Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION XI SCHOOLS DIVISION OF DAVAO OCCIDENTAL The READING TRAVAILS (Training for Reading Advancement Via the Acquisition of Intelligence for Lifelong-learning Scheme) VI. COMPREHENSION INTRODUCTION: This lesson is on Comprehension. It has strategies that should be explicitly taught. This aims at teaching the learners to understand the purpose of their reading and adjust their reading behaviors according to that purpose. To the reading teacher, enable the learners to learn that texts look different according to their identified purpose, context, and audience. Help them also to understand that the features of different text types help them make meaning. LESSON 37: Book and Print Orientation “We Love Books” Directions: Get the learners ready. Show them a Big Book, play the video and let the learners sing along the song “We Love Books”. Say: What is this? What can you see inside this book? Do you love reading? Say: Before we will proceed to our reading session, we will hear, first, the song, “We Love Books!” T “TURNING YOUR VISIONS INTO REALITIES” Lacaron, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental +639663063411 Book Song! | We Love Books! By LBB Junior https://youtu “Book Orientation” Directions: Get the learners ready. Get a big book and tell the learners that they will start reading a real book. Say: Today, we will practice reading a real book. Now, I will call you one by one and I will ask you to do something. Are you ready! DO THIS! Point to: 1. The front of the book 2. The title of the book 3. The author & illustrator 4. Where you should begin reading 5. A letter 6. A word 7. A picture 8. The first word of a sentence 9. The last word of a sentence 10. A period or question mark The first and last word on a page Punctuation marks A capital letter A lowercase letter The back of the book T “TURNING YOUR VISIONS INTO REALITIES” Lacaron, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental +639663063411 Note to the Teacher: 1. Guidelines for promoting print awareness Make sure students know how books are organized. They should be taught the basics about books – that they are read from left to right and top to bottom, that print may be accompanied by pictures or graphics, that the pages are numbered, and that the purpose of reading is to gain meaning from the text and understand ideas that words convey. 2. Here are five signs that indicate that your child has print awareness. Your child knows how to hold a book correctly. If you hand your child a book upside down, he will turn it right side up before looking through it. Your child understands that books are read from front to back and from left to right and knows how to turn the pages in the correct direction. Your child pretends to write by scribbling or writing marks on paper. He understands that the “words” he is writing communicate meaning. Your child points to text and asks what it says. He has become curious about the meaning of the printed text he sees all around him. Your child picks up a familiar book and “reads” it aloud. He understands that the printed words are connected to the story. “Q & A” Directions: Call each learner and let each one tells what they did. Say: Let’s take a look at what you did. What did you point out on the book? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. T The front and back cover The title of the book The beginning and ending of the text The letters and the words The pictures The punctuations “TURNING YOUR VISIONS INTO REALITIES” Lacaron, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental +639663063411 Say: Let’s take a look at the information below. Let’s read it aloud. Children need to understand basic concepts of print before they can learn to read. A child who has print awareness understands that print represents words that have meaning and are related to spoken language. Kids who have print awareness are able to do things like hold a book correctly and understand that books are read from front to back. They also realize that sentences are read from left to right. Print awareness is one of five critical pre-reading skills. Without print awareness, children are unable to develop other literacy skills such as reading, spelling, and handwriting. Ask: What is book and print awareness? 1. BOOK AWARENESS includes concepts such as front cover, back cover, title, author, and which way to turn the pages. It even incorporates how we treat books. 2. PRINT AWARENESS includes terms such as: word, letter, sentence, capital letter, & punctuation. These can be confusing terms for many young children and it usually takes lots of exposure to it before print concepts are understood fully. T “TURNING YOUR VISIONS INTO REALITIES” Lacaron, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental +639663063411 Say: We will do again the activity that we did a while ago. This time we will do it in triad so that each one of you will help one another to do all the tasks. Are you ready? DO THIS! Point to: 1. The front of the book 2. The title of the book 3. The author & illustrator 4. Where you should begin reading 5. A letter 6. A word 7. A picture 8. The first word of a sentence 9. The last word of a sentence 10. A period or question mark The first and last word on a page Punctuation marks A capital letter A lowercase letter The back of the book Directions: Show the learners another Big Book and let the learners do the following tasks: T “TURNING YOUR VISIONS INTO REALITIES” Lacaron, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental +639663063411 Say: I will call you, one by one, and you are going to do as I say. TASKS 1. Points to front of book. 2. Points to back of book. 3. Points to top of book. 4. Points to top of picture 5. Points to bottom of book 6. Points to bottom picture. 7. Points to beginning of story. 8. Points to the right. 9. Points to first word on next line. 10. Points to end of story. 11. Says that it’s the end of the sentence. 12. Says that it is a question. 13. Points to upper case for lower case letter shown. 14. Points to lower case for upper case shown. 15. Points to words. 16. Points to first letter of the word. 17. Points to last letter of the word. Yes No Directions: (To the learning facilitator) Give the child a book and let him/her do the tasks. Record his behaviours on the Book and Print Orientation Record. T “TURNING YOUR VISIONS INTO REALITIES” Lacaron, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental +639663063411 Say: I will give you a book and you are going to point to the parts whatever is asked from you: BOOK AND PRINT ORIENTATION RECORD Name: ______________________________ Age: ______________ Tasks 1. Points to front of book. 2. Points to back of book. 3. Points to top of book. 4. Points to top of picture 5. Points to bottom of book 6. Points to bottom picture. 7. Points to beginning of story. 8. Points to the right. 9. Points to first word on next line. 10. Points to end of story. 11. Says that it’s the end of the sentence. 12. Says that it is a question. 13. Points to upper case for lower case letter shown. 14. Points to lower case for upper case shown. 15. Points to words. 16. Points to first letter of the word. 17. Points to last letter of the word. Total Number of Items: 17 Yes Pre-Test Raw Score % Correct Response Post-Test Raw Score % Correct Response Name Sound No Observations Name _____________________________________ Reading Facilitator T “TURNING YOUR VISIONS INTO REALITIES” Lacaron, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental +639663063411 Sound “Story Reading” Direction: Get the learners ready. Get a Big Book with easy-to-read large print and read a story that has predictable words in the text. Read to children from books. 1. Use "big books" and draw attention to words and letters Help children notice and learn to recognize words that occur frequently, such as a, the, is, was, and you. Draw attention to letters and punctuation marks within the story. 2. Reinforce the forms and functions of print Point them out in classroom signs, labels, posters, calendars, and so forth. 3. Teach and reinforce print conventions Discuss print directionality (print is written and read from left to right), word boundaries, capital letters, and end punctuation. 4. Teach and reinforce book awareness and book handling Promote word awareness by helping children identify word boundaries and compare words 5. Allow children to practice what they are learning Ask them to listen to and participate in the reading of predictable and patterned stories and books. 6. Provide practice with predictable and patterned books Also try using a wordless picture book like Pancakes. Go through each page asking the children to tell the story from the pictures. Write their narration on a large piece of paper. Celebrate the story they authored by eating pancakes! 7. Provide many opportunities for children to hear good books and to participate in read-aloud activities. T “TURNING YOUR VISIONS INTO REALITIES” Lacaron, Malita, 8012 Davao Occidental +639663063411