Student Solutions Manual Phillip E. Bedient * Richard E. Bedient Eighth Edition Elementary Differential Equations Earl D. Rainville Phillip E. Bedient Richard E. Bedient Student Solutions Manual Phillip E. Bedient ¢ Richard E. Bedient Eighth Edition Elementary Differential Equations Earl D. Rainville Late Professor of Mathematics University of Michigan Phillip E. Bedient rofessor Emeritus of Mathematics Franklin and Marshall College Richard E. Bedient Professor of Mathematics Hamilton College PRENTICE HALL, UPPER SADDLE RIVER, NJ 07458 Assistant Editor: Audra Walsh Production Editor: Carole Suraci Special Projects Manager: Barbara A. Murray Supplement Cover Manager: Paul Gourhan Manufacturing Buyer: Alan Fischer Copyright © 1997 by Prentice-Hall, Inc. A Pearson Education Company Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America ISBN O-13-592783-6 Prentice-Hall International (UK) Limited,London Prentice-Hall of Australia Pty. Limited, Sydney Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., Toronto Prentice-Hall Hispanoamericana, S.A., Mexico Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi Prentice-Hall of Japan, Inc., Tokyo Pearson Education Asia Pte. Ltd., Singapore Editora Prentice-Hall do Brasil, Ltda., Rio de Janeiro Definitions; Families of Curves 12 Definitions. 2. peak frank Contents Numerical 2000. ee ee es . 000.0 000 eae . ee te ee ......0....0....00050000. 0 ee tee rar The General Solution of a Linear Equation 2... et Ch bt 2.6 Miscellaneous Exercises ee font Equations of Order One 2.1 Separation of Variables... 0... 2.2 Homogeneous Functions .. 0... 2.3 Equations with Homogeneous Coefficients... 2.4 Exact Equations 2... 0. tO Crotn no peek et ee Methods 3.2 Euler’s Method 3.3. 3.4 3.5 3.6 3.7 3.8 A Modification of Euler's Method. . 0... 0 ee te as A Method of Successive Approximation .. 00.000 eee eee AnImprovement 2.0.0 ee eee ees The Use of Taylor’s Theorem .. 0.00.0 ee ee The Runge-Kutta Method... 0.0.0 0. ne A Continuing Method 2.00.0. ee ee . 2... Elementary Applications 4.3 Simple Chemical Conversion. 2... 00 4.4 Logistic Growth and the Price of Commodities eee ......0.00.0 ee Additional Topics on Equations of Order One 5.1 Integrating Factors Found by Inspection... ...-.00 00.00.0020 5.2 The Determination of Integrating Factors .......0.00 2.00000. 5.4 Bernoulli's Equation... 0. 5.5 Coefficients Linear in the Two Variables 2... 6 5.6 Solutions Involving Nonelementary Integrals... 0.0. ee ee 00050. 0000008 02 405 0G ee ee ee 21 22 22 22 23 24 24 25 25 26 CONTENTS 6 Linear Differential Equations 6.2 An Existence and Uniqueness Theorem ...........0..00000000-00. 6.4 The Wronskian 2.0... eee ee eee 6.8 The Fundamental Laws of Operation... 2.0000 0 ee 00 ee ee ee 6.9 Some Properties of Differential Operators .......000.. 0000... cay ae 39 39 39 40 41 7 Linear Equations with Constant Coefficients 7.2 The Auxiliary Equation: Distinct Roots ........0..00...0. 0200005 cas 7.3 The Auxiliary Equation: Repeated Roots .......0..00.000. 0.00000008 42 42 43 7.6 A Note on Hyperbolic Functions Miscellaneous Exercises 8 9 ...0.0.00000 000 ee 0000 ee et ae 20. ee eee 44 ee 45 Nonhomogeneous Equations: Undetermined Coefficients 8.1 Construction of a Homogeneous Equation from a Specific Solution .......... 8.3 The Method of Undetermined Coefficieents 2.2. 0.0 0.0. ee 8.4 Solution by Inspection... 2.1. 48 48 49 54 Variation of Parameters 56 9.2 Reduction of Order... 0. 9.4 Solution of y’+ y= f(@) 0. ee eee ee 56 ee «BB eee 10 Applications 10.3 Resonance 70 60. 70 10.4 Damped Vibrations. ©. 0. ee 10.5 The Simple Pendulum ©. 1... ee 11 Linear Systems of Equations 11.2 First-Order Systems with Constant Coefficients 11.4 Some Matrix Algebra 20 11.5 First-Order Systems Revisited. 2. 0 11.6 Complex Eigenvalues 0 00 0 11.7 Repeated Eigenvalues 2. 0. 11.8 The Phase Plane 12 Nonhomogeneous . 0.0 13 The Existence 00 0. ee ee ee ee tet ee es ee 73 77 78 78 78 79 81 83 85 0 Systems of Equations 12.1 Nonhomogeneous Systems 19.2 Arms Races... 12.4 Simple Networks ©... ee ee ee 2. 6 0 87 88 eee 2... of Solutions 13.2 An Existence and Uniqueness Theorem... 87 ee and Uniqueness 6 6 0 eeee 90 94 94 CONTENTS 14 The 14.3 Laplace Transform ‘Transforms of Elementary Functions 14.6 14.10 FunctionsofClassA Periodic Functions... 2... 95 .......00000.0.......0004.., 0... ee ee eee, eee 15 Inverse Transforms 15.1 15.2 101 Definition of an Inverse Transform Partial Fractions ©... .. 2... ee 15.3 Initial Value Problems .. 0.0.0... 15.4 A Step Function «2.0... 15.5 A Convolution Theorem 16.2 16.56 16.7 16.9 ee eee ee ep 2.0. 15.6 Special Integral Equations... 15.8 The Deflection of Beams... 15.9 Systems of Equations... 16 Nonlinear ee ee ee ee 2... 2... ee 2. ee eee 102 108 eee 110 eg 111 14 115 tt ee, 120 2... 2 nt ee te Series Solutions 18 Solutions Near Regular .... Singular Points Regular Singular Points 2.2... Difference of Roots Nonintegral 184 ee 143 ee 143 . 2... Equal Roots... 18.7 Equal Roots, an Alternative... 0. 18.8 Nonlogarithmic Case... 18.9 Logarithmic Case. ke 18.10 18.11 Solution for Largez oe Many-Term Recurrence Relations 2... ee ee 152 158 ee eee 160 ee ee ns 174 181 et es 185 » ees 205 205 2 0 2.0. 131 143 0. 18.6 Miscellaneous Exercises 120 123 124 126 134 17.5 Solutions Near an Ordinary Point... ... . — 18.4 101 102 Equations Miscellaneous Exercises 18.1 ee, Factoring the Left Member .......0...000000 000.0... 00 000 vp eae The p-Discriminant Equation ©... 0 ct ee ee Clairaut’s Equation. 2 0 te een, Independent Variable Missing... 0.0.00. 17 Power 95 96 98 165 ee 20 Partial Differential Equations 20.3 Method of Separation of Variables 21 Orthogonal Sets of Functions 208 21.6 Other Orthogonal Sets... 22 Fourier Series 22.3 Numerical Examples of Fourier Series 22.4 Fourier Sine Series 20 ee 2... 0.2 ee ee 208 210 210 213 CONTENTS 23 Boundary Value Problems 23.1 The One-Dimensional Heat Equation... .........0... 23.4 Heat Conduction ina Sphere .. 0... 2. ee es 23.5 The Simple Wave Equation ........0.-. 205. ee ue 23.6 Laplace’s Equation in Two Dimensions. ............. 24 Additional Properties of the Laplace Transform 24.1 Power Series and Inverse Transforms 24.2 The Error Function. 2. 0. 0 24.3 Bessel Functions . 2... 0 .... 0006 es 25 Partial Differential Equations: Transform Methods 25.1 Boundary Value Problems... 25.2 The Wave Equation 2.0.00 ....000.-.0 ee 25.5 Diffusion in a Slab of Finite Width... 25.6 Diffusion in a Quarter-Infinite Solid 00250005 ee ee ee 2. .0.......0.. 2. .......0..0..0. Chapter 1 Definitions; Families of Curves 1.2 Definitions All answers in this section are determined by inspection. 1 . The equation is ordinary, linear in x, and of order 2. cn 3. The equation is ordinary, nonlinear, and of order 1. The equation is ordinary, linear in y, and of order 3. 7. The equation is partial, linear in u, and of order 2. 9. The equation is ordinary, linear in x or y, and of order 2. il. The equation is ordinary, linear in y, and of order 1. 13. The equation is ordinary, nonlinear, and of order 3. 15. The equation is ordinary, linear in y, and of order 2. 1.3. Families of Solutions 1. Rewriting the equation yields y = / a? + Idx +c. Integrating, we have y = gx! + 2% +46, Rewriting the equation yields y = 4 / cos 6a dx + ¢. Integrating, we have y = 2 sin Oz +c. Rewriting the equation yields y = 2 / 1 ye dz+c. Integrating, we have y = arctan (2/2)+c. . Rewriting the equation yields y = 3 / e* dz. Integrating, we have y = 3e* +c, the initial conditions gives 6 = 34+ corc= Substituting 3 so y = 3e7 +3. As in Example 1.2, y = ce**. Substituting the initial conditions gives 3 = ce® = c so y = 3e%*, 11. Rewriting the equation yields y = 4 / sin 2a dx. Integrating, we have ~2cos2¢+c. ing the initial conditions gives 2 = -2cos7 +e = 2+corc=0s0 y = —2c0s 2u. Substitut- CHAPTER 2. Chapter EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE 2 Equations of Order One 2.1 Separation of Variables 1. The variables may be separated to give [tana few r Integrating both sides we have Inr = ~-2¢ +corr=e =2t? +e orn = nt? 677 6, To simplify this we replacing, the constant e° by another constant. We could use a different name like k to get, r = ke~?*', but the convention is to reuse the name c to obtain r= ce oe 2t BF or To = €or Tr = To exp (—2t"). The variables may be separated to give y wee dy = lies, ¥ dz fm. x Integrating both sides we have din(l+y*) =Ina+cor In(i+y*)/? =Ing+e. Exponentiating both sides yields (1 y2)¥2 = ell 49 op (1 $y?) ax elt tee, As in Exercise 1 replacing e° with ¢; (1+y?)\/? = ex or y* = cz? -lory= Vex? — 1. From the given conditions, 3= /4¢~-1, 9=4e-1lorc= y= 3 V 100? - 4. 42. Thus 2.1. SEPARATION OF VARIABLES 3 . Separating the variables we have, 2{Z=3 ay xr y Integrating both sides yields, 2Ina +¢ = 3iny or y? = cz. conditions to obtain, 1 = 4c, or c = 4. Thus y = (x/2)?/8. Finally, we substitute the initial . Separating the variables we have, [eva = [oe dz. <a] Integrating both sides yields, -e7~¥ = —ten -+-c. Finally, we substitute the initial conditions to obtain, -1 = -i =corc= —}. Thus 2e7¥ = e~®” +1 or In2—- y = In (e-™” +1) or y = In2 —In[1 + exp (—2")). . Separating the variables we have, 2a? [r-8dr— fran = f sins, Integrating both sides yields, ~a?r~? —Inr = —cos@+.c. Finally, we substitute the initial conditions to obtain, ~a?a~? — Ina = ~—cos0 +c or -Ina = c. Thus ~a2r7? ~Inr —cos@ ~ Ina or r*(Inr — Ina) = r? cos@ — a? or r* In(r/a) = r? cos8 — a?. = 11. Separating the variables we have, [a-/ da: yf i-« Integrating both sides yields, ~y~! = ~—In(1 —«)+c. Replacing ¢ by Inc, yjln|1 — el+ine] = 1. Thus yin |e(1 — z)j = 1. 13. Separating the variables we have, dy _ adz Integrating both sides yields, —}y~? = hers” +c. Replacing —2e by c leaves e~™ + y7? = c. 16. Separating the variables we have, mde _ fndy z ¥ Integrating both sides yields, mlng = niny +c or 2™ = cy”. 17. Separating the variables we have, [%-Vv aP Po Integrating both sides yields, nV = ~ln P+corin(PV)=cor PV =e, CHAPTER 2. EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE 19. Separating the variables we have, [* bsin é dé r | 1—bcosé’ Integrating both sides yields, In |r| = In|1 — bcos @| + ¢ or r = c(1 ~ bcos @). ai. Separating the variables we have, [uev=-[ Zyae=-f (+045) dz. Integrating both sides yields, dy? = —(a+1)?—In (x — 1)+c or (x+1)? +y? +2 In |e(x — 1)| = 0. 23. Separating the variables we have, [a Integrating by parts yields, / (i + Thus - — i =~ | xe* de. | dy = —ze* + / e” dz. = ~—ze* +e" +c or e*(a — 1) = (2y + 1)/(2y") +e. 25. Separating the variables we have, fue dy = [eo dz. Integrating both sides yields, —ye~¥ + / e-8 dy = —a7' +c. Thus ~ye7¥ ~ e74 =~ +6 or c(y +1) = (1+ czr)e¥. 27. Separating the variables we have, J secudy = [cost xa. Integrating both sides yields, In|secy + tany| = da + ; sin 2n + c. Thus 4In]secy+ tanyj] = 2x + sin 2x + ¢. 29. Separating the variables we have, [cost xa = fe +t?) dt. Integrating both sides yields, 42 + 4sin 2x = 4(1+¢)? +c. Thus 2z+sin22 =e+ (1407). 2.2. 31. HOMOGENEOUS FUNCTIONS 5 Separating the variables we have, [tBan- [has or [ (E43) aa=- f (G41) a8 Integrating both sides yields, Ina + 3a = ~Inf—§8+c caf = exp{—3a — ~). or lnaf = ~3a~ B8+c. Thus 33. Separating the variables we have, rdz / dy va? — x3 Integrating both sides yields, -/a? — x? = y +c. Thus y—-c¢ = ~Va? — 2”, the lower half of the circle x? + (y — c)? = a?. 35. Separating the variables we have, a? dx aye =f aVvx* — a? / LY, y+e Integrating both sides yields, a aresec(t/a) = y +e. Thus x = asec y 37. Separating the variables we have, 2 _fyti, x _ lane: [tae /(v _ 1+ 2 ty) dy Integrating both sides yields, § In (2* +1) = $y? —y+2Inly+1j+e. Thus In (x? + 1) = y? — 2y + 4 In |e(y + 1). 2.2 Homogeneous Functions All functions are homogeneous except those of Exercises 2, 5, 6, and 19 by examination. 2.3. Equations 1. Substituting y with Homogeneous = av, we have 3(327 Coefficients + v*z*)dr — (9 + v) da = Qrvdv. We first separate the variables to obtain [e-2/ udu x 9 + 2" Integrating yields Inc = In(9+ v7) +c. x = [9 + (y/x)*] or 2° = c(9x? + y*), 22?u(ude + xdv) = O or Replacing ¢ by Inc and substituting for v leaves CHAPTER 2. EQUATIONS OF ORDER 3. Substituting y = av, we have 2(227 + v?x?)dx — x*v(ude (4+v7)dx = xcudu. We first separate the variables to obtain / dx / gc Integrating yields Inz = 3 In 1 (4 +v*) +c. f + adv) ONE = 0 or vdy 442! Replacing ¢ by Ine and substituting for v leaves x? = c7[4 + (y/x)*] or ct = ce? (da? + y?). . Substituting y = xv, we have (4a* + Tux? + Quta*)dz — a?(udz + xdv) = 0, or (4+ 6v + Qu") dx = xdu. We first separate the variables to obtain [e- loss du 4+6u+ -4/ 202 1 + 1 2Q+u d itv Integrating yields Ina = —}(In(2+v) —In(1+v)] +<¢ or a leaves ¢[1 + (y/x)] = «7[2 + (y/z)] or x?(y + 2x) = c(y + 2). °- = c*z*. Substituting for v . Substituting y = cv, we have (2 ~ xv)(4z + av)da + x(5a — xv)(vdx + xdv) (—2u? + 2u + 4) dx = (—5a + xv) du. We first separate the variables to obtain dx ve 5 1 [¢ =| sete’ 1 0 or 2 -1f (=5+sh) e(v — 24/2 Integrating yields Inz = —}In(v ~ 2) —In(v+1) +c or = vt dv. = z, Substituting for v leaves e[(y/x) — 2]!/? = a[(y/x) +1] or z(y + z)* = c*(y — 22). . Substituting z = yu, we have (v2y? + 2y?v — 4y*)(udy + y du) — (uy? — 8y?u — 4y”) dy = 0 or (v? + v? + 4u + 4) dy = ~y(v? + 2u — 4) dv. We first separate the variables to obtain [*--[ yo i he-/ we+vrtdu+4 0 — Integrating yields Ina = In (v + 1) ~ In(v? + 4) +c, or 1 v+t1 vt ed ay vi+4 =: y. Substituting for v leaves yl(y/a)? + 4] = c[(y/x) + 1] or 2? + 4y? = e(a + y). i. Substituting y = av, we have (2? + v*z*)de / vw 1+2v? + z*u(udz (1 + 2v”) dz = —zu dv. We first separate the variables to obtain / dx ce J + cdv) = 0 or Integrating yields ~Inz = 41In(1+?) +e, or (1 + 2u*)/4z = c. Substituting for v leaves [1 + 2(y/x)?]a4 = ef or 2?(2* + 2y?) = ct. 2.3. EQUATIONS WITH HOMOGENEOUS COEFFICIENTS 7 13. Substituting 2 = vy, we have v*(udy + ydv) + (y? + 2y) du = —udy. We first separate the variables to obtain - [= at ve =a Jf w+oy 2 yu(yy il yo \, y+2 + v)dv = O or y. 1/2 } => Substituting for y leaves a Integrating yields — Inv = g(Iny —In(y+2)}+eor € 2 c{(z/v) + 2] = (x/v)u* or xv? = efx + Qu). 16. Substituting yo = rv, we have 3 + susin 2) dx — asin Foy dx + xdv) = (2 + zusin® v — usin? v) dz = x* sin? udu. We first separate the variables to obtain dx x O or = | sin* vav. 1 Integrating yields Ing = 3Ui sin2v +c. Replacing c by Inc and substituting for v leaves In |z/el= 4(y/x) — 4 sin (2(y/x)] or 4a in |x/e| ~ 2y + vsin (2y/x) = 0. 17, Substituting y = xv, we have (« — zvarctanu)dr + xarctanv(vdr + xdv) = 0 or —(i — varctanv + varetanv) dz = xarctanudv. We first separate the variables to obtain -{2 x Integrating yields 2 2 In eee) ~Inz = +c = = f asctanv do. varetany Qvarctanyv. Then — 4 In(l +7). substituting for Replacing vu gives ¢ by Inc leaves = 0 or 2 2 In (Eege*) x = 2(y/x) arctan (y/x) or 2y arctan (y/x) = x In [c?(x? + y*)/24}. 19. Substituting t = sv, we have vs(s* + v%s?)ds — s(s? — v?s?)(uds + sdv) (v +3 —v +") ds = s(1 — v*) dv. We first separate the variables to obtain ds seme / 8 SE fi-v? 1 —————1) = “3 yn we 9 ~ 3 / (eno) de . Integrating yields In |s| tes= 4(—4u7?—In[u}) or Injesv!/?|= ~jv*. Substituting for v leaves —2t? in |es?(t/s)|= s? or s? = ~2#? In jest}. al. Substituting y = xv, we have (3x? — 227y + 327v") de + 4z*u(udz + zdv) (3— 2u — v*) dx = drvdv. We first separate the variables to obtain dz /? du -/[sE=3 god i” —3 1 =-/[(St) do. Integrating yields Ing = ~3In(34+v)—-In(l—v)4+e Substituting for v leaves z[3 + (y/x)P{1 ~ (y/x)] = c or (y — x)(y + 3x)? = ex. = 0 or CHAPTER 2. EQUATIONS OF ORDER 23. Substituting y = «xv, we have (x — zu)dz + (382 + zv)(ude + adv) (l—v+3u +07) dz = —(3+ v)zdv. We first separate the variables to obtain dz -{¢ 3+4 -/ ase 1 =f for v leaves Gs or 2 ino™ dy In[z(1 +v)| +c. Substituting = Infa(1 + [y/2])] + ¢ or 22 = (2 + y) In (aw + y) + e(a + y). The initial conditions give 6 = (1) In@ij)+e=c, 25, 0 2 (+a) Integrating yields —Inx = In(1+v)~2(1+u)7!+cor = ONE Thus 2(2r + 3y) + (@ + y) Infe+y) = 0. Substituting y = zu, we have (rv + Ja? +a%v?)dx — a(udr (v+ V1 + vu? — v)dz = adv. We first separate the variables to obtain + xdv) = 0 or dy Jitu? Integrating 27. yields Inn = xz = ef(y/x) + zg? =Qyt+l. /1+ (y/z)*]. Substituting y = In(vu+Vl+v7) + « Substituting for vu leaves The initial conditions give 3 = c(1+/3+1) orc = 1. Thus xv, we have (x*v? + 7x*v + 16z*)dr + 2°(udz + 2dv) = 0 or (vu? + 7v +164 u)dx = ~—xdv. We first separate the variables to obtain [¢Integrating yields Inz = — ees rs ie -/ oe +c. Substituting for v leaves [(y/x) + 4]Ing = 1+ ¢[(y/x) + 4). The initial conditions give 0 = 1+ 5¢ or c = ~—(1/5). a2-y=5(yt+4z) ing. Thus (y+ 4c) Ing = x — By + 4x) or 29. Substituting c = yv, we have yv(ydu + udy) + 2(y7u? (u? + Qu? + 4) dy = —vy du. We first separate the variables to obtain + 2y2)dy = O or dy v -{% -f a pat Integrating yields ~Iny = 3 In(3v? + 4)+c. Substituting for v leaves c = In ([3(x/y)? + 4]y®). The initial conditions give C== 4. Thus y4(32? + 4y?) = 4, 31. Substituting y = xv, we have au(Qx — 2xv)dx — 2(64 ~ cu)(vdz + adv) (Qu ~ 2u? — 6v + vu?) dz = (6 ~v)adu. We first separate the variables to obtain [2- [arene [qo=ae= [Go sea) * = 0 or 2.4. EXACT EQUATIONS 9 Integrating yields Ing = 2lnv ~In(v —3)+c¢. _ 2*(y — 32) Th c= ———~;-——. The Seated ‘a2 . Substituting for v leaves c = al(y/z) = 3] (y/z)? a _ initial conditions give c = {1(1 ~3)|/1 = —2. rn 2_. Thus —2y* or 2 = 2?(y — 32) or ¥ 33 — zy — 2y? = 0. 33. Substituting y = av, we have (16x + 5xu)dx + (3x + rv)(udx + x2dv) (16 + 5u + 3u + v*) dz = (~3 — v)rdv. We first separate the variables to obtain -[S- flatts v+3 v= | wtb pie.” Integrating yields —-Ing = 1 ~In(ai(y/2) +4) = Gog In(v+4) ter —In(-3+4) = 1/(-3+4)+core yt 3e = (y + 42) In (y + 42). _t + ny (v + 4) 1 1 v+4 (u4+4)? +6 = 0 or dv ‘ Substituting for vu leaves £ +4) = ae = —1. +c. The initial conditions give Thus —(y + 4x) In(y+42) = xc - y — 42 or 35. Substituting 2 = yv, we have 2y*v(ydu + udy) — (8y2v? (3u? — 2 — 2v*) dy = Quy dv. We first separate the variables to obtain — 2y7)dy = 0 or dy Integrating yields Iny = In(v? —2)+ ¢. Substituting for v leaves In (ars) = ¢ OF 3 Cc= 2.4 gop orc = 1/2. Thus 2? = 2y?(y +1). Exact Equations OF 1. Let an 72 +y. Integrating with respect to z we have F = x7/2+2y+T(y). with respect to y yields x cor 2? +Iry OF Let a ¢ Differentiating = 2+T"(y) = ¢-y so T(y) = —y?/2. Thus F = 2?/2+2y—y?/2 = ~yr=c. 2 = 2xy—32*. . . 4 2 3 Integrating with respect to x we have F = 2*y~2°+T(y). : sae Differentiating with respect to y yields 3 = x? +T7"(y) = 2? +y so that T(y) = y?/2. Thus F = a2?y— 23 + y?/2 = cor x*y— 23+ $y? =e . LetoF ax = c~2y. Integrating with respect to x we have F = x7/2—2zy+T(y). with respect to y yields & = —22+T"(y) = 2y — 2x so that T(y) = y?. Thus F = 22/2 ~2ry + y? =c or 2? + 2y? = dry te. Differentiating CHAPTER 10 2. EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE This equation has homogeneous coefficients. Substituting y = av, we have (a — 2av) dx + av —a)(vdz + adv) = 0 or (1 ~ 2u + 2v? — Qu) dz = (—2u + 2)xdu. We first separate the variables to obtain [e- ze (~2u+2)du (2v — 2) dv jf Q?—4u+1— (Qu? — 4u +1) Integrating yields Ina = —1} In (2u? — du 4+ 1) +c or x7(2v* —4u +1) =c. Substituting for v leaves z*(2(y/x)? ~ 4(y/x) + 1] = ¢ or 2? + 2y? = dey +e. . Let i = y* — Ixy + 6x. Integrating with respect to z we have F = zy” — xy + 32? + T(y). Differentiating with respect to y yields PP a ‘ = Qay~ 224 7"(y) = ~2? + Izy ~ 2 so that T(y) = —2y. Thus F = xy? ~ xy + 32" -2y =e. il. Let a = cos 2y ~— 327y?. Integrating with respect to a we have F = xcos2y — zy" + T(y). oF Differentiating yields By = ~Qrsin2y — 2x5y + T"(y) : = cos2y — 2xsin2y ~ 22%y so that T(y) = 4sin 2y. Thus F = zcos2y — x*y? + § sin 2y = c or 4} sin 2y + x cos 2y — ay? = c. ,_ OF 13. Let an" . : Integrating with respect to z we have F = x + ry? + tx7y? + T(y). OF Differentiating with respect to y yields By = Qry+c*y t+ T’(y) = x?y + y+ 2zy so that 1+y°+ay*. T(y) = y?/2. Thus F = a+ zy? + $27y? + gy =corQet+y%(l+c)? =e 15. Let x = 2? —xsec*y. Integrating with respect to y we have F = x2*y — rtany + Q(z). OF Differentiating with respect to z yields —~- = 2xy —~ tany + Q(x) Ox = 2xy — tany so that Q(z) = 0. Thus F = x°y — xtany =e. 17. Let a = r+sin?—cos@. Integrating we have F = r?/2+r(sin@—cos0)+T7(@). with respect to @ yields a Differentiating = r(cos@+sin 0) +7'(6) = r(cos @ +sin @) so that T(@) = 0. Thus F = r?/24+r(sin@ — cos@) =c or r* + 2r(sin@ — cos) =e. 19. Let a Fe ir = sin@ — 2rcos*@. . Integrating with respect to 2 we have F = rsin@ — r? cos?@ + T(6). Differentiating yields a = rcos 6 + 2r? cos @sin@ + 7" (8) = rcos O(2r sin @ +1) so that T(@) =0. Thus F = rsin# — r? cos? @ =e. ai. Let a me = Qry. Integrating with respect to « we have F = 2*y + T(y). a respect to y yields i or y(3a? + y”) =e. Differentiating with = 2? +T'(y) = y? +2? so that T(y) = y°/3. Thus F = xy + y3/3 =c 2.6. THE GENERAL SOLUTION OF A LINEAR EQUATION OF 23. Let a = zy? + y ~ x. Integrating with respect to OF Differentiating with respect to y yields a 11 we have F = Za7y* + cy — $2? + Ty). = ay +ao+T'(y) = a*y +2 so that Ty) = 0. Thus F = $2*y? + ay — $27 = cor 2?y? + 2ay — 2? =. 2 25. Let - = y?+27(1—cy)~*. Integrating we have F = y3/3+2(1—zy)7'!+Q(z). Differentiating OF with respect to a yields on = zy(1—zy)7?+(1—zy)7!+Q'(z) = (1~zy)~? so that Q(x) = 0. Thus F = 3y°+a(1—ay)~* = c. Substituting the initial conditions gives }~2 = core = —8, Thus 4y° + 2(1 — zy)! = —8 or ayt — y9 + Say — 32 = 5. OF 27. Let iy = x + 3y* + exp(—2?). : Integrating we have F = yz? + y° + yexp(—2?) + Q(x). Differentiating with respect to x, i = Qry — 2zyexp(—z?) + Q'(z) = 6x? + Iry — Ary exp (~x?) so that Q(z) = 223. Thus Fe=x?y+y* + yexp(—27) +2 =e. o 2.6 The General Solution of a Linear Equation d 1, The equation in standard form is = ~ (3/z)y = x‘. Thus the integrating factor is exp (-3/<) =exp(—3inz) = = d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have is (5) = x. Integrating and simplifying yields y/e® = x7/2+.c or 2y= 2° + cx, “ dz The equation in standard form is dy + [4/(y + ijx = y/(y +1). Thus the integrating factor is exp (1/4) Multiplying = exp (4In(y+ 1] = (y+1)4. by the integrating factor we have sl + 1)4a] = y(y +1)*. Integrating and simplifying yields 20z(y + 1)4 = (4y — 1)(y+1)4 +c or 2027 = 4y~1+e(y+1)74. da The equation in standard form is ——- + [(1 — 3u)/u]z = 3 Thus the integrating factor is du exp (/ Co au) = exp (Inu — 3u) = uexp (—3u). d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have Gy ue") = 3ue~*". Integrating and simpli fying yields ue~**z = —ue~*" ~ ge" +c or cu = ce™ ~ uf. CHAPTER 2, 12 _ @ The equation in standard form is oy ultiplying Multiplyi P ONE (cot z)y = cse x. Thus the integrating factor is dx ex EQUATIONS OF ORDER / cota dz) = exp |[—In (sinx)| = i = exp ™ sina’ 2= esc”cae Y) df by the integrating factor we have Ge Gna) oe: - x. Integrating and simplifying yields y/sinz = ~—cotr-+cor y = csinz — cose. dy The equation in standard form is dn + (1/cosx)y = cosx. Thus the integrating factor is exp (/ secede = exp [In (secx + tan z)] = sec + tan x. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have 7, lulsec x +tanz)| = 1+sinz. Integrating and simplifying yields y(secz + tanz) = c+ — cosa. dy li, The equation in standard form is ix + (cotz +1/a})y = 1. Thus the integrating factor is 1 exp ( / (cots + *) az) . d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have az fying yields zysina = ¢+ sing ~ xcosa. 13. The equation in standard form is dy a _ . = exp [In (sin) + Ing] = vsina. sing) = zsinz. Integrating and simpli- [2x /(1+27)ly = (x? +24)/(1+27). Thus the integrating factor is exp (-/ ar) = exp[-In(1+2”)] =(1+2%)"1 ; _, d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have qv simplifying yields y(1 + 2?)~! = x — aretanz + Bet +2°)~"] xe = ite’ Integrating and or y = (1 + 2”)(¢ + x — arctanz). d . . : 15. The equation in standard form is = ~ (ma)y = cie™*. Thus the integrating factor is exp (/ —ma dz) = exp (—Mmgr). d _m Multiplying by the integrating factor we have ——(e~™*"y) = cye™~™2)*_ simplifying yields y = cye™” + cge™?*, where cz = e,/(m, — m2). : Integrating and 2.6. THE GENERAL SOLUTION OF A LINEAR EQUATION 13 17. The equation in standard form is a + [2/(x(a? + 1)ly = (2? + 1)*/x. Thus the integrating factor is oo ([ garry) ores 2dx _ wa: : . Multiplying by the integrating factor we have 2 2 Ul ay d 2? is (ay ) = = a? +2. Integrating and simplifying yields x7y/(x? +1) = 3 (0? +1)? +c or 2?y = (x? +1)9 +e(2? +1). d + (2/(x? ~ 1)]y = 1. Thus the integrating factor is 19, The equation in standard form is = ex P fea gz? —] dx} = exp = exp {in vl d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have — (v3 dx fying yields y ral a+] = _ 27} e+ij// -I1 \"ri+l «+1 bp 1 ) =, g+1 Integrating and simpli- —-2In|[x+1|+ecor (x — ijy = (a@+1)(e+ ¢~ 2injx +1). d 21. The equation in standard form is = ~ {3tanz)y = 1. Thus the integrating factor is exp(-3 / tanz ar) = exp [~3 In (sec x)} = cos? x. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have ay lu(eos” x)| = cos? a. Integrating and simpli- fying yields ycos* « = 4(2 + cos* x) sinx + ¢ or 3ycos*x = c+ 3sinz ~ sin? z. d 23. The equation in standard form is a : dx [6a/(x? + a)]y = 20(x? + a*). Thus the integrating factor is exp(-6 / wept) = exp{—3ln (2? + a?)] = (x? + a?)7?. Multiplying by the integrating factor we have < [y(a? + a?)3} Integrating and * (a? $a)? simplifying yields y(x? + a7)~* = —(a? + a?)~1 + ¢ or y = (x? + a*)"[e(a? + a?) — 1), 25. If n = 0, the equation is separable so fa = of x zr+a dx or y = ba +e~-abln |x + al. If nm = —1, the equation in standard form is a —y/(x@+a) = be/(x+a). Thus the integrating factor is exp (-/ <a) = exp[—In(z +4)} = (2 +a)7}. CHAPTER 2. 14 d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have que EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE +a)7}} _ bx Integrating and ~ (x-+a)?" simplifying yields y(x+a)~! = bIn|x + al+ab/(x+a)+c or y = ab+e(x+a)+b(2+a) In |x + al. dy 27. The equation in standard form is in [1/(Qx + 3)]ly = (22 +3)-/?. Thus the integrating factor is a on (-/ + 3)] = (22 +3)7¥/?, 3) = exp[—4 In (2x d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have 5, lv(ant3)- 2) = (20+3)~!. Integrating yields y(2z +3)~1/? = 4 In (2x + 3) +c. Substituting initial conditions gives 0 = § In(~2+3)+c or c= 0 so 2y = (2c+ 3)'/? In (2x + 3). 29, The equation in standard form is “ + (R/L)i = E/L. Thus the integrating factor is exp (cR/2) fz) = exp (Rt/Z). Multiplying by the integrating factor we have < [iexp (Rt/L)] = (£/L) exp (Rt/L). Integrating yields iexp(Rt/L) = (E/L)(L/R)exp({Rt/L) +c. R O= E/R+core=—(E/R) soi =5 Substituting initial conditions gives E - exp (-F | d 31. The equation in standard form is = + 2y = 4x. Thus the integrating factor is exp (22) = exp 22. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have qa (ve) = 4xe**. . Integrating yields ye** = Qne?* — e** + ¢. Substituting initial conditions gives -1 = —-1+corc=0soy=2z—-1. d. : 33. The equation in standard form is = + [(2t3)/(1 + t*)|s = 6t(1 + ¢?). Thus the integrating factor is exp { 2 . ‘ ° 1+ : dt ) = exp {t? — In(t? + 1)] = d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have i ee 815 si} = 3e° 2 +c. et say e . i +1 ? = 6te’. Substituting the initial conditions gives 2 = 3+c¢ s = (1+ t*)[3 — exp (—¢?)). . : Integrating yields orc = ~1 so 2.6. THE GENERAL SOLUTION OF A LINEAR EQUATION Miscellaneous 15 Exercises 1. The equation is separable. Separating the variables we have, few ss j[ era. Integrating both sides yields, e¥ = $e°* + ¢. Thus 2e¥ = e?* +c. 3. The equation is linear in y. The equation in standard form is a + [3/(a + 1)]y = 4/(c + 1)”. Thus the integrating factor 1s exp (3 / =) = exp (31n (2 + 1)} = (2 +1)°. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have que +1)5] = 4(2+ 1). simplifying yields y(x + 1)? = 2(2 +1)? + cor y = (x41)! Integrating and +e(24+1)79. 5. The equation is homogeneous. Substituting y = xv, we have (v*z*)dz + (~22? — 3x?u)(vde + zdv) = 0 or (uv? ~ 2u ~ 3u”) dz = (2+ 3v)xdu. We first separate the variables to obtain de , f3v+2, , 2 1 patfapeentl Gta) & Integrating yields ~ Ina = Inv + $In(v+1)+c or z*v?(v +1) = c. Substituting for v leaves a*(y/x)*[(y/z) + 1] = ¢ or yx + y) = on. 7. The equation is linear in y. a The equation in standard form is = + (2x)y = x3. Thus the integrating factor is exp ( / 2x ax) = exp (x), Multiplying by the integrating factor we have lle) yields y(e™’) Fe 1 (p22 - ev’) +c, =e" 23. Integrating and simplifying = $(x?~1)+ ce~™", Substituting initial conditions gives 2 = ce~! or c = 2e so 2y = x? ~ 14 4exp(1 — 2”). 9. The equation is homogeneous. Substituting y = xv, we have «v(t + 3ev)dr + a2(vde (vu + 3u? + v)de = —adv. We first separate the variables to obtain - [2 -fate-i/ ze fj 3v2?+22u ? 1 » 3 + xdv) = 0 or NG Bupa)" Integrating yields —Inz = 3{Inv—1n (3u + 2)|+¢ or x?v = c(3v +2). Substituting for v leaves x*(y/x) = c[3(y/x) + 2] or x*y = c(2x + 3y). CHAPTER 2. 16 EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE = 0 or il. The equation is separable. Separating the variables we have, dy x4 [f-/aee Integrating both sides yields, ~gy3 =m za% —a-+arctangz +c. Thus 23y3 + 1 = y3(c + 32 — 3arctan 2). 13. The equation is separable. Separating the variables we have, dz me SE / cos’ tdz. cosx Integrating both sides yields, In|seca + tanz| = $¢+ ; sin 2t +c. Thus 41n| seca + tanz| = 2¢+ sin 2i+c. 15. The equation is homogeneous. Substituting y = av, we have (2° — 2*v*)dx — (2?v + x*)(ude + adv) (vy ~v? — v? — v) de = x(v + 1) dv. We first separate the variables to obtain ax -{G- vt ye 1 aw =3 [ 1 1 (3 +53) Integrating yields —Inc = }(Inv — v7!) + ¢ or 1/v = Incx*v. t/y = In|cx*(y/z)| or x = yln|ecy). du Substituting for v leaves 17. The equation is exact. Let a = 7+2y. Integrating with respect to 7 we have F = x?/2+2cy+T(y). with respect to y yields 3 Differentiating = 9n+T"(y) = 22 +y so Ty) = 7/2. Thus 2? + 4cy + yi=e. 19. The equation is exact. Ee Let a = £°+y3, Integrating with respect to z we have F = x‘/ 4+y%2+T(y). with respect to y yields % Differentiating = 3y2x+T"(y) = 3y22 + ky? so T(y) = ky*/4. Thus ky! + 4zy? + 24 =. 21. The equation is exact. Let a = 3y + 2zy'. Integrating with respect to x we have F = 3xry + xy? + T(y). 0 entiating with respect to y yields % Thus 27y? = 3(¢ + y — xy). Differ- mt = 3a + 327y? + T'(y) = 327y? + 8x -— 3 so Ty) = —-3y. 2.6. THE GENERAL SOLUTION OF A LINEAR EQUATION 17 23. The equation is linear in y. d ‘The equation in standard form is = + (a)y = 6. Thus the integrating factor is exp ¢ /az) = exp ar. