COMP3278A Introduction to Database Management Systems 2021 – 2022 Assignment 1 Solutions: ER Design and SQL Question 1 (50%) [Entity-Relation Design] (a) Please model the above users’ requirements by drawing the corresponding E-R Diagram. (b) Please reduce your E-R Diagram into relational table schemas. For each relation, underline the primary key and identify all foreign key(s), if any. User (user_name, profile.birthday, profile.date_joined) Seller (user_name) Foreign keys: user_name refers User Customer (user_name) Foreign keys: user_name refers User Link_Leader_Member (leader_name, member_name, group_name) Foreign keys: leader_name refers Customer, member_name refers Customer Account (account_id, account_name, password, user_name) Foreign keys: username refers User CashAccount (account_id, balance) Foreign keys: account_id refers Account PointAccount (account_id, point) Foreign keys: account_id refers Account Link_CashAccount_PointAccount (cashaccount_id, pointaccount_id) Foreign keys: cashaccount_id refers CashAccount, pointaccount_id refers PointAccount Transaction (transaction_id, account_id, product_id, item_id, quantity, create_date) Foreign keys: account_id refers Account, product_id refers Item, item_id refers Item TransactionMessage (transaction_id, message) Foreign keys: transaction_id refers Transaction InternalTransaction (transaction_id, internal_id, from_account_id, to_account_id) Foreign keys: transaction_id refers Transaction, from_account_id refers CashAccount, to_account_id refers CashAccount Product (product_id, product_name, seller_name) Foreign keys: seller_name refers Seller Item (product_id, item_id, item_name, price) Foreign keys: product_id refers Product Question 2 (50%) [SQL] (a) Find the hash value of the block(s) that has more than one next block. SELECT hash FROM Block WHERE block_id IN ( SELECT prev_id FROM Block GROUP BY prev_id HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 ); (b) Find the transaction ID of the transaction(s) where the total token value does not match with the transaction amount. SELECT Res.trans_id FROM ( SELECT Tr.trans_id, Tr.amount, SUM(Tok.value) FROM Transaction Tr, InternalTransaction IT, Token Tok WHERE Tr.trans_id = IT.trans_id AND IT.token_id = Tok.token_id GROUP BY Tr.trans_id HAVING SUM(Tok.value) <> Tr.amount) Res ; (c) Find internal transaction(s) that is produced by ‘Alice’ and the transferred token value is smaller than 100. Return internal ID and its token value. SELECT IT.internal_id, Tok.value FROM Account A, Token Tok, InternalTransaction IT WHERE IT.token_id = Tok.token_id AND A.account_num = Tok.account_num AND Tok.value < 100 AND A.user_name = ‘Alice’; (d) Find the token ID of the token(s) that has never been transferred. SELECT token_id FROM Token WHERE token_id NOT IN ( SELECT token_id FROM InternalTransaction ); (e) Show the username and the number of accounts the user owns for the user(s) that has the greatest number of tokens with value greater than 100. (1) Understand 1: WITH user_tokens AS ( SELECT A.user_name as user_name, COUNT(Tok.token_id) as num_tokens FROM Account A, Token Tok WHERE A.account_num = Tok.account_num AND Tok.value > 100 GROUP BY A.user_name ) SELECT user_name, COUNT(DISTINCT account_num) FROM Account WHERE user_name IN ( SELECT user_name FROM user_tokens WHERE num_tokens >= ALL ( SELECT num_tokens FROM user_tokens ) ) GROUP BY user_name; (2) Understand 2: SELECT A.user_name, COUNT(DISTINCT A.account_num) FROM Account A, Token Tok WHERE A.account_num = Tok.account_num AND Tok.value > 100 GROUP BY A.user_name HAVING COUNT(Tok.token_id) >= ALL( SELECT COUNT(Tok.token_id) FROM Account A, Token Tok WHERE A.account_num = Tok.account_num AND Tok.value > 100 GROUP BY A.user_name );