Uploaded by Lorna Baclig

BACLIG, Lorna G. (BSCE 4-2) - Lab Ex 1 CENGR4110

BSCE 4-2
CENGR 4110
Geotechnical Engineering 1
Laboratory Activity # 1
Soil Mechanics Experiment: Compaction Test
Compaction test provides a value of compacted density at the optimum moisture
content which can be used for field work. When the maximum dry density and the optimum
moisture content of the soil are obtained from the test, this will provide the best water content
for achieving high dry density.
1. To determine the optimum moisture content of a disturbed soil sample
2. To establish a moisture density relationship of the soil
Apparatus needed in this test are the following:
Vernier caliper
Graduated cylinder
straight edge
mixing tray
rubber mallet
moisture cans
sieve number four
rammer and molds
1. Using Vernier caliper measure the diameter of the mold six (6) times at the top and six
(6) times at the bottom. Measure also the interior height three (3) times at equal spacing
around the circumference.
2. Use this formula in solving the average top, bottom and height of the molds:
3. First step in calibration test, use this table in deciding which test method to use.
In this test, choose method A.
4. Weight the compaction mold with its base then, weight the empty moisture cans and
record measurements.
5. Use the graduated cylinder to measure out the water to be added.
Note: To determine the amount of water to be added for the first test, assume
water content to be 8% of the soil weight.
6. Add water to the soil in the tray and mix it thoroughly by hand until the moisture is
uniformly distributed.
7. In the mold, spread soil into a layer uniformly thickness and compact the soil according
to the number of layers specified by the type of compaction method use in the table
8. Make sure the mold is completely filled with soil then, blow it again with the rammer.
9. Carefully remove the collar then trim and level off excess compacted soil beyond the
rim of the mold.
10. Weigh the compacted soil with the mold and its base. Then record its mass.
11. After that, extrude the soil.
12. Split the soil sample with your knife and take samples from the top and the bottom.
13. Weight the moisture can with soil sample then oven dry sample.
14. Transfer the extruded soil specimen from the mold into the mixing tray and break up
the soil mass until it looks similar to its original condition.
Link of the Video: