244 IRE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUIT THEORY September A New Theory of Cascade Synthesis* D. G. YOULA,i SENIOR MEMBER, IRE Summary-This paper presents a new result generalizing Richards’ theorem. It is shown that this result leads to a complete, simple and unified theory of cascade synthesis which yields the types A, B, Brune, C and D sections in a direct and natural manner. The element values of the various sections are obtained in closed form in terms of three or six indexes. Thus the extraction cycle is performed once and for all for the whole class of positive-real functions. Several problems are worked out in detail and a chart is constructed to facilitate the computations. The formulas are easily programmed on a digital computer. I. INTR~DUCTI~N CCORDING to Darlington’s classic theorem,’ any rational, positive-real function Z(p) may be synthesized as the input impedance of a cascade of passive, lossless reciprocal 2-ports terminated in a non-negative resistor. The idea underlying the method is the following: let ---$$i---, I $ I I I ZL(Pb+ 0 k I I -- -I I i 7 LOSSLESS Fig. l-Four-terminal , RECIPROCAL 2-PORT realization of Z,(p). Many derivations of the Brune, type C and D sections have appeared in the literature and are extensively discussed in some of the more recent texts.3-5 However, most of these derivations rest on separate and distinct artifices, which though quite ingenious, are not held r(p) = Z(P) + a--P) 2 together by any single principle. The object of this paper is to present a new theorem (Theorem 1) which generalizes denote the even part of Z(p). Any real-frequency zero Richards’ theorem and yields the .three sections in a of r(p) is removed by a (possibly degenerate) Brune section direct and invariantive manner. The element values of and the remainder impedance is positive-real and of the various sections are expressed in terms of three or six lesser degree than the original.’ Similarly, real-axis and indexes. These indexes have the same form, irrespective complex zeros are removed by type C and D sections, of the positive-real function under consideration! Thus respectively; the remainder impedances are again positivethe degree-reducing cycle is performed once and for all. real and simpler than the originals. The Brune, type C In Fig. 9 a chart has been compiled to summarize the and D sections, are all passive, lossless, reciprocal four- information in a manner suitable for filter design. terminal networks. After a finite number of steps, the The motivation for the approach is to be found in a remainder is a positive-real function Z,(p) whose even previous publication6 wherein the author demonstrated part is devoid of zeros in the entire p plane; i.e., a natural and straightforward evolution of the Darlington type C section by means of two successive applications of Z,(p) + Zd-P) ~ k C(I)) = 7 Richards’ theorem.’ 2 In order to exhibit the synthesis technique succinctly, the proof of Theorem 1 is relegated to an appendix. k being a non-negative constant. It is easy to show that However, Section II is self-contained so that a reader Z,(P) = z&d + k (1) who wishes to familiarize himself quickly with the synthesis where Z,(p) is a Foster function. Now (1) permits an procedure will not find himself at any appreciable disobvious interpretation of Z,(p) as a lossless 2-port termi- advantage. Explanatory footnotes are inserted wherever nated in the resistor k (Fig. 1) and Darlington’s result needed. is established. * Received by the PGCT, March 15, 1961; revised manuscript received, June 15, 1961. t Microwave Research Inst., Polytechnic Inst. of Brooklyn, Brooklyn, N. Y. r S. Darlington, ‘Synthesis of reactance 4-poles,” J. Moth. and Phys., vol. 18, pp. 257-353; September, 1939. 2 The degree of a rational function is defined as the sum of its (relatively prime) numerator and denominator degrees. Evidently, a rational function is a constant if and only if its degree is zero. 3 N. Balabanian, “Network Synthesis,” Prentice-Hall, Inc., New York, N. Y.; 1958. 4 E. A. Guillemin, ‘Synthesis of Passive Networks,” John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, N. Y.;1957. 6 D. Tuttle, “Network Synthesis, Vol. 1,” John Wiley and Son;,$rc.,o~;w pk, .N. Y.; 1958. Darlmgton Synthesis Via Richards’ Theorem,” Microwave R&. Inst., Polytech. Inst. Brooklyn, N. Y., Memo no. 50, PIBMRI-901-61; March 14, 1961. r P. I. Richards, “General impedance-function theory,” Quart. Appl. Math., vol. 6, pp. 21-29; 1948. 245 Youla: Theory of Cascade Synthesis 1961 II. THE MAIN is THEOREM AND SYNTHESIS Theorem 1 (the Main theorem) :’ Let Z(p) be any positivereal function (not necessarily rational) of the complex variable p = u + jw which is neither of the form pL nor l/pC. Let p, = c,, + jw, be any point in the strict right half-plane or any finite point on the real-frequency axis, exclusive of the origin, where Z(p) is analytic. Set 2, = Z(p,,) = R, + jX,, R. and X, denoting the real and imaginary parts of Z(pO), respectively. Then, if a(p) = Id + I 7-b I*, r(p ) ~ ad (3) C(P) = -19, (4) and (5) where, + 0 a--PO) = 0 2 7 i.e., p, is a zero of the even part of Z(p), degree W(p) I degree Z(p) - 4, w. # 0, 5 degree Z(p) - 2, w. = 0. 4) If p, = u. > 0 is a real zero of r(p) of at least order two, degree W(p) I degree Z(p) - 4. (2) = -19, w 1) positive-real 2) If Z(p) is rational, W(p) is rational and degree W(p) I: degree Z(p). 