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Crime Report System Project Report

Submitted by:
In Partial Full filament for the Award of the Degree of
Under the guidance of Ayalneh B. (MSC)
DebreMarkos, Ethiopia
Crime Report and Information Management System 2011E.C
This project has been submitted for examination with our approval as the project advisor.
Advisor Name -----------------------------------------Signature -------------------This project has been examined with our approval as the project examiner.
Examiner Name:
1. -----------------------------------------signature-------------------2. -----------------------------------------Signature-------------------3. -----------------------------------------Signature--------------------
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Crime Report and Information Management System 2011E.C
We, undersigned, declare that this is our original work, has not been presented
for a degree in this or any other university, and all the source of material used
for this/project/ have been acknowledged.
1. Yeneneh Mulat
2. Zemen Kassa
3. Takele Amogne
4. Alehegn Eskezia
5. Zewudu Negash
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Crime Report and Information Management System 2011E.C
Table of Contents
Approval of Advisor ........................................................................................................................ I
Dclaration…………………… ........................................................................................................ II
Table of content ............................................................................................................................ III
List of
List of
List of Acronyms…………………… .................................................................................... iiiiiiiii
CHAPTER ONE ........................................................................................................................... 1
Introduction ........................................................................................................................... 1
BACK GROUND OF THE PROJECT ........................................................................................ 1
STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM .................................................................................................. 2
OBJECTIVE ........................................................................................................................ 3
1.3.1 General objective .......................................................................................................... 3
1.3.2 Specific objective .......................................................................................................... 3
SCOPE OF THE PROJECT...................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1 Scope ............................................................................................................................. 3
SIGNIFICANCE OF THE PROJECT ......................................................................................... 4
SYSTEM REQUIREMENT ..................................................................................................... 5
1.6.1 Hardware requirement tool .......................................................................................... 6
1.6.2 Software requirement tool ............................................................................................ 6
1.6.3 Programming language to be used ............................................................................... 6
DATA COLLECTION METHODOLOGY ................................................................................. 7
1.7.1 Data collection ............................................................................................................. 7
1.7.2 System Development Model .......................................................................................... 8
FEASIBILITY STUDY ........................................................................................................... 9
1.8.1 Operational Feasibility................................................................................................. 9
1.8.2 Economic Feasibility .................................................................................................... 9
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1.8.3 Technical Feasibility .................................................................................................... 9
1.8.4 Legal Feasibility ......................................................................................................... 10
1.8.5 Time feasibility ........................................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER TWO ........................................................................................................................ 11
System Analysis.................................................................................................................... 11
OVER VIEW OF EXISTING SYSTEM .................................................................................. 11
2.1.1 Problems of existing system: ...................................................................................... 12
2.1.2 Users of the existing system ........................................................................................ 13
2.1.3 Overview of the new system ........................................................................................ 13
SYSTEM REQUIREMENT SPECIFICATION ........................................................................... 13
2.2.1 Functional requirement .............................................................................................. 14
2.2.2 Non-functional requirements:..................................................................................... 15
2.2.3 Business rule: - ........................................................................................................... 16
SYSTEM REQUIREMENT ANALYSIS ................................................................................... 16
2.3.1 Actor and Use Case Identification.............................................................................. 16
2.3.2 UML Sequence Diagrams ........................................................................................... 25
2.3.3 UML Activity diagram ................................................................................................ 29
Analysis Class Diagram ............................................................................................. 32
CHAPTER THREE .................................................................................................................... 34
System Design ...................................................................................................................... 34
3.1 Design class diagram ............................................................................................................. 34
3.1.1. Description of design class diagram ........................................................................... 36
3.2. DATABASE DESIGN /PHYSICAL DATA MODEL ....................................................................... 38
USER INTERFACE DESIGN ................................................................................................ 39
3.4. SYSTEM ARCHITECTURE (DEPLOYMENT MODELING) .......................................................... 41
CHAPTER FOUR ..................................................................................................................... 434
Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 434
4 introduction ............................................................................................................................. 434
4.1 over view of programming language ................................................................................... 434
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4.2 Algorith used ......................................................................................................................... 435
4.3 Sample code used ................................................................................................................ 437
CHAPTER FIVE ...................................................................................................................... 50
5 Testing .................................................................................................................................... 50
5.1 introdaction ............................................................................................................................ 50
5.2 Sample test .............................................................................................................................. 50
5..2.1 Unite testing ....................................................................................................................... 50
5.2.2 integration testing ................................................................................................................ 51
5.2.3 Acceptance testing .............................................................................................................. 52
5.2.4 system testing ....................................................................................................................... 52
CHAPTER SEX ........................................................................................................................ 54
6 Conclusion and Recomandation ................................................................................................ 54
4.2 conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 54
4.2 Recommandation .................................................................................................................... 55
4.2Future Enhancement ............................................................................................................... 55
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List of Tables
Table of Use case identification ................................................................................. 20
Login Use Case Description ....................................................................................... 22
create user account Use Case Description ................................................................. 23
Register Accused Use Case Description .................................................................... 24
Register employee Use Case Description ................................................................... 25
Method of administrator ............................................................................................. 36
Method for police head ............................................................................................... 36
Method for crime investigator .................................................................................... 36
employee class diagram description ........................................................................... 37
Table.10: Crime class diagram description................................................................................. 38
Table.11: Employee Database Table .......................................................................................... 38
Table.12: Accuser Database Table ............................................................................................. 39
Table.13: Account Database Table ............................................................................................. 39
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List of Figures
Use case diagram ........................................................................................................ 21
Sequence diagram for create account ......................................................................... 27
Sequence diagram for register employee.................................................................... 28
Sequence diagram for give nomination ...................................................................... 29
Activity diagram for give nomination ........................................................................ 30
Activity diagram for register accuser ......................................................................... 31
Activity diagram for create account ........................................................................... 32
Android based Crime report and information management System Analysis .......... 33
Mobile based Crime report and information management System ............................ 35
Login page User Interface .................................................................................. 40
Figure11: Nomination Page User Interface................................................................................. 41
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List of Acronyms and abbreviation
BR---------------------------------------------------------------Business Rule
DMCAO--------------------------------------------------------Debre Markos City Administration Office
CD---------------------------------------------------------------Compact Disk
CMS-------------------------------------------------------------Crime Management System
DMC ------------------------------------------------------------Debre Markos City
DMCPS---------------------------------------------------------DebreMarkos City Police Station
Efficiency Service
GB---------------------------------------------------------------Giga Bye
GPS----------------------------------------------------------General Position System
HRM------------------------------------------------------------Human Resource Manager
HTML-----------------------------------------------------------Hypertext Markup Language
JS-----------------------------------------------------------------Java Script
JSON------------------------------------------------------------Java Script Object Notation
MG-------------------------------------------------------------Mega Byte
OOSAD--------------------------------------------------------Object Oriented System Analysis Design
PHP-------------------------------------------------------------Hyper Preprocessor Scripting Language
PIECES--------------------------------------------------------Performance Information Economy Control
RAM----------------------------------------------------------Random Access Memory
SHO------------------------------------------------------------Station House Officer
SRS------------------------------------------------------------System Requirement Specification
UC--------------------------------------------------------------Use Case
UID------------------------------------------------------------User Interface Design
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UML-----------------------------------------------------------Unified Modeling Language
WAMP--------------------------------------------------------Window Apache MySQL PHP
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1. Introduction
In Debre markos city there is no any computer-based method to handle activities of crimes
happen. Since now we are trying to develop a system that conveys good ways to handle
crimes. The Crime Management System (CMS) provides optimal as possible as plan for
crime reports and information managements. So many countries are faced with these
problems of crime reporting and managements of handlings. Now a day the members of
people make crime are highly developed and educated than police officers. To make more
people are concerned to this and help to stop crimes. this system can improve knowledge
methods of all citizen become crime fighter.
