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English Verb Tenses Worksheet: Practice & Review

Complete the blanks with the appropriate tenses.
1. When Carol (call) ………………… last night, I (watch) ………………… my favorite show on
2. I (work) ………………… for this company for more than thirty years, and I intend to stay here until
I retire!
3. Sharon (love) ………………… to travel. She (go) ………………… abroad almost every summer.
Next year, she plans to go to Peru.
4. Thomas is an author. He (write) ………………… mystery novels and travel memoirs. He (write)
………………… since he was twenty-eight. Altogether, he (write) ………………… seven novels,
three collections of short stories and a book of poetry.
5. We were late because we had some car problems. By the time we (get) ………………… to the train
station, Susan (wait) ………………… for us for more than two hours.
6. Sam (try) ………………… to change a light bulb when he (slip) ………………… and (fell)
7. Everyday I (wake) ………………… up at 6 o'clock, (eat) ………………… breakfast at 7 o'clock and
(leave) ………………… for work at 8 o'clock. However, this morning I (get) ………………… up at
6:30, (skip) ………………… breakfast and (leave) ………………… for work late because I (forget)
………………… to set my alarm.
8. Right now, Jim (read) ………………… the newspaper and Kathy (make) ………………… dinner.
Last night at this time, they (do) ………………… the same thing. She (cook) ………………… and
he (read) ………………… the newspaper. Tomorrow at this time, they (do, also) …………………
the same thing. She (prepare) ………………… dinner and he (read) …………………. They are very
predictable people!
9. By this time next summer, you (complete) ………………… your studies and (find) …………………
a job. I, on the other hand, (accomplish, not) ………………… anything. I (study, still)
………………… and you (work) ………………… in some new high paying job.
10. The students (be, usually) ………………… taught by Mrs. Monty. However, this week they (teach)
………………… taught by Mr. Tanzer.
11. Jane talks on the phone. Bob has been talking on the phone for an hour. Mary is talking on the
Who is not necessarily on the phone now? …………………
12. I'm going to make dinner for Frank. I'm making dinner for Judy. I'll make dinner for Mary.
I make dinner for Ted. I will be making dinner for Tony. Who are you offering to make dinner for?
13. Jane left when Tim arrived. Bob left when Tim had arrived. When Tim arrived, Mary was leaving.
John had left when Tim arrived. After Tim arrived, Frank left. Who did not run into Tim?
14. Jane is talking in class. Bob always talks in class. Mary is always talking in class. Whose action
bothers you? …………………
15. Jane never left Jamestown. Bob has never left Jamestown.
Who is still alive? …………………
Fill the blanks using Present Simple – Present Continuous – Past Simple.
Every summer our class ………………… (go) on a short trip. Last year we ………………… (go)
to a zoo. Our teacher ………………… (be) very nervous. Teachers ………………… (be) often nervous
on a school trip. But why? We ………………… (not understand) that. I ………………… (take) lots of
photos of a baby elephant with my cell phone. "Why ………………… you ………………… (not take)
photos of other animals, too?" my friend ………………… (ask) me. But I ………………… (not want) to
take photos of other animals. I ………………… (want) to take photos of all my friends. They
………………… (have) some bananas and ………………… (show) them to the gorillas. "What
………………… you ………………… (do) there? Come to me!" our teacher ………………… (shout).
We ………………… (find) a nice place for a picnic. But nobody ………………… (eat) a banana, but the
gorillas ………………… (have) a nice lunch that day. It ………………… (be) a great day at the zoo, and
we ………………… (have) a lot of fun.
Complete the following exercise with the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.
1. Hi, I ………………… (be) Matt Rotell, a friend of Alice's.
2. Oh, yes. Alice ………………… (mention) you the other day. Gee, you ………………… (not look)
like a detective.
3. Well, that's good, I ………………… (guess).
4. I'm curious. Tell me, how ………………… you ………………… (decide) to become an undercover
5. Well, when I ………………… (be) a kid, I ………………… (love) to read detective novels. By the
time I ………………… (be) ten, I ………………… (read) every book in the Hardy Boys series. I
………………… (know) that I ………………… (want) to go into law enforcement.
