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Dynamic Materials Modeling in Hot Deformation

Dynamic Materials Modeling (DMM) in the field of hot
deformation technology
Manufacturing of critical components for strategic aero engine, nuclear and space
applications demand stringent control of microstructure and geometry at every stage of
fabrication process. Realizing such components from the designated material invariably
involves primary processing to impart large deformation by hot working techniques such as
forging, rolling and extrusion, which are intended to improve the material workability
through microstructure modification. Materials are prone to develop microstructure defects
during large deformation due to their inherent flow characteristics when subjected to certain
processing conditions and adversely affect the workability of the material. Dynamic Material
Modeling (DMM) is employed to address the issues of hot workability. This paper primarily
deals with the hot workability of various materials studied using DMM which enables
mapping energy dissipation characteristics associated with microstructure mechanisms
operative under different deformation conditions and they are also known as ‘processing
maps’ or ‘dissipative maps’. The influence of alloying elements and initial processing
conditions of the materials on the domains of desirable dynamic restoration mechanisms as
well as the on the regimes of flow instability are elucidated using processing maps of Nickel
base alloys, Mg-Al and Al-Li systems. It is also elicited the Computer Aided Engineering
(CAE) approach adopted for the development of forging technology of Titanium alloy aeroengine disc by integrating DMM with Finite Element Modeling (FEM).