For Training Purpose Only DETAILED TRAINING VAR Part 7 - Aircraft Maintenance Basic Cat B1+B2 TRAINING MANUAL M15.04 Issue: 01 Rev: 00 Date: 25/04/2014 © VAECO Training Center Training Manual For training purposes and internal use only. E Copyright by Lufthansa Technical Training (LTT). LTT is the owner of all rights to training documents and training software. Any use outside the training measures, especially reproduction and/or copying of training documents and software − also extracts there of − in any format at all (photocopying, using electronic systems or with the aid of other methods) is prohibited. Passing on training material and training software to third parties for the purpose of reproduction and/or copying is prohibited without the express written consent of LTT. Copyright endorsements, trademarks or brands may not be removed. A tape or video recording of training courses or similar services is only permissible with the written consent of LTT. 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Lufthansa Technical Training M15 GAS TURBINE ENGINE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 ATA DOC Page 1 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 COMPRESSOR TYPES COMPRESSOR COMPONENTS There are 2 ways to compress air in engines. You can decrease the volume in a cylinder by a piston or you can make use of Bernoulli’s Principle to get compressed air. This is the method which is used in the compressors of gas turbine engines. The compressor of a gas turbine engine supplies a continuous flow of air to the engine combustor. The compressor has 2 main components. The compressor rotor and the compressor stator. Each rotor has rotor blades mounted on it. As it rotates around the axis of the compressor, the rotor blades suck in air and then push it to the outlet side of the rotor. This action increases the energy of the airflow. The compressor stator is a fixed component. The stator also has blades attached to it, which are named stator vanes. The stator vanes guide and slow the airflow to cause an increase in pressure. The combination of a rotor and stator is named a compressor stage. Note: The rotor is always the first part of a compressor stage. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training M15.04 COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 01|Compr Comp|A,B1 Page 2 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training M15.04 COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 1 HAM HAM US/F-4 US/F DoJ SwD Nov 01.04.2008 30, 2010 Axial Compressor Stage 01|Compr Comp|A,B1 Page 3 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Compressor Components cont. If there is a set of stator vanes in front of a compressor stage, they are always named inlet guide vanes or just IGVs. These inlet guide vanes improve the airflow into the first compressor stage. They are either fixed or movable. The stator vanes in the fan duct are usually named outlet guide vanes or OGVs. They improve the airflow into the fan nozzle. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 02|Compr Comp|A,B1 Page 4 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 2 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 IGVs and OGVs 02|Compr Comp|A,B1 Page 5 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Compressor Components cont. Other compressor parts are the compressor inlet case and the compressor outlet case. These cases give support for the compressor rotor bearings. The cases also improve and straighten the airflow into and out of the compressor. There are 2 types of compressors − the axial flow compressor and the centrifugal flow compressor. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 03|Compr Comp|A,B1 Page 6 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 3 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Components 03|Compr Comp|A,B1 Page 7 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 CENTRIFUGAL FLOW COMPRESSORS Centrifugal flow compressors are usually found on small gas turbine engines like APUs. The main components of a centrifugal flow compressor are: S the impeller, S the diffuser and S the compressor manifold. The impeller and the diffuser have the same function as the rotor and stator on the axial flow compressor. The operation of this compressor is as follows: As the impeller rotates, air is sucked in horizontally near to the centre of the impeller. The rotation pushes the air outwards by centrifugal force. This increases the air velocity and therefore the energy of the air. As the air flows through divergent ducts, which are formed by the impeller vanes, some of the velocity increase is converted into static pressure. The air then passes through the diffuser where the airflow velocity is decreased and the pressure is further increased. Centrifugal flow compressors can give pressure ratios of about 5:1. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 04|Centrif Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 8 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 4 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Centrifugal Flow Compressors 04|Centrif Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 9 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Centrifugal Flow Compressors cont. Some engines use multiple stages to give higher pressures. The airflow enters the engine in the normal way and then passes through the first stage. The output from the first stage then moves via a manifold to the second stage where the pressure is again increased. It has been found that only 2 stages are efficient. This is because of the pressure decrease that occurs when the airflow changes direction between the stages. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 05|Centrif Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 10 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 5 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Multiple Stage Centrifugal Compressor 05|Centrif Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 11 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Centrifugal Flow Compressors cont. Another option is the double entry type impeller. Here 2 impellers are mounted face to face. This is why this type is also named double face compressor. It does not give higher pressures, but it has a higher airflow at a given diameter because the air can enter from both sides. This saves weight and gives the engine a smaller frontal area. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 06|Centrif Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 12 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 6 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Double Face Compressor 06|Centrif Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 13 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSORS Airflow in an axial flow compressor is along the horizontal axis of the compressor. You will remember that this airflow is made by the rotor blades. You can see that the rotor blades and stator vanes are aerodynamically shaped. This aerodynamic shape smoothes the airflow through the compressor stages. Similar to the centrifugal compressor, the pressure increase is the result of 2 actions. Firstly the rotor increases the velocity and, therefore, the energy of the airflow and then this energy increase is changed into static pressure. This is caused by the diffuser−like shape of the channels between the stator vanes. You can see that the channels between the rotor blades are also diffusers. This means that the rotors not only increase the velocity of the airflow but also slow it down a little to increase the static pressure. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 07|Ax Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 14 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 7 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Axial Compressor Operation 07|Ax Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 15 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Axial Flow Compressors cont. Each stage of an axial flow compressor has a pressure ratio of about 1.3:1. This means that if the air pressure enters the first stage with 10 psi, then the air pressure is increased to 13 psi on the output side of that compressor stage. This pressure now becomes the input pressure to the next stage. To get the output pressure of the second stage, we multiply the pressure ratio of 1.3 and get an answer of 16.9 psi. This is the input pressure for the third stage and so on through the remaining compressor stages. You can see that the pressure increase at each stage is very small. Therefore, many stages are needed to raise the pressure to the high values necessary for efficient combustion. As the air pressure increases, its density also increases. This means that the air needs less volume. For this reason, the compressor cross section is gradually decreased. This keeps a constant velocity of the airflow through the compressor. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 08|Ax Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 16 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 8 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Multiple Stage Axial Compressor 08|Ax Fl Compr|A,B1 Page 17 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 COMPARISON OF COMPRESSOR TYPES Axial flow and centrifugal flow compressors have their own specific advantages and disadvantages. This makes each type applicable for different functions. Some engines, like the one in the graphic, combine the 2 types. Here is a list of advantages and disadvantages: S At optimum compressor speed, axial flow compressors are more efficient than centrifugal flow compressors. S Centrifugal flow compressors have a good efficiency over a wide speed range. S Engines with axial flow compressors cause less drag than engines with centrifugal flow compressors. This is because they have smaller frontal areas. S Engines with axial flow compressors can reach high total pressures by the addition of many compressor stages. S Centrifugal flow compressors have a very high pressure rise per stage. S Centrifugal flow compressors are simpler to manufacture and lower in costs compared to axial flow compressors. S Centrifugal flow compressors have a lower weight than axial flow compressors. S Centrifugal flow compressors need less power for engine start than axial flow compressors. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 09|Compar of Compr Types|A,B1 Page 18 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR TYPES Figure 9 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Comparison of Compressor Types 09|Compar of Compr Types|A,B1 Page 19 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 COMPRESSOR OPERATION NORMAL FLOW IN AXIAL COMPRESSORS In the last lesson you learned the difference between centrifugal flow and axial flow compressors. The 2 compressor types have one thing in common. They are very sensitive to changes in the airflow which passes through the compressor. This is because the engine compressors have only 1 optimum operating condition for a given pressure ratio, rotational speed and airflow. This condition is usually named the design point. At the design point the airflow in the compressor is perfectly matched. On the graphic you can see the first stage of an axial compressor. The airflow from the engine air inlet duct enters the rotor as shown. The arrows show the direction of the airflow before it enters the rotor. The length of the arrows represents the inlet velocity. The rotor speed gives us a second parameter for the inlet airflow. The arrow for the rotor speed points in the direction of rotation. The length of this arrow represents the speed of the rotor blades. For a smooth airflow into the rotor we need the correct relationship between the inlet velocity and the rotor speed. This direction of the airflow is named the resultant rotor inlet velocity. You can see that the resultant rotor inlet velocity is a result of the air inlet velocity and the rotor speed. We can say that the airflow into the rotor is smooth as long as the angle of attack to the rotor blades is small. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 01|Norm Fl in Ax Compr|A,B1 Page 20 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 10 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Airflow Changes at Compressor Rotor Blades 01|Norm Fl in Ax Compr|A,B1 Page 21 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Normal Flow in Axial Compressors cont. We now follow the airflow through the rotor. The shape of the rotor blades gives the direction for the airflow. The rotor speed arrow at the outlet is the same as at the inlet but the resultant outlet direction is different. The rotor speed strongly deflects the outlet airflow. This outlet airflow is now going in the correct direction for the inlet to the stator vanes. The stator vanes decelerate the airflow and guide it to the next rotor stage of the compressor. The stator outlet velocity and the rotor speed again give the direction for the next rotor blades. This airflow sequence continues through all the compressor stages. Remember that this condition is only optimum at one compressor speed. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 02|Norm Fl in Ax Compr|A,B1 Page 22 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 11 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Airflow Changes at Compressor Stator Vanes 02|Norm Fl in Ax Compr|A,B1 Page 23 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 COMPRESSOR STALL The airflow in the axial compressor is smooth as long as the angle of attack on the rotor blades and stator vanes is small. The angle of attack changes if the rotor speed or the inlet velocity changes. At a given rotor speed the angle of attack increases when the inlet air velocity decreases. If this occurs, the airflow separates from the compressor airfoils and causes a turbulent vortex. This airflow separation is named compressor stall. Compressor stall changes the proper airflow in the compressor. It causes the airflow to slow down, stop or even reverse its direction. Stall can occur at some airfoils only. It is then weak and almost unnoticeable. It can also occur at one or more compressor stages. The engine then runs roughly and the rotor speed decreases slightly. If the stall becomes stronger it can affect all compressor stages. This condition, named compressor surge, will be shown in more detail in the next segment. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 03|Compr Stall|A,B1 Page 24 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 12 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Stall 03|Compr Stall|A,B1 Page 25 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 COMPRESSOR SURGE Compressor surge is a very severe form of compressor stall. It is generated as follows: − a rapid decrease of airflow causes stall on some blades or stages. − The stall causes a blockage in the airflow which leads to a stronger stall in the subsequent stages. − This causes low pressure zones in which the airflow comes to a stop and reverses its direction. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 04|Compr Surge|A,B1 Page 26 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 13 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Surge 04|Compr Surge|A,B1 Page 27 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Compressor Surge cont. Surge can happen on all engine compressors. It can occur in the forward or in the aft compressor stages. Surge in the forward stages usually affects only a part of the compressor blades. This is because of the bigger dimensions of the blades. The effect on the compressor operation is not very dangerous. Surge in the aft stages develops very rapidly over a large part of the compressor. This behaviour is supported by the high pressure in the aft stages and by the short compressor blades. At a compressor surge in the aft stages, the airflow decreases rapidly and causes a strong reverse flow. In the extreme, this reverse flow could be from the combustion chamber back to the engine inlet. During compressor surge the airflow collapses and builds up again at very short intervals. It is usually very strong and comes with heavy vibrations and loud banging noises. The thrust decreases, the engine speed fluctuates and the exhaust gas temperature increases. Different methods are used to prevent these dangerous engine conditions. They will be shown later in this lesson. First we will look at the reasons which can cause compressor stall or surge. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 05|Compr Surge|A,B1 Page 28 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 14 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fwd and Aft Compressor Surge 05|Compr Surge|A,B1 Page 29 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 REASONS FOR STALL AND SURGE Compressor stall and surge is caused by problems in engine operation or by damaged engine components. All primary engine components can cause compressor stall if they are damaged. Dents or ice on the engine inlet cause turbulent or disrupted airflow which decrease the inlet velocity. Damaged rotor blades or stator vanes disturb the correct airflow and cause stall. Even dirty compressor blades or stator vanes can cause stall. Damaged or broken combustor components can cause a blockage in the airflow and decrease the velocity in the compressor. Damaged turbine components will decrease the airflow and dents in the jet nozzle or broken objects in the exhaust system can also cause a blockage to the airflow. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 06|Reasons|A,B1 Page 30 Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Salt on Airfoils FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Inlet Figure 15 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Reasons for Stall and Surge 06|Reasons|A,B1 Page 31 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Reasons for Stall and Surge cont. There are 2 operational reasons for compressor stall and surge. The compressor can stall if the speed of the engine is too far below the design speed and it can stall at incorrect acceleration or deceleration. Remember that the efficiency of the compressor stages decrease if the compressor operates below the design speed. On a large axial compressor it is very difficult to match all the stages. At very low speeds the efficiency of the forward compressor stages is much better than at the aft stages. This means that the forward stages supply too much air to the aft stages. The air piles up in the aft stages, then slows down, comes to a stop and reverses its direction. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 07|Reasons|A,B1 Page 32 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 16 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Stall due to Low Speed 07|Reasons|A,B1 Page 33 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Reasons for Stall and Surge cont. Fast deceleration causes a similar problem on dual and triple spool engines. This is because the rotor speed of the high pressure compressor decreases faster than that of the low pressure compressor. The low pressure compressor supplies too much airflow which cannot pass through the high pressure compressor. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 08|Reasons|A,B1 Page 34 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 17 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Stall due to Fast Deceleration 08|Reasons|A,B1 Page 35 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Reasons for Stall and Surge cont. Fast acceleration leads to too much fuel in the combustion chamber. This increases the backpressure in the combustion chamber for a while. The airflow through the compressor decreases and the compressor stalls. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 09|Reasons|A,B1 Page 36 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 18 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Stall due to fast Acceleration 09|Reasons|A,B1 Page 37 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 METHODS TO AVOID STALL AND SURGE You will find 3 different design methods on aircraft engines to prevent compressor stall and surge. One method uses compressor bleed valves. Another method is the use of dual or triple spool rotors instead of single spool rotors and the most modern method uses variable compressor stator vanes. Each of these methods can prevent stall on its own, but on most modern engines you will find a combination of 2 or 3 methods. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 10|Methods|A,B1 Page 38 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 19 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Methods to Avoid Stall and Surge 10|Methods|A,B1 Page 39 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Methods to avoid Stall and Surge cont. The use of compressor bleed valves is a simple and very effective method to avoid compressor stall and surge. You will find bleed valves in the mid section and sometimes in the aft section of the engine compressor. They are open at low engine speeds so that the excessive airflow from the forward stages can escape overboard. This prevents an airflow blockage in the aft compressor stages, but they have one big disadvantage: all the airflow, which is compressed first and then blown overboard, causes a big loss in efficiency. On large multistage axial compressors it is very difficult to match all stages for all speeds of the engine. Bleed valves would be necessary at several positions to guarantee safe operation. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 11|Methods|A,B1 Page 40 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 20 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Avoid Stall and Surge by Compressor Bleed Valves 11|Methods|A,B1 Page 41 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Methods to avoid Stall and Surge cont. A better method for these engines is to split the compressor rotor. On the dual spool engine the forward part is named the low pressure compressor or N1 compressor and the aft part is named the high pressure compressor or N2 compressor. You can see that each compressor rotor is driven by a separate turbine. Another advantage of this multiple spool engine design is its excellent acceleration capability. This is because of the smaller rotor mass of the split rotors. These advantages of a dual spool engine are even better on a triple spool engine. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 12|Methods|A,B1 Page 42 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 21 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Avoid Stall and Surge by Multiple Rotors 12|Methods|A,B1 Page 43 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Methods to avoid Stall and Surge cont. Variable stator vanes in the compressor are the most effective method to prevent stall. They are moveable along the vertical axis. You will find these variable stator vanes and variable inlet guide vanes in the forward stages of the high pressure compressor. The advantage of the variable stator vanes is that an optimum angle of attack on the following rotor blades can be reached for every engine speed. The compressor does not stall and it always operates at an optimum efficiency. The disadvantage is that it needs a very complicated control mechanism. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 13|Methods|A,B1 Page 44 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR OPERATION Figure 22 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Avoid Stall and Surge with Variable Stator Vanes 13|Methods|A,B1 Page 45 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM SYSTEM ORGANIZATION A compressor control system on a modern turbofan engine usually has a variable stator vane system and a variable bleed valve system. Additionally to these 2 subsystems some engines also have a compressor bleed valve system for the HP compressor. Each compressor control subsystem has control components, actuation components and feedback components. The control components are the control unit and several sensors on the engine. The control unit monitors the condition of the airflow in the engine compressors and gives control signals to the actuators of the compressor control system. The control components are either hydromechanical components or they are electrical components on FADEC controlled engines. The actuation components are mechanical components like actuators, rods, linkages and many other transmissions. The feedback components are either mechanical push−pull cables and linkages or electrical position sensors like LVDTs or RVDTs. The feedback components transmit the actual VBV or VSV position to the control unit. On some turbofan engines you can find additional compressor control components. These are HP compressor bleed valves. They are also controlled by the engine control unit, but they are usually pneumatically operated valves without a feedback system. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 01|System Org|B1 Page 46 Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV Actuator VBV Position Sensor FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! CIT Sensor VSV Feedback Cable Control Unit Figure 23 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Feedback Components 01|System Org|B1 Page 47 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 System Organization cont. On some turbofan engines you can find additional compressor control components. These are HP compressor bleed valves. They are also controlled by the engine control unit, but they are usually pneumatically operated valves without a feedback system. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 02|System Org|B1 Page 48 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 24 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HP Compressor Bleed Valves 02|System Org|B1 Page 49 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 CONTROL COMPONENTS We first look at the compressor control components of engines without a FADEC system. The main component is the engine control unit. It is often named main engine control or just MEC because it is used for fuel metering compressor control and active clearance control. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 03|Control Comp|B1 Page 50 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 25 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Control Schematic 03|Control Comp|B1 Page 51 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Control Components cont. For compressor control the MEC uses the core engine speed N2 and the compressor inlet temperature CIT. The MEC also gets information about the reverser operation. This is necessary because thrust reverser operation increases the danger of compressor surge. The N2 signal comes from the mechanical drive via the accessory gearbox. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 04|Control Comp|B1 Page 52 Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! CIT Sensor Figure 26 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Control Components 04|Control Comp|B1 Page 53 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Control Components cont. You usually find the CIT sensor in the fan frame between the LP and HP compressor. This sensor is usually a hydromechanical temperature sensor. It senses the air temperature and converts the temperature into a proportional fuel pressure. This fuel pressure is sensed by the MEC. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 05|Control Comp|B1 Page 54 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 27 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 CIT Sensor 05|Control Comp|B1 Page 55 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Control Components cont. On engines with a FADEC system the control unit for the compressor control is the ECU (Engine Control Unit). The ECU receives the N2, the CIT and the information about the reverser condition and it also receives additional signals to improve the compressor control. These signals are usually electric or pneumatic signals that differ from engine type to type. Some systems use the fan rotor speed N1, the engine inlet temperature T12 and mach numbers to improve the VBV control. Other systems also use the HP compressor discharge pressure Ps3 as a surge detection signal. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 06|Control Comp|B1 Page 56 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 28 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 ECU Signals for Compressor Control 06|Control Comp|B1 Page 57 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV SYSTEM ACTUATION COMPONENTS The variable stator vanes operate by hydraulic power via a mechanical transmission. There are one or two actuators for the VSV control mechanism depending on the engine type. The hydraulic fluid that operates the actuators is always fuel pressure from the MEC or from the HMU. You usually find the VSV actuators on each side of the HP compressor. They move large actuator levers equipped with several small push rods. The push rods are connected to actuation rings that surround the respective compressor stage. These so called unison rings move the individual VSVs via small lever arms. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 07|VSV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 58 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 29 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 VSV System Actuation Components 07|VSV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 59 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV System Actuation Components cont. The VSV actuator is a simple hydraulic actuator with two fuel ports named rod end port and head end port. The VSV actuator has a double acting hydraulic piston that can travel the full range between the closed stop and the open stop. It usually has a double seal with a seal drain to prevent fuel leakage. Fuel leakage across the inner seal is caught by the seal drain and drained to the engine drain mast via a drain line. This drain line also drains away any leakage at the fuel line couplings. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 08|VSV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 60 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 30 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 VSV Actuator 08|VSV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 61 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VBV SYSTEM ACTUATION COMPONENTS This segment shows 3 variable bleed valve systems that are used on modern turbofan engines and describes their mechanical components. One system uses flapper type variable bleed valves operated by hydraulic actuators. Another system that you can find on some CFM 56 engines also has the flapper type variable bleed valves, but they are operated by a hydraulic motor. The third system uses a bleed valve ring that opens and closes a circumferential slot in the LPC stator case. This ring is also operated by hydraulic actuators. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 09|VBV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 62 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 31 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 3 Bleed Valve Systems 09|VBV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 63 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VBV System Actuation Components cont. The VBV system with hydraulic actuators is similar to the VSV system. It has 2 actuators, one on each side of the fan frame. The actuators receive fuel pressure from the hydromechanical engine control unit. Via bellcranks the actuators rotate a unison ring that is connected with other bellcranks to the individual variable bleed valves. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 10|VBV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 64 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 32 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 VBV System with Hydraulic Actuators 10|VBV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 65 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VBV System Actuation Components cont. The VBV system with a hydraulic motor uses flexible drive shafts to operate the VBVs. The motor receives fuel pressure from the hydromechanical engine control unit and rotates the flexible drive shafts. Gearboxes on each VBV transmit the rotation to a small ballscrew actuator which operates the variable bleed valve. The ballscrew actuators translate the rotational movement from the drive shafts into a linear movement for the VBV. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 11|VBV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 66 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 33 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 VBV with Hydraulic Motor & Gearboxes 11|VBV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 67 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VBV System Actuation Components cont. A system with a ring shaped bleed valve is very simple in design. It is used, for example, on the V 2500 engine where it is called the booster stage bleed valve system. It has 2 hydraulic actuators, one on each side of the fan frame, to move the bleed valve ring. The actuators move the ring via actuating rods. The valve opens when the actuators push the ring forward so that air from the last stage of the LP compressor can escape into the fan discharge duct. The valve closes when the actuator pulls at the actuating rod. Like the flapper type variable bleed valves, this booster stage bleed valve can move in any position between fully closed and fully open. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 12|VBV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 68 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 34 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Ring Shaped Bleed Valve 12|VBV Sys Act Comp|B1 Page 69 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FEEDBACK COMPONENTS Feedback systems for VSVs and VBVs are either mechanical systems on engines with hydromechanical control units, or they are electrical systems on engines with FADEC. Mechanical feedback systems usually have flexible push−pull feedback cables that are connected between the control unit and the VSVs or VBVs. They are similar for the VSVs and VBVs. As an example we take a closer look at the VSV feedback cable. On the engine in the photo the feedback cable is attached to the left hand VSV actuator lever via a bellcrank. The VSV feedback cable is attached to the actuator lever by an adjustable rod and a bellcrank. The conduit of this cable is clamped to a bracket on the compressor case. At the main engine control the conduit of the cable is attached to the housing and the inner member is bolted to a lever arm. The attachment at the main engine control is adjustable so that the feedback cable can be rigged to the correct length. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 13|Feedback Comp|B1 Page 70 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 35 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 VSV Feedback Cable 13|Feedback Comp|B1 Page 71 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Feedback Components cont. Electrical feedback systems have position sensors to transmit the VSV or VBV position to the engine control unit. These sensors are either attached to the actuation mechanism or they are integral components of the hydraulic actuators. The electrical connector on the hydraulic actuator shows that it has an internal position sensor. Electrical position sensors are usually LVDTs or RVDTs that you have probably seen before in other lessons. They convert mechanical deflection into proportional electrical signals for the ECU. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 14|Feedback Comp|B1 Page 72 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 36 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Electrical VSV / VBV Feedback 14|Feedback Comp|B1 Page 73 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Feedback Components cont. You can also find separate LVDTs on some engines with hydromechanical engine control units. These engines are then operated on aircraft with a condition monitoring system. Via this condition monitoring system the maintenance personnel can get the VSV and VBV position at any time on a printed report. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 15|Feedback Comp|B1 Page 74 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 37 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 LVDTs 15|Feedback Comp|B1 Page 75 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV / VBV SYSTEM OPERATION In this segment you will see how the compressor control operates. The airflow in the engine compressors changes when the rotational speed of the compressors change. It also changes slightly when the temperature of the air changes. Therefore for compressor control, the engine rotor speed and the air temperature are the most important parameters. The variable stator vanes are used to provide an optimum angle of attack to the compressor blades at all engine speeds. They ensure a stall free operation at low engine speeds, a good acceleration performance and an optimum pressure ratio at all engine speeds. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 16|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 76 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 38 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Control Parameters 16|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 77 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV / VBV System Operation cont. On the diagram you can see the relation between the engine speed and the VSV position. This curve is called the VSV schedule. At high rotor speeds the VSVs are in the high speed position and at low speeds they are in the low speed position. Note that some engine manufacturers use the terms VSV open or VSV closed, but as you can see, the VSV are never physically closed. This VSV schedule applies for one air inlet temperature only. This means it changes with the air temperature. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 17|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 78 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV Schedule FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 39 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 VSV Schedule 17|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 79 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV / VBV System Operation cont. The control of the variable bleed valves also depends on the engine speed and on the air temperature, but the VBV movement is opposite to the VSV movement. You can easily see on the diagram that the VBVs are open when the VSVs are closed and vice versa. Open VBVs can become very critical during maintenance in the fan frame area because pieces may drop through the valves into the engine. The VBVs can be closed by a hand pump connected to the VBV actuators. On some engines, however, the VBV position is not critical because either the upper VBV area is protected by a screen or some FADEC systems close also the VBVs at each engine shut down. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 18|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 80 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 40 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 VBV Schedule 18|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 81 Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV / VBV System Operation cont. Let us now look at the operation of a VSV control system. The VBV control is similar and therefore will not be covered here. The example below shows a simplified VSV system on a FADEC engine with the engine control unit, the hydromechanical unit, one of the VSV actuators and the mechanical linkage to the VSVs. The ECU always calculates a VSV demand signal based on the actual engine speed and compressor inlet temperature. This demand signal, for example 10mV, is sent to the summation point in the ECU. If the VSV actuator is in the correct position for the VSV demand, the signal from the LVDT is equal to the demand signal. This results in a 0mV signal to the torque motor of the VSV servo valve. With the 0mV signal the torque motor moves the VSV servo valve to its neutral position. In this position the head end port and the rod end port to the VSV actuator are closed. If the engine speed increases, the ECU calculates a new higher demand signal. Compared with the feedback signal it now results in a torque motor signal and the VSV pilot valve moves down. Fuel pressure gets to the head end port of the VSV actuator and the VSVs move towards open. The VSVs stop when the feedback signal is equal to the demand signal and the VSV servo valve returns to neutral. The closing of the VSVs is similar. The plunger of the VSV pilot valve moves up to supply fuel pressure to the rod end port of the VSV actuator. HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 19|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 82 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 41 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Operation of VSV Control System 19|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 83 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 VSV / VBV System Operation cont. The VSV operation on an engine with a hydromechanical control unit uses hydromechanical signals instead of electrical signals. The engine speed signal and the CIT signal act on a 3−dimensional cam. This 3−D cam that you already know from the fuel metering system also operates the VSV servo valve. The signal from a mechanical feedback cable returns the servo valve to neutral when the VSVs have reached their demanded position. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 20|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 84 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 42 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 VSV Operation / Hydromechanical 20|VSV/VBV Sys Oper|B1 Page 85 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 HPC BLEED VALVE HP compressor bleed valves are usually installed in the mid and aft stages of the HP compressor. The number of HP bleed valves on an engine differs from type to type. Some engines have no HP bleed valves at all and others have up to 4 of them. Because of the same reason, the valves are used differently. On some engines HP compressor bleed valves are used for all operating conditions and on others they are used for starting or acceleration and deceleration only. There are also many different names for these valves. They are called start bleed valves if they are used for engine starting only or they are called transient bleed valves if they are used for acceleration and deceleration only. Sometimes theses valves are also known as handling bleed valves. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 21|HPC Bleed Valve|B1 Page 86 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 43 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HP Compressor Bleed Valves 21|HPC Bleed Valve|B1 Page 87 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 HPC Bleed Valve cont. HP compressor bleed valves are usually pneumatically operated valves. The pneumatic pressure comes from the last stages of the HP compressor. On some engines they are also pneumatically controlled by a bleed valve controller but on most modern engines they are electrically controlled by the engine control unit via solenoid valves. Below you can see a simplified HP compressor bleed valve system. The bleed valves are usually spring-loaded open as shown. The HP compressor bleed valve closes if the air pressure at this compressor stage is strong enough to overcome the spring force. It opens at any time when the compressor is likely to surge. This is controlled by the ECU. To control the HP bleed valves the ECU receives the rotor speed, the aircraft altitude and the information about reverser operation. With this information it calculates when to open or close the respective HP compressor bleed valves. To open the HP compressor bleed valves the ECU energizes the respective solenoid valve. When, for example, during acceleration, the solenoid is energized, PS3 pressure can reach the bleed valve and pushes it open. Excessive air in the compressor escapes. This prevents compressor surges. When the engine has reached a safe speed, the ECU de−energizes the solenoid and the bleed valve closes. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 22|HPC Bleed Valve|B1 Page 88 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM Figure 44 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Open HP Compressor Bleed Valves 22|HPC Bleed Valve|B1 Page 89 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE INTRODUCTION Major modules are usually built up of individual sub−modules. These sub−modules are not identical on all engines because they are defined by the engine manufacturers. In this segment we take a closer look at 2 examples of fan modules. The first example shows a CFM56 fan module. You can see that it is split up into 4 sub-modules. These are S the fan rotor and booster module, S the number 1 and 2 bearing module, S the inlet gear box S and the fan frame module. Each of these main components will be discussed in detail in other segments. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 01|Intro|A,B1 Page 90 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 45 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Module 01|Intro|A,B1 Page 91 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Introduction cont. In the next example you can see individual components of the Pratt and Whitney 4000 fan module. Fan blades provide the initial compression and then pass the compressed air to the engine primary and secondary gas paths. The LPC/LPT coupling attaches and secures the LPC rotor to the LPT shaft. This part is also called a forward shaft on other engines. The low pressure compressor is driven by the LP turbine via the LPT shaft. The fan stator cases give a flow path for the fan discharge air. They also connect the engine with the nacelle. The intermediate case is a major structural component of the engine. It also has mounting locations for many engine components. On other engines this part is also known as the fan frame. The sub−modules are manufactured depending on engine type, size and manufacturing requirements. This means that you do not find the same sub−modules on all aircraft engines. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 02|Intro|A,B1 Page 92 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 46 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Module Components 02|Intro|A,B1 Page 93 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 SPINNER CONE The fan rotor is a typical sub−module of a main fan module. The fan rotor can be generally divided into S the spinner cone, S the fan disc, S the fan blades S and the low pressure compressor rotor, which is also known as the booster rotor. The spinner cone is also known as the compressor inlet cone or nose cone. It covers the end of the fan rotor disc and creates a smooth aerodynamic fairing at the engine inlet. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 03|Spinner Cone|A,B1 Page 94 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 47 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Spinner Cone 03|Spinner Cone|A,B1 Page 95 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Spinner Cone cont. You can see that the spinner cone has either a curved front or a sharp tip. These 2 design shapes minimize ice build−up on the outer surface of the spinner cone. On some engines the spinner cone is heated with warm air, which escapes through anti−ice holes. This also helps to prevent ice build−up. On other engines, like modern Rolls Royce engines or the V2500 engine, the spinner cone has a soft tip. This soft tip causes a small imbalance during operation which prevents large ice build−up. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 04|Spinner Cone|A,B1 Page 96 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 48 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Spinner Cone Ice Protection 04|Spinner Cone|A,B1 Page 97 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Spinner Cone cont. On most spinner cones a spiral is drawn on the outer surface. Spirals or white markings on the spinner cone are used to scare birds away. The spinner cone can be designed as a single component as shown on the graphic or it can be split into more parts as you will find on many other engines. The cone is always attached to the front face of the fan disc. Balance weights can be attached to the mounting bolts of the spinner cone or they can be installed into threaded inserts at the outer surface of the spinner cone. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 05|Spinner Cone|A,B1 Page 98 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 49 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Spinner Cone Attachment 05|Spinner Cone|A,B1 Page 99 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FAN BLADE ATTACHMENT The fan rotor disc is a very large disc made of titanium alloy. It is attached to the forward rotor shaft and the rotor drum of the LPC. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 06|Fan Blade Attachm|A,B1 Page 100 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 50 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Blades and Rotor Disk 06|Fan Blade Attachm|A,B1 Page 101 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan Blade Attachment cont. The fan rotor disc helps to support the fan blades. The fan blades are mounted individually in the fan rotor disc and the blade root is specially shaped to fit into the the blade seat on the fan rotor disc. A dovetailed fitting is used on most engines. Fan blades are usually held in place by blade retainers or on other engines, the fan blades are attached to the rotor disc by bolts or cylindrical pins. Note that each mounting method makes sure that movement between the blade root and blade seat is possible. A loose fit is necessary so that sudden forces or torque loads do not exceed the maximum allowable stress limits of the fan blades. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 07|Fan Blade Attachm|A,B1 Page 102 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 51 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Blade Attachment 07|Fan Blade Attachm|A,B1 Page 103 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FORCES AND LOADS ON ROTOR BLADES Stress on rotor blades is frequently caused by forces such as centrifugal forces and air loads. Air loads, which result from pressure and air resistance, are not even and vary when the blades rotate. These variations arise from disturbances in the inlet airflow. For example the blade stress changes very rapidly if the blade passes through an area of turbulent air. If you look at the forces that act on a typical blade, you can see that there are centrifugal forces, which push the blade firmly into its seat and air loads, which bend the blade. The air loads act on the blades in the direction shown by the arrows on the top view. A loose blade attachment is a good method to keep the blade stress within safe limits. Sudden excessive loads can cause the blade to deflect in its seat, but the centrifugal forces usually centre the blade again after the excessive loads are gone. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 08|Forces&Loads|A,B1 Page 104 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 52 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Rotor Blade Forces and Loads 08|Forces&Loads|A,B1 Page 105 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Forces and Loads on Rotor Blades cont. On long rotor blades you can often find another method to keep these forces within safe limits. Long rotor blades have shrouds. The shrouds form a ring on the fan rotor. The shrouds on the rotor blades are sometimes called mid−span shrouds or part−span shrouds depending on the engine manufacturer. The shrouds help to keep the fan blade deflection within safe limits when very heavy loads act upon them. For example heavy vibration, stones or birds. At very high loads the blades deflect rearwards and forward. They slide on the contact surfaces of the shrouds. This converts the energy of the fluttering blade into friction therefore dampening the blade fluttering. The shroud surface is covered with a special coating. This coating makes sure that the blades can easily slide on each other. If they could not slide, because of dry contact surfaces, the fan blades will overstress and the blades shrouds would break. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 09|Forces&Loads|A,B1 Page 106 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 53 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Mid - Span Shrouds 09|Forces&Loads|A,B1 Page 107 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 WIDE CHORD FAN BLADES On modern gas turbine engines you often find so called wide chord fan blades. These fan blades do not have shrouds because of their special design. The blades are either S hollow, S made of titanium sheets which are bonded together, S made of a bonded titanium honeycomb sandwich construction S or they are made of a composite material with a titanium leading edge. The main advantages of these wide chord fan blades are that they are more efficient than conventional blades. They can run with a lower speed which reduces noise and they are very flexible. The wide chord blade can withstand foreign object damage much better than the conventional fan blade because of its high flexibility. This is because the impact energy can be absorbed by the total blade span. On a shrouded fan blade all the impact energy must be absorbed by the blade tip. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 10|Wide Ch Fan Bld|A,B1 Page 108 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 54 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Wide Chord Fan Blades 10|Wide Ch Fan Bld|A,B1 Page 109 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 LOW PRESSURE COMPRESSOR - ROTOR & STATOR Another sub-module of the fan module is the low pressure compressor module. It is also called the booster module. The number of compressor stages in the low pressure compressor differ from engine to engine, but the main components are usually the same. They are S the rotor drum, S the stator case, S the airflow splitter fairing S and the interstage seals. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 11|LPC R&S|A,B1 Page 110 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 55 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Low Pressure Compressor Module 11|LPC R&S|A,B1 Page 111 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Low Pressure Compressor - Rotor & Stator cont. The rotor drum of the low pressure compressor is attached to the fan disc. The drum has dovetail slots around its circumference. These slots are for the rotor blades of each stage. Between the dovetail slots there are rings with sharp edges for the labyrinth seal. The labyrinth seal is made by the knife edges on the rotor drum and by the opposing shrouds of the stator assembly. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 12|LPF R&S|A,B1 Page 112 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 56 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 LPC Rotor Drum 12|LPF R&S|A,B1 Page 113 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Low Pressure Compressor - Rotor & Stator cont. The shrouds of the stator assembly are either plain metal surfaces or they are made up of individual segments. These segments are filled with a soft abradable material where the knife edges can cut in. This cut−in creates a very small gap between the rotor assembly and the shroud and therefore improves the efficiency of the compressor. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 13|LPC R&S|A,B1 Page 114 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 57 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 LPC Stator Assembly and Shrouds 13|LPC R&S|A,B1 Page 115 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Low Pressure Compressor - Rotor & Stator cont. The LPC stator case assembly encloses the LPC rotor and supports the stator vanes of the low pressure compressor. Usually the stator vanes are attached to the stator case in circumferential dovetail slots or sometimes the vanes are bolted to the case. The individual stator vanes are usually fitted together to make these vane segments. There are 2 different construction methods of a compressor stator case. You either find a closed stator case or a split stator case. At a closed stator case the stator vanes are fitted to the shrouds between the rotor stages and the case segments for each stage are subsequently matched during assembly. On a split stator case all vanes are installed in 2 stator halves and bolted together afterwards. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 14|LPC R&S|A,B1 Page 116 Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Closed Stator Case Split Stator Case Figure 58 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 LPC Stator Case and Vanes 14|LPC R&S|A,B1 Page 117 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FAN CASE ASSEMBLY The fan case assembly houses the fan rotor and the low pressure compressor and it has the following main components. S The fan case, S the inner lining, S an abradable shroud, S the fan blade containment S and the outlet guide vanes. On modern turbofan engines the fan case has one or more ring elements, which are bolted together. Flanges on the outer surface of the case help to stiffen the case and prevent deformation. On small turbofan engines the fan case is usually made of a single piece. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 15|Fan Case Assemb|A,B1 Page 118 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 59 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Case Main Components 15|Fan Case Assemb|A,B1 Page 119 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan Case Assembly cont. You will find lining elements on the inner surface of the fan case. These linings provide a smooth surface for the airflow in the fan duct. If you take a close look at these lining elements, you can see that they have a very special design. There are many small holes on the surface of the lining. The linings, which are often called acoustic panels, are found on the inner surface of the fan case. The holes on this surface reduce the noise created by the fan. The outer surface of the acoustic linings is very thin to save weight. Note that it can be easily damaged by FOD, tools or incorrect maintenance. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 16|Fan Case Assemb|A,B1 Page 120 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 60 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Acoustic Panels 16|Fan Case Assemb|A,B1 Page 121 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan Case Assembly cont. The shrouded area on the fan case has a special surface instead of the acoustic panels. This surface is made of a soft material which prevents damage to the fan blades if they come into contact with the shroud. The shrouded area is known as the abradable shroud. The tips of the fan blade can cut into the shroud if they are running at high speeds. This lets the fan blades run with a very small tip clearance and with maximum efficiency. Opposite to the abradable shroud on the outer wall of the fan case you usually find a strengthening ring element, which is known as the fan blade containment. This ring element is made of a honeycomb construction covered by layers of Kevlar. Kevlar, as you probably know, is a very strong material which is also used to make bullet proof vests. The fan blade containment prevents a fan blade from penetrating the fan case if it breaks during high speed operation. On other engines there is an extra thick fan case in the area of the fan blades for the same purpose. The outlet guide vanes are installed in the fan duct behind the fan blades. They are bolted to the fan case and serve as stator vanes for the fan stage. They are usually made of aluminium or of composite material. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 17|Fan Case Assemb|A,B1 Page 122 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 61 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Abradable Shroud, Fan Blade Containment and OGV 17|Fan Case Assemb|A,B1 Page 123 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FAN FRAME The next main component of the fan module between the low pressure compressor and high pressure compressor is the fan frame. On other engines this sub-module is also called the intermediate case. The fan frame is one of the main structural components of the engine. It has 4 main sections: S the outer case, S some struts, S an internal structure S and a centre hub. The centre hub supports the forward bearings of the engine rotors. It also houses the internal gearbox on the forward end of the N2−rotor shaft. Around the centre hub is the internal structure which divides the fan air duct from the core engine duct. In the internal structure of the fan frame you will often find variable bleed valves (VBVs). These bleed valves are used to protect the LPC against surge. The variable bleed valves bleed off excessive air from the low pressure compressor into the fan discharge duct. On the aft side of the fan frame you will also find the forward engine mount. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 18|Fan Frame|A,B1 Page 124 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 62 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Frame 18|Fan Frame|A,B1 Page 125 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan Frame cont. The outer surface of the fan frame case gives support for engine equipment like ignition exciters, oil tanks or computers. The fan frame struts connect the internal and external sections of the fan frame together. They carry the loads from the engine bearings to the engine mount. The struts are aerodynamically shaped in the areas where they reach through the fan duct and through the core engine duct. This design reduces the drag of airflow as much as possible. The struts are always hollow to save weight. Another advantage of their design is that all supply lines between the outer case and the inner bearing sump can be routed through these hollow struts. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 19|Fan Frame/A/B1 Page 126 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE Figure 63 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Frame and Struts 19|Fan Frame/A/B1 Page 127 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 MAINTENANCE PRACTICES FAN BLADE MOMENT WEIGHTS Imbalance to the fan rotor occurs if you remove material from a blade. Another cause of imbalance is if you have to replace fan blades. You get an imbalance because of the difference in moment weights between the fan blades. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 01|Fan Bld Moment Weight|A,B1 Page 128 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Figure 64 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Blade Imbalance 01|Fan Bld Moment Weight|A,B1 Page 129 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan blade Moment Weights cont. Imbalance to the fan rotor occurs if you remove material from a blade. Another cause of imbalance is if you have to replace fan blades. You get an imbalance because of the difference in moment weights between the fan blades. A rotor can run free of vibration if the fan blades that are opposite to each other create identical centrifugal forces. The centrifugal forces, however, depend on 3 parameters. These are S the rotor speed, S the blade mass S and the distance of the centre of gravity of the fan blade from the rotational axis. The moment weight is the product of the blade mass and the distance of the centre of gravity from the rotational axis. It is worked out by a special blade scale. The moment weight changes with the blade mass and with the position of the centre of gravity of the fan blade. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 02|Fan Bld Moment Weight|A,B1 Page 130 Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Moment Weight Scale Figure 65 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Moment Weight Calculation 02|Fan Bld Moment Weight|A,B1 Page 131 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan Blade Moment Weights cont. Fan blades have a different moment weight even if they have the same mass. This is because the centre of gravity of each fan blade is different because of manufacturing tolerances. Note also that the moment weight can be given by different dimensions on different types of engines. You may find the moment weight given S in gram inches S or in cmg S or in oz inches. You may remember that fan blades cannot be manufactured to have the same moment weight. For example, you will find that the fan blades on a CFM56−3 engine have moment weights that vary between 29001 gram inches and 33951 gram inches. This means that you will usually not find 2 fan blades with the same moment weight. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 03|Fan Bld Mom Weight|A,B1 Page 132 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Figure 66 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Different Moment Weight Dimensions 03|Fan Bld Mom Weight|A,B1 Page 133 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan Blade Moment Weights cont. You can usually see the moment weight at the blade root. On the blade root you will find several numbers. There is a part number which is the same for all the fan blades on this engine type, a serial number which identifies each individual blade that has been manufactured. And finally there is the moment weight. Sometimes the moment weight is crossed out and another number is shown. If the moment weight of a fan blade has changed because of blending, the original weight is crossed out and the new moment weight is marked on the root next to it. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 04|Fan Bld Mom Weight|A,B1 Page 134 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Figure 67 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Numbers on Fan Blade Root 04|Fan Bld Mom Weight|A,B1 Page 135 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 COMPUTERIZED FAN BLADE DISTRIBUTION All the blades with their individual moment weights are generally matched on the fan disc by computerized balancing. The computer works out the best position for each blade on a fan disc. A numbering system is used to place the fan blades on the disc. Fan blade no.1 can usually be identified by an index mark on the fan disc or by a so called offset hole. From fan blade number 1 onwards the other fan blades are numbered as specified by the engine manufacturer. Often the blades are numbered in the direction of the rotation but on some engines they may also be numbered in the opposite direction of the rotation. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 05|Comput Fan Bl Distr|A,B1 Page 136 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Blade No.1 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Figure 68 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Blade Numbering System 05|Comput Fan Bl Distr|A,B1 Page 137 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Computerized Fan Blade Distribution cont. We will now look at an example of how the fan blades are matched on a fan rotor. All moment weights of the necessary 36 fan blades for a fan rotor are given to a computer. The computer works out the best position for the fan blades and prints a report like the one shown in the table. The table tells you the position of each fan blade on the fan disc. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 06|Comput Fan Bl Distr|A,B1 Page 138 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Figure 69 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Computerized Fan Blade Distribution 06|Comput Fan Bl Distr|A,B1 Page 139 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FAN BLADE CHANGE If you have to change single fan blades, then 2 methods are proposed by the engine manufacturers. The best method is to replace the blade with a new blade that has a moment weight which is as close as possible to the old one. If the difference in moment weight between the old and new blade is small enough (as specified by the manufacturer), then often no further balancing is needed. If the difference is larger than specified by the manufacturer, then you can use balance weights. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 07|Fan Bl Change|A,B1 Page 140 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Figure 70 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Fan Blade Replacement Methods 07|Fan Bl Change|A,B1 Page 141 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan Blade Change cont. Balance weights are used to balance the difference in the moment weight of the old and new fan blades. These balance weights are installed on the fan disc or in the spinner cone. Many different balance weights can be installed into the spinner cone. This means that on these engines you must put the spinner cone back in exactly the same position as before. That is why an off−set mounting hole is used to find the correct position. If you must use balance screws, then you must calculate which screws to use. The calculation method is explained in the relevant maintenance manuals. The other method for changing single fan blades is to always change a pair of blades with similar moment weights even if only one blade is damaged. This means that you replace the damaged blade and also the blade which is opposite to the damaged one. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 08|Fan Bl Change|A,B1 Page 142 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS MAINTENANCE PRACTICES Figure 71 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Balance Weights 08|Fan Bl Change|A,B1 Page 143 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR INTRODUCTION The graphic shows an example of a classic design of a high pressure compressor on a single shaft jet engine. The main components of this compressor are: S a compressor inlet case, S a compressor rotor with rotor blades, S a compressor case with stator vanes S and a compressor outlet case. The compressor inlet case supports the bearing of the front end of the rotor. The bearing is located at the hub of the inlet case. Several struts connect the hub to the outer part of the inlet case. The compressor rotor mainly has a drum which supports the rotor blades. The drum is made up of several discs which are connected together. There is a drive shaft from the turbine connected to the end of the rotor. The compressor case is the structural connection between the compressor inlet case and the compressor outlet case. It supports the stator vanes of the compressor and forms the outer wall of the compressor gas path. The compressor outlet case is between the last compressor stage and the combustion section. The case supports the stator vanes of the last compressor stage and the centre section of the outlet case also supports the rear bearing of the compressor rotor. The compressor outlet case is often named the diffuser case because the gas path through the case is a divergent duct. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 01|Intro|A,B1 Page 144 Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Rotor Blade Stator Vane Compressor Outlet Case Inlet Case Rotor Drum Strut Drive Shaft from Turbine FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Inlet Case Hub with Bearing Rotor Disc Figure 72 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Compressor Rotor Compressor Rear Compressor Bearing Case Combustion System Mounting Flange HPC on Single Shaft Engine 01|Intro|A,B1 Page 145 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Introduction cont. On a twin spool engine the high pressure compressor is behind the low pressure compressor. You can find the high pressure compressor inlet case between the 2 compressors. It is known as the fan frame or the intermediate case because of its position. On modern high bypass engines the fan frame carries out the same function as the compressor inlet case. On modern engines the combustion case and the compressor outlet case are combined in one component. The diffuser is part of the combustion case. The rear bearing of the high pressure compressor is usually in the combustion case between the compressor and turbine. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 02|Intro|A,B1 Page 146 Lufthansa Technical Training FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Fan Frame Figure 73 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC on Twin Spool Engine 02|Intro|A,B1 Page 147 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 ROTOR ASSEMBLY A typical high pressure compressor rotor has S a rotor drum, S a forward hub, S a rear hub S and the rotor blades mounted on the drum. There are 2 different construction methods for a compressor rotor. In the older method, the disc type rotor is assembled from individual discs and spacers. These components and the rotor hubs are bolted together with bolts or long tie rods as you can see in the graphic. Many tie rods are necessary to keep the discs together. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 03|Rotor Assemb|A,B1 Page 148 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 74 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Disc Type Rotor and Components 03|Rotor Assemb|A,B1 Page 149 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Rotor Assembly cont. Modern high pressure compressors have a larger number of stages ranging from 9 up to 14 resulting in lots of individual rotor parts. The manufacturers aim is to have as few parts to assemble as possible. So a design commonly used on modern engines is of a rotor assembled from 2 or more integral drums. In the example the compressor rotor has S a forward drum, S a centre drum S and a rear drum. Each of these drums is bolted to the adjacent drum and a separate disc. The drums are connected to rotor discs by bolted joints. Note that the rear drum is also bolted to the rear hub. The forward hub is at the front end of the rotor. The rotor drums are made by welding individual discs together at their circumference joint. This forms a spacer between 2 discs as shown on the enlarged cross section graphic. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 04|Rotor Assemb|A,B1 Page 150 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 75 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Rotor made of Discs and Drums 04|Rotor Assemb|A,B1 Page 151 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Rotor Assembly cont. On the outer surface of this compressor you can see groups of knife edges between the blade rows. These knife edges are part of the seals formed by the stator vanes and the compressor rotor. The knife edges form a labyrinth seal with the seal surface on the stator vanes. This seal prevents reverse airflow through the gap between the rotor and the stator. Each HP compressor always has a CDP seal which is located behind the last compressor stage. Here it is a separate disc with knife edges. This seal prevents that the compressor discharge airflow can escape into the bearing area below the combustion chamber. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 05|Rotor Assemb|A,B1 Page 152 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 76 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Rotor Seals 05|Rotor Assemb|A,B1 Page 153 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 ROTOR BLADE FITTING There are usually 3 different ways to fit rotor blades to a HP compressor rotor. Two of these ways are used on this compressor rotor. The first 2 stages on this compressor have axial dovetail slots in the rotor discs. Rotor blades with dovetail shaped roots can be fitted into these slots. The blades are held in place by blade retainers. This prevents axial movement. The blade retainers are fitted into circumferential slots on the front face of the disc. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 06|Rotor Bld Fitt|A,B1 Page 154 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 77 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Rotor Blades with axial Dovetail Roots 06|Rotor Bld Fitt|A,B1 Page 155 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Rotor Blade Fitting cont. On compressor stages with small rotor blades the discs have circumferential dovetail slots. Each dovetail slot has 1 loading slot and 1 or 2 locking slots. All the blades of 1 stage are inserted through a loading slot into a dovetail slot. The blades are secured by a locking lug when all the blades for 1 stage have been inserted. The locking lug is held in position in a locking slot and kept in place by a screw. The third attachment method uses bolts. The bolt is inserted through the disc and into the blade root of each blade and locked by locking elements. This kind of blade fitting is mainly used for the long blades at the first compressor stages. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 07|Rotor Blde Fitt|A,B1 Page 156 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 78 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Rotor Blades with circumf. Dovetail Slots 07|Rotor Blde Fitt|A,B1 Page 157 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Rotor Blade Fitting cont. The third attachment method uses bolts. The bolt is inserted through the disc and into the blade root of each blade and locked by locking elements. This kind of blade fitting is mainly used for the long blades at the first compressor stages. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 08|Rotor Blde Fitt|A,B1 Page 158 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 79 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Rotor Blade Attachment Methods 08|Rotor Blde Fitt|A,B1 Page 159 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 STATOR ASSEMBLY The high pressure compressor case of a typical turbofan engine is split into a front compressor case and a rear compressor case. The front compressor case is usually made of 2 halves with a bolted centreline joint. It supports the stator vanes in the first compressor stages. Usually the rear compressor case is made of 2 halves, but it can also be made as one single piece. The rear compressor case is enclosed by the rear portion of the front compressor case. The front compressor case supports structural loads such as bending and torsion so that the inner rear compressor case does not become deformed by the loads. This design principle allows closer clearances between the blade tips and the compressor case. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 09|Stator Assemb|A,B1 Page 160 Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Rear Compressor Case Figure 80 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Cases 09|Stator Assemb|A,B1 Page 161 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Stator Assembly cont. Stator vanes can be grouped into segments or they can also be installed as single vanes. They are usually installed in circumferential dovetail slots. Usually the inner ends of the vane segments have an inner platform to minimize vibrations caused by the airflow. The vane segments have a seal surface for the labyrinth seal on the inner side of the inner platform. On some engines abradable linings are installed in the high pressure compressor case. The abradable linings are located on the inner compressor case wall opposite the tips of the rotor blades. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 10|Stator Assemb|A,B1 Page 162 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 81 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Stator Vanes 10|Stator Assemb|A,B1 Page 163 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Stator Assembly cont. Often compressors with high compression ratios have variable stator vanes in the first stages. Variable stator vanes have a trunnion at each end. The outer trunnion fits into a hole in the compressor case. The inner trunnion of the vane sits in a hole in the inner shroud of the vanes. The variable stator vanes are installed together with an actuation lever, a bushing and some washers and are held in place by a nut. To actuate the vanes, all the actuation levers of 1 compressor stage are connected to the same actuation ring. So, all the VSVs move simultaneously. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 11|Stator Assemb|A,B1 Page 164 Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Variable Stator Vanes Figure 82 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 Variable Stator Vanes 11|Stator Assemb|A,B1 Page 165 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 COMPRESSOR BLEED PICK - UPS The HP compressor is the source of pressurized air for the pneumatic system and also for engine related purposes. For this task the compressor stator case has openings to supply the bleed air. Bleed air is taken from different stages of the high pressure compressor. The engine manufacturer selects the position of the bleed pick−ups on the HP compressor depending on the pressure that is reached at each compressor stage. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 12|Compr Bl Pick−Ups|A,B1 Page 166 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 83 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Bleed System 12|Compr Bl Pick−Ups|A,B1 Page 167 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 Compressor Bleed Pick - ups cont. The bleed air is supplied through hollow stator vanes or through holes in the outer platform of the stator vanes. The bleed pick−up holes are located around the whole compressor case. Bleed manifolds collect the bleed air from the pick−up holes and supply it to the respective consumers. On some engines the bleed manifolds are formed by the outer compressor case. Bleed ducts are fitted on the manifolds. FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 13|Compr Bl Pick−Ups|A,B1 Page 168 EJAMF Gas Turbine Engine MODULE 15 FOR TRAINING PURPOSES ONLY! Lufthansa Technical Training COMPRESSORS HP COMPRESSOR Figure 84 HAM US/F SwD 01.04.2008 HPC Bleed Pick - Up Holes 13|Compr Bl Pick−Ups|A,B1 Page 169 EJ M15.04 B1 E TABLE OF CONTENTS M15.04 COMPRESSORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 COMPRESSOR TYPES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPRESSOR COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CENTRIFUGAL FLOW COMPRESSORS . . . . . . . . . . . . AXIAL FLOW COMPRESSORS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPARISON OF COMPRESSOR TYPES . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 8 14 18 COMPRESSOR OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . NORMAL FLOW IN AXIAL COMPRESSORS . . . . . . . . . COMPRESSOR STALL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPRESSOR SURGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . REASONS FOR STALL AND SURGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . METHODS TO AVOID STALL AND SURGE . . . . . . . . . . 20 20 24 26 30 38 COMPRESSOR CONTROL SYSTEM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SYSTEM ORGANIZATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CONTROL COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VSV SYSTEM ACTUATION COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . VBV SYSTEM ACTUATION COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . FEEDBACK COMPONENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VSV / VBV SYSTEM OPERATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC BLEED VALVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 46 50 58 62 70 76 86 LP COMPRESSOR AND FAN MODULE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SPINNER CONE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAN BLADE ATTACHMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FORCES AND LOADS ON ROTOR BLADES . . . . . . . . . WIDE CHORD FAN BLADES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOW PRESSURE COMPRESSOR - ROTOR & STATOR FAN CASE ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAN FRAME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 90 94 100 104 108 110 118 124 MAINTENANCE PRACTICES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FAN BLADE MOMENT WEIGHTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPUTERIZED FAN BLADE DISTRIBUTION . . . . . . FAN BLADE CHANGE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 128 128 136 140 HIGH PRESSURE COMPRESSOR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . INTRODUCTION . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROTOR ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ROTOR BLADE FITTING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . STATOR ASSEMBLY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COMPRESSOR BLEED PICK - UPS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144 144 148 154 160 166 Page i EJ M15.04 B1 E TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ii EJ M15.04 B1 E TABLE OF FIGURES Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 Axial Compressor Stage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . IGVs and OGVs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Centrifugal Flow Compressors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiple Stage Centrifugal Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Double Face Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Axial Compressor Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Multiple Stage Axial Compressor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Comparison of Compressor Types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Airflow Changes at Compressor Rotor Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . Airflow Changes at Compressor Stator Vanes . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Stall . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Surge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fwd and Aft Compressor Surge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Reasons for Stall and Surge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Stall due to Low Speed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Stall due to Fast Deceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Stall due to fast Acceleration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Methods to Avoid Stall and Surge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Avoid Stall and Surge by Compressor Bleed Valves . . . . . . . Avoid Stall and Surge by Multiple Rotors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Avoid Stall and Surge with Variable Stator Vanes . . . . . . . . . Feedback Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HP Compressor Bleed Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Control Schematic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Control Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . CIT Sensor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ECU Signals for Compressor Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VSV System Actuation Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VSV Actuator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Bleed Valve Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VBV System with Hydraulic Actuators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VBV with Hydraulic Motor & Gearboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ring Shaped Bleed Valve . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VSV Feedback Cable . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Electrical VSV / VBV Feedback . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LVDTs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Compressor Control Parameters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VSV Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VBV Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Operation of VSV Control System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . VSV Operation / Hydromechanical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HP Compressor Bleed Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Open HP Compressor Bleed Valves . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Module Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spinner Cone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spinner Cone Ice Protection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Spinner Cone Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Blades and Rotor Disk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Blade Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rotor Blade Forces and Loads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mid - Span Shrouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wide Chord Fan Blades . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Low Pressure Compressor Module . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LPC Rotor Drum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LPC Stator Assembly and Shrouds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LPC Stator Case and Vanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Case Main Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Acoustic Panels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abradable Shroud, Fan Blade Containment and OGV . . . . . Fan Frame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Frame and Struts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Blade Imbalance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Moment Weight Calculation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Different Moment Weight Dimensions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Numbers on Fan Blade Root . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Blade Numbering System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Computerized Fan Blade Distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Fan Blade Replacement Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 125 127 129 131 133 135 137 139 141 Page i EJ M15.04 B1 E TABLE OF FIGURES Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure Figure 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 Balance Weights . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC on Single Shaft Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC on Twin Spool Engine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Disc Type Rotor and Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Rotor made of Discs and Drums . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Rotor Seals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Rotor Blades with axial Dovetail Roots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Rotor Blades with circumf. Dovetail Slots . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Rotor Blade Attachment Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Stator Vanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Variable Stator Vanes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Bleed System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HPC Bleed Pick - Up Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 145 147 149 151 153 155 157 159 161 163 165 167 169 Page ii EJ M15.04 B1 E TABLE OF FIGURES Page iii EJ M15.04 B1 E TABLE OF FIGURES Page iv