6. But according to Alice, you ………………… (attend) law school nowadays.
7. Right. I ………………… (get) married last month. I ………………… (not mind) being on the police
force when I ………………… (be) single, but ever since I ………………… (meet) Nicole, my wife,
I ………………… (want) to do something less dangerous.
8. I ………………… (understand). By the way, ………………… you ………………… (have) any luck
yet with those counterfeiters?
9. Well, I ………………… (follow) them for more than a month now, but so far I ………………… (not
be able to) catch them in the act.
10. Sometimes I ………………… (worry) that by the time they're caught, I'll have my law degree and I'll
be defending them!
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs.
1. I ………………… (never come) across such a big snake in my life. What about you?
2. By Saturday next week, I ………………… (work) on this painting for exactly one month.
3. My wife and I ………………… (have) a few problems recently and I have to admit that our
relationship ………………… (get) a bit boring since our daughter ………………… (leave) for
4. Even though I ………………… (like) singing, I can say that I ………………… (have) a terrible
5. By the year 2020, the population of London ………………… (grow) substantially.
6. My grandparents ………………… (come) to see us next weekend. They ………………… (not
visit) us for two years.
7. We ………………… (look for) her ring for two hours when we found it in the bathroom.
8. They were very tired in the evening because they ………………… (help) on the farm all day.
9. I………………… (lead) a very busy life these days. I ………………… (prepare) for my final
exams and at the same time I ………………… (try) to move to my new apartment. You can't
imagine how tired I am.
10. Do you know what time the 10:45 plane ………………… (arrive) in Chicago?
Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the given verbs.
1. Jessica ………………… (never fall) in love until she ………………… (meet) Ben two years ago.
2. Bruce ………………… (not stop) studying until he ………………… (cover) all of the exam topics.
3. When the old woman ………………… (hear) that her grandson ………………… (arrest) for
robbery, she ………………… (shock).
4. When Megan ………………… (have) problems at school, her parents ………………… (usually
help) her to cope with them.
5. We ………………… (wait) for the bus for nearly half an hour, but it ………………… (not arrive)
yet so I don't think we ………………… (be able to) attend the meeting on time.
6. When Sarah ………………… (graduate) from university next year, she ………………… (study)
English for nearly four years.
7. While the children ………………… (play) by the lake, one of them ………………… (drop) his ball
and ………………… (try) to get it out himself.
8. Tomorrow at around 7.30 pm, I ………………… (drive) through America.
9. Builders ………………… (finish) the Millennium Dome by the end of the year 2000.
10. When I ………………… (have) another look I ………………… (realize) the shirt in the laundry
………………… (shrink).
Fill the blanks using the correct form of the verbs.
1. Hardly had the minister finished his speech when gunshots ………………… (storm) the stadium.
2. Everybody will be at the office at about 08:30 tomorrow as the meeting ………………… (start) at
nine o'clock.
3. That candidate who we had been interviewed before we ………………… (speak) to all the others is
still my favorite.
4. While climbing onto the mountain top, I ………………… (encounter) a strange animal which I'd
never seen before.
5. The chairman was sure that his plan would work out fine as no other member …………………
(oppose) it up to that time.
6. I wasn't surprised to hear that Monica ………………… (have) an accident as she is a very reckless
7. Since the very first day when the Umbrella Company embarked upon such a dangerous and risky
lab-research, very strange incidents ………………… (take place) within the research complex.
8. Urbanization ………………… (always / be) a problem which causes several environmental
challenges ever since the rate of migration ………………… (increase) after the industrial
9. When I ………………… (come) home this evening, my parents had gone out for a walk.
10. By the time the troops ………………… (arrive), the war will have ended.
11. By the year 2020, linguists ………………… (study) the Indy-European language family for more
than 200 years.
12. Gasoline ………………… (become) a major problem for people for the last ten years, therefore,
during this time many people have preferred to sell their cars and buy smaller ones.