3) If Z(p) is rational and The proof of the above theorem is elementary and is thoroughly discussed in Appendix I. The purpose of this section is to show that it leads directly to a unified and invariantive formulation of the entire theory of cascade synthesis. Inverting (10) for Z(p) yields 4dWd (6) ‘(” = -c(p)W(p) - b(d + a(p)’ Hence, if Z(p) is rational and p. is chosen to be one of the zeros of r(p), Z(p) is describable as in (II), W(p) being rational, positive-real and at least four or two degrees less than Z(p), depending on whether w. # 0 or w. = 0, u. > 0, respectively. Eq. (11) shows that Z(p) may be viewed as the input impedance of a 2-port N,, with polynomial chain matrix and’ 1&o) = mPo), the function terminated * After completing this work, the author discovered that an essentially equivalent theorem had also been obtained by D. Hazony of the Case Inst. Tech. and stated without proof in “Synthesis by Cancellation of Zeros,” Rept. No. 9, AF-19(604)-3887. This report derives the Brune, type C and E sections but not the type D. In a more recent publication of Hazony entitled, “Zero cancellation synthesis using impedance operators,” IRE TRANS. ON CIRCUIT THEORY, vol. CT-8 pp. 114-120, June, 1961, the same material is presented together with a proof of the theorem. Again the type D section is not discussed. Moreover, Hazony’s proof of Fig. 2-The the theorem and formulation of the synthesis procedure are considerably different from that described in this paper. in W (Fig. 2). realization of Z(p) corresponding to a single application of Theorem 1. By direct calculation 4d d(d - ~W414 = $ + 26~: - dp2 + I po 14, (13) so that, in general, the determinant 1 tl(p) 1 of the 2 X 2 matrix tl(p) is not the square of a real rational function. 246 IRE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUIT Consequently, N, is not always reciproca1.1o (It is most important to observe that (13) depends only on the point p. and not on any of the quantities R,, X0 or Z,!) Two classical exceptions corresponding to p. =jwo(uo = 0) and to p, = u. > 0 (w. = 0) exist, however. The first occurs for real-frequency zeros and the second for positive u-axis zeros of r(p): ad - bc = (p” + c#, uo = 0; (14) cd - bc = (p” - uy , wo = 0. (15) We will now prove that when u. = 0, N, is the Brune section, and when w. = 0, N, is the type C section. The most instructive way of proceeding is to synthesize N, by mea.ns of the network depicted in Fig. 3, showing, at the same time, that the gyrator may be dispensed with in either of the two cases (14) or (15). According to the definition of an ideal gyrator, THEORY September V,= Vb= ai2, -ai, . ---.-L7, r-i,- I--- ‘2 -_ -.- -- - -I v”, = cd,, (16) LP = primary self-inductance of perfectly coupled transformer. Ls = secondary self-inductance of perfectly coupled transformer. M = FtzlL i;fductance of perfectly coupled transformer: 2 a = the gyraioi’ratio of the ideal gyrator and is a real number. v, = -a&. (17) Fig. 3-The network realization of the a-port N1 (type E section) corresponding to a single application of Theorem 1. From Fig. 3, v, = (pL,+~)i,+ v, = (PM + & (PM+;~+a)i,, - a)& + (6 + $)i2. (18) (19) More succinctly, v, = ZZlil + ZlZi2, (20) 2223’2, (21) where the meaning of the Z’S is evident. The parameters A,(p), B,(p), C,(p) and D,(p) of the associated chain matrix T,(p) are given by Al(P) = zz = p2j$~+-“,;a cl(P> = $ = I&L l+ 1 , + Ls - 2~4 + ,“C) p2MC - ~CCY+ 1 ’ = pzMC -“;Ca + 1 (22) L, i-L, - 2M +c+ C Note that because of the perfect constant, independent of p. In order that a(p) & (24) HP) is the polynomial chain matrix reciprocal a-port if and only if A(p) is a have the polynomial version tl(p) in (12), it is necessary to make the identifications (23) -[ C(P) 1 d(p) 1 coupling, (26) (27) = LPC, (28) L, $ Ls - 2M + c&Z, 10More specifically, a 2 X 2 real polynomial matrix t(p) = (25) where A(P) = ZII.GZ - ~12~21= Vl = Xl& + B,(p) = : p2L,C + 1 D,(P) = ‘E = p2MC _ pea + 1 ’ cm (30) and f& = L,C. of a passive, lumped, lossless, 1) a(p) and d(p) are both even or both odd; 2) 6(p) .and c(p) are both even if a(p) IS odd and both odd if Thus, the capacitance C is explicitly From (28), (30) and (31) a(p) is even; 3) ad - bc = P(p), E(p) polynomial and real;. 4) a + b -j- c + d = pv(p”)g(p), where k IS a non-negative integer, +(~a) . 1 is an even polynomial and g(p) is a strict Hurwitz polynomral; 5) pv(p”) divides both a + b and c + d. I4 1 determined by (30). Lp=I,=I,r,, (32) L,=$, (33) 247 Youla: Theory of Cascade Synthesis 1961 and M2 = L,L, = $ , (34) 3 since I, = I;‘. choices for M: At this point we see that there are two M = + (35) 3 < 0. Inserting this value of M Choice 1: M = -l/1, in (29) yields, with the aid of (30), (32) and (33), a213 = I2 - 2 I, + I, + 2 I3 (36) 1po I2 (1 + IJ2 111, (37) I PO I =- I,I,I, - M = -1. -&o) 2 = A-.4cd; I3 (38) Eqs. (6)-(8) have been used in going from (37) to (38). Hence - u~Z’(u~> < 0 7 co 1 f-J= 2. uo quo) - u,Z’(u,). Fig. 4Schematic of the Darlington type C section to which the type E section reduces when p, = (ro > 0 is on the positive u-axis. (39) and a negative mutual is possible if and only if w,, = 0, for otherwise (39) implies an imaginary gyration ratio CL In short, if p,, lies on the positive a-axis (wO = 0), a choice of negative mutual M avoids the gyrator and leads to the familiar Darlington type C section (Fig. 4). In explicit form the pertinent parameters are [on the u-axis R, = Z(U,,) and X,/W, = Z’(U,,)] 1 au,> + uJ’(uo) 2ao Lp=I,T,= = +z(uO) (+“. 1 go -quo> - uoZ’(u0) * Choice 2: M = +1/I, > through just as before we get 0. Carrying a=*--. (43) When u0 = (45) because both are real. always leads to physical = 0, p, is on the realunnecessary. Therefore, (48) 3 M=+f, (42) (49 ff=f---, 2uo I3 and either value is permissible In other words, a positive mutual elements. In particular, when u. frequency axis and the gyrator is L”+ (41) the algebra (47) Lp=-j-p 0 and R(w,) (49) 3 200 I3 = 0 (the Brune (50) section), Ro/“o Z x’(“O) ana CA. 4u; cY2=2, I3 (46) 1 - uOZ’(u~) , UO 3 C=&, (40) 7 au,>+ aoZ'(uo)' M = -$ the type E section with positive mutual is always realizable as a passive, lossless, nonreciprocal 4-terminal network and coincides on the real-frequency axis with (a possibly degenerate) Brune section (Fig. 5(a)). The element values of the type E section with positive mutual are L P 1 t QJL! woX’(wo) - -aJo) = ~oX’(~o> + -n%) 2wo ’ (51) (52) Ls _ 1 box' - -%41" 2wo woX'(wo> + X(u0) ' (53) j,,f = w~x’(wd - x(wo) > 0 2 2ul (54) a = 0. (55) 248 IRE --_ TRANSACTIONS Nl _ ‘2 f&fi- -1 