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MAT 220 Calculus I Course Syllabus

MAT 220
Summer 2020
Course Information
Course Title:
Calculus I
Course Prefix & Number:
MAT 220
Section Number:
14717 (9:30 – 11:30) / 19118 (12:00 – 2:00)
Credit Hours:
Course Format
The course format for this course is hybrid and Live Online from June 9th 2020 till July 30th
2020. We will be meeting on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Instructor Information
Sara Jamous (section 14717) & Sami Jamous (section 19118)
sara.jamous@scottsdalecc.edu & sami.el.jamous@scottsdalecc.edu
Live online:
Our meetings will be via Zoom with Sara & via WebEx with Sami
Check Canvas for more details
Office Hours:
Remotely (via Zoom or WebEx), by appointment. Feel free to email me if
you have any questions.
Course Description
Limits, continuity, differential and integral calculus of functions of one variable.
Grade of C or better in (MAT150 or MAT151 or MAT152 and MAT182) or MAT187 or
equivalent, or satisfactory score on District placement exam.
Scottsdale Community College
MAT 220
Course Competencies
1. Analyze the behavior and continuity of functions using limits. (I)
2. State the definition and explain the significance of the derivative. (II)
3. Compute the derivative using the definition and associated formulas for differentiation. (II)
4. Solve application problems using differentiation. (II)
5. State and explain the significance of the Fundamental Theorem of Calculus. (III)
6. Compute anti-derivatives, indefinite and definite integrals of elementary functions. (III)
7. Read and interpret quantitative information when presented numerically, analytically or
graphically. (I, II, III)
8. Compare alternate solution strategies, including technology. (I, II, III)
9. Justify and interpret solutions to application problems. (I, II, III)
10. Communicate process and results in written and verbal formats. (I, II, III)
Texts, Course Materials and Technologies
You will need access to the course textbook, online homework system, WebCam, and graphing
calculator. You have access for free (digital version) or at very small cost (print version) to all of
the materials that you need for your class.
Below you will find details about accessing all recommended and required materials.
o We will be using an open text for this course which can be downloaded for free,
printed out, or purchased from lulu.com
o Links for downloading and/or purchasing can be found in MOER
o The text is NOT required for this course
Online Lessons/Homework: This course uses MOER, an Online Course Management
System developed by David Lippman and the State of Washington. All of the Online
Lessons and Homework will be accessed through this system. The announcements,
schedule, assignments deadlines, syllabus and grades will be posted through MOER or
Canvas so make sure to check it regularly. All the course materials and required
textbook can be downloaded for free from MOER. The software is free to use and can
be accessed at https://moer.maricopa.edu/ .
Your Course ID: 10898
Your Enrollment Key: lovemath
Detailed instructions regarding your account on MOER will be sent to you on via email
as a separate document.
Scottsdale Community College
MAT 220
Failure to enroll in MOER by the end of the first week of class will result in being
withdrawn from the course.
Calculator Requirement:
o A graphing calculator is required for this class.
A TI-83, TI-83+, TI-84, and TI-84+ are recommended. Calculators with QWERTY
keyboards or those which do symbolic algebra (such as the TI-92 or TI-89) are NOT
allowed. Your cell phone may NOT be used as a calculator during class.
o You are responsible for knowing how your calculator works! There are also links
to help with the calculator on MOER.
Live online + Exams + WebCam required:
o Our live online meetings will be on Tuesday and Thursdays. You will need to use
Zoom (Sara) or WebEx (Sami).
o There will be 2 online proctored exams in this course. You will need to download
Zoom, or WebEx. I will be observing you via Zoom or WebEx when taking an
exam, therefore you will need to be in a quiet location. You will need to be
connected to the internet and have a web camera so your testing session can be
o Check Canvas for more details with Zoom & WebEx
Piazza: Communicating With the Instructor & other Students through Piazza
This term we will be using Piazza for class discussion. The system is highly catered to getting
you help fast and efficiently from classmates and from instructors. Prior to posting a question,
please check announcements, and existing posts. If you do not find an answer, post your
question on Piazza. You are encouraged to respond to the questions of your classmates. Email
questions of a personal nature ONLY to your instructor.
