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SITHCCC007-Assessmen 1 Short Answers

Question 1: In relation to food production requirements give 4 examples of what would be
required using a mise en place list and Recipe card, to produce the menu item.
1) This is a list of things we will require to do using a prep list to produce :
This may include prepping all the required elements of a dish
Completing a dish and portioned ready for service i.e.; cake, pie
Having your section ready prepped for service
All the required preparation for dish as well as order of work
Questions 2
What do we need to identify to calculate ingredient amounts in relation to a menu and service of
customers state 5?
2) Things we need to calculate ingredients and requirements to produce our recipe.
Recipe and Mise en place list
Time required to produce dish
Time required to serve dish
Portions required and quantities
Special dietary requirements
Kitchen management
Methods of cookery and equipment required
Question 3
Using the Fish stock, Minestrone soup and Mayonnaise recipe Identify and select ingredients from
stores according to recipe for, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements give 2 examples for
each in the table below.
Fish Stock - Fish Frames, White Wine
Minestrone Soup - Garlic, Extra Virgin Olive Oil
Mayonaisse - Eggs , Olive Oil
Question 4
What possible spoilage and cross contamination could happen with perishable food items if not handled
or stored correctly prior to food preparation, and what should we be looking for? Give 6 examples for
perishable foods.
Some Possible cross contamination that could happen are :
1 ) External raw food contamination due to environmental contamination (example of pesticides,
fertilizers, toxic heavy metals, antibiotic residues, etc.);
2. Transport of raw materials to the factory where they will be processed (caused by vehicle exhaust
from petrol and diesel or cross contamination in the vehicle used for food transportation);
3. food conditioning, which involves the storage of raw materials, preheating, disinfection, cleaning, and
sterilization steps (some common surfactants used to clean are quaternary ammonium compounds and
nonionic surfactants);
4. heating, which includes boiling, cooking, baking, frying, or combining with other ingredients at high
temperature in an oven or in a reactor (certain toxics compounds such as acrylamide, nitrosamines
chloropropanols, furanes, or Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) can be formed in foods
5.food packaging (different additives such as antioxidants, stabilizers, slipping agents, or plasticizers are
commonly added to the package polymers to improve material properties that can end up transferred
to food.
Source : https://www.sciencedirect.com/topics/agricultural-and-biological-sciences/foodcontamination
Key Points to consider when selecting ingredient
• Check use by dates
• On delivery check packaging and temperature
• Visually check ingredients
• Check for any insects or vermin
• Check you have the correct ingredients for the task at hand
• Check for damage
• Ensure ingredients are correctly stored
• Ensure FIFO is correctly practised
Question 5
When making a Puree Soup what would we need in the way of suitable equipment to prepare, make
and serve the soup?
The following are key factors that must be considered.
Key Factors • Menu and recipe requirements
• Staff skills and capabilities
• Equipment available and required possible hireage
• Customer requirements - Seating, time of day
• Special Dietary requirements- Vegan, allergies
When cooking purees, we must be mindful of the size and amount required at one time
which can be greater than 25 litres, so capacity also needs to be taken into account storing
this amount.
Question 6
Please state the steps you would take to set up a Food Processor for blending up chicken breast to make
a mousse, include safety precautions
The steps to be followed to set up a food processor are :
• Check that the equipment is in good working order
• If you have not used the piece of equipment get supervised first
• Check your workspace
• Make sure you are prepared to start
• Complete task
• Then precede to clean and sanitize equipment
Safety Precautions to be followed are :
• Ensure the Equipment is good condition sound condition
• If electrical check that the tagging is within date
• Understand how the equipment is safely operated
• Follow Supervisor and Manufactures instructions when in operation
• Always use guards and protection devices on all equipment do not operate under any
circumstances without them
• If in doubt over the use of any equipment, ask Operational Procedures
Question 7
Explain why we should use equipment safely and hygienically according to manufactures
7) It is necessary to use equipment according to manufacturer’s directions because :
• Understand manufacturer’s instructions and product manuals talk to your supervisor
• Ask your Chef or Supervisor when you are unsure of use
• When being shown how to use equipment take notes and ask questions
• If still not following demonstration, ask again to be shown
• The best way in learning practise these new skills whenever possible hygienically Use of
• Check Manufactures manual for cleaning instructions and correct detergents • When using
a new cleaning system understand it first
• Then follow all instructions from Supervisor and Manufacturer
• Watch and learn in the first instance and record were possible instructions
• Implement cleaning instructions and check all steps are followed, and then get Supervisor
to check once you have completed the task
• Do not water down detergents to make them last longer as this defeats the whole process
and can create a health and safety issue
• Record your cleaning process so that you can check at any time the record of you doing
the job
Question 8
What must be in a Recipe so that we can weigh or measure correct ingredients to create correct
portions according to the recipe?
Things we should follow so we can weigh and measure correct ingredients : • Understand
your recipe
• Understand the use of weights, volumes required
• Be able to use measuring tools scales, measuring cups, spoons and measuring by volume
• Scaling up and down recipes to required portions
• Understanding portion size per food item
• Portioning of whole items such as cakes, breads and pies :
Key Factors to Creating Portions • Understanding standard food portion sizes • Portion
according to type of function • Portioning appropriate to the dish and other dishes on the
menu • Consider special dietary requirements when portioning.
Question 9
Explain the procedure to clean and cut ingredients as required using basic culinary cuts
according to culinary standards for Minestrone soup.
1 cup (250g) pearl barley
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 onions, diced
3 carrots, diced
4 celery stalks, diced
2 zucchini, diced
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
½ cabbage, shredded
100g green beans, cut into 2cm lengths
1.2kg (3 tins) crushed tomatoes
2 litres stock, vegetable or chicken
salt and pepper
1 handful basil, chopped
50g parmesan cheese, grated
1. Place pearl barley in a strainer and rinse under cold water until the water runs clear.
2. Heat oil in a large saucepan over medium-high heat, add onion, carrot, celery and
zucchini and cook for a few minutes. When onion is softened, add garlic and cook for
30 seconds. Finally add cabbage, beans, tomatoes, stock and pearl barley.
3. Bring to the boil then reduce the heat and simmer for 1½ hours.
4. Serve in individual bowls with a sprinkling of parmesan cheese and basil.
Source : https://www.sustainability.vic.gov.au/Campaigns/Love-Food-HateWaste/Minestrone-soup
Question 10
Give four (4) examples of how we can minimise waste to maximise profitability of food items
being prepared.
Steps to minimise waste to maximise profitability of food :
Napkins paper to recycle
Paper and plastics to recycle bins
Bottles and glass to recycle bin
General waste to either compost or farm feed (excludes meat)
Question 11
In the table below state the methods of cookery for the Recipes listed in the table,
understand in some cases there could be more than one method of cookery used.
Brown beef stock
Boiling , Simmering
Fillets of fish au vin blanc
Searing , Sauteeing
Cauliflower Mornay
Boiling , Baking
Caesar salad
Washing , Steaming
Cheese and spinach filo triangles
Baking , Pan Searing
Question 12
What is the clarifying ingredient and flavouring which gives a chicken consommé
it’s characteristics?
To clarify a Consommé the process involves simmering the stock along with a mixture of
egg whites and/or a lean ground meat called a clear meat.
Also it should be stirred while it is being prepared.
Question 13
When using thickening agents and convenience products appropriately what considerations
must we take when applying them in a recipe?
Following are the commonly used thickening agents and steps how to use them:
Roux - Equal quantities flour, butter cooked white, blond, brown liquid added to the roux
and cooked out
Cornstarch Corn- flour mixed with water and added to a sauce or soup until desired
thickness is required
Arrow Root- Used as above but mainly sweet sauces and also used instead of cornstarch as
it does not cloud the sauce
Whitewash- Flour and water not commonly used as an option
Liaison- Cream, egg yolk and usually a little of the sauce or soup mixed in the liaison then
added to the soup or sauce off the heat you cannot reboil
Beurre Manie - Equal quantities of flour and butter cooked together then added to a soup
or sauce a little at a time
Question 14
In the table below are base sauces name two (2)a derivative of each sauce.
Aurore , Bercy
Mornay , Parsley
Tartar Sauce , Aioli
Bordelaise, Perigueux
Question 15
State possible adjustments to the following faults to improve the quality of the food
Puree soup has split
Add some veggies and flavoured spices in
the puree soup they will help in making
the soup smooth
Sauce is to thin
Add a mixture of starch and water into the
sauce to make it thick
Soup lacks body and flavour
Add some aromatic vegetables,or any
flavoured sauce or you can season it with
salt an pepper to give body and flavour to
the soup
Hollandaise has split
Make a mixture a egg yolk and water over
a simmering water and add that split sauce
on that egg yolk mixture that will make the
hollandaise smooth and silky
Soup is too salty
Add some starchy ingredients,or any other
food items like rice or noodles that will
reduce the content of salt or you can add
water also to reduce the saltiness
Question 16
When using reconstituted or re-thermalise stocks, sauces and soups to required
consistencies what are the key points to take into consideration.