The role of police in a society is very important for crime control. Police station is a
governmental institution and responsible for the security of the lives and wealth of the people
of the country. Every time when police arrests criminals or gets crime reports they update
those records in their database. Most of the times people of that are aware an arrest is taken or
crime is being reported, do not know that what is happening in their surroundings. That is the
reason that most of them do not take initial security steps in their houses. However most of
the crimes happen due to lack of security alerts and lack of awareness of the incidents in their
If people will get alerts and report crime timely then they can take some actions on the
security of their lives and houses to make crimes difficult or stop. Most of the mobile users
are using smart phones to use health guide, news alert and many more applications in daily
life routine. Therefore, a mobile based application can be developed to describe information
of crimes and to report a crime. The developed application can be used by the people.
1.1 Back ground of the project
A modern police station was established newly in 1934 in Ethiopian. Debremarkos police
station was also established newly as a police force at the same time in 1934. It is the basic
units that look after the law and order of that area. Debremarkos police station is headed by a
Station House Officer who is generally an inspector from the police department. Under him
works a team consisting of a Sub-Inspector, Head Constable and Constables. The station was
organized in to five big departments that were: - crime investigator department, traffic control
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department, human resource management department and preventive community police. Still
now, the system is working manual. In Debremarkos city there is no any mobile based system
to handle day to day activities of crimes which happen in that area.
➢ The reason that initiate us to develop this mobile based application is now a day’s a
police station perform its task manually or file based and consume large amount of
resources like man power and time. Due to this problem our team member wants to
develop mobile based application to reduce crime.
1.2 Statement of the problem
Since the current system is file based system and not computerized ways it faces some
problems like technological familiarity, transportation and lack of moderate knowledge those
problems are listed the following.
➢ Collecting the crime information is very hard:➢ Sharing information between polices and their needs police head physical contact.
➢ Retrieving information from file based system can be difficult and time
consuming especially when searching for information from former years.
➢ Unable to generate automated crime report:➢ Criminal report system in DMPS takes place manually with paper too hard to give
➢ Even an efficient officer may not be able to handle more than one case at a time: ➢ There is a Work load over police departments since investigation reports and
investigation files are manually operated.
➢ Police officer is far from technology: ➢ Activities are performed and manipulated manually or it paper based.
➢ Use manual system that consumes time and labor: ➢ Time: -this system consumes more time to perform manually activity.
➢ Labor: -Many employees needed to participate in the crime management so it
consumes more energy or man power.
➢ Data redundancy and inconsistency: - there is a Work load over police departments
since investigation reports and investigation files are manually operated.
➢ Less secure, unauthorized user easily access and update customer information.
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1.3 Objective
The new system has the fallowing specific and general objectives
1.3.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to develop mobile based crime report and information
management system for DebreMarkos city police office.
1.3.2 Specific objective
Specific objects are objectives that help to achieve the general objectives of the system. The
specific objectives of this project are:
➢ Develop a database system that are used: ➢ To store, provide information of crime managements.
➢ To reduce time consuming to complete crime investigation
➢ To make crime investigator auto gain information
➢ Develop a system that enabling the user to communicate easily across the station
➢ Design attractive user interface that the police station worker and customers can
easily interact.
➢ To make more peoples fight crimes easily and readily
➢ To make more peoples fight crimes easily and readily
➢ Searching: - To enable searching for any relevant information about crime quickly that is
committed from anywhere in the city and the required information by using keys and also
the main function of the system is sharing of information to the citizen.
➢ Retrieving data: -provides the crime investigator to fetch the relevant information that
they want to use.
➢ To generate different notification like post information notification.
➢ To develop system that is easily accessible.
➢ To identify the problem of the existing system, solve in the new system.
1.4 Scope of the project
1.4.1 Scope
Scope: Defines the coverage areas of the project and the activities and operations done by the
system. Due to constraint of time, resource and manpower the project team members are
limited to develop mobile based system for Debremarkos city police office in crime record
and information management system.
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The scope of this project includes the following activities: ➢ Messaging alert or notification alert is supported by this system: - the customer can give
crime nomination to the police and accept preventive police advice.
➢ Register user information.
➢ Send command:- police head can send command to preventive and crime investigator
➢ Searching or retrieve missing criminal.
➢ Post advice or information.
➢ The customer of the system can give nomination.
➢ Register accuser, accused or witness: - the crime investigator records information of those
to handle criminal .
➢ Update criminal information record: -When new information’s are raised, update the
existing information.
➢ Ensure data accuracy: -the existing system has less data accuracy but the proposed system
is more secured because there is authentication and authorization manner.
➢ Take back up: - the administrator backup database to control failure.
➢ Generate a report:- The preventive and crime investigator can generate report to police
Out scope
➢ Some functionalities that are not included our project: ➢ The system is not work unless the user device has balance to access internet.
➢ Camera and Videos deployment is not available
➢ The system does not have chatting.
➢ Does not bring the criminal to the station.
➢ The system not support GPS.
1.5 Significance of the project
Significance of the project indicates or identifies what are the benefits of the system and what
serves for the beneficiaries of the system. The new crime record and information
management system is reliable, easy, fast and consistent and plays an important role for the
system workers and for the customers.
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➢ Develop a system that makes retrieval of accurate required data from database with
expected time.
➢ Minimize wastage of resources including man power and time.
➢ Enhances accuracy of information: - collected crime information is fresh and store on
the database.
The newly proposed system has much advantage in terms of the organization, user
and customer in the following way:
For the organization
➢ Develop a system that facilitates fast report generation.
➢ Improve efficiency, effectiveness and security.
➢ Reduce number of employees.
