Uploaded by Jack Odonnell

Harmonic Motion of a Spring: Physics Lab

Harmonic Motion of
a Spring
Physics 1
Pathfinder Regional Vocational Technical High School
May 3, 2018
Key Questions Review
Harmonic Motion of Springs
Laboratory Equipment
Laboratory Expectations
Types of Springs
Rubber band spring
Coil springs
Leaf springs
Bungee spring
Key Questions
Does a spring stretch linearly with an applied force?
How can you determine the constant of stretch?
Is there a minimum and maximum limit to linear stretch?
What does a plot of applied force versus the stretch look
● NEW: How does the mass of an object attached to a
spring affect the period of oscillation?
Harmonic Motion of Springs
Springs “bounce” at a defined rate, ω
that depends both on the
“stretchiness” of the spring and on the
force applied to the spring, as shown
by the equation for Hooke’s Law:
Note on Harmonic Motion of Springs
This motion does
not depend on
gravity, at all!
Laboratory Equipment Available
4 different spring lengths
Measuring tools
Clamps, vises
Weights: 1 lb, 3 lb, 6 lb, 8 lb
Laboratory Expectations
Work in groups of 2, or by yourself
Develop a hypothesis and a procedure to answer the last
question, using one spring, and 4 different weights
that will not stretch the spring to its elastic limit