F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS DGT94085 02-24-00 PAGE 1 / 2 ISSUE 3 02-24 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER 02-24-00 TABLE OF CONTENTS 02-24-05 GENERAL Introduction Sources Equipment location 02-24-10 DESCRIPTION Generation Distribution Operation 02-24-15 CONTROL AND INDICATION Control Indication 02-24-20 SYSTEM PROTECTION Introduction Batteries Generators and APU Circuit breakers 02-24-25 NORMAL OPERATION Introduction Ground operation with GPU plugged (MINI LOAD MASTER ON) Ground operation with APU operating (LH AV, RH AV and MINI LOAD MASTER ON) Normal flight operation 02-24-30 ABNORMAL OPERATION Introduction BUS tieding and untieding policy Erroneous indication Battery 1 overheat GEN 2 failure CAS messages DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-00 PAGE 2 / 2 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER TABLE OF CONTENTS ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER GENERAL DGT94085 02-24-05 PAGE 1 / 4 ISSUE 3 INTRODUCTION The F2000EX EASy uses DC power for control, operation and indication of the various systems installed in the airplane. The electrical power supply system consists of a 28 VDC on-board generation system designed to minimize electrical fluctuation and power interruption. It supplies, controls and distributes DC power to the on-board electrical equipment through three main buses (LH, ESS and RH buses). Most of the avionics equipment is master switched on these respective buses: LH AV MASTER, MINI LOAD MASTER and RH AV MASTER. The Median (MD) bus is used for liaison purpose. The system is powered by two engine-driven generators and two batteries. It can also be supplied by an Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) driven generator. On ground, it can be supplied by an external DC Ground Power Unit (GPU). DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-05 PAGE 2 / 4 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER GENERAL ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 Master switches Circuit breakers overhead panel DC supply overhead panel CAS windows ELEC, STAT and TEST synoptics FIGURE 02-24-05-00 FLIGHT DECK OVERVIEW DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 GENERAL DGT94085 02-24-05 PAGE 3 / 4 ISSUE 3 SOURCES DC SOURCES - two 36 Ah batteries - two 12 generators - one 9 kW (300 A) APU-driven starter generator - 1 Secondary Flight Display (SFD) battery: HORIZ BAT - 1 auxiliary battery: AUX BAT (option) - 3 batteries for the emergency lighting system - 4 buffer batteries for LH DU, UP DU, MAU1 and MAU2. - 4 NIC batteries, one batterie per NIC/PROC module of each channel of MAU. - Ground Power Unit (GPU) INTERNAL EXTERNAL kW AC SOURCES - equipment requiring alternating current is equipped with built-in inverters - passenger convenience items can be powered by inverters on a dedicated network engine-driven DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-05 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 4 / 4 GENERAL ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 EQUIPMENT LOCATION FIGURE 02-24-05-01 EQUIPMENT LOCATION DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER DESCRIPTION DGT94085 02-24-10 PAGE 1 / 10 ISSUE 3 GENERATION MAIN BATTERIES On ground, two 24 V (36 Ah) Ni-Cad batteries provide the primary source of DC power to the entire distribution system prior to APU starting. The BAT 1 supplies electrical power for starting the APU. As soon as one generator is connected, batteries are reloading and flatten generator electrical spikes. They are also capable of an emergency in-flight source of power for a limited period if all engine-driven generators fail. In that case, battery autonomy would be around 78 min (including 5 troubleshooting minutes) with maximum load shedding. The batteries are located in the forward servicing compartment accessible through the forward servicing compartment door. The batteries are ventilated, on the ground, by a battery-powered blower and by aerodynamic air flow in flight. During ground operation, the battery blower is operational when the BAT 1 switch is on. NOTE Very low-charged batteries cannot be connected to the buses, as their contactors need at least 18 VDC to close. OTHER BATTERIES Three batteries supply the emergency lights. One