2020 15th International Conference on Computer Engineering and Systems (ICCES) | 978-0-7381-0559-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE | DOI: 10.1109/ICCES51560.2020.9334620 Development of Smart Grid System Basma Mohsen Zakaria Adly S. Tag Eldien Momtaz Saad Elkholy Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra Benha University Egypt, Cairo Email: basmamohsen791@gmail.com Department of Electrical Engineering Faculty of Engineering at Shoubra Benha University Egypt, Cairo Email: adlymerg@yahoo.com Ministry of Electricity and Renewable EnergyEgypt, Cairo Abstract—prepaid energy meter has been perform in many regions. Actually, the flaw of the system is the controlling behavior of the customers. The meter must be recharged. That’s why a smart meter system has been created to obtain all electrical energy consumption in a small region. The area consists of individual units like the room in the hall, the apartment in the building, the structure on the street, etc. Power grids,communications and power system simulation are designed. Data is processed and power consumption profiles are created for units for different periods of time obtained from simulations taking into account the definitions of the electricity grid, as well as taking advantage of the use of IoT advantages in how to separate power remotely when a theft is detected in an area. By using MATLAB Simulink the information was obtained from a specific apartment inside the building to calculate the energy through which the messages are displayed on the LCD screen, this system sends SMS messages to the consumer via GSM and also sends them to the electricity company in an encrypted form using arduino micro-controller. K EYWORDS —I OT,S MART M ETER , DATA PROCESSING ,C ONSUMPTION PROFILE AND S MART G RID . I. I NTRODUCTION The smart grid can be defined as the electric power network that is characterized by an efficient and reliable infrastructure with the use of sophisticated and modern control, communication, sensing and measurement techniques, as well as having the ability to control all parts of the network and address problems if they occur and this does not happen unlike traditional networks. The electrical network uses communication technologies (such as smart meters that operate on 3G technology or SCADA monitoring systems and many others) to collect information from points of consumption, generation and transmission of electricity, and then adjust the work of the network based on the information. By taking advantage of the smart grid, there has been a development in 1,157 distribution substations for smart transformation and operation, as well as taking advantage of the advantages of the smart grid, the cost of maintenance and operation has been reduced, the provision of manpower and level has led to the improvement of the management of the distribution substations, accordingly. And in the future plan of the Electricity Company, to develop 40,000 sub-distribution stations by 20277 [11] . The information that can be collected is abundant and rich, for example: consumer electricity consumption patterns (homes, 978-0-7381-0559-8/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE factories, etc.), generation patterns of power plants, especially renewable energy such as wind and solar energy, average fuel consumption per production station within power stations which are all characterized by fluctuations in generation rates [2]. By taking advantage of the advantages of the Internet of things, controlling home appliances as well as electronic devices, all of this was done through the web page, and with the help of this site, the user’s place was easily accessed and the electronic equipment controlled and monitored and bills paid [6]. Smart meters are used to measure the electrical energy consumption of consumers and can be used to transfer information to the consumer to clarify consumption, and electricity suppliers can monitor the load and customer bills, and all this is done in different time periods [3], [5]. In this system, RFID was used to read the data for each consumer and also to detect if the consumer uses his right card or not and use the card to clarify the customer’s balance, the value of the shipment,the remaining balance, and all these data appear on the crystal screen , send The data to the control of the Ministry of Electricity and Energy is in encrypted form due to the difficulty of tampering with it and storing this data in the sd-card for easy access at any time by using arduino micro-controller. In this research real data was obtained in cooperation with the Ministry of Electricity to obtain the total electrical energy in a small area. Inside a small space. This building has 5 floors. Each apartment has different loads, and given what the Ministry of Electricity suffers from energy loss without knowing the location of this loss and why it cannot be controlled remotely except after personally passing by the engineers and technicians (human intervention) to discover the location of the loss and the reasons for its occurrence, which requires a long time, which leads to the waste of a large amount of energy, therefore this research focuses on discovering the location and time of theft and controlling it directly from a distance without resorting to human intervention and all these features mentioned above have been accomplished through the use of matlab simulation as show in fig1. An introduction is presented in section I, SMART METER BASICS is discussed in Section II , Literature Survey is covered in Section III and Architecture Model in