s + , i 0 -- J (a) + Xbo)7 L = woX’(wo) 2% THEORY September eliminated. This, of course is in agreement with the former observation that N1 does not always represent a reciprocal structure. The situation is easily remedied by applying Theorem 1 once more to W(p) at the same point p,! Thus, by (II), “2 I I ON CIRCUIT W(P) = hoK(p) -.cI(P)WP) + e(p) ’ (56) where K(p) is positive-real and e, f, g and h are the polynomials (2)-(5) associated with W(p) : L----- e(p) = Jlp2 + I p. 1’ (57) f(P) = - J*P, (58) s(P) = -JJ,P, (59) h(p) = J,P’ + I po I’. (60) P Ls _ 1 . boX’(wo)- -w~o)l” 2% wox’(wo) + X(w0) j/J = WOWWO)- -VW,) > o 7 24 1 c = 2. wo wox’(wo> - X(wo>’ O--p-O T w;x’h,, The coefficients J,, J2, J, and J, are the indexes assigned to the point p. by W(p). Hence if W, E W(po) = U, + jV,, the J’s are calculated from (6)-(g), by substituting U, for R,, V, for X0 and W, for 2,. Part 2 of Theorem 1 guarantees that the degree of K(p) does not exceed that of W(p). Consequently, K(p) is also at least two or four degrees less than Z(p) depending on whether p. is a zero of r(p) lying on or off the u-axis, respectively. The network equivalent of (56) is shown in Fig. 6. (b) Fig. 6-The realization of W(p) corresponding to a second application of Theorem 1. I 0 ?) = LIMIT 0 pZ(p) P*a Cd) Fig. 5-(a) Schematic of the Brune section to which the type E section reduces when po = $10 is on the real-frequency axis and R(yo) = 0. (b) Degenerate Brune section corresponding to a pomt PO = ~CQon the real-frequency axis at which .Z(&, = 0. (c) and (d) The limiting forms assumed by the degenerate section of Fig. 5(b) when w0 = 0 and o0 = m. As indicated in the diagram, nomial chain matrix UP) = [ziff], (61) and since [see (13)l I tz(p> / = I h(P) I = P” + X6 If G = 0 ad R(w,) # 0, W(p) = .Z(P)~ and N, degenerates into a pair of wires. iVote that if X(wo) also vanishes, i.e., Z(jwo) = 0, the network of Fig. 5(a) collapses into the degenerate Brune section of Fig. 5(b). In the two limiting cases, o. = 0 and w0 = 00, Fig. 5(b) goes into Figs. 5(c) and 5(d), respectively, and the familiar types A, B sections are recovered. In the most general case p. is neither on the u-axis nor on the real-frequency axis and the gyrator cannot be N, possesses the poly- I 4(pP2(p) I = (pa + %,z, - 4P2 4)P2 + I PO I4 + I PO n2 (62) (63) and is the square of the real polynomial, E(p) = p4 + 26-4 - u2,)p* + I po 14. (64) But t(p) = t,(p)&(p) is the polynomial chain matrix of the over-all 2-port N (the cascade of N, and NJ which, when terminated in K(p), gives rise to the input impedance Z(p) (Fig. 7). 1961 Youla: Theory of Cascade Synthesis Fig. 7-The realization of Z(p) corresponding to two applications of Theorem 1. ” 249 It is easy to show, without evaluating the Vs, l’s and m’s explicitly, that Z,(p) is compact at all four poles; i.e., k,,k,, - lc;, = 0, Ll,, Thus, despite the fact that neither N, nor N, are reciprocal, their cascade N is a passive, lossless, reciprocal 2-port. In the first place, N is reciprocal by construction and secondly, since N, and N, have already been shown to be individually passive and lossless (Fig. 3), N is also passive and lossless. But N has some additional remarkable properties. The (conventional) chain matrix T(p) of N is given by where, by direct calculation (65) from (2)-(5) and (57)-(58), - II, = 0 (76) and 2 mllmz2 - ml2 = 0. (77) For V4J2 + = (I,J, T(p) = ; t,t, = 4 (75) 12JJP2 + + I,J,)$ + I PO I2 (12 + J*) I po I2 (I3 + 53) ’ where / Z,(p) / is finite at p = 0, and p = m and has only simple poles at p = &j~,. But from (72)-(74) we see that 1Z,(p) 1 contains terms of the form d(P) = U4J4)P4 + [I PO I2 (14 + J4) + I*J,]pZ + I p, j4, (66) S(P) = U4J* + LJdp” c”(P) = U3J4 + IIJ3)P3 d(P) = UlJJP4 + + I po I2 (I, + J,)p, + I po I2 (I, + J,)p, [I PO I2VI + JI) + (6% 13J,]p2 + I p0 I4 (69) and E(P) = P4 + 2(4 - U’o)P2 + 1 po y; (64a) of course, ci$ - & = E’. The resulting 2 X 2 impedance matrix.Z,(p) of N is !! ci T Z,(p) = E T “--“_ . E d -2 e (70) Clearly, the only poles of Z,(p) occur at p = 0, p = ~0 and at p = =I+,, where I2(13 + J3) a’ = y3J4 + I,J, Thus, the elements of Z,(p) fraction expansions z 11 = ci -= c^ hp ’ (71) must possess the partial 1 + 2 and 2pml, + -2p +d’ (72) and the compactness requirements follow. A perusal of (66)-(69) indicates that N has one more special attribute, namely I,, = I,, = I,, = +-y$ 3 3 (73) To summarize, any passive, lossless reciprocal realization of N must possess an impedance matrix Z,(p) with the structure delineated in (72)-(74) such that 1) Z,(p) is compact at the four poles p = 0, ~0, &GJ, and 2) residue x11 = residue z1a = residue zZZat the pole p = 0. Now the Darlington type D network depicted in Fig. 8 meets all these specifications! An application of Kirchoff’s laws together with the perfect coupling condition L,L, = Mi, enables us to derive the impedance matrix IRE 250 +o TRANsACTIONs , : ^__ I--x---- UN ClhTCUl1’ -------- September 1’HlWliY Observe that (83)-(91) involve the J’s as well as the I’s. All that is needed to compute the J’s is W,,, the value of W(p) at p = po. This is easily found by applying L’Hospital’s rule to (10): - ! w, = -1, po-uPo)~o - 20% PoZ’(Po) - x ’ “I (914 where I 1 I x = u,x”+ 00 I 1 i---.