HORIZ BAT battery supplies Secondary Flight Display (SFD) in case of loss of LH bus for approximately 2 h 40 min. One AUX BAT battery when installed, may supply dedicated equipment. Four MAU-DU BAT buffer batteries supply the LH DU, UP DU, MAU1 and MAU2 so as to prevent them from dimming when the APU starts due to voltage drop . One of these supplies the Centralized Maintenance Computer (CMC) during shutdown. Four NIC batteries supply the NIC/PROC module of each chanel of MAU. Except for the batteries of emergency lights and NIC/PROC module, all battery voltages are monitored and indicated in the TEST synoptic page. The batteries of emergency lights can be checked by a three-position OFF-ON-ARM EMERG LIGHTS switch located on the overhead panel. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-10 PAGE 2 / 10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER DESCRIPTION ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 ENGINE-DRIVEN GENERATORS Engine-driven rectifier alternators are driven by the accessory gear box of each engine. A shear shaft in the generator prevents damages to the accessory gearbox in case of generator seizure. A damper in the generator shaft prevents from vibrations. They are rated at 12 kW and regulated at 28.5 VDC by their associated Generator Control Unit (GCU). APU GENERATOR The Auxiliary Power Unit (APU) is equipped with a starter-generator. On ground, it is capable of power the entire DC electrical system, in addition to charging batteries. It is rated at 9 kW and regulated at 28.5 VDC by its associated GCU. ENGINE-DRIVEN GCU The two Generator Control Units (GCU) provide current and voltage control and protection for their associated generator: - Control: the GCU regulates the voltage at 28.5 VDC. It monitors the output current in order to comply with peak power protection (above 400 A). It also provides generator output control in order to balance the voltage between several generators, when connected in parallel. - Protection: the GCU automatically disconnects its associated generator after debounce when the electric load limit is reached or overvoltage. APU-DRIVEN GCU The APU Generator Control Units (GCU) provides current and voltage control and protection for its associated generator: - Control: the GCU regulates the voltage at 28.5 VDC and monitors the output current to 300 A, with a maximum of 350 A for one minute. It also provides generator output control in order to balance the voltage between several generators, when connected in parallel. - Protection: the GCU automatically disconnects the generator when the electric load limit is reached or overvoltage. It also controls APU start sequence. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER DESCRIPTION DGT94085 02-24-10 PAGE 3 / 10 ISSUE 3 GPU An approved 28 VDC Ground Power Unit (GPU) may be used for prolonged periods to power the DC system in order to facilitate maintenance and servicing. The GPU may also be used for APU starting (recommended power is 1,000 A). When the GPU is connected and operating, generators and batteries are automatically disconnected from buses. If the airplane is equipped by the option charging batteries by GPU then it is possible to connect batteries to the buses when GPU is connected. FIGURE 02-24-10-00 GPU RECEPTACLE LOCATION DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-10 PAGE 4 / 10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER DESCRIPTION ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 DISTRIBUTION GENERAL DC power distribution is separated into three independent buses, allowing redundantly powered systems to continue to safely operate if one bus fails. The distribution system consists of 5 distinct buses: - battery bus, - ESSential bus (A5, ESS), - MD bus (connects battery 2 to RH or ESS buses), - LH bus (A1, A2, A3, CABIN), - RH bus (B1, B2, B3, GALLEY). FIGURE 02-24-10-01 ELECTRICAL SYSTEM DIAGRAM DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER DESCRIPTION DGT94085 02-24-10 PAGE 5 / 10 ISSUE 3 The battery bus is powered as soon as the battery 1 is installed and plugged in. Regardless of battery switch position, the battery bus provides electrical power directly to: - the fueling panel, - the emergency slat control circuit, - the APU starter circuit, - the engine FIRE