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have qe } = be**. Integrating and simplifying yields ye®® = (b/a)e** + ¢ or y = b/a + ce7*™. The equation is also separable. Q yo. / dz. Integrating both sides yields —2 In (b — ay) = Separating the variables gives x+e. Thus y = b/a+ce~™*. 25, The equation is exact. OF Let a b-ay = siny — ysing. . . . ‘ Integrating with respect to z we have f = rsiny + ycosx + T(y). OF Differentiating with respect to y yields —T(y) = 0. Thus xsiny + ycos¢ = ce. aq. The equation is linear in y. d The equation in standard form is - = rcosy + casx + T’(y) by — (2cot x)y = sin? x. Thus the integrating factor is exp(-2 / cot de = exp[~2In (sinz)| = sin7? «. Multiplying by the integrating factor we have plifying yields y(sin~?xz) = —cosxz +c. ~ cos (7/2) +eorc=1s0y = cosx + xcosy so dz [y(sin™? x)| = sing. Integrating and sim- Substituting initial conditions gives, 1/sin? (7/2) = = 2sin?x sin? $a. 29. The equation is separable. Separating the variables we have, / dz / Vi — 22 dy fi —y Integrating both sides yields, arcsinz + arcsin y = c, or a part of the ellipse x? + 2eyry + y? + cf — 1 = 0; where c; = cose. 31. Substituting, arcsinO = — aresin /3/2+c¢ or 0 = —7/34+c. arcsina + arcsiny = RT, or that arc of the ellipse x? + zy + y? = 3 that is indicated by a light solid line in Figure 2.4. 35. The equation is linear in x. The equation in standard form is dz dy (1/y)z = 2/y*. Thus the integrating factor is exp (-[%) =exp(—Iny) = y7?}. CHAPTER 2. 18 d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have qe) EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE = 2y7?. Integrating and simplifying yields cy7! = -y7? +¢ or zy = cy? — 1. i. 37. The equation is linear in y. d The equation in standard form is = — (tanaz)y = cosz. Thus the integrating factor i exp(- / tanz az) = exp [In (cos x)] = cos x. Multiplying by the integrating factor we have ay cosz) = cos’ x. Integrating and simplifying yields ycosx = 3(cosz sing + x) +c or 2y = sinz + (x +c) seco. 39. The equation is linear in y. d The equation in standard form is = + [2/(1 —2*)iy = (1 ~ 32? + 224)/(1 — 2). Thus the integrating factor is exp (/ ; —2 az) = exp[~jln(1 ~2*)) = (1- a2)" U2, ge d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have ve — gy) = (1 1 — ar 2x? — g2)i/2° Integrating and simplifying yields y(1 — £2)~!/? = aresina + 2/1 — x? — arcsinx + ¢ or yea—a+c(1—2*)/2, 41. The equation is linear in y. d . . : The equation in standard form is i +(tanx)y = secz. Thus the integrating factor is exp (/ tan edz) = exp [In (sec x)] = seca. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have an eps sec x) = sec” x. Integrating and simplifying yields ycos™' 2 = tanz + ¢ or y = sina + ccosz. 43. The equation is linear in y. d : The equation in standard form is = +[(1/x) ~ tanazly = 1. Thus the integrating factor is exp (fore) — tan 2] az) = exp (Inz ~— In (sec x)| = a cos =. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have a fying yields ry cosa = c + cosx + rsinz. cosz) = xcosz. Integrating and simpli- 2.6. THE GENERAL SOLUTION OF A LINEAR EQUATION 19 45. The equation is linear in 2. d . ‘ . ‘The equation in standard form is a — (3/y)a = y* - y. Thus the integrating factor is exp(-s [ ) = exp (—3Ilny) = y7?. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have ayy) zy) = Iny+y7! +c. = yl Substituting initial conditions gives -1 -—y7*. Integrating yields = 0-1+c orc = 0 so z=y"[1+yln(~y)]. 47. The equation is linear in z. d The equation in standard form is a + (1/y)2 = -1+1/y?. exp (/ #1) Thus the integrating factor is = exp (Iny) = y. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have ay a yt L/y. Integrating yields ry = —y*/2+Iny +c. Substituting initial conditions gives -1 = -1/2+¢ orce= —1/2so0 y7+22y+1=2Iny, 49. The equation is linear in y. d The equation in standard form is = ~y = 3a. Thus the integrating factor is exp(- fa) = exp (—2). Multiplying by the integrating factor we have < [y(e~*)] y(e~*) = 3{-re~* — e~*) + ¢. orce=Osoy = —-3(r+ 1). = 3ae™*. Integrating yields Substituting initial conditions gives 0 = 3(—(—1)e — e] +c 51. The equation is linear in y. dy. The equation in standard form is = + (2/(1 — 2*)]y = 1. Thus the integrating factor is ex ae Multiplying P 2 f dx pone) = exp OP . . by the integrating factor we have yields y (55) = 2+ 2in(z —-1)+c. (In z+] _@+1 Ta) d — { y dx od g+i z~-1 = 2 1+———. g-l . Integrating Substituting initial conditions gives 3/1 = 2+0+¢ t-— orc =1 so (24+ l)y = («@ — 1){e+14+2In (x — 1)}. 20 CHAPTER 2. EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE 53. The equation is linear in y. d ‘The equation in standard form is ~ + (3/x)y = 1/z°. Thus the integrating factor is exp (3 / =) =exp(3inz) = 2°. d Multiplying by the integrating factor we have a (ye?) = 277,2 Integrating yields yr? = —z~! +c, Substituting initial conditions gives 1 = —1+corc=2 so ry = 2¢—1. 55. The equation is linear in y. The equation in standard form is a + (5) y= a(e 1 3)" Thus the integrating factor is exp ( 54) = exp (f2+c5«) == exp[2In x + In (ax ~ 2)] = 2*(x — 2). Multiplying by the integrating factor we have £ (ya?(a — 2)] = 2. Integrating yields yx?(xz — 2) = x*/2 +c. Substituting initial conditions gives 1{1 — 2)2 = (1/2) + ¢ or e = 3 so 2a?(a — 2)y = 2? ~ 5. 21 Chapter 3 Numerical 3.2 Euler’s Methods Method 1. The results are found in following table. y= 2e7~z—-1. The correct solution is computed Table 3.1; x 0.0 y 1.00 «a2t+y 100 dy 0.10 Correct 1.00 0.1 #116 1.20 6.12 Lil 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.6 0.6 0.7 08 0.9 1.0 1.22 1.36 1.53 41.72 1.94 2.19 248 281 3.18 142 166 1.93 2.22 2.54 289 3.28 3.71 06.14 0.17 0.19 0,22 0.25 0.29 033 O37 1.24 1.40 1.58 1.80 2.04 2.33 2.65 3.02 3.44 3. The approximate value is y(1) = 5.78. The actual value is y(1) = 6.15, 5. The approximate value is y(3) - 1.19. The actual value is y(1) = 1.44. 7. The approximate value is y(2) = 1.09. 9. The approximate value is y(2) = 1.03. 11. The approximate value is y(2) = 2.09. 13. The approximate value is y(2) ~ .61. from the solution 22 CHAPTER 3. 3.3. A Modification of Euler’s NUMERICAL METHODS Method 1. The approximate value is y{1) ~ 3.42. The actual value is y(1) = 3.44. 3. The approximate value is y(1) = 6.12. The actual value is y(1) = 6.15. 5. The approximate value is y(3) = 1.42. The actual value is y(1}) = 1.44. 7. The approximate value is y(2) = 1.03. 9. The approximate value is y(2) ~ .97. 11. The approximate value is y(2) = 3.21. 13. The approximate value is y(2} = .70. 3.4 1, A Method Yo = 1; of Successive Approximation « n(z)=1+ f (¢+1)dt=1+24 42°; 0 ze (a) =1+ [ (E+ L4+¢+¢7/2)dt=1l+ata? + 42°: 0 x wn(a) = 1+ f (t+1+t+e?+¢9/6)dt=l+a+a?t do%4 dat 0 3. w(e)=14 ferrari i [24 (e-ae= 142-1) + He 1 n(x) =1+ [ [2+ 3(t — 1) + (¢~1)?/2] dt = 1+ 2a —1) + 3(@- 1)? + F(a — 1); 1 ys(z) = 1 +f £ (2+3(t-1)+ 3-1)? + 4-1) ] at 1 =142%2—1)+3((e- 1)? +3(e-18+ d(e-1)*. 3.5 An Improvement 1. yo(t) =1+a; n(e)=1+ [ (t+14+t)dt=1+24+2". 02 + go°. nts) =1+ f [e+ 1+t+P|dt=leata? z w(e) =1+ [ ft+1+t+e 448 )dt=1+et+a7+ 409+ det 3.6. THE USE OF TAYLOR’S THEOREM 23 3. yo(z) = 2a— 1; x n(a) =1+ | yo(x) -1+/ 1x a y3(x) = 1 + (t+ 2 -1dt=2e¢~1+ 3(@- 1). [t+ 2t~1+ 3(¢—1)*| dt = 22-14 3(2- 1)? + (27-1). (t+ 2¢-1+ 3(¢- 1)? + 4(¢- 1) Jat =142(¢—- 1) + 8(z-1)? + F(x-1)3 + giz ~ 1). 3.6 The Use of Taylor’s Theorem 1. We first find the required derivatives: yourty, yl=lt+y, y” ay", y WH ay,aH Then evaluate them at (zo, yo). to=0, yo=l, m=1, ye=lt+l=2, yg = yy" =2. This gives the desired polynomial. ys(z) =L+ac+2? 4+ b0° 4+ dat + go. 3. Use the same derivatives as in Exercise 1, then evaluate them at (zo, yo) to=1, yw=l, y=2, yo=l1t2=3, yf’ =” =3. This gives the desired polynomial. ys(z) = 1+ 2(2~-2)4+ 8 (x — 2)? 4 $(x 13+ a(x ~1j44+ H(z —1)§, 5. Use the same derivatives as in Exercise 1, then evaluate them at (ro, yo) to=2, y= 1, yeh y=l+1=2, yg! = yg" =2. This gives the desired polynomial. ys(t) = —1 + (a ~ 2) + (@ — 2)? + $(e — 2)° + (a — 2)4 + Ala - 2). 7. Use the same derivatives as in the example in the section, then: yS) = Qyy) - 8y'y" y'S) = 2yy) + 10y’y) + 6y"y”, of 20y"y"", yi? = 2yy) f 12y’y") 4 30y”y) + 20y'"y". Then evaluate them at (zo, yo). zo = 0, yo = 1, yo = 1, ys) = 20, yf) =96, ye =1l+1=2, yf) = 552, yo = 4, yl” = 3776. This gives the desired polynomial. yr (x) — = l+ao+ x v + 2 gx5 + 5 eat + 4 x5 + 376 + B38 7 24 CHAPTER 3. 3.7 The Runge-Kutta Method 1. The results are found in the following table. Table 3.2: z 0.20 y 195 Ky 152 e+$h | 0.25 y+ 5hK, | 1.33 Ka 171 y+$hK2 | 134 K3 1.73 t+h |030 ythK, | 142 K4 1.93 K 1,72 3.8 <A 0.30 142 193 0.35 1.52 2.19 1.53 2.22 0.40 164 2.53 2.21 Continuing Method 1. yf? = 1.93; y?) = 1.94; yf? = 2.36; x? = 2.37. 0.40 1.64 2.53 0.45 1.77 2.93 1.79 3.00 0.50 1.94 3.51 2.98 0.50 1.94 NUMERICAL METHODS Chapter 4 Elementary 4.3 Applications Simple Chemical Conversion 1. From Section 4.1, ve = /2gR= ./2(.165)(.00609)(1080) = 1.5 miles/sec. 3, From u(l) Section 4.2, u(t) = 70 +ce™*#. At t = 0, u(0) = 70+¢ = 18 orc = -32. Att =1, = 70 — 52e7* = 31 or e~* = 3/4 so k = .29. Thus when t = 5, u(5) = 70 - 52 exp [-0.29(5)] = 58°. . From Section 4.2, u(t) = -10 + ce7**. At 1:00 let t = 0, u(0) = -10+¢ = 700rc= 80. At t = 2, u(2) = —10 + 80e7%* = 26 or ew** = 45 s0 k = .4. Thus when t = 5, u(5) = —10 + 80 exp [-0.4(5)] = 1°F. Starting over at 1:05, u(t) = 70+ ce~-** Let ¢ = 0 again u{(0) = 70+ ¢ = 1 or ¢ = —69. Thus at 1:09 when ¢ = 4, u(4) = 70 — 69 exp [—0.4(4)] = 56°F. . From Section 4.2, u(t) = 20+-ce7**. At 2:00 let ¢ = 0 so u(0) = 20+¢ = 80 or c = 60, At 2:03, t = 3 so u(3) = 20 + 60e~%* = 42 or e~9* = .366 so k = 1/3. If the thermometer is brought in at to, it reads Starting over At 2:10, ¢ = exp (i9/3) — 1 u(to) = 20 + 60 exp (—to/3). at t = to, u(0) = 80+ c = 20+ 60exp(—tg/3) or c = —60[1 — exp (—ty/3)]. 10 — tp, thus u(10 ~ tg) = 80 -- 60/1 -- exp (—to/3)] exp [-(10 ~ t9)/3] = 71 or = 4.2 so tg = 5. The thermometer was brought in at 2:05. From Section 4.3, 2(t) = ape7**. At t = 10, 29/4 = roe7}* so In(3/4) = —10k or k = .028. One-tenth will remain when 29/10 = zge~-©?** or In(1/10) = ~(.028)¢ or t = 80 sec. ii. The equation is e = —k,/z. Separating the variables gives / a2 de =x —k / dt. Integrat- ing yields 221/? = ~kt +c or x(t) = (—kt/2+c)?. At t = 0, 2(0) = 29 = c? or c= \/f. The substance will disappear when 0 = (—kt/2 + \/£o)* or t = 2,/£0/k. 13. Ifb >a za; ifbsa,r-b. 15. From Section 4.3, x(t) = rpe~**. One-half of the material remains at t = 38 so x9/2 = xpe725* or In(1/2) = —38k so k = .018. One-tenth of the material reamains when ro/10 = ape7 01 or In(1/10) = —(.018)t so ¢ = 126 hr. dv 19. From Exercise 17, (w/z = w—kv. This equation is linear in v. Putting it in standard form gives S +(g/b}v= g. The integrating factor is exp (g / at) =: exp(gt/b). Multiplying 26 CHAPTER 4. ELEMENTARY APPLICATIONS d by the integrating factor yields 7 (est °y) = ge9'!” oy et/by = bettlbteo Att = 0, vo = b+e or ¢ = ug — bso v = b + (v9 — b) exp (—gt/b). al. 1.9 sec and 10.5 ft/sec. dy 23. The rope will; always be tangent to the curve, thus in yields fe fae wah ~y : Jag fq? 2 - [wy . Separating the variables ap Integrating givesx = aln (+vE=2) ~ Yar —y+e. At the start, r= 0 and y =aso0=aln(a/a)-O+corc=0. fae yp Thus ¢= ain SE VEO far, 25. (a) s = 160 Ib; (b) ¢ = 64 min, a7. 4.4 From Section 4.3, y(t) = 100¢!, At t =1, y(1) = 100e% = 100(1.0513) = $105.13. (a) $105.13 — $100 = $5.13; (b) 5.13%. Logistic Growth and the Price of Commodities 1. We want to maximize the growth rate f(z) = a(b ~ ax). Taking the derivative and setting it equal to zero gives f'(xz) = ~2en +b = 0 or x = b/2a. In 9 . Taking the derivative and setting it equal to zero gives t = ---———— in9 —In4 * 2.7 hr. dg The equation is HoT kg which is linear in g. In standard form it becomes dg +kg = c, dt The integrating factor is exp(« / at) = exp (kt). Multiplying by the integrating factor yields (eg) = ce’. a(t} > e/k. Integrating gives eg = (c/k)e*t + ¢ or g(t) = (c/k) + ce-*). As t - on, a. The first dose is given at t = 0, so y(t) = yoe™**, for 0 <t <T so y(T) = ye *?. b. With y(T) as the new initial condition, y(t) = yo(1 + e7*’ )e~**, for T < t < 27 so y(2T) = yo(e7*? + e7 7), c. Continuing in this way, y(nT) = yo(e7*? + e7 hk? ; wees of e7knT) ; — yo(e"*T + (e~*T This is a geometric series with r = e~** < 1 so, y(nT) = yo d. Taking the limit as n - 00, y — wee db (e7kT)"), evkt _ (e7*ty(n+4) Taek 4.4. LOGISTIC GROWTH AND THE PRICE OF COMMODITIES 27 9. From Section 4.4, = = k(D-~S)=k[(C ~ dP) - (a+ 6P + qsin Gt)| which is linear in P. In dP ; standard form it is oe +k(d+6)P = k(c — a) — kqsin Gt. The integrating factor is exp(«a +5) / at) = exp [k(d + B)4). Multiplying by the integrating factor yields 5 (peds+0ie) = k(e — ae(+0t — fegeK (+90 sin Bt. Integrating gives © @ k(d-+oye _ kgelarb)t Pe R(dtbye =_ Tube or [Ad + b)sin: Gt — B cos Bt] + c; where Q* 2 = k(d + b)* 24 + 9°.92 Let (8/Q) = cos (Gt + a), then k(d+ b)/Q = sina, and Ca P= = Ty5t Let P(0) = Po, then c; = Py — Tt Cg =G ~k(d+b)t [cos(Bt +a)] + ce _ oe so + ak cos (Bt + a) + cpe7 MAFF), P(t)=~ cs d+b° Q 28 CHAPTER 5. Chapter ADDITIONAL TOPICS ON EQUATIONS 5 Additional Topics on Equations of Order 5.1 OF ORDER ONE One Integrating Factors Found by Inspection 1. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give Qty? dx+ydz~-xdy=0 Integration now yields 2? + 7 =e or or 2x dz+ y de —~ x dy P = 0, 2(2yt+1) =cy. 3. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give ay(y de+azdy)+dz=0 or -as\3 Integration now yields ey +Inflez]=0 (ry)*(ydz+x dy) + = or = 0. a?y? = ~3ln lez}. 5. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give 2, ai(y dx +x dy) +y7(x dy—ydz)=0 1 3 Integration now yields zy + 3 (2) =e or dy — (y de +2 dy) + GEV or Lo, y(3e4+y*) = 3er’. 7. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give y(ydz+ady)+ydz~-xdy=0 Integration now yields ry + 7 =e or or (ydx+a dy)+ ydzr—-xdy_ Pp 2(y?+1) = cy. 9. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give xy*(y de+ady)=ydz-axdy Integration now yields (zy)? 2 = In <| +Infel or xy(ydz+zxdy)= we or (zy)? = 2In 7 | 0. 5.1. INTEGRATING FACTORS FOUND BY INSPECTION 29 11. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give z*y*(y dx +2 dy) = my dz—na dy or d mo zy d(zy) = _ nit. x Integration now yields (xy)? 2 y eg™ = mlIn|z|—nin|y|+in{e| or (xy)? = 2In yn . The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give y*{y dx + x2 dy) +2ary dz —x* dy=0 z2 Integration now yields xy + 7 =c or or d(xy)+ Qaey dx ~ x dy 0. y? . a(e+y?)= cy. 15, The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give 3x2 ay a(3a*y dx — 2° dy) + a(x dy — y dx) + y? dx =0 or dxdz —— B x 3d: Yay xz dy—y dz de + y? x 3 Integration now yields 7 _ 7 +injezj=0 or ylnjer| = x(1 — 2”). 17. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give x?y(x dy — y dz) + y(y dv +x dy) +227 dy=0 Integration now yields 2yy + 4 g pine ye or yde-cdy or ydr+ady 3 ray? 2dy ys z’yty+2=cry? YT = cry’. 19. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give a? (y de ~ a dy) +y?(x dy~ydz)+d(zy)=0 Integration now yields 2 + y_ y £ i +e=z0 xZy or d (=) +d (2) + See 2+ or cay +y? = 1. 2i, The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give (2? + y*)(y dx +a dy)+xudy-—ydzr=0 Integration now yields ry + arctan - = or ydr+zxdy+ cdy-ydxr_ == Q, x? + y? 0. 0. 30 CHAPTER § ADDITIONAL TOPICS ON EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE 23. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give = ze3 ey (y dx +a dy)+y(a dy—ydz)=0 Integration now yields e™¥ + 5 (2) 2 = ; or df; +2YY e ZY d(cy) (2) or . =0. Q27e"4 + y? = cx?, 25. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give (2? — y*)(a2 dx —y dy) ~2? de=0 or Co —y*)y — 7 = ¢. When « = 2, y = 0, so that c = $. Therefore 3(x? — y?)? = 4(x° + 4). or xy d(xy)+2d @ - “ol xyi(y dx +a dy) +a7(2y dx -2Qa dy)-y? dx =0 i 2 27. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give 1 2 1 Integration now yields a y+ = +5 +-=c or ry? +427 +2y = 2cry. When zx = 1, y=, so that c = 7/2. Therefore z4y3 + to? — Tey + 2y= 0. 29. The terms of the differential equation may be rearranged to give z"y"(2 de+ydy)+a(ydr+ady)=0 or (a dxrt+ydy)+ a{y dx +x dy) aig = 0, Integration now yields: 2 lfn #1, 2 z +H zy? Ifn= 1, a + 5.2 1. len My” fag - 5 tan |ayl = 0 or or (nm ~ 1)(x? + y? — c)(xy)"~! = 2a; 2? +4+y?—c= —2aln|ryl. The Determination of Integrating Factors W (F _ | = =, tv tl} dz + = = tyr Therefore exp / = az| = = is an integrating factor. dy= 0 is exact. The solution is y? g-=-~—=+y=ec x or 2? -y+ay-l=cr That is, 5.2. THE DETERMINATION OF INTEGRATING FACTORS 3. a (3 = tt - a) = = 2 dz — eee Therefore exp / = ay| = = 31 is an integrating factor. That is, dy = 0 is exact. The solution is 9 2 = cy. +2 +2in[yl =e or 227 + zy + 2yln|y| 5, £ (OM _ aN ) = ~—1. Therefore exp / ~] az| = exp(—c) is an integrating factor. That “N\ @y 62 is, y(y + 2a ~ Qje~* daz ~ 2(c + y)e7* dy = 0 is exact. The solution is ~2Qeye"* —y*e"* = —c or y(2x+y) = ce”. ‘dy ON ) _ Or 2 Therefore exp | / =az| = 2” is an integrating factor. That is, Ri | 1 (FS x*y(8a — 9y) dx + 2x7(x ~ 3y) dy = 0 is exact. The solution is Qaty ~ 3n3y? =e 9. 5 (F ~ =) =: 22. Therefore exp or x y(Qr-y) =e. / 22 az| =: exp (2*) is an integrating factor. That is, exp (x7)y(2x27 ~ zy + 1) dz + exp (z”)(x — y) dy = 0 is exact. The solution is 2 exp (z*) (zy - *) = : or y(2x — y) = cexp(—z7). il. a N\ om dy _ On = = Ox 3 Therefore exp z / 3 dc| z = x° is an integrating factor. That is, Qa3(Qy? + Sry — 2y + 4) dx + x4(Qa + 2y — 1) dy = 0 is exact. The solution is Qaoy + ty? — 2ty +224 =e or ah(y* + 2ry—y 42) =c. 13. 4 (= =) = i Therefore exp | / : «| = © is an integrating factor. That is, Zz N\ dy dr (Qry? + 3a*y — Qny + 6x7) da + (2? + 2a*y — z*) dy = 0 is exact. The solution is xy + 27y? —2*y +20 =e or 2(y* +2y—y +22) =e. 15. We consider the equation _ Me Ma+Ny a+ N Mxu+ Ny = 0 and check to see if it is exact. If we write the equation as P dx + Q dy = 0 then ap _ ag dy ox _ (Ma + Ny) OM aN (F-=) OM +2N>— ~aM (Ma + Ny)? NG ~ OM OM ON tae) "CR (Mz + Ny)? ON OM a ON tN a ON ~ Me 32 CHAPTER 5. ADDITIONAL TOPICS OM Now from Euler’s thecrem we have oa i ~ ON EQUATIONS aM + vay OF ORDER ON = kM and ra + 5 ONE = KN, so that = 0. That is (Mz + Ny)~' is an integrating factor of the original equation. 17. Because is homogeneous, ecause the the equation equa eNeous, an integrating grating factor is gly £ the differential equation -—~ “t 5 x? + 2y? dx + ——--—- 2y3 i ty yh = Dy Th ius dy = 0 is exact. The solution is +In{y| =In|ef or 4y? in|2| = g?, 1 19. Because the equation is homogeneous, an integrating factor is (Mu + Nv)7! = ae 2 the differential equation — 9 du+ we’) y “ine =| + In|e] = 0 ~55 . ; Thus 2 dy = Q is exact. The solution is cy? or u? = Qu? In |— ae _ dy ; . al. The general linear equation of order one is is + P(2)y = O(e " We may rewrite the equation in the form (Q— Py) de — dy = M dx +N is a function of x alone so that exp tion exp / P az| Ee +Py| dy = 0. Now / P(x) da| =z: Qexp OM _ON\ _-P _ “Oy is an integrating factor. / P as| is an exact equation. ax} —i Hence the equaIntegrating we get vero | [ P ae] = [ Qexp| [ P ae| dz +e. 5.4 Bernoulli’s Equation 1. We set u = 3a — 2y and dy = ne and simplify to get (5u +11) dz ~ (u+ 3) du = 0. The variables now separate and we integrate to get 252 — 5u—41n/5u + 11| = cy. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution 5(a + y + ¢) — 2ln|15a¢ —- 10y +11] = 0. ld di 9 and nem to get ae = 4u* +9. The variables dz 4dz 4 de now separate and we integrate to get arctan — = 62 +c. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution 2(9z + 4y + 1) = 3tan (6x + c). We set u = 92 + 4y +1 . We seu =a2+y and and —dy = tL wv a du dz ~ 1 and simplify to get du separate and we integrate to get tanu — ou dz = yields the solution x + c= tan {x + y) — sec (x + y). +e. = 1+ sinw. The variables now Substituting for u and simplifying 5.4. 33 BERNOULLI'S EQUATION We set u = siny and du = cosy dy and simplify to get (3u? ~ 52ru) dr + 227 du = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation to get 23(u — x)* = cu*. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution 23(sin y — x)? = esin? y. ar dz du an 1~ da and simplify to get de + (x — 3)(a +1) du = 0. The We set z = u—v and variables now separate and we integrate to get (z — 3) exp (4u) = c(x + 1). Substituting for x and simplifying yields the solution (u — v ~ 3) exp (4u) = c(u~ v + 1). 11. We set y = e”” and dy = 2e”” dv and simplify to get (ky —u) du = (y+ ku) dy. We solve this homogeneous equation to get 24 arctan = =In ic(u® + y*)|. Substituting for y and simplifying yields the solution 2k arctan (ue~?”) = In |c(u? + e*”)]. 13. We set u = ¢ + 2y and dx = du — 2 dy and simplify to get (u — 1) du ~ (3u— 7) dy = 0. The variables now separate and we integrate to get 3u + 41n|3u—7| —9y = —c. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution 32 ~ 3y + ¢ + 41n [38x + 6y —7| = 0. . A Bernoulli equation. We set v = y'~" and y7"y! = Solving this linear equation we have (k +n — ‘ 1l~n to get v' — l-—n vs (l—nja®o}, 1)v = (1~n)z* + cz'~™. Substituting for v we get the solution (k +n —1)y!-" = (1 —n)z* + cx)". 1%. We set u = 2 + 2y and dz = du — 2 dy and simplify to get (wu ~ 1) du—dy = 0. The variables now separate and we integrate to get (u — 1)* = 2y +c. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution (x + 2y — 1)? = 2y +c. The original equation is also exact. 3 1 19. A Bernoulli equation. We set u = yo? and ul = —2y7Sy' to get uw! + —u = “3 . Solving this ic linear equation we have ux® = c~z. Substituting for u we get the solution y?(e — @) = x. al. Suppose n = 1 and k= 0. Then ay’ = 2y. The variables separate and we get y = cz”. Suppose n = 1 and k # 0. a* = kin |). x Suppose n # 1 and k+n equation v’ — Then zy’ = (x* + 1)y. The variables separate and we get = 1. The solution proceeds as in Exercise 15 down to the linear —* v = (1—n)a*~! which in this case becomes v’ ~ 1a, = (1-2. This linear differential equation has solution v = (1 — n)x'~" In |er|. Substituting for v gives us yi” = (1 ~ nj?" In [ca]. 23. We set u = 3a + y and y’ = u’ — 3 and simplify to get u! = 2(u? +1). The variables now separate and we integrate to get arctanu = 2x +c. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution arctan (32+ y) = 22 -+¢. When « = 0, y = 1 implies that c = w/4. Thus 4arctan (32 + y) = 84 +7. 25, A Bernoulli equation. We set u = y~? and linear equation we have 2?u = «+c. = —ay*@ to get a + =u = = Solving this Substituting for u we get the solution 2? = y9(x +c). When x = 2, y = 1 implies that c= 2. Hence x? = y*(x + 2). 34 CHAPTER 5. ADDITIONAL TOPICS ON EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE ‘ d 3 x 27. We set u = y” and du = 2y dy to get = “gus 5 Solving this linear equation we have 2 x2 us my +ex*. Substituting for u we get the solution y* = -> +cex®, When =1, y=1 implies that c = 3/2. Thus 2y? = 2?(3a — 1). 5.5 Coefficients Linear in the Two Variables 1. The lines y = 2 and z~-y-—1 = 0 intersect at the point (3, 2) so we set x = u+3 and y = v+2. We get v du —(u—v) dv = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get u = —v In [cu]. Substituting for u and v gives us 2 ~ 3 = (2 — y}In|e(y — 2}. . The lines y = 2z and 4x + y ~ 6 = O intersect at the point (1, 2) so we set c = u+ 1 and y=u+2. We get (2u—v) du+(4u+v) dv = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get (w+ vu)? = c(2u + v)?. Substituting for u and v gives us (rz + y — 3)? = e(2x + y — 4). . We let u = 2+y and du = dx +dy and get (u—1) du+(u+2) dy = 0. The variables separate and we have u+y+c=3ln|u+ 2). Substituting for u we obtain c+ 2y+c= 3ln|x+ y+ Qi. The lines cg ~ 3y + 2 = 0 and x + 3y ~ 4 = 0 intersect at the point (1, 1) so we substitute z=u+landy=v+1. We get (u —3v) du+ 3(u + 3v) dv = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get In (u? + 9v?) —2 arctan a Substituting for u and vu gives us the solution In [(x ~ 1)? + 9(y — 1)*) ~ 2arctan a 3(y-1) > * . The lines 92 ~— dy + 4 = 0 and 22 — y + 1 = Q intersect at the point (0, 1) so we need only set y= util. We get (92 —4u) dx - (22 —u) du = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get u = 3(u— 3a) In |e(3x — u)|. Substituting for u gives us y-1 = 3(y—3a2 —1) In |c(3x ~ y + 1)]. 11. The lines 2 + 2y —1 =O and 27 + y — 5 = 0 intersect at the point (3, -1) so we set 2 = u+3 and y= u-~ 1. We get (u + 2v) du ~— (2u+ 4) dv = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get (uv)? = c(v+u). Substituting for u and v gives us (x — y ~ 4)? = e(z + y — 2). 13. The lines 34 + 2y + 7 = 0 and 22 — y = 0 intersect at the point (—1, —2) so we set r= u-~1 and y = v— 2. We get (8u + 2v) du + (2u —v) dv = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get 3u* + 4uv —v? = c;. Substituting for u and v gives us 3x2? + dary — y? +142 =e. The original equation is exact, so an easier method of solution is available. 15. We let u = 22-y+3 and dy = 2 dr— du and get (24+2u) dr—udu = 0. The variables separate and we have 2c —-u+In|ju+1| = —c—3. Substituting for u we obtain y-+e = — In jar — y + 41. i7. We let u = « — y+ 2 and dy = dx ~ du and get (u+ 3) dz ~3 du = 0. The variables separate and we have z -+c=3lnju + 3|. Substituting for u we obtain 2 +c = 3in ja — y + 5). 19. The lines 22 — 3y +4 = 0 and x = 1 intersect at the point (1, 2) so we set c = u+1 and y=u+2. We get (Qu - 3v) du + 3u dv = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get 2uln |u| + 3v = cu. Substituting for u and v gives us 2(r — 1) In |x — 1] + 3(y ~ 2) = e(@ — 1). When c = —1, y = 2 implies c = 21n2, so that 3(y ~ 2) = ~2(2 —1)In =z a SOLUTIONS INVOLVING NONELEMENTARY INTEGRALS 5.6. 36 zi. The lines + y ~ 4 = 0 and 3z — y — 4 = 0 intersect at the point (2, 2) so we set r= u+2 and y= ut+2. We get (u+v) du—(3u—v) dv = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and a4 = c. Substituting for u and v gives us in|y — 2] + get In ju ~ uj + —— x = 3, y = 7 implies c = 4 + In4. Thus y — 62 +8=2(y ~2)In(# 2(a — 2) —2z =c. When —£ ). 4 ad. Equation (B) is a* — 5a + 6 = 0 with roots a; = 2 and a2 = 3. We substitute « = 2u + 3v and y = u+v and get (v — 1) du + (—2u — 4) dv = 0. The variables separate and we get (v — 1)? + c(u+ 2) = 0. Substituting for u and v we get (x ~ 2y ~ 1)? = c{x ~ 3y — 2). 25. Equation (B) is a? + 3a+2 = 0 with roots a; = —2 and ag = ~1. We substitute 2 = —2u—v and y = u+v and get 3 du+(—u-+2) dv = 0. The variables separate and we get the solution v+ce 3in|u — 2|. Substituting for u and v we get e+ 2y+e¢= 3ilnjx+y+2l. 27. Equation (B) is a? — 3a +2 = 0 with roots a, = 1 and ag = 2. We substitute c = u + 2u and y = u+v and get (—2u + 4) du+(u+3) dv = 0. The variables separate and we get the solution (u + 3)? = e(2 — v). Substituting for u and v we get (2y — 2 + 3)? = cly — x +2). 29. We substitute z = aju+ $v and y = u+v. The coefficient of du will be given by the expression 1 [ai(a1u + Gv) + b)(u + v) + ci] + [aa(aru + Bv) + bo(u + v) +c]. In order for the resulting differential equation to be linear in u, the coefficient of u in this polynomial must be zero. That coefficient is aja? + (a2 + b:)ay + by. Thus if a; is a root of the equation 007 + (ag + b,)o + bo = 0 the resulting equation will be linear. The condition that 8 4 a, is required so that x 4 ayy. 31. Equation (B) is now a? +4a+4 y=utv = 0. We take ay = ~2 and § = 0. We substitute « = ~2u and d 1 and get ~ ~ - = ~~ 1, This linear equation has solution u +1 — ev = ~vIn |v}. , . Substituting for u and v gives 9, 5 +1- ale + y) x = +O ee choice of § will give a different form for this solution. : Yin 2 Sa ¥| Bach different In this particular form, if we put cy, =: —1 — In 2c we get the answer given in the text. 33. Equation (B) is now a? ~ 3a+2 = 0. 1 and y = u-+ vu and get = a qt We take a; = 1 and 6 = 0. -1- ory: We substitute z = u This linear equation has solution (u + 2v +3)? = e(u +2). Substituting for u and v gives (2y — z +3)? = cly—x +2). 5.6 Solutions Involving Nonelementary d 1. The variables separate to give oY ae in the form infey| =2~ [ 0 ¢ |1 — exp (—2*)] 1 exp (—6") df =x —~ 5 eo Integrals . dx. Upon integrating we have the solution wert x. 36 CHAPTER 5. ADDITIONAL TOPICS ON EQUATIONS OF ORDER 3. The equation is linear with the integrating factor exp (f 4° dx) = exp(z*). given by yexp (x*) = [ 0 @ g y = e* | An integrating factor is e~* so that o-B F x The solution is exp (6*) df +e. d 5. The equation is linear and may be written = -y= -. ye * = | ONE dG, where c > 0. The condition y = 0, x = 1 requires that c = 1. Therefore en8 —— B df.B 7. This linear equation may be written —- ~ 2zy = 2° and has an integrating factor exp (—x?). The solution may be written yexp(—z?) = fz*exp(~2z?) dx +c. An integration by parts gives yexp (—a) = > exp (~z) + ; [ exp (—§7) dB +e. 0 Vr The initial condition yields c = 1. Thus 2y = 2exp (27) ~ 2+ “a exP (x*) erf x. Miscellaneous Exercises d 1. We set u = y* ~ 3y, and du = (2y ~ 3) dy and simplify to get ~ +u= a. We solve this linear equation and obtain u = x — 1+ ce~*. y? — 3y-2+1=ce*, Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution The lines 2 +3y—5 = 0 and x ~y--1 = 0 intersect at the point (2, 1) so we set c = u+2 and y=util. We get (u+3v) du—(u—v) dv =0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get 2v = (u+v) In |e(u + v)|. Substituting for u and v gives us 2(y—1) = (x +y~—3) In |e(x + y — 3)}. . This differential equation is exact as it stands. The standard procedure for solving exact equations yields the solution 2x7 + 2ay — 3y? — 8x + 24y =e. d 12 . We set u = 24, and du = 42° dx and simplify to get a + 7 dy = 4y?. We solve this linear equation and obtain l5uy!? = 4y!> +¢. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution L5aty!? = dy 4+ a We set u = 27, and du = 2x dx and simplify to get i equation and obtain u = yt + cy®. 6 ~ =u = ~2y3. We solve this linear Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution x? = yi(1+ cy’). 11. We set u = e”, and du = e” dy and simplify to get o equation and obtain x°(z + u)* = c. o(e + ev)? =o. + =u Substituting for u and = -3. We solve this linear simplifying yields the solution 5.6. 37 SOLUTIONS INVOLVING NONELEMENTARY INTEGRALS 18. The lines « — 3y +4 = 0 and x — y ~ 2 = O intersect at the point (5, 3) so we set z= u+5 and y= u+3. We get (u ~ 3v) du + 2(u—v) du = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get (u +v)4 = c(u—2v). Substituting for u and v gives us (x + y — 8)4 = e(z — 2y +1). . A Bernoulli equation. We set u = 27! and i to get e + ou = —y°, Solving this = -2F linear equation we have y(5u+y4) = c. Substituting for u we get the solution y(5+ay4) = cz. 17. A Bernoulli equation. We set u = a7? and - = ~20F to get - + ou = 2. Solving this linear equation we have y?