There are two parts to re heating (re thermalizing) or reconstituting stocks, sauces and
soups is the actual processing also doing this in a safe manner. To safely re heat stocks,
sauces and soups they must reheated rapidly to at least to 75˚C and held at that
temperature or higher for at least 2 minutes. Soups and sauces should never be re heated in
a bain-marie or warm device like a pie warmer this process will not allow quick or sufficient
heat to re heat items safely. When reconstituting a stock, soup or sauce from frozen allow it
to defrost overnight in the chiller, then heat quickly hold at least 75˚C for 2 minutes.
Question 17
What must we consider when serving soups and sauces attractively on service ware?
We must consider serving soups and sauces attractively on service ware because :
Size of the dish is appropriate to the service ware option
That it reflects a professional image for the company
That it fits the style of the menu and establishment
That the service ware is kept clean and hygienic before and after use
That the service ware is stored correctly, safe secure and hygienic
Also understand there is a significant difference in commercial and domestic service ware,
commercial being a lot durable, and built for commercial use, domestic service ware is not
built for commercial use
Question 18
When are adding garnishes to a dish what must we consider?
When considering garnishes according to the recipe we must consider the dish as a whole.
1. Firstly, garnish should not exceed 10% of the total dish.
2. The garnish should be appropriate to dish .
3. The garnish should complement the dish not be the star of the dish .
4. Accompaniments should also be considered and always.
Question 19
When visually evaluating a dish or having to adjust the presentation of a dish what are we
evaluating and how can we adjust?
The following are the things we look for when we are evaluating a dish that we are about to
be presented;
Is the dish in proportion to the service ware
That the service suits the style of food and menu style
Is the dish and service ware clean
Is it served at the correct temperature
Dose the presentation makes it easy for the customer to consume
Has the presentation gone too far and we have lost what the really is
Is it a balanced dish, protein, carb, vegetables etc.
Would it meet the customers expectation
Have we tested the dish before we have presented to a customer
Do any adjustments need to be made
Be aware what we present to customers is our advertising to the general public, so we must
get it right, a she’ll be right approach won’t cut it in the Industry.
You must;
Test a dish
Present it
Tear it up part
Put it back together
Improve what you have done
Then test it again
Question 20
When visually evaluating a dish or having to adjust the presentation of a dish what are we
evaluating and how can we adjust?
The following are the things we look for when we are evaluating a dish that we are about to
be presented;
Is the dish in proportion to the service ware
That the service suits the style of food and menu style
Is the dish and service ware clean
Is it served at the correct temperature
Dose the presentation makes it easy for the customer to consume
Has the presentation gone too far and we have lost what the really is
Is it a balanced dish, protein, carb, vegetables etc.
Would it meet the customers expectation
Have we tested the dish before we have presented to a customer
Do any adjustments need to be made
Be aware what we present to customers is our advertising to the general public, so we must
get it right, a she’ll be right approach won’t cut it in the Industry.
You must;
Test a dish
Present it
Tear it up part
Put it back together
Improve what you have done
Then test it again
Question 21
Within a commercial environment state the procedures that your establishment or training
environment takes to breakdown after service, include all areas?
Also give examples also of cost reduction initiatives.
End of service procedures
All storage areas that store food must always be maintained and kept clean and
orderly, at no time should storage areas be allowed to be disorganised or left uncleaned.
Storage environments, temperature, humidity, light and ventilation specifications for storage
are maintained and checked on a regular basis. Cleaning and sanitising processes for food
storage areas are to be done on a regular basis. Isolating the storage of items that are likely
to be the source of contamination of food, including chemicals, clothing and personal
belongings is part of normal good work safe practices.
Good food safe practices to follow for storage areas of perishable commodities
All fridges and freezers to be checked daily for temperature regularities
Fridge and freezers seals to be checked according to a schedule
Fridge and freezers to be serviced to a maintenance schedule by a professional
Cleaning schedule of all food storage areas
Weekly visual maintenance check of storage areas
All temperature and cleaning schedules to be dated and signed off and recordings to
be filed
All staff and delivery personal to be communicated about acceptable standards on
the delivery and storage of perishable commodities
Health and Safety
We can look at this topic and break it up into departments so that it will help us understand
this area in more detail as it has bearing right across what we do in the Hospitality Industry :
Clean Work Area
Clean as you go do a task clean up
Keep workspace orderly
Always keep food items stored correctly
Then cleaning down at the end of service, remove visible debris, then scrub down hot
soapy water and then sanitise.
Dispose of all waste properly
Were possible store all off cuts and reuse
Were surplus stores cannot be reused dispose of correctly either recycle, store
correctly for farm feed (no meat waste)
Cost reduction initiatives
Environmental Considerations and Cost Reductions
Refuge is correctly disposed off
Taps are not left running
Light and power switches turned off after use
Gas not left running only turned on only when needed
Recycle were possible
Educate all staff in these areas
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