For the Users
➢ Simplified the process for managing crime information
➢ Crime investigator get fresh information
➢ Facilitates fast and efficient retrieval of data
➢ speed up communication and cooperation of police
For customer of the system
➢ Create customer or complaint satisfaction by save time and resource needed to
complete their task.
➢ It enables citizens to give nomination easily: ➢ Peoples no need to go police station to give nomination about their cases
rather they send simple text by their mobile.
➢ No missing of criminal information: - the customer can send crime information
without frustration.
➢ The proposed system used for Debremarkos city gozzamen wereda people. Generally,
when the system successfully implemented it is usable for the community.
1.6 System Requirement
In order to develop a mobile based crime report and information management system, it is
very important to select the correct hardware, software and programming language. Some
explanations of the hardware, software and programming language to development tools to
the system.
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1.6.1 Hardware requirement tool
Hardware requirements are the touchable and visible components that are necessary
to develop and deploy a system.
➢ Computer: to develop a new system use it to type and to install all software and
programming language we require developing the system or to code the program.
➢ Flash: 16GB is required for data storage.
➢ Hard-Disk: for data storage.
➢ Printer: - helps to print our project documentations
1.6.2 Software requirement tool
The software requirements are the instructional components used to develop a system Software
requirement to develop the system are as follows
➢ Microsoft word: - to write documentation of the project
➢ Browser: -chrome, Firefox, opera, UC browser, Internet explorer used to search information.
➢ Adobe Photoshop CS4: -to edit images.
➢ Snipping tool: - we use snipping tool to capture picture from software.
➢ Microsoft Power Point 2010: - for presentation of the project.
➢ Editor: E-draws Max8 for designing UML diagrams associated with the system. E.g. Activity
Diagram, Class Diagram, Sequence Diagram and Use Case Diagram.
➢ WAMP server: - manage servers setting. The reason of selecting WAMP server is
they are secure means they are not easily attack by virus when we compare to other
1.6.3 Programming language to be used
In developing a system uses different programming language. For this system the team
member used different programming language such as Android, PHP, HTML, CSS and JS.
➢ Android programming language. Why android?
Android platform are the top platform to utilize in lesser price: - Enterprises looking
to invest less in the mobile app development but want the best quality outcome,
Android have a wide range of options for graphic design.
The Android platform is a secured platform similar to Kernel which is based on
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Android have platform that provides simple inter-app integration by offering the most
flexible tools.
With the huge popularity Android in the market.
It is application based.
PHP programming language. Why PHP?
Easy: This server-side scripting language is extremely easy to learn, as compared to other
languages. You will learn PHP easily and quickly.
Access to support: As PHP is being used by a huge number of people, a large community is
formed. So, you need not worry if you get stuck somewhere. You will easily get the support
from them and simply to integrate android.
Platform independent: Whether it is Windows, Linux or UNIX; it supports all the major web
browsers. PHP also supports all the major web servers; be it Apache or Microsoft IIS. It also
supports Netscape and personal web server.
Speedy: PHP uses its own memory, so the workload of the server and loading time gets
reduced automatically, which results into the faster processing speed. It also has got a
security layer to protect against viruses and threats.
1.7 Data Collection Methodology
A methodology is a set of methods, processes, and practices that are repeatedly carried out to
deliver a project. This part deals about the method of data collection, source of data and how
the data organized and analyzed.
1.7.1 Data collection
Data collection is the major activity to analyze the current system or to get information about
existing system and to develop the new or proposed system. Data for developing the new
system obtained from different sources. Such as from system users, from documents used in
the agency office and from manuals. In our project use data collection methodology those
are: ➢ Primary data collection methods
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Interview: - the project team gathered necessary information
about how the organization
works and current flow of work by interviewing Debremarkos city police head, staff member.
During Interviewing the team have get various necessary information from the station and the
team asking different question about the organization how to work and the overall structure.
Observation: - the project team gathers some additional information by observe the actual
work being done in police station.
➢ Secondary data collection methods
Document analysis: - we reviewed other relevant documents that the workers use for manual
system that help to know about the existing system. We also observe information that are
listed in the office of police stations head which are present in the form of charts, graphs and
simply in written form.
1.7.2 System Development Model
From system development model the team member’s select Object oriented system analysis
and design: -Object oriented technology is of broad means used to handle highly structured
application systems. Object oriented technology provides numerous advantages in application
by making them easy to use and maintain. It is platform independent, portable, reliable by
itself. It is better way to construct, manage and assemble objects that are implemented in the
system. Is a way to develop software by building self-contained modules or objects that can
be easily replaced, modified, and reused?
Typically, OOSAD uses Unified Modeling Language (UML) to represent and visualize the
interacting objects and models in the system like Use Case Diagrams, Class Diagrams,
Activity Diagrams, Sequence Diagrams, and Deployment Diagrams. The proposed system
follows Incremental model.
In this model, each module passes through the requirements, design, implementation and
testing phases. A working version of software is produced during the first module, so you
have working software early on during the software life cycle. Each subsequent release of the
module adds function to the previous release. The process continues until the system is
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1.8 Feasibility study
A feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to its workability, prospective of the
system to the organization, ability to meet user needs and effective use of resources. A
feasibility study looks at the viability of an idea with an emphasis on identifying potential
1.8.1 Operational Feasibility
Operational feasibility is mainly concerned with issues like whether the system will be easily used and
work to fulfill the user requirement, if it is developed and implemented. The new system is
operationally feasible since the system developed by most recently used language android and has
better user interface. System users can easily use the system for gathering information about criminal,
Citizens giving nomination online, giving nomination i.e. the system member or team can provide
training and to new users. Operationally, the systems give capable of producing quick and qualitative
services to user.
1.8.2 Economic Feasibility
Our proposed system is economically feasible to the organization because the development of
system needs less cost than the cost required for employment of employee. Not require more
cost and material to implement the system with compare to its benefits. Here we have stated
the costs related to the project and the benefits that are going to be gained after the
completion of the project by performing a cost-benefit analysis.
Our system is economically feasible in: ➢ Small response time and many services.
➢ Reduce cost manual data management (Reduced expenses).
➢ Easy update & retrieval on stored records.
➢ Better service for crime handling.
➢ Little job burden for crime investigator and other police offices.
1.8.3 Technical Feasibility
Technically, the newly proposed system will be simple to be use by low skilled users and
easily accessible by the people who can use the system. users can easily use the system i.e.
the system developer or team member can provide training to new users and users can use by
a short-term training There is no need for the developer involvement in almost all function of
the entire system. It is easily accessible by the people who can easily understand natural
languages. The system has simple and easily understandable interface for the user.