(2y — 3u) = c. Substituting for u we get y*(20%y — 3) = ca. 19. We set u = 4x + 3y, and dy = wie and simplify to get ~(u + 25) dx + (w+1) du = 0. The variables now separate and we integrate to get u —- 2 + 3c = 241n{u + 25). Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution z + y +¢ = 81n [4x + 3y + 25], ai. We set u = x — y, and dx = du + dy and simplify to get (3u — 2) du+ (2u —3) dy = 0. The variables now separate and we integrate to get ~Gu ~ 4y + 2c = 51n |2u — 3]. Substituting for uw and simplifying yields the solution 2(y ~ 32 +c) = Sin |22 — 2y — 3). 23. The lines « ~ y~1 = 0 and y = 2 intersect at the point (3, 2) so we set z = u+3 and y= ut2. We get (u—v) du-2v dv = 0. We solve this homogeneous equation and get (u + v)?(u — 2v) = c. Substituting for u and v gives us (x+y — 5)*(a - 2y+1) =e. . We set u = o+ 2y, and dr = du — 2 dy and simplify to get (Qu — 1) du —5(u - 1} dy = 0. The variables now separate and we integrate to get In|u — 1| = 5y— 2u+c. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution Inia + 2y—-1) = y-2¢+e. 27. 1/d0M W ea an - a) = 3. Therefore e° is an integrating factor. That is, the differential equation e** (6ay ~ 3y? + 2y) dx + 2e**(x — y) dy = 0 is exact. The solution is y(2x — y) = ce~**. 29. We set u = ax + by +e and du = a dz + 6 dy and simplify to get “ this linear equation and obtain bu = —a + ce". —bu =a. We solve Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution 6?y = cye’* — aba — a — cb. d ai al. A Bernoulli equation. We set u = v~* and - = —Qy73 = x d to get = ~- 2, = 1. Solving this x linear equation we have u = cz? — z. Substituting for u we get the solution v7(cer? ~ 2) = 1. When x = 1, v = § implies that ¢ = 5. Therefore zv?(5a — 1) = 1. 33. We set u = x+y, and dr = du — dy and simplify to get (1+ u*) du— yu dy = 0. The variables now separate and we integrate to get y? = u? + 2In|uj +c. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution y? = (x + y)? + 2In|z+yj+e. 35, This differential equation is exact as it stands. The standard procedure for solving exact equations yields the solution x? + 2 — 32y ~ y? + 4y =. 38 CHAPTER 5. ADDITIONAL 37. This equation is homogeneous. we get x(v? +1) x= = e(v? — 1). TOPICS ON EQUATIONS OF ORDER ONE dz du We set y = ur and get 7 CWT dv = 0. Integrating Substituting for vu gives x(y? + 2?) = e(y? — x). When 1, y = 2 implies that c = 5/3. We finally have 3x(y? + 2*) = 5(y* — x?) which may be written y?(5 ~ 32) = 27(5 + 32). 39, We set u = 2 — y+ 2, and u’ = 1 — y’ and simplify to get du + (u — 1) dx = 0. The variables now separate and we integrate to get Inju~ 1] = ¢— a. Substituting for u and simplifying yields the solution In |v —- y +1] = ¢— x. 39 Chapter 6 Linear Differential Equations 6.2 An Existence and Uniqueness Theorem 1. All the coefficients and the function R(x) are continuous for all z. Moreover bo(z) = x — 1 is zero for only x = 1. Hence the equation is normal for « > 1 and for x < 1. 3. All the coefficients are continuous for all x. R(x) = Inz is continuous for x > 0. bo{x) = x? is not zero for z > 0. Hence the equation is normal for z > 0. 5, Since e* and e~* are solutions of the differential equation, y = c,e* + cge~* is a solution also. For this solution y(0) = 4 and y’(0) = 2 implies that c, +c2 = 4 and c; —cg = 2. Hence c) = 3 and cz = 1. It follows that y = 3e” + e~* is the unique solution of the initial value problem. 7. Since e* and xe* are solutions of the differential equation, y = c,e* + core* is a solution also. For this solution y(0) = 7 and y’(0) = 4 implies that c, = 7 and c; +c, = 4. Hence c; = 7 and Cg = ~—3. It follows that y = 7e? — 3xre™ is the unique solution of the initial value problem. d"y . : i 9. Consider the general homogeneous linear equation bolt) a d™—ly + b(t) 55 ++ ba(cjy = 0 that is normal on the interval J. The function y{z) = 0 that has value zero for all 2 on the interval J is clearly a solution of this differential equation. y(zg) = y'(ap) = --- = y-) (a9) = 0 for any Moreover for this zero function on the interval J. By Theorem 6.2 this zero function is the unique solution that has these properties. 6.4 The Wronskian loz 1Wi)=|. 0 1 00 3. W(z) = e* |e? e* x veo ght Qe ss (n- Ux"? 2, 0: cos x -~sing -—cosz 1b |= OL LP Qt---(m— (n~ 1)! sing cosa] —sing =| e* e™ 2e" cosz —sing 0 sing cosz| 0 = 2e* cos —sint sinz coszi = 2e". W (2) is never zero these three functions are linearly independent on any interval. Since 40 CHAPTER 6. LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS The trigonometric identity cos (wt — 8) = coswt cos 6 + sinwt sin § may be written in the form 1- cos (wt — 8) + (— cos 8) - coswt + (~sin 8) - sinwt = 0 for all t. Hence the three functions are linearly dependent on any interval. The trigonometric identity sin? z+cos? z = 1 may be written 1-1+( —1)-sin? 2+(~1)-cos? x = 0 for all x. Hence the three functions are linearly dependent on any interval. we)=|f f f" af ass afl +2fl xf ataraflelf af" +Acfi+2f| f 0 7p [f" af! aeefl flopa9] =27°C) Aafl+2F Since f(z) is never zero on the interval the Wronskian is never zero on the interval and the functions are linearly independent by Theorem 6.3. 11. Since the equation is homogeneous the zero function, f(z) = 0 for ali x in the interval, is a solution of the differential equation. Moreover the zero function satisfies the initial conditions f(zo) = f’(ze) = 0. By the uniqueness theorem the zero function is the only function that has these properties. Therefore y = f. 13. Since y, and yg are solutions of the homogeneous equation (A), by Theorem 6.1 the linear combination y(x) = €:y1(2) + G2y2(z) is also a solution. Moreover y(xo) and y'(x9) are both zero. Hence by the result of Exercise 11, y(a) = 0 for all x in the interval. 6.8 The Fundamental Laws of Operation 1. From the definitions we have (4D+ 1)(D~ Qy= (4D + 1)[(D- 2)y] = 4D+ ow ~ 2y)= (4D)(y' — 2y) + (y' — 2y) = 4(y" — 2y')+ (y’ — 2y) = dy” — Ty! — 2y = (4D? — 7D ~ 2)y, Hence (4D + 1)(D — 2) = 4D* ~ 7D - 2. From the definitions we have (D +2)(D? — 2D + 5)y= (D + 2)(y"— 2y/ + 5y) = Dy”— 2y' + Sy) + 2(y” — 2y’ + 5y) = (y! — Qy” + By’) + 2(y”— 2y’ + Sy) = yl +y' + 10y = (D? + D+ 10)y. Hence (D + 2)(D? -2D +5) = D3 + D+ 10. . 2D7+3D —~2=(D+2)(2D — 1). . D'-2D* -5D +6 = (D—1)(D? — D—6) = (D—1)(D + 2)(D — 3). . D'—4D? = D*(D? ~ 4)= D?(D— 2)(D +2). il. D3 — 21D +20 = (D— 1)(D? + D — 20) = (D — 1)(D — 4)(D +5). 13. 2D4 +11D3 + 18D? +4D —8 = (D+ 2)(2D° + 7D? + 4D — 4) = (D + 2)?(2D7 + 3D — 2) = (D + 2)3(2D — 1). 41 SOME PROPERTIES OF DIFFERENTIAL OPERATORS 6.9. 15. D* 4 D3 — 2D? 4 4D — 24 = (D — 2)(D9 + 3D? + 4D + 12) = (D — 2)(D + 3)(D? +4). 17. From the definitions we have (D -2)(D + x)y = (D~2)(y' + zy) = Dly' + zy) — aly + zy) ay +ay ty—ay -ay=y" t+ (L-2)y= (DP +(l-2*)y Hence (D — x)(D +2) = D? +1~27, 19. D(xzD —1)y = D(zy' — y) = zy” = (2D*)y. Hence D(xD ~ 1) = xD*. 21. From the definitions we have (wD + 2)(aD — L)y = (xD + 2)(zy' ~ y) = (eD)(zy' — y) + 2(zy’ — y) = a2(xy") + Qay! — Qy = a? y" + Qay! — Qy = (47D? + xD — 2)y. Hence (2D +2)(aD —1) = z°D? + 22D — 2. 6.9 Some Properties of Differential Operators 1. Given the equation (D — 2)°y = 0 we multiply by the factor e~?* shift e~?*(D — 2)8y = D'(e~**y) = 0. and use the exponential We now obtain e~?”y = cy + cox + cx" so that y= (cy + cox + e3n")e**. 3. Given the equation (2D ~ 1)?y = 0 we multiply by the factor e~*/? and use the exponential "shift e~*/2(2D — 1)2y = (2D)*(e~*/*y) = 0. We now obtain e~*/2y = c, + cyx so that y = (cy + ega)e*/?, 5. Suppose the four functions are linearly dependent on an interval J. Then there exist four constants, not all zero, such that cpe73" + cgre73* + cgz%e73* + cyaFe73* = 0 for all x in I. But e7* is never zero so we can divide both sides by e~5* and obtain cj +ce22-+c3z*+c4x? = 0. It follows that 1, 2, z?, z° are linearly dependent on J. This contradicts the results obtained in Exercise 1 of Section 6.4. Therefore the supposition that the four functions are linearly dependent is false. 42 CHAPTER Chapter 7. LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS 7 Linear Equations with 7.2 Constant Coefficients The Auxiliary Equation: Distinct Roots 1. The auxiliary equation is m* + 2m — 3 = 0 and its roots are m = —3, y= cpe73? + ege®, 1. The solution is 3. The auxiliary equation is m? + m — 6 = 0 and its roots are m = —3, 2. The solution is y = cye"9* + ene”, 5, The auxiliary equation is m? + 3m? — 4m = 0 and its roots are m = 0, 1, ~4. The solution is y = cy + cge™ + cge7*. 7. The auxiliary equation is m3 + 6m* + 11m +6 = 0 and its roots are m = ~1, -2, —3. The solution is y = cje~* + cge7?* + cge7**. 9. The auxiliary equation is 4m? ~ 7m +3 = 0 and its roots are m = 1, a1 ~2. The solution is y = cje* + cg exp ($2) +3 exp (—32). 11. The auxiliary equation is m? + m? — 2m = 0 and its roots are m = 0, 1, —2. The solution is y = C1 + cge’ + ge. 13. The auxiliary equation is 9m> — 7m + 2 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, 4, 3. The solution is y= ce"? + cgexp (42) + €3 exp (22). 15. The auxiliary equation is m? ~ 14m +8 = 0 and its roots are m = —4, 2+ /2. The solution is y = cye~* + cy exp [((2 + V2)z] + cg exp [((2 — V2)z]. 17. The auxiliary equation is 4m‘ — 8m —7m*+11m+6 = 0 and its roots arem = —1, 2, —4, 3. The solution is y = cye7* + cge*” + c3 exp (—42) + e4 exp ($x). 19. The auxiliary equation is 4m* + 4m — 13m? —7m+6 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, —2, 3, 3. The solution is y = ce~* + cge7** + cg exp ($2) + ca exp (32). 21. The auxiliary equation is m* - 4am + 3a? = 0 and its roots are m = 3a, a. The solution is y = 68" + coe, 23. The auxiliary equation is m? —2m—3 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, 3. The general solution is y = ee" * +cge"* and y! = —c,e~*+3ce2e"*. But y(0) = ce, +e = Oand y/(0) = —e,+3e2 = —4, so that c; = 1, cg = ~1. The particular solution is y = e7* — e**. 7.3. THE AUXILIARY EQUATION: REPEATED ROOTS 43 20. The auxiliary equation is m* — 2m — 3 = 0 and its roots are m = 3, —1. The general solution is y = cye** + cpe7* and y'! = 3cye** — cge™*. But y(0) =e, + cp = 4 and y’(0) = 3c; — cg = 0," so that cy = 1, co = 3. The particular solution is y = e** + 3e7*. Thus y(1) = e* + e7}. a7. The auxiliary equation is m? —m —6 = 0 and its roots are m = 3, —2. The general solution is y = c,e°* +972" and y! = 3c) e9* —2cge7**. But y(0) = ce, +¢2 = 3 and y’(0) = 3¢;-2cg = -1, so that cy = 1, c, = 2. The particular solution is y = e9* +2e7?*. Thus y(1) = e? + 2e7?. 29. The auxiliary equation is m? ~ 2m? —-5m+6 = 0 and its roots are m = 1, 3, -2. The general solution is y = cye* + c2e5* + cge7**, so that y/ = cye” + 3cge°* — Qege~**, and y” = cye™ + 9cge?® + dege~**. But y(0) = cr t+ eo +e3 = 1, y’(O) = cy + 3cq - 2c3 = —7, and y"(0) = ¢, + 9c2 + 4cg = —1. Thus c; = 0, cg = ~1, cg = 2. The particular solution is y = —e* + 2e7™* and y(1) = —e? + 2e7?. 7.3 The Auxiliary Equation: Repeated Roots 1. The auxiliary equation is m? — 6m +9 = 0 and its roots are m = 3, 3. The general solution is y = (cy + cox)e*. The auxiliary equation is 4m? + 4m? +m solution is Y= cy + (cg + C3) = 0 and its roots are m = 0, -}, ~4. The general exp (—4z). The auxiliary equation is m+ + 6m3 + 9m? = 0 and its roots are m = 0, 0, ~3, ~3. The general solution is y = cy + coz + (c3 + caz)e7 3". The auxiliary equation is 4m3 — 3m +1 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, 4, d The general solution is y = (c, + cox) exp ($2) + cge7*. The auxiliary equation is m? + 3m? + 3m +1 = 0 and its roots arem = —1, general solution is y = (c, + car +cgr7)e7. 11. —1, —1. The The auxiliary equation is m> —_m? = 0 and its roots are m = 0, 0, 0, 1, —1. The general solution is y = c; + cox + ¢gx? + cge™ + cge7*. 13. The auxiliary equation is 4m‘ + 4m — 3m? — 2m+1 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, —1, 4, 4. The general solution is y = (cy + conje~* + (eg + cgx) exp ($2). 15. The auxiliary equation is m4 + 3m — 6m? —28m—24 = 0 and its roots arem = —2, —2, —2, 3. The general solution is y = (cy + cg@ + egz7)e7?* + ege**. 17. The auxiliary equation is 4m —23m3 ~33m?—1l7m—3 = 0 with roots m = —1, —1, 3, — $3 ~%. The general solution is y = (ce; + cgr)e7* + cge?* + (cq + csr) exp (—§2). 19. The auxiliary equation is m* — 5m? — 6m — 2 = 0 and its roots are m = 1+ /3, —1, —1. The general solution is y = (c, + cgr)e~* + cg exp [(1 + V3)a] + cg exp [(1 — V3)z]. ai. The auxiliary equation is m? + 4m +4 = 0 and its roots are m solution is y = (c; + cgz)e~** and y! = (—2e; + cg — 2cgr)e~**. = —2, —2. The general But y(0) = c, = 1 and y'(0) = —2c, +c, = —1, so that c; = cg = 1. The particular solution is y = (1 + z)e7?*. CHAPTER 44 7. LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS 23. The auxiliary equation is m? — 3m — 2 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, —1, 2. The general solution is y = (cy; + cox)e~* + cze?*, so that we have y! = (—c, + ¢2 — conje~* + Qoge**, and yl! = (c, — 2eg + egx)e"* + dege**. But y(0) = ce, +3 = 0, y'(0) = —cy +c + 2c3 = 9, and y’ (0) = ce, — 2co + 4e3 = 0, so that c) = —2, co = 3, and cg = 2. The particular solution is y = (-2 4+ 3n)e"* + 2e7*. 25. From Exercise 24 we have y = ¢; + ¢2¢ + cge~® + cge**, so that y/ = cg — cge™* — 2cqe72* y" = cge~* + 4ege~**, and y” = —cge~* ~ Bcqge7**. We have y(0) = cy +¢3 +4 = 0, y'(0) = eg ~ ¢3 ~ 2c4 = 3, y"(0) = c3 + 4eq = —5, and y”"(0) = —cg ~ 8cq = 9. Solving these equations gives us ¢; = 2, cg = 0, and cg = cy = —1. The particular solution is y= 2~e7? — e7*, 27. The auxiliary equation is 4m? ~ 4m +1 = 0 and its roots are m = a 4. The general solution isi y = (c, +cgr) exp (42) and y! = (fer +e +c@) exp ($2). But y(0)= c; = ~2 and y'(0) = ger yor = 2,80 that c; = —2, cz = 3. The particular solution is y = (~2+3z) exp ($2) and y(2) = 29. The auxiliary equation is m3 + 5m? + 3m —9 = 0 and its roots are m = 1, ~3, ~3. The general solution is y = cye* + (c2 + cgz)e~** and y/ = cye® + (~3c2 + cg + cgz)e73*. But y(0) = ¢) + co = 1 and y(1) = eye + (cg + cg}e7™? = 0. Moreover, Jimy =x 0 implies that ce, = 0, so that cy = 0, cg = ~1, and cg = 1. The particular solution is y = (—1+ xr)e~*, and y(2) = e~® 7.6 A Note on Hyperbolic Functions 1. In what follows we will use equation (5) on page 114 of the text. [(D ~ a)? + 07] y = (D ~a)?y + by = ¢3(D — a)* [e** cos bz] + c4(D — a)? [e* sin bz] +- b* [e3e9” cos ba + eye sin bz] =: ¢3€* D? (cos ba] + cge** D? [sin ba] + cgbe%* cos bx + c4b2e™ sin bx = 0, . The auxiliary equation is m? — 2m +2 = 0 and its roots are m = 1 +7. The general solution is y = e*(c, cose + cgsin x). . The auxiliary equation is m? — 9 = 0 and its roots are m y = c, cosh 3z + cg sinh 3a. = +3. The general solution is The auxiliary equation is m* —4m+-7 = 0 and its roots are m = 2+ /3i. The general solution is y = e?* (ce; cos /3z + cz sin V3z). The auxiliary equation is m4 + 2m + 10m? = 0 and its roots are m = 0, 0, general solution is y = cy + cox + e7*(ci cos 3z + eg sin 3x). -1 43%. The 7.6. 11 A NOTE ON HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS 45 The auxiliary equation is m* + 18m? + 81 = 0 with roots m = 3i, 34, ~3i, —3i. The general solution is y = (cy + c2x%) cos 3x + (cg + c4x) sin 32. —i, 13. The auxiliary equation is m® + Om4 + 24m? +16 = 0 with roots m =i, 2i, 21, —2%, —2i. The general solution is y = cy cos@ + cg sinx + (c3 + c4x) cos 2x + (cs + Cgx) sin 2a. 15. The auxiliary equation is m? — 1 = 0 and its roots are m = +1. The general solution is y = c, cosha + cysinha and y’ = ce sinhx + cy coshz. But y(0) = c, = yo and y’(0) = co = 0, so that cy; = yo and cg = 0. The particular solution is y = yo cosh x. 17. Here m? + 7m? + 19m y = cye7* + cge7** cos (—2cg — 3c3)e7** sin 2x, But y(0) = cy + c2 = 0, +13 = 0 with roots m = —1, -3+ 2. The general solution is 2z + cge~** sin Qa, Thus y’ = —cye7* + (~3e9 + 2c3)e73* cos 2x + and y” = cye"? + (5c, - 12e3)e79* cos 2x + (12c2 + 5ceg)e7* sin 2z. y’(0) = —cy — 3cg + 2e3 = 2, and y"(0) = c) + Seg ~ 12cg = ~—12, 80 that ¢) = cg = 0, and cg = 1. The particular solution is y = e73* sin Qa. 19. The auxiliary equation is m? +k? dx . x = c, cos kt + cgsin kt, a= But «(0) = c; = 0 and ys = 0 with roots m = tki. Thus, the general solution is d*x . ~ke;, sin kt + keg cos kt, and He sz —k*e, coskt ~ k*egsin kt. = (0) = keg = Ug, 80 that c¢, = 0, cz = =. The particular solution is (2) sin kt. al. The auxiliary equation is m? + 2bm + k* = 0 with roots m = ~btiv k? — b?, where k > b > 0. The general solution is x = cye~™' cos Vk? — Bt + coe7 cos Vk? — Ht. But x(0) = c, = 0 and z'(0) = —bey + ¥ Qs ae Miscellaneous Vk? ~ bce, so that c, = 0, c2 = . The particular solution is vo Vk2 — 7 sin («/k? ~ 622). Exercises 1. The auxiliary equation is m? + 3m = 0 and its roots are m = 0, —3. The general solution is y = cy + cge"3*, The auxiliary equation is m? + m — 6 = 0 and its roots are m = —3, 2. The general solution is y = c,e73* + cpe**. The auxiliary equation is m? ~ 3m? +4 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, 2, 2. The general solution is y = c,e7* + (cg + c3x)e7*. The auxiliary equation is 4m? — 3m +1 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, 4, 4. The general solution is y = cye7* + (cg + c32) exp ($2). . The auxiliary equation is m? + 3m? + 3m+1 general solution is y = (c; + coz + cgz*)e7*. =0 and its roots are m = ~—1, ~—1, —1. The 46 CHAPTER 7. LINEAR EQUATIONS WITH CONSTANT COEFFICIENTS 11. The auxiliary equation is 4m? — 7m +3 = 0 and its roots are m = 1, i, 3. solution is y = cye” + cg exp (4x2) + cg exp (~ $x). The general 13. The auxiliary equation is 8m° — 4m? ~ 2m +1 = 0 and its roots are m = 3, 3, ~}. general solution is y = c, exp(—$2) + (ez + c3x) exp (42). The 15. The auxiliary equation is m4 —2m3 + 5m? — 8m +4 = 0 and its roots are m = 1, 1, £24. The general solution is y = (cy + cov)e” + cz cos 2z + cy sin 2a 17. The auxiliary equation is m+ + 5m? + 4 = 0 and its roots are m = +i, £2i. The general solution is y = c, cos z + cg sina + cq cos 2x + cysin 2a 19. The auxiliary equation is m4 — 11m + 36m? ~ 16m — 64 = 0 and m = ~4, —4, —4, —1. The general solution is y = cye~* + (c2 + ega + c4z”)e~™. 21. The auxiliary equation is m* + 4m? + 2m? — 8m — 8 = 0 and its roots are m = —2, ~2, £,/9. The general solution is y = (c; + cgr)e~?* + cgev = + cge™ V2, 23. The auxiliary equation is 4m* + 20m3 + 35m? + 25m +6 = 0 and m= -—1, —2, ~%, ~2. The general solution is y = cye~* + cge** + cg exp (—}2x) + cq exp (—3z). 25. The auxiliary equation is m* + 5m? + 7m +3 = 0 and its roots are m = ~-1l, —1, ~3. The general solution is y = (cy + corje~* + cge"**. 27. The auxiliary equation is m? ~ m? +m —1 = 0 and its roots are m = 1, +i. The general solution is y = c,e" + cg cosx + cg sing. 29. The auxiliary equation is m4 — 13m? + 36 = 0 and its roots are m = +3, +2. The general solution is y = e,e2* + cge73* + age? + ege7?. 31. The auxiliary equation is 4m? + 8m? ~ 11m + 3 = 0 and its roots are m = —3, 4, 4. The general solution is y = cye~3* + (cg + cgx) exp (4a). 33. The auxiliary equation is m4 — m> — 3m? + m +2 = 0 and its roots are m = 1, 2, ~-i, The general solution is y = cye™ + +cge** + (c3 + egx)e*. -1. 35. The auxiliary equation is m> + m* — 6m3 = 0 and its roots are m = 0, 0, 0, ~3, 2. The general solution is y = cy + cox + cgx* + cge7* + c5e**. 37. The auxiliary equation is 4m> + 12m? + 13m + 10 = 0 and its roots are m = —2, -4 +i. The general solution is y = cye7?* + exp (~$2)(ca cos x + ¢3 sin 2). 39. The auxiliary equation is m® — 2m* — 2m* — 3m —2 = 0 and its roots are m = —1, ~1, 2, +i. The general solution is y = (c; + cor)e~* + cge*® + egcosz + essing. 41. The auxiliary equation is m> ~ 15m3 + 10m? + 60m — 72 = 0 and m = 2, 2, 2, —3, —3. The general solution is y = (cy + cov + cgxz”)e* + (cq + cgx)e7*”. 43. The auxiliary equation is m4+3m* —6m? —28m—24 = 0 and its roots arem = —2, —2, —2, 3. The general solution is y = (c) + cot + e3z")e7** + cge**. 7.6. A NOTE ON HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS 45. The auxiliary equation is 4m> ~ 23m’ — 33m? — 17m — 3 = 0 and m = 3, —1, The general solution is y = cye?* + (ce, + egx)e~* + (cq + esx) exp (— $2). AT ~1, ~4, —}. 47. The auxiliary equation is m4 + 6m? + 9m? = 0 and its roots are m = 0, 0, ~3, —3. The general solution is y = c; + cga + (e3 + eqx)e73*, Hence, y! = co + (~3ce3 + cq ~ Scqxje7*, and y” = (9c3 ~ 6c4 + 9cazje7**. But y(0) = cr +3 = 0, y/(0) = co - 3c3 +4 = 0, y"(0) = 9e3 — 6ceq = 6, and tim y’ = eg = 1. It follows that c; = 0, cz = 1, c3 = 0, and cq = —1. The particular solution is y = z ~ xe79", so that y(1) = 1 - e7?.3 aa 49. The auxiliary equation is m> + m* — 9m3 — 13m? + 8m + 12 = 0, the roots of which are m=1, 3, -1, ~2, —2. The general solution is y = cye™ + cge** + cge~* + (cg + epxje7**, 51. The auxiliary equation is m> + m4 ~ 7m? — 11m? — 8m — 12 = 0, the roots of which are m= —2, ~2, 3, +i. The general solution is y = c,e5* + (eg + egz)e7** + ca cosz + cs sin z. CHAPTER 8. 48 NONHOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS: UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS Chapter 8 Nonhomogeneous Equations: Undetermined Coefficients 8.1 Construction of a Homogeneous Equation from a Specific Solution 1. From y = 4e?* + 3e~* an auxiliary equation is (m—2)(m +1) = 0. Hence a linear differential equation is (D ~ 2)(D + 1)y = 0. . From y = ~22 + ge an auxiliary equation is m?(m —~ 4) = 0. Hence a linear differential equation is D?(D — 4)y = 0. From y = 2e" cos 3a an auxiliary equation is (m — 1)? +9 = 0. equation is [(D ~ 1)* + 9]y =0. Hence a linear differential . From y = ~-2e%" cosx an auxiliary equation is (m — 3)? + 1 = 0. Hence a linear differential equation is [(D — 3)? + 1]y = 0. From y = re7* sin 2z + 3e7* cos 2x an auxiliary equation is [(m + 1)? + 4)? = 0. Hence a linear differential equation is [(D +1)? + 4] *y = 0. 11. From y = cos kx an auxiliary equation is m? +k? = 0. Hence a linear differential equation is (D? + k*)y = 0. 13. From y = 4sinhz an auxiliary equation is m? — 1 = 0. Hence a linear differential equation is (D* —1)y = 0. 15. From y = 3ze** an auxiliary equation is (m— 2)" = 0. Hence m = 2, 2. 17. From y = e~* cos 4z an auxiliary equation is (m +1)? + 4? = 0. Hence m = —14 43. 19. From y = a{e** + 4) an auxiliary equation is m?(m ~ 2)? = 0. Hence m = 0, 0, 2, 2. 2. From y = ze® an auxiliary equation is (m — 1)? = 0. Hence m= 1, 1. 23. From y = 4cos 2z an auxiliary equation is m? +4 = 0. Hence m = +2i. 20. From y = xcos 2x an auxiliary equation is (m? + 4)? = 0. Hence m = +2i, +21. 27. From y = xcos2z ~ 3sin 2z an auxiliary equation is (m? + 4)* = 0. Hence m = +2i, +2i. 8.3. THE METHOD 29. OF UNDETERMINED From y = sin?s = 4(3sinz —sin3z), COEFFICIEENTS 49 (m* +1)(m? +9) =0. Hence m = ti, £3i. 31. From y = 2? -z+e7*(x+cosz)an auxiliary equation is m3 [(m +1)? + 1](m+1)? = 0. Hence m=, 0, 0, ~lti, ~1, <1. 33. From y = x? 2 sinx +2 cosx an auxiliary equation is (m? + 1)3 = 0. Hence m = +i, -bi, +i. 8.3. The Method of Undetermined Coefficieents 1. From (D* + D)y = ~cosx we have m = 0, ~1 and m’ = +i. Hence y, = c, + cge~* and Yp = Acosz + Bsinz. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have ~A-~B=O, B Nie A Hi -A+B=-1, Bors (-A+ B)cosz + (—A — B)sinag = —cosz, so that The general solution is y = cy + cge7* + 4 cos x ~ $ sin @. From (D*+3D+2)y = 122? we havem = —2, —1 and m’ = 0, 0, 0. Hence y. = cre7™” +c,e7* and yp, = A+ Bet Cx*. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have (24+ 3B +2C) + (2B + 6C)z + 2Cz? = 122”, so that 9A+3B+2C =0, 2B +6C =0, aC = 12, A=21, = —18, C=6. or The general solution is y = ci e7 2% 4 oge7® +91 — 182 + 62". From (D?+49)y = 5e™~ 1622 we have m = +31 and m’ = 1, 0, 0. Hence y, = cy cos 3x+cg sin 3x and yp = Ae*+B+Cz. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have 10Ae* + 9B + 9Cax = 5e* ~ 1622, so that A= is y = c, cos3z + cgsin3e + 3e" ~ 182. 4, B= 0, and C = ~-18. The general solution From y — dy’ — 4y = 30e7 we have m = 4, —1 and m’ = 1. Hence y, = cye4* + cge7* and Yp = Ae®, Substituting yp into the differential equation and simplifying we have --6Ae* = 30e”, so that A = —5. The general solution is y = cye* + cge7™® — 5e*. From (D? — 4)y = e7 + 2 we have m = +2 and m' = 0, 2. Hence y, = cye”™ + cge7?* and Yp = A+ Bre**. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we obtain the equation 4Be* — 44 = e** +2, so that A = —-4, B = 4. The general solution is y = ce"* + cge~** — 3 + dze?*, ii. From y” ~ 4y' + 3y = 20cosz we have m = 3, 1 and m'’ = +t. Hence y, = cye** + cge* and Yp = Acosz + Bsinz. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have (2A ~ 4B) cosz + (4A +2B)sing = 20cosz, so that 2A ~-4B = 20, 4A+2B =0, The general solution is y = ce?” + cge” + 2cosx ~ A4sina. A= 2, B= —4, 50 CHAPTER 8. NONHOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS: UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS 13. From y” + 2y'+ y = 7+ 75sin2z we have m = —1, ~1 and m’ = 0, +27. It follows that Ye = (C1 + gzje™* and yp = A+ Bcos2x + Csin2z. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have A+ (~3B +4C) cos 2x2 + (—4B — 3C) sin 2e = 7 + 75sin2z, so that A=7, —-3B +4C = 0, —~4B — 3C = 75, A=7, Bm 12, C= —9. The general solution is y = (c, + cax)e7* + 7 — 12 cos 2x — 9sin 22. 18. From (D? + 1)y = cosa we have m = +i and m’ = +1. Hence y, = c, cosz + cosine and Yp = Axcost + Brsing. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we obtain the equation —-2Asing + 2B cos = cosz, so that A=0, is y = c, cos¢ + cg sin + dasin a. B= 4. The general solution 17. (D? — ly = e7*(2sinz +4cosz) yields m= 1, —1 and m! = ~1+i. Hence y, = ce” +c9e77 and y, = Ae~* sin +Be~* cosz. Substituting yp into the differential equation and simplifying we have (~A + 2B)e~* sing + (-2A — B)e~* cosz = 2e7* sinz + 4e7* cosa, so that —-A+2B =2, -2A-B=4, = ~2, B=0. The general solution is y = c,e* + cge~* — 2e7* sin x. 19. From (D3 — D)y = x we have m = 0, +1 and m’ = 0, 0. It follows that y, = c, + c9e” +c3e7* and yp = Ax + Bz*. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we obtain ~A~2Bx =z, so that A= 0, B = —}. The general solution is y = cy + cge* + cge7* — 427. 2l. From (D? + D? — 4D — 4)y = 3e7* — 4a — 6 we have m = 2, —2, ~1 and m’ = 0, 0, -1. It follows that y, = cye** + cge7?* + cge~* and Yp = A+ Br + Cuxe~*. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have ~-3Ce~* ~ 4Br + (--4A — 4B) = 3e7* — 4z ~ 6, so that —3C = 3, C= 1, —4B = —4, B=1, -4A—4B = —6, A=. The general solution is y = cye?* + cpe~?" + ege7® + 5 +2 —sae7*, 23. From the equation (D4 — 1)y = e7* we obtain yo = cye™ + cge~* + egcosx + differential equation and simplifying we solution is y = cye™ + cge7* + ¢3 cosa + 26. From (D* + 1)y = 12cos*z = 6 + 6cos2z we have m = ti and m’ = 0, +2i. It follows have m = 1, ~1, i, —i and m' = —1. We therefore cysing and y, = Azre™*. Substituting Yp into the have ~4Ae7* = e7*, so that A = ~4. The general cysinz — ize*, that ye = c,cosz +cgsing and yp = A+ Bcos2r + Csin2z. Substituting yp, into the differential equation and simplifying we have A — 3B cos 2x2 — 3C’ sin 3a = 6 + 6cos 2z, so that A=6, B= -~2, and C = 0. The general solution is y = ¢, cos + cysinz +6 — 2cos 22. 8.3. THE METHOD OF UNDETERMINED COEFFICIEENTS 51 27. From y” ~ 3y' ~ 4y = 16x — 50cos2x we have m = 4, -1 and m’ = 0, 0, +£2i. Hence Yo = cye** +cge7* and yp = A+ Bzu+Ccos2z+ Dsin 2x. Substituting y, into the differential equation we get (—4A — 3B) ~4Bz + (--8C — 6D) cos 2x + (6C — 8D) sin 2x = 16x — 50 cos 2z, so that -4A—3B —4B ~8C - 6D 6C — 8D =0, = 16, = —50, =0, A=3, B= ~—4, C= 4, D=3. The general solution is y = ce** + cge7? +3 — 4a + 4cos 2x + 3sin 2c. 29. From the equation y” + 4y' + 3y = 15e*” + e~* we have m = —3, —1 and m’ = 2, ~—1. Hence Ye = C1e7? + cpe~3" and y, = Ae** + Bare~*. Substituting yp into the differential equation and simplifying we have 15Ae”* +2Bae~* = i5e”* + e~*, so that A= 1, B = 4. The general solution is y = cye7* + cge7** + e?* + gze~*. 3l. From y" —y' ~2y = 62+6e7* we have m = 2, —land m! = 0, 0, —1. Hence y, = cye** +ene7* and yp = A+ Br +Cxe~*. Substituting yp into the differential equation and simplifying we have (~2.A — B) — 2Ba ~ 3Ce7* = Gz + Ge*, so that —~2A-~B=0, A= 3, ~2B = 6, B= -3, C= ~2. —3C = 6, The general solution is y = cye?® + cge7® + 3 ~ 30 — 2ne7*, 33. From (D* ~ 3D? + 4)y = 6+ 80cos2z we have m = —1, 2, 2 and m’ = 0, +2i. Hence Yo = €1e7* + (cg +c32)e*” and Yp = A+Bcos2z+C sin 2x. Substituting yp, into the differential equation and simplifying we have 4A + (16B — 8C’) cos 2x + (8B + 16C) sin 22 = 6 + 80 cos 22, so that 4A = 6, 16B — 8C = 80, 8B +16C = 0, A= 3, B =A, C= ~2. The general solution is y = cye™* + (eg + egx)e** + 3 + 4¢os 2x — 2sin 27. 35. From (D* + D* — 4D — 4)y = 84 +8 + be~* we have m = +2, Yo = cye** + cge7** + cge7* and y, = A+ Bx +Cxre-*. —1 and m’ = 0, 0, —1. Hence Substituting yp into the differential equation and simplifying we have (-4A — 48) - 4Br — 3Ce™* = 82 + 8 + Ge", so that —~4A —4B = &, ~4B = 8, —3C = 6, A= 0, B= -2, C = —2, The general solution is y = cye”” + coe~** + cge7* — 2a — Qre™*. 52 CHAPTER 8. NONHOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS: UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS 37. From (D? — 4)y = 2— 8x we have m = 2, ~2 and m’ = 0, 0. Hence y, = cye*® + cge7?* and y, = A+ Ba. Substituting this y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have ~4A-4Bzr = 2-82, so that A= ~}, B = 2. The general solution is y = cye””-+c2e77* 4422. But y(0) =a te.— 4 =0, cq = 1, y'(0) = 2c, ~ 2eg +2 = 5, C2 =~. The particular solution is y = e27 — deW% _ $ + 2n.. 39. From the differential equation (D? + 4D + 5)y = 10e73* we have m = —2-4i and m’ = —3. Hence yo = e”?*(c; cosa + c2sinz) and yp = Ae~**. Substituting this y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have 2Ae~%* = 10e~3", so that A = 5. The general solution is y= e7**(e, cosz +cgsinz) + 5e74*, But y(0) =e, +5 = 4, cq =~, y'(0) = -2c, +p -15 = 0, C2 = 13. The desired solution is y = e~°7(— cosx + 13sinz) + 5e7*, 41, From ¢+4¢+52 = 8sint we have m = ~2+1 and m’ = +i. Hence x, = e~*#(c, cost + cg sint) and z, = Acost + Bsint. Substituting z, into the differential equation and simplifying we have (4A + 4B) cost + (—4A + 48) sint = 8sint, so that 4A +4B =0, —4A4+4B =8, = 1, B=, The general solution is x = e~**(c, cost + cg sint) ~ cost + sint. But (0) =e, -1 = 0, a(0) w ~Je, +g cy = 1, +1=0, ecg= 1. The desired solution is z = e~**(cost + sint) ~ cost + sint. 43, From (D°? + 4D? +9D+10)y = —24e7 we have m = ~2, ~1+2i and m’ = 1. Hence Yo = cre** + e7 7 (cy cos 2x + cg sin 2z) and y, = Ae™. equation and simplifying we have 24Ae” Substituting yp into the differential = ~24e7, so that A = ~—1. The general solution is y = cye7** + e7* (eg cos 2x + eg sin 2x) — e*. But y(0) =e, +eg-1=0, y'(0) sz ~2¢y — Co + 2cg3 —1 e = 2, = —4, y"(0) = 4e, — 3e2 — deg — 1 = 10, The particular solution is y = 2e77* ~ e~* cos 2x — e*. tf =-—l, cz = 0. 