13. Nothing in my life ………………… (be) so strong to stop me achieve my goals so far and i don't
think anything will be.
14. Archaeologists ………………… (explain) recently that an ancient underground city around
Cappadocia has long wide corridors where there are many special areas for making cheese and wine.
15. I was amazed when he accepted a drink, since I ………………… (always / assume) that he was a
16. I ………………… (play) tennis tomorrow but I won't be able to do that because I have injured my
right ankle.
17. We ………………… (visit) the seashore many times before but last summer we enjoyed ourselves
more than ever.
18. According to a survey, thousands of vending machines ………………… (have to be converted)
before the new coins have come into circulation.
James Cook (1728-1779) Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.
1. The British explorer James Cook was born in the village of Marton, Yorkshire, on 27 October, 1728.
But his family soon (move) ………………… to another village, called Great Ayton, where Cook
(spend) ………………… most of his childhood.
2. As a teenager James Cook (develop) ………………… a fascination for the sea and (travel)
………………… to Whitby where he (find) ………………… employment on a coal ship.
3. While he (serve) ………………… in the Royal Navy during the Seven Years' War (1756-1763), Cook
(have) ………………… the command of a ship.
4. After the war (end) …………………, Cook (take) ………………… command of the vessel Grenville
and (go) ………………… to Newfoundland to survey the coasts there.
5. While he (map) ………………… the coasts of Newfoundland, he (observe) ………………… a solar
eclipse off the North American coast.
6. Cook (send) ………………… the details to the Royal Society, England's leading scientific
organization, and (win) ………………… heir attention.
7. After Cook (publish) ………………… his observations of the solar eclipse, the Royal Society (ask)
………………… him to lead a scientific expedition to Tahiti and (put) ………………… him in
command of of the HMS Endeavour.
8. From Tahiti Cook then (go on) ………………… to explore the South Pacific.
9. He also (reach) ………………… New Zealand, which only the Dutchman Abel Tasman (visit)
………………… before Cook.
10. After Cook (map) ………………… New Zealand's complete coastline, he (sail) ………………… to
Australia's east coast.
11. Cook (name) ………………… the area New South Wales as it (remind) …………………him of the
south coast of Wales in Great Britain.
12. In 1772, one year after Cook (return) ………………… from his first voyage to the Pacific, the Royal
Society (hire) ………………… him for another expedition to find the mythical Terra Australis.
13. On his journey, Cook (discover) ………………… several islands and almost (go) …………………
as far as the continent of Antarctica.
14. He (make) ………………… maps of the South Pacific and (prove) ………………… that Terra
Australis (exist/not) ………………….
15. His third and last voyage for the Royal Society (take) ………………… him to the west coast of North
America where he (try) ………………… to find a passage between the Atlantic and Pacific.
16. He (not / can / pass) ………………… the Bering Strait, however; the ice (force) …………………
him to return to Hawaii, which he (discover) ………………… earlier.
17. While he and his crew (rest) ………………… in Hawaii, some Hawaiians (steal) …………………
one of his boats.
18. When cook and his men (try) ………………… to get the boat back from the natives, a violent fight
(break out) ………………… in which the natives (stab) ………………… James Cook to death.
Fill the gaps with the correct verb form (answers below the exercise)
Present simple , present continuous/progressive , past simple , past continuous , present perfect
(simple/continuous) , past perfect/pluperfect (simple/continuous) , future tenses , modals , conditionals,
passive , regular and irregular verbs ...
You had better not go out: it ………………… (rain) cats and dogs.
………………… (ever - you - see) such a beautiful place?
When I ………………… (be) young, I never ………………… (go) to a music concert.
What's the matter with him? He ………………… (always - complain) and I ………………… (like
not) it.
By the time she ………………… (arrive) he ………………… (already - go).
What ………………… (you - do) tonight? ………………… (you - want - go out) with me?
I am sorry, I ………………… (can - not), I ………………… (go) to the cinema with Patrick.