-. --..A Fig. 8-A Darlington type D equivalent of N, the passive, lossless, reciprocal a-port resulting from two applications of Theorem 1. where jw,Ro. CO The chart of Fig. 9 is designed to facilitate the synthesis procedure and to show at a glance the functions of the different sections. A few words of explanation regarding the Richards section are in order. Let Z(p) be an arbitrary positive-real function. Then, Richards’ theorem states that for any u > 0, z 1&) = 4P) - Pad -- PZ(P) -WI + u (92) is also positive-real. If Z(p) is rational, degree Z,(p) < degree Z(p) and if T(U) = 0, degree Z,(p) I degree Z(p) - 2. Inverting (92) for Z(p) gives and 2 = X,/L,. WC8 Since L,L, = Mf, Z,(p) is also compact at p = m. Furthermore, at p = 0, residue zll = residue z12 = residue zZl = S,. Equating the k’s, l’s and m’s in (72)-(74) to the coefficients appearing in (79)-(82) yields the set of relations (see Appendix II): Id,J, + I,J, L1 = I,J, ’ (83) ’ (84) I*J1 Lz = I,J, -f I,J, 1 M1 = I,J, + I,J, c;’ +-vzzro, = = & = +$ M2 L, = - 1 po ) 1 PO 1’ (13 III. EXAMPLES 2 I:;;j4 $--J;o(:: I; J,)” 5 (87) ‘, To see how the chart is used, consider the example 203) =P”f9Pf8. p2 + 2p + 2 JsJ,I,U, - J1)” I,Jz = (85) A simple analysis now reveals that Z(p) may be realized by terminating the Richards’ section (shown in Fig. 9) in Z,(p), an observation already recorded in the literature.” The type E section is capable of extracting any complex zero of r(p) and leads to a four degree reduction. The type D section also performs the same operation but leads to an eight degree reduction if this zero is of order two or more. The Richards network extracts any u-axis zero of r(p), yielding a two degree reduction. The type C achieves the same object but diminishes the degree by four if the zero is of order two or more. Finally, the Brune section induces a four degree reduction, provided that 0 < Iwo1 < a. 3 3 2 qp> = flzl(P> + PZ(d, zm?l + u -ad (82) + J3) + L, (I, J, + = M;/L,, I, J3)(13 + J,)’ ’ @) Then, (89) r($) 2 0. = j PO I2 (13 13J4 + + J,) I,J3 and c,’ = s, (94) = wZL3. (91) = (P” p”+4 4Y ’ 11D. Hazony, “A cascade representation of the Bott-Duffin cycle,” IRE TRANS. ON CIRCUIT THEORY, vol. CT-5, pp. 144145; June, 1958. 196i Youla: Theory of Cascade Synthesis 251 -0 4 8-l” 4 t; : t 4 VI X d a d = primary self-inductance of upper perfectly coupled transformer. LP = secondary self-inductance of upper perfectly coupled transformer. MI = mutual inductance of upper perfectly coupled transformer. La = primary self-inductance of lower perfectly coupled transformer. Fig. g--Chart L4 = secondary self-incuctance of lower perfectly coupled transformer. M2 = mutual inductance of lower perfectly coupled transformer. 2 &a 1 ma=-=L3 L3Ca depicting the various sections to be used for the extraction of zeros of r(p). 252 IRE TRANSACTIONS ON CIRCUIT September THEORY Using the formulas for the element values of the type and p, = go = 2 is a zero of r(p) of order two. According to part 4 of Theorem 1, W(p) is at least four degrees less D section (Fig. 9) we find, than Z(p), i.e., W(p) is a constant. Let us first compute I, = 0.2 the indexes: I, = 0.8 Z’(2) = -3 Z(2) = 3; I, = 1.6 .*. T,(2) = 2; 18(2) = 1 12(2) = 18; J, = J, = 1, J, = J, = 0.8 and the parameter values of the type C section are (Fig. 9) and 1 1 L, = 125/44 h, LP = m = ijh, T L, = 2 = 2h., 3 M = + = -lh., 3 5/44 h, M, = 25/44 h, c, = 12 f, cd,= c= Since W(p) is constant, L, = 3/11, M, = 136/99 h, L, = 272/99 h, it equals its value for p = 0. L, = 68,/99 h, C, = 1331/68 f. This is shown in network terms in Fig. 11. Fig. IO-Realization of the Z(P) in (94). Fig. 11-Realization of the Z(P) in (95). Hence referring to (lo), W(p) = W(0) = Z(0) = 4fi. This is shown in network terms in Fig. 10. A more complicated specimen is Z(P) = 25~’ + 4p + 1. p2 + 8p + 1 The zeros of r(p) form a quadruplet where (95) (pO, &, -ppo, -j&) 2 j po = 5 + 5 = co + &Jo. Thus, 2, = Z(pJ = 1.5 + jo.5. Since W(p) is again a constant (a four degree reduction . occurs), W(p) = W(0) = Z(0) = 1Q; .-. R, = 1.5, i-7, = 1 x, = 0.5 v, = 0. From a practical point of view, it appears desirable first to strip Z(p) of all real-frequency zeros and poles; i.e., to go through the usual Brune preamble. Having done this, the remaining zeros of transmission are removed by appropriate sections and the remainder is a non-negative resistor. Naturally the process may be varied at any stage. The Brune, Richards, type E and type C sections require, for their determination, only the indexes I, - I, whereas the type D uses both I’s and J’s. Formulas (91a) and (91b) supplemented with Z’(pO) and the I’s suffice and the need for deriving W(p) is completely obviated (at least for one cycle). To summarize: 1) Apply the Brune preamble t,o Z(p) to obtain z”(p), a positive-real function devoid of zeros and poles on the entire real-frequency axis. 2) Use the chart of Fig. 9 to extract the appropriate cascade sections corresponding to the zeros of F(p) = Z(P) + -R-P) . 2 1961 Youla: Theory of Cascade 8ynthesis IV. CLOSING REMARKS By means of Theorem 1 it has been possible to place Darlington synthesis on a sound and rational singleprinciple basis and to evolve the various sections in a natural and direct manner. Moreover, the extraction cycle has been carried out in abstract terms resulting in closed formulas for all element values. These values depend on either three or six indexes. The entire process is now in a guise suitable for programming on an ordinary gardenvariety digital computer and work in this direction is now in progress. In a future paper the author hopes to show that Theorem 1 also leads to a solution of the problem of interpolation in the right-half p-plane with positive-real functions. This in turn leads to a simple procedure for the design of oscillators with prescribed modes and to an alternative approach to the approximation problem. APPENDIX I The object of this Appendix is to prove Theorem 1. However, we take this opportunity to develop the meaning and concept of “indexes” at some leisure, relegating many of the important side questions to the positions of lemmas. We begin with a definition. Dejinition 1: A function Z(p) of the complex variables p = u + jw is said to be positive-real if 1) it is analytic in the strict right half-plane, Re p > 0; 2) Re Z(p) 2. 