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1.8.4 Legal Feasibility
The developed system is not any conflict with any government rule and regulation, and with
any cultural aspects or norms, because it gives services for people of Debremarkos city and
all the Debremarkos city police station workers also agreed before the system is
implemented. So, the government and people are profitable and the system will be legally
1.8.5 Time feasibility
Time feasibility is the most important and superior thing to be considered in crime report and
information management system. The period of time considered as a resource under customer
control and sufficient to accomplish some work and it is an instance or single occasion for
some work. This system is feasible by time since it time required accomplish at a given time.
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2. System Analysis
A key question considered here is, “what must be done to solve the problem?” The system
is viewed as a whole and the inputs to the system are identified. Once analysis is completed
the analyst has a firm understanding of what is to be done. The system mainly aims to develop
an application for the Police Department to handle their crime investigation process in an
easy way. Often people may be reluctant (not volunteer) to go to Police stations to report
2.1 Over View of Existing System
The current system of crime Report and Information Management system is file based which
is recourse wastage. When crime is occurred in some where then the customer or people
should go to the police station to report the criminal issues. During that time the people may
have lack of transportation, or the people calls to the police to report crime. When they call it
may be dangerous for their life? After the people reports to the police, the police go to the
place where the crime is happened and collect information but they may not get the right
information, since information provider could be fear as a result the police does not arrest the
criminal. Based on this, crime investigator and other police department cannot collect fresh
information about crime. Currently in Debremarkos city there is no any mobile based
application for sharing of information between the police and the people. Almost all activities
in the current system take much time cost and consume much man power.
Strength of the existing system
➢ Filling new police and customer Information even if the system is manual.
➢ The collected information saved on manually on paper.
➢ Even if the system is file based, crime investigator gets the information about crime.
Weakness of the existing system
➢ The customer to nominate hard
➢ Lack of technology
Hard to gather information concerning crimes
➢ The preventive police to advice it is very hard
➢ Use file-based system that consume time and labor energy
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➢ Unable to generate automatic crime report
Problems of existing system:
The problems of the existing manual system are described using the PIECES
acronyms where: ➢ P-stands for Performance: - It is time consuming and less performance since
every task is done manually and it has taking much man power to complete the
task and requires a long period of time. Regarding on lack of speed the file
based system generate output with slow rate.
➢ I -stands for Information: ➢ Redundancy of data: - since it is manual the data may record many times.
➢ Not accurately captured: - due to the above listed problem the
information gathered may not accurate.
➢ The customer’s document is stored simply in the shelf so if its file
damaged there is no way to recover the file but the new systemuse backup.
➢ E - Stands for Economy: - The current file based system takes more costs
(resources) to perform its tasks, large amount of human resource or man
power and consume much time.
➢ C- stands for Control and security: - The current file based system does not
much secure or controlled refers to the data or information is not getting only
for authorized people because data might be stolen, destroy by fair and electric
shock also the data privacy rules and regulation are being not respected.
➢ E- Stand for Efficiency: It operates over a long period of time interval, large
amount of man power and resources is waste. So, the existing system is
➢ S- stands for Service: - It takes more time to get the services from police
station department
➢ Crime prevention: -the preventive police community give awareness is not
efficient because the people might not volunteer
➢ Emergency response: - customer might not gate response in short time during
➢ Law enforcement
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➢ Assistance of crime
Users of the existing system
Users are entities that interact with the system. An actor is a person, organization, or external
system that plays a role in one or more interaction with the system Each actor has set of goals
in the system. Those actors are listed below:
➢ district Administrator or police head: - give check list to other police member to
control activities of police departments and have power to manage the station.
➢ Criminal preventive police: -prevent crimes before occur and make awareness among
➢ Crime investigator: - after crime is occurred, they filter truth information on criminals
and the investigator take them to the office in order to get justice and equitable.
➢ HR manager: - keep rules and regulations of employees and keep benefit of the
employees i.e manage office users.
➢ Customer: - people who live in the city of gozzamen wereda the existence of police
station and the beneficiary of the station.
Overview of the new system
This system come up with a solution to solve the above listed problems of existing system in
the organization and enable the police officer effective and efficient by considering limited
resource that we have. The proposed system conserves those all the strength of the existing
system. Like: ➢ Filling new police and customer Information.
➢ The collected information saved on data base.
➢ Crime investigator gets the information’s about crime.
2.2 System requirement Specification
In this section the project team members have kept the basic understanding of the
requirements and dependencies of the current system prior to any actual design or
development work. A requirement specification is used to prepare system requirement before
starting the actual design. This enables the team member to have a clear idea about the
structure and content of the crime report and information management system.
A well-designed, well-written SRS accomplishes the following major goals:
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➢ It provides feedback to the customer. An SRS is the customer's assurance that we
have understood the issues or problems to be solved and the software behavior
necessary to address those problems.
➢ It decomposes the problem into component parts. The simple act of writing down
software requirements in a well-designed format organizes information, places
borders around the problem, solidifies ideas, and helps break down the problem into
its component parts.
➢ It serves as an input to the design specification. The SRS serves as the parent
document to subsequent documents, such as the software design specification and
statement of work. Therefore, the SRS must contain sufficient detail in the functional
system requirements so that a design solution can be devised.
This system is concerned in the functional requirements and non-functional
Functional requirement
The functional requirements describe the core tasks of the system or it is the intended
behaviors of the system or the main tack of the system. A functional requirement defines the
capabilities of a system that must be able to perform successfully. The functional requirement
is the study of what a system should be able to do, the functions it should perform and
describes the interactions between the system and its environment. And also explain what has
to be done by identifying the necessary task, action or activity that must be accomplished. It
is a statement of exactly what the system must do. The new system being the following
functional requirements: The team members supposed to have the following functional
requirements for the proposed system.
➢ The system should allow: ➢ System administrator creates an account for user registered by HRM, block user .
➢ sharing information
➢ Post advice for customer (Preventive police)
➢ View placement, nomination(Preventive police)
➢ Registers accuser, accused witness, post missing criminal (Investigator).
➢ Give nomination about crime information (Customer).
➢ register and update employee(HRM)
➢ View missing criminal, accept command (Preventive police)
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➢ Take data base restore or backup( Admin)
➢ Create, Block, View, Account ( Admin)
➢ View(nomination, placement, posted information) (Investigator)
➢ Accept command from police head(Investigator),
➢ Send command and assign preventive and investigator police (police
➢ View report, missing criminal, posed information(police head)
➢ Register filtered information(prosecutor)
➢ Send filtered information( Investigator)
Non-functional requirements:
Non-functional requirement is a requirement that specifies criteria that can be used to judge
the operation of a system, rather than specific behaviors. Non-functional requirements
describe how the system works, while functional requirements describe what the system
should do. Non-functional requirements, as the name suggests, are requirements that are not
directly concerned with the specific services delivered by the system to its users. These are
qualities of a system such as "constraints", "quality attributes", "quality goals" and "quality of
service requirements
➢ Performance: - The system has faster response time and use minimal manpower.
