reference: Music Time Teacher’s Manual (Lower Primary) p, 92, 143,104
Music Time Teacher’s Manual (Upper Primary) p. 142, 100
D. D. Materials: CD/CD Player
chart of rhythmic patterns in 2s, 3s, and 4s
improvised rhythmic instruments
E. Values: Cooperation
E. F. Concept/s for the Teacher
Sounds can be grouped in 2s, 3s, and 4s which can be shown through different
body movements.
III. Procedure
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Perform the marching movement with the rhythmic pattern.
2. Review
Sing “ LeronleronSinta” while marching
B. Lesson Proper
Sing the “ Soldier March” to the pupils
2. Presentation
a. Clap or tap the following rhythmic patterns.
b. divide the class into 3 groups. Each group will play musical
C. Discussion
What did you do to show the pulse of the song?
(We tap,walk, and march.)
What are the musical instruments used?
(clapper, drum, tambourine)
How are the sounds grouped in the song Soldier’s March?
(Group of 2s)
What movement can we use to show the sounds grouped in 2s?
(marching, clapping, and, stomping)
Which movement will best match the sounds grouped in 2s?
(marching )
4. Generalization
Marching is the best movement that matches the sounds grouped by 2s.
5. Application
Let the pupils sing and move to the rhythm of the song “Rocky Mountain”.
MONDAY – JULY 20, 2015
Lesson 5
Week 5
Clap, tap, chant, walk, and play musical instruments in response to sound with the
correct rhythm
 in measures of 2s (marching)
 in measures of 3s (dancing the waltz)
 in measures of 4s (echo clapping)
Subject Matter
C. Topic : Beats in 2s, 3s, and 4s
B. Songs:
Week 5- “Bahay Kubo”
“Tirirrit ng Maya”
F. Reference: Music Time Teacher’s Manual (Lower Primary) p, 92, 143,104
Music Time Teacher’s Manual (Upper Primary) p. 142, 100
G. D. Materials: CD/CD Player
chart of rhythmic patterns in 2s, 3s, and 4s
improvised rhythmic instruments
E. Values: Cooperation
H. F. Concept/s for the Teacher
Sounds can be grouped in 2s, 3s, and 4s which can be shown through different
body movements.
A. Preliminary Activities
1. Drill
Suggested songs to be sung or played (CD / cassette) by the
In 2s :Sitsiritsit , Leron, LeronSinta
In 3s :Bahay Kubo , Atin Cu PungSingsing , Tiririt ng Maya
Let the pupils move according to the rhythm of the song.
2. Review
a. Rhythm: Echo clapping
b. Sing “See-Saw”
B. Lesson Proper
1. Motivation
What is your favorite vegetable?
What vegetables were mentioned in the song?
2. Presentation
(Present real vegetables or vegetable cut-outs in class.)
Let the pupils identify the vegetables presented.
Sing “Bahay Kubo”
3. Discussion
What folk song tells about vegetables? (Bahay Kubo)
Song analysis:
How is the song grouped? (The song is grouped in 3s.)
Let the pupils count the beat by clapping in 3s.
Recite the song while clapping the beat in 3s.
Sing “Bahay Kubo” while clapping the steady beat.
What body movement can you use to show the beat of the
song? (dancing the waltz step)
Note: The teacher will demonstrate how to dance the waltz.
Pupils will dance the waltz step while singing “Bahay Kubo”.
4. Generalization
We do the waltz step to show the pulse or beat of a song grouped in 3s.
5. Application
a. Group the class into two. The first group will sing the song
“Bahay Kubo” while the second group will dance the waltz.
b. Let the pupils sing “Bahay Kubo” while playing rhythmic
instruments as an accompaniment to the song.
IV. Evaluation
Select any rhythmic instruments inside the classroom to be used
while singing “Tiririt ng Maya”.
We do the waltz step to show the pulse or beat of a song grouped in 3s.