MS Excel 1. Sum, Average Function, Charts and Basic editing 2. Named Ranges, Absolute Refference, Conditional Formating 3. If function, Sub Total, Vlookup, Pivot Table MS Power Point 1. Add Slide Picture, Chart 1. Style and Editing Ribbons 2. Find, replace and grammar 1. Insert cover page, Picture, table, clip art, header footer 2. Date, smart art, chart 3. All important information about Insert Tab 2. Add Transition, Design 1. Animation, Rehearse Timings 2. Add Sound & Video 1. Insert Hyperlink, Bookmark, Header Footer, Page Number 2. Drop Cap 1. Page Setup, Orientation MS Word 2. Margin, Break, Line Number 1. Customize Ribbon and Tabs 2. Ruler 3. Enter, Edit, Backspace and Save 1. Table of Contents, Bibliography 4. Paragraph Spacing 2. Footnote, Index 1. About Font Ribbons and their use 2. Font, Alignment, Border, Bullet, Tab Stop 3. About Paragraph Ribbons and their use 1. Create Mail Merge Letter, Envelope and Label 1. Form and Page Break