Section IV ,System Simulation in section V , Result in section VI and Finally, Conclusion and future scope in Section VII.. II. S MART M ETER BASICS Typical features of smart meter include: • Read and Write Data Record • Communication link in AMI • Remote disconnect/connect • compatibility • programming remotely - Read and Write Data Record, energy consumption data is recorded and this data is sent to the service center. The meters usually record the data in different time periods from 5 to 60 minutes for a month and these parameters are used in price plans [8]. - Two-way system advanced meter infrastructure(AMI) is better than the one-way system(AMR), as the dual system allows the exchange of information between the consumer and the utility companies and also allows the consumer to control the carrying of appliances inside the home such as dishwasher and microwave. The information obtained is not limited to energy consumption but also indicates voltage levels Frequency improves stability and reduces network losses [7]. -Through remote communication and disconnection, locating the fault and controlling it without resorting to human intervention, smart meters have capacitors that support the longest connection period (a few minutes) in the event of a power outage, these capacitors enable each meter to send messages alerting the loss of current to the control center to take precautions Necessary. -The compatibility system is based on how the smart meters that operate with the two-way communication system and the AMR system, which is based on the unidirectional communication system, are integrated, and therefore the utility companies release modern versions compatible with the old versions. -Through remote programming, electricity companies can program smart meters without resorting to sending technicians. III. LITERATURE SURVEY The advantages of the Internet of Things for the development of the smart energy meter system have been clarified, which is 1- Collecting energy consumption information 2- The consumer can monitor his consumption day and night through a web page that displays the consumption in the form of a curve to improve energy use. All of these advantages are achieved by directly linking consumption to the consumer with energy consumption, and thus each consumer becomes a contribution to efficient energy management [9]. -The proposed devices were designed successfully by simulating a prepaid energy meter based on the Proteus program and the result of this simulation showed that prepaid smart meters have a slight error in measuring voltage and current, and this was done by measuring the sensor, but the consumed electrical energy was calculated correctly and accurately, in the future. The first model of this design can be linked to the smart mobile so that consumers can monitor their consumption through a mobile application at any time [4]. CDAC smart meters are adapted to amendments in the Indian standards that can occur in future. These in turn helps to get rid of any foreign agencies to intervene our design by any means that can pose a threat to the grid security or can bring up high maintenance costs for the utility. [10]. IV. A RCHITECTURE M ODEL The schematic diagram shown in fig2 is designed to read data from the counter directly upon charging and to know if the user is using the card or not and to know the total balance after successfully completing the charging process and this data appears on the crystal screen (LCD) and this data is sent to control the necessity of encrypted messages and is Keeping it in (SD-CARD) all this is done with the help of the controller arduino micro-controller [1]. shows the system has created shown in fig3 , which is an architecture that collects information about the energy consumption of each apartment in the building and is sent to the large counter. After that, the resulting data from the large counter is sent to data concentrator unit (DCU) and the counters can be contacted via (MODBUS)Protocol.the system can also be described as the back of a threelayer network where the leaf-holding layer is home area network(HAN ).each point represents a unit that observed by the smart meter The next layeris Neighborhood Area Network(NAN), where each nodeis information capacitor for a group of units in the HAN and the result enables sent from DCU to Head end System(HES) and therefore by (GPRS,GSM OR PLC) and thenmeter data Management system(MDMS). V. S YSTEM S IMULATION This work aims to monitor consumer consumption at all times and to know the occurrence of theft in electricity to reduce the large loss in electricity and to send this encrypted data form to avoid tampering with this data while sending it to the control of the Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy. – PROTEUS The Proteus Design Suite is a proprietary software tool suite used primarily for electronic design automation. The software is used mainly by electronic design engineers and technicians to create schematics and electronic prints for manufacturing printed circuit boards. – GSM MODULE in fig.4, A GSM Module is basically a GSM Modem Fig. 1. Diagram of the energy measurement system Fig. 2. Functional Block Diagram of Complete System. Fig. 4. Result of PROTEUS simulation window screenshot – Arduino micro-controller Arduino is an open-source platform used for building electronics projects. Arduino consists of both a physical programmable circuit board (often referred to as a microcontroller) and a piece of software, or IDE (Integrated Development Environment) that runs on your computer, used to write and upload computer code to the physical board. Fig. 3. Layout of Smart Grid System (like SIM 900) connected to a PCB with different types of output taken from the board – say TTL Output (for Arduino, 8051 and other microcontrollers) and RS232 Output to interface directly with a PC (personal computer). – (Radio Frequency Definition) RFID:is a form of wireless communication that involves the use of electromagnetic or electrostatic pairing in the radiofrequency portion of the electromagnetic spectrum to uniquely identify an object, animal or person. Use cases for RFID technology include health care, manufacturing, inventory management, shipping, retail sales, and home use. In this broadcast, it is used to identify the customer’s shipping card. The person can use a non-card and when the process is repeated in a wrong way, a fine is imposed on the consumer. – SD-CARD SD (Secure Digital) cards are the oldest and leastused, and are limited to 2 GB of storage, SDXC (Extended Capacity) cards can store up to 2 Terabytes (2000 GB). Most card readers also provide the ability to write, and this can work with the drive as a drive. In this paper, it is used to save data sent to the control for retrieval at any time when needed. – Server server is located in the control center of the Electricity Company, where it keeps inside all the data in the company such as (data for employees ....) this data is kept inside each customer from (consumed energy - the remaining balance - the current balance - the maximum load) and this data is obtained in the form of encrypted messages to ensure the mechanism of information is accessed in a safe and correct way. the Arduino micro controller was used first as a transmitter and the other works as a data receiver after which this data was encrypted using encryption technique on transmitter and receiver. VI. R ESULT the results show the electrical energy consumption of several buildings. The measurement processes may reflect active and reactive electrical energy consumption. Those units in the same area form a local network, and the energy consumption of this small area can be illustrated by simulating Matlab from the instantaneous consumption profile, and many results can be extracted such as the energy consumption accumulation of the simulation data obtained from the simulation containing the active energy data for each apartment In architecture where every apartment contains A different download from the other as the architecture contains 5 apartments and the simulation was executed for 10 seconds -fig5 ,It shows the active, reactive and apparent energy consumption of a single apartment over different time periods. A trend line for depreciation can be constructed as the linear regression of this data with respect to time -in fig.6, From these data, the active electrical power consumption illustrated, represented by the linear regression image of this data for different time periods.. -fig 7 shows The system urges the use of the features of the Internet of things so that in case of theft detection, so that the current can be separated from the large counter located at the end of the building from a distance. With clarification of the code used and the results, these results were represented on a five-storey building. Fig. 5. (active, reactive and apparent) Power of a single-unit Fig. 6. Power Consumption of individual units Fig. 7. Theft Detection VII. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE S COPE -This paper presents the operation of simulating the smart energy meter depend on the Protues and Matlab Simulation. Firstly, the simulation system using Protues Simulation. The proposed devices were successfully applied by the program. This program enables the consumer to know the balance of the remaining when charging and the total balance that they have. This data is sent to control the Picture of an encrypted message to avoid tampering with this data while it is being sent and this information is kept in the SD CARD for easy access to information in any time. The communication between the first model and the smart meter can be applied to this, Customers can also easily recharge the meter to avoid power outages and they can also manage their energy consumption to avoid load spikes at peak times. Secondly, through the Matlab Simulation system, in this part a smart simulation system for a small area. Real data from the Ministry of Electricity was used to find out the special loads for each apartment within the architecture, so that the definition of consumption profiles is done with the help of design. This system can be developed in the future by adding more areas and units. Internet features are also used (IOT) to control the disconnection of the current and return from a distance The advanced smart meter is considered one of the main components of the smart grid, as it has the ability to obtain technical reports on the transformers, including: (transformer loads - maximum load - power factors, and the analysis of these data is used in network planning, interruption reduction, and load management). [9]the upgraded device could have some possible immediate future developments: – The system should be improved to detect energy theft using the Internet of Things. – Integration of control production, transmission and distribution so that the whole system is complete. – Achieving the smart path in the smart grid by changing customer paths through automatic control of transportation, production, and distribution. R EFERENCES [1] Gouri R Barai, Sridhar Krishnan, and Bala Venkatesh. 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