0 for Re p > 0; 3) Z(p) is real for all real p in Re p > 0. Lemma 1 generalizes the notion of the “residue at infinity” to positive-real functions that are not necessarily rational. Lemma 1: Let Z(p) be an arbitrary positive-real function. There exists a non-negative number L 2 0 such that -G(P) = Z(P) - PL is positive-real. limit Z’(p) = limit z(p> = L D-m n-m P The details are supplied in Valiron.” Let Z(p) be an arbitrary positive-real function and set Z(P) = Rb, 4 + iX(u, 4, R and X denoting the real and imaginary parts, respectively. On the real-frequency axis, u = 0, p = jw and Z(jw) = R(o, w) + jX(o, w). Since there is no risk of confusion, we write this as Z(j,> = R(u) + ix(u). (9% Consider the two quantities qp> = R(U)4 u and X(u 4 cl(P) = *. Clearly, X(p) is defined for all p in Re p > 0 and p(p) is defined for all p = u + jw in Re p > 0 for which w # 0. Moreover, if Z(p) # 0, Rep > 0. h(P) > 0, (102) The domains of definition of X(p) and p(p) are extended by a limiting process. For example, let p = u. be any point on the positive u-axis. Then, in a sufficiently small neighborhood of p = uO, JXP) = Z(Q) + (P - 4Ud + z2 (P - dkak; (103) Z’(a,) and the a’s are real. Letting p - u0 = re”, m + C eik+rkak. k=2 Z(p) = Z(u,) + re’“Z’(u,) (104) Since r sin $ = o, X(U, U) = (97) Furthermore 253 wz’(u,,) + 2 sin k4 r”ak k=Z (105) and Limit X(u7 u) = Z’(uJ w P-no (98) uniformly, provided that p tends to infinity in the right half-plane along any ray arg p = p where 0 < 1p 1 < 7r/2. Proof: If Z(p) is rational, the lemma is trivial since L is nothing more than the residue at infinity. However, for general positive-real functions, the limit z(jw, lo-m P does not necessarily exist and the lemma contributes essential information. The number L is also known as the angular derivative of Z(p) at infinity (Caratheodory). (106) provided that p + u,, along any ray 4 = constant, 4 # 0, ir (Fig. 12). This is written as ray-limit P+ro X(a, Ld = (107) Z'(uJ. By definition, P*(U) = -md, u > 0. I2 G. Valiron, “Fonctions Analytiques,” de France, Paris, France, pp. 79-87; 1954. (10% Presses Universitaires 254 IRE PO” TRANSACTIONS September ON CIRCUL 1’ THEORY Dejinition 2: Let Z(p) be an arbitrary positive-real function and p any point in Re p > 0 or any finite point on the real-frequency axis, where Z(p) is analytic. The four real numbers I- I (pj = VP) - FL(P) 1 VP) + P(P) ’ Fig. 12-Illustration of the meaning of ray-limit for points on the positive u-axis and on the finite real-frequency axis. (119) Idp) 2 I JxP> I2 = X(p) + P(P) ’ (120) I,(p) = (121) 2 VP> - P(P) and Similarly, if p = jw, is any finite point on the realfrequency axis where Z(p) is analytic, p(jwo) = x(,,> w. # 0, , WO 00 = 0. = Z’(O), = -jR’(w) d(jw) + X’(w) (122) (109) are the indexes assigned to the point p by the positive-real function Z(p). The set of these four numbers is called the index set relative to Z(p) and is denoted by (110) f-UP) = (11,I,, I,, 14). To discover a meaning for X(j,,) when R(w,) = 0, we again resort to a limiting process. Thus, suppose 0 I 1 w. 1 < m and R(w,) = 0. Clearly, - IdP) = r(P) It is interesting to see the forms taken by the indexes at the various points p. Casel:p=o+jo,a>O,o#O. R(u A-Aw) au 4 (111) Ilcp) = R(u: u) I X(:, w) ’ which implies that (112) (125) because w. must be a zero of R(w) of at least order two. Consequently, in a sufficiently small neighborhood of P = PO, I,(P) = R(u w) A-- (113) Z(p) = jX(w3 -I- (p - jwo)X’bo) -I- g2 9 (P - jwojkbk 14(p) R(a, o) = gX’(w,) -k Re 2 eik%‘bk. (114) R(wo) # 0. = + m, (116) = X’bo), NW,) R&J # 0, = 0. (126) W (127) K’(P). Z(u) - u.2%> I&) = Z(u) + uZ’(u) ’ (128) I&d 2uZZ(u) = Z(u) + uZ’(u) ’ (129) Lb) = Z(,) ?u2t(u) (130) ’ I,(u) = I?(u). Case3:p= By definition, X(jw,> = + 03, = (115) provided that p --) jw, along any ray I$ = constant, 7r/2 (Fig. 12). Obviously, 4# -r/2, ray-limit R(a, u D-iwo X(0 w) ’ Case 2: p = u, u > 0. Hence, = X’(wo) 2 U and limit ‘+ ?)+ioo (124) W U Z’(jwo) = X’(wo) (123) jw,O< (131) [WI < a,R(w) ZO. (117) Il(jw) = 1, (132) uw I&w) = 0, 033) &W = 0, (134) In short, X(p) and p(p) have now been assigned a meaning for all p in Re p > 0 and all finite points on the real-frequency axis where Z(p) is analytic. I,(jw) = 1. (135) 1961 Youla: Theory of Cascade Synthesis Case4: p = jw,O < 1w 1 < ~0, R(w) = 0. Il(jw) = w-w.4 - X(4 wX’(w> + X(4 and if p. # po(wo # 0), ’ 036) I&,> = wX’(w) + X(w) ’ (137) 2w = wX’(w) - X(w) ’ (133) 2wX2(w) I&) 14(jw) = I;‘(jw). alternatively, 2 > I -UP01 I Xo 1 G- I1 Ro Yip --~~Po)P, d@o,PO) = I,(P,)P~ + I PO 1’ are the four indicial polynomials assigned to the point p, by the positive-real function Z(p). The importance of the indexes and the indicial polynomials has already been brought out in Theorem 1. As we will soon see, they possess some vary elegant and useful properties. Lemma 2: Let Z(p) be any positive-real function which is neither of the form pL nor I/PC, L and C non-negative constants, and let p. be any point in Re p > 0 or any finite point on the real-frequency axis, exclusive of the origin, where Z(p) is analytic, Re 2 = 0 and 2 # 0. Then, (k = 1, 2, 3,4). (141) Proof: It suffices to prove that under the prescribed hypotheses and for the stipulated points p, 0 < X(P) f CL(P) < a* Now, for any p. in Re p > 0 and any positive-’ real function Z(p), the function w(p) _ 2oozo Z(P) + -aPol (142) is analytic and bounded by unity in Re p > 0 and vanishes for p = p,. Thus, by the theorem of the Maximum Modulus, I 4-P I = I 1, Rep > 0, (146) 0 < ~cpo>f dpo) < co 040) C(P, PO) = -UPo)P, 0 < Ik(PO) < O”, 00 z 0. Eqs. (145) and (146) show that at any point p, in Re p > 0, 4P, PO) = Il(PO)P2 + I PO I27 HP,PO) = (145) and (139) The functions and 255 (143) and (141) follows. Now let p, = jwo, 0 < I w. ( < 03 be any point on the real-frequency axis where Z(p) is analytic and R(oo) = 0; i.e., Z(jwo) = jX(wo) and Z’(jwo) = X’(w3. First, if X(wo) is also equal to zero, Z(jwo) = 0 and Z-‘(jw,) possesses a simple pole at p, = jw, with the positive residue l/X’(w,); the inequality X’(w,) > ( X(wO)/wo J is trivial. Hence, we may assume without loss of generality that R(wo) = 0 and Z(jwo) # 0. Expanding Z(p) in a Taylor series about the point p. = jwo yields R(u, wj + jX(u, w) = Z(p) = jX(wo> + (P - jwo>X'(wo> + z b - jwo>kak. After a little algebra, R(u 4 31 Amu WI = X’(wo) f + A W U (147) + O(r) for any fixed + in the range -r/2 < 4 < 7r/2, where p - jwo = re’m. Since Z(p) is positive-real it follows from (146) that R(u,w) I Xb, 4 , 0 U w for all u > 0. Thus, as is obvious from (147), R(cT, X’(wo) f Z?5Yk!d= ray-limit ?