Uploaded by Peter

QUT Early Offer Scheme Invitation

Hi Peter
Invitation from QUT: apply for the Qld Year 12 Early Offer Scheme
Thank you for choosing QUT in your QTAC preferences.
To help provide you with some certainty about your study plans for 2022, we invite you to apply for an
early offer through the QUT Year 12 Early Offer Scheme.
The QUT Year 12 Early Offer Scheme can provide you with an offer on Friday 19 November, the day you
complete Year 12.
The scheme is open to all students (including international students) completing Year 12 at a Queensland
high school in 2021. This includes:
• Queensland Certificate of Education (QCE) students who either:
o are completing at least five ATAR General subjects
o have a completed AQF VET Diploma
• International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme students on an IB Diploma study plan
• QCE or IB students who have successfully completed two START QUT units
What official documentation do I need?
QCE students:
One of:
• QCAA statement of IA results; or
• a full screenshot of your QCAA Student Portal learner account showing:
o your internal assessment (IA) results for IA1, IA2 and IA3
o your LUI number
o the browser URL showing the QCAA web address
Queensland IB Diploma students:
• A full copy of your school-issued Year 12 End Semester 1 report showing your Year 12 provisional
VET Diploma students:
• Provide your completed award certificate and academic record from the AQF VET provider (which is
usually not your school).
START QUT students
• If you have not already declared your START QUT studies in your QTAC application, please email
QTAC to declare them. QTAC will obtain your results directly from QUT.
When do I upload the documentation?
Wait until you have all of the results, then combine all of your documentation into one pdf file and upload
to your QTAC application by 31 October 2021:
Please note: you will not be able to upload additional documentation, multiple files etc. Further,
incomplete applications will not be considered so please ensure you follow these instructions.
What results do I need to achieve?
Please visit https://www.qut.edu.au/study/early-offer for details on what results you need to have achieved
for each QUT courses covered by QUT Year 12 Early Offer Scheme.
How do the offers work?
If you miss out on one of these early offers, you will still be considered for entry to QUT when your ATAR
or selection rank is known.
Who will be assessing my results?
QUT will be assessing your results.
Need help?
For further information about the QUT Year 12 Early Offer Scheme visit
Or call QUT on 07 3138 2000
We look forward to receiving your results for consideration and wish you all the best for your final weeks
of school.
ueensland University of Technology