extinguishers secondary discharge, - the fuel shut-off valves, - LIGHT 1 and LIGHT 2, main access door, available if at least one of the five trip magnetic switches is selected to on. Most of the avionics equipment is connected to the main buses through master-switches located on the overhead panel: FIGURE 02-24-10-02 OVERHEAD PANEL DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-10 PAGE 6 / 10 F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 DESCRIPTION ISSUE 3 LH BUS DGT94085 ESS BUS RH BUS - ACP 3 - ADF 1 - ADF 2 - Data loader - ADM 1 - ADM 2 - LSS (option) - ATC 1 - ATC 2 - RAD ALT 1 - CCD LH (one channel) - AFCS channels A+B - TCAS - CCD RH (one channel) - AP servomotors - Weather Radar - DME 1 - CCD LH (one channel) - GP LH - CCD RH (one channel) - LH DU - DME 2 - MAU 2 channel B - GP RH - MKB LH - LW DU - UP DU - MAU 1 channel B - VOR 1 - MAU 2 channel A - MKB RH - RAD ALT 2 - RH DU - VHF 3 (option) - VOR 2 - Yaw Damper DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 02-24-10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 7 / 10 DESCRIPTION DGT94085 ISSUE 3 LH BUS - a1 AOA HEAT (LH) BOOST 1 CAB LAV MASTER CABIN PRESS COND'G CABIN ENG 1 EDU EXT LIGHTS (LH) FLAP A/B INDIC FUEL 2 SHUT OFF HUD HGS (option) HUD OHU (option) HYDR 1 INDIC INSTR BAT (ST BY) L/G CONTROL LANDING LH LO FUEL NAV NOSE WHL 1 O2 BOX LH OIL LH PITOT HEAT (LH) READING CKPT (LH) REVERSE 1 ARM REVERSE 1 DEPLOY STATIC HEAT (LH) TRIM AILERON WSHLD FRONT LH ESS BUS ESS A/B CONTROL ADF 1 ADM 1 ANTICOL FIN APU APU DETECT APU EXTING ATC 1 BLEED HP 1 BLEED HP 2 BLEED MONIT (ST BY) BOOST 2 BRAKE CMPTR 1 CCD LH (one channel) CCD RH (one channel) COND'G MAN DETECT 1 DETECT 2 DME 1 DU LH DU UP FADEC A LH FLAP CONTROL FUEL CMPTR (LH) GP LH HYDR ISOL ICS LH ICS RH (ST BY) IGNITION 1 A IGNITION 2 A IRS 1 L/G EMERG MAU 1 CH A MKB LH MRC 1 NIM O2 BOX RH OVERHEAD LH …/… RH BUS b1 ADF 2 - ADM 2 - AOA HEAT (RH) - AFT SIDE WINDOW - AIL FEEL - ATC 2 - AUTO SLAT (RH) - BAG COMPT - BOOST 2 (ST BY) - BRAKE CMPTR 2 - CAB AC MASTER - CCD LH (one channel) - CCD RH (one channel) - COND'G CREW - CREW CALL - ENG 2 - ENG 2 EDU - ENG VIBR - EXTING 1 - FADEC A RH - FLIGHT RECORDER - FUEL CMPTR (RH) - GP RH - IRS2 - L/G INDIC - MAU 1 CH B - MAU 2 BAT - MKB RH - OIL RH - OVERHEAD RH - READING CKPT (RH) - STAB NORMAL - STROBE - TAXI - TCU RH - VALANCE - WARN B AUDIO - WARN B EXT - WARN RH ESS/B (*) - WIPER RH (*) backup powered breakers (red extension on circuit breakers panel) - - DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-10 PAGE 8 / 10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER DESCRIPTION ISSUE 3 - CODDE 1 DGT94085 LH BUS - F2000EX EASY ESS BUS a2 AUTO SLAT (LH) AV MASTER (LH) BELTS NO SMK'G BRAKE 2 ST BY DU BAT (LH) DU BAT (UP) DV WINDOW ENG1 ENTRY/CEILING EXTING 2 FADEC B LH FLIGHT RECORDER (ST BY) HF 1 ICS 3 IGNITION 1 B IRS 3 MAU 1 BAT PRV1 RAD ALT 1 REV PANEL SHIELD TCAS TEMP PROBE WARN A - ESS (cont'd) PITCH FEEL PITOT (ST BY) PRESS MONIT PUMP (ST BY) STAB EMERG START 1 START 2 TCU LH TRANSFER TRIM RUDDER VDR 1 VHF 1 VOICE RECORDER WARN ESS AUDIO WARN ESS EXT WARN LH ESS/B* WINGS WIPER LH XBP RH BUS - b2 AFCS CH A AFCS CH B ANTICOL BELLY AP TRIM AP SERVO AV MASTER (RH) BLEED MONIT BOOST 1 (ST BY) CREW SEATS DRAIN HEAT DU RH EMERG LIGHT (*) EXT LIGHTS (RH) FADEC B RH FLASH LIGHT FUEL 1 SHUT OFF FUEL APU SHUT OFF GALLEY MASTER HF 2 HYDR 2 INDIC ICS RH IGNITION 2 B INSTR LANDING RH MAU 2 CH A ML MASTER (RH) MRC 2 NIM NOSE CONE FAN NOSE WHL 2 PITOT HEAT (RH) PRESSURE FUELING PRINTER PRV 2 RAD ALT 2 REVERSE 2 ARM REVERSE 2 DEPLOY ROLL EMERG STATIC HEAT (RH) VHF 2 WSHLD FRONT RH YD DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 02-24-10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 9 / 10 DESCRIPTION DGT94085 - ISSUE 3 LH BUS ESS BUS RH BUS a3 a5 b3 WINDSHIELD (LH) - ST-BY PUMP - WINDSHIELD (RH) a4 - AC SYSTEM (option) No breakers are connected to MD bus. OPERATION ON GROUND When GPU is connected, all buses are automatically tied. RH and LH buses could be untied by selecting LH or RH ISOL pushbutton. NORMAL FLIGHT The bus tied rotary switch is in vertical position, ESS and MD buses are untied. RH and LH ISOL pushbuttons are set to tied (status light unlighted), LH bus is tied to ESS bus, RH buses tied to MD bus. ABNORMAL CONDITIONS In case of one generator failure, the battery supplies that bus. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-10 PAGE 10 / 10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER DESCRIPTION ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY 02-24-15 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 PAGE 1 / 12 CONTROL AND INDICATION DGT94085 ISSUE 3 CONTROL FIGURE 02-24-15-00 OVERHEAD PANEL DURING NORMAL FLIGHT CONFIGURATION SYNTHETIC TABLE CONTROL FUNCTION - GEN 1 connects generator 1 to the LH bus - GEN 2 connects generator 2 to the RH bus two-position trip magnetic switch - two-position trip magnetic switch - TO ACTIVATE On: contactor is closed Connected trip automatically to down position when the GCU detects an anomaly (over voltage, over current) act as reset switches when the fault is cleared (only one reset attempt is allowed) SYNOPTIC TO DEACTIVATE Off: contactor is open and engine stopped or GPU is On Disconnected Abnormal situation: contactor is open and engine is running and there is no GPU DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data GEN1 02-24-15 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 2 / 12 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 3 DGT94085 CONTROL FUNCTION - TO ACTIVATE Contactor closed and GPU is off (except GPUpowered APU starting) BAT 1 connects battery 1 to the ESS bus NOTE Battery 1 supplies the battery bus whatever battery switch position two-position trip magnetic switch - two-position trip magnetic switch SYNOPTIC TO DEACTIVATE Connected Contactor open and GPU is on (except during APU starting) Abnormal situation: BAT 2 connects battery 2 to the MD bus - trip automatically to down position when the system detects an anomaly (high reverse current) - act as reset switches when the fault is cleared BAT1 contactor open without GPU Abnormal situation: contactor is closed and GPU is on Disconnected DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data Abnormal situation: overheating BAT1 F2000EX EASY 02-24-15 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 PAGE 3 / 12 CONTROL AND INDICATION DGT94085 ISSUE 3 CONTROL FUNCTION TO ACTIVATE SYNOPTIC TO DEACTIVATE contactor closed (below 35,500 ft) two-position trip magnetic switch contactor closed - connects the APU generator to the ESS bus - trips automatically to down position when the GCU detects an overvoltage, 35,500 ft) - acts as a reset switch when the fault is cleared (only one reset attempt is allowed) contactor open (APU stopped or GPU is on) Connected (above Disconnected Abnormal situation: contactor open with APU running and no GPU ON GROUND ONLY: - light pushbutton - - disconnects the batteries from their respective buses, independently from BAT magnetic switch position On: airplane powered by GPU on ground Push On ties up all buses whatever BUS TIED rotary switch position allows GPU to supply all buses Off: airplane not powered by GPU Push Off DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-15 F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 4 / 12 CODDE 1 CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 3 DGT94085 CONTROL FUNCTION TO ACTIVATE SYNOPTIC TO DEACTIVATE Contactor normally tied Turn horizontally - Abnormally untied (rotary switch horizontal or EXT POWER pushed on) ties up ESS (left side) and MD (right side) buses BUS TIED rotary switch Contactor normally untied Turn vertically Abnormally tied (rotary switch vertical with no GPU) Contactor closed - isolates LH bus from ESS bus or RH bus from MD bus Push on Contactor abnormally isolated Contactor normally isolated Push off Contactor abnormally closed DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 CONTROL AND INDICATION DGT94085 02-24-15 PAGE 5 / 12 ISSUE 3 CONTROL FUNCTION TO ACTIVATE TO DEACTIVATE SYNOPTIC Push on (connected) - sheds cabin optional equipment load from the LH bus No specific indication on the ELEC synoptic Push off (shed) Push on (connected) - No specific indication on the ELEC synoptic supplies power to LH AV equipment Push off (shed) Push on (connected) - No specific indication on the ELEC synoptic supplies power to MINI LOAD equipment Push off (shed) Push on (connected) - supplies power to RH AV equipment No specific indication on the ELEC synoptic Push off (shed) DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-15 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 6 / 12 CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 CONTROL FUNCTION TO ACTIVATE TO DEACTIVATE SYNOPTIC Push on (connected) - No specific indication on the ELEC synoptic sheds galley equipment load from the RH bus Push off (shed) Switch ARM (in flight normal position) - switch ON: Illuminates EMERG lights and checks their three batteries Switch ON (test position) Switch OFF DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data No specific indication on the ELEC synoptic F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CONTROL AND INDICATION DGT94085 Electrical system indications are displayed on two pages on the MDU: ELEC synoptic, - STAT synoptic. PAGE 7 / 12 ISSUE 3 INDICATION - 02-24-15 FIGURE 02-24-15-01 ELECTRICAL SYNOPTIC DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-15 PAGE 8 / 12 F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 3 DGT94085 EXAMPLES OF BATTERY TEMPERATURE INDICATION Warm temperature: indication displayed on amber background Hot temperature: indication displayed on red background Invalid data FIGURE 02-24-15-02 BATTERY TEMPERATURE INDICATION For each battery, temperature indication is given by the pointer position on an analog scale and by digital readout. When the airplane is not equipped with temperature control (lead acid batteries), none of the above symbols and indication are displayed (option). The scale is colored in white below 49°C, in amber between 49°C and 71°C and in red above 71°C. EXAMPLES OF BATTERY AMMETER Normal values displayed in green Abnormal values displayed in amber Invalid data FIGURE 02-24-15-03 BATTERY AMMETER For each battery, current indication is given by the pointer position on an analog scale and by digital readout. The scale is colored in amber below – 300 A and, when APU is not starting, above + 45 A ; otherwise in white. NOTE A negative current designates a charging current. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CONTROL AND INDICATION DGT94085 02-24-15 PAGE 9 / 12 ISSUE 3 EXAMPLES OF DC GENERATOR AMMETER Normal values displayed in green Abnormal values displayed in amber Invalid data FIGURE 02-24-15-04 DC GENERATOR AMMETER NOTE For any generator or battery, 0 A is displayed on synoptic ammeters when actual current is between - 10 A and + 10 A. Current indication is displayed by the pointer position on an analog scale and by digital readout. For both engine-driven generators, indication is permanent and the scale is colored in amber: - on ground, above 300 A, - in flight, above 400 A. For the APU generator, the ammeter is displayed in grey when the APU MASTER pushbutton is ON. Then, above 99% APU N1, the colored indication is displayed. Amber limitations are displayed: - up to 10,000 ft, above 300 A, - between 10,000 ft and 25,000 ft, above 250 A, - above 25,000 ft, above 200 A. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-15 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 10 / 12 CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 EXTERNAL POWER AMMETER Normal values displayed in green Abnormal values displayed in amber Invalid data FIGURE 02-24-15-05 DC EXTERNAL POWER AMMETER For the external power ammeter, current indication is displayed on a digital readout when, on ground, EXT POWER light pushbutton is pushed on. The green display turns amber if current exceeds 300 A, except during GPU-powered APU starting (thresholds are modified with GPU batteries charging option). STARTING PHASE White START is placed under the APU ammeter during APU start. Amber START is placed under the APU in case of abnormal electric power supply. FIGURE 02-24-15-06 STARTING PHASE During the APU starting phase, the battery color code of the ELEC synoptic is specific: - , BAT 1 contactor opens during APU start, whenever another electrical power is connected to buses (though contactor is open, ammeter deviates during APU start) and GPU is not connected. The symbol turns amber to indicate abnormal closed contactor. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 02-24-15 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 11 / 12 CONTROL AND INDICATION DGT94085 - BAT1 ISSUE 3 , BAT 1 contactor closes if none electrical power is connected or during GPU assisted APU start. The symbol turns amber to indicate abnormal open contactor. - , BAT 2 contactor opens during APU start. The symbol turns amber to indicate abnormal closed contactor. EXAMPLES OF LH AND RH BUSES VOLTMETER Normal values displayed in green Abnormal values displayed in amber Invalid data FIGURE 02-24-15-07 BUSES VOLTMETER LH and RH buses are permanently monitored through two voltmeters displayed in the synoptic page. The ESS bus voltmeter is displayed when essential and LH buses are untied. The MD bus voltmeter is displayed when MD bus (and its battery 2) is isolated from both ESS and RH buses. When a generator supplies the bus, the range of the analog scale is colored in amber below 25 V and above 30 V. This range is different in case of other electric configuration (bus supplied by batteries only, APU starting, …). NOTE Electrical information is also available on the STAT synoptic. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-15 PAGE 12 / 12 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 CONTROL AND INDICATION ISSUE 3 DGT94085 STATUS SYNOPTIC System failure area Failure consequence area Buses voltage and generators current indications FIGURE 02-24-15-08 STATUS SYNOPTIC TEST SYNOPTIC FIGURE 02-24-15-09 TEST SYNOPTIC To check MAU / DU BAT or HORIZ BAT, ..., place the CCD cursor on the respective soft key and keep the <enter> button pressed to have indications displayed. Normal values appear in green while too low or too high values appear in amber. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION 02-24-20 PAGE 1 / 4 DGT94085 ISSUE 3 INTRODUCTION Feeder cables are protected by current fuses located inside the two main electrical boxes. Circuit protection is provided by conventional trip-free circuit breakers located on the circuit breakers panel. The circuit breakers panel is divided into different sections. Each section, delimited by different colored frames, corresponds to airplane major systems. In case of failure of one engine-driven generator, certain items, not essential for the flight, are automatically load-shed. The auto load-shed system is disabled when the airplane is on the ground, allowing normal operation of all cabin facilities. The BUS TIED rotary switch normal flight position is vertical, isolating left side buses from right ones. In case of overvoltage or short-circuit on one side, the other side is not affected. The ESS and MD buses can be temporary tied, for ground operations with no engine-driven generator assistance for example. When ESS and MD buses are tied, the contactor provides protection between them in case of overload on one side. BATTERIES The batteries are protected against excessive load by a trip magnetic switch, which opens and disconnects the battery when the charging (reverse) current exceeds 330 A for more than 3 sec. The BAT magnetic switch trips off and BAT .. CAS message appears. NOTE Only two reset attempts permitted. Batteries are ventilated on ground and in flight to protect them (hydrogen accumulation, heating). On ground, the ventilation by an electrical blower is operational when the BAT 1 trip magnetic switch is up and the position of the EXT POWER pushbutton is off. In flight, ventilation is provided by the effect of dynamic air flowing through a venting duct and blowing on the batteries. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-20 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 2 / 4 SYSTEM PROTECTION ISSUE 3 CODDE 1 DGT94085 GENERATORS AND APU The engine-driven generators and the APU are each monitored by a GCU. Main protections are: - voltage control (at 28.5 VDC) and protection, - electric load protection, - reverse current, ... The magnetic switch may trip off the corresponding generator. GEN .. F2000EX EASY CAS message will appear. CIRCUIT BREAKERS FIGURE 02-24-20-00 CIRCUIT BREAKERS PANEL DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION DGT94085 02-24-20 PAGE 3 / 4 ISSUE 3 CIRCUIT BREAKER COLOR CODE ESS BUS A1 and A2 BUS B1 and B2 BUS EMERG LIGHTS WARNING RH ESS / B WARNING LH ESS / B To be pulled if all generators fail NOTE Red breakers are backup powered by another bus. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-20 PAGE 4 / 4 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM PROTECTION ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER NORMAL OPERATION DGT94085 02-24-25 PAGE 1 / 6 ISSUE 3 INTRODUCTION In the following, typical ground and in-flight situations have been selected to help the crew to understand the symbols provided in the various panels and displays. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-25 PAGE 2 / 6 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER F2000EX EASY NORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 3 CODDE 1 DGT94085 GROUND OPERATION WITH GPU PLUGGED (MINI LOAD MASTER ON) FIGURE 02-24-25-00 OVERHEAD PANEL DURING GPU OPERATION DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 NORMAL OPERATION 02-24-25 PAGE 3 / 6 DGT94085 ISSUE 3 FIGURE 02-24-25-01 ELECTRICAL SYNOPTIC DURING GPU OPERATION ACTION RESULT Plug in the GPU which is not running. No result Turn on GPU (at 28 VDC) - green light on Push on EXT PWR light pushbutton - all MASTER: OFF lights on - MINI LOAD MASTER: OFF light off - Push on MINI LOAD MASTER - GPU ON: BUS TIED CAS message symbol - all GEN and BAT isolated (grey synoptic symbols) - BUS TIED amber indication - LH and RH buses voltage indications DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-25 PAGE 4 / 6 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER F2000EX EASY NORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 3 CODDE 1 DGT94085 GROUND OPERATION WITH APU OPERATING (LH AV, RH AV AND MINI LOAD MASTER ON) FIGURE 02-24-25-02 OVERHEAD PANEL DURING APU OPERATION DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 NORMAL OPERATION 02-24-25 PAGE 5 / 6 DGT94085 ISSUE 3 FIGURE 02-24-25-03 ELECTRICAL SYNOPTIC DURING APU OPERATION ACTION BAT overhead panel trip magnetic switches up position MINI LOAD MASTER overhead panel pushbutton pushed on BUS TIED rotary switch in horizontal position APU starting procedure LH and RH AV MASTER overhead panel pushbuttons pushed on RESULT No result - BAT symbols in green - LH and RH buses voltage indications - GEN in stand-by + symbol in grey - BUS TIED contactor symbol in green, closed - BUS TIED amber indication on the ELEC synoptic - APU synoptic symbol in green when connected to ESS bus - LH and RH AV MASTER: OFF lights off DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-25 PAGE 6 / 6 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER NORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 NORMAL FLIGHT OPERATION FIGURE 02-24-25-04 OVERHEAD PANEL DURING NORMAL FLIGHT OPERATION FIGURE 02-24-25-05 ELECTRICAL SYNOPTIC DURING NORMAL FLIGHT OPERATION DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER ABNORMAL OPERATION 02-24-30 PAGE 1 / 10 DGT94085 ISSUE 3 INTRODUCTION In the following, typical abnormal situations have been selected to help the crew to understand the symbols provided in the various panels and displays. BUS TIEDING AND UNTIEDING POLICY NORMAL FLIGHT CONDITION FIGURE 02-24-30-00 NORMAL FLIGHT CONDITION - GEN 1 and BAT 1 supply LH and ESS coupled buses, GEN 2 and BAT 2 supply RH and MD coupled buses. GENERATOR FAILURE - At GEN 1 failure (or engine 1), LH bus is maintained coupled to ESS bus, All the equipment supplied by LH bus and ESS bus are available. FIGURE 02-24-30-01 GENERATOR FAILURE WITH SLATS EXTENDED the ESS and MD buses must be tied via the bus tied rotary switch. FIGURE 02-24-30-02 BUS TIED - GEN 2, BAT 1 and BAT 2 (eventually APU as required) supply the four buses. DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-30 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 2 / 10 F2000EX EASY ABNORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 3 CODDE 1 DGT94085 SECOND GENERATOR FAILURE FIGURE 02-24-30-03 ONE GEN FAILED At second generator failure : - LH bus is automatically isolated from ESS bus, : o LH ISOL status light displayed, - RH bus is automatically isolated from MD bus: o RH ISOL status light displayed. FIGURE 02-24-30-04 SECOND GENERATOR FAILURE BAT 1 and BAT 2 (eventually APU as required) supply ESS and MD buses. BATTERY 1 OVERHEAT ABNORMAL STATUS FIGURE 02-24-30-05 OVERHEAD PANEL DURING BAT 1 OVERHEAT DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY 02-24-30 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 PAGE 3 / 10 ABNORMAL OPERATION DGT94085 ISSUE 3 FIGURE 02-24-30-06 ELECTRICAL SYNOPTIC DURING BAT 1 OVERHEAT CONTEXT RESULT - HOT