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Database Management Assignment Solutions: ER Design & SQL

COMP3278A Introduction to Database Management Systems
2021 – 2022
Assignment 1 Solutions: ER Design and SQL
Question 1 (50%) [Entity-Relation Design]
(a) Please model the above users’ requirements by drawing the corresponding E-R Diagram.
(b) Please reduce your E-R Diagram into relational table schemas. For each relation, underline the
primary key and identify all foreign key(s), if any.
User (user_name, profile.birthday, profile.email profile.date_joined)
Seller (user_name)
Foreign keys: user_name refers User
Customer (user_name)
Foreign keys: user_name refers User
Link_Leader_Member (leader_name, member_name, group_name)
Foreign keys: leader_name refers Customer, member_name refers Customer
Account (account_id, account_name, password, user_name)
Foreign keys: username refers User
CashAccount (account_id, balance)
Foreign keys: account_id refers Account
PointAccount (account_id, point)
Foreign keys: account_id refers Account
Link_CashAccount_PointAccount (cashaccount_id, pointaccount_id)
Foreign keys: cashaccount_id refers CashAccount, pointaccount_id refers PointAccount
Transaction (transaction_id, account_id, product_id, item_id, quantity, create_date)
Foreign keys: account_id refers Account, product_id refers Item, item_id refers Item
TransactionMessage (transaction_id, message)
Foreign keys: transaction_id refers Transaction
InternalTransaction (transaction_id, internal_id, from_account_id, to_account_id)
Foreign keys: transaction_id refers Transaction, from_account_id refers CashAccount, to_account_id refers
Product (product_id, product_name, seller_name)
Foreign keys: seller_name refers Seller
Item (product_id, item_id, item_name, price)
Foreign keys: product_id refers Product
Question 2 (50%) [SQL]
(a) Find the hash value of the block(s) that has more than one next block.
FROM Block
WHERE block_id IN (
SELECT prev_id
FROM Block
GROUP BY prev_id
(b) Find the transaction ID of the transaction(s) where the total token value does not match with the
transaction amount.
SELECT Res.trans_id
SELECT Tr.trans_id, Tr.amount, SUM(Tok.value)
FROM Transaction Tr, InternalTransaction IT, Token Tok
WHERE Tr.trans_id = IT.trans_id AND IT.token_id = Tok.token_id
GROUP BY Tr.trans_id
HAVING SUM(Tok.value) <> Tr.amount) Res
(c) Find internal transaction(s) that is produced by ‘Alice’ and the transferred token value is smaller
than 100. Return internal ID and its token value.
SELECT IT.internal_id, Tok.value
FROM Account A, Token Tok, InternalTransaction IT
WHERE IT.token_id = Tok.token_id
AND A.account_num = Tok.account_num
AND Tok.value < 100
AND A.user_name = ‘Alice’;
(d) Find the token ID of the token(s) that has never been transferred.
SELECT token_id
FROM Token
WHERE token_id
SELECT token_id
FROM InternalTransaction
(e) Show the username and the number of accounts the user owns for the user(s) that has the
greatest number of tokens with value greater than 100.
(1) Understand 1:
WITH user_tokens AS (
SELECT A.user_name as user_name, COUNT(Tok.token_id) as num_tokens
FROM Account A, Token Tok
WHERE A.account_num = Tok.account_num
AND Tok.value > 100
GROUP BY A.user_name
SELECT user_name, COUNT(DISTINCT account_num)
FROM Account
WHERE user_name IN (
SELECT user_name
FROM user_tokens
WHERE num_tokens >= ALL (
SELECT num_tokens FROM user_tokens
GROUP BY user_name;
(2) Understand 2:
SELECT A.user_name, COUNT(DISTINCT A.account_num)
FROM Account A, Token Tok
WHERE A.account_num = Tok.account_num
AND Tok.value > 100
GROUP BY A.user_name
HAVING COUNT(Tok.token_id) >= ALL(
SELECT COUNT(Tok.token_id)
FROM Account A, Token Tok
WHERE A.account_num = Tok.account_num
AND Tok.value > 100
GROUP BY A.user_name