Piazza is an online forum site specifically created for math and science courses. It features a
clean interface that makes following threads easier, the threads are sortable and searchable, and
provides the ability to enter symbolic mathematics. It is a collaborative site in which students are
encouraged to post questions and other students are encouraged to offer assistance. The
instructor and teaching assistants monitor Piazza regularly, offering feedback whenever
necessary. Piazza is built into every online course shell and is a required aspect of the course.
Student Rules of Engagement (Piazza):
All questions related to classwork should be posted to Piazza. Any homework or classwork
questions emailed directly to the instructor will not be answered.
Please include the section number and question number in the header (e.g. Section 11.2, #7).
Scottsdale Community College
MAT 220
Please include a couple lines of your work. You may also photograph your written work and
insert the image within the post. Please trim the image size if possible.
Please be courteous at all times. No vulgar, demeaning, or aggressive language will be
Do not use Piazza to air grievances or to campaign.
Do not use Piazza for personal messages. Those should be sent by email to the instructor
Do not use Piazza to link to or promote third-party forum sites not affiliated with SCC
Stay on topic. Do not use Piazza for discussions not related to this class.
Keep a civil and friendly atmosphere. Piazza works best when there are a lot of students willing
to engage the forum.
Please do not expect immediate replies. Instructors usually check the forum daily. In the
meantime, other students are encouraged to add feedback and commentary. Instructors may also
deliberately stay in the background so as to promote student-led discussions.
Failure to adhere to these requirements may result in your posting privileges being revoked.
Signup Link: piazza.com/asu/summer2020/mat220
Access code: mat220
Make sure to sign up to Piazza before Friday 6/12 and post a short introduction about
Computer Access and Email: You will need regular access to a computer with
Internet connection and a web camera in order to complete online assignments and
exams. You are responsible for completing all assignments on time regardless of any
computer issues that may occur. You will also need a valid Maricopa email address (ex:
MEID@maricopa.edu) that you check regularly.
Course Policies
The following are policies specific to this course. Students are also responsible for the college
policies included on the Student Regulations page of the Maricopa Community College District
Withdrawing from the Course: If it becomes necessary for you to withdraw from the class,
you must submit proper forms at the Admissions Office. Additional information on withdrawals
and deadlines can be found in the College Catalog.
Scottsdale Community College
MAT 220
Math/Science Tutor Center: The Math Center will offer remote tutoring to students who are
currently enrolled in mathematics courses at Scottsdale Community College. Visit their
webpage for more information: https://www.scottsdalecc.edu/students/tutoring/math
Grading Standards & Practices
Grade Scale
Letter Grade
Points Range
90 – 100%
80 – 89%
70 – 79%
60 – 69%
0 – 59%
Grades will be updated regularly and will be visible in the MOER gradebook. Check your grade
often to track your progress through the course.
Assignment Name
Percent of Grade
Online Lessons
Online Homework
Online Quizzes, attendance + Live online Quizzes
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Online Lessons (15% of grade)
Links to online lessons are located in MOER
These lessons should be completed by the given due date prior to attempting
Online lessons contain multiple choice, matching, and short answer questions
regarding their content that must be answered in order to score points
Scores for online lessons can be improved up until the last day of class
Scottsdale Community College
MAT 220
These lessons contain important concepts for the topics covered
Online lesson scores are based on number of questions in lesson
You must score at least 50% on lessons before you can begin the homework for
this section
Lowest online lesson score is dropped
Online Homework (20% of grade)
Online homework is assigned in MOER
Problems may be attempted until correct up until the due date for the assignment
Assignments are worth varying totals based on the number of questions and the
amount of points each question is worth.
If you need more time to complete an assignment a Latepass should be used.
Problems worked on during Latepass incur 20% penalty
If you open a homework in Review Mode (which displays the answers) you can
no longer use a latepass on that homework
Lowest online homework score is dropped
Quizzes (15% of grade)
There will be a quiz given at the conclusion of each chapter
You will get multiple attempts at each question, but the points possible drops by
30% for each incorrect answer.