BAT 1 CAS message Battery temperature > 71.1°C (160°F) - Battery 1 overheat - - MASTER WARNING light on ELEC synoptic: BAT 1 symbol in red + BAT 1 temperature indication in red DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-30 PAGE 4 / 10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ABNORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 3 DGT94085 AFTER PROCEDURE COMPLETE FIGURE 02-24-30-07 OVERHEAD PANEL AFTER BAT 1 SWITCHED OFF DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY 02-24-30 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 PAGE 5 / 10 ABNORMAL OPERATION DGT94085 ISSUE 3 FIGURE 02-24-30-18 ELECTRICAL SYNOPTIC AFTER BAT 1 SWITCHED OFF ACTION RESULT - - BAT 1 overhead panel trip magnetic switch set to down position BAT 1 isolated BAT 1 CAS message - Wait until - HOT BAT 1 CAS message disappears (battery temperature < 71°C) - WARM BAT 1 CAS message When HOT BAT 1 disappears, - ELEC synoptic: BAT 1 symbol in amber BAT 1 temperature indication in amber, decreasing DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-30 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER PAGE 6 / 10 F2000EX EASY ABNORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 3 CODDE 1 DGT94085 GEN 2 FAILURE ABNORMAL STATUS FIGURE 02-24-30-08 OVERHEAD PANEL DURING GEN 2 FAILURE DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER CODDE 1 ABNORMAL OPERATION 02-24-30 PAGE 7 / 10 DGT94085 ISSUE 3 FIGURE 02-24-30-09 ELECTRICAL SYNOPTIC DURING GEN 2 FAILURE CONTEXT RESULT - - GEN 2 failure detected GEN 2 CAS message - - ELEC synoptic: GEN 2 symbol in amber light on DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-30 PAGE 8 / 10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER ABNORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 3 F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 DGT94085 AFTER PROCEDURE COMPLETE FIGURE 02-24-30-10 OVERHEAD PANEL WITH GEN 2 SWITCHED OFF AND BUS TIED DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data F2000EX EASY CODDE 1 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER ABNORMAL OPERATION DGT94085 02-24-30 PAGE 9 / 10 ISSUE 3 FIGURE 02-24-30-11 ELECTRICAL SYNOPTIC WITH GEN 2 SWITCH TRIPPED OFF AND BUS TIED ON ACTION - GEN 2 overhead panel trip magnetic switch set to down position - BUS TIED rotary switch set to tied position (horizontal position) RESULT - - RH ISOL pushbutton depressed symbol on ELEC synoptic symbol on ELEC synoptic - RH ISOL status light off - BUS RH TIED and GEN 2 CAS messages DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data 02-24-30 PAGE 10 / 10 ATA 24 – ELECTRICAL POWER F2000EX EASY ABNORMAL OPERATION ISSUE 3 CODDE 1 DGT94085 CAS MESSAGES CAS MESSAGE DEFINITION 2 GEN’S FAIL The two electrical generator connections have failed and at least one engine is running HOT BAT .. Temperature of one battery above 71°C (160°F) APU GEN APU generator not connected with APU running Battery (1/2) contactor open (except during APU starting or GPU power supply) Battery (1/2) temperature probe inoperative (on ground) BAT .. BAT .. TEMP INOP BUS ESSENTIAL LOW VOLTAGE Low voltage on essential bus BUS ESSENTIAL OVERVOLTAGE Overvoltage on essential bus BUS XX ISOL (LH/RH) ISOL bus contactor is open BUS XX LOW VOLTAGE (LH/RH) bus voltage lower than 24 V with one generator connected BUS XX OVERVOLTAGE (LH/RH) bus voltage above 32 V BUS RH TIED GEN .. OVHD BACKUP PWR LH+RH FAIL BUS TIED contactor is tied while rotary switch is turned to untied, without GPU, RH ISOL is not pushed to ISOL One generator failed to connect though its engine is running, without GPU (LH/RH) backup power supply in overhead panel not operative on ground STARTER APU APU on and its starter still active WARM BAT .. Battery (1/2) temperature between 49°C (120°F) and 71°C APU GEN FAIL On ground, APU contactor failed to open BAT .. TEMP INOP Battery (1/2) temperature measurement invalid BUS RH TIED GEN .. FAIL GPU ON: BUS TIED OVHD BACKUP PWR XX FAIL BUS TIED contactor is tied with rotary switch turned to tied, without GPU, RH ISOL is not pushed to ISOL On ground, GEN (1/2) contactor failed to open without engine running or with GPU on Airplane powered by GPU and bus tied is automatically tied. (LH/RH) backup power supply for overhead panel fails DASSAULT AVIATION Proprietary Data