8.3. 45, THE METHOD OF UNDETERMINED COEFFICIEENTS 53 From y” + 2y’ + y = © we have m = —1, -—l and m’ = 0, 0. Hence y. = (cy + coxje7* and yp = A+ Bz. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we have A+2B+4+Bz = 2,80 that A= —2, B = 1. The general solution is y = (¢: +eagz)e7* +2—2.But y(0) =e; —2= -3, cq =~l, y(1) = (ce, + ee"? - 1 = -1, c= 1. The particular solution is y = (—1+xr)e7* + « — 2. It follows that y(2) = e~* and y'(2) = 1. 47. From 4y” + y = 2 we have m = +4i and m' = 0, Hence y, = cj cos$x + cgsin dz and Yp = A. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we get A = 2. The general solution is y = c, cos gx + €2 sin ax + 2.But y(t) = cg +2 = 0, cc; = —2, tg = -2. y'(m) = -3q =], The particular solution is y = —2 cos 5—2 sin pe+2. It follows that y(2) = ~2cos1—2sin1+2 and y'(2) = sin1 — cos 1. 49. From (D? + Djy = 2 +1 we have m = 0, —1 and m’ = 0, 0. Hence yo = cy + cge7? and y, = Av + Bzr*. Substituting yp, into the differential equation and simplifying we get (A+2B)+2Brc=2+1,sothatA=0, But y(0)0 == cy + c2 B= 4. The general solution is y = c, + cge7* + 50", ot “e i as = 1, =, - 1 y(1) = ci tee"! +5 = 4, The particular solution is y = i ~enl —~e7l a= Tet 1 + L-~en} 1 e* + 5e . : and y(4) = 8 - e7! ~ e7* — e739. 51. From (D? + 1)y = 2cos2 we have m = +i and m' = +i. Hence y, = c,cosx + cysinx and Yp = Axcosz+ Basina. Substituting y, into the differential equation and simplifying we get = 2cosz, so that A= 0, B = 1. The general solution of the differential equation is y = cycosx +cosing + xsing. ~2Asing + 2Bcosz But y(0) = c, = 0 and y(7) = —cy = 0, so that ¢; = 0. There are an unlimited number of solutions, y = cgsinz + asin 2. 53. From (D* ~ D)jy = 2 -— 2x we have m = 0, 1 and m’ = 0, 0. Hence y, = c, + ene” and yp = Ar + Bx. Substituting yp into the differential equation and simplifying we get ~A+2B —2Bz = 2-22, so that A = 0, B = 1. The general solution of the differential equation is y = c; + cge? + 27. We want y'(a) = cge° + 2a = 0 and y"(a) = cge* + 2 = 0, so that a = 1. But yQ) =e, + @e+1=0, cy =1, y'(1) = ce+2 = 0, cg = ~2e7?. The desired solution is y = 1 ~ 2e-! + z°. 54 CHAPTER 8 8.4 NONHOMOGENEOUS EQUATIONS: UNDETERMINED COEFFICIENTS Solution by Inspection 1. Ifo #4 a then (D? + a?) [(a? — b?)~! sin ba] = —b?(a? — b?)~! sin ba + a(a? — 6*)~! sin bx = sin ba. Hence (D* + a”)y = sin bx has the particular solution y = (a? — 6?)~! sin bz if a # b. ont . Ify=3 then (D? + 4)y =4-3 = 12. Hence y = 3 is a particular solution. . Ify = 2 then (D?+4D+4)y =4-2 = 8. Hence y = 2 is a particular solution. . Ify = —f then (D® - 3D + 2)y = 2. (—2) = —7. Hence y = —2 is a particular solution. . If y = 3x then (D? + 4D)y = 4-3 = 12. Hence y = 3z is a particular solution. 11. If y = 3x then (D? + 5D)y = 5-3 = 15. Hence y = 3z is a particular solution. 13. If y = —3x” then (D4 — 4D?)y = (—6) - (—4) = 24. Hence y = ~—3z? is a particular solution. 15. If y = —42° then (D® ~ D)y = 4! = 24. Hence y = —4z° is a particular solution. 17. If y = 2sinz then (D? + 4)y = —2sinz + 8sinz = 6sinz. Hence y = 2sinz is a particular solution. 19. Ify = 20+ 4 — 3e* then (D? + 4)y = —3e% + 84 +1 — 12e7 yo e+ ; — 3e* is a particular solution. 21. If y = 3e7* then (D?+3D—4)y = 12e?* + 18e?* = —15e" + 84 + 1. Hence —12e** = 18e?*. Hence y = 3e?* is a particular solution. 23, If y = je** then (D? — 1)y = $e** — 4e%* = 2e3*. Hence y = 4e** is a particular solution. 25, Ify = —}cos2z then (D? ~ 1)y = 3cos2x + }cos2r = cos2z. Hence y = —} cos 2z is a particular solution. 27, Ify = $e” + 3a then (D? +1)y = Je" + fe" + 3a = e* +3. Hence y = de" + 3z is a particular solution. 29. If y = —} cos 2x — 2a then (D? + 1)y = 4cos 2x — § cos 2x — 2x = cos 2x ~ 2x. It follows that y= -} cos 2x ~- 2x is a particular solution. 31. Ify = —#sin4z then (D? + l)y = #2 sin dx — 2sin4r = 10sin4z. Hence y = ~—2 sin 4g is a particular solution. 33. If y = 3e” then (D? + 2D +1)y = 3e + Ge? + Se” = 12e". Hence y = 3e” is a particular solution. 35. Ify = 3e~* then (D? -2D+1)y = 3e7* +6e7* 4+3e7* = 12e7*. Hence y = 3e7* is a particular solution. 8.4. SOLUTION BY INSPECTION 55 37. Ify= —te* then (D? — 2D — 3)y = —}e” + 4e* + 2c” = e*. Hence y = —4e? is a particular solution. 39. If y = —4sin x then (4D? +1)y = 16sinz-~-4sina = 12sinz. Hence y = ~4sinz is a particular solution. Al. Ify = 2e7 — 5 then (4D* + +4D + 1)y = 8e" + 8e + 2e7 —5 = 18e” — 5. Hence y = 2e* — 5 is a particular solution. 43. If y = —}e~* then (D3 ~1)y = ge7* + de7* = e~*, Hence y = —je™* is a particular solution. 45, If y = ge** then (D? ~ D)y u = 2e”* — Ze?” = e?*. Hence y = Ze”* is a particular solution. 47, If y = #sin2c then (D*+4)y = #sin2c + Hsin = 6sin2r. Hence y = 3 sin2x is a particular solution. 49, Ify = $ cos 2x then (D* — D)y = 4sin2z+sin2z = 5sin 2x. Hence y = $ cos 2z is a particular solution. 56 CHAPTER Chapter VARIATION OF PARAMETERS 9 Variation 9.2 9. Reduction of Parameters of Order 1. One solution of the homogeneous simplify to obtain equation is e*. We make the substitution y = ve™ and vu" + Qu! = (x — le™*. Multiplying by the integrating factor e** and integrating we get e*y! = re™ — Qe* +, Dividing by e?* and integrating again yields vs —ze7* + e7* + ce"? 4 ¢g, y == ve™ = cge”* + cg3e7 ~2 +1. 3. One solution of the homogeneous equation is e?*. We make the substitution y = ve and simplify to obtain v” = e7*. Integrating twice gives v = e~* + c; + cax. It follows that y = ve" = (c, + cgn)e™* + e?. 5. One solution of the homogeneous equation is sina. We make the substitution y = vsinx and simplify to obtain v” + 2cot aru’ = secxcsex. Multiplying by the integrating factor sin? z and integrating we get sin? v’ = —In|cosa{ + cy. Dividing by sin? « and integrating again yields v = cotxzin|cosa| + x + c2 cot z + ¢g, y = using = ¢3 sing + ¢2 cosxz + sing + coszln|cosz}. 7. One solution of the homogeneous equation is e~*. We make the substitution y = ve7* and simplify to obtain v” = e*(e7 ~ 1)~*. Integrating twice gives v = c,z + cg ~ In|1 ~e7*|. It follows that y = ve7* = e7* leyx +¢2~-Injl- e~*{]. 9.2. REDUCTION OF ORDER 57 9. One solution of the homogeneous equation is cosxz. We make the substitution y = ucosz and simplify to obtain vy uv , — 2tanzu ~ = seczrese 7. Multiplying by the integrating factor cos* x and integrating we get cos*x v' = In|sinz| + cz. Dividing by cos* x and integrating again yields vs —x+tangin|sina|+cotang +e), y = ve” = c) cosx + cgsinz — xcoszr + sinzln{sina|. 11. One solution of the homogeneous equation is cosa. We make the substitution y = vcosa and simplify to obtain vo” — Qtanav’ = secr ese’ x. Multiplying by the integrating factor cos” xz and integrating we get 1 cos? eu! = “3 cot? x + ¢}. Dividing by cos*x and integrating again yields 1 uo 9 Ste + C1 tanz + cs, y= voor = 5 COS E cote + €, SIND + cg cos 2, 1 . i = Cy sing + ¢2 cos a7 + 3 ese x. 13. One solution of the homogeneous equation is 2. We make the substitution y = ux and simplify to obtain it vo+ 5 on" — i = 0. Multiplying by the integrating factor x°/? and integrating we get ghltyl = Cg. Dividing by z°/* and integrating again yields v= cge8! + ey, Y= url= ce + con }/?, 58 CHAPTER 9. VARIATION OF PARAMETERS 15. One solution of the homogeneous equation is x. We make the substitution y = va and simplify to obtain z(1 —x*)u" + (2 — 42*)y' = 0. This may be written Upon integrating we obtain ay =x 21 e(i~-x?)” =e 2 “ia? + i "jon -- 1 T+al- Integrating again yields ees] + Ca, y= VE = Cy [-2+2In 1 it] Y= Cy fo x 9.4 tin l+z l-z + Con. Solution of y’ +y = f(z) 1. We consider y = Ae* + Be~*, y = Ae” — Be™* + A’e* + Blew®. Setting A’e™ + B’e* = 0 gives y = Ae* + Be~* + A’e® — Ble™*, y -y= Ae —- Ble =e* +1. We must solve the system Ale* + Ble"? = 0, Ale® ~ Ble * =e +1, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get Ala de fo. ~ge422 B= ie ge", = fondo, wx: i p2t _ lp® B=—je ge. Thus {i L.-@) Yp =— (Aa — fe7*) e* 2 + (—fe**1 2a 1.2\ — de”) e »72 9.4, 59 SOLUTION OF Y" + Y = F(X) 8. We consider y = Acosz+ Bsinz, y’ = ~Asinz + Bcosz + A’ cosa + B’ sing. Setting A’ cosz + B’ sinz = 0 gives y" = ~—Acosz — Bsing — A’ sing + B’ cosz, y +y = —A’ sing + B’ cosx = esez. We must solve the system A’cosz + B’ sina = 0, —A'sins + B’ cosx = ese, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get Al= ~I, A= B' = cota, Es B = In{sing|. ‘Thus Yp = ~zZcos£ +sinzlnjsinz|, ¥ = Ye — Ecosz +sinzln|sinz|. 5. We consider y = Acosx+ Bsing, y’ = ~Asinag + Boosa + A’cosx + B’ sina. Setting A’ cosz + Blsina = 0 gives y” = ~Acosz — Basing — A’sing + B' cosz, y +y = —A'sing + B’ cosa = sec* x. We must solve the system A’cosz+ Bi sina = 0, —A’ sina + B’ cosa = sec® zx, for A’ and 8’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get Al = ~sinxsec? z, B! = sec? 2, = —4 tan? 2, G = tanz. Thus : Yp == (—} (1 tan* tan?-x) cosx + tanzsing mdig = $secr —~d } cosa, Y= Ye + § sec z. 60 CHAPTER 9. VARIATION OF PARAMETERS 7. We consider y = Acosx + Bsinag, y = ~Asing + Bcosz + A’cosx + B'sinz. Setting A’ cosz + B’sinxg = 0 gives y” = —Acosz ~ Bsing — A’ sina + B’ cosz, y +y=—A’sing + B’ cosa = tang. We must solve the system A’cosz + B’sinz = 0, —A’ sing +B’ cosz = tang, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A’ = ~sinztanz, A=sinz —In|seca + tan}, A’ = sing, B= —cosaz. Thus Yp = (sinx — In| seca + tan z}) cosz — coszsinz = —coszIn|seca + tanz|, Y= Ye ~ cosxin|seca + tang]. . We consider y= Acosx + Bsinz, y = —Asine + Boosr + A’cosz + B’ sina. Setting A’ cosa + B’sinx = 0 gives y’ = —Acosz ~ Bsing — A’sinz + B’ cosa, y” +y= —A’sine + B’ cosx = secrcsez. We must solve the system A’cosx + B’ sing = 0, ~A'sing + B' cosa = sec xcsc x, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get Al = —secz, B! =csen, A=-—In|secx + tang], B= -—In{escx + cota}. Thus Yp = ~cosz in| seca + tanz| — sing In| csez + cot 2, ¥ = Yc — coszln| seca + tanaz| — sinzln|cscx+ cota]. 9.4, SOLUTION OF Y"+Y = F(X) 61 ll. We consider y = (A+ Ba)e*, y’ = Ae* + Ble® + ze") + Ale™ + B're®. Setting A’e* + B’re* = 0 gives y" = Ae® + B(2e" + ze") + A’e® + Bi (e* + xe*), y" ~ 2y +1 = Ble® =e (e? +1)7?. We must solve the system A’e® + B’xe™ =0, Ble® = e**(e" + 1)7?, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A’ = ~xe*(e? +1)7?, A=a(e"+1)71+In(1 +e7*), Bl = e*(e7 +1)°?, B= —(e*+1)7}, Thus Yp = [x(e* + 1)7! + In(1 + e7*)] e® + [-(e* + 1)7*] ze* =e" In(1 +e7*) = e* [In(1 +e”) —2], y = ye + e7 In(1 + e”), 13. We consider y = Ae™ + Be**, y’ = Ae” + 2Be** + A'e® + Ble®*, Setting A’e™ + B’e?* = 0 gives y= Ae” + 4Be** 4+. A’e® + 2B’ e??, y” — 3y' + 2y = A’e* + 2B’e** = cos(e~*). We must solve the system A’e® + B’e®® = 0, A'e® + 2B’e** = cos (e~*), for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A’ = —e7* cos (e7*), A = sin (e7*), B! = e~** cos(e~*), B= —e~* sin (e~*) — cos (e~*). 62 CHAPTER 9. VARIATION OF PARAMETERS Thus Yp = e* sin (e~*) + [—e7* sin (e~*) — cos (e~*)] e* = —e** cos (e~*), Y = Yo — e** cos(e7*). 15. We consider y = Ae* + Be, y = Ae® ~ Be7* + A’e® + Ble™*. Setting A’e* + B’e~* = 0 gives y” = Ae* + Be~* + A’e® ~ Ble*, y” —y= Ale® — Blev® = et sin (e~*), We must solve the system Ale? + Ble“? = 0, A’e® — Ble™* = e~** sin (e~*), for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A! = he~** sin (e7*), A= B! = —4e™* sin (e~*), B =~} cos(e*). ze cos (e~*) ~ e~* sin (e~*) ~ cos(e~*), Thus Yp» = — sin (e~*) — e* cos (e7*) Y = Ye ~ sin (e~7) — e” cos (e~”). 17. We consider y= A+ Be® + Ce, y = Be* — Ce™* + A’ + Ble® + Cle", y" = Be* + Ce he Be ae Cle™*, y" = Be® —Ce~* + B’e® + C'e* In the first two differentiations we have let the terms involving A’, B’, and C’ equal zero. If we now substitute back into the differential equation we have yl" an y! = B'e® ++ Ole * = 2, A’ + Ble® + Cle* =0, Ble® ~ Cle* = 0. 9.4, SOLUTION OF Y" +¥ = F(X) 63 Solving this system and integrating we obtain A’ i = _ —Z, ip =~ Rr, B! = kxre™*, B= ~4xe7* — de®, C' = ize®, C =: —dre* — Let. Thus Up wm Lb mpe gr" + appt (—gae _ Lat) te~*) e* pe Lypt _ Lp®\ + (4ae* ~ de*)e p= = ~4z? ~4, —_ 1,2 Y= Yo gx 1 19. We consider y= Ac + Be*, y = A+ Be* + A'x + Be*. Setting A'z + B’e* = 0 gives yl" = Be® + Al + B’e*, (l—a)y"” +a2y-y=A'(1-2)4+ B(1~ax)e” = 2(2 — 1)*e7*. We must solve the system A's + B'e® =0, A’ + Ble® = 21 — zje™*, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A= 2e7*, A= Bl = —2re™**, ~—2e7*, B= xe" + Le~2, Thus Up = (~2e7*) a + (ze~** + 4e7**) e? =-e-*(0~ 3), Y= Yo— e7*(a — $). 21. We consider y= Acosz + Bsing, yi = ~Asinz + Boosa + A’cosx + B’ sinz. 64 CHAPTER 9. VARIATION OF PARAMETERS Setting A’ cosz + B’ sina = k gives y” = ~Acosz — Bsinz — A'sina + B’ cosa, y +y = —A’sinz + B’ cosxz = sec® x. We must solve the system A’ cosa + B’ sina = k, —A'sina + Bi cosa = sec? x, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A’ = kcosa — sinasec® g, A=ksing — } tan? z, B! =sec*2 +ksinz, B= tanz ~ keosex. Note that when we form yp = Acosz + Bsinz the terms involving k will cancel leaving us with the same solution as we had in Exercise 5. 23. If we let W = yoy, ~ yiyg then the differential equation can be written W’ + pW Multiplying by the integrating factor exp exp / P az| gives us P az| Wiz) =e, W(2) = cexp - [? az], 25. We choose a = Zq in the solution given in equation (10). Thus = y=ecosz+onsine + [ f(8) sin (x — 8) dg, zo y’ = ~c, sin re + ca cosz, y(xo) = cy 008 Zo + cg sin zo = Yo, y'(q) = —c1 sin Zp + €2 cos Zp = yp. We must solve the last two equations for c; and cz. We obtain C1 = Yo cOSXo — YQ sin Zo, C2 = Yo COSXq + yo sin Zo. Finally we have y = [yo co8 29 — yo sin Zo] cos x + [yg cos rp + yo Sin 9] sinz + / at to = yo cos (x — Zo) + usin (x ~ 20) + f f(8)sin (x — B) df. f(8) sin (2 — 8) dB = 0. 9.4. SOLUTION OF Y" +Y = F(X) Miscellaneous 1. We 65 Exercises consider y= Ae” + Be, yl = Ae® — Be™* + Ale® + Ble™. Setting A’e* + B'e™* = 0 gives y = Ae* + Be™* + A’e® — B'e™*, y! —y = A’e® — Ble™® = 2e-*(1 +7 ™*)-?, We must solve the system Ale® + Ble™* = 0, A’e® — Ble® = Qe"(1 +e ™*)-?, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A t =e goat (l+e 1/2 —2ny~2 ) ; —_ = Ty ends? ~ Bar Bo=—(1L+ ~2z (+e) “2 Ly ants€ sannsetngn + ayer? ~ 2x € ——_—, B=~a-din(it+e7%)4 pert Thus Yo = 1/2 [es] + [-2- gina te . ) 4 1/2ele 7. = = —ze~* — fe7* In(1 +73") + de®, Y * Yo — Te™* — ge" In(1 + e777), 3. We consider y= Acose+ Bsinz, y' 7 = —Asing + Bcosx + A’ cosa + B' sina. Setting A’ cos¢ + B’ sina = 0 gives "= —~Acosgx ~ Bsing ~ A’ sing + B’ cosz, y +y = —A’sinaz + B’ cosx = sec’ xtanz. We must solve the system A’ cosa + B’ sing = 0, ~A'sina + B' cosx = sec* x tana, 1/2 L+e73" 66 CHAPTER 9. VARIATION OF PARAMETERS for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A! = —secxtan’ z, B' = secetane, A=~}secrtanx + $In|secz +tanal, B= secs. Thus Hl Hl Yp = [—-4secxtanz + 4 In| seca + tan2z|] cosa +seczsinz 3 tanz + 3 coszln|secz + tanz|, Yo + stanaz+ dcosxin|secx + tangzl. 5. We consider y = Acosx + Bsina, y = —Asinz + Bcosx+ A'cosz + B’ sina. Setting A’cosx + B’ sina = 0 gives y = —Acosz — Bsinag — A’ sina + B’ cosa, y’ +y = —A’sing + B’ cosz = cota. We must solve the system A’ cosxz + B' sinx = 0, ~A' sina + B’ cosx = cot, for A‘ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A’ = — cosa, A=~sing, B! = cosxcotz, B= cosz —In|cscxr + cota}. Thus Yp = ~ sina cosa + [cosa — In|csex + cota} sinz = —singln|cscz + cota, ¥ = Yo — sina In| ese x + cota, 7. We use equation (10) of Section 9.4 with a = 0 and f(z) = seca. = Y= Yo + [ sec Gsin (x — 8) dB 0 a =uet [ (sinz — cosztan @) dG 0 = = Ye + [asin + cas In| cos = Ye + xsinaz + cosz in| cos zy}. 0 9.4. SOLUTION OF Y" + Y = F(X) 67 9. We consider y = Ae® + Be, yi = Ae® — Be~* + A’e® + Ble. Setting A’e* + B’e-* = 0 gives y" = Ae” + Be™* + A’e* — Ble, y n Alot ~ Bre = Ale” —y or 2 ae "= eee We must solve the system A’e® + Ble™* = 0, A’e* ~ Ble a 2 et — e- =’ for A’ and B' and then integrate to find A and B. We get Al = ~ a et ert —é ~ x B —= orl our a A=nm iinjl—e 7**| 2 [—en-2z? —€ 22 GEL] = Ad 22 B=ww» —3lnje* — I. Thus Yp = [Ein[1 —e7?*|] e* + [—2 In Je* — 1] e~* = ~xe7* + $(e* — e7*) In{l — et, y= Yo ~ ze7™* + E(e® — e7*) In|1 — 7 7], li. We consider y= Ae? + Be™*, y! = Ae® — Be™* + A’e® + Ble™*. Setting A’e? + B'e~* = 0 gives y = Ae® + Be~* + A’e® — Ble™*, 1 et _ y" a ~y =— Ale* ~ Ble *= aT We must solve the system A’e? + Ble? = 0, Ale? — Ble? = ° ° 1 er + 1" ; , 68 CHAPTER 9. VARIATION OF PARAMETERS for A’ and BY’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get ze A =“ey 7 1 Te 367° y = 2°ge7* p@ “t+ — 4. Tipent’ A== —ip-t_1 —5e 5 lo-s 1 ge L4es’ arctan 2 2 B = —5 arctan (e~*). Thus Yp = [~ge"* — 3 arctan (e~*)] e® + [—d arctan (e"*)] ev? e* + e-* _ a arctane™*, = -$ Y= Ye — 4 — cosh rarctane™*. 13. We consider y = Ae~* + Be*, y’ = ~Ae~* — 3Be™** + Alem? 4 Blew, Setting A’e~* + Ble~3* = 0 gives y” = Ae~* + 9Be™** — A’e~? — 3B’e7 5, y” + 4y' + 3y = —A’e™* — 3B’e"* = sin (e*). We must solve the system Ale~* + Ble“ = 0, ~A’e~* — 3B’e5* = sin (e*), for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A’ = $e” sin (e”), A= ~} 0s (e*), B’ = —1e** sin (e*), B = he** cos (e") — e* sin (e*) — cos (e*). Thus Yp = ~~ sin (e*) — e~5* cos (e*), Y¥ = Yo — €”** sin (e”) — e~ > cos (e*). 15. We consider y= Ae™ + Be*, y = Ae* ~ Be™* + A’e® + B’e™?, (e~*), 9.4. SOLUTION OF Y" +Y = F(X) 69 Setting A’e* + B’e~* = 0 gives 4 = Ae® + Be™* + A’e® — Ble, yl! —~y = A’e® ~ Ble? = et [3 tan (e*) + e* sec” (e*)]. We must solve the system A’e® + Ble* =0, A’e® ~ Ble~* = e** [3 tan (e*) + €* sec? (e*)], for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A’ = $e" [3 tan (e”) + e* sec” (e*)], A= ~In|cos(e*)| + ge” tan (e*), B! = —}e**[3 tan (e*) + e* sec” (e*)], B = —he** tan (e*). Thus Yp = ~e” In| cos (e*)| = e” In| sec (e”)}, y = yc +e” In| sec (e*)]. 17. We consider y= Acosz+ Bsing, y = —Asinz+ Boosz + A’ cosz + B’sinz. Setting A’ cosa + B’sinz = 0 gives y = —Acosz ~ Bsinaz — A’sinz + B’ cosz, y +y = ~A’ sing + B’ cosa = secz tan’ z. We must solve the system A’ cosa + B' sing = 0, ~A'sing + B’ cosa = secx tan® z, for A’ and B’ and then integrate to find A and B. We get A’ = —tan’x, A= -—In|cosa|— tan? 2, B’ = tan’ z, B-stang-. Thus Y¥p = [— In| cos 2| — tan?x] cosa+ [tanz ~ 2|sinz = $sinztanz — xsinx —coszln|coszl, Y=Yet zsinztanz ~ zsing ~ coszin| cosa]. 70 CHAPTER Chapter 10. APPLICATIONS 10 Applications 10.3. Resonance 1. The spring is stretched 4 ft by the 5-lb weight so 5 = ak or k = 10 lb/ft. The initial value problem is therefore Sax"(t) + 10x(t) = 0; x(0) == $, 2/(0) = -6. We therefore have x(t) = cy sin 8t + c2 cos 8t, 2(0) =e, = 4, x’ (t) = 8c; cos 8t — 8c sin 8t, z'(0) = 8c, = —6, co = 4, = —¥ The position of the weight is given by a(t) = } cos8t — 3 sin 8. 3. The initial value problem is He"(t) + 162(t) = 0; 2(0) = 4, 2'(0) = 8. We therefore have z(t) = c, sin 16t + cg cos 16t, x(0) = co = 3, C2 = 4G, z'(t) = 16c; cos 16¢ ~ 16c2 sin 16¢, x'(0) = 16c; = 8, c=. The position of the weight is given by a(t} = 3 sin 16t + } cos 16t. 5. The initial value problem is gx"(t) + 82(t) = 3 cos8t; 2(0) = 0, 2'(0) = 4, The differential equation x(t) + 64an(t) = 4 cos 8t 10.3. RESONANCE 71 a(t) = c; sin 8t + cg cos 8E + ftsin 8E, a(t) = 8c; cos 8t — 8cq sin 8t + 2tcos8t+ ¢sin8t, z(0) = c2 = 0, 2’(0) = 8c, = ~4, 3o a9S fi it i = toh has the general solution The position of the weight is given by a(t) = Ftsin 8t — } sin 8. . From Exercise 6 we have a(t) = = = = 4 cos8t — }sin8¢ + 3 sin4t 172(4V2 cos 8t — 4V2sin 8) + 4 sin 4 4\/2(cos8t cos 4a — sin 8tsin }r) + 4 sin4t 4V2cos (8t + 4m) + 4 sin 4t. . From Exercise 8 we have x'(t} = —2sin 8t + 2ésin 8 = ~2(1 — t)sin8¢. whenever 2’(t) = 0. That will happen when t = an, weight at each of these times is given by x = ~0.15, dn, 1, an (sec). A stop will occur The position of the +0.05, +0.03, +0.04 (ft), respectively. 11. We must solve the initial value problem ahx'(t) + 1282(t) = 360cos4t; x(0) = 5, 2'(0) = 4. The differential equation becomes x(t) + 2562(t) = 720cos4¢ and its general solution can be found to be x(0) =e +3 = Z, cy = ~§, z’(t) = —16c; sin 16¢ + 16c2 cos 16f — 12sin 4t, z'(0) = 16c2q = 4, 2 = when x(t) = c, cos 16¢ + cg sin 16t + 3cos4t, The motion is described by a(t} = -§ cos 16¢ + 4 sin 16¢ + 3.cos 4¢. Finally, 2($7) = —3, and 2'(}4) = —8. 13. We need to solve the initial value problem x(t) + 128x(t) = 0; 2(0) = 4, 2’(0) = -8. The general solution and its derivative are given by a(t) = c; cos 8V2t + cz sin 8V2t, 2(0) = c = 4, ey = 9, a! (t) = ~8V2c; sin 8V2t + 8V 2c, cos8V2t, —-x'(0) = 8V2eg = -8, cg = — 4 V2. Hence the motion can be described as x(t) = 5 cos 8x/2t — 4V2sin gv 2t. 72 CHAPTER 10. APPLICATIONS 15. The initial value problem is a0 (t) + 242(t) = 0; 2(0) = ~44, x'(0) = 8. We therefore have x(t) = cy sin y/ 422¢ + cg cos 1824, 2(0) = a!(t) = / Bey cos y/ M4t ~ 4/ Beco sin / 22, = —%, a'(0) = fa =8, G=-—L 1 =8 ios. The position of the weight is given by a(t) = —§ cos 1/28t + 84/585 sin 1/4122. The amplitude of this motion is ,/ 2 + 64-3; = 4/109 ft or 2/109 in. Because the weight began to fall 14 in. above the equilibrium and ends its fall 2/109 in. below equilibrium, the answer to the question is 14 + 2/109 in. or approximately 35 in. 17. We need to solve the initial value problem Hx"(t) + 16z(t) = 0; (0) = ~2, 2’(0) = -15. The general solution and its derivative are given by z(t) = cy cos 8V/2t + co sin 8V2t, z(0})=c¢, = —i, cy = —4, 2'(t) = ~8V2c; sin8V2t + 8V/2cqcos8V2t, —'(0) = 8V2ey = -15, cp = V2. Tt follows that a(t) = 4V2sin 8/2t ~ 15 cos 8V/2t. The first stop will occur when the weight reaches its highest point. The second stop will occur half a period later, when the weight reaches its lowest point. The first stop occurs the first time x(t) = 0. That will happen when tan(8/2t) = $2; Since half of a period of the motion is yrv2, t= arctan (2/2) + agrv2 = 0.4 (sec). tan that is, at t ston = (2/2 (gv) the weight will reach its lowest point when 8/2 19. We need to solve the initial value problem x’ (t) + 96x(t) = 0; 2(0) = 3, 2’(0) = —8. The general solution and its derivative are given by x(t) = c, cos 4V6t + co sin 4V6t, x(0) = c, = 3, C1 = 5, z'(t) = —4/6c, sin 4V6t + 4V6c2 cos 4VEt, x'(0) = 4V6cq = —8, Cg = —i V6. Hence the motion can be described as z(t) = 5 cos 4/6t ~ ; 6sin 4V6t. 10.4. DAMPED 73 VIBRATIONS 21. We need to solve the initial value problem a" (t) + 64x(t) = 8sin8t; (0) = 4, x(0) = 0. 4 + The method of undetermined coefficients may be used to obtain rp = —3t cos 8t as a particular solution of this differential equation. The general solution and its derivative are given by co = t, z(0) = cg = 4, a(t) = ¢ sin 8t + ca cos 8t — $t cos 8, ax'(t) = 8c, cos 8t — 8c sin 8t + 4t sin 8t — Zcos8t, x'(0) = 8c, — 4 =0, i: q= Tt follows that a(t) = —2sin 8t + 4tsin 8t = 4(¢ — }) sin 8t. i Stops will occur when ¢ = nx/8, n = 1, 2,---. The first four stops in order are: An, 4, 40, 3m (sec). 33. From Exercise 22 we have a(t) = }(1 ~ 8) cos 16¢ + z sin 16¢, z(t) = ~4(1 ~ 8t) sin 16¢. An, An veoes will occur when t = 3, ;knm. The first four stops will occur at t = §, at, sec). 10.4 Damped Vibrations 1. The auxiliary equation is m? + 2ym + 169 = 0 and its roots are —y + 1/7? ~ 169. Critical damping will occur when y = 13. For this value of + we have m = —13, ~13 and the general solution of the differential equation is a(t) = (ce, + egt)e**, x(0) = ec, = 0, cy = 0, z(t) = [-13(c, + e2t) + cgje7**, x'(0) = —18e; + cg = 8, Co = 8. Thus the solution with critical damping is z(t) = 8te7!**. If y = 12, the auxiliary equation is m? + 24m +169 = 0 with roots m = —12+4 5%. The general solution of the differential equation is x(0) = cg = 0, cg = 0 x'(t) = e7!*[(5e, — 12c2) cos 5t + (—12e, ~ Sez) sin Bt], 2/(0) =5e: -12e2 = 8, c= 8 i a(t) = e7!**(c, sin 5t + c2 cos 5t), ‘Thus we have the damped oscillatory solution a(t) = 8e~!% sin 5¢. If 7 = 14, the auxiliary equation is m? + 28m + 169 = 0 and m= —7+ 373 = —8.8, —19.2. The general solution is z(t) = eye 88! + eye 9%, 2(0) = c1 +e. =0, cy = 0.77, a'(t) = —8.8c,e785 — 19.2ege7 194, x" (0) = -8.8c) - 19.2c9 = 8, cg = 0.77. The overdamped motion is described by x(t) = 0.77 (e788! — e194), 74 CHAPTER 10. APPLICATIONS 3. The initial value problem is 4 x(t) + z(t 32 + = 4(t) = 0; 2(0) = —4, 2(0) <5. The differential equation may be written 2” (t) + 22‘(t) + 50a(¢) = 0 with auxiliary equation m? + 2m +50 = 0. Here m = ~1+ 74. The general solution is x(t) = e~*(e, sin 7t + eg cos 7t), (0) = c2 =~, cg = ~4, x'(t) = e~*[ (Te, — c2) cos 7t + (—cy ~ Teq)sin7t], 2"(0) = Tey -—cp = 5, a = Z, The motion is described by a(é) = je~*(2sin 7t — cos 7¢). 5. The initial value problem is 4 , 3? () + 2'(t) + 10x(t) = 0; «(0) = 0, 2'(0) = —2. The differential equation can be written x”(t) + 82'(t) + 80x(t) = 0 with auxiliary equation m? + 8m + 80 = 0. Here m = ~4+8i. The general solution is a(t) = e~**(c; cos 8t + cg sin 8t), x(0) = ce, = 0, z(t) =e" [(—8e, ~ deg) sin 8t + (—4er + 8eq) cos 8¢], cy = 0, x'(0)-= —4e, + 8eg = -2, cg = ~2, The motion is described by x(t) = —je~* sin 8¢. 7. The initial value problem is Zo") + x'(t) + 4a(t) = 2sin8t; 2(0) = 4, 2/(0) = 0. The differential equation can be written a(t) + 16x’(t) + 642(t) = 32sin 8t with auxiliary equation m” + 16m +64 = 0. Here m = —8, ~8. The method of undetermined coefficients can be used to find a particular solution y, = ~4 cos 8t. The general solution is a(t) = (cy + cot)e* ~ } cos8t, 2(0) =e, ~ $= 4, c =k, a’ (t) = (—8c1 + cg — 8cat)e~** + 2sin 8t, x'(0) = —8e; + cz = 0, cg = 4, The motion is described by x(t) = (4 + 4t)e~® — 3 cos 8. 9. Here z(t) = e~*(0.50.cos 6.1t ~ 1.23sin 6,14), a'(t) = e'(~-8 cos 6.1t ~ 1.82 sin 6.12). ~8 The motion will stop when 2’{t) = 0. This will occur when tan 6.1t = [3° this equation, a negative solution, is t = arctan (—;§5) Si _ =: —0.22. One solution of The period of the motion 10.4. DAMPED is a 75 VIBRATIONS The stopping places will occur every half-period. The first three stopping places, with positive values of t, and the corresponding values of x are il. 2 ty = —0.22 + mat =0.3 (sec), ty= 0.22 + =~ = 0.8 (sec), xy = ~12 (in.), tq =7 tg = —0.22 + {in.), = 1.3 (sec), zx —4 {in,), From Exercise 10 we have z(t) = 1.22e7°1¢sin9.8t. The initial value of the damping factor1.22e7°-1® is 1.22. We wish to determine the value of ¢ such that 1.22e~° 16 = 4 (1.22). 10 _ 14.4 (see). In10 Solving this equation for ¢ gives us t = O16 13. The initial value problem is 30 z(t) + .6x'(t) + 4x(t)= $sin82; x(0) = 4, 2'(0) =0 The differential equation can be written 2“(t) + 9.6a’(t) + 64r(t) = 4sin 8t with auxiliary equation m* +9.6m+64 = 0. Here m = —4.846.41. The method of undetermined coefficients can be used to find a particular solution yp = —0.05 cos 8t. The general solution is a(t) = e~*®'(e, cos 6.4t + cg sin 6.4t) ~ 0.05 cos 8, a’ (t) = e~***((—6.4c, — 4.8c2) sin 6.4t + (—4.8c, + 6.4e2) cos 6.44] + 0.4 sin 82. Therefore «(0) = c, — 0.05 = 0.25 and 2'(0) = ~4.8¢, + 6.4c2 = 0, so that c, = 0.30 and C2 = 0.22. The motion is described by x(t) = e7***(0.30 cos 6.4t + 0.22 sin 6.4t) — 0.05 cos 8t. 15, The initial value problem is ao"(t) +2'(t) + 4a(t) = ¢sin 8t; x(0) = 3, 2'(0) = 0. The differential equation can be written 2”(t) + 162’(t) + 64z(t)= 4sin 8t with auxiliary equation m? + 16m + 64 = 0. Here m = ~8, ~8. The method of undetermined coefficients can be used to find a particular solution y, = -#% cos 8t. The general solution is x(t) = (c1 + egtje7™ — 2 cos 8t, z(0)=q -4 =F, a(t) = (-8cy + cg — 8cgt)e7* + 4 sin 8, 2'(0) = 8c, +e, = 0, = #, ca = 4. The motion is described by x(t)= $(8t + 1)e7®' — 4 cos8¢. Note that when ¢ = 1, the first term in the solution has value 84e~8= 0.001, so that x(t) = —g cos 8t for t > 1, to the nearest 0.01 ft. 17. The initial value problem is Bet}+ 4a'(t) + 24a(t)= 9sin dt; x(0)= 4, 2’(0) = 76 CHAPTER 10. APPLICATIONS The differential equation can be written 3x"(t) + 42z'(t) + 1922(t) = 72sin 4¢ with auxiliary equation 3m? + 4m +192 = 0. Here m = -§24 8. Oi. The method of undetermined coefficients can be used to find a particular solution y, = 3 sin 4t — a cos 4t. The general solution is a(t) = e7 3 *(cy cos 8.0t + cg sin 8.0¢) + By4 sin 4t — qaq cos 4t, z(t)=e" 3 *[(—#e1 + 8c) cos 8.0t + (—8e) — ¢2) sin 8.0¢]+ £1 cos4t ++ fy sin dt. Therefore 2(0) = ce, ~ 727 = 4 and 2'(0) = ~3c; + 8c. + $1 = 0, so that c, = 0.30 and C2 = ~0.22. Finally, 2(¢) = e7 34(0.30 cos 8.0¢ — 0.22 sin 8.0t) — 0.05 cos 4¢ 4- 0.49 sin 4¢. 19. We assume that the acceleration due to gravity is a constant g. Then Newton's law, F = ma, d? becomes oc. qg di2 = w for x < Ah. The initial value problem may be written dz Ga =H H(0) =0, 21(0) =0. We get a(t) = gg? +e: + Cat, 2(0) =e, = 0, "(t) = gt +e2, x'(0) =e) =0. Finally, x(t) = }gt?. ai, From uv = gt + v9 we get t = —. Thus p= i @am)? , volv~ v0) 2g g Qgx = (v — v9)? + 2uo(v — ve) = (v — U9)(U + U9). Finally, v? = vg + 2gz. 23. aa ott 4 (avg (avo — a) g)(1 - a7 a ) a t v ‘ = = + (= _ 5) (at— 407? + 2072? — date +---) = £ t + (uot — dugat?+ duga7t? +--+.) + (-£ t + dt? — dgat® + pga + ~-) = dgt? + vot — dat?(3uo + gt) + Hat? (4u0 + gt) +--+. 25. The initial value problem is x(t) + 62’ (t) + 25a(t) = 0; (0) = 0, x/(0) = -12. 10.5. THE SIMPLE PENDULUM 77 The auxiliary equation is m? + 6m + 25 = 0 with roots m = —3+4 44. The general solution is x(t) = e~*'(e, sin 4t + c2 cos 4t), x(0) = cg = 4, co = 0, g’(t) = e"*# [(—3e, — 4c) sin 4t + (4c, ~ 3c2) cos 4t], x’(0) = 4c, — 3cg = -12, cy = —3. We have z(t) = —3e75'sin 4t. Stops will occur when 2'(t) = ~3e74'(4cos4t — 3sin 4t) = 0. ‘The first stop will be at t = arctan 4, Since the period is #/2, stops occur at intervals of length w/4. Thus th = arctan 4 + inn, for n= 0, 1, «-- . For these values of ¢ x(t) = —3 exp [~3t,] sin 4(arctan § + inn) = ~3exp [—3¢,] sin 4(arctan $). Thus E(tnyi) zen) = exp[—3tn4i] exp [—3tn] == €Xp [~3(tn41 _ tn)| = exp [—37/4]. This ratio is independent of n. 10.5 The Simple Pendulum 1. Using the linear approximation to the pendulum problem the motion is governed by the differential equation ag +648 = 0. Thus the period of the motion is 1/4 (sec). If the clack ticks dt? 4 120 once every period, in 30 seconds it will tick 30- ai 38 times. 3. Here 6 = 0.1 cos 8t (radians). The maximum value of 6 will occur when 0”{t) = ~6.4cos 8t = 0. That will first happen when ¢ = 7/16 = 0.2 (sec). The maximum angular speed is therefore |’ (w /16)| = 0.8 (radians/sec). 5. The motion is described by @ = 6 cos 8t ~ q sin 8t. This is a simple harmonic motion with amplitude 4/ (75)? = ($)? = 0.16 (radians). Converting to degrees gives 9°. 7. The motion is simple harmonic with amplitude 1/62 + 8-?u2. 78 CHAPTER Chapter 11. LINEAR SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 11 Linear Systems of Equations 11.2 First-Order Systems with Constant Coefficients 1. If we let u = y’ then we get the system y/ = u, u’ = —8y +6ut+242, 3. If we let u = y’ then we get the system y’ = u, u! = —gy — pu + f(z). 