Because the system uses simple text messaging techniques. This means when system
is developed, people in Debremarkos city send cases timely and Up-to-date
information’s. Perform all tasks in a short response time and high rate of processing.
➢ Usability: The system is designed to have user-friendly interfaces and easy navigate
to one link to other, which enhances users’ efficiency.
➢ Availability: The system is available in 24 hours a day and 7 days a week, since it can
use any time if once the application is installed until the server is down.
➢ Efficiency: This system must ensure allocation and use of services being requested
for the users by using minimum memory storage, cost, and time.
➢ Security: The user accesses the system using valid user name and password.
➢ Reliability: The system is expected to be used smoothly without being corrupted and
failure. When failures occur the system should be tolerating failure, troubleshoot in
short period of time and return related error message.
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➢ Authorization: The proposed system should be authenticating the user of the system
by asking username and password and determine which users are authorized to access
or perform specific activities or operations.
➢ Modifiability: The system should be modifiable by authorized users of the system
whenever it needed and easily added new functionality.
Business rule: -
The system has different business rules that the organization to follow. These business
rules are obligations that the Employee of the system must fulfill in order to the system do
function properly and effectively. These rules considered as in the system because any
member of the department not beyond these state. The most common business rules with
the police station are:
BR 1: Kids less than 15years old should not be pretension by crime but, parents are
accountable to that crime.
BR 2: The new employee age must greater than 18.
BR 3: The user must work with give privilege.
2.3 System requirement analysis
Systems Requirement Analysis gives the professional systems understanding the tools to set
up a proper and effective analysis of the resources, schedules and parts that will be needed in
order to successfully undertake and complete any large, complex project. The text offers the
reader the methodology for rationally breaking a large project down into a series of stepwise
questions so that a schedule can be determined and a plan can be established for what needs
to be procured, how it should be obtained, and what the likely costs in dollars, manpower and
equipment will be in order to complete the project at hand.
Actor and Use Case Identification
Actor: An actor represents a user of the system that plays a role in one or more interactions
with our system.
Use case: A use case describes a sequence of actions that provide a measurable value to an
actor. A use case is drawn as a horizontal ellipse on a UML use case diagram.
Actor Identification
➢ Police Head: - a person who controls or manages the police member and have the
following activity
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➢ View feedback and report
➢ Post information
➢ Send command to investigator and preventive police
➢ Assign crime investigator and preventive police
➢ Change account password
➢ System administrator: - is a professional person that controls system. And also have the
following activities
➢ Create user account
➢ View user account
➢ Activate user account
➢ Block user account
➢ Take backup and restore data base
➢ View log file
➢ Crime preventive police: - are community polices and they prevent crimes by giving
awareness to people and have the following activities
➢ Post advice to customer
➢ Accept police head’s command
➢ View Information, customer nomination and place assigned
➢ Change account password
➢ Crime investigator:- after crime is occurred, they filter truth information on criminals
have the following activities
➢ View customer nomination, placement, miss criminal, posted information
➢ Post missing criminal
➢ Register (accused, witness, and accuser information)
➢ Send filtered crime information to prosecutor
➢ Receive response from prosecutor
➢ Accept police head’s command
➢ Change account password
➢ Human resource manager: - Human resource manager keeps benefits of police
members and have the following activities
➢ Register Employee information
➢ View Employee information
➢ Update Employee information
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➢ Change password
➢ Customer: - customers are users of the system or they are people in Debremarkos city
and have the following activities
➢ View posted information
➢ View miss criminals
➢ Give crime nomination
➢ Prosecutor: - is a person who institutes a prosecution before a court.
The prosecutor is the principal representative of the state in all matters related to the
adjudication of criminal offenses.
Prosecutor has the following activities
➢ Receive crime information from crime investigator
➢ Send back unfulfilled criminal information to crime investigator
➢ Make accusal to criminal
➢ Change account password
2.3 Use case identification: Use case is an activity that accomplished by actors. Use case describes a
sequence of actions that provide a measurable value to an actor. In the following table we try to list
use case id, use case name and its description.
Use case ID
Use case Name
Create User account
Activate User Account
Block User Account
View Account
View Log file
Take Data Base
Restore Data Base
Assign Police
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Post Information
Send command
View missing criminal
View feed back
View Report
Accept Command
View Placement
View nomination
View sent Information
Post Advice
Make Accusal
View filtered information
Register Employee
View Employee
Update Employee
View news
Receive Response
View Posted information
View missing criminal
Post missing criminal
Register(Accused, Accuser, witness)
Give nomination
Give Feed back
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Table of Use case identification
UML Use Case Diagrams
Use Case diagrams show the various activities the users can perform on the system. The
System is something that performs a function. They model the dynamic aspects of the system.
use case diagram illustrates a set of use cases for a system, the actors of these use cases, the
relations between the actors and these use cases, and the relations among the use cases.
➢ An oval represents a use case.
➢ A stick figure represents an actor.
➢ A line between an actor and a use case represents that the actor initiates and/or
participates in the process.
use case diagram shows the relationships among actors and use cases within a system. A use
case diagram is a graphic representation of the interactions among the elements of a system.
➢ A use case diagram contains the following sub-components: ➢ System boundary: - which defines the system of interest in relation to the world
around it.
➢ The actors: - usually individuals involved with the system defined according to their
➢ The use cases: - which the specific roles are played by the actors within and around
the system.
➢ The relationships between the actors and the use cases
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Use case diagram
Use Case description
A use case description is a business analysis presentation of the steps defining the interactions
between a user (called an actor) and a system (usually a computer system). It details the
interactions and sets the expectations of how the user will work within the system.
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Use Case Name
Use Case ID
Police Head, Preventive Police, Crime investigator, Human Resource
manager, Administrator, prosecutor.
A user that are authenticate and has legal username and password can
access the system.
The user must have a valid username and password given by
Basic course of action
Actor action
system action
1.the user open the system
2.system displays home page
3. User click
menu 4.. The System display login form
5. User fills login form and
6. System displays user page.
clicks login button.
7. Use case end.
of A1: User may input wrong username and password the system displays
alert message. The process turns back to step 4
Post condition
Users can enter to their page to access based on their user name and
password. user can perform his/her own task on the system
Login Use Case Description
Use case name
Create user account
Use case id
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System Administrator
System Administrator create account for users
Administrator must login and should get list of users’ information From
Registered User.
Basic course of action
Actor action
system response
1 admin click on Create Account 2.The System display create account
3. The Administrator fill the field 4. If the entered data is valid the
including username and password system
then Click on Create Account Successfully
5. Use case end
Alternative course of A1: If the administrator enters wrong data, the system displays invalid input
message and process turn again from step 2.
