Mini Assignment #3 BI393 Omar Orlando Ulloa 170463640 FIGURE 1.0 histogram of male crayfish claw lengths Mean claw length is 34.74mm Geometric mean is 33.22mm Harmonic mean 31.72mm Shapiro-wilk normality test W = 0.947, p-value = 0.0598 p value > 0.05 Therefore data is a normal distribution CODE & ANNOTATIONS setwd("C:/Users/omaro/OneDrive/Desktop/R projects") #Setting working Directory crayfish <- read.csv ("crayfish.csv", header = TRUE, sep = ",",stringsAsFactors = TRUE) attach(crayfish) #Loading Crayfish Data into R hist(claw.length, ylim =c(0, 6), breaks=(15) , xlim =c(10,60), xlab = "CLAW LENGTH (mm)", main = "", ylab = "FREQUENCY", col = "black",) library(psych) #library(psych) is to access extra functions #ylim is to change the limits of the Y axis #breaks is to change the dimensions of the bars on the histogram #xlim is to change the limits of the X axis #xlab is to change the label of the X axis #ylab is to change the label of the Y axis #main is to change the title of the histogram #col is to change the color of the bars of the histogram mean(claw.length) #To find the mean claw length geometric.mean(claw.length) #To find the geometric mean harmonic.mean(claw.length) #To find the harmonic mean of the claw length shapiro.test(claw.length) #To find the result of shapiro test