5. If we let u=y’, v=’, and w = v’ then we get the system y’ =u, u’ =v, vu’ = w, w' =y 7. We can write the given system in the form 3u' + ww! = —2u + 6w + Se”, 4u' + w! = —2u + Bw + Se® + Qn — 3, Solving for v’ and w’ yields the system u' = Qw +22 ~ 3, uw’ = —Qu + Se” ~ 6x +9. 9. If we let u = y’ and w = v’ then we get the system y' =u, vo =w, w= y+ Qw +l, wl = —y + 4u — Qu. 11.4 Some Matrix Algebra 1 2 2 1) +2(3 1. A428 = ( 1 2\/2 3. AB+a=( ) O\_ /f1 2\,f4 O'\_ fs 2 3)=( + »)=( i): 0 1 0\_ (4 ~2\, (2 0\_ (6 -2 4) +2(4 = +6 = ( se-at=( ~3)-a(0 )=G a)-G 2)-( >): 1 +1 1 0 1 -l 2 0) f-1l -1 i): 11.5. FIRST-ORDER SYSTEMS REVISITED fi 2\ fl AC — B= ( » p i) (; -1 2 79 O\_ /3 >) ~ ( 4) 3\ (2 ~ ¢ 4) ( OO) _ fi 3 4) ~ ( 0): Let d,; and e;; be the elements of D and & that are in the ith row and the jth column. Then the corresponding elements in D + FE and E + D are dj; + ei; and e,; + dij. Since these two numbers are always equal, we have D+ E = E+ D. Ll. Let aj; be the element of A that is in the ith row and the jth column, The corresponding element in O is 0. But a,; + 0 = aj; for all values of i and 7. Hence A+ O= A, 13. Since k(a;j + bij) = kai; + kbi;, it follows that k(A+ B) = kA+kB. 15. Since det A = —3, the only solution of the system is the trivial solution, O. 17. Here the two equations 2x +y = 0 and ~4x ~ 2y = 0 have the same solutions. Hence y = —-2z and (*) = (_.%) = (2) where z is arbitrary. x 19. Since det A = 0, the only solution is ( ] = O. z ai. Here 3x + 2y = 0 so that if y = 3c then x = ~2c. 23. = (“) Here x+y +2 = 0 so that if 2 = band z = —c then y = ~—b+c. ()-C)G)eQ) x solutions b fy} = 1 [-6+ej=b 1 > -1]+ef -l 25. X'= AX+Bwhere|1 bet RO Of (: 1 0} t _ 4 If m = 4, (, 6 -~3 3) ey) () We therefore have the 1). 1]. ef sint and B= First-Order Systems 1. The characteristic equation is (~3): t -ljandB=[ #1 pet 27. A’ = AX + B where =o 0 1 2 2-1 11.5 That is (5) 8— 16 ly. 0 Revisited _8 = =m? —~16 = (m— 4)(m + 4) = 0. _ : : 3 = O, so that 4c; = 3cg. One such eigenvector is ( i): 80 CHAPTER lim = ~4, (7 74) 16 (2) —4 11. LINEAR SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS = O, so that 12c,; = deg. Cg One such eigenvector is (3). Two solutions of the system are therefore (3) e* and (1) e~*t, The linear independence is checked by computing W(0) = ‘ i = 8&0. . The characteristic equation is If m = 2, (i 3) Ifm = ~2, e 3) (=) a 4 -4— 2 =m? — 4 = (m-2)(m+2)=0. = O, so that 2c; + 3cg = 0. One such eigenvector is (3). @) = O, so that 6c; + 3c2 = 0. One such eigenvector is (2): solutions of the system are therefore (3 checked by computing W(0) = . The characteristic equation is 3 2 z 3~m e** and e~*t| The linear independence is =80, 3 a aenn™ -1 (3 a 2m =_ m(m — 2) == 0. If m = 0, (3 3) (3) = O, so that 3ci + 3c, = 0. One such eigenvector is (i): lfm = 2, ( 3) (&) = O, so that ce; + 3c2g = 0. One such eigenvector is(_}). solutions of the system are therefore by computing W7(0) = a as _ 4 4) 4 Ifm = 6, (| 4 3) (3) ~6 cq “) (a) -—-160 c3 = 220. , {l2-m 4 =-4—-mi=™> 18g 35 8m + 12 = (m — 2}{m — 6) = 0. = O, so that 10c; — 15c_ = 0. One such eigenvector is (3): = O, so that 6c; — 15cg = 0. One such eigenvector is (). solutions of the system are therefore () by computing W(0) = Two and (3) e*t, The linear independence is checked . The characteristic equation is If m = 2, (“4 Two of| = 4 #0. e*# and (3) Two e®'. The linear independence is checked 11.6. 81 COMPLEX EIGENVALUES 11.6 Complex Eigenvalues 1. The characteristic equation is _ 9; If m = 22, [4-28 _4 BY —4- oi) . 5} f 5 is (_ 4+ 2) = (_ :) A =e} (i) lfm = —-i+i, (° ~s = (3) ~ ( 4—m 2 —5-i} is (, _ a) —13 -~6—m = (*3) +1 (5). 1("3) ~ vl (isfby ) 4 7 cos 2t — (2) ON -2 (4) 0 2 =0. 13\.. cost + ( :) sin| . =m? —8m+20 =(m—4)?+4=0. sin 2| + cet (2) 0 2 cos 2t + (73) sin 2| : 0 1—m ~2) = —(m —1)[(m—-1)? +4] =0. 2 il-m fh bo | = O so that 2b; ~ 2b; = 0 and 2 eigenvector is (-3 . The general solution is therefore 3 0 sin 2 = Q, so that (8—2i}b; —17b2 = 0. One such eigenvector l—m 12 cos 2f + (5) =m? +%m+2=(m+1—i)(m+1+i) OV, ~17\ 1-8-2) 00 (2) 5) cost ~ (_{) sint| + cet 7. The characteristic equation is Ifm=1, +c The general solution is therefore 13 8 — X =ce# sin 2 = O, so that (5 ~1)b, — 13bg = 0. One such eigenvector \be 5. The characteristic equation is a lfm = 4424, foe 85 \ +4 = (m — 2i)(m + 27) = 0. on _ . . =: O, so that (4 - 2¢)b; + 5b2 = 0. One such eigenvector cos 2t — () +7 (_!). X=ce™' fbr\ (i) ) (3) 2 *) 4 .{0 ws +i (3). The general solution is therefore 3. The characteristic equation is is (, Be ca-nl=™ 4—m with corresponding solution (3) 2 et. 3b; + 2b2 = 0. One such 82 CHAPTER 11. LINEAR SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS fbr ~2t 0 O}1 2 3 -2i 2 ~—-2 -2i be | = O, so that b; = 0 and —2ibg — 2b3 = 0. One such ba +4 ( 0 ). If m = 1 + 23, 0 . eigenvector is ( 0 = (:) ~i 0 The general solution is therefore ~I 2 X = ce’ | —3 | + cet 2 0 1 ] cos 2t — 0 0 0 | sin 2t! ~1 0 0} -1 + cae! 0 {1 0 cos2t+ sin2t}. i 9. We let u = y’ so that u! = y” = —2y —2u. Thus (%) =e e . equation is | m 1 2 -o-nl . Ifm = ~1+i then 1-2 -2 . 1 1 is (, + ) = (i) Y\ (?) = Ce ons 2) (:). The characteristic =m?+%m+2=(m41)?+1=0. -1~i) 1 by lo) . : = O, so that (1—1)b; +52 = 0. One such eigenvector 0\. Lo + (?) i. The general solution is 1 (1) COS x _f{9\.. — 0 (:) sing| + Cg€ I(:) cos + (; a ) 1\. sinz|. Note that y = e~*(c; cosz + cg sinz). i 11. We let u = y’ so that u’ = y” = ~dy. equation is a If m 1 (.:) 1 si) 0o\. + () ¥\ (:) (2) e (2). The characteristic nl =m'?+4=0, = 27 then = (3) Thus ( ) = QO, so that ~2ib; + bg = 0. One such eigenvector is Ls i. The general solution is = Cy 6 1). cos 2x Note that y = c, cos 2x + eg sin 2x. _ {9\. 0 (3) sin 22| + Cg IC) cos 24 + ¢ i\.. sin2z| . 11.7. REPEATED EIGENVALUES 83 13. For m =p+qi, (OP c For m = p — gi, d-—p—qij apn) (S)=% \ca (OP , c peat) GQ) = d-ptgi] \c so that (a — p ~ gije, + beg = 0. so that (a ~ p+ gije, + beg = 0. One such eigenvector is One such eigenvector is , (,-a-a)=(p-e) “(Qt (,-a+a) = (pa) * (9) These eigenvectors are complex conjugates of each other. b 15. W[X1(0), 11.7 X2(0)| = Repeated l 0 ~ gq |= ba #0. Eigenvalues lim = 6, @ ») Xy = () e®, : *) _4 = O, so that 1 We now seek Xz = . tions now requires that One =m? B-mi7™ 4—m 1. The characteristic equation is 1 &t (Je solution of this system 9 ca +6(S)e is (2) = 1 6 == (m (m—6)2 —6)* == 0. 12m19m ++ 336 —2e, +c; = Ps, te®t 4. 2 6t 4 =\|_4 (‘). 0. One e® 1 C4 Thus Xg of the system is The system of differential equaC4 8 solution e”™* = 6t (3) -2 or 1 4 cy) 2 te® 4 (*) 1 ca} e®. Nay Note that W(X), Xa] =|) {| =1 40. i 0 2-m 3. The characteristic equation is lfm = 4, Xy= (2) + “a > (& —1 | =m? 6—-m 4 = QO, so that now requires that 1 (2) at cg One solution of this system is W1X:(0), X2(0)] =|_5 21 4t +a(S)e 0 -1 xn os _{]=-1 40. ~—2¢, — cg = 0. tett + a, We now seek Xz = (3 — 8m +16 = (m~ 4)? =0. One solution of the system is ) e, The system of differential equations =\4 _. 2 -1 cg 3 . Thus Xq = elle e* At 3 or -2 4 —-1 2} te** 4. (3) 7 leq) =\-2) 1 e**, Note that CHAPTER i-m 5. The characteristic equation is 0 —] = 2, 2 —i1 Oo by | LINEAR SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 2 —t 0 2-m l-m 0 lfm 11. = O, 1] = —(m —~ 1)*(m — 2) = 0. so that —b; + 2bg ~ b3 = 0 and —by +b, = O. b3 1 One solution of the system is X,; = [1]e*%. Ifm=1, 1 0 2 {0 0 1 00 ba 1 bs | = O, so that 1 be I 2bs ~ bg = 0 and bg = 0. Thus a second solution of the system is X2. = | 0] e'. We now seek 0 1 a third solution of the form X3 = [0] by te’ + | bg | ef. 0 1 now requires that | 0 ] e' + by fs 0 One solution of this system is 3 = 1 0 2 1 0 0 0 [1/2]. 0 bg I The system of differential equations by Ps 02 eor/0 0 Thus X3 = +1 0 0 1 [0 | teé+ 0 1 by bg] 1 bg 1 = | O]. 0 0 [1/2 | et. The general 6 solution can now be written 0 X(t) = cy e* +e e +c t+{1 et. 0 —m . The characteristic equation is| 3 1 2-—m ~ OO Go —1, 8 m= ee bret ed fen hm RM = 4, gah 1 lim 3 —2 01 1 by bg] 3-4 ' (5) = —(m+1)2(m~— 4) =0. 3 = O. by 1 -m One solution of the system is X, i = [| 1} t)=( 1 by 1 bs | = O, so that bg + 3bg + bg = 0. One solution is | bs | = b4 A second solution is (| be (*: a 0 1}. -—3 e**. If 1 ( ) oO}. Thus two solutions of the system of differential equations 85 THE PHASE PLANE 11.8. 1 | ~ 1 ( ( e~' and X_ = 0 ) —3 e~*. The general solution can now be written 0 font are Xg = X(t) = c ( 7 + 9 ( —1 If m = 2, 2 m=-2,)/2 2 -—3-—m 2 ~l -1 3) fh 2 -—5 3 ba | = QO. -1 3 ~1 3/ ~1 fb 1 -1 2 ~2 2 -1 -1 3\ e +03 (:) et, ~3 —m . The characteristic equation is} 1 ') 3 3} = —(m + 2)?(m — 2) =0. i-m 1 One solution of the system [1 = is A; bs If e* 1 bg 3 bs | = O, sa that 2b4—05+3bg = 0. One solution is { b3 | = Oo}. \bs be —2 bg 1 A second solution is | 6s | = | 2]. Thus two solutions of the system of differential equations bg 0 3 1 are Xq = ( | e~*t and X3 = (:) e~*, The general solution can now be written 2 0 1 3 X(t) = cy(:) et 4 c ( 1 7 1 +¢3 (2) ~2 ent, 0 1 il. Each of the functions X; = (°) 0 et! Xg= (:) 0 eft, Xa = (°) 0 0 1 e is a solution of the system. The solutions are linearly independent since W [X1(0), X2(0), X3(0)] = 1 0 [0 1 0 =10. 001 11.8 The Phase Plane 1. The general solution is X = c (5) et 4+. co i ee, Here m, = ~4 and mg = 4 so that almost all of the solutions approach infinity as t ~» co. The exceptions being those for which c; = 0, in which case the solution approaches the origin along the line y = 47. The origin is an unstable saddle. The general solution is X(t) = c [(4) cos 2t — () sin 2| + 9 I() cos 2t + (3) Here a = 0, and all trajectories move around the origin. The origin is a stable center. sin 2| . 86 CHAPTER 11. LINEAR SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 5. The general solution is X=ce* (6 cost — (3) sint| + cge™* (3) cost + (75) sin j . Since a = ~1 the origin is a stable spiral. «gs . Id 7. Here the characteristic equation is | —m 4 -8 al = (m+2)* = 0. Since the repeated roots are negative the origin is a stable node. 15. The characteristic equation is 0 0 OF 0} fh le -l-—m 0 -l1-ml : 0 = (m+ . 1)? = 0. = O, so that there are two linearly independent The general solution is X = [es (3) +2 ()| etx . If m eigenvectors = —1 we have 1 0 and i}: (c ) e~*. For any choice of c; and cg, not both zero, the corresponding trajectory is a half line approaching the origin as t + The origin is a stable node. 0 oo. 87 Chapter 12 Nonhomogeneous 12.1 Systems of Equations Nonhomogeneous Systems 1. As in Example 12.1 ai (t) = (2e' — 2)e7* = 2 ~ 2e7*, a(t) = (2 ~ef)e"*! = 2e7** — e*, so that a(t) = 2t + 2e7~' and ag(t) = —e~*¢ + e~*. The particular solution is zy ({) The 3. From =_ err. ty) (je {¥\ oe ,+(-e7* 7 p~2t +e p-ty (Je {1 \ o2t zs© yt [2 +¢ (3) ¢f1\_ + (0): fi te (3) 8 general solution is X = a Wy l e +a 2\9 1 e* + tet Exercise 5 in Section 11.5 we have X, = a4 C: 2 +e 2 1 3\ + a2 (.;) the original system of equations forces us to take a},(t)(.;) a,V(t) (t) == —£—3 5 5 and(t) == and a(t) pe _? 4 + ag(t) ( + 1 0}. ot e*", i) —l Substituting into 7! = (;). (t+ 1)e7*# , 80 that a, (t} ___3t = r 3 and a2(t) _= 2 One particular solution is X= 21 3t 2/\-1 WV (1,3 4 8/\-1) 3\ 1-2 qte Thus et, 53-2 t? ~ 18-9 (-2 _ 1 2t74+1464+3)° 8\ A slightly simpler particular solution may be obtained by rewriting this particular solution as 1 Xp = 3 ( f—2t?-18t-6\ 24? 4.14:) -3 3/ 1 (1) . . and incorporating the last term as part of the homoge- neous solution. The general solution then becomes _ X=er (1) 1 3\ +e (te 2 , £ +3 ( (—2t? — 18-6 24? + 14t) ° 5. We follow Example 12.1 and have a(t) = (~3e')e~' = —3 and a4(t) = (3e')e~*! = 3e7* so that a,(t) = —3t and a(t) = —3e7'. Finally X,(t) = —3te! @ — 3et (). 88 CHAPTER 12.2. Arms 12. NONHOMOGENEOUS SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS Races 1. The systern to be solved is X’ = must satisfy ( “ 3) X + (3). The constant particular solution (5) 3) (;) + (3) = @) so that e = 1 and f = 2. The characteristic equation of A is -h—-m 2 4 _g—m| = MP 48+ T= (m+ m4+7) =0 giving eigenvalues —1 and ~7. These eigenvalues correspond to eigenvectors (3) and (1): Thus the general solution is X(t) = ey () e+ eg (.:) ety () , The initial conditions zg = 8, yo = 7 require (:)+e(4)+()=(), an equation that has solution ¢; = 4, cg = 3. Finally, X(t) =4 () e' +3 (.:) ey (3) . The solution will approach a stable solution x = 1 and y = 2. 2 3. The system to be solved is X'= | — 4 solution (5) must satisfy (i i) 8 2) X+ () (5) + () , &(0) = (;). The constant particular = (3) so that e = —2 and f = —3. The characteristic equation of A is —-2—-m 4 giving eigenvalues 2 and —6. 4; oma og Me oe +4m —12= (m+ 6)(m—2)=0 These eigenvalues correspond to eigenvectors (;) Thus the general solution is X(Q)=e (3) ot + oy (.;) e784 (<5) The initial conditions 29 = 5, yg = 2 require «()+e(2)-G)=@), and (1): 12.2. 89 ARMS RACES an equation that has solution ¢, = 6, cz = 1. Finally, X(t) =6 (3) em 4 (.;) e~8t _ (5) There will be a runaway arms race. 2 2 (*) must satisfy (f so that e= land f = 1. = (3) + (<2) (5) 3) The constant particular solution 5) X + (- 2 ). 5. The system to be solved is X’ = C 4 The homogeneous solution is the same as in Exercise 3. Thus the general solution is X(t) = cy (;) e7! + eg (1) et 4. @ . The initial conditions require that ~1 fa\ _ [te-1 ca ~ Yo 1]? 1 an equation that has solution c, = 5 (to + yg — 2), cg = ee l\ 1 (vo — yo). Finally, bo] 1 X(t) = 5 (0 + yo — 2)e# (1) + 5(t0 ~ yo)e7* (.;) + (7) . If xo + yo < 2 the arms expenditures for both countries will become and remain negative, a condition of disarmament. If 29 + yo > 2 there will be a runaway arms race. ae 4 7. The systern to be solved is X‘ = must satisfy o ) (;) se (=!) The constant particular solution (5) A+ (). 2) so that e = -ar + 2s) and f = ~Z(2r +8), The homogeneous solution is the same as in Exercise 3. Thus the general solution is 1 X(t) = Cy @ 1\ e* + ca (_;) . é Gt 1 fr+2 6 Ger :) . The initial conditions require that (i) (2)= (3) +3 GP): . 1 an equation for which ce, = 5 (x + Yo + r+s i"). . Because of the factor e*! in the first term of the general solution, that term will dictate the behavior of the solution as t + oo. Ife; > 0 -T-s there will be a runaway arms race. This will occur if xg + yo > 2 90 CHAPTER 12. NONHOMOGENEOUS SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 9. Since pq — ab < 0 the two eigenvalues are real and have opposite signs. We set u - —Ptgt+ Veta ~ pg?ab) ~ eta) - Vip +a)? — Aq — a8) 2 2 We also note in passing that since pg — ab < 0 and q > 0, +q+J7(p+a)? pru<p- Prat Vera _ <0, (12.1) The constant particular solution (5) must satisfy ( ) (5) = (=) so that we have rb ex 4 18a and f = ptr . Note that e and f are both negative. If we use the eigenvalue pq —ab pq - ab m= tu we must satisfy (? ~ b ‘) (&:) ~G{n-u == QO so that one eigenvector is ( C2 ‘): If p+u we use the other eigenvalue m = v we get in the same manner an eigenvector pt *): Thus the general solution of the system is X(t) = cye™ (, + i) + ce” (, + :) + (7) . Since u, a, and p+ wu are all positive and v is negative, the character of these solutions will depend on whether c, is positive or negative. If it is positive we will have a runaway arms race. We now apply the initial conditions X(0) = « ptu) ate 2). (a8 Therefore ¢; = eo een vr’ 2) and get \wo-f/pte) (8)\eo} ~~= (0-4) Remembering that e, f, p+v, and v are negative while xo, yo, u, and a are positive establishes that c; is positive. arms 12.4 Tace, Simple Networks . This is Example 12.6. 3. The initial value problem is I(t) + F(t) = # sin wt, I(0) =0. We therefore have a runaway 12.4. 91 SIMPLE NETWORKS R The linear differential equation has as an integrating factor exp ($+) exp Gi = z_| sinatexp (4) and I{t}) = A (-wL coswt + Rsinwt) + ec; exp (74). choose cy = = 5. The initial value problem that Q(t) dt The initial condition forces us to so that finally I(t) = a Q(t) exp (2504) so that = -wL coswt + Rsinwt + wl exp (-#)| d is “ + 25090 0.02 exp (250¢) + c;. = 0.02 — 0.005exp(—250¢). The = 5, Q(0) = 0.015. The general solution is initial condition requires that c; = Therefore I(t) = dQ dt J(0) = 1.25(amp). 7. Here I(t) = 3000texp(—1000¢). . —0.005, = 1.25exp(—250t}(amp) so and Thus J'(t) = (—3 - 10° + 3000) exp (—1000¢) so that the maximum current occurs at t = 0.001(sec). We have Imax = 3e7!{amp). 9. We have the problem RJ + LS L 088 i , RO pot TS + aa = Bsinwt, @Q(0) =0, £(0) = 0 which may be written +Q= EC sinwt, Q(0) = 0, Q’(0) = 0. Here LCm? + RCm ~RC + J/R?C? — 420 R =—o7 + R WT 1 ~Fe= +1 = 0 so that ~at Bi. Thus Q, = e7**(c; cos Gt + cosin Gt). We seek a particular solution that has the form Qp = Asinwt+Bcoswt. Substituting into the differential equation and determining the undeER vE ER VE . . . Senne’ coefficients yields A = ~"3 and B= “TRE Thus Q, = — oH sin wt— ow cos wt an Q(t) == e~™ —at (ec, cos Bt + cz sin Bt) a VE ER —=; ae sin wt ~ azz oS ut, Q(t) = e~*!(—e1 8 sin Bt + cof cos Bt) — ae ~4te, cos Bt + cg sin Bt) — ve cos wt + ees sin wt. 92 CHAPTER 12. NONHOMOGENEOUS SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS ER = But Q(0) = 6 and Q’(0) = 0 so that ce, — = 0 and cf — ac, — VE5 = 0. 5 R wZ? and cy = ae G + 1): Substituting c, and cg into I(t) = Q'(t) gives us I(t)=e (2 - a VE ER Zz Ze ~— +> coswt + —= E = evat E 11. We know that C = AL ~ fn 1) bin t+ {SS + a (2 +1) } cos, sinwt a’R VE ~ ap 7 3) sin Bt +2 Fz cos pt] + + E(Rsinwt (-2 Fup 7 sinwt wt ~— G ER Thus ¢1 = “33 ycoswt) + ——Ee™ VE 80 that y = wh R 1 By-y cos Gt wo —_ a\ wl — Re 4tw — ycosuit) y+ + a2 J sinsi GE) Gt . . Th a Rt ~ aD = a From this we get --—~ = =~ » = 2ay— Rw. Finally ~ay~-—— = ay— Rw. Substituting this expression for the coefficient of t in the last term in the answer of Exercise 10 yields the desired form. 13. We have from Kirchhoff’s laws 101; + 2000Q2 = 60, 101; + 2013 = 60, @o(0) = 0.03, h=h+Idy. From the second equation we have I; = 3 — 41 1. Substituting into the last equation yields di = 3 lp +2, Thus the differential equation may be written oe + 300Q2 = 6. The general solution of this equation is Q2 = ¢ +c1e79%. The initial condition yields c; = 1/100 so that Op = be 4 1g- soot 50° 100 Tz = ~3e7 3008, Ty = 2 — 2e7 0, Ig == 2 + @7 3008, 15. Application of Kirchhoff’s laws yields the system dl. Ail, + Rela + a = BE, Ril; + Roly + 5-Qs 3 = E fy =Ig4+ dy. 12.4, 93 SIMPLE NETWORKS dl. The first of these equations can be written wet R ~—h at E +-—. - fey, La Ly second equation and using the third equation to eliminate J, yields al, Riz + Rt= aly di, Riv Replacing I a + oh diy + Bs (Ge - Ly" Differentiating the =0, 1 +e-x- (I) ~ In) = 0. by its equivalent gives us (Ry + Rs) (Ry + Rg) di R - zt ~Ril; ~ Relg+ E) + a (h- fn) = 0, dl, _ ct = ( RRs | Tp 1 a) he (- RRs Lo 1 +z) I+ RE The system in J, and Iz can now be written _ (- cent; CaRyRatL _ ~obiteteey \ alte Z Re ~ L — -R I (Lh), TaRi +R) RE £ Ty a * The nature of the solutions of this system depend upon the roots of the characteristic equation _ GaRyRstle 9 Cebgthi the) __OsRgR R ~ GbR — #2 —m) 2 which may be written m+ =| CsRiRg + Lo C3L2(R; + Rs) Ro(CgRiR3+L2) C3E2(Ri + Ra) — L2) Ri(CsR2Rs C3L3(Ry + Rs) == Q, or C3Lo(Ry + Rg)m? + [(C3(RiR, + Rohs + Rg Ry) + L|m + hy + Rg =0. Note that the answer given in the book has a typographic error. The last term should be Re, not Rg. 94 CHAPTER Chapter The 13. THE EXISTENCE AND UNIQUENESS OF SOLUTIONS 13 Existence and Uniqueness of Solutions 13.2 An Existence and Uniqueness Theorem 1, Here f(x, y) = x, xo = 2, and yo(x) = 1. The sequence defined by (2) becomes yo(z) = 1, n(a) = 1+ f = t? 215 2 x ua(e) =1+ [ x tam i+ [5 | =—-—1, 2 tdt=--—1. 2 2 2 It follows that B00 lim y,(z) = =2 — 1. 3. Here f(z, y) = 2y, ro = 0, and yo{x) = 1. The sequence defined by (2) becomes yo(x) = 1, we w(z) =1+ / 2 dt = 1+ [2t]) = 1+ (22), wala) =1 +f [2+ 2(2t)] dt=1+ le ape eee opeoy Let us suppose that y,(a@) = 1 + (22) + (ay By induction we have y,,(z 4g ) kd |, 42 k+l 2 > Then SF 2 ad k | dt =1+4 [cy + Qty * Yeti (Z) = 1+ f Prams = 1+ (2) + ey + orl- 1+ (2a) + Gey + +e (ay 1 . It follows that Jim Ya(z) = 5 k=O (2k)* a e%, 95 Chapter 14 The Laplace Transform 14.3. Transforms of Elementary Functions 1. From elementary calculus we obtain L{cos kt} = [ Ox e **(—scoskt + ksin =) °° e~* coskt dt = Sie 9 For positive s, e~** — Therefore we have 0 as t — oo. Furthermore sinkt and coskt are bounded L{cos kt} = =H From Euler’s formula we get sin kt = ikt __ »—tkt 5; . Formally using the result of Example 14.1 k 1 1 f nut, ly, atty le . Usin kt} == ite} —— —L{e*} Me) == —5 Snag a ae saik| | ~ae ae, PER Let? 4t} == L{8} {tth=[a-ata Lf}+ +4L(t}=2-244 L{t?}—- 10} {t° —— 2°#2 ++ 4t} 80.0 . Using the result of Example 14.1 we have . 4ty .-2t) = 3L{e*} 2) L{3e* dt — e~**} — L{e7“*} 11. L in? {sin’ kt} ee 1 ~ cos 2kt 2 | SOT 1 bet Le L{1 —~ cos* Co8* kt} Se 57 13. L{sin®tn? kt}= 15. L{e~* _ et} ~ 1 sta 3 1 28 +160 sod _ 3337 = GrDGTD’ eeyalee * PLR p=ee 5eesnk ninasiassamnmnssteonit uf 1 s+b_ 1fi 2 5 fe oo. s>o, we have ‘ kt} = 5 Lfe ee - Lisinh e€ as t ~ 8 a? wd sce 3? + 2k? ageteneegi S(sh + aR FE b-@ , (s+ a)(s +6) 3 > kl. 2k? s(s? + 4k?)’ ceemnertteememeemmn 2k? ~ meee Sl? + aR’ s>4. $>0 s>0 . 83> max(—a, —0). . 96 CHAPTER 14. THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM 17. From the definition of the Laplace transform we have Le} = f 2 20 en st a+ [ te~*t dt= S —st | 72 +|=# ~§ tie _ § e728 = $ 1 e728 “bo + —EO 8 Jo § Gt, TOO 82 3 s>0. & 19. From the definition of the Laplace transform we have _ st gi Tt _ 14.6 Functions of Class x 0 _ 2(1-e7**) st4+4d ~ ast ‘ [e7*{—ssin 2t — 2cos 2t) ¢ a> 0. A 1. If F(t) and Fo(t) are of exponential order as t + oo then there exist constants M,, Mz, and b,, be and fixed numbers ¢,, te such that LFi(t)| < Mie", fort >t, and [Fo(t)| < Mae", for t > tg. If we take tg = max(t1, tg), we have for ¢ > ts LF i (t)| - [Fe(t}| < My Mo exp [(b, + b2)e] or [Fi (t) - Fa(t)| < Mi Mz exp [(b1 + ba)é}. Thus F,(£) - Fo{(t) is of exponential order as t + oo. Similarly, if we take Mg = max(M],, M2), b3 = max(b), 62), and tg = write [Fi (t)| < Mie’! < Mse*, for t > ta, |FQ(t)} < Moe" for t > ty. and < Mge®s*, Thus [Fy (t) + Fe()| < [FA(O)| + [Fa@)| < 2Mge"", for t > ty. That is, F(t) + Fo(é) is of exponential order as ¢ + 00. max(t:, tg) we may 14.6. FUNCTIONS OF CLASS A Consider im ett? = Jim _ ot OO 97 tx —. Tfa < 0 this limit is zero and ¢* = Oe’) as t - oo. If E 0< 2 < 1, we use the tools of elementary calculus to evaluate the indeterminate form £z gtt~} lim —- = foo = 0. lim 2 t-+00 =O Again we see that t? = O(e'). Finally, if0 <n <2 <n+1, n+1 times to obtain x ne lim ~ = lim ae too € 1 ene EOP we this argument may be repeated am Weenie” )(ea=n+ Ut t-400 et = too tim TLD ~ nee eae et ~ Z—-n—-L Log, Thus t? = O(e'). The function cos kt is continuous and bounded by unity for all t, hence | cos kt| < 2e® for all t. Thus cos kt is of exponential order as t ~» oo. Hence cos kt is of class A. The function sinh kt is continuous for all ¢ and if k > 0 then kt | sinh kt} = em € 5 kt e kt < 7 for all t > 0. lfk < 0 then | sinh kt| = | — sinh [(—K)t]| = {sinh [(-&)¢]] < ot for t > 0. Hence sinh kt is of exponential order as t —+ oo. Therefore sinh kt is of class A. For t > 1, sin kt sin At sin kt . < |sinkt| < e®. Hence is continuous for t > 0. sin kt . . is of exponential order as t + oo. Moreover, . . sinkt It is also true that lim . = lim keoskt = k. is sectionally continuous over every finite interval in the range ¢ > 0. Thus Therefore sin kt is of class A. il. By Exercise 8, t” is of class A. Also e** is of class A. Hence by Exercise 2, t"e* is of class A. 13. By Exercise 8 and Exercise 5, t” and cos kt are of class A. Hence by Exercise 2 their product is of class A. 15. By Exercise 8, t” is of class A, and by Exercise 6, cosh kt is also of class A. It follows from Exercise 2 that ¢” cosh kt is of class A. 98 CHAPTER 14. THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM cost ~ cosht 17, We let F(t) = ——__——-. Then for t > 0, F(t) is a continuous function. Moreover, lim Fé) = lim (— sint ~cosht) = ~1, Hence, F(t) is sectionally continuous for t > 0. For cost — cosht ; t > 1, < |cost — cosht|, But by Exercises 5, 6, and 2, cost — cosht is of exponential order as t -+ oo; that is, there exist constants Mand b and a fixed tp such that |cost—cosht| < Me" for t > tg. It follows from the above inequalities that for t > max(1, tg) cost — cosht t < Me®, That is, F(t) is of exponential order as t — oo. Therefore, F(t} is of class A. 14.10 Periodic Functions 1. By equation (6), page 269, 17} = FEM), 1T(1/2) — 9 87 by Theorem 14.10, = 55572 by equation (7), page 269, = 2 (2), for s > 0. ivi 3. sin kt is the unique solution of the initial value problem y+ k?y = 0, y(0) =0, y/(0) =k. Using the Laplace transform on this problem gives s*L {sin kt} — k + k*L{sin kt} = 0. Thus L{sin kt} k =wok 5. If P(t) = sin kt then F’(t) = kcoskt. For this F(t), Theorem 14.5 states that Lik cos kt} = sL{sin kt} — 0 or kL{cos kt} = sL{sin kt}. 14.10. PERIODIC FUNCTIONS 99 7. Using Theorem 14.9 we have | k | L{t? sin kt} = L{(—t)* sin kt} = a ds? | 3? +k? _ ~2k(s? + k?)? + 2ks-2(s?-+h*)-28 — 2k(3s? ~ k*) ~ Cea “Gh yp Rays FO 50 9. From the definition of the Laplace transform we obtain L{F(t)} = [ * ot 41) dt-+ [ ” ge78" at _ ~—e7 (t+ 1) ~ From Theorem _ est 8 s2 . st]? e728 1 8 9 s gs Q 14.5 we obtain _yeice™ 1 L{P'(t)} = s oo 3 —3e7 + otp ; 3g? s>0. A second derivation of this formula can be obtained by using the definition of the Laplace transform directly on the function F/(t)=1, O<t<2; P(t)=0, t> 2. 11. Using Theorem 14.12 we obtain L{T(t, oj} = Bee 1 — ees 9B _ Se Be"? a8 + J" (20 ~ Bye™*? a8 1 ~~ er ees c = _ i 1 ~ en tes _ 1 . ZB 8 1l-2e* em = Ql 98 owe 1 s? oes 1 = 0 2c + =e 9p 8 + B 8 -sB + 1 s? (1 — e789)? oer 13. Using Theorem 14.12 we have E{| sin kt} = n kB — kcoskp)|"/* sinkG dp ~ [e~*9(1(—ssi o e~* — e~87/k)(52 + £2) 1 — ev sa/k (k) +k _= (= e7S/K en sx/k){ 52 +k?) k 8 sre Oth a _ = ok PLR 14 ecst/h , Ser ss e 100 CHAPTER 14. 15. From Theorem THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM 14.12 we have L{G(t)} = fo en*%e8 dB fe elt l-e"s _ ag Cs ee el #+)8 © _ 1 - aaa], ~~ 3=1 17. From Theorem 1I-—exp ([c(1 —s)] T—exp(=es) , > 14.12 we obtain 1 2n fw FO} = peas 1 = f i 1 ~ e- 9ra/w a t e~ 8 E(B) 8 = wt fw Samara: | ev ams/w sinw? — wees)" gs? + we 0 w = dB = [ [ro dt df= [ [ro a. ee “E =1 {FO}, 1 site 19. Using an argument similar to the proof given in the text for Theorem [ sb e * sinwB dg ‘ 1 — en re/w 14.8, we have dB dt 101 Chapter Inverse 15.1 15 Transforms Definition 1. Using Theorem r7} of an Inverse Transform 15.2 we obtain 1 ee (zener 1 cee lorie} = fi bee pv tpl ev 1 {ass} 1 ge tent = gi Se. sinst 3. Using Theorem 15.2 we obtain Dkk. 38 ee lores} hee we =e _1 POE [ 3(s +2) —-6 gr tn pratt _op-l ‘oorss} E dard 33 ~—6 oe § {ava} TV 49 3 2b \wre}| = e~""(3. cos 3t — 2sin 3t). 5, Using Theorem 15.2 we obtain -1 L 1 pel \zrurapnt I —pvatp-l (arms fil L _ ae aerate” 7. Using Theorem 15.2 we obtain L wij 2s —3 \aoare} ba _ 88S L pid 2s—3 een typo} evL won} s+] {aa} pit 9. Using Theorem 15.2 we obtain L7 {ets 11. Using Theorem po {26495 SI a endte-l (B5-] =e M(at — 82), 15.2 we obtain L ~1 1 {t payer \ = e at eel yal 1 (a \ = le e*' (2 cos t + § sin 2t). tre nm 102 CHAPTER 15. INVERSE TRANSFORMS 13, Using Theorem 15.2 we obtain 1 ~1 . 1 pratr~ 1 mat os I opareef ote" {arp} = jectsinee Ox 15. Consider L {F (;) \ ss [ e AF (é) 0 df. We change the variable of integration by setting (= at and df = a dt to get L {F (¢) \ =a [ * e=* F(t) dt = af (as). That is L“{ f(as)} = =F(£). 15.2 Partial 1. £7} | e4p2fl__ s* + a8 2 8 Fractions a ro s3 + 3? — 2s 4s +4 _ Eo} 5 o {es} . -t aL 9, Lo 15.3 _~ = 8 fet L fe+ 8 3 Lo} 53-2 eee aUEHEcD S (s? + a)(s? + 6?) Initial Value a d ~ s—-1l 3. yg} g+2 not ee. 2 =~ - ) = 3e7 — 3 - Qt. 8 a} se 8 3 EL =+(1—e-*)., $+a -1f 2 1 i Co = 1 ~1 2 +a zp1 =n? tite } ~ 3 ; af” at—B t . ~2t . +e (cos bt — cos at) ‘ Problems 1. y’ = e*; y(0) = 2. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 1 gu(s) ~2= pel? Bo ait us()=“ s(s-1) 8 1 1 1 s—1' The inverse transform now gives y{t) = 1 +e. Verification of this solution is straightforward. 15.3, 103 INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS 3. y/+y =e; y(0) = 0. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 1 su(s) + u{s) = s23 1 3 u(s) = (s—2)\(s+1) 3 s-2 s+1 The inverse transform now gives y(t) = }e** — $e7*. Verification of this solution is straightforward. .y” +a7y = 0; y(0) = 1, y/(0) = 0. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s*u(s) — 8 +a7u(s) = 0, 8 us) = aya The inverse transform now gives y(t) = coset. Verification of this solution is straightforward. . yo” — By’ + 2y = e%*; y(0) = 0, y’(0) = 0. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s*u(s) — 3su(s) + 2u(s) = oy, 1 1 1 2 1 u(s) = (gs — 1}(s ~ 2)(s ~ 3) slA-Stsl 1 The inverse transform now gives y(t) = 5 [et — 2e%* + e**]. Verification of this solution is straightforward. y” ~ 2y' = —4; y(0) = 0, y(0) = 4. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 4 s’u(s) — 4 —2su(s) = “> _-4(i-s) u(s) = (sa) 1 21,2 * 32 ard The inverse transform now gives y(t) = e”* — 1+ 2t. Verification of this solution is straightforward. 11. a” — 4a’ + 4a = 4e7#; 2(0) = —1, 2'(0) = ~4. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write su(s) + 8 +4 —4su(s) — 4+ 4u(s) = a u{s) = —s?4+Qs+4 (s-2)) _ 4 (s—2)8 _ 9 1 (s—2)? s-2 104 CHAPTER 15. The inverse transform now gives z(t) = e**(2t? — 2t — 1). straightforward. INVERSE TRANSFORMS Verification of this solution is 13. y" ~y = 4cost; (0) = 0, y'(0) = 1. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 4s 7u(s) — 1 —u(s) = i 4s u(s) = + 1 (s?~1)(s?+1) _ 28 _ 2s s?~1 °° s?-1 i" 1 5241 ° 521° The inverse transform now gives y(t) = 2cosht + sinht — 2cost. is straightforward. Verification of this solution 15. x" +47 =t+4; 2(0) = 1, 2/(0) = 0. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 1 $ 2 u(s) — s + du(s) == 4 5 + 3° 1 4 8 u(s) = s*(s? + 4) + ero The inverse transform now gives z(t) = 1 l +34 1 qt _ 5 on 2é+ 1 ~ 4s? 1. 1 A(s? +4) as Verification of this solution is straightforward. 17. x" +2 = det; (0) = 1, 2'(0) = 3. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 2 s“u(s) — —s —_ —-3+u(s) u(s) = 4 eed scT? 4 (s—1)(s?4+1) a (8? +1) a ae += s?+1 °° s—1 °° s?4+1 The inverse transform now gives z(t) = 2e' + sint — cost. 5 92477 Verification of this solution is straightforward. 19, y” + 9y = 40e"; y(0) = 5, y’(0) = -2. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 40 s*u(s) — 58 +24 9u(s) = yo u(s) = 40 (s ~ 1)(s? +9) 5s —2 + aT 4 = a-l 8 6 +359" TO The inverse transform now gives y(x) = 4e” + cos 3x — 2sin 3x. Verification of this solution is straightforward. 