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We Shall Overcome: A Poem About Africa

We Shall Overcome
In the heart of the tropics
A child was born
We called her Africa
She had many gifts.
Her body parts spoke differently
But they understood each other
They housed different cultures
But they worked interdependently
She is unity in no disguise.
Her wealth was health
Her beauty brought hope
Her heart was gold
Everyone wanted to be around her.
Not everyone was happy for her
And with a simple kiss,
Everything changed.
They abused her wealth
They took her beauty
Separated her from her body
They took her from her home.
She was bruised for their transgressions
And was injured by their iniquities
But no matter how far a stream flows,
It never forgets its source.
We shall overcome
She lost hair
But she never lost her sight
Her ebony skin shinned brighter.
Then came spring
Her hair began to grow
The lilies began to blossom.
She fought the good fight
Thank you! Africa
For your seriously skilled service
We will never forget your wonderful wise strength
Your labour was not in vain
I hope that one day
Despite your turmoils and struggle
we shall sing:
We have overcome!