-PO wo * ZI.kZ.4 U w. 1 > 0, - or with equality if and only if X’(w,) 2 w(p) = ejo P2Lz.23 ( p+so > ’ 8 a real constant. (144 In this latter case 1 w(jw) I = 1 and this implies, together with (142) that Z(p) is a Foster function bilinear in p; i.e., Z(p) is either of the form pL or l/pC, L and C non-negative constants. Excluding these, I s(p) I < 1, Re p > 0. In particular, IdPo> I = jZYpo~~/ < 1 1 +$ I . Actually, under the prescribed hypotheses, the equality sign is impossible. Suppose for example that X’(w,) = X(wo)/wo and w. > 0. Substituting this in the equation appearing directly above (147) yields -W = PLO + g (p - jwolkak, (143) where Lo = X(wo)/wo. Identifying the real and imaginary parts of the right-hand side of (148) and setting IRE 256 TRANSACTIONS ak = j al, I e”lc we derive R(u , 4 x(u, U wj _ 2 W 1 ak I rkml cos (k+ cos k=2 + ok) cp _ g j uki rksi”,@++ ek> 2. (24g) o. ON CIRCUIT THEORY September merely necessary to change I 2 I into ] 2 1-l and p into -p in (152)-(155). This immediately yields (151), Q.E.D. There is now no difficulty in showing that the indicial polynomials a(p), b(p), c(p), d(p) associated with Y = 2-l are given by a(~, PO) = db> PO), Choose a $Jin -r/2 < + < r/2 such that HP, PO) = dP, PO), cm (24 + 6) < o cos I$ Now choose r small enough to guarantee that w = w. + r sin 4 > 0, -a/2 < 4 5 7r/2, and that all terms in (149) except the one corresponding to Ic = 2 in the first summation are negligible; i.e., to first order, o -< Nu, ~- 4 U X(u, 4 _ r I a2 I cos(24 + b> I o W cos Lemma 4 is of an extremely simple nature but is, nevertheless, the clue to the proof of Theorem 1. Lemma 4: Let Z(p) be an arbitrary positive-real function and p, = u. + jwo any point in the strict right halfplane. Set 2, = Z(po) = 8, + jX,. Then, if c$ a) 1 - Il(po) 5 0, there exists a positive-real function of the form z(p) = r. + pL, such that Clearly, the only way to avoid a contradiction is to have I az / = az = 0. But a reference to (149) reveals that with a, = 0 and r sufficiently small, R(u A--= 4 U W cos 4 ti(Po) = Z(Po) - 4-PO) = 0, wof: 0, or r2 1a3 1 cos (34 + e,) X(u 4 (156) _c(P,PO)= Npt PO), d(P, PO)= dP, PO). wo = 0. duo) = V(u0) = 0, f b) If 1 - II > 0, there exists a positive-real and repeating the above argument once again, a3 = 0. function x(p) = r. + X,/p with the above stipulated By induction, ak = 0, for all k > 2, whence from (148), properties. Z(p) = pL,. If X’(wo) = -X(wo)/wo we consider Y(p) = Z-‘(p) and find that Z(p) = X,/p, S, = -wnX(wo). Proof: Note first that for w. # 0, 1 - I,(po) ; 0 are Since both of these cases are explicitly excluded in the statement of the lemma, X’(wo) > I X(wo)/wo I and we are equivalent to X,/w, $ 0 and for w. = O(p, = a,) to again led to the two inequalities, 0 < X(jw,) f p(jw,) < 03, Z’(u,) 2 0, respectively. Suppose for the sake of definiteQ.E.D. ness that w. > 0 and X0 I 0. Then, $(po) = 0 requires Lemma 3: For any positive-real function Z(p) and any (157a) r. = R. + goLo, p in the domain of definition of the indexes, Q&9 (150) = fMP) Lo = -3. wo and MP) = (14, I,, I,, Id, (151) in which, of course, $j denotes the complex conjugate of p, Y = 2-l and &(p) is given by (123). Proof: Refer to (124)-(127). Observe that at the point @,w goes into -w and Z(p) goes into Z(p). Hence, X goes into -X and (150) is obvious by inspection. The relation (151) is best established by expressing 11, I,, Is, and I, in trigonometric form. Let p = I p I eimand Z(p) = I 2 I e”. From (124)-(127), sin (e - P) (152) Ilcpj = sin (e + p) ’ Hence Lo 2 0 and therefore r. > 0, i.e., x(p) = r. + pL, is positive-real. The element values are expressed most succinctly in terms of the indexes: Lo = -1 20 I2(1 - (153) sin 28 L(P) = p2 sin (e - 0) ’ I I (154) sin (e + P) 14@) = sin (0 - p)’ (155) (158) ’ 2flo r 0 = -. I3 (159) If w. > 0 and X0 > 0 and we choose z(p) it is found in exactly the same way that 20 I2 (1 I, r Since Y = Z-‘, Y = ] Z I-le-” and consequently, to obtain the indexes assigned to the point p by Y it is 11) 12 &=’ I,(p) = 1 sin (e + p) ’ (157b) 2uo O=I,I,' - 11) ’ To + SO/~, (160) (161) We leave it to the reader to fill in the details for p, on the u-axis [$(uo) = lC/‘(uo) = 01. The formulas (158)-(161) are always applicable, irrespective of the location of p. in Re p > 0. The identifications (158) and (159) correspond to 1 - II 5 0 and (160), (161) correspond to 1 - I,(po) > 0. 257 Youla:’ Theory of Cascade Synthesis 1961 Our next and final lemma is again quite elementary but useful. Lemma 5: Let Z(p) be an arbitrary positive-real function and z(p) any positive-real function of the form Using (161)-(167) we find, after a little simplification, M-P) + dPMP) + cd-PMP) - dPM--PI w1(p) = M-P) - dP)lZ(P) + d-PMP) + dPM-PI (167) 4-P) = To + ZAP), where r0 > 0 and Z,(p) Foster function. Then, is a rational = (P" + I pa I") -@I + p3Lo+ pWo I p. I2 - 2uoro) -2p~J(pl + p2(ro- 2aoLo) + ToI p. I2 (or meromorphic) WO w(p) = Z(P) - d-P) Z(P) + 4-p> is a bounded-real scattering coefficient. That is to say, w(p) is analytic and bounded by unity in Re p > 0 and real for all p = u > 0. Proof: Since 2,(-p) = -Z,(p), where N(p) and D(p) denote the numerator and denominator of (167) or (168), respectively. Eqs. (161a), (161b), (166) and (167) directly show that d--P”) = d--150) = 0, Npo) = N&J,) = @a) = @a) = 0, Z(P) + Z,(P) - To w(p) = Z(p) + Z,(p) + f-0 wo# 0 (169) w0 = 0. (170) and and is therefore the reflection coefficient of the positivereal function Z(p) + Z,(p) normalized to the positive number r,,, Q.E.D. Now that these preliminary considerations are out of the way, we may turn our attention to the proof of Theorem 1. N(u,) = N’(u,) Proof of Theorem 1: Let Z(p) be an arbitrary positivereal function and p, = u,, + jw, any point in the strict right half-plane. Set 2, = Z(p,,) = R, + jX, and assume, to begin with, that w0 > 0, X, < 0. According to Lemma 4, there exists a positive-real impedance z(p) = r,, + pL, such that the function #(p) = Z(p) - 2(-p) satisfies either N-PO) = DC-PO) = s(poM--Pa) + 4-~0)1 = -dPoMPo) - 4-PO)1 = 0. tiCPa) = iGo) = 0, W” > 0, (161a) or $(a”) = ~‘(a,) = 0, W” = 0. (16lb) By Lemma 5, w(p) = Z(P) - d-P) Z(P) + Z(P) (162) in a passive scattering coefficient. Since the numerator of w(p) is divisible by the quadratic factor (p - p,J(p - j&J, it follows from the Maximum Modulus Theorem that the function s(p) defined by (P - POXP - 15”) w(p) = (p + P”)(P + PO)s(p) coefficient. (163) Consequently, (164) is positive-real. Let 065) where g(p) = P2 + 2@“P + I PO 12. = D(uo) = D’(uo) = 0, Thus, N(p) and D(p) both are always divisible by the factor (p - p,,)(p - j%J = g(-p). Now suppose that Z(p) is meromorphic and p, is a zero of its even part; i.e., Z(p,,) + Z(-pO) = 0. From (167), w3 (171) Hence if w0 # 0, both N(p) and D(p) are divisible by (P + PO)(P + PO) = g(p). If W” = 0, N(-a,) = D(-ua,) = 0 (172) and therefore, w,, # 0 and Z(pO) + Z(-pO) = 0 imply the divisibility of numerator and denominator by g(p) while w,, = 0 and Z(pO) + Z( -pO) = 0 imply their divisibility by the linear factor (p + uO). One more point is of paramount importance. Suppose that u,, is a zero of r(p) of a least order two. Then, Z’(a,) - Z'(-a,) = 0. Differentiating N(p) and D(p) and setting p = -u,, yields with the aid of the relation Z'(U,) = Z'( -uo), N’(-uo) = D’(-a,) But by construction = Z’(u,) + x’(-u,,). [see (161b)], !b’(U”) = $ [Z(p) - x(-p)lp=oO = Z’(u,) + Z’(--0) = b(PMP) is also a passive scattering that = 0, whence, p = - u,, is also a zero of N(p) and D(p) of at least order two. Thus, in this case, N(p) and D(p) are both divisible by the quadratic factor (p + a,,)‘. To summarize: 1) N(p) and D(p) always possess the common quadratic factor g( -p). 2) They possess the common quadratic factor g(p) when r(p,J = 0 and w0 # 0. 3) They possess the common linear factor (p + uo) when w0 = 0 and u. is a first-order zero of r(p) and the common quadratic factor (p + uJ2 when u,, is a zero of r(p) of at least order two. 258 IRE TRANSACTIONS We are now in a position to bring the proof to a quick conclusion by simplifying (168) in such a way as to remove the p3 term in N(p). It is easily seen by inspection that the angular derivative (or residue for rational 2) at infinity L, of W,(p) is L, = L + Lo To - 2U”(L” + L) 2 O; it is non-negative because W,(p) is known to be positivereal (L, is the angular derivative of Z(p) at infinity). Thus, if then 0 I E I Ll, (176) Using (174) and (168), we get = dPP(P> + b(P) ~PPYP>+ d(p) a(p) = r. ~“~~,,, U” 0 2U”P (177) (179) k+2 k-k3 and in each case the apparent increase in degree is four units. However, a decrease of four units is always brought about by the cancellation of the common quadratic factor g(-p) from the numerator and denominator of W(p) and so degree W(p) I degree Z(p). Furthermore, if Z(po) + Z( -pa) = 0 an additional diminution in degree of either four or two units occurs because of the cancellation of either the second-order factor g(p) or the linear factor (p + uo), depending on whether w. # 0 or w. = 0, respectively. Thus, if pa is a zero of the even-part of Z(p), degree W(p) 5 degree Z(p) - 4, w. # 0, d(p) = (1 - y)p’ + I p, 1’. uw Eqs. (6)-(g) are readily obtained by substituting (157a) and (157b) in (178)-(181). We now assert that the numerator and denominator of W(p) also have the divisibility properties l), 2) and 3) enumerated in the summary appearing above (172). The proof is immediate because by (176), = r. As mentioned previously, whenever u. is a zero of r(p) of at least order two. All that remains is the removal of the restrictions w. 2 0, X0 I 0. First, if w. < 0, the theorem is applied at the point p,. Since Q,(@,) = QZ(po), the polynomials a, b, c and d remain unchanged. Second, if X0 > 0, we apply the theorem to Y(p) = Z-‘(p). We already know that the polynomials a, b, c and d associated with Y(p) are determined from (156). Hence, the positive-real function (1W and N(P) - PE D(P). D(P) At this stage, it is possible to compare the degrees of W(p) and Z(p) when the latter is rational. Note first that a(p) and d(p) are of degree two and b(p) and c(p) are of degree one. Since Z(p) is positive-real and rational, its numerator and denominator degrees cannot differ by more than unity. Symbolically, zag, k-F3 k-l-2’ degree W(p) I degree Z(p) - 4 (173) + I P” I22 = --20-~1,(To+ *), W(P) k-k2 W(P) =:k+2’ degree W(p) I degree Z(p) - 2, w. = 0. where Nd September and W(p) = ToWl(P) - 7-034 J/jqp) THEORY Referring to (177) we see that the corresponding sequence for W(p) is (175) and from Lemma 1, is also positive-real. ON CIRCUIT -k+l k ’ -’ k+l k has all the properties enumerated Theorem 1. Consequently, so does in the statement of Now let the point p, approach any finite point on the real-frequency axis, exclusive of the origin, along an arbitrary ray not parallel to the axis. At those points where Z(p) is analytic the ray-limits of all indexes are perfectly well-defined by (132)-(138); and since the limit of a sequence of positive-real functions is obviously a positive-real function, we conclude that W(p), as defined by (176), is also positive-real for p, on the jw-axis. By using (136)-(138), it is found by straightforward calculation that 1) forp, = jwo,O < Iwo] < Q, (UZ + b),-i,, = 0 = (cZ + d)l)‘jWO. 2) If, in addition, r(jwo) = 0, (aZ + b)imjwO = (cZ + d)L=jw. = 0. 