15.3. 108 INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS ai. gl +a! +22 = 4t?; x(0) = 0, z’(0) = 0. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s’u(s) + 3su(s) + 2u(s) = a we s8(s+1)(s+2)53 5% 8 s+1 8s4+2 The inverse transform now gives z(t) = 2t? -6t+7-—8e7'+e7*'. Verification of this solution is straightforward. 23. y" +y = ~cosz; y(0) = a, y'(0) = b. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s*u(s) ~ sa~b+ su(s)-a=—aAs, ~8 as+atb u(s) = s(s + 1)(s? +1) + The inverse transform now gives y(z) solution is straightforward. a+b b+3 8 stl s(s +1) $8 5 s@4+1 5241 = c; + cge7* + 4 cos x _ $ sin az. Verification of this 25. yf! + 3y' + 2y = 122"; y(0) = a, y’(0) = 6. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s’u(s) ~— sa ~ 6 + 3su(s) -a + 2u(s) = x u(s) = 24 + si(s+1)(s+2) _b-24 a-6+3 s+1 as+a+ (s+1)(s +2) s+2 12 18, ssf 21 gs! The inverse transform now gives y(z) = cye~” + cge7** + 6a? ~ 18a + 21. Verification of this solution is straightforward. 27, y’ + 4y' + 5y = 50x + 13e9"; y(0) = a, y/(0) = 6. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write a s*u(s) —_ sa ——~hb+d b + 4su(s) ~oo a + 5u(s) 50 13 ep cee et fe ert pty u(s)= 50 5 s*(s?+48+5) _ (a+ Fs +2) (s +2)? +1 + + 13 as+a+b 3 + 3 (s-3}(s?+45+5) 57 44845 b-a+} (s+2)?+1 10 8 = 8? 3 33-3 The inverse transform now gives y(z) = e~**(c cosx + cgsinz) +102 —-8+ de°* . Verification of this solution is straightforward. 106 CHAPTER 15. INVERSE TRANSFORMS 29. yl” +y" — dy! — dy = 3e7* — dor ~ 6; y(0) = a, y/(0) = 6, y"(0) = c. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s°u(s) — s*a — sb -—c+8° u(s) - sa—-6—- dsu(s) + 4a du(s) = ——— - u(s) = 388"(s4s+ +1) — Gs(s +1) | s?a + o(a +b) +b 1)?(s — 2)(s + 2) (s + 1)(s— 2)(s + 2) _ W(-3+2a+3b4+0) = 3.2 F(1+2a+b-c) ~ 5 ~~, +e~4a 1 + 4.1 & F(-9+8a-2) +2 s+1 ~ (s+1)2 "3? The inverse transform now gives y(ax) = cye?* + cge7™ + cge7* — we7® ba + 4. Verification of this solution is straightforward. 3i. yf" —~y = e*; y(0) =a, y/(0)= b, y"(0)=, y'"(0)= d. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s4u(s) — s%a ~ s?b— se—d—u(s) = ay u(s) = 1 ey ca s-1 The inverse transform now sta +s"b+sc+d 375 + 3 (s — 1)(s + 1)2(s? +1) (s—1)(s + 1)(s? +1) ; 3H c3s “Grip? gives y(z) = C4 erie cye* + ege7* + s+)" c3cos@ + cqsing — te~ x , where cy = 4(1 + 2a + 2b + 2c + 2d), C2 = 3 (-3 + 2a — 2b + 2c + 6d), c3 = 4(-1+ 2a + 4b — 2e— 4d), and cq = i(-—1+ 2b ~ 2d). Verification of this solution is straightforward. 33. y” ~ dy = 2— 8x; y(0) = 0, y'(0) = 5. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 2 u(s) = s(s?— 4) 8 5 ?(s? — 4) + Ia The inverse transform now gives y(x) = e* — be? + 22 — ‘. 1 $ 5237 2 state [rom 2 8 2 s“uls) ~5 — 4u(s)= ~ — 32 3 Verification of this solution is straightforward. 35. y” + 4y’ + 5y = 10e~9*; y(0) = 4, y/(0) = 0. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 10 2a fe\ —— 4s + 4su(s) —_ 16 + 5u(s) — 0 s*u(s} sa3? NS) (3) = 10 (s+ 3)(s2 +4845) 13 , +2 48 +16 s?bde 45 5 “(erat (asi! ses 15.3. INITIAL VALUE PROBLEMS 107 The inverse transform now gives y(z) = e7**(13sinz — cosz) + 5e73*. solution is straightforward. Verification of this 37, €+4¢+52 = 8sint; 2(0) = 0, 2(0) = 0. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s*u(s) + 4su(s) + 5u(s) = a UNS) 0 (s) = ——-—2. (32 + 4s + 5)(s2 +1) a+2 1 8 ~ (so? 41° (ra? s1° 1 el” The inverse transform now gives z(t) = e~*‘(cost — sint) ~ cost + sint. FT Verification of this solution is straightforward. 39. yf’! + dy" + Oy’ + 10y = —24e"; y(0) = 0, y’(0) = —4, y”(0) = 10. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s?u(s) + 4s — 10 + 48?u(s) + 16 + 9su(s) + 10u(s) = a ds? ~ 23 - 18 uls) = poe (s ~ 1)(s3 + 4s? + 9s + 10) 2 sti 1 st+2. (st+l)*+4 8-1 The inverse transform now gives y(x) = 2e7°* — e~* cos 2z — e”. Verification of this solution is straightforward. 41. y+ 2y' + y = 2; y(0) = —3, y’(0) = a. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write 1 s*u(s) + 38 —a+ 2su(s) ~6+u(s) = a u(s) = ~38° + (a + 6)s? s*(s +1)? 72,1 ss? 1 , a+10 g4+1 The inverse transform now gives y(z) = —2+ a4 —-e7? + (a +10)ze™*. y(1) = ~1—e7' + (a+ 10)e7! = ~1, so that a = ~9 and ya) = -24+a—-e°% 4+ xe", y'(x) = 1+ 2e7* — xe™”. It follows that y(2) = e~? and y'(2) = 1. (s+1)?" From this we get 108 . CHAPTER 15. INVERSE TRANSFORMS 43. x" — 4a’ + 4x = e**; x(0) = 6, x'(0) = 0. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the differential equation and using Theorem 14.6 allows us to write s"u(s) ~ bs — 4su(s) + 4b + 4u(s) = 3 b 2b “= Gigs tsa BaF The inverse transform now gives the fnetion z(t) = 1 2g + be* — 2bte**. From this we get al} = $e 2 4 be? —2be? = 0, so that b = , and z(t) = a(1 ~t)*e*. Verification of this solution is straightforward. 15.4 A Step Function 9. We first write the function F(t) in terms of the a@ function and then use Theorem obtain the Laplace transform. 15.3 to P(t) = 4 —4a(t — 2) + (2t ~ l)a(t ~ 2) = 4 - aft - 2) + 2(¢ — 2)alt — 2), HR W)= 5-4 e728 e728 11. We first write the function F(z) in terms of the a function and then use Theorem obtain the Laplace transform. 15.3 to F(t) = ¢? — a(t — 1) + 8a(t — 1) — 3a(t — 2) = , ~ (t — 1)?a(t ~ 1) — 2(t — Na(t — 1) + 2a(t - 1) - 3a(t — 2), De _ Bem2# me 0 2 *) _ 3e7*s = ee Qe“ _ De® ,~8 (: IFO}= 3 5? + 8 3 33 re g* 3 13. We first write the function F(t) in terms of the a function and then use Theorem 8 15.3 to obtain the Laplace transform. F(t) = e~* — e~fa(t — 2) = et — e~2e7 1 HPO} = e74e74s 4 St] 1 Malt — 2), e7 28-2 6st+l.)6os+i. 15. We first write the function F(¢) in terms of the a function and then use Theorem obtain the Laplace transform. F(t) = sin 3¢ — sin 3¢ a(t — 7) = sin 3¢ + sin 3(t — 7) a(t — 7), 3e7™ L{F(t = sagt 3249) 15.3 to 15.4. 109 A STEP FUNCTION i | Hl ta bebe ane oh! no By he BS boteR Me i i seoeecana, ed % be omen 17. We have Fert (t — 4)? exp [~2(t — 4)] a(t — 4). 19. We have si = t— 4(t — 2) a(t gt 52 — 2) + 3(t — 4) a(t — 4). Therefore F(1) = 1, F(3) = 3-—4= —1, and F(5)=5~-4-.34+3 = —4. ai. We have oD oo F(t) = sint v(t, 7) = 53 (-1)" sint a(t — nr) = > sin (t — nm) a(t — nn), n=0 L{F(t)} _ 3 © SX ev hns 41 _ s ned n=) (e78*)" sée+l _ 1 1 s?4+1 1-—e79" 23. We first rewrite H(t) and find its transform. H(t) = 3-3 a(t — 4) + (2¢ ~ 5) a(t — 4) =3~—3 a(t ~ 4) + 2(t- 4) a(t - 4) +3 a(t ~ 4) = 3+ 2(t — 4) a(t — 4) 3. L{H(t)} =~ + Qen48 a Now applying the Laplace transform to the differential equation we get #*L{a(t)} — s+ L{2()} =~ + ee ? 8 3 2e~4 L{e(t)} = erie s(s? +1) + 2(s? + 1) _ Qs 3 -g5ti+(S 1 1 wri) The inverse transform now yields a(t) = 3—2cost + 2[(t — 4) — sin (¢ — 4)] a(t — 4). ~dAg ‘ 110 CHAPTER 15. INVERSE TRANSFORMS 25. x” + 42 = M(t); 2(0) = 0, z'(0) = 0. The Laplace transform of M (t) can be determined to 1 Ons be L{M (t)} = yi SoTT We now apply the transform to the differential equation to obtain 2 1 ae euens ule) + 4u(s) = Sy eT 1 en ana u(s) = (s?+1)(s?+4) ~5 3 7 (8? + 1)(s? + 4) i i 3 1i—2xs a “ssl a& +4 etl 1-296 ge +t ya? a(t) = gsint — }sin2t — + sin (¢ ~ 2%) a(t ~ 27) + 2 sin 2(t — 2x) a(t ~ 2x) = gsint ~ qsin2s ~ g sing a(t 2n) + g sin2t a(t ~ 2) = §[1 — a(t ~ 2n)](2sint ~ sin 2t). 27. v(t) + 22’(t) + x(t)= 2+ (t~3) a(t ~3); 2(0)= 2, x'(0)= 1. We use the Laplace transform on both sides of the differential equation and get s°u(s) ~ 2s — 1+ 2su(s) —4+ u(s) = 32, + e438 3 e738 s*(s +1)? u(s} = i a 2,1, “8 2s? +58+2 s(s +1)? 2 etsy 1 2 (s +1)? We obtain x(t) = [-2 + (t —3) + 2e7F-9) 4. (¢ - 3)e~t-3)] s' 1 Hit a(t -3)+2+te7'. a(1) =2+e7) and 2(4) = [-2+142e71 + e~1]) +24 4e74 =1+43e714 de~4, 15.5 A Convolution Theorem t LL if (t ~ B) sin 38as} = L{t} - L{sin3t} = ery: 3. 1f ['a- aye ap} = L{t3}-L{e (=a 5. L af i f[e -[ twra}- ~26 di ag. = |—t--28| 5° Ge _ 1-2 a1 5e . We now have 15.6. 111 SPECIAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 7. We use the convolution theorem to obtain L a t 1 : si} = [ sin sin (t ~ 8) dB = -5 WEED 1 t 1 ee [cost — cos (26 ~ t)] dB i 1 =-5 cost [B]y — 7 [sin (28 — t)]y = ~ zt cost 1, . ~ qisint +sint) = -5(t cost — sint). 9. We use the Laplace transform to solve the initial value problem y — Ky = H(t); y(0) =0, y(0) = 0. s*u(s) — k*u(s) = L{A(t)}, us) = L{H(t)} =_ i L{H()} . L {sinh kt}. t An inverse transform yields y{t) = : [ 6 A(t —BP)sinhké dg. 11. We use the Laplace transform to solve the initial problem w" + 6a’ +92 = F(t); x(0) = A, 2'(0) = B. s*u(s) — sA ~ B + 6su(s) — 6A + 9u(s) = L{F(t)}, u(s) = L{F(t)}+sA+6A+B (s + 3)? _ L{F(t)} A(s+3) (s+3)? © (+3)? 3A+B 9 (s+3)?" t An inverse transform yields x(t) = e~% [A+(3A+ B)t} + [ 15.6 0 Be 9 F(t — B) dB.. Special Integral Equations t 1. F(t} =14+2 [ F(t ~ B)e~*? dB. We apply the Laplace transform to the integral equation, 0 solve for u(s), and find the inverse transform. _i 2u(s) u(s) = 8 + s+2° 1 2 u(s)= = +a: F(t) = 1+ 2t. Verification of this solution is straightforward. , 112 CHAPTER 15. INVERSE TRANSFORMS t 3. F(t) = 1+ [ F(t— @)e~* df. We apply the Laplace transform to the integral equation, solve for u(s), and find the inverse transform. 0 u(s us) = 3+ yt 50, F(t) = se +t. Verification of this solution is straightforward and tedious. t . F(t)=t8+ [ F°() sin (t — 8) dB. We apply the Laplace transform to the integral equation, solve for u(s), and find the inverse transform. a 6 u(s) us) = a+ ayy 6 6 u(s) = wt 3, Fit)=t ee + 55° Verification of this solution is straightforward and tedious. t . F(t) =t?-2 [ F(t— G) sinh 2 d@. We apply the Laplace transform to the integral equation, solve for u(s), and find the inverse transform. = 5-3) u(s) = Fz s 1 F(t)=t? ~~ Verification of this solution is straightforward and tedious. t . H(t) = 9e"*~2 | H(t—@)cos@ df. We apply the Laplace transform to the integral equation, 0 solve for u(s), and find the inverse transform. M8) = u(s) = 9 2su(s) S97 P41 9s* +9 _ 5 = (-Distly s-2 H(t) = 5e* + 4e~* — 6te~*. + 4 s4l Verification of this solution is straightforward and tedious. _6 (s +1)?’ 15.6. SPECIAL INTEGRAL EQUATIONS 113 ae ll. g(z) =e" 7-2 [ g(@) cos (x ~ 8) dB. We apply the Laplace transform to the integral equa0 tion, solve for u({s), and find the inverse transform. _ us) = i 4 2su(s) st? +1’ u(s) = s?+1 1 2 2 (+i sai (ti an g(x) = e7* — Qae~* + w*e"* = e (1 — 2)”. Verification of this solution is straightforward and tedious. t 13. F’(t) = t+ / F(t~ 8)cos @ dG, F(Q) = 4. We apply the Laplace transform to the equation, 0 solve for u(s), and find the inverse transform. sul) -4= 1 suls a 4 et, _ (8? +148? +1) u(s) = 38 F(t) = 4+ Bt? > 4,5 1 =ctate et + 5y: Verification of this solution is straightforward and tedious. t 15. Given F(t) = t+ [ Q F(t ~ B)e~* dB, we multiply both sides of the equation by e* to obtain t ' ef F(t) = te? +f 0 F(t — pye’* ag. In the integral we let t- G = y to get e' F(t) = te’ — | 0 t F(pje" du = tet +f t 0 e® F(R) df. Differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to t yields eF'(t) +e F(t) =te'+e' + e' F(t), Pt) =t+1, F(t) = st +tt+e But F(0) = 0, so that c = 0, and finally F(t) = t + 42?. 114 CHAPTER 15.8 The Deflection 15. INVERSE TRANSFORMS of Beams 1, This problem is the same as the problem in Example 15.22 except for the second pair of boundary conditions. Here y(2c) = 0 and y’(2c) = 0. Equations (11) and (12), page 309, are still valid here. We substitute < = 2c into each of these equations to obtain = 5 A(4e?) + = B88) + + ze [Be(16e4}— 320° + 5], i502 0 = A(2c) + =Bsc?) + 7, de(8e*) — 16c8 +e'}. Solving these equations for A and 8 yields A = Fe wc? and B= ~Zwoe. Equation (11), page 309, now becomes 2% 5 3 Ely(x) = Jeg Woe F 2 ~ Gowoct 54 5 [Sex ~az° +(x —c)® a(x —c)}. 3. The boundary value problem to be solved is EIT4 = wolt ~ a(x - 0]; u(0) = 0, ¥(0) =0, y(2c) =0, y"(2e) =0 di To solve this problem we use the same notations as in Example 15.22. Applying the Laplace transform to the differential equation and solving for u(s) yields stu(s) ~ 68-0 1 6?-0- 9: A~ B= u9(2a ue) = eS ; ) 8B $+ 1 5 +m ee (5-<). It follows that Ely(a) = 5 An? + - Be" + ar [x* ~ ( ~c)4 a(x —c)], Ely'(x) = Ax + 5B + = > [2° — (x — 0)? a(x ~ e)], Ely'(r) = A+ Bart > [2* — (x -—c)? a(x -c)]. Using the boundary conditions at x = 2c yields 0 = 2Ac* + 5Be 2c tw [25 cA - 5) 2 O=A+2Be+ wp [2e?- $]. 9 Solving this system for A and B gives us A = 2 Wor and B= — Ely(x) = gg9 woeang 2" ~ 19 Fag woos * + ixy uo[x" _ tn (x 57wac . Finally we have —c)* a(x -e)]. 15.9. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 15.9 115 Systems of Equations 1. Applying the Laplace transform directly gives : 14 s*u(s) — 3su(s) ~ su(s) + 6.5 + 2u(s) = 3 + < su(s} — 3u(s) + sv(s} - 6.5 = 7 or (s? — 3s)u(s) - (s — 2)u(s) = = +=3 - 65, (s — 3)u(s) + sv(s) = : + 6.5. Solving for u({s) and v(s) gives us a —9+12 2 1721 *7 = 3(s—ij(s—3)(s+2)8 v(s) = 8-1 6.539 +7.587-3s-14 5 Sis-l1)\(sed) so? st+2 7 8-3’ 1, 5/2 sol 342" The inverse transform now yields a(t) = 2— =e! ~ et se 5 y(t) =5+7t~e' + 3° 3. Applying the Laplace transform directly gives su(s) ~ 3 ~ 2u(s) ~ sv(s) ~ o(s) = - : 5 2su(s) — 6 — 3u(s) + sv(s) — 3v(s) = — or (3 ~2)u(s) ~ (s+ 1)o(s) = E—4, (25 ~ 3)u(s) + (s— 3)u(s) = E=2). Solving for u(s) and v(s) gives us 3s* — 6s ~1 us)= asa) _ —~3s¢+5 v(s) = (s—1)?(s—3) 1 2 2 1 i sai t Gaye tye ol s—1 (s—-1)? s—3° 116 CHAPTER 15. INVERSE TRANSFORMS The inverse transform now yields z(t) = e' + Qte’ + 2e**, y(t) = e' — tet — e*. . Applying the Laplace transform directly gives s"u(s) — u(s) + 5su(s) ~ 5 = = s*u(s) — s ~ 4u(s) — 2su(s) = -*, or 2 5s? +1 (s* ~ 1)u(s)} + 5sv(s) = 3 2 ~Qsu(s) + (s* — 4)u(s) = . 5 2 Solving for u(s) and v(s) gives us us) = pet 8B, 8/8 ~ s%(s24+1)(s? +4) 82 g2@ 41° 9244" v(s) = st +797 +4 ai, Zs _ 2s ~ s(s?+1)(s2+4) s s?+1 52447 The inverse transform now yields 5, 4. a(t) = ~-t —~ 3 sint + 3 sin 2t, 2 2 y@) = 14+ 3 cost - 3 00s 2t. . Applying the Laplace transform directly gives s’u(s) — 1+ su(s) — v(s) = 0, 2su(s) ~ u(s) + sw(s) ~— w(s} = 0, su(s) + 3u(s) + sv(s) — 4v(s) + 3w(s) = 0, or su(s) + (s — 1)v(s) = 1, (2s — 1lju(s) + (9 — 1)w(s) = 0, (s + 3)u(s) + (3 — 4)u(s) + 3w(s) = 0. 15.9. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 117 Solving for u(s), v(s), and w(s) gives us i i us)= Go u(s) = ( = 7 tec a 1 ~ 28 i 1 1 The inverse transform now yields z(t)=—-1+e’, y(t) = —te’, z(t) = 1 ~e' — te’. 9. We have a _ c18+e2 , sf(s)+g(s} oe rr _ c28+e1 v(s) = I] oe sg(s) + f(s) 2op + The inverse transform now yields £ x(t) = c, cosht + cg sinht + [ Q {cosh BF(t — 8) + sinh BG(t — B)| df, t y(t) = e, sinht + eg cosht + [ [cosh GG(t — 8) + sinh BF(t — B)| af. Q 11. Applying the Laplace transform directly gives su(s) ~ 1 — 2u(s) = f(s), svu(s) + 2u(s) = gfs), or su(s) — 2u(s) = f(s) +1, 2u(s) + su(s) = g{s). Solving for u(s) and vfs) gives us _ 8f(s)+s+29(s) u(s) = u(s) 8 sf(s) gs +4 ~ g2 44° g2 44° st +4 sttd4 0 gt+4 _ sg(s)—2-2f(8)_ 2, sys) | 2g(s) 5244’ 2f(s) 52 44° CHAPTER 118 15. INVERSE TRANSFORMS The inverse transform now yields t a(t) = cos 2t + [ 0 [cos 2GF(é — 8) + sin 26G(t — 8)| af, t y(t) = —sin 2¢+ [ [cos 28G(t — 8) — sin 26F(t — 8)] df. 6 13. Applying the Laplace transform directly gives su(s) —c, = au(s) + bvo(s)+ E{f(t)}}, svu(s) ~ cg = cu(s) + du(s) + L{g(t)}, or (s — a)u(s) — bu(s) = cr + L{F(t)}, —cu(s) + (s — dju(s) = cg + L{g(t)}. Solving for u(s) and v(s) gives us _ atLi{ft)} —-b gq 8b Lift} jeat+L{glt)} s-dl f2 s-—d L{g(t)}} u(s) = 3?—(a+d)s+ad~be s-a -c @—(atdjstad—be* 8? ~(a+d)s + ad — be’ atL{f(t)} ¢2+L{g(t}} $S-a —c v(s) = s?—(a+d)s+ad—be s-—d ey ty So (ads bad s~a ~c be * L{f(t)} L{g(t)} (at ds +ad—be We note that the first term on the right side of each equation depends on c, and ce, but is independent of L { f(t)} and L {g(t)}. Also the second term on the right side of each equation is independent of c, and co, but depends on L {f(t)} and L {g(t)}}. It follows that a(t) = x(t) + p(t), y(t) = ye(t) + p(t), where z,(t) and y(t) depend on c; and cg whereas xp(t) and yp(t) depend on f(t) and g(t). 15. Kirchhoff’s laws require that the following system of equations be satisfied: dl. Ryly + Role + laF = EB, 1 Ruf + Rglg + Ges =&, 3 iy = dQs I + ts, “a 7 15.9. SYSTEMS OF EQUATIONS 119 An application of the Laplace transform gives Ryi; + Rete + Lesig . = E/s, 1 Ryi; + Rgizg + —-93 = E/s, C3 4 Multiplying the second equation allows us to write by sC3 Ry, = tg + a3, $q3 > dg. and substituting for sg3 from the fourth equation + (Re + Dys)ig = E/s, CzRy si, + (CeRas + 1)ig = Cok, 4) —ig —ig = 0. The nature of the solutions of this system will depend on the value of the determinant Ry Ro t+ Les C3Rys 0 ~1 1 0 C3Rgs4+1) om R, = Ry + Ro+ (CyRy,s 1 Las Ry Cahis 0 Cs(Ry + Rs)s+1 0 Los + Ri + Re C3his = Cgle(Ry Ry C3(Ry + R3)s? + [Cs(R, Rg + RoRg + Ag Rhy) + Ly]s +R, + R3)s +1 + Re. 120 CHAPTER Chapter 16. NONLINEAR EQUATIONS 16 Nonlinear Equations 16.2. Factoring the Left Member 1. x*p? — y? = (xp - y)(xp + y) = 0. It follows that ip=y or ap = —y, or Pp pi y 2 y= Cpe = _ y x y = C2 /a. or 3. 2°p? ~ 5ryp + by? = (xp — 2y)(xp — 3y) = 0. It follows that zp = 2y p_ 2 or y = or y= cx" or zp = dy, 3 P= ~, yo x y = cor. 5. ap? + (1 —2z*y)p — zy = (xp + 1)(p — zy) = 0. It follows that rps —1 p=-- 1 Lf y = — In [ego or Peal, or z= In|epyl. ¥ 9. (x +y)*p? —y? = [(c+y)p— y] [(z + y)p+y] = 0. It follows that (z+ y)p-y=0 or (g+y)pt+y =0. 16.2. FACTORING THE LEFT MEMBER Each of these equations is homogeneous, variables. The resulting equations are de, tide x v 121 so we substitute y = ux in order to separate the _ dz 0 (w+ Ide or x vinjcjzv| = 1 or In |? (v? + 2v)] = 2In fal, we +Qu 0, & == yln jevy| or y(2z + y) = 2p. ll. p*? — ay(z+y)p+ zy) = (p — x*y)(p ~ zy?) = 0. It follows that p= ay or Ply or ¥ 2° = 3ln |egy| p= xy", £ = £, ¥ or y{x? +c) = —2. 13. (a — y)*p? ~ y® = [(a - y)p— y] [(c@ — y)p + y] =O. It follows that (c-y)p-y=0 Each or of these equations is homogeneous, variables. The resulting equations are d x _ "3 1 1— vu , Ua vde (t~y)pt+y =0. so we substitute y = vz in order to separate the _ or In Jeqyru| 2 =—ylnlery| dz x (l | vjdv _ 6, 2u — v2 ‘ or x?(2u ~ vu") = ca, or y(2e — y) = eg. 15. (2? + y?)?p? — dar?y® = [(2? + y?)p — 2ay] [(a? + y?)p + 2xy| = 0. It follows that (x? + y*)p — 2ay = 0 Each of these equations is homogeneous, variables. The resulting equations are or so we substitute y = vx in order to separate the dx + (L+v?)du _ z wy (2? + y?)p + 2xy = 0. dx | (itv)dv ° °F z In |a(v? ~ 1)| = In fan Pay 7% or In [z3(u3 + 3u)| = In [b}, z(v? -1)=cu or z3(v? + 3v) = ea, y? — a? = oy or y(32? + y*) = cg. 17. xy(x? +y?)p? — (at + 27y? + y4)p — ay(a? +y*) = [(eyp — (a? + y)] [(2? +y?)pt zy] =O. It follows that xryp — (a? oo y*) = 0 or (x? + y*\p + zy = 0. CHAPTER 122 16. NONLINEAR EQUATIONS Each of these equations is homogeneous, so we substitute y = va in order to separate the variables. The resulting equations are dx Tt dy 1 ~ In lege] + 5 =0 y? = 227 In legal or dx zt (l+v")dv wae or xiy?(y? +2) = ¢1, or y?(y? + 227) = cy. 0, 19. In order for the solution to pass through the point (1, 1) the solution must have the form y= 4/-2(2~—c,) and 1 = /-2(1~c¢,). Therefore c, = 3/2 and y = J/3 — 2a, valid for x < 3/2. al, Let F(z) = /2— 22, forz <1, and F'(z) = F(z) = —Inz, for and F'(z) = “, >1, Te for 2 <1 for z > 1, Note that F(x) is defined for all x, but F’(x) is not defined for c = 1. We have for x < 1, yp’ +(e+y)p+1= af2 — 2x _ at Ve~ 2x 2-22 V2-—- 2a +1=0. And for ¢ > 1 typ? +(x+y)p+1=—- zing 2-Ing +1 = 0. Therefore F(z)is a solution of the differential equation so long as x # 1. 23. Let G(a) = V3 — 2a, for z <1, and G' (zr) = a G(x) = 1—Ingz, for x > 1, and G'(z) = =, ~ 22 Note that G(x) and G’(x) are defined for all x. for x <1, for x > 1. Substituting y = G and p = G’ into the differential equation leads us to 2 _ivs—2 stWoe v8— ee +1=0, zyp’+(c+y)p+i= 3 oe = zyp? +(e+y)pti== (i-Inz) forr <<1, z+i-ing 4+1=0, forg>1. x Therefore G(x) is a solution of the differential equation for all x. 16.5. THE P-DISCRIMINANT EQUATION 123 26. From equation (5) we seek a solution y = \/—2(x —c1) that passes through (~4, 2). We must have 2 = ,/—2(—3 — 1) or ¢; = 3/2. Thus y = 3 — 2g, valid for x < 3/2. From the equation (6) we seek a solution y = — In |c22| that passes through (~3, 2). This requires that 2 = —In| — 4e| or —4c2 = e~*, so that co = —2e~* andy = — In| — 2e~*x| = 2~In 2—In (—z), valid for x <0. Each of these solutions is valid on the interval ~1 <2 < ~—j. 27. The function y = 3 ~ 2x is the only solution of the equation that is valid for x < passes through the point (~4, 2). In order to define a function that is a solution interval -1 <x < 2 we must find a function of the form y = ~In|cga| that passes the point (1, 1). We require that 1 = — In |eq|; that is, cp = e~! and y = —In|e!z| = 3/2 and on the through 1-—Inz for 2 > 1. We now define the function G(z) = ¥3—22, =l-—Inz, forz <1, forz > 1. This is the function of Figure 16.1 16.5 The p-Discriminant Equation 1. f = Ap?+ Bp+C = 0, ee = 2Ap+ B= 0. If we multiply the first equation by 2, the second equation by p, and subtract the second from the first, we obtain the pair of equations 2Ap+B=0, Bp+2C = 0. Multiplying the first of these equations by B, the second by 2A, and subtracting yields B? — 4AC = 0. p? + Ap? + B = 0, —of = 3p? +2Ap = 0. If we multiply the first equation by 3, the second by p, and subtract we obtain the pair of equations 3p* + 2Ap = 0, Ap? + 3B = 0. f= > ap Elimination of p* from these equations yields 2A°p = 9B, giving us the pair of equations 4A7p? — 81B? = 0, Ap? + 3B = 0. Elimination of p* from these equations gives the desired result B(4.4° + 27B) = 0. . xyp? +(2+y)p+1=0. Solving for p we have _ a~tyt V(etypP day ps Qry -(e@+y)tJS(z-y)? ~ Qry ‘ Thus the condition that the equation have equal roots in p is (x — y)? = 0. But for y = x we have p = 1 so that ryp? + (x+y)p+1= 27 4+22+10. differential equation. There are no singular solutions. Hence y = 2 is not a solution of the The function has as its graph the left half of the semicircle y = a? — (x +-2a)*] V2 and the right half of the semicircle y = (a? ~(£— 2a)2]*/?, connected by the line segment y = a between x = —2a and x = 2a. Note that at the points where these arcs are joined, the slopes of the arcs are both zero, so that the given function is a solution for the entire interval ~3a < xz < 3a. CHAPTER 124 16. NONLINEAR EQUATIONS 3a4p? — ap —y = 0. From Exercise 1 the p-discriminant equation is B? —4AC = 2? + 12a4y = 27(1 4 1227y) = 0. ~1 1 Substituting this function into the differential with p= és Consider the function y = 1x2 3a ik 1 equation gives 3a4p? —xp—y = me -é3 + jo = 0. That is, one solution of the differential equation is given by 1227y = —1. il. p2 -~zp+y = 0. The p-discriminant equation is B? ~ 4AC = 2* — 4y = 0. For y = 27/4, p= 2/2 and p? —zp+y= ge gt 777 + 7 equation. 0. Thus y = z*/4 is a solution of the differential ° 13. 4y3p? — dap + y = 0. The p-discriminant equation is B? — 4AC = 16(a — y*)(x + y?) = 0. Rather than testing each of the four parabolic arcs y = JZ, y = —J/Z, y = /—a, and y = —/—2 individually to see if they represent solutions of the differential equation, we note that yt = 22 implies that 2yp = x. Multiplying the differential equation by y* and checking 4y®p? — day?p + y' = 2? ~ 2x? + 2? = 0, we see that each of the four functions represents a solution of the differential equation. 15. y2p? — 6xp + 2y = 0. In order to use the formula given in Exercise 2, we need to divide first by y?. We must therefore check to see if y = 0 is itself a solution, and indeed it is. Then the ifferential equation becomes p” ~ ye + yn 108 4A° 427B = ye ow the p-discriminant equation is given by — 2x)(yt + Qxy? + 427) = 0. For the parabola y? = 2x we have yp = 1. If we multiply the differential equation by y we may then write for the parabola y5p? — 6xyp + 2y? = 2x — 62 + 4z = 0. Thus both y = V2z and y = —\/2r are solutions of the differential equation. 17. The quadratic equation c? + exy + 4a = 0 has equal roots when xy? ~ 16x = 0. That is, when zy” = 16. This the same as the singular solution of the differential equation. 16.7 Clairaut’s Equation 1. Here we have t= —f'(a) dx = ~ f(a) da It follows that p = and and y= fla) ~af'(a), dy = —af" (a) da. dy ne and y — pr — f(p) = f(a) - af'(a) + af'(a) ~ f(a) = 0. That is, the original equations are the parametric form of a solution of the differential equation y = px + f(p). 16.7. CLAIRAUT’S EQUATION 125 . p? + 23p — 2a*y = 0. Dividing by c* and differentiating with respect to z eliminates y and . yields x?(2p + 2) . d = px(2p + 2°). Thus ze =p or p= ~—z7/2. We solve this differential equation and obtain p = cx. Substituting p = cx into the original differential equation yields 2y = c* +cx*, Substituting p = —c3/2 into the original differential equation yields 8y = —24. . 2ap? — 6yp? + 24 = 0. Dividing by p* and differentiating with respect to z eliminates y and d yields x(p* — oe = 2p(p? — x*). Thus « P= 2p or p = xz. We solve this differential dx equation and obtain p = cx*. Substituting p = cr? into the original differential equation yields 2chx* = 1 ~ 6c?y, Substituting p = x into the original differential equation yields 2y = 2”. .y = px + kp*. This is a Clairaut equation with f(p) = kp* and f'(p) = 2kp. The general solution is y = cx + ke*, and the singular solution is given parametrically by 2 = ~2¢p, = —kp*. Eliminating p from these equations gives us x? = —4ky. . t4p? + 223yp — 4 = 0. Dividing by xy and differentiating with respect to x eliminates y and yields —o(x'p? +4) = 3p(z4p* +4). Since x4p?+4 cannot be zero we have of +3p =0. We solve this differential equation and obtain p = k/x*. Substituting p = k/x* into the original differential equation yields 1?(1 + cy) = c?, where c = ~k/2. There is no singular solution. il. 3x4p? — xp —y = 0. Differentiating both sides ad with respect to x eliminates y and results in 2(62°p— ye +2p(62%p—1) = 0. Thus o +2p = Oor p = 1/(6xr°). We solve this differential equation and obtain p = c/x?. Substituting p = c/x® into the original differential equation yields cy = c(3cr — 1). Substituting p = 1/(62°) into the original differential equation yields 122?y = ~1. 12. p(zp-y+k)+a = 0. We can write this equation in the Clairaut form y = xp +k + a/p. The general solution is y = cr + k +a/c or cece ~-y+k)+a=0. Here f(p) = k+a/p and f'(p) = —a/p*. Parametric equations for the singular solution are x = a/p?, y = k + 2a/p. It follows that (y — k)* = daz. 15. = g°p3 — xp, Differentiating equation 2(32°p? — N= with respect to xz eliminates y and gives us the differential + 2p(3a°p? —1) = 0. Thus aoe solve this differential equation and obtain p = c/x?. differential equation gives us cy = c(c*x—1). + 2p = 0 or p? = 1/(325). We Substituting p = c/a? into the original The original differential equation may be replaced by y? = 21p® — 2x7pt + x*p*. Substituting p = 1/(325) into this differential equation yields 2723y? = 4, 17. zp® — yp* +1 = 0. We can write this equation in the Clairaut form y = pr + +1/p”. The general solution is y = cx + 1/c? or c*y = clx +1. Parametric equations for the singular 1 solution are z = -—5, y= ~5 + — = —. It follows that 4,9 = 272°. p 19. p? —~xp—-y = 0. pp po Differentiating both sides with respect to x eliminates y and gives us the differential equation (2p — a) d = 2p. We solve this homogeneous differential equation and CHAPTER 126 16. NONLINEAR EQUATIONS obtain 32 = 2p+kp'-!/2), Substituting this value for 3z into the original differential equation yields a second equation 3y = p? — kp!/?, The last two equations give the general solution in terms of the parameter p. al. 2p? + xp — 2y = 0. Differentiating the differential equation dp both sides with respect to x eliminates y and gives us l, =z 4, We solve this linear differential equation and obtain xz = 4pln|pcl. Substituting this value for z into the original differential equation yields a second equation y = p* (1 +2in [pel]. The last two equations give the general solution in terms of the parameter p. 23. 4rp* — 3yp +3 = 0. Dividing by p and differentiating both sides with respect to z eliminates y and gives us the differential equation é +-£= 3. We solve this linear differential equation and obtain 22 = 3p7* + ep74. Substituting this value for 2x into the original differential equation yields a second equation 3y = 9p"! + 2ep~3. The last two equations give the general solution in terms of the parameter p. 25. 5p? + 6ap — 2y = 0. Differentiating both sides with respect to x eliminates y and gives us the 3 5 differential equation o + ap" = 5 We solve this linear differential equation and obtain x = —p+kp'-3/2)_ The form of this solution may be changed to get p*(x + p)? = c, which, when taken with the original differential equation, gives parametric equations for the solution. 27. 5p? + 32p -y = 0. Differentiating both sides with respect to 2 eliminates y and gives us the differential equation o + = «x —§. We solve this linear differential equation and obtain a = —2p + kp(-3/2), The form of this solution may be changed to get p(x + 2p)? = c, which, when taken with the original differential equation, gives parametric equations for the solution. 29. y = xp + x%p*. Differentiating both sides of this differential equation eliminates y and yields +22%p +1 = 0. Substituting v = x? changes this equation into ob + = = - 3p. aap 2 We solve this linear differential equation and obtain v = 2? = ep'~4/5) — 2p~1, which, when taken with the original differential equation, gives parametric equations for the solution. 16.9 Independent Variable Missing 1. y’ = z(y’)°. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y’ and get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get ap aoe yea and adz = + aresin (=) 3 5 and de = fy ha #1 xz = cy sin (y + cg). 16.9. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE MISSING 127 Since x does not appear explicitly we set p = y/ and yf = P=dp to get a . yy” + (y’)? = 0. differential equation we must. solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get dp | dy + Py =0, z= cy— In fegyl. an dy =e Pde d y ey- 1? _— . 2ay”+(y’)? = 0. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y' and get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get dp _ 205 +dzx = 0, and y = t2J/a/z— 1 +c, and _dy da +a Jena’ (y — ¢2)* = 4a(x — ey). " s= Qy(y')?. Since z does not appear explicitly we set p = y! and yf? = pe differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get dy ~3 = 2ydy, and to get a 1 de Pte? y° = 3(cg - x ~ cry). . yy” + (y')? = 0. Since x does not appear explicitly we set p = y! and y= =edp to get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get zt Poy =), ay and — = 1 PS de ~ inleayl’ f= ec, +yln leoy| — it. a3y" — x?y' = 3 — x? Since y does not appear explicitly we set p=y' and get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get po~ = y= a! y= +e+e27 and pa a a= ~e +l teas, +c. 13. y” = e*(y')*. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y' and get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get dp, Es p* ede 1 y= ~< In|ee™* — 1] ~ eg, 1 an d and = dy dx 1 cy~e® e* ae cen — 1’ cy + eg = —Injeye7? — 1]. CHAPTER 128 16. NONLINEAR EQUATIONS 15. y” =14(y’)*. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y’ and get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get dp p=”dy = tan(z+c1), and itp e” cos (x + c1) = €. and y == ~ In| cos (x + ¢1)| + Incsg, 17. (1+ y7)y” + (y’')8 + y’ = 0. Since x does not appear explicitly we set p = y' and y” = pe get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get y+e1 dy dy dp m1 pe+1 = 0, yeti and az dr to ’ cyy-i zg = eg +ey — (1 +c?) nly + eal. 19. zy” = y'(2— 3zy’). Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y/ and get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get x2 dy SEED armenia . 2 2p dp Bre 3 P= ee eentone and oe omen anne yp” (Bernoulli) ine 3y = In {a? + c1| + €2. ai. (y”)? — ay" + y' = 0. We set w = y’, w’ = p, and get w = px — p*, a Clairaut equation. The general solution is w = cix — c?, so that y = $cyx? — cfx +3 or 2y = oz? — 2c?x + cg. In the Clairaut equation f(p) = —p? and f’(p) = —2p. The parametric equations of the singular solution are « = 2p and w = ~p? + 2p’ = p*. Eliminating the parameter p gives us w = 52°. Tt follows that y = Be? +4 or 12y = 23 +k is a family of singular solutions. 23. 3yy'y" = (y’)8 — 1. Since 2 does not appear explicitly we set p = y’ and y= differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get dp _EE dy ap?ee _ and p-lsy dy Pin (y+ eo) 1/8 als d Poe to get a , 2Tex(y + 1)? = B(x + e2)?. 25. z?y" + (y')? —22y’ = 0; y(2) = 5, y'(2) = —4. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y’ to get a differential equation we must solve for p. We then use an initial condition to obtain ¢;. Then an integration yields y. Finally, we determine the value of cp. We have z2 2p dp i z ec p(2)Q)= —4 p ed a . an (Bernoulli), gi us gives c, =a= ~3 ~3, + 32 + 91n |x — 3| +2, + 3a + 9lnix - 3] —3. d so but that p= voces _ fy =3,= y{2) = 5, a ' ; z= sothat p43 ¢ cg = —3; oe:3 16.9. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE MISSING 27, ay” =y'+2°; 129 y(1) = 4, y(1) = 1. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y' to get a differential equation we must solve for p. We then use an initial condition to obtain c,. Then an integration yields y. Finally, we determine the value of cg. We have PP apd d oat, c= 7:3 p(l}=1 gives us teas; and pa so that papa yest cS but te, 3x? + RD + oS 24 : i 2 mG 3x73 «® dy 1 C2 = 53 so that y(l) = 5, 24y = o® + O27 + 2. io ; ta} 29. y" if + Bry = 0. Since x does not appear explicitly we set p = y’ f and y” a = Pedp to get a xe differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get di — 62y?, z= = +4/c2 pdp + By dy = 0, and p= arcsin By and y = ¢, sin O(@ + co). cg = D(x +), 31. y” = x(y’)?; y(0) = 1, y’(0) = 4. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y' to get a differential equation we must solve for p. We then use an initial condition to obtain c;. Then an integration yields y. Finally, we determine the value of cp. We have op = ede, cy = —4, »(0) = 5 gives us y=5in ete ton and Po ao so that pay but y(0) = 1, - 28, = 74 so that c.=1; ate. y=t+5in 33. y” = ~—e7*¥; y(3) = 0, y(3) = —1. Since x does not appear explicitly we set p = y’ and yf = Poe to get a differential equation we must solve for p. We then use an initia! condition to obtain c,. Then an integration yields y. Finally, we determine the value of co. We have pdp= p(3) —e7 2 =] and dy, gives us ¢) = 0, so that ex eo ra _ +04; env: sothat ev = —r +e, but y(3) =—-1, ev =4d—ax, or y= iIn(4~ 2). cp = 4; CHAPTER 130 35. 2y" = sin2y; y= PT y(0) = —2/2, 16. NONLINEAR EQUATIONS y’(0) = 1. Since 2 does not appear explicitly we set p = y’ and to get a differential equation we must solve for p. We then use an initial condition to obtain c;. Then an integration yields y. Finally, we determine the value of cp. We have 4pdp = 2sin 2y dy, p(0) = 1 and y(0) = —7/2 gives us c; = 1, —Injescy+coty| = —z +e, and Qp* = — cos 2y + €4; so that p=~siny; but y(0) = —72/2, so that c2 = 0; a = In(— cscy — cot y). 37. 2y” = (y')' sin 2z;y(0) = 1, y/(0) = 1. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y’ to get a differential equation we must solve for p. We then use an initial condition to obtain ¢. Then an integration yields y, Finally, we determine the value of cg. We have 24p Pp = sin 2x dz, oe p(0) =1 and ‘ 1 gives us —ps h c, = at y = In] seca + tanz| + ce, 2 008 2 2 Tiwi so that p= but y(0) =1, +01; 2 =— sec’ 2 x;ns so that c.=1; y= 1+ In(secx + tan 2). 39. gy” = Qy d: yl! = pe [1 ~ y' siny — yy’ cos y}. Since z does not appear explicitly we set p = y' and P . . . to get a differential equation we must solve for p. Then an integration yields y. We get dpdz _ P_aa ay y y (Bernoulli), and p= 42 —¥__., dx -ysiny + ¢ x= cj In|legy| — cosy. 41. gy” = y'(22 —y’); y(-1) = 5, y’(-1) = 1. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y! to get a differential equation we must solve for p. We then use an initial condition to obtain cy. Then an integration yields y. Finally, we determine the value of cz. We have dp ne 2p Ee oo 2p"e . (Bernoulli) an d p(-1) 1) ==11 gives gives us cy ==2 2, so 2 y= S~ 2a t4ln|a +2] ter, but y= x? yet Alnie +2 +5,5 that a? p = tia ; P=ogo, Tyo" pho y(—1) =5, so that cp = 5/2; (Qy — 1) = (a — 2) 2 + 8 in| + 2]. 43. (y")? — 2y” + (y’)? — 2ay’ + a = 0; y(0) = §, y’(0) = 1. Since y does not appear explicitly we set p = y/ and get (p’)? — 2p’ + p? — 2zp +z? = 0. This equation may be rewritten as 16.9. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE MISSING 131 (p' - 1)” +(p—a)* = 1. Here we observe that (p — x)'= p'—1. This observation suggests that we let g = p— zx. This substitution gives us q! = 41/1 ~ q? and q = sin(x +c ,). Thus p= x+sin(z+c,). The condition p(0)= 1 now forces us to choose c) = a/2, so that 2 p=z+cosz, and y = > +sing + ey. The condition y(0) = 3 now requires that co = i, and finally 2y = 14+ 2° + 2sinz. Miscellaneous Exercises 1. 23p? + 2%yp+4 = 0. Dividing both sides of this equation by xp and differentiating both sides with respect to x eliminates y and gives x(2°p* — ae + 2p(a3p? ~ 4)= 0. Thus oe +2p=0 or z°p* = 4. We solve this differential equation and obtain p = c/2?. Substituting p= efx? into the original differential equation gives c? + czy + 4z = 0. Substituting x3p? = 4 into the original differential equation gives p = Fay" Eliminating p from the last two equations gives us the singular solution ry? = 16. 3. 9p?+3ay4pty? = 0. Dividing both sides of this equation by 3y*p and differentiating both sides with respect to x eliminates x and gives 3y*(y® ~ gp?) <2 — 12y%p(y° — 9p?) = 0. Remember dy that o = 2. obtain p = ky Thus 3y ‘e — 12y*p = 0 or Gp* = y>. We solve this differential equation and Substituting p = ky’ into the original differential equation gives ceyi(x—c) = 1, where c = —3k. Substituting 9p?= y° into the original differential equation Eliminating p from the last two equations gives us the singular solution 221° 5. 5p? — Qap~ dy = 0. ap y and gives a(z°p — ye gives p = ~. = 4. eatins both sides of this equation with respect to x eliminates + 3p(z°p ~ 1) = 0. Thus oo 2e differential equation and obtain p = a + 3p =0orp= 2e Substituting p = “3 275. We solve this into the original differential equation yields x*(y ~ c*) = e. Substituting p = 2~® into the original differential equation yields 4aty = —1. 7. 5p? +-6xp - 2y = 0. Differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to x eliminates y and gives (10p + 60) 2 +4p = 0, We solve this homogeneous differential equation and obtain « = cp~4/? — p, Substituting into the original differential equation yields 2y = 6ep~1/? — p? The last two equations are parametric equations of the solution of the original differential equation. 9. 4z°p? + 1224yp + 9 = 0. Dividing both sides of this equation by z‘p and differentiating both sides with respect to x eliminates y and gives x(4a°p? ~— ns Thus of +4p = 0 or 4x°p* = 9. + 4p(4a°p? — 9) = 0. We solve this differential equation and obtain p = k af CHAPTER 132 16. NONLINEAR EQUATIONS k Substituting p = yA into the original differential equation yields 2°(2cy — 1) = c*, where c= ~2k/3. Substituting 42°p* = 9 into the original differential equation gives us p = - 55 Eliminating p from the last two equations yields xy? = 1. il. p'+ap—3y = 0. Differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to x eliminates y and gives z _ = 2p”. We solve this linear differential equation and obtain 5x = 4p? + cp!/?. Substituting into the original differential equation yields 15y = 9p + cp/?. The last two equations are parametric equations of the solution of the original differential equation. 13. zp) — Qryp? + yp +1 = 0. Dividing by p and completing the square allows us to rewrite this equation as (xp — y)* + — = 0. We note that p must be negative, so that we can factor 1 the left hand side to get (2p —yt+ = (2 V~P 1 y = px ~ —z==. v~P . i =) V-P = Q. Thus y = pr+ : 1 or vp : ‘ Hach of these equations is of Clairaut type so that their general solutions i are y = cx + Ta and y = cz — —==. —c ye These two solutions can be combined to give a single equation in the form z7c3 — 2ryet +yc+1= f= -—yr- (—p)~*/? and f'(p) = 5(-p) 0. For the first Clairaut differential equation 2 so that equations for the singular solution are given 53 parametrically by 2 = ~3(-P) ~3/2 and y = =(—p)7¥/ *| Eliminating the parameter p from 1 these equations gives 27x = —4y?. 16. zp? ~ (x? + 1)p +a = 0. Here it is possible to factor the equation into (xp — 1)(p — x) = 0. The first. factor yields the solution y = In jcgz|, the second y = a7 + cy. 17. p® ~2x2p~-y = 0. Differentiating both sides of this equation with respect to x eliminates y and 2x gives ap + 3p == p. We solve this linear differential equation and obtain 8% = 3p? + ep 2/3, Substituting into the original differential equation yields 4y = p>—cp'/3. The last two equations are parametric equations of the solution of the original differential equation. 19. xp? — as (zp y = px are y = (Qry + 1)p+ y? +1 = 0. Completing the square allows us to rewrite this equation ~ y)* = p—1. We note that p ~ 1 must be positive, so that y = px + \/p~1 or ~— \/p—1. Each of these equations is of Clairaut type so that their general solutions cxt+ Vc — land y = cxn—vVc— 1. These two solutions can be combined to give a single equation in the form zc? ~ (2Qay+1)c+y* +1 = 0. For the first Clairaut differential equation f(p) = (p— 1)? and f'(p) = 5° — 1)~'/?, so that equations for the singular solution are 1 given parametrically by x = -5( — 17M? and y = (p— 1)? — ah(p ~1)7'/?, the parameter p from these equations gives 4x7 — day — 1 = 0. Eliminating 16.9. INDEPENDENT VARIABLE MISSING 133 21. t*p* = (c—y)*. The equation factors and yields two differential equations that may be written dy 1 - +o¥ dy 1 = 1 and a. z= ; 2 ~1. The solution of the first of these linear equations is xy = x +e which may be rewritten as z(x ~ 2y) = c,. The second differential equation has the solution y = —xIn leer. 23. p? — p* + ap —y = 0, This equation may be rewritten y = px + p* — p? and recognized as a Clairaut equation. The general solution is y = cx +c? —c?. Here f(p) = p3 — p? and f'(p) = 3p? — 2p, so that we obtain 2 = —3p? + 2p and y = —2p3 + p’ as parametric equations for the singular solution. 25. yp? —(x+y)p+y Dividing both sides of this equation by p and differentiating both d sides with respect to z eliminates y and gives y(p — 1)(p + Na + p*(p ~ 1) = 0. Remember that e = re = 0. d, Thus y({p + Na +p? = 0 or p = 1. We solve this differential equation and obtain py = cexp(—1/p). This equation taken with the original differential equation px = y(p? ~ p+ 1) gives the solution of the original equation in parametric form. Substituting p = 1 into the original differential equation gives the singular solution y = zx. 27. ap? — 2yp? + 4a? = 0. Dividing both sides of this equation by p* and differentiating both sides with respect to x eliminates y and gives x (p* — 82) e = p(p* — 8x). Thus oe = por p = 22/3, We solve this differential equation and obtain p= kz. Substituting p = kr into the original differential equation yields x? = 4c(y~ 8c”), where c = 1/(2k). Substituting p = 2a!/3 into the original differential equation yields 8y? = 2727. 134 CHAPTER Chapter Power 17.5 17. POWER SERIES SOLUTIONS 17 Series Solutions Solutions Near an Ordinary Point 1. y” +y = 0. The elementary solution is y = c; cosz + sing. Substituting y = s- nx", we n=O oO oO obtain Ss; n(n ~ l)aga”~? + S. a,2" = §. Replacing n by n + 2 in the first series gives us ned oo xO ne > _(n +2){n+ lenzex” + s a,x" = 0. Combining these series and equating each coefficient nD n=O to zero yields the recurrence relation an42 = weHeey’ and n= for n > 0. For n = 0,2,--- ,2k 1,3,---,2k — 1 we have == 0 on od 4" Gop ok 4-3 = mt? 1 3.2 pn a 2k(2k — 1) \k It follows that ag, =“aa 2 HL 3 ~] and @apa1 = B4 ee ak= 1 2k+1 ™ (Qk + 1k) k eo for k > 1 with ao and a, arbitrary constants. The original series becomes )Fgthtt yay ee [+a [erp Geer oO 3. y + 3xy’ + 3y = 0. ie. 4] s; n(n — Lanz"? +3 2 oo So [(n + 2)(n + Lange + 3(n + Lap] a” = 0. neat | =socore + ysns oO > NynZ” +3 S| Gn2” = 0, nee neo 17.5. SOLUTIONS NEAR AN ORDINARY POINT The recurrence relation is a,,2 = apa” Go = 135 for n > 0. —~3ag aa 3= = —3a; as = —3ag 2 _ —3ag a4 = nn a doe = ~dagn.2 2k 3\Fx 2k +s Py (- sya Qh+1 Ok 41) x 5. (1 — 4r*)y" + 8y = 0. (~1)*3*a, + 2k kl oa] ae (~ 8 etk=1 ake = SE doeei = aa, = (~1)*3*ag y¥ = ao pay 3 B..-(2k4+1)° ; valid for all finite z. oo oo Sonn ~ Lanz”? — > 4n(n - lana” + s- 8a,x" Texd oo n=Q n=O [(n + 2)(n + l)@nge — 4(n — 2)(n + Dey] 2" = 0. The recurrence relation is n~ 2) Qan mln forn > 0. On+42 = a nah forn>0 ag = —4ap = = PO hand + by k=nQ 2 g2k We _ 4F(-1)-1-3++-(2k ~ Bay math ay, = 0 for k > 2 3 — 42°) a5 a Qo, = Ofork >2 y = ag{1 4s . (Yar Che 4(2k — 3jaay— Q2k+1 = ACK — S)azi—a ie 2 aa, = O for k > 2 > -— 42°) +a) = 4-la aq =0 y = ap{1 ag Q2k41 = Wri =F fork > 1. Atk tk+h ET ak+t 1L 3-5-.: (2k +1) . Replace a; with —b, to get 1 ; valid for |z| < ry =: Q, 136 CHAPTER 17. os 7. (14 27)y" + l0zy! + 20y = 0. POWER SERIES SOLUTIONS oO S> n(n — lana"? + S TZ [n(n —1)+10n + 20ja,2” = 0, neB oO Solr +2)(n + Danze + (n+ 5)(n + 4an|c" = 0. The recurrence relation is n=l (n+ 5)(n+ dan On+2 TER meee (nb 2\(n $1) a forn >> 0 0. _ -5 + 4ao ae a a 8 _ 7+ 6ag a 48 = —(2k + 3)(2k + 2)aon—2 2k(2k ~ 1) — (~1)*4-5-++ (2k + 3)aq ak 1-2-+- (2k) aon = w= on ak lt a 54 _ —(2k + 4)(2k + 3)aan-1 a+r (2k + 1)(2k) om = (~1)*5 -6+-- (2k + 4)ay aR (-1)*(k + 1)(2k + 1)(2k + 3)aq 3 ea 2 _ 78+ Tag 23+ (Qk + 1) A2k+1 = + 1)(2k + 1)\(2k + 3)a07* = k=l yn = 22S 6 pant(1+ I)(k+2)(26-+3)0%™4 = 26 Cop he aon _ 76 - 5a; a8 oO (~1)*(k + 1)(k + 2)(2k + 3)ay 6 s(t . + 1)(2k + 1)(2k + 3)x?*. kad (—1)*(k+ 1) (k+2)(2k+ 3)x7*+1, valid k=O for jz] <1. 9. (a* - 9)y" + 32y’-3y=0. oO oo n=2 n= ~—9 So nln ~ lage"? + S> [n(n ~ 1) + 3n — 3fanz” = 0, Om ‘> {[-9(n + 2)(n + Langa + (n + 3)(n — 1)an| 2” = 0. The recurrence relation is n=O (n+ 3)(n — Lan ng = METI O80 tor n> 0. Qnt2 = “Gin 4 indi) "= 3+ (—L)ag OST R1 SE Gg = eterna 5-1 ~~ 9-4-3 _ (2k + 1)(2k ~ 3)a2%-2 9(2k)(2k — 1) Ook ~ “3 = ag = 0 on4¢i1 == 0 0 f for k > L. 17.5. SOLUTIONS NEAR AN ORDINARY POINT a ak y= 137 _ 3-5+--(2k+1)-(-1)-1---(2k—3)ap —[8-5--- (2k + IJay ORQERI- 1-3. (Qk — 1) aq . [3-5--(2k + 1)] 27 ll — » TB)F(ak- Da ~ ame (2k — 1k ; ++ @,@; valid for iz| <3. oD lL. (x? + 4)y"+6ary'+4y=0. oO 4 S- n(n — Lanz”? + S- [n(n ~1)+6n+ 4ja,2” = 0, oo n=2 ned s- [4(n + 2)(n + Lange + (n+ 4)(n + i)a,|c” = 0. The recurrence relation is n=aQ —(n+4)a, An+2 = ee din +2) a = for for nn >> 00. —4ag aa 29-2 —6ag “4 on 4-4 2k doc 4(2k) = 4k/2.4..-(2k)] 4-38 x beh + 3)Q2k=1 oat TS G2k+1 42k + 1) = TRTQ_ e Ufem aA 4*[3-5-.-(2k + 1)] _ (EK 2k + 8)ar Cok) Sk 1 CO | OO 13, ¥ y” + 2?y = 0. er 1)" (2k 3)a 2k+1 ee ; vali for [a]d < 2. oO n(n ~ 1)an2"-? + read Sin +2}(n+lengex” + S*a,a"*? = 0, pet} oO n= Fag (—1)*[5.7--- (2k + 3)}a1 en _ (EIR + Lay rn) 14S = (—1)*[4-6--- (2k + 2)]ao Q2k = y = do ~B04 rer: aon az Leth + 2)o2n-2 dak = a ox > Qn—g0" = 0, 2ag+6agzrt+ s: I(n +2)(n+ lange +dn—2ja” = 0. n=2 nonQ 138 CHAPTER Hence, a2 = a3 = 0 and any. =GED Q4k+Q = 0 and 7 = Oy, = age = ED 0, and — 220 oS _ 74 “8 37 dag = “oo ~Gdk—4 a ak ™ 4k(4k — 1) “8 = (—1)*ao a RIB 7+ (4k — D] . POWER SERIES SOLUTIONS for n > 2. It follows that ag = aig = «++ = “eo dae 17. = ft 54 _ ag 9-8 we dk 3 Akt ™ (4k + 1)(4k) EES _ (~ ijFa 4k y = ag 1+) ag (—1)Fay [5-9 (4k + 1) aE RL (- 1)Fz ak $07. (dk 1) + ay 2+)" amg ; 5.9. (4k 4 1) . ; valid for all finite x. oO 15. (1+ 22)y” + 3ry' ~ 3y = 0. oC J nln ~lanz™? + S > [2n(n ~1)+3n ~ 3]an2" = 0, n=2 rea oO Ss; [(n + 2)(n + Lany2 + (2n + 3)(n ~ 1)an|c” = 0. The recurrence relation is neo=Q Qnt2 = ~(2n + 3)(n — lay er te Ein pty > rr 20 0. —3-(—l)a a= aie ag = 0 ada = 0 _= 0 ~T-la wok ag = ag, = are _ (4k — 2k(2k 1)(2k ~ — i3)aax—2 Ook. for k >a L. _ (-1)*[8 7-- (4k - D][(-1)-1--- (2k —-3)]ao — (— 147 [3-7--- (4k — 1) a0 y = ao 21 -3--- (2k — 1)| oe 1+) (-1)**13.7.--(4k — 1)x? arRaE— 1) - D otk 2Fkl(2k — 1) . + a2; valid for jz} < 1/72. 17, y”14 xy! + By= x, We f first solve the homogeneous equation. S n(n — Lanz? + s(n + 3)anz” = 0, 3 [(n + 2)(n + lense + (n+ 3)an]z” = 0. need n=) n=O 17.5. SOLUTIONS NEAR AN ORDINARY POINT 139 ~(n+ dan . ; The recurrence relation isj gn4,2 = mmnennutnsetnnn int d(n an+ 1)nae for 2 >> 0. a —3ag 2= a 2-1 __ 78a an “as 43 ~(2k + L)aop—2 Oak = am 2k ao = (~1)*3-5--. (2k + Dao a _ (-1)F(2k + Lao ang CORRE 1 3-- (2k = 1) 14S ~ ~ Gag 54 Oak+l = ~ (RF 1)(2k) C re 6.--(2 be Pay MAT BBs (2k + 1) [2-4-- (2k)] (18k + Day AALS 3.5. (Qk +1) OO + _4\k = a 3-2 = ~(2k + 2)aax—1 TOR (ak — 1) Qk! Ye —~4a; 4= 2k CUE) Qk! k 0 Sy tht) hoes . We (2k +1) now seek Yp = A+Br+Cex*, asolution to the nonhomogeneous equation. We need 2C + Bu+2Cx? +3A+ 3Ba + 3Cx? = 27, or 5Cz? + 4Bx + (2C +3A) = 2?. It follows that A=-—2%, B=0, C=}. Thus yp = —~% + dx, Finally, y = yc + yp: valid for all finite x. oO 19. y” + Say’ + 7y = 0. OG » n(n — lanz™”? + S_(3n + Tanne” = 0, tes? nm S| [( + 2)(2 + lange + (30 + 7)a,] 2” = 0. The recurrence relation is —(3n + Tan = ee for n > 2. ont Te dDintl) "= ao = ae Qa = —7ag aa OTT = ae ~L3ag ae = ae "4 3 ao. = ae a y = ao a OK(2k — 1) a (2k)! (—1)*7-13--- valid for all finite z. (2k)! _ okt = (~1)*7-13--- (6k + lag 1 3-2 —l6a3 er —(6k+ laop_2 ak —10a,; +a; + 4)don—y (2k + 1) (2k) _ (-1)F10-16--- (6k + day okt h (6k + 1)x?* {6K (2k + 1)! ri k=l 1 . 1)* 10-16--- (6k + 4)x eff (e+ ij! 2h+1 ; 140 CHAPTER oD 21. (a2? + 4)y" + ry’ - Oy = 0. 17. POWER SERIES SOLUTIONS oO 3 4n(n ~ lage"? + S [n(n —1) +n —- 9janz” = 0, n=? n=O oO » [4(n + 2)(n + 1)any2 + (n — 3)(n + 3)an] x” = 0. The recurrence relation is n=f) Ont2 =FE —(n+3)(n - 3a, ttre tener > yon pty rn 2o 0. _ -3(-3)ao _ ~4(-2)ay BST a1 13 9-3-3 —i(~L)a . Ook —(2k + 1)(2k ~ 5)aon—2 Oak = _ ac Agn41 Ak) QR-1) _ 8(-1)F3.5+-(2k + Dao > 2 ~O3RKI (Dk ~ 1)(Qk — 3) (~1)* 3-5 ++ (2k + 1)? od = 0 fork 1.31. ot a iy GR ay | tole + a2"): valid for [al <2. y=ao|1 +3). Saker OO 23. (1+ 92")y"—18y=0. OO So n(n—1an2z"-? +S [9n(n - 1) — 18]an2" = 0, n=? n=O oS > [(n + 2)(n + Lande + 9(n — 2)(n + 1)a,|x” = 0. The recurrence relation is n=Q an+2 ~9(n — Za, Sa ete a, for n >> 0 0. a3 _= ~%(-2)ao 3 a= _ ~X-1ar 3 a4 =0 as —9- 2+ = OE OO c+ >> k=l Daa aang = ag, = 0 for k > 2 y = ao{1 +927] + ay lag teen 5 (—1)§t1g2hg2k+2 Wri TGR FI) ; valid for |x| < 4, 17.5. SOLUTIONS NEAR AN ORDINARY POINT 141 ce 25. (1 + 2x*)y” + lizy’ + Sy = 0. ox S- n(n — Lanz? + s~ [2n(n ~ 1) + lin + 9]anz” = 0, oo n= a=d > [(n + 2)(n + Lange + (2n + 3)(n + 3)an |x” «=: 0, The recurrence relation is n=l —(2n + 3)(n + 3)ay SE for n > Qnt2= “Ty bym py N29 0. _ —3+3a9 Oe a FI a= —7 - Sag a aa 8 aon *k = —(4k — 1)(2k + L)aon—2 a (2k)(2k — 1) _ 7D: day se oe ake 32 ~—9 + Gag 54 _ 7(4k + 1)(2k + 2)aap-1 (2k + 1)(2k) (-1)*(2k + 1)3-7-+-(4k — Lao a2k = does ORE! ’ = (—1)*(k +1)5-9--- (4k + Lay okt 3-5---(Qk +1) oO = ay h + a (~1)*(2k +1)3-7--- (4k — 1)x?* sil vm [ery —1)F(k+1)5-9-. (4k + Lxteth y 1 | ; valid for (z| < 1/./2. +-(2k +1) a 27. y” +(x — 2)y= 0. We set z = x ~ 2 and obtain a5 ds y + zy = 0. oO Oo 3 n(n — Lanz"? + x Qnz?t} = 0, sin + 2)(n + Danzgez” + So an-12” = 0, ns2 n=O n=d nel oO 2aq + S [tn + 2)(n + l)any2 + Qn—i]z " == 0. Hence, ag = 0 and an49 = ot] n> Oy (nF d(n+i) 1. ag eee = —2 6 _ 743 65 —Agk~3 a3k = (Gk)(3k—1) a4 =4-3 OT O3k+1 = = a, 2G 7-6 —3k-2 (3k + 1)(3k) = 0 ag = 0 a3h42 =0 142 CHAPTER ____(-I)Fag Osk = BR Rl D-5---(3k—1) - sx oe, [8441 __(-1)K(e ~ 2)% = POWER SERIES SOLUTIONS oie Be Ria 7... (BR 41) y= 0014 > seaTa-5 Geo | 79 | all finite x. 17. _ a) 4 So ME w= 2H] )+ 2 aaaR EA] | Vl for 143 Chapter 18 Solutions Near Regular Singular Points 18.1 Regular Singular Points 1 4 - p(t) = =i az) = Bei) 19. . No singular points in the finite plane. . pz) = za 23. i ~24 R.S.P. R.S.P. at @ = 2; 15.P. at a = 0. 25. 4 at 2 =i, 13, 27. LS.P. at 2 = 0. 29. 17. p(x) =-— (Gat i)e 18.4 —I ara)" POT(2) = Qa —=———x; — + tle—3)) (2)=Pee R.S.P. at z = —4, 3. 6x +422)? 3 p(x) =aa 25): q(x) = R.S.P. at «= 0, 3, —-3. me) = ya 1) = Trae p(x) = 1+ 22 ia a)e —9 R.S.P. at g = Ri, gl. 15. ~i. R.S.P. atc = 0; 15.P. at e = 1. R.S.P. at ¢ = ~2; LS.P. at a = 0. 6a 6 p(x) = 0; g(x) = - P(t) = 33 a(2) = ward) il. p(z) = 0; g(a) = a —2i. p(z) = Ty gn a) =7yaF » P(x) = 53 q(z) = ed) 4 g(x) = rt44° 21. No singular points in the finite plane. LS.P, at x = 0. 1 3 ad R.S.P. at 2 = 21, R.S.P. at ¢ = 1; L5.P. at x = 0. 1 —62 p(x) = LS.P. at z= LS.P. at z== zi, —1—5. — $i. 31. 1 4 = 0: a R.S.P. at 2 = $i, nrc ~$i. Difference of Roots Nonintegral oO 1. 2a(a + Dy” + 3(a + Dy’ — y = 0. We substitute y = > a,z"** and obtain nal oS Ss; [2(nte)(n+e—1)+3(n+c) — Llane???+ s [2(n+e)(n+e-1)+3(n+c)lana™*e"! = 0, n=l n=d 144 CHAPTER 18. oO SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS oO SS (an + 2e~—1)(n+e¢4 l)agz™t? + soln +¢)(2n + 2+ lagz® te"! = 0, n=l n=l Ox e(2c + 1)agx®7! + s- [(n + )(8n + 2e + lay + (n + c)(Qn + 2c — 3)an-1]a"**! n=1 —(2 ee = 0. The _ indicial equation is c(2c +1) = 0 and the recurrence relation is a, = wnt e~ 3)an—1 3 2n + 2e+1 n> 1. Taking c= ~5 yields a, = —(R = 2)enn for so that a; = ap and a, = 0 for n > 2. Thus one solution is y, = 27'/? + 2/2. Taking ¢ = 0, we have an =n = =3)@n-1 an+1 _ ~(-1)a0 3 a= ag _ —(jar 5 = a, = MMH) 1+ On = 3)ao _ (-1)**a9 7 3-5---(2n +1) . . _ oD We therefore obtain a second solution yg = 1+ 2 an? —7 (-1)"t1z? in? ni 0G 3. 4a*y"+4ry’—(4a?+1)y = 0. & s> [A(nte)(nte~1)+4(n+e)—lJa,a™t*— 5° da,x™ tet? — 9, n=0 oo Sn n=) oa + 2e— 1)(2n + 2¢4 ljage™t? ~ 3 4dn22"** = 0, (2c — 1)(2e + L)agx® n=O oo + (2c +1) (2c + BJaya°t? + nese [(Qn + 2c ~ 1)(2n + 2c + Ian — 4an—2]z7** = 0. The indicial n=2 4an—2 equation is (2c—1)(2c+3) = 0, and the recurrence relation is a, = Gn42eiGnb deh 1) We take a, = 0, and therefore aa.4, = 0 for k > 0. Forc= 4 we have a, = ne n(n +1) 70. 2-2-3 ag = 22 4-5 _O2k-1 Oak = Dkk +1) = — 0 (Qk+ 1)! for k > 0. 18.4. DIFFERENCE OF ROOTS NONINTEGRAL SO Therefore one solution is y, = 145 ptkt/2 — ginhs 1 an—2 ——s=~. For ¢ = —3, we have ay = (a—1n’ -a(QF ij il wo al we = 18 il ® Me £ oO VE G2k-2 Ao, = Gk- DGB Therefore a second solution is y “3 2 = y gk? (2k)! a ™ oni j _ cosh Vr = for k > 0. . 5. 227(1 — xy" — 2(1 + Tx)y +y = 0. Ss; [2(n-+e)(n+e-1)—(n+c)+lla,a"t — >, [2(in+e)(n+e—-1)+7(n+e)lana°tet! = 0, neo n=O + c)(2n +2e+5)ane™?et! = 0, 5 (an + 2¢—1)(n +¢—1)anz"* Sn nsal} n=O ° = 0. The (2c— 1){e — Lag + 3 [(2n +2c—1)(n+e~—1)a, —(n+e—1)(2n+ 2c4+3)a,_1]2"* res] indicial equation is (ce — 1)(2c - 1) = 0, and the recurrence relation is a, = (2n + 20+ 3)an-2 3 5 for n > 1. For e=1, an = CUT DMM an+1 a 2n+2c-—1 foe > 1, Tao m3 a 9a; a on= 5 2 Ant 5an— ont5)an-a _ 2 Cn + Bao = 4 (2n + 3)(2n + 5)ao. Qn 41) 146 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS Oo Hence one solution is y, = «+ + Son + 3)(2n + 5ja?t?, n=l For c= 3, n+ 2)an.. an = it 2)Om= porn > 1, n a 3ag my a _ 4a ae "e 3-4---(n + 2)ag Qn _= (n+ 2)an-1 : = = 3(n+1)(n 2)ag + Thus a second solution is yo = 2!/?+ ee oO 2 ntI)(n+2)artY?, OG 7, 8x7y"” + 10ry’ ~ (1+2r)y =0. xO Sagar tett = 0, n=O > [8(n + ¢)(n + ¢~ 1) + 10(n +c) — 1Ja,a"*° oO n=0 oO S$ o(4n + de ~ 1)(2n + 2c+ lana*t? — S~ an_iz"** = 0, n=O oO (de ~ 1)(2c+ L)aga® + S: [(4n + 4e—1)(2n + 2¢+ lan — an—1]2"** = 0. The indicial equation res] : is (4c —~— 1)(2c +1) == 0 and a, = an-1 2n(4n + 3) fi SET Oni 1 a eeeennnenenentenennennrstenminnanernmeretantn (in bdo~ ijn db bed)sett forn >> 1. 1, For c == 7, we have 21. orn2t a,=—2 21-7 9-2-1 Gy = On 1 an(4n +3) = ag 2" nl [7-11---(4n43)) 18.4. DIFFERENCE OF ROOTS NONINTEGRAL 147 grt Thus one solution is nh gil/4 + y 42 nl [7-11--(4n +3)] For c= ~% we take Bpm1 al. for n > 1. on = 2n(4n~ 3) or a ag abe = a ae 9-2-5 ay—] an = ao 2n(4n— 3) ~ 2° nl fl -8+++(4n ~3)] n- 1/2 T hus soluti is y. == x gi? a second d solution or—— fi-5.(in 5] 9. 2a(z + 3)y" — 3(a + Dy! +2y= 0. s 2 (n+e)(n+e-1)-3 (n+e)+2Jaa"4 5° | [6(n +¢)(n+e—1)-3(n+e)fa,z"te! = 0, rm n=O oO om > (2n +2ce~1)(n+e~ 2)agz"t? + s 3(n + ¢)(2n + 2e ~ 3)aya” te"? = 0, n=O n=O oO oO >> (an 4+ 2e-~ 3)(n +e = 3)anyatort + Ss; 3(n + c)(2n + 2c — Bjaya™ te? = 0, ned n=0 oo =O. 3e(2c ~ 3)agzo"! + 3 [3(n +e)(2n + 2¢ — 3)ay + (Qn + 2c ~ 3)in+e—- 3)an—1jarte-! n=l The indicial equation is c(2c ~ 3) = 0 and a, = (n+ o~ 3)dn—1 a(n +c) a = wen= Bana " forn > 1. Forc= z, we have 3(2n +3) _ —(—1)ao ae ao = a " s-5 —i ay "3-7 _ (-1*[(-1) 1 (@n—3)] 3°[5-7---(2n+3)] oO One solution is yy = 23/7 + s- a nw On = a(n ~3)dn—1 Thus a, = | (-1)"+ag 3" 1(2n — 1)(2n + 1)(2n +3)" (—1)ttignts/2 1(2n ~ 1)(2n + 1)(2n +3)" ~(—9 ={o?)00 n A second solution is yo = 1+ 42+ 42? _ 245, ag = For c = 0 we get —{—-] 1 ba, Gn = 0 for n > 3. 148 11. CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS «(4 — ayy" + (2-—a)y' + 4y= 0. 5 [din tojinte- 1)+2(n+e)lanc™ ten? + x [-(n+e}(n+c—1)~(n+c)+4]anz”*? = 0, n=o n=O s 2(n + c)(2n + 2c — Ljaga™te7} — srr +e+2)(n+c¢-2ayr™** = 0, OO 2e(2c — Lag + J [2(n + e)(2n + 2c — lag — (N+ e+1)(n+e¢—3)en—i]2"**! = 0. The n=l ae . (nteo+1)(n+e—-3)aq-1 indicial equation is c(2c ~ 1) = 0 and a, = “Sin teGn tient) For c = 4 we have _ (2n+3)(2n ~ 5)an—1 an 8n(2n+ 1) 5+ {-3aa a= 2 ‘ 8-1-3 _ i (-Yar 8-2-5 _ (8n+3)(Qn—Sjan-, an = 8n(2n + 1) ~ [5+ 7++-(2n + 3)] [(—3)(—1)--- (2n — 5)]a0 2" nl 3-5---(an +1) — 5)] a0 ---(2n _ (2n+3)[(-3 )(-1) 938n nl 4. ~ — 5) ert? f 2n n—5)]x 3)|(-3)(-1 + (Qn n+3)[(Ke One solution is y, = 2!/? + y n= For c == 0 we get an to — 3)an-1 1)(n (n+ Sane) ns forn >> 1.1 ie te a, = a{—2 ( 3(—1)a ag 209 zits = AoDe = i 300 Qn = O for n > 3. A second solution is yz = 1 — 2¢ + $2? 13. ay" + (1+ 2x}y’ + 4y= 0. s [Ain +c)(n+e-1)4+(n+c)jana™t) + 5 na) [21 n+e)+4la,z™*° = 0, n= ox Soin + c)(2n + 2¢— agate? 4 s> 2(n + e+ Nan_ye"te} = 0, n= n=l c(2e ~ 1)agxe! + S[m ne] + ¢)(2n + 2c - Ian + 2(n +04 Van-i]2"to" = 0. The indicial 18.4, DIFFERENCE OF ROOTS NONINTEGRAL 149 2 Lean (nte+ equation is c(2c - 1) = 0 and a, = htoQn+ On _ Van-1 26-1) >2 forn 1. Fore = $ we have —~(2n + 3)an—1 (an +1) a a _ 75ao pe 7-3 _ aia, ae O85 _ —(2n+3)an-1 — (—1)"[5-7---(2n+3)]a0 nm nant 1) onl [8-5--(Qn +1} OO fp tan iise ay, One solution y, az= a°/* of + 2. a, = yn (1)? (2n + 3)zx no —2- ae n+1/2 3 nl —2 4 1) n Gn—1 For c _= 0 we get ay, _= ani) 1) 2a PV m= a, (=1)"(2n + 3)ag_ ~2+ 3a; 98 = (-2)(n+ l)an-y — (—1)"2"(n + Lag a" n(Qn-1) xD a . A second solution is y2 = 1 +d 7 1-8---(Qn—1)° (—1)"2"(n + 1)a” 13° (n-1)~ 15, Qe22y" — 32(1 ~ zy’ + Qy = 0. oO oO s [a(n + ¢)(n+o—1) ~ 3(n +c) + QMana™*? +S” 3(n + c)ana™***! = 0, n=O n=l oO den oO +e~-U(nt+e— ane"? + n=O > 3(n +e - lana"? = 0, res] ox (2c — 1)(e ~ 2)aga® + s; [(2n + 2e~ 1)(n +e nee] 2)ay + 3(n+e—1an_i]2"t° = 0. The indicial ~3(n +e ~- Tans equation is (2c - 1)(e — 2) = 0 and a, =(nd 2-1)inbe~2) forn > 1. For c = 2 we 150 CHAPTER have ay ~3 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 1)an.. VYan-1 n(2n + 3) = ~3(n + a = —~3 +2 ag eT 5 a= —3 ae dy, ates One solution a= _ is yy, = 2 2 ay ~3(n +1) an-1 _= (-1)" 3°%(n +1) ag = 0 3 ONT n(2n + 3) 5-7---(2n+ 3) (-1)" 37¥(n + Ia™t 2 +S Gay . For c= 4 _ 78(2n ~ 1) an-1 3 we get a, = ofan —3) —3:-1 ag te 2-1(-1) Qo = —3:-3 a, eee 2 a, a wom = Vann _ (-1)"3"[1- 3-2 = 1)] ag _ (-1)"#49"(2n - 1) a 7" 9n(in-3) ar nl [(—1) -1-+-(2n — 3)] . ss A second solution is y, =__ 21/?ml /2 + oO > (~)) n+132(2n ~ 27 nl . _ Latt/2 an nl n=l 17. Qry — (1 + 2x*)y’ — xy = 0. oO oO >> 2mtel(nte-1)-(n+o)]a™*e) — $° [ain t+c) + 1]a"tet? = 0, nee) re) moO oo IG + ¢)(2n + 2c — 3)a,z7ter! — > (2n +2c+ lagc*et! = 0, n=O n= oO c(2c ~ 3)apz°"! + (e + 1)(2e — Nayr* + So (2n + 2c ~ 3}[(m + clan — dn—g]a"to"! = 0. We need Gn —2 take c(2c — 3) = 0, a1 = 0, and ay = =" for n > 2. The choice c = 0 gives us a, = aQ=— aq = fak = a 2 ag 4 a3 = 0 5 = 0 a5 O2k~2 “pe ao = oF ET Gand, = 0. On—2 na 2 18.4. DIFFERENCE OF ROOTS NONINTEGRAL 2k Thus one solution is y, = 1+ YH ea Te a= 151 (427). A second solution comes from ¢ = 3 and 20n—2 ne an+3 ag = 2aq7 a4 203 = ei 2024.2 O2% = 4k+3 w- 2* ap a TTT ae 7-11---(4k +3). gk gtk+3/2 8/2 Hence yo= a+ > 7-11: (4k-+ 3). oO 19. 2x*y" + ay’ — y = 0. >. [2(n +e)(n+e-1)+(n+c) —1anr"** = 0, oo m0 So (ant+2c+1)(n+e~1anr”** = Q, oo (2c+1)(c—1)aoz®+ >" (2n+2c+1)(n+ce—])ayz™* n=d = 0. nel We can make the first term vanish by choosing ce = 1 or ¢ = -3 while leaving ag arbitrary. We are also forced to take a, = 0 for n > 1. For c = 1 we get the solution y; = a. Force = ~4 we get the solution yg = «71/2. 21. 9n7y" +2y = 0. oO Ss; [9(n+e)(n+e— 1) +2]a,z"t° = 3 (an+ 3e— 2)(38n + 3e— lagz”™* n=O oo n= (3e~ 2)(3¢— L)agx® + WED + 3c —2)(8n+ 3c—1)anz"** = 0. We choose ¢ = z orc = % and n=l aq arbitrary. We are forced to take a, = 0 for n > 1. For c = 2 we get the solution yy = 27/8. For c = 4 we get the solution y2 = 21/3, 23. If y is a function of x and we let t = Inw for aydz dt dy il agg PY xdt dtdz 2 0 then vat dydt _ on (Pydt? tydt dt? dz 25. Qa2y" + ay’ a y = 0. We set t = Ina and use the results of Exercise 23 to get the differential d d equation 2 <a ~ e + —~ —y =0 or (2D? — D— Ly = (D —-1)(2D + 1)y = 0. It follows that y = cre’ + cge(—/* or y = yr + egal V2), 2 27, On*y" i . * + 2y = 0. Letting ¢ = Ing we obtain 9 d*y We dy he + 2y = (9D* 3 — 9D + 2)y = (3D — 2)(3D — 1)y = 0. It follows that y = cye(?/9* + cge(/9)* = ey x?/8 + ega'/3, 152 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS dy “) 2,7 + Qay’ a— 12y == 0. Substituting ‘tuti 29. a*y” ¢ == Inz we obtaini ( one Gt eteGe dyat oe 12=[Doe +2 mete (D? + D ~12)y = (D — 3)(D + 4)y = 0. Thus y = cye** + ege™®* = eyr8 + cga4. Py dy\ 31, x*y” — 3zy' + 4y= 0. Letting t = Ina we get (A -#) ~ dy at w= (D* — 4D + 4)y = 0. The general solution is y = (c, + cgt)e”* = x?