Where the hell have you been? I ………………… (wait) for you all night long.
9. If you had paid attention a bit more, you ………………… (know) the answer to that question.
10. We ………………… (sign) a contract with a new company yesterday.
11. When ………………… (Columbus - discover) America?
12. Don't worry: I ………………… (call) you when I ………………… (get) there.
13. I see she can't walk because she ………………… (break) her leg.
14. She ………………… (live) in Manhattan before she ………………… (move) to London.
15. I am 50 years old and I ………………… (always - live) in England. I ………………… (never want - move) to another country.
Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.
1. I (learn) ………………… English for seven years now.
2. But last year I (not / work) ………………… hard enough for English, that's why my marks (not / be)
………………… really that good then.
3. As I (pass / want) ………………… my English exam successfully next year, I (study)
………………… harder this term.
4. During my last summer holidays, my parents (send) ………………… me on a language course to
5. It (be) ………………… great and I (think) ………………… I (learn) ………………… a lot.
6. Before I (go) ………………… to London, I (not / enjoy) ………………… learning English.
7. But while I (do) ………………… the language course, I (meet) ………………… lots of young
people from all over the world.
8. There I (notice) ………………… how important it (be) ………………… to speak foreign languages
9. Now I (have) ………………… much more fun learning English than I (have) …………………
before the course.
10. At the moment I (revise) ………………… English grammar.
11. And I (begin / already) ………………… to read the texts in my English textbooks again.
12. I (think) ………………… I (do) …………………one unit every week.
13. My exam (be) ………………… on 15 May, so there (not / be) ………………… any time to be lost.
14. If I (pass) ………………… my exams successfully, I (start) ………………… an apprenticeship in
15. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I (go) ………………… back to London to work there for a
Fill the gaps with the correct tenses.
1. They (build) ………………… a new power station at the moment.
When I was buying the stamps somebody (call)
………………… my name.
'What time (Kevin come) …………………?' 'An hour
I (not go) ………………… to the cinema last night. I
was too tired.
Carol invited us to the party but we (not go)
…………………. We had other things to do.
I saw Bridget at the museum when I was going to the
restaurant but she (not see) ………………… me.
'Where (your parents live) …………………?' 'In a
village near London. They have always lived there.'
She speaks English but she (not speak)
………………… French.
Jeff is from London. He (live) ………………… there
all his life.
My favorite country is Canada. I (be) …………………
there four times.
I (never eat) ………………… bananas.
'How long (you study) ………………… Photography?'
'For one year.'
'Where are you going on holiday?' 'I don't know. We
(not decide) ………………… yet.'
Who (invent) ………………… the washing machine?
'Where's Jill?' 'She (have) ………………… lunch at the
(Terry work) …………………? No, he is on holiday.
Somebody (steal) ………………… my sunglasses at
the swimming pool last week.
She (wear) ………………… the nice jacket when you
saw her?
Where (be) ………………… you yesterday?
As you (see / can) …………………, I (become)
………………… a real London fan already.
Answers / solutions
1 it is raining (present continuous)
2 Have you ever seen (present perfect simple)
3 I was - I never went (past simple)
4 He is always complaining (present continuous) - I don't like it (present simple)
5 she arrived (past simple) - he had already gone (pluperfect)
6 What are you doing (present continuous) - Do you want to go out (present simple) - I can't (present
simple) I am going (present continuous)
7 I have been waiting (present perfect continuous)
8 would have known
9 signed (past simple)
10 When did Columbus discover (past simple)
11 I will call (future 1) - I get (present simple)
12 she has broken (present perfect simple)
13 She (had) lived (pluperfect or past simple) - moved (past simple)
14 I have always lived (present perfect) - I never want to move (present simple) / I have never wanted to
move (present perfect) / I will never want to move (future 1)
1. I have been learningaction that started in the past and is still going on now, emphasis is put on
the duration (signal word: for seven years) - Present Perfect Progressive
English for seven years now.