259 Youla: Theory of Cascade Synthesis 1961 Thus, for pa = jwo, the numerator and denominator of W(p) are always divisible by the quadratic factor (p” + wi) and it is always true that degree W(p) 5 degree Z(p). When p, = jw, is a zero of r(p), the numerator and denominator of W(p) are divisible by the biquadratic factor (p” + w$” and degree W(p) < degree Z(p) - 4. This terminates the proof of Theorem 1, Q.E.D. In retrospect, one can easily find several ways of simplifying the proof. However the method we have presented has the advantage of motivation. At no point in the demonstration was it ever found necessary to leave the domain of positive-real functions. Interestingly enough, (163) may be viewed as a generalized form of Schwartz’s lemma which, when applied to a bounded-real scattering coefficient, yields another simpler bounded-real function. The usual Schwartz lemma preserves the bounded but not the real character of the function. and m 22 = g$L,. Note that (187)) (192)) (193) and the perfect coupling condition, L,L, = Mi, automatically imply (191). For, invoking (77)) m 11 - -m,, 2 mz2 x = I,J, + I,J,, (194 y = I, + J3. (195) Then w~JP!?-!b) &A.$ Y L,=I,J,, L2 = k22 = I, J, + I,J, (184) ’ L,=L&. (185) and w:M, = 0 of La, L,, C, and M,. w:(“, + M2) = -ui(x jPo I”(13 + Ja) I,J, + I,Js ’ = I3 J, + 1, + I,J, J, (187) ’ (188) ... M 2 = -d(x + y)” - wZ(x - + Y)" + 4x 2. XY2 I P" I y)“. Y)" (200) But 089) , and xi-y= % x-y= -% (Uo + RoIJ Gw and ,c& + w;(~2 + Lo) = 1 P” I2 (I1 + J1) + ITaJ2. I,J, + I,J, Eqs. (188)-(190) equalities Y xy” 1 pa I2 M, = - I pa I2 (x - ~1” - 4&y 2(w: - a;) + X2 X Thus, L ,w; + so + s, = 1PO I2(1, + Jd + IsJ3 ‘6 2(1 p, I2 - 2uZ) l14t!&Ly. W@ All that remains is the determination Continuing the identification, I,J, (199) X 1 + I, J, ’ ~ L3 (198) 2 I,J, 2 so w,=--= (197) M, =$ (183) L1 = kll = I, J, + I, J3 ’ &-’ = fJ* = y$. W-3 X I,J, M1 = k12 = I,J, = -1 &. 2 Consider (189)) and for the sake of brevity, set The object of this Appendix is to derive (83)-(91) for the element values of the Darlington type D section. A straightforward comparison of (72)-(74) with (79)(82) yields the relations and 1 = W2M2 LL-2 = -wiL, 2L, 2 II APPENDIX (193) result, respectively, (190) from the residue S ml1 = 22 ’ (191) 1 w:M, 2 (192) m 12 -- - (V” + XOIJ, (202) where J,“I: I Wo + ZoI, I2 M2 = - I PO I2 V,J, + I,J,>(I, + J,)” In passing from (200) to (201)-(203)) the identity ’ ‘* (203) we have used 260 IRE 1 Z” I2 I,I, TRANSACTIONS = I,. ON CIRCUIT (204) In similar fashion, xy2 1 PO I2 -L = xyl3J2 - I pa I2 6~ - I,Y)(x - J,Y). (205) However, [use (201) and (202) again], (x - IIY)(X so that - Jd = - J,J,I,(I, J,J,I,V, L4 = ( pa Ia ?+ J,) + (I,J, + I, J,)(I, - Jl)“, Jl)” + J,)“’ (206) (207) THEORY September Consequently, L3 is found from the formula L, = Mi/L4 and S, from the formula S, = wzL3. The only equation which has not been used is (188). Nevertheless the remark directly below (190) renders (188) superfluous. Since the indexes are all non-negative, L,, L,, L,, L,, C, and C, are also non-negative and we have succeeded in proving that two successive applications of Theorem 1 or, stated differently, two type E sections in cascade are equivalent to a Type D section, Q.E.D. Synthesis of Active RC Networks* J. M. SIPRESSt, procedures are presented which establish Summary-Synthesis that one grounded J-terminal negative-impedance converter, embedded in an unbalanced grounded RC structure, is suflicient to realize 1) any driving-point function, 2) any two of the four short-circuit admittance parameters of a two-port network, and 3) certain sets of n short-circuit admittance parameters of an (n + 1)-terminal network, where each of the parameters is specified as the ratio of any two polynominals in the complex-frequency variable, with real coefficients. Furthermore, the required RC networks can always be made to take the form of grounded ladder-type structures, some of which, in particular cases, reduce to two-terminal admittances. I. INTRODUCTION CTIVE network synthesis is concerned with the realization of networks in which active elements A are used to shift the poles and/or zeros of passive immittance functions so as to realize a desired immittance function. Consequently, networks which are not realizable with passive elements only, such as nonpositive-real driving-point functions, or networks from which inductance or capacitance has been eliminated, may be synthesized. Active RC networks, i.e., networks containing only resistors, capacitors and active elements, seem particularly attractive at lower frequencies, where magnetic elements become rather large and expensive. Several techniques have been proposed for the active MEMBER, IRE of any voltage-transfer function’ with only one 4-terminal controlled source of the amplifier type.2 Linvill presented a technique demonstrating that an RC network containing one 4-terminal negative-impedance converter (NIC),3 could be used to realize any immittance-transfer function.? Yanigasawa, Sandberg and Myers, each independently advanced a method of using a S-terminal NIC to synthesize any voltage- or current-transfer function.“-‘” Subsequently, interest shifted to the realization of driving-point functions by active RC techniques. Sandberg showed that any driving-point function could be realized with one 4-terminal controlled source whose gain is allowed to approach infinity9 or with one 4-terminal NIC.” Kinariwala advanced a technique demonstrating that one 4-terminal controlled source of the amplifier type embedded in an RC network is suitable for the 1 In this paper “any function” is defined to mean any function that can be expressed as the ratio of any two polynomials in the complex frequency variable, p = c + Jo, with real coefficients. 2 R. L. Dietzold, “Frequency discriminative electric transducer,” U. S. Patent No. 2,549,065; April 17, 1951. 3An NIC can be defined as a two-port network for which the input impedance at either port is porportional to the negative of the impedance connected to the other port.4-6 4 J. L. Merrill, “Theory of the negative impedance converter,” Bell System T’ech. J., vol. 36, pp. 88-109; January, 1951. 5 J. G. Linvill, “Transrstor negative impedance converters,” PROC. IRE, vol. 41, pp. 725-729; June, 1953. 6 A. I. Larky, “Negative impedance converters,” IRE TRANS. ON CIRCUIT THEORY, vol. CT-4, pp. 124-131; September, 1957. Linvill CC77 J. rn” G.nr-~ 1 :n,,“RC active filters,” PROC. IRE, vol. 42, pp.