Quiz dates are listed in MOER. If you cannot complete a quiz by date listed, you
must use a Latepass. There is a 20% penalty for quizzes completed late.
If you open a quiz in Review Mode (which displays the answers) you can no
longer use a latepass on that quiz
Lowest quiz score is dropped.
Exams (50% of grade)
The midterm covers modules 1 & 2 and final covers all materials.
All exams must be proctored via Zoom or WebEx.
You are expected to take tests at the scheduled time of you class. Make up exams will only be
granted in extreme circumstances where you provide documentations and must be approved
BEFORE the missed exam. Do NOT wait until after the missed exam to contact me. Failure to
adhere to this policy may result in a grade of zero for the missed exam.
Midterm Exam: Tuesday, July 7th, it will cover modules 1 & 2
from 9:30 – 11:30 am, via Zoom with Sara
from 12:00 – 2:00 pm, via WebEx with Sami
Scottsdale Community College
MAT 220
Final: Thursday, July 30th, it will cover all material learned during the entire semester
from 9:30 – 11:30 am, via Zoom with Sara
from 12:00 – 2:00 pm, via WebEx with Sami
Response Time
Students can expect a response time of 48 hours for the instructor to respond to messages
sent via email, Canvas or MOER.
Attendance Policy
Attendance in a live online classroom is mandatory (if you miss up to 4 hours total you will be
withdrawn from class). This class involves consistent and regular progress on course
assignments. This is not a self-paced class. You must complete assignments and make
regular progress, or you will be withdrawn. Refer to the Calendar section in MOER for the
assignment submission schedule. Students that fall one week behind the Calendar schedule
may be withdrawn from the class without notice.
Instructional Contact Hours (Seat Time)
This is a five (5) credit-hour course. Plan to spend at least five hours on course content or seat
time (direct instruction) and eight hours on homework weekly. Accelerated courses will require
additional time per week.
Online Tutoring
Online and hybrid students now have access to 24/7 online tutoring via Brainfuse. You may
utilize up to 6 hours of online tutoring per semester for free, and request additional time if
To access Brainfuse and begin working with a tutor:
1. Visit the SCC Online Tutoring page
2. Click the Visit a tutor online button
3. Enter your MEID and password
4. Choose your topic and subject
5. Click the Connect button
Please use your time effectively and be prepared with your questions before you connect to a
tutor. Tutors and students communicate in real time through the Brainfuse Online Classroom.
Scottsdale Community College
MAT 220
Whatever you type, draw, or share on the screen, the tutor sees, and vice versa. You may also
want to have screenshots ready if applicable. All sessions are recorded for you to review later.
Technology Statement(s)
Third-Party Learning Tools
SCC utilizes a variety of software applications and web-based tools operated by third party
vendors to support student learning. To allow student access to the application, site, or tool
certain identifiable information may be required to establish a user name or password, submit
work and/or download information from these tools. Inherent with all internet-based tools, there
is risk that individuals assume when electing to use the products and services made available
by these tools, as they may place information at risk of disclosure.
In this course, we will use MOER, Piazza and Zoom/WebEx to complete or participate in
assignments, activities and/or access course materials. Accessibility Statements and Privacy
Policies for all tools used at SCC are available.
To use the third-party tools responsibly, please observe all laws and the Maricopa Community
College District Student Conduct Code. Some specific aspects of law and conduct code to
remember are prohibitions against copyright infringement, plagiarism, harassment or
interferences with the underlying technical code of the software. As a student using a thirdparty learning tool, you have certain rights. Any original work that you produce belongs to you
as a matter of copyright law. You also have a right to the privacy of your educational records.
Your contributions to the third-party learning tool constitute an educational record. By using the
third-party tool, and not taking other options available to you in this course equivalent to this
assignment that would not be posted publicly on the internet, you consent to the collaborative
use of this material as well as to the disclosure of it in this course and potentially for the use of
future courses.
Students are responsible for the information contained in this syllabus, the Syllabus page in
your Canvas course and the College Policies & Student Services page found in the First
Steps module of your Canvas course. Students will be notified by the instructor of any changes
in course requirements or policies.
Scottsdale Community College