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Writing Introductory Paragraphs & Thesis Statements

How to set up your Thesis Statement
 Attention Getter
 Quote from text
 Startling fact or statement
 Story or anecdote
 Quote relating to topic
 Background
 Title and Author, when appropriate
 Transition from attention getter to topic
 Background on topic or text
 Thesis/Preview
Attention Getter
 The attention getter can be a quote from the text you
are basing your writing from, a quote from an outside
source relating to your writing or something startling
or interesting that is related to your argument and
pulls readers into your essay/paper.
 In music this might be thought of as “the hook”
 Ex. “The difference between us is, that our slaves are
hired for life and well compensated; there is no
starvation, no begging, no want of employment among
our people, and not too much employment either.”
 This is where you tie in your attention getter to your
argument; the transition.
 Ex. South Carolina Senator Hammond stated, “. . .”
which portrays the negative affects the Industrial
Revolution had in the northern states.
 The thesis should serve as a “mini-outline” to the body
of your paper
Show Contrast
State Topic
Take a Stand
Give Reasons
Show Contrast
 When writing an argumentative paper it is important
to make your point and make it clear why you chose
the side you did.
 Ex.
When compared to the South, the North
State Topic
 If the reader does not understand the topic of your
writing, they will never have a clear understanding of
what you are trying to say. It is important to clearly
state your topic.
 Ex.
The ________ states were more affected by the
First American Industrial Revolution
Take a Stand
 This is the point in your thesis where you make it clear
what you are trying to portray, make a choice and be
prepared to back up your argument.
 Ex.
The northern states were more affected
Give Reasons
 This is where you back your claim. Do not go too in
depth. Here is where you outline what your body is
going to look like.
 Ex.
The northern states had higher levels of poverty,
poor working conditions and cities were poorly set up
to accommodate the high populations
Example of Thesis
 When compared to the South, the northern states
were more affected by the First American Industrial
Revolution because they had higher poverty levels,
poor working conditions and the cities were not set up
to accommodate the high populations brought in by
the factories.
Show Contrast
Take A Stand
State Topic
Give Reasons
Putting it All Together
 “The difference between us is, that our slaves are hired for
life and well compensated; there is no starvation, no
begging, no want of employment among our people, and
not too much employment either,” stated South Carolina
Senator Hammond (Doc VIII). This statement portrays the
negative affects the Industrial Revolution had in the
northern states. When compared to the South, the
northern states were more affected by the First American
Industrial Revolution because they had higher poverty
levels, poor working conditions and the cities were not set
up to accommodate the high populations brought in by the
Attention Getter
Thesis Statement