Post condition
The customer has account.
create user account Use Case Description
case Register Accused
Use case id
Crime investigator
Crime investigator can Register the accused criminal to give up decision
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The crime investigator must have a valid username and password to enter to the page.
Basic course Actor action
of action
system response
1 The crime investigator click Register 2 The system display register accused form.
accused Criminal link.
3 The crime investigator Fill the form and successfully registered message.
click Register button.
5 use case end.
A1: crime investigator may input wrong data the system shows in correct data message.
of The process turns back to step 2.
The accused registered.
Register Accused Use Case Description
Use case name
Register employee
Use case id
Human resource manager
Human resource manager accepts the employee and register to the database in the
Basic course of
The users should be worker of police station
Actor action
System response
1. HR manager click on Register 2
3 HRM fill each individual
registration form
fields 4. If the user correctly fills each
required field the system display “you
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and press register button
are Successfully registered” message.
6. Use case end.
Al1: if the HRM fills invalid data the system display error message and start up on
of step 2.
Post condition
Employee is legal members of the police station.
Register employee Use Case Description
UML Sequence Diagrams
A UML Sequence diagram showing the sequence of interactions among objects and used to
represent or model the flow of messages, events and actions between the objects or
components of a system in sequentially. Sequence Diagrams are also used primarily to
design, document and validate the architecture and interfaces of the system by describing the
sequence of actions that need to be performed to complete a task. Sequence diagrams are the
most popular UML artifact for dynamic modeling, which focuses on identifying the behavior
with in your system.
➢ UML Sequence Diagrams Description
➢ capture the interaction between objects in the context of a collaboration
➢ show object instances that play the roles defined in a collaboration
➢ show the order of the interaction visually by using the vertical axis of the diagram to
represent time what messages are sent and when
➢ show elements as they interact over time, showing interactions or interaction instances
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figure1: Sequence diagram for login
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Sequence diagram for create account
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Sequence diagram for register employee
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Sequence diagram for give nomination
UML Activity diagram
Activity diagrams are graphical representations of workflows of stepwise activities
and actions with support for choice, iteration and concurrency. Activity diagram is
basically a flowchart to represent the flow from one activity to another activity. The
activity can be described as an operation of the system.
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Activity diagram for give nomination
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Activity diagram for register accuser
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Activity diagram for create account
Analysis Class Diagram
A class diagram is a static model that shows the classes and the relationships among classes
that remain constant over the time. Class is the main building block of class diagrams, which
stores and manages information in the system. In the phase of conceptual class modeling we
just create or classes and their interrelationship.
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Android based Crime report and information management System Analysis
Class Diagram
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3. System Design
Introduction: - The term design describes a final system and the process by which it is
developed it refers to the technical specification that will be applied in implementing the
proposed system. It also includes the construction of program and design of output, input,
code, database and process of the system.
System design is the transformation of the analysis model into a system design model. Up to
now we were in the problem domain. System design is the first part to get into the solution
domain in a software development. The main purpose of system design is to determine how
the system is going to build and to obtain the information needed to direct the actual
implementation of the system. It focuses on understanding the model how the software will be built.
3.1 Design class diagram
Class diagram in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a type of static structure diagram
that describes the structure of a system by showing the system's classes: ➢ Their attributes,
➢ Operations (methods)
➢ And the relationships among the classes.
A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among
classes in the Unified Modeling Language (UML). It provides an overview of the target
system by describing the objects and classes inside the system and the relationships between
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Mobile based Crime report and information management System
Design Class Diagram
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3.1.1. Description of design class diagram
Create account()
Used to Create user’s account
Update account()
Used to Update user’s account
Block user()
Used to Block users when a user
involvement is not needed
Take backup()
Used to takes backup to save data
Method of administrator
View employee()
Used to views employees information
Post notice()
Used to post notice
Method for police head
Register accuser()
Used to record the accuser
Register accused()
Used to register the accused
Register witness()
Used to record the witness information
Method for crime investigator
Data Type
Represent as customer unique identifier
Represent the name of the customer itself
Represent customer’s father name itself
Represent employee grand father name itself
Represent employee sex
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Represent User type
Represent customer’s phone address
Represent customer’s age
Represent educational level that the customer Varchar(50)
Represent users photo
Represent Email address of user
Represent the users status 0 or 1
employee class diagram description
Data Type
Crime ID
Represent id of crime committed person
Represent id of accuser
Represent id of accused
First name
Represent the accused first name
Father name
Represent the father name
Grand father name
Represent to grand father name of the Varchar(50)
Represent the sex of accused
Represent the age of accused
Represent the phone of accused
Eduction level
Represent the eduction level of accused
Represent the job of accused
Work place
Represent the work place of accused
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Represent the address of accused
Represent the description of accused
Represent the date of accused
Crime class diagram description
3.2. Database design /Physical data model
Physical data model represents how the model built in the database. A physical database
model shows all table structures, including column name, column data type, column
constraints, primary key, foreign key, and relationships between tables. Features of a physical
data model include:
➢ Entities become tables in the physical database.
➢ Attributes become columns in the physical database.
➢ Select an appropriate data type for each of the columns and size.
➢ Unique identifiers become columns that are not allowed to have NULL values.
➢ Specification all tables and columns.
➢ Foreign keys are used to identify relationships between tables
Employee Database Table
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Accuser Database Table
Account Database Table
3.3 User Interface Design
User interface design is the design of computers, appliances, machines, mobile
communication devices, software applications, and websites with the focus on the user's
experience and interaction. User interface design is the specification of the interaction
between the system users and a system. The goal of user interface design is to make the user's
interaction simple and efficient as possible, in terms of accomplishing user goals—what is
often called user-centered design. Good user interface design facilitates finishing the task at
hand without drawing unnecessary attention to it.
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Login page User Interface
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Nomination Page User Interface
3.4. System Architecture (Deployment Modeling)
Deployment diagram are used to visualize the topology of the physical components of the system
where the software components are deployed. So deployment diagram are used to describe the static
deployment view of the system. Deployment diagram consist of nodes and their relationships.
➢ Through deployment diagram we are able to model
➢ Where hardware is located
➢ Where software is located
➢ What is the communication path between various hardware parts
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figer 12: Deployment diagram
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4. Introduction: - System implementation is the fourth stage of system development. It is a
process of defining how the information system should be built ensuring that system is
operational and used and ensuring that the system meets quality requirements. The
implementation document helps users on how to work with the system. It acts as a user
manual and it helps users not to be the system confused with. It includes sample forms and
some selected fragment code. It gives the users a brief over view of the system. This
document describes the project implementation for developing the mobile based crime
recurred and information management system. It is converting of design in to coding or real
The project implements by language PHP, Android, HTML,CSS and Database WAMP
server . The project will be capable of running on different web browsers. The interface for
the project will provide a good navigation to user of the system with nice look and simple to
4.1. Overview of the Programming Language
This project used PHP for server side and android for client side programming technology
integrated with WAMP database.
