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Functional Behavioral Assessment Interview Form

Functional Behavioral Assessment Interview Form
Name ________________ Information Provider ________________Date___/___/___
Interviewer____________________ Interview method _______________________
How long have you known the person? ______ How often do you currently see the person?
________ How much time did you spend together this past week?_________
What are the person’s favorite things to do? _________________________________
How often does she/he get to engage in those activities? _______________________
Who are some of her/his best friends? ______________________________________
How often does she/he get to see these friends?______________________________
Name some individual strengths __________________________________________
What activities does she/he currently do that use those strengths?________________
What activities might be an opportunity for those strengths? ____________________
What forms of communication does she/he use? ____________________________
Is special effort or training required by the receiver of the communication? ________
Does she/he have a universally understandable (UU) or an idiosyncratic signal (IS) to
communicate the following:
Example: Yes. (UU) nods head or says “yes” or (IS) high pitched squeak and hop
Yes. ________________________________________________________________
No. _________________________________________________________________
More. _______________________________________________________________
Done. _______________________________________________________________
I want Xxxx. __________________________________________________________
I need Xxxx. __________________________________________________________
Greeting comment. _____________________________________________________
Departing comment. ____________________________________________________
What receptive communication modes does she/he respond to? (verbal, sign language, written
words, picture cues, body language, visual schedule) ___________________________
Does she/he exhibit any disruptive behaviors? (e.g. screaming/task refusal) List behaviors
Does she/he exhibit any destructive behaviors? (e.g., aggression, self-injury, or property
destruction) List behaviors _______________________________________
Are medications taken that effect behavior? ___ How? ________________________
Are there sleeping or eating issues that effect behavior? _______________________
Are there other medical or physical problems that effect behavior (e.g. allergies/acid
reflux/constipation)? ___________________________________________________
During which activities does she/he have many problem behaviors? _____________
During which activities does she/he have few or no problem behaviors? __________
Does she/he show any behaviors that signal a problem behavior is likely to occur? (e.g. loud
humming, foot tapping, pacing) __________________________________
Does she/he have verbal communication that provides a warning problem behavior may soon
occur? ______________________________________________________
How would she/he react to the following situations?
Left alone with no preferred items for 15 minutes? ____________________________
Left alone with preferred activities? ________________________________________
With attention from a non-preferred person? _______________________________
The person is required to complete an easy and preferred task? _________________
The person is required to complete an easy but non-preferred task?
The person is required to complete a difficult task? ___________________________
Would it make a difference in any of the above demand situations if attention/assistance is not
available? _______________________________________
A preferred activity has to be discontinued to transition to a less preferred activity? __
A preferred item or activity is unavailable? __________________________________
A preferred person is unavailable? ________________________________________
A setting which contains intense sensory stimulation (e.g., mall, fire drill, class hallways)?
List one event that is almost guaranteed to produce severe problem behavior. _____
List one event that is almost guaranteed to reduce severe problem behavior. ______
Does she/he use a schedule? ___ What type? _______________________________
Is the schedule predictable on a daily basis? _______________________________________
Is a timer used for scheduled activities? ___________________________________________
How many items are typically on the schedule? ____________________________________
Does the schedule include access to preferred activities? _____________________________
Does the schedule include Free Time or Choice Time? ________________________________
What would the perfect setting look like for her/him?
What is something you think others should know about her/him? _________________________