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Essay Checklist: Persuasive Writing Guide

Lost Tools of Writing
Essay Two Checklist
Introductory Persuasive Essay
 Essay Follows Template #2
 Introduction has a Thesis with Enumeration and Exposition
 Main Proofs are written clearly
 Each main Proof is supported by three sub-proofs
 Conclusion restates the Thesis and summarized the Proofs in a
single sentence without the Enumeration.
 Marked and labeled scheme 1-Parallelism: words
 Checked spelling of uncertain words in a dictionary
 Checked grammar
o Verb tense is consistent
o Subjects and verbs agree
o Repaired fragments and run-ons
 Checked punctuation
o Capital letters are used correctly
o Commas, colons, semicolons, and hyphens are used
o Correct end punctuation is used
Dress-ups (only if required by teacher)
 Dress-ups included:
o strong verb (above)
o -ly
o quality adjectives
o who/which
o www.asia.b
 Decorations included:
o Quotation
o Alliteration
o Conversation
o 3 sss
o Similes/Metaphors
 Openers included:
o #4 -ing opener
o #2 Prepositional
o #5 www.asia.b
o #3 -ly adverb
o #6 VSS
Grand Total
10 pts
2 pts
5 pts
10 pts
3 pts
_____ 5 pts
_____ 5 pts
_____ 5 pts
_____ 5 pts
/50 pts
_____ 5 pts
_____ 5 pts
_____ 5 pts
/15 pts
/75 pts