EMPEROR PENGUINS They search for food in the ocean and mainly eat krill, fish, and squid. They are great swimmers and are even able to hold their breath under water for twenty minutes! The emperor penguin is the largest of the penguin species. They can grow to be between 44-48 inches tall. They are very easy to spot because of their black heads and white bellies. Emperor penguins are mostly found in Antarctica. They spend their lives on the Antarctic ice and the surrounding waters. Antarctica How can emperor penguins survive the cold? The body of an emperor penguin has layers of blubber or fat that helps to keep them warm. PAGE 1 © Nothing but Non-Fiction They also have four layers of feathers that are waterproof. When temperatures get really cold, the emperor penguins also huddle together for warmth. Pengui ns regurgitate food from their bellies to feed their newborn chicks. Did you know emperor penguins have their babies in the winter? The female penguin will lay one egg and leave to search for food. While the female is gone, the male penguin will take care of the egg. Male penguins stand in the cold for days to protect the egg and keep it warm. After two months, the females will come back with a belly full of food. The males will then leave to go find food while the females take care of the hatched chicks. Penguin parents make a great team! PAGE 2 © Nothing but Non-Fiction Name: EMPEROR PENGUIN COMPREHENSION QUESTIONS 1. FILL IN THE BLANK: 5. What do emperor penguins eat? The emperor penguin is the of the penguin species. 2. Describe how an emperor penguin looks. 6. How do emperor penguins survive the arctic cold? 3. Emperor penguins are found in North and South America. 7. Who takes care of the penguin egg? TRUE OR FALSE If you chose false, where do emperor penguins live? 4. Emperor penguins are great swimmers and hold their breath under water for ! 8. How do emperor penguins feed their babies? A) 30 minutes B) 20 minutes C) 5 minutes D) 50 minutes © Nothing but Non-Fiction LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE…. EMPEROR PENGUIN INTERESTING FACTS HABITAT SKETCH © Nothing but Non-Fiction Name: EMPEROR PENGUIN FACTS © Nothing but Non-Fiction