2. But last year I was not working
hard enough for English, that's why my marks
were not1st verb: you can either use past progressive or simple past.
a) Past Progressive: puts emphasis on the duration
b) Simple Past: puts emphasis on the fact
2nd verb: a fact in the past - Simple Past.
3. As I want to pass
really that good then.
my English exam successfully next year, I am going to study1st
verb: situation in the present - Simple Present (after 'want' use 'to' + infinitive)
2nd verb: decision made for the future - Future I going to.
harder this term.
4. During my last summer holidays, my parents sentcompleted action in the past - Simple Past
me on a language course to London.
5. It was
great and I think
I have learned1st verb: fact in the past -
Simple Past
2nd verb: situation in the present - Simple Present
3rd verb: finished action that has an influence on the present. emphasis is on the result - Present
Perfect Simple
a lot.
6. Before I went
to London, I had not enjoyed1st verb: action in the past - Simple
2nd verb: action taking place before that certain time in the past (signal word: before) - Past
learning English.
7. But while I was doing
the language course, I met1st verb: action taking place only
for a certain period in the past - Past Progressive
2nd verb: short actions in the past taking place in the middle of another action - Simple Past.
lots of young people from all over the world.
8. There I noticed
how important it is1st verb: observation in the past - Simple Past
2nd verb: general fact that is true for the present - Simple Present
to speak
foreign languages nowadays.
9. Now I have
much more fun learning English than I had1st verb: situation in the
present - Simple Present
2nd verb: situation in the past - Simple Past
before the course.
10. At the moment I am revisingaction happening around now (signal word: at the moment) Present Progressive
English grammar.
11. And I have already begunaction that has just started (signal word: already), emphasis is put on
the fact (not the duration) - Present Perfect Simple
to read the texts in my
English textbooks again.
12. I think
I will do1st verb: feeling in the present - Simple Present
2nd verb: assumption with regard to the future (signal word: I think) - Future I will
one unit every week.
13. My exam is
on 15 May, so there is not1st verb: the exact date for the exam is
already scheduled - Simple Present.
2nd verb: idiomatic expression
14. If I pass
any time to be lost.
my exams successfully, I will startdonditional sentence type I: if +
Simple Present, Future I will
an apprenticeship in September.
15. And after my apprenticeship, maybe I will goassumption / dream for the futureermutung - Future
I mit will.
back to London to work there for a while.
1. They (build) ARE BUILDING a new power station at the moment.
2. When I was buying the stamps somebody (call) CALLED my name.
3. 'What time (Kevin comeDID KEVIN COME ?' 'An hour ago.'
4. I (not go) DID NOT GO to the cinema last night. I was too tired.
5. Carol invited us to the party but we (not goDID NOT GO . We had other things to do.
6. I saw Bridget at the museum when I was going to the restaurant but she (not seeDID NOT SEE
7. 'Where (your parents liveDO YOUR PARENTS LIVE ?' 'In a village near London. They have
always lived there.'
8. She speaks English but she (not speak) DOES NOT SPEAK French.
9. Jeff is from London. He (live) HAS LIVED there all his life.
10. My favourite country is Canada. I (be) HAVE BEEN there four times.
11. I (never eatHAVE NEVER EATEN bananas.
12. 'How long (you study) HAVE YOU BEEN STUDYING Photography?' 'For one year.'
13. 'Where are you going on holiday?' 'I don't know. We (not decideHAVE NOT DECIDED yet.'
14. Who (invent) INVENTED the washing machine?
15. 'Where's Jill?' 'She (have) IS HAVING lunch at the moment.'
16. (Terry work) IS TERRY WORKING ? No, he is on holiday.
17. Somebody (steal) STOLE my sunglasses at the swimming pool last week.
18. (she wear) WAS SHE WEARING the nice jacket when you saw her?
19. Where (be) WERE you yesterday?
20. As you can see
, I have become1st verb: situation in the present - Simple Present (after
'can' use the infinitive without 'to')
2nd verb: situation from the past to the present, emphasis is put on the fact - Present Perfect Simple
a real London fan already.