PHP is a scripting language that is often embedded into HTML to add functions HTML alone
cannot do. The community of open source PHP developers provides technical support and is
constantly improving updating the core PHP functionalities
Generally:➢ PHP is completely free and Open Source.
➢ PHP can be easily embedded directly into HTML.
➢ Platform independent or compatible can run on Windows or Linux .
➢ It is available with documentation in many languages.
➢ Easy to learn compared too many other scripting languages. It has a syntax that is
easy to parse and is actually rather human-friendly.
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➢ Android has better opportunities in future.
➢ Android is related to mobile platform.
➢ Android development is a java based one.
➢ Android is purely mobile (or device) oriented apart from a few latest and it is
largely restricted to mobile platform.
4.2. Algorithm Used
Pseudo code is a detailed readable description of what a computer program or algorithm must
do, expressed in a formally-styled natural language rather than in a programming language.
Pseudo code is sometimes used as a detailed step in the process of developing a program. It
allows designers or lead programmers to express the design in great detail and provides
programmers a detailed template for the next step of writing code in a specific programming
language. The purpose of using pseudo code is that it is easier for people to understand than
conventional programming language code, and that it is an efficient and environmentindependent description of the key principles of an algorithm
A Pseudo code Algorithm for login
Fill the Login Form
Click the Login button
If (Form is filled)
If (valid)
Generate SQL select queries
Connect to database
Pass queries to database
If (any query fails)
Display query error message
Read session
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If session exists on database, user is already logged in,
Display the page
If they're correct
Create session ID
Store session ID on database
Display the page
End if
End if
Display error message
Ask the user to refill the form
End if
B Pseudo code Algorithm for register employee
Click on register Employee link
Registration form is displayed
Fill Employee data
Click on register button
If (valid)
Display successful message.
Display invalid input message.
End if
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C Pseudo code Algorithm for block account
Click on block account link
List of active account is displayed
Click on block link
If (valid)
Display successful message.
Display not blocked message
End if
4.3 Sample code for Login in Android
package com.crims.crims;
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.Intent;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.os.Bundle;
import android.support.v4.app.Fragment;
import android.view.LayoutInflater;
import android.view.View;
import android.view.ViewGroup;
import android.widget.Button;
import android.widget.EditText;
import android.widget.Toast;
import org.json.JSONObject;
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import java.net.URLEncoder;
A simple {@link Fragment} subclass.
public class MainActivityLoginFragment extends Fragment {
protected EditText userName;
protected EditText password;
protected Button loginButton;
protected JSONObject jsonObjectResult;
protected int counter = 3;
Supporter Functions
public void findFiledViews(View view){
this.userName = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.user_name);
this.password = (EditText) view.findViewById(R.id.password);
this.loginButton = (Button) view.findViewById(R.id.login_btn);
public void doLogin (View view){
String user_name = this.userName.getText().toString();
String password = this.password.getText().toString();
String link = Config.DOMAIN_NAME + "/login.php";
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences =
view.getContext().getSharedPreferences("login", Context.MODE_PRIVATE);
Intent in;
String data = URLEncoder.encode("u_name", "UTF-8") + "=" +
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URLEncoder.encode(user_name, "UTF-8");
data += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("password", "UTF-8") + "=" +
URLEncoder.encode(password, "UTF-8");
data += "&" + URLEncoder.encode("btn_login", "UTF-8") + "=" +
URLEncoder.encode("btn_login", "UTF-8");
BridgeNetwork result = new BridgeNetwork(new
BridgeNetwork.BridgeNetworkListiner() {
public void bridgeNetworkStringBufferResult(Object result) {
try{ jsonObjectResult = new JSONObject(result.toString()); }catch(Exception
}, BridgeNetwork.DOPOST, link, data);
if(jsonObjectResult.getString("login").equals("true")) {
Toast.makeText(view.getContext(), "Redirecting...",
SharedPreferences.Editor editor = sharedPreferences.edit();
editor.putString("uname", user_name);
editor.putString("uid", jsonObjectResult.getString("uid"));
editor.putString("U_type", jsonObjectResult.getString("U_type"));
if(jsonObjectResult.getString("U_type").equals("admin")) {
in = new Intent(getContext(), AdminActivity.class);
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}else if(jsonObjectResult.getString("U_type").equals("HRM")) {
in = new Intent(getContext(), HRmanagerActivity.class);
}else if(jsonObjectResult.getString("U_type").equals("policeHead")) {
in = new Intent(getContext(), PoliceHeadActivity.class);
}else if(jsonObjectResult.getString("U_type").equals("prosecutor")) {
in = new Intent(getContext(), ProsecuterActivity.class);
}else if(jsonObjectResult.getString("U_type").equals("investigator")) {
in = new Intent(getContext(), InvestigatorActivity.class);
}else if(jsonObjectResult.getString("U_type").equals("preventiv")) {
in = new Intent(getContext(), PreventivepoliceActivity.class);
else if(jsonObjectResult.getString("login").equals("false") &&
jsonObjectResult.getString("blocked").equals("false")) {
Toast.makeText(view.getContext(), "Wrong Credentials Attemps left=" + counter,
else if(jsonObjectResult.getString("login").equals("false") &&
jsonObjectResult.getString("blocked").equals("true")) {
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Toast.makeText(view.getContext(), "Try Again Attemps left= " + counter,
if (counter <= 0) {
Toast.makeText(view.getContext(), "You are blocked in" + counter,
}catch(Exception ex){}
public MainActivityLoginFragment() {
// Required empty public constructor
public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, ViewGroup container,
Bundle savedInstanceState) {
View view = inflater.inflate(R.layout.fragment_main_activity_login, container, false);
// Find Field view
// Set logn button click listiner
this.loginButton.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener(){
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public void onClick(View view) {
// Inflate the layout for this fragment
return view;
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5.1 Introduction:-
Developing software is a complex process. No matter how hard we try
to eliminate all faults simply by going through the development phases, which is
requirements elicitation, requirement analysis, system design, and implementation, however,
through good practice we can make sure that the most series fault does not occur in the first
Testing is a process to show the correctness of the program. Testing is checking of the
system workability in an attempt to discover errors and avoiding such errors from the system.
In this, the team members tested the entire system as a whole with all forms, code, modules.
In this, we tested all the functionalities in the System. All errors in the forms validation,
functions, modules have been tested.
