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Team Charter 3.0
Designed for: Engineering 2
Created by: Roger Seedorf and Brendan Murphy for MOT Charter HS
Revised: 3/28/2020
1. What is the team’s purpose? Why has your team been formed?
To complete a project that has been assigned to us.
2. What are the team's expectations for the project/assignment?
Everyone turns in the right amount of work and contribute equally
a. What rights do you have as a member of your team?
Rights as a learner and the right to want to do work on time and well
i. Create a list of the rights you have as a member of your team.
To request change
To ask questions
To remind teammates to stay on task
b. What professionalism skills and character traits should a member of this team to exhibit?
Time managment
i. Create a list of the professionalism skills and character traits you and your team think a
Time managment
Decision making
Professional Engineer routinely exhibits that you should emulate and improve upon as a
student, and member of your team.
c. What professional ethics do you expect a member of this team to exhibit?
Stay respectful and stay on task, aswell as keeping the 80/20 rule
i. Create a list of the professional ethics you think a Professional Engineer has that you want to emulate
as a student and member of your team.
Great work ethic
Great critical thinking
3. What are the roles and responsibilities of each team member?
Luke - team leader
Pj - administrations
Me/jaeden - materials
a. Who is your Team Leader or Project Manager? What are his/her primary responsibilities?
Luke keeping everyone on task
b. What other roles and responsibilities should team members assume for this project? Examples but
all inclusive: Executive Assistant, Director of Operations, Administrative Director, Budget Director,
Director of Quality Assurance
operations and budget pj quality assurance and assistant Jaeden
i. Each project may have different roles and team members may have to assume multiple roles
c. How will work be assigned to each team member?
We will split work evenly based on skills we all have.
4. How will disagreements be resolved among team members?
Talk as a team to find the best solution
a. Each team member should write a brief scenario in which they have previously disagreed with
Disagreed with the model of bridge Made last year for this class
student. How was it resolved? Was it an effective solution? Was the interaction amicable and
professional? How would you change your approach if the scenario occurred again?
It was actually pretty good and we didnt butt heads too much just talked and heard both sides and went
with my plan I wouldnt change anything
5. How will the team agree to address a member who is not completing their share of the work?
ask to stay on task and if not report to a instructor
a. Create 3 questions that would you ask that team member in order to help the team member get back
Do you need help, is it too hard, can you please focus
b. Who will approach the team member and how will it be done?
Luke/team leader
c. If your questions and conversations aren’t successful, what are the team’s next steps?
Consult with the instructor
6. Since some of this work will be assigned to different team members, how will you and the team
ensure you and
each team member understand all of the ideas, contributions, and concepts learned throughout this
Go over the materials and details as a team
a. Each team member must write their own method on how they will master all concepts and ideas
discussed in this assignment.
7. Once ALL elements of the team charter are agreed upon by all members and a team charter is neatly
a. Use the engineering printer to print out a copy of the Team Charter
b. Each team member print and sign your name on the signature lines that follow.
c. One team member keep this document accessible whenever the team needs to refer back to it.
d. Submit a formal memorandum IAW the Technical Writing Reference Manual to your instructor for a
Team Charter review. Then, make an appointment to discuss the team charter with your instructor who
will review with the team and sign the team charter (instructor discussion line)
8. How will you communicate with your teammate? When exactly will you and your teammate be
about this project outside of class?
9. Agreement Section Format (Print and Sign name):
a. Team Member 1 ____________________________________________________________________
b. Team Member 2 ____________________________________________________________________
c. Team Member 3 ____________________________________________________________________
d. Team Member 4 ____________________________________________________________________
e. Submitted by Project Manager or Team Leader ____________________________________________
f. Reviewed by: _______________________________________________________________________