5.2 Sample Test
To simplify the testing process, the project team followed the different types of tests that
break the testing process up into the distinct levels. These types testing are unit testing,
integration testing, acceptance testing and system testing. We have seen the following
different testing strategies
5.2.1. Unit Testing
Unit testing is a validation method in which a programmer tests if individual units of source
code are fit for use. The system units are tested one by one by inserting invalid data.
Functional Test Specifications that will be done in our proposed system the tests done as
➢ Test for login
➢ Test for employee registration
➢ Test for give nomination
➢ Test for post information etc.
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5.2.2. Integration Testing
Integration testing is the activity of software testing in which individual software modules
are combined and tested as a group. It occurs after unit testing and before acceptance testing.
Thus, Integration testing is a logical extension of unit testing. In its simplest form, two units
that have already been tested are combined into a component and the interface between them
is tested. Here a component refers to an integrated aggregate of more than one unit.
5.2.3. Acceptance Testing
Acceptance testing is the process of testing system prior to its delivery. A system is mainly
developed for an end user normally a customer of the organization. A system is said to be
accepted if and only if the user of the system is satisfied. In this perspective acceptance,
testing is widely used to prove that system performs as per the requirements. In acceptance,
testing the customers provides the input data to validate the system operation. It is also
known as functional testing, black box testing, release acceptance, application testing,
confidence testing, final testing and validation testing. Generally, acceptance mean, our crime
report and information management system is acceptable to user after deploying.
5.2.4. System Testing
System testing of software or hardware is testing conducted on a complete, integrated system
to evaluate the system’s compliance with its specified requirements. It is a testing process in
which the aim is to ensure that the overall system works as defined by the requirements. The
System is functionally tested based on the use case model developed during the analysis
phase. The system is also operationally tested based on requirements. The requirements that
are tested by the project team during the implementation are correctness, accuracy, security
and others.
➢ Testing the correctness:- correctness determines how users can interact with the
software and how the software should behave when it is used correctly. Users can
easily interact with the a application since it has easily understandable interface and
the application responds correctly.
➢ Testing the Accuracy:- The system give only valid result, if no data is found with
the specified criteria the system should not give invalid response. Since, our
application fulfills these characteristic it is accurate.
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➢ Testing the security:- To insure the security of our application user must login to the
system with user name and password exist home page. The system allows only
authorized users to login i.e. users that have previously created account through user
name and password.
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6.1 Conclusion
The project is aimed at developing a mobile based crime recurred and information
management system. The project have 5 chapters.
➢ In chapter one the team determined the title of the project to “Mobile Based Crime
Recurred and Information management system”. Then the team described the
background of the station with the explanation of how the organization is established,
the objective of the project, the scope and limitation of the project, significance of the
project and feasibility have been discussed including the methodology of the project
which describes what and which material the team used to accomplished the proposed
➢ In Chapter two the team performed a detailed business area analysis that describes
what the current system looks like. We used an essential use case by identifying
actors and use cases. After business area analysis we determined the requirements of
the proposed system in terms of functional and non-functional requirements. After
these the team has studied object oriented analysis and design techniques like activity
diagram, sequence diagram, class diagram with relations, attributes and methods.
➢ The third chapter of the project discussed about the system design which tries to
change the conceptual model of information for the problem domain that rose on the
chapter one of the existing system and solve that problem into actual interface. To
accomplish this, the team used different types of designing and analysis tools like
design class diagram, physical database design, deployment diagram and user
➢ The forth chapter of the project the team discussed and perform about system
implementation which changes the design diagram to codes.
➢ The five chapter of the project the team tests the developed apps fulfill the user
requirement unit or group.
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6.2 Recommendations
The system that we develop is a mobile based crime information management system for
Debre Markos city police office. While developing this system the team members has faced
different challenges. But by the cooperation of all the group members and the help of god the
team is now able to reach to the final result. Our new system has provided a better service
than the existing system by forming better interaction among them. Our recommendation to
the person who develops this system developers includes the functionality of our limitation.
6. 3 Future enhancement
According to scope of our project the team develops mobile based application. Because of the
time constraint we may have limitation which should be consideration in, but in the future the
team believes that this system should be fully operationally by adding some functionality that
are not Included in the proposed system. We also want to recommend this project can be
expanded and more automated with additional functionalities by integrating with traffic
management and court management system.
➢ The system will be support voice recognation.
➢ For the future, technology user can send sms message for police to nominate criminal
➢ The system will be including other language for uneducated person.
➢ For future the system developer will include chatting.
➢ For future the developer will include GPS
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Appendix I
➢ Questions asked during requirement gathering using interview
Q1. What are the objectives of your organization?
Q2. What is the mission of your organization?
Q3. How many employees do you have?
Q4. How does your current system work?
A. Is it manual?
B. is it computerized?
Q5. If your answer for question number 4 is choice “b” what computer applications do you
Q6. How the employee work?
Q7.What is the procedures or steps when customers get service of the organization?
Q8. How you prepare monthly or annually report?
Q9.How does you store customers and other information’s?
Q10.What are the problem that you get when the organization use the existed system?
Appendix I
Action:- An action is the fundamental unit of behavior specification and represents
some transformation or processing in the modeled system, such as invoking a method
of a class or a sub activity.
Activity diagram:- a diagram that describes procedural logic, business process and
work flow supporting parallelism.
Activity:- carrying out behavior in a State machine diagram.
Actor:- a role that a user takes when invoking a use case. Also see actor modeling.
Class:- the primary declarative construct of Object-Oriented Programming; a cohesive
unit of Attributes and Operations; a compile-time template for an Object.
Class diagram:- a type of static structure diagram that describes the structure of a
system by showing the system's classes, their attributes, and the relationships between
the classes.
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Sequence diagram:- describes the Messages sent between a numbers of participating.
Accused registration form
Image1: Accused registration form
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Image2: Accuser registration form
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2) https://www.ibm.com/support/knowledgecenter/...9.../cclassd.html
3) http://www.fas.org/irp/agency/doj/fbi/is/ncic.html
4) https://www.smartdraw.com/use-case-diagram/
5) https://www.inflectra.com/ideas/topic/requirements-definition.aspx
6) https://www.w3schools.com/
7) http://www.federalpolice.gov.et/web/guest/background-information
8) http://www.agilemodeling.com/artifacts/sequenceDiagram.htm
9) : https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/uml-class-diagram
10) System analysis and design 5th edition.
FOR Android
1) http://mobilenumbertrackr.com
2) https://www.slideshare.net/.../android-based-crime-manage-system-proposal
3) https://www.kashipara.com › Project › Android Ideas
4) https://codemint.net/mint/android-based-crime-reporting-system/137
5) https://acadpubl.eu/jsi/2018-119-7/articles/7a/56.pdf
6) https://developer.android.com/kotlin
7) https://www.c-sharpcorner.com/article/best-programming-language-for-android-app/
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