(cy + cgln zr). 2 33. z*y” + 52y’ + 5y= 0. Substituting ¢ = Inx we get (5 - 4 + sf + 5y = (D? + 4D +5)y = 6. The roots of the auxiliary equation are ~2 + i and —2 —i. The general solution is y = e~**(c; cost + cz sint) = 27" [c, cos (Inz) + cz sin (In). 18.6 Equal Roots oS L. a®y” —a2(1+a)y' +y = 0. oa [(n+e)(n+e—1)—(n+e)+1la,2"F* - Si (nteja,ztert = n=O oO n=0 ~ KG +e- 1)?a,2"*° ~ So(n +6¢—1)an-:2"'* = 0. We therefore have neeQ n=l (e—1)*agx° + > [(n+ce—-1)an(n+c-1)an—1]z"t° = 0. The indicial equation is (e— 1)? = 0 n=1 and ay = On—1 Peni > ern el 1. ao aq=e c a2 Qe = = " a i On-1 nte-1 = &o cet+])---(c+n-1) Thus ye = 2" ‘Laeryaery gtte BYc Be gente =welnst yo ele+l) (e#n=1) yields n =2+ 1 |e 1 e4l c 1 ohne . Substituting c = 1 got A, oth = 77 = we® and yo = yr Ing — $" 2 — ns] 3. x?y" +2(c—-3)y! +4y= 0. x (n+e¢}(n+e~-1)— B(nte)+-4Jana™*457( (n+e)anatet) = oo 4 nO oO Son +e-~2)Panz"*? + yin +¢~l)an-12"** = 0. We therefore have ned nel 18.6. EQUAL ROOTS 153 oO (c-2)%agz°+ > [(n-+e~ 2)7ant+(n+e~1)@n-1 ]a"*¢ = 0. The indicial equation is (e~ 2)? = 0 fas] _ ~(n+e- and dy = _ ~C ag “ (e=1? —(e+1) a= —— a a= a, ~(n+e~1) " 1) ani (n+e¢—- 2)? a1 (~1)"e(e+1)---(n+e-1) ap | (n+e~ 22 (e-~1)%e?---(n+e-2)? OO Therefore y, =mx 2 pt > > roe (-1)"(n+e-1) ate (e=i)ee+ 1) (n bend) (-1)"{n +¢- 1)x"*¢ 1 (c—1)*ele+1)---(nte-2) |n+e-1 2 Ye and <#e Fe 1 e-1 oO 7 oy\n (—1)"(n+1)a7*? [ (-1)"+! [n+ (n+ oO Yi a> 1 m+o-2]° an n 1 _ e4+1 n+2 hee oO : Yelna+ 1 ec Substituting ¢ = 2 we have y, = 27+ Ceti s; _ (-1)"(n + c¢—1) ag ~~ (e-1)%e(e + 1)--- (n +e — 2) 1 _ 1)H,|2"+ 2 ml . oO §. a(14+cr)y" + (1+52)y! + 3y = 0. oO So [(n+o(n+e-1) + (n+e)]anz*o“} +S 3 co na e~1)4+5(n +0) + 3)ana"** = So(n + cane”??? 4 Son nal [(ntelnt tet l)(n+e+ 3)agz™t = nel eo aga) + 3 [(n+c)*an + (n+e)(n+0+2)an—1]2"*o"! = 0. The indicial equation is c? = 0 nom] and a, = —(n+e4+2) an-1 for i > 1. nee ay _ ~(e+3) ao ~ e+] _ 7le+4) a ay — an ~ e+2 _ a(nt+e+2)an-1 c+n ~ (-1)*(c+3)---(c+n4+2) a9 (~-1)"(n+c4+1D(n+e42) ag (e+ Ile+2)fe+n) (c+ 1)(c + 2) CHAPTER 154 SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS (-1I)"(ntetI(ntet2)art oO Therefore y. == 72 +h Be 18. {e+ 1)(e + 2) ane yeinz + tn tet Minter 2ar** n=l {e+ 1)(e + 2) ! Ban s ntet+l nt+et+2 — tt e+) c+2)° ye Lo, “ nlng +5) = wing 1)"(n ~ an I So(-p"(n + 1)(n 4+ 2)" and need + 1)(n + 2)z 5(m 1) +5 DD 3 Bop oO Substituting c = 0 we have y; = 1+ = (Qn +3) wt all 1 at in 1 wo Lam) | 2®, ~~ ay” + a(e - iy + (L- ay = 0 SO[nt+ (n+ e- 1) - (n+) + lana? + re) ce 27 oO oD Sia +e—Tage™ter! = Soin +e~1)ana"t? + So (n +6 —Qag—12"*? = (e—1)*agx® + nod n=O n=l CO S[@ n=1 +c0-1)*a, + (n+ ec - 2)an-1|x"t° = 0. The indicial equation is (e — 1)? = 0 and —(n+e-—2) ay-1 merrenrenennnemnenne >1 An SEE eater (nben ip? forn>1 ay = Ea a = —C @y 2” (e+ 1)? dn = _ (n+e¢-2) — 2) ani dn (n+e-1)? There is a problem here since we eventually wish to substitute both n = 1 and ¢ = 1 into our recurrence relation. We therefore keep the a, term separate from the infinite series. Thus _ —(c—1) ag _ (-1)"(e- De-+-(n+¢— 2) any a= So (e— we oe Ye = Bye —— Oc and a, = 1actt ce Betis 20 for n > 2. We have (-1)"(c — L)xtte <> [ele +1)---(n+e-2)|(n+e-1)? e~1 | 1 “| = y, ng — —z— | ——— =] ¥ (nfteni) e je-1 ¢ * 2%} a Ler) and (-1)"(c ~ 1)z™t¢ tena reriy 18.6. EQUAL ROOTS 1 [ty 1 155 1 ee i Uae a2 _ Yo = ying —s2 1 ee When 9° 2 (—1)?artt +o 2 sl |) i 90 Gainne =ylng Substituti ubstituting ¢ =} we have y; =so x and (-1)" nm « pati + })-—___. n=? n=l dy d?y : 9. x(a —2)y"”nt +2(a—1)y’ t —2y = 0. We set z = 2-2 and obtain x{2+2) 75 +2(z+1)—- —2y = 0, ox where z = 0 is a regular singular point. Setting y = oo oo > Gnz"** we have Ss; [(n-+e)(n+e~-1)+ n=l wo n=0 2(n+c)—2] Onzrte+ 5 > [2(n+e)(n+e—1)+2(n+c)]anz"te7} = So (n+e+2)(n-+e~Lanz"te+ xo n=O wo > An+e)Pagz tor! = WePagze) + nad a= > [(n+e+1)(n+¢-2) @p-1 +2(n+c)?an] grte-l — Q, rel —(n+e+1)(n+e— 2) an 1 for n > 1. Here we 2(n +c)? must be careful to keep the n = 1 term separate because when c = 0, a, = 0 for n > 2. The indicial equation is c? = 0 and a, = _ ~f{e+2){e~ 1) ao ms 2 Bet 12 _ -(e+3)ea Oe+ 2)? - —(nteti)(n+e-—2)a,-1 on = 2(e+n)? Th US Yo == gf2 Ye _ Oc (e+2)(e—1) et? 1 1 2e+1)? le+2 e-1 gern a(ce+ij(nte-iint+e) 1) 2" 2. etiinte-iyn+a (c+2)(e-1)[ 5p ute= Den +e+t) 44 SX (-1)"(e- De(n +4 Be +1)? = Yelnz — (-1)"(e- Ie(n+e+1) ag ~ 2%(c+1)\(n+e-I(nt+e)" 2 | e4+1 ett ut fy yi, i [e~1 ¢ mtetl 1 e+1l nte-1 1 nate]! Substituting geo= c = 0 we have y; z and yoyo =i = Inz+ [}-1-g]2$0 CMe w== 1+ 4 2. any Thus yx = 1+ (a2) 5 = (-1)"(n + 1)(2 — 2)" and ya = ya In(a — 2) ~ 5(2— 2) ~ J 156 CHAPTER 11. ay” + y' +2y =0. 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS oO oo reed} n=xQ So [in +e)(n+o-1)+ (n+ Canto! + 5" anarter = 0. 3 io8) So(n +c)Panertend + >> Gnga" te! = n= nd oO ctagx®! + (c+ 1)?a,2* + S; [(n + c)?an + Qn—2]a"te"! = 0 need We take c? = 0, a; = 0, and a, = mage om ag = 2” ore? (e+2 2)? ag = 4 (e+ 4)? aot + wo on (—1)* ao ae (e+ 2k)? (e+ 2)?--- (e+ 2k)? kp tk-+e So, Oe L uee® +d (e+ 2)? (e+ 2k)?’ Bc |; 2 ren 2 war , ‘ Substituting Hi Yo 0 kpak-te (=) yen +) (e+ 2)?---(c+ 2k) * c=0 . yields oo (—1)*a2* let 2 ‘2k (Rye y= and 1)*x?4 =n 1 13. Ho 1 1 ~ 5 Hk = (Gran +aatE)Oo v2 of Exercise 12 becomes yo = y; na + D oO 15. 427 y"+8a(2+1)y'+y = 0. oo 1 1 1 5 (145 ++: i) 1-3-.-(Qk ~1)| a <a Hop — $H, eae [4(n+e)(n+e-1)+8(n+c)+1]an2"*°+ 5 n=O 2 9 m+ 2c +1)" 2 a,r nad nee nm+e~ lan n+e = n=l (2c + 1)" agx* + > [(Qn + 2c + 1)an + 8(n +e— l)an—1]a"** = 0. n=l "+ 37: The «] 2 OO n=O 8 + 1 at B(nte)anzr tet! = 18.6. EQUAL ROOTS 157 The indicial equation is (2c + 1)*= 0 and ay, = —8(n+c¢-1) an-1 f > 1. (2n + 2c +1)? Orne —8e ag a, = (2c + 3)? = ~—8(¢+1) ay a a (26 + 5)? = —~8(n+e-~Wdp-1 " Hence er Ye =r Pe - pl (-1)"8"e(c+1) +--+ (mn +e—1) ag (Qn+2e4+1)? — (2e 4+ 3)2(2¢ + 5)? --- (e+ In + 1)?" os (—1)"8"c(e+ 1) +++ (n +e—1) arte +h (2c + 3)2(2c + 5)? ---(2e+ 2n + 1)? and (-1)"8"c(e+ 1)---(n +o-—1) Pte yelnz + > (e+ 3)2(2c+5)2---(2e+ antl)” Loy bt 4 m+e-1 +3 ce For ¢ =-ly qr? » wy ~1)8" [(-4)(4)-(2ony?- Pl ar’? 2 R42 = £ -1/2 + ys “1/2 (—1)"(—1)-1-++(2n — 3) 27/7 (ni)? (- y*(—~1)-1+--(2n— 3) a*-¥/2 (ni)? a ing + >» _ sand yo = yilnag+ 2 —O49424...42~% ator gt 2 4 34 7 tee aT (nl)? oo oo yee _ (—1)"(—1) ---(2n— 3)(2Han—2 — Hn-1 — 2Hy — 2) 2-1/7? 17. zy" +(1-2x)y'-y = 0 c)taga™te~? 2e+2n+1]° nal a4 | ox on . oO So [(nte)(nte-1)4(nt+-c)Jane™*2~S net lana”? = So (n+ n=O _ So (nt | oo ean" we = eagx®! an— The indicial equation is c? = 0 and a, = ~ a + > nes [(nt n=] ; for n > 1. fo e+l1 } y= _ ay e+2 an-1 “etn n=0 c)*an _ (n+c)an—y]27te—} ag (e+1le+2)---(e+n) = 0. 158 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS ghte Hence y, == fe & Oye Be = yy weet to Grier aera) and eniynnstnramsenmmmmnamanananntienimsieiettieniteteaninnatnisitsi gree DG cree 1 erm 1 1 |oed 7 o42 i, cin . We have the % solutions y; = 1 +e ~~ cee” and yg = y, Ing— se a nai” 18.7 no] Equal Roots, an Alternative 3. L(y) = zy" + x(x — 3)y’ + 4y. We previously determined the nonlogarithmic solution of + Dah L(y) =0 to be yy = SOU ni . We now seek a second solution of the form n=0 OO ya = ying + > bya?t? fisxl oO yo = y, Ina t+ vi tT S (n+ 2)b,2"* 1 nel oo 7 ~ By vy = yf ina + “BE (n+ 2)(n + 1)bn2”, n=l so that Oo co L(y2) = L(ys) ina + 2zy; +(e —4)y + (n+ 2)(n t+ L)baa™t? + (n+ YS baat — n=l oo nyse] oO 3 So(n + 2)baa™t? 44 > baa”t? nel oo n=] oo = Qaey} + (@—4)yi + Ss; n?b,art? 4 Sin + 1bp—1a**? 2s.OO ! ¢ _4\n 1)"(n n=} + 2)(n+ lx ned re+2 nl n=2 tyoO 1)" int Ltt je aye —1)"( ia nt Latt2 x + ne=Q n=O oS bx? + I [n7bn + (n+ 1)bp1j2"? ne? n => (-}) ate +1)x tee = (by — 3)x° + 3 n+2 +d 1*(n +2 peur nly (~ 4 Soa ptt? oo +b2° + So [n?bp + (n+ 1bn-a]a"? n=2 + . + (n+ 1)b 4 x a +2. ned ayn In order to make L(y2) = 0 we must take by = 3 and nb, + (n+ 1)bn—1 + a for n > 2. = 18.7. EQUAL ROOTS, AN ALTERNATIVE 159 5. We let L(y) = a(1+a)y" + (1+ oy + 3y. We previously determined the nonlogarithmic solution of L(y)= 0 te be y, = 1+-5LS ~1)"(n+1)(n+2)z". We now seek a second solution of the form . =1 oO yo=yiInat+ >> bax”, nok Yh = yi Ing + YtHS ngs , nel yy = yf (Ing + yjWo BS n(n 1)b,2"~?, tes] so that L(y2) = L(y) Ina + 2(@ + yi +41 + DO n(n — 1)bae™) + Yonin ~ 1baz"+ ot} > nbyz™ 1 + Yo Ss" + Yates" nel = 2e+l)yy + 4yi + 3 nbat™) + s(n nl = at + 1}(n + 3)b,2" nl OO ly, + yr. +b: + 5 [nbn + n(n + 2)bni]2"- OG n=a oO = SU(-1)? a(n + 1)(n t 2a" + $7 (-1)"n(n + 1)(n + 2)! + 44 n=l ns] oa 250 (-)"(n + 1)(n + 2)0” + br +S” [n7b" + n(n + 2ba—a]a"? n=} ne? = (by ~ 2) + $0(-1)"(n + 1)(n + 2)?"+ oo ne] So [(-D"a(n + In + 2) + bq + n(n + Wby—i]2™ n=? oo = (by ~2)+ $0 (-1)"" n(n + 12a Oo n=2 ¥, [(-U"n(n +1)(n +2) +n7b, + n(n t 2)b, ~ije"? n=? oO = (b) — 2) + > [(-1)"n(n + 1) + 07d, + n(n + 2)bn-1]2"71. nad In order to make L(y2) = 0 we must take b; = 2 and nb, + (n+ 2)b,_1 + (—1)"(n +1) = 0 n> 2. for 160 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 7. We let L(y) = 27y” + x(x — ly’! + (1 — z)y. We previously determined the nonlogarithmic solution of L(y) = 0 to be y, = x. We now seek a second solution of the form oo ye=ning+ >> ba", n=l ; Yoa= Yhiy net UL oO + Dnt) b nk mt yi wy Ayn(n+ 1)baa"} uf = vin + ewe tone, n=l so that OO oO E(y2) = L(y) lng + Qey, + (c — 2)yi + > n(n +1)b,2"*} + Son + 1)bya"*? nos] OO KG nel m= + 1)b,2"*} oo + s> n*b,2"*! n=l oO + >. baw™t} n=l, _ s. batt? nes] ne] oO + \, nb, xz? t? ri] oO = (by +1)2? + S$ > [n?bn + (nm — 1)dp_aje™*. n=2 In order to make L(y2) = 0 we must take 6; = ~1 and nb, + (n — l)bp_1 = 0 for n > 2. In this exercise the two-term recurrence relation can be solved in the usual way to obtain the oO (-1)"2*t! solution yg = 41 Ine + S| nl n=l 18.8 Nonlogarithmic Case 1. Set L(y) = x?y” + Qx(x — 2)y’ + 2(2 — 3x)y. Then oO Ly) = Dom +e)(n+e—Vana*? +250 (n+oo clanartort— oe os nag, 4 Yn n=) + c)agx"*? +4 > n=O n=0 a,rrte -6 : anv tert neo oo =< = s> [(n + c)* wes 5(n +e) + dana" t¢ +2 So (n +e- B)azzr ter! ne n=) oo Si(nte-4)a,i2"*° =) \(nte-I(nt+e-4)anz"** +2 nel naQ) = (c— 1)(e ~ 4)agz* + y [(n+e-1)(n+e— 4)an + 2(n +0 -A)ag_i]2"*°. n=] 18.8. NONLOGARITHMIC CASE 161 We choose the smaller of the two roots of the indicial equation, namely c = 1, and consider n(n ~ 3ja, +2(n - B)an-1 = 0, forn >]. 1{—2)a; +2(-2)ao =, a, = —2a9, 2(—L)ag +2(—L)ay = 0, ag = ~a4, 3(O)az +2(O)ag =Q, ag arbitrary, Oy = 22 Guat n for n > 4, —2ag Q4 = 4 4 a a (Bas _ 6-2)" as nS 45 -n el 6(——2)" 3x Fed Thus y = a [z — 22? + 22°] + a3 x “uy i nm 3. Set L(y) = z*y" + 2(2 + 32)y’ — 2y. Then oO OS L(y) = > [(n+e)(n+e—1) + 2(n +c) —Qlane"** + Ss; 3(n + c)a,z™ter! n=O n=Q = dom +e+2)}(nt+e-Dagr™t? + n=l > 3(n += Lan_ya"*? ne] = (e+ 2)(e ~ l)aga* + Yin te-1)[(n+e+ 2a, + 3a,_i]z"**. nse] We choose the smaller of the two roots of the indicial equation, namely c = ~2, and consider n(n ~ 3)an +3(0 -3jan-1 U-2a, +3(—2)ay = 0, =0, forn> 1. a, = ~3ag, 2(—l)ag +3(—-l)ai =0, a2 = Bap, 3(0)a3 4-3(D}ag =0, ag arbitrary, On = =3 Gn-1 for n > 4. n a= —3a3 | (~1)?-83"-3 ay = ag 2(—1)"-33"-2 ~ nl (—1}"- wt Thus y = ao [2 2 3¢7 +g] +0 fee Teme Be a 162 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 5. Set L(y) = x(14+a)y" + (w+ 5)y’ — dy. Then + So [(m +o)(n-+e~1) +(n+e) — dana"? L(y) = So [(n +e)(n+e-1)+5(n+ cane! n=l n=O = Sim +e)(n+e+ agate! + do(a +e+2)(n+c-2)anz"t¢ nesQ need = c(e + 4)apx°) + S| [(n+c)(n+e+4)an+(ntce+ 1j(nte- 3)an—ija*te?, nel We choose the smaller of the two roots of the indicial equation, namely c = —4, and conside: n(n ~ 4a, +(n —-3)(n—- Tan) =0, forn>1. 1(-3)a, =Q, a, = 4a, +(—2)(—6)ag =0, a2 = 5a, 3(—lag 4(O)a4 2(—2)a2 + (0) (—4) ag +(1)(—3)as =O0, =Q, a3 = 0, 30, 5(1)as +(2)(—2)a4 = 0, a5 = fas, 6(2)ag 7(3)ay +(3)(—1)as +(4)(O)ag =Q, =0, dg = ga4, a7 =0. All +(—1)(—5)ay subsequent a’s are proportional to ay 4 a arbitrary, and 1 y = ag [o~4 + 49 + 5a] + 14 . + get 3 are therefore zero. Finally, we have . 7. Set L(y) = z*y" + x7y! — Qy. Then oO L{y) = S oO [a +e)(n+e—-1) - 2lage™t* + Son t+eja,a"tet! n=o oem = So(n teot+i)(n+e-2)anz™t* + Si(n +¢-l)ap-i2"** n= co n=l = (e+ 1}(c — 2)agx® + > [((n+c+1)(n+e—2an+(n+e —l)ag_;]2"t?. n=] We choose the smaller of the two roots of the indicial equation, namely c = —1, and consider n(n —~3)a, + (n—-2)an-1=0, forn>1. \(—2)a1 =0, a, =—~§ao, + (—lL)ao 2(—1L)ag + (Ojai mz 0, ag = Q, 3(O)a3 + (lag =Q, a9=0, ag arbitrary, 18.8. NONLOGARITHMIC CASE dg = 163 oe)? for n{n~ 3) Qa = —2 ag as = —3 n> 4, 4-1 a4 5-2 ne’ Thus y =— a9 [2 _ = (—1)"~$[2.3... (n — 2)} = ag [a-5--nj[l-2--(n—-3)) 1 if 5] +402 2 + oo 6(—1)"-3 ag n(n—1)-(m-3y for n > 4. 6(—1)? 3g"? At natneaay . Sb +38dy ~ 2y = 0. 9. We set z = x — 1 and obtain L(y) = x24 oO oo Ly) = So [(n +c)(m+e-1)- 2lanz"*¢ + S- [(n +e)(n+te-1)+3(n4+ c)la,z"te"! oot n=O 8 = Si(n +et+1)}(n+e— Q)anz"** + Si(n te\(ntco+2anz"*te-! n= n=O = e(e + 2)agz°! + WG +e)(n+e+2)an + (n+ e)(n+e-3)ani[27ter?. ns] We choose the smaller of the two roots of the indicial equation, namely c = —2, and consider n{n —2)an + (n~- 2)(n—-5)e,-1 =0, forn> 1. U(-l)a, + (—1)(—-4)ao =0, 4a; = dag, 2(0)ag + (0)(—3)a, =0, a, arbitrary, We have an = =(n = 8) anon for n > 3, so that ag = 2a9, a4 = fag, and a, = 0 for n > 5. n Thus y = ao [(a ~1)7? + 4(2 ~ 1)7*] + de [ + “(¢ -1)+ (a ~ 1) . 11. Set L(y) = xy” — 2(a + 2)x’ + dy. Then oO L(y) = 7[(n t+ Qn +e-1) -A(n + e)Jane™*! ~ 2"(n +6 — Qanz"*? as cas so(n n= oo ns? + e)(n +e- 5)ana™ ten} ~2 Sm +en an e"ten} n=l n= = e(e — Sjaga*-? + s- [(n +e)(n +e-5)ay nel - 2(n+e- 3)an—1Ja7te-}, 164 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS We choose the smaller of the two roots of the indicial equation, namely c = 0, and consider n(n - 5jan ~2(n — 3)an-1 = 0, for n > 1. 1(—4)ay 2(-3)ag —2(—2)ao ~2(—1)ay = 0, a; = ao, = 0, a2 = $a, 3(—2)ag —2(O)ag = 0, a3 = 0, 4{—l)az —2(Lja3 = 5(O)as —2(2)a4 =0,aq=0, 0, a(n — 3) ay- ay = eee oo wT = _ 2°3 as _ 2-4 a6 == 6-1 T9 aq = 0, ag arbitrary, for n > 6 an-5/3.4---(n~ 3)] as ep ala (n—5)] _ 1» Thus y = ao [ites 3 5. | + a5 F 60 - 2-5 a, Go Slaln— Ina = 60. gr~5yn +h (n—5)l n(n iin) 28 > 6. |" 13. Set L(y) = x(@ + Dy” ~ Oy! — 6y. Then Ly) y [(n = + c)(n +ce- 1) _ 6lanx™te 4 5 [3(n fe e)(n om 1) _ O(n +e)lanz"te-! nxt nel = Son +e-3)(n+e+ 2)ayz™t? + s; 3(n+e)(n+e~4)a,za™te! nexO nol = 3e(e — 4)aga®* + $7 [3(n + c)(n+0-4)an + (n+e-4)(n+e+ VagJarte?. a] We choose the smaller of the two roots of the indicial equation, namely c = 0, and consider 3n(n ~ Jan +(n -4)(n+ Tan) 3: 1(~3)a, +(—3) . 289 3: 2{—2)a2 +(—2) ‘ 301 3: 3(—l)as +(-1) 4a 3-4(O)aqg +(0)-5az =0, forn>1. a 0, a = ~- ao, = 0, ag = 4%, ~ gh ao, = 0, a3 = =, a4 arbitrary. 18.9. LOGARITHMIC CASE _ —(n+ On = 1) @n-1 3n _ for n > 5. 76 a4 05 an 165 3-5 = —~7T as 6 "3-6 ag (144+) a NAG Tt) ow " 3°-4(5-6---n) Finally, y = ag ft _ a + 5 for n > 5. 5. gna -4z s] +04 G eh ~1)"(n + 1)z* 5 - 3n-4 ned 15. Set L(y) = zy” + (x5 — 1)y’ + 2?y. Then oo Ly) = So [nt od(nte-1) -(nte)jage™te-} + y(n ++ la,z”ter? ma oO n=Q x = Sin +e)(n+e~2)anz™*1 +S (nte- ange"! n=0 = ¢c(e ~ 2)agx°™! n=} + (e+ 1)(e— l)aye® + (e+ 2)cagr“t? ao + Yin +e~2)[(n+c)an tan—g]z"*?~ naeg We choose the smaller of the two roots of the indicial equation, namely c = 0 and are forced to choose a, = 0. However, ag can be left arbitrary and a, = ——°— a= = _%3 ag = aq = 43 03, Finall inally, 18.9 3k (—1)* ao = pe a. 3kK! Logarithmic ag = a7 = 0 a3 = _ 2%—8 a3n41 == 0 —aF y = 0 [i+ 5 = 2%5 0 _ _ —A3K~3 Ask = —= 1x3 (-))'s"* yp Case 1. Set L(y) = cy” +y. Then Sk+1 | + Ak+2 == —vak=1 E> = 9 |e 45 for n > 3. a: ah+a = (~1)Fg 3442 E © (—1)* ag [5-8--- (3k + 2)] ETD] | 166 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS oo oo Ly) = Soin +e)(n+e~lagz?*e1 + > anzte ned nel ox oO = S"(nte)(n+c-l)anz™*o? + a=0 Gy yx tend nel ox = e(e ~ ljagz®! + > [(n teln+e- lan +anifx*tet, ne] Oni The indicial equation is c(c ~ 1) = 0 and a, = ay = 1 (n-+e}(n+e-1) forn2 1 (e+ Ie Qo = ** (e+ 2)(e +1) a. = ~An-1 * (e+ny(etn=1) Ye = ao tS nal . (~1)” a (e+1)+:-(c+n)ele+1).-(e+n—1) Cy (e+1)--- (c+ nje(e+1)---(c+n—-1) We wish to take ag = c, so we write goth Ye = Oe ad ‘lear Me ine pat Bg Ge S¥elnate * Crip S (-1)Pz"te ‘(c+ n)le+1)---(e+n—1)’ (carats Der ermMeroerne” Substituting c = 0 we obtain Lea" n=-24 eo er1! n=2 _ w=nmnetite-S) nm? 3. Set L(y) = 2ry” + 6y' +y. Then (-1)" (Hp + H,~1)2" nl (n= 1)! . 18.9. LOGARITHMIC CASE 167 L{y) = x [An te)(nte-1)+6(n+c)lanz™*! + s, ante n=} nmQ oO Oo == » Qn + c)(n+e+ ayz tte} + s> Gin yt? n=O nal = Qe(e + 2)aga°! + IEG t+e)(n+e+2)an tan-1ja7te!. nw eae : ‘ The indicial equation is c(e+ 2) == 0 and a, ay ST hy 1 Bntonte+d) nremeunenareaatenmenei eee tne > forn>1 . = ——— 1 (e+ Ile+ 3) ag = 7” Q(e+ 2)(c+ 4) On " = anol = AUc+nfle+n+2) . (=1)” ao Wle+1)---(c+n)(c+3)---(e+n4+2) £4 2%(64+1)--(e+ n)le+3)--- (e+ n+ 2) | We need to take ag = ¢ + 2, 50 we write _ : (e+ Q)ae+1 get? Ye = (c+ 2)a* ~ FT aleas) * Fler ied ders) So +d Oye _ 2 (e+2)2e+4 Be = velna + ah — 2(c + 1)(e + 3) (~1)"a"+e mer Dlera) vernleray 1 es ger? 1 “etl 1 3] 1 1 + Ret et ayer 4) [ty ors y need ern aay 1 al (~1)"a"t¢ ar(e+ 1)[(e + 3)---(c+n)| {(c+ 3)--- (c+ n+ 2)] 1 e+1 e fy, ty fst e+3 c+n e+3 cHen+24]° 168 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS Substituting c = —2 we obtain SS (-1)tttan-2 “3+ omyi) ‘Gn 3 nl~ 24 2% nl (n= 2)!" yo =ying+a77+ =o +h 2 (-a)n(- 1+ Ayog + H,,)x"~? 3 nl (n 2) nes =ying+y +2 ~Y +52 aly (— 1)" (Hn 1 Oe + (n Hy. 3)a 9) ns 5. Set L(y) = x*y” ~ 2(6 + x)y’ + 10y. Then oO CO L(y) = s [(n+e)(n+c-1) - 6(n+¢) + 10Jana"** — So(n + c)ayzte+} n=G n=} ax = oO KG +e-—2)(n+e-5)anz"?? — IC +e-lay—i2"t? nal nel = (e— 2)(e ~ B)aga® + S$” [(n +e ~ 2)(n +e — 5)an ~ (n+ — 1)an—1]2"**. neel The indicial equation is (c — 2}(c — 5) = 0 and a, = (e-Nle-4) _t)a _ e{c ~ 3) (e+2)ag 3 (e+ Dle-2) ce forn 2 1. c ag oO on (n+e-~-1) Gy (n+e-2)(n+ce-5) _ {e+ 1) ag (e- 1)(e — 4)(e — 3) (e+ 2) a (e- Nle—4)(e— 3)(c— 2) (nte-Vane in+e-2)(nte-5) cagz**} (c+n~-1) ao (e-l\(e-4(c—3)(e2) (e+ n—5) (c+ lagz*t? Yom aot’ + —TELH * He (c+ 2)agaet? Alers) * Elie ale~ Ben] (c+n— lagx™*¢ +) Grier ale~ le Nee ATH 18.9, LOGARITHMIC CASE 169 We need to take ag = c ~ 2, so we write _ «, e-2)at! (e+ 1)(e- 2)a°t? {c+ 2)x°t8 =(e~ 2)0* + Erayen a * (om Nle=Hle=3) * C= Nle= Hle=F (c+n—1)a"te ‘eo Bye _ «, ele~ 2)actl Be ~Yelnzte +e fi (e+ 1)(c — 2)a°t? * G21 ee 1 1 I +c 1 1 ‘(e+n—5)]’ 1 1 1 A(e~-3) Esareseeestrereres] (e+ 2)act8 1 1 1 1 (e~ INe~ 4)(e ~- 3) le saosl (c+n—i)z"te ‘acne 1 4){c~ 3)[(e-1)---(ct+n—- By) 1 lepwca 1 sca 1 1 ecac ca 1 fea}. Substituting c= 2 we obtain _ (n+ 1ant? (n+ 1)27*? al +3nixed Gebe “Uns “Bn ear3)” 3 3 = ‘ Eea+ a 5t a +e gea=ying+as 1 == y, Ing+ 5Y! +a? + » ( n+ ijort? Ans)! a3, 45] [1 — | were 1 oe oe1 |n+i ae1 itgti ~ Hiya] —(n+1)Hn—s] 2" +2 a(n— 3)! need 7. Set L(y) = 2(1 — zy” +201 — 2)y’ + 2y. Then ox Ly) = >, [(n+ec)(n+e-1)+2(n+o)lanz7te"! n= _ s(n +e)(n+e-1) +2(n +e) — 2lanz™t? =O oo oO me Son +e)(n+e+ lane} read — dln +e4+2)(n+e-l)anz"*? n=O = ¢(e+ Lapa?! + y [(nte\(nt+et lan -(nt+e+1(nte—2an_y]arter?. n=] 170 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS The indicial equation is c(c+1) = 0 and a, = (n+¢— 2) ag-1 whe for n > 1. _ (e-1) ag a= e+1 n= Ca, {e— le ag ae e+2. (e+ 1)(e + 2) _ (n+e-2)an-1 7” ctn (e-les-(e+n—2) ag _ ~ fetl)(etn) (c~ le ag ~~ (e+ n—letn) We need to take ag = c+ 1, so we have (ce - Dext? +d = (c+ La? + (e~ 1a Oye _ Go c. Yen +a + + cet (ct+n—Ij(e+n) ’ le teatt® tant tat (c+ 2) $57 ea Beles Darts (c~ Ie(e+ 1a*te e-1 +e 1 1 4 (c+n—I)(c+n) e432 1 1 1 c+l ec+n-1 cH+n] Substituting c = —1 we obtain y= —2+ 2z, Qar-1 ox yo= = v1 +1 ying +a27°° ~ Bet OLD —eeencammracnemerencaneneateetie. need 9. (1 —z)y” + 2(1—a)y’ + 2y. Let z= 2 —1 to get L(y)= 2(z+ oO fy + act ~ 2y = 0. Then ag L{y) = S> [(n+e)(n+e-1) +2(n +e) —2lagz™*¢ + Son +e)(n+e—lagz"te-! n=O ne oo = WC Oo +e+2)(n+e—lanz™t? + Yn n=) +e)(n+e-lapz*te? n= = e(e ~ 1)agz** + y [(n+e)(n+e—- Lan + (ntet1)(n+e-2Qa,_yJ27ter}. n=l] 18.9. LOGARITHMIC CASE 171 The indicial equation is c(c - 1) = 0 and a, = a= order) _ (@tem+e-i) ani re) ~({c+2)(e-1) ap (e+e _ =(e+3)ca, 2 —(n+e+(n+e-2) — (e~ 1)(e+3) a9 (et+ip (nt+e+Dnte~2) any (n+e)(n+e-1) _ (-1)"(et+ nt 1(e—1) ao ~ (e+1(e+n-1) * (1 [e+ 2)--- (et n+)] [le-1)--- (c+ - —2)] ao [(e+1)---(c+n)][e---(c+n—1)] We need to take ap = c, so we have Ye = C2 c (c+ 2)(c~ Wz" e+1 +e dye e (e+ 2)(e- yt de = yolnz + 2° — e+1 VS —~ (e+ 1)(e+n-1) (-1)"(c+ n+ 1) (ce - Lez" (e+ 1)(e+n—-1) , 1 1 1 chat enl ofl | 1 4 1 ail 1 c+n+1 e-1 ce e+1 Substituting c = 0 we obtain yi = 22 = 2(e— 1), - 1) 41-3 te = In(w 1) +5 Ue Men" ne! ll. Set L(y) = x*y” — 5ary’ + (8+ 52z)y. Then oO oo L(y) = > [(n + e)(n +e — 1) —5(n +c) + 8]a,2"** + res) > 5a,x" tert n=O oO Oo = Sin +e-2)(n+e~- AayatT? + S- Bane" n=O = (ce — 2}(c — 4Jagx® + nol > [(n +ce—2)(n +c n=1 4)an + 5an—i]2"**. 1 | ct+n-l 172 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS The indicial equation is (¢ — 2}(c — 4) = 0 and a, = _ “1 —~§ Gg ~ba 5? ag 2 = o(e-2) _ We need for n> 1. = Ne=3) _ n= ied cle-1)(e~3)(e— 2) —5 Qn-1 _ (n+e-2)(n+e-4) (—1)"5" ag — [(e-1)---(e+n—2)][(e-3)---(e+n-4)] to take ag = c - 2, so we have _ , 5(c _ 2)xct} azet2 = (€~ 2) ~ Taye ad) * Aen inen3) (—1)"5% ante + [(e— le---(e+n— 2)] (ce ~ 3)[(e~1)--- (etn —-4)}]" ac Ing +a" — (ce ~ 1}{e - 3) 5get? 5 ~e-1 1 “de-e-9 1 ] 5(e — 2jact} ¢ Oye 1 - 4 1 |-i--4- oy) (-1)"5%a7te 1 (e- le---(e+n—2)(e-3)[(C-1)-(e+n—4)] 1 1 {ett 1 tac} 1 a 1 ton “ sraza}| Substituting c = 2 we obtain Ba wk +)<< 1 nt i Bi gnt2 nl (n-2)! oo w= aeyk 1)rt Br gent? erent ~1)"5" nine +2? +5054 50! ) ( na? oO oy =yinet+y +2? +5254 50! 1 A, + Hy~2 _ , ijant? nl (n — 2)! )"5"(H, nd + Hp—2)2"*? nl (n — 2)! 13. Set L(y) = 9x"y" — lizy’ + 7(1+2)y. Then oO L(y) = $7 [(9(n+e)(nt+e-1) —15(n +c) + Tlana™t? + n=Q oO > Ta,x"tetl n=l 18.9, LOGARITHMIC CASE = 5 (an + 3c — 173 7)(3n + 3c — Dana™t? + > Tan—yx"*? n=Q n=l oO = (3c — 7)(3e ~ 1japa® + $ > [(8n + 3e ~ 7)(3n + 3c — Lan + 7ap_a]z™**. n=] The indicial equation is (3¢ — 7)(3¢c — 1) = 0 and a, = _ ~7F _ ~T ay ~7 Ay] —_——— (Gnt3e-7)\(In45en1) P=!> ag = (3c — 4) (30 4 2) “2 Qn = Ge-1)(3e+5) _ 49 ap (8e—4)(3e — 1)(3e + 2)(3c+ 5) ~T an-1 _ (-1)"7" ap (8n + 3c ~ 7)(8n+3e~1) ~~ [(3e ~ 4)--(Be + 8n — 7)] [(8e + 2)-+- (3c + 8n — 1] We need to take ag = 3c — 1, so we have = (3¢~ lat ~ 7(3¢ — 1)a¢t! Dae dD) > (—1)"77gnte & (8c ~ 4) [(3c + 2)-+- (Be + 3n — 7)] [(8c+ 2)-+- (e+ 3n -1)]’ 3 3 3 1(8e- ett? 2 Oye _ Be = Yelna + 32° ~ Bed 3) Soc +, na2 ~ 3e-4 at (—1)"tl7rgnte (8c ~ 4) [(3e + 2) --- (8c-+ 3n ~ 7)| [(Sc+ 2)---(Se+ 3n—1)] Sof 3c ~ 4 8 3c +2 yg 8 3c + 3n P88 3c +2 — 7 3 $e4+38n-—1) Substituting ¢ = 4 we obtain & 1 yrzagnt1/3 oo “- n=Z Loy —3)[3---(3n— 6)][3---Gn)] 7 yo = yi ina + 3a 1/3 + 32 4/3 yn new’ (—1)*th yng th/3 2, FT a (n— 2)!" ne Z (—7)" (Hy + Ayo ~ La2rtt/s 327-1 nl (n— 2) ih 1. 174 CHAPTER 18.10 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS Solution for Large x 1. 23(2 —1)y” + (x ~ 1)y’ + 4zy = 0. Using the substitutions suggested in the text we get 1 fi g@’y wy? dy 1 w? dy als) (# “aut *™ qw)*\o -wih) + Sue % wi ~u) St¥4(2- 2w ~ w +9) i 0. Since w = 0 is a R.S.P. of this equation the point at infinity is a R.S.P. of the original equation. 3. y+ acy = 0. Again the change of variable w = gives d?y dy 1 w! wa tu wit ion +a 2i 0, welt ww ——5 + 2w* aay ty 0. w= 0 is an 1.S.P. of this equation. It follows that + = 0 is an I.S.P. of the original equation. 1 5. xty” +y = 0. Setting w= = yields 3 (w' ad?y a dw dy w5 4 + 2b HV + y= 0, +wy = 0. w= 0 is a R.S.P. of this equation. It follows that 2 = 0 is a R.S.P. of the original equation. 7. cty” dy + 2(1 + 227)y' + by= 0. We set w= 1/ and get Ly) = £4 -wH + 5y= 0. w = 0 is an ordinary point so we put y = 3 aw". eQ oO oO 8] L(y) = dona ~ l)a,w"~? — s- nayw” + Ss; Sanw" wed n=] oO nel oO = Yon +2)(n + Danpow” + Sag nex0 iG ~ 5)a,w™ nem] oo == Sag + 2a + > [(n + 2)(n + Langa — (n — 5)an| w n=l = > [(n +2)(n + Danse — (n- 5)an| we” noel 18.10. SOLUTION FOR LARGE X 175 (n ~ 5) ap The recurrence relation is dn42 = heiin+d) a _ 75 for n > 0. ag a eT 2 ag = ae a2 =! Oak = SEE an =z Bd 2, 8 1g aw '4s-5) 15 (2k — 7) aax-2 eenmanttinsunneionramntenniuiens (2k — 1k) ~5L—~3).-a 5)(=8) «(2h = 7) ao "T.3--:(2k—1) 2° kl 2 ~rim_ a2 3 OO ang, == O fork >> 3 — _ 19 ao (2k —5)(2k —3)(Qk— 1) WF Al ~15w* lt follows that —15a~2* w= » 2 kl (2k — 5)(2k — 3)(2k — 1) “yo 2 kl (2k —5)(2k — 3)(2k — 1)’ Ye = w 2qu 1 be + Rv za -i_ 223 L —5 37 + TRF 9. 2(1 — x)y" — 3y' + 2y = 0. We set w = 1/z and get L(y)= (w8 - ut) ee (5w? — uw) ady + 2y= 0. oO w= 0 is a regular singular point so we put y = Ss; anw"t, n= tet} (nt+e}(ntco—-1+5(n+ c)ja,w d= - Qlanw™t? [(n +e)(n+¢-1)+2(n4+ ce) - ned oo = son +e)(n+e+4a,wtet? — Sn +e+2)(n+c~la,gwt? nf} nol = —(¢ + 2)(e— l)apw® + > [(n+e-1)(n+e+ 3)an_1 -(n+04+2)(n+¢- l)an}w™*’. n=l 176 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS The indicial equation is (¢ + 2)(c ~ 1) = 0. Choosing the smaller root, namely c = ~2, we must satisfy the recurrence relation n(n — 3) a, = (n + 1)(n — 3) ayp_y for n > 1. 1(-2)a, = 2(—2)ao, a = ag, 2(—1)ag = 3(—1)ai, @2 = 3ao, 3(O}ag = 4(0)aa, Ay ag arbitrary = (m +3) dn for n a= 5 as as 6 7 > 4 te" = eS ay, = a4 §-6---(n9+ 1) ay-1 = q-5e on n+1 q % y = ag(w~? + 2w7) +3) +43 |wt 3 NAT nn nad oo + Ss. Ps ag (x? +22 +3) +43 le 4 ie ned 1 = ao(z* + 22+ 3)+ rh oo iG + 4)a7P8-}, til} 11. 227(x2 — 1)y" + 2(5a — 3)y’ + (c+ ly = 0. We set w = 1/x and get L{y) = 2w*(1 ~ Ww) d d ~ w(w + N= +(w+1)y = 0. oO w = 0 is a regular singular point so we put y = s a,wt, n=O oO L(y) = —- s [2(n + ¢)(n+e~1)+(n+c)—lagw™*et} aol) "00 + s; [2(n +e)(n+e-1)—(n+c)+1lanw™t =0 “xo = ox 5 (2n + 2e+1)(n+e—lagw?*et! + 5" (an +2e-1(n+e—-l)anw™t? n=O n=O = (2c ~ 1)(e— Dagw* + y [(2n + 2c — 1)(n +6 ru] 1)an — (2n + 2c —1)(n+¢-2an_s]w"t?, 18.10. SOLUTION FOR LARGE X 177 The indicial equation is (2c - 1)(c ~ 1) = 0 and a, = we have a, = (n —1) ana a for n > 1. (n+e¢—- 2) Thus a; = 0 and a, 2n — 3) yi = w= 27), For c= 1/2 we have a, = Ce dy. Qn] (n+e-1) forn>1. = 0 for alln > tor n 21. _ (-1)1 ao a= a = 1- a, a3 a _ (-1)-1--- (an— 3) a9 ne 4-36-(Qn=-1) 0 wrtt/2 Thus ya = 1 an -{t ao an 1 xn 2 -y4 an — n=l 13. 227(1 — x)y” — 5a(1 + a)y! + (5 -x)y = 0. We set w = 1/z and get L(y) = 2w?(w — Se + w(Sw + no + (Sw — Dy= 0. oo w == 0 is a regular singular point so we put y = > anw*?, n= oo Ly) = S> [2(n+e)(n+e-1) +9(n+c) +5]anw™ ter woe) ° oS - S- [2(n +c)(n+e-1) -(n+0) + llanw"t? n=0 oO OO = > “(an + 2+ 5)(n+e+ Lagwitet! — > (2n + 2¢-1)(n+¢-l)ayw"** n=0 nmQ = (2c — Ife — Dagw* + x [(2n + 2c — 1)(n +e — lay — (2n + 2e + 3)(n + c)an—a]w"*e. n=l Forc=1 1. That : is, 178 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS evn ts _ l= da.= The indicial equation is (2c -~1)(e ~ 1) = 0 and a, (2n + 5)(n+1) an-1 c= 1 we have a, = a n(2n +1) forn > 1. _ 1-2 ag re a (2n + 2c+ 3)(n +c) an- 1 > 1. (Ont de~1inte~t) for n > 1. For T3 _ 9-3 a1 ae eB = [7-9---(Q2n+5) (n+1)!] ap — (n+1)(2n+3)(2n +5) ao nl 3-5---(Qn+1) ~ 15 noo . ao Thus y, = w+ rd (n+ 1)(2n+3)(2n+ 5)w"tt= ° nat (n+ 2}(2n +1) dn-1 ce = 1/2 we have a, = ae a _ ae n(n 3-3 ag 4:5 a TT 1) 3c +1)(2n+3)(2n+5)a7"7?, For 5 for n >= 1 0 1. "2-3 = [3-4---(n+2)][3-5-+-(Q2n+1)] ag (n+1)(n+2)(2n +1) ap nl1-3---(Q2n—1) ~ 2 —_ im oS Thus yo= w'/? + =Lyn +1)(n + 2)(2n + lw tl? = 2 n+1)(n+2)(2n 4 1j)e7" 7/2, 2 onl 15. a(1+ax)y” + (1+ 5az)y’ + 3y = 0. We set w = 1/a and get Ly) = ww +4 LY dw + wiw —3)$Y + ay = 0. oO w == 0 is a regular singular point so we put y = > anw"™*?, ne OO L(y) = > [(n+e)(n+e-1)+(n+ec)]a,w*tet? =0 . oo + > [(n+c)(n+e-1)-3(n+e)+3]anw"* nd oO x = S "(n+ caw tt! +S "(n+e-1)(n +c -3)aqu™* nod n=O 18.10. SOLUTION FOR LARGE X 179 = (e— 1)(c = 3)agw® + 3 [(n+e-1)(n+e¢-3)an + (n+e—1)%ag_\}w™*?. n=] The indicial equation is (c ~ 1}(c - 3) = 0 and a, = a= te —(n+e-1) a,(wie 3) for n > 1. “CC ag e-2 ap = —(e+1) a; e-1 a= no {(-1)"c(e+1):--(c+n—D ag (e~2)(e-1)---(e+n—-3) (-1)"(n+ce-2)(n+e—1) ap — (ce ~ 2)(e—1) . We need to take ap = ¢ ~ 1, so we have aye. Ce- Dutt! Yo = Oye = dc (€ lw c—? A (-I)"(n+e-2)(n+e- lw +d e-~2 , 1 ~ 1 y] e_ e(c ~ 1)wet? 2[1 eRwtw e~2 ctenl end a eel Poy perl e-2 m+e-2 “5: n+e-1l e-2 Substituting ec = 1 we obtain = nla = S-1)n(a arm n=? n=? = +w+w"w +d y2 = ylnw yiln 1 1 —1)"t a(n — lw wt! 11 4totes = + ypr'n(n oO = In(i/e)+a7' +a? + S$ (-1ynF tn Darth n=2 17. a(1 — x)y” + (1 — 4z)y' — 2y = 0. We set w = 1/2 and get Ly) (y) == w*(w w"(w d?y Fae -1)55 dy + wlw + 2)5 a ox w = QO is a regular singular point so we put y = s n=O oo Ly) = So [(nte)(nte-1)+(n+eJanw teh nm anw"t, 2y ==0.0 ~ 2y 180 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS ~ 3 [(n +e)(n +e- 1) — An +c) + Qlanw™te n= OO oO = WC +c)aywtet? — wG ned te~1)(n+e-2)anwt? feed = (e~ 1)(e— 2)aqw® + y [(n+e-I(nt+e~2)an — (n+e-1)?ap_y]w*. n=l . (n+c-—1) @n-1 . wae The indicial equation is (c — 1)(c — 2) = 0 and On = op fore. a= c ag en l a = eta c a _ ee+1)--(c+n~Ijag ne (e=—Dew-(e+n-2) (n+e-—1) ao e~1 We need to take ag = c — 1, so we have OO Yo = (c— lw + Yo(n +e~ lw", m=] Be _ y. Inw + ue + Sous, ac . a Substituting c = 1 we obtain oo w= So nel nw"? oo = Sone-"}, n=l xO oO Ye = yi inw+w+ Sow = yy In (1/z) + Soa n=] n=O 1 ey 19. vty” +2c%y'+4y = 0. The substitution w = z and a bit of simplification gives us ao? +dy = 0. It follows that y = ¢, cos 2w + cg sin 2w = ¢, cos (2271) + eg sin (227*). 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 18.11 Many-Term 181 Recurrence Relations 1. Set L(y) = x?y" + 8ay' + (L+2+2°%)y. Then oo co °° Ly) = So [(n+e)(nte-1)+3(n+e) + onz"*? + So ane™tt! +S" anarters nse) n=O oO oO = Yon +e+ 1)7a,2"** + s; Qn ya"? n=O neD OO + S, n=l An gu"? n=3 = (c+1)’agx® + [(e + 2)?ay + ag]x°*! + [(c + 3)?a2 + a ]2°t? oO + Ss, [(n +e+1)*an + an. + Qn—3|a"*°. reed The repeated root c = ~—1 of the indicial equation will be used to obtain one solution with ay = 1. Equating each coefficient to zero yields a1 + ag = 0, fag + a, = 0, Naa +On-1 +Gn-3 = 0, forn > 3. oO Thus y. = So ana"? n> 3. in which ag = 1, ay = —1, ag = i and a, = —(On—1 7a + On—3) for n=O ‘The second solution will be of the form OO yo=yiinet+ >” bye??, n=l oo yy =y{ Ine +a7ly + So (n- baa’, nel oO yo = yf Ina t+ Qe ty, ~ Fy, + Si(n —1)(n — 2)byz"74. n=l Substituting into the differential equation and simplifying gives us oO OO oOo oO So anage”* + So bye) + So baz") + S- bn-3z*7? = 0, n=l n=] nD nimd oo (2a, + by) + (4a + dbo + 8;)x + (Gaz + 9b3 + bg)z? + Ss; [2nan + n7by + ba—1 + bp—s]z"~! = 0. nod 182 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS Equating each coefficient to zero leads to b, = —2a; = 2, bo 2 x Dita _= 84’ 4 b _ oe by = ~bg-6a3 19 108? —Uncit bnns) nn _ 2m Tt torn > 4 OO 3. Set L(y) = cy” +y' +20. +a2)y. We put y = s; a,xte, n=) oC oo oo L(y) = s; [(n+e)(nte-1) + (n+e)]anz™*o! + So agar tett + » ane” ter? n=O oo = So(n n=O + cPPana™te-! nos} = aga! n=O oo 20 + > Ongar ten! + Sangre nm? nex3 + (e+ 1)%a,2° + [(e+ 2)"a2 + ag|a°t? oO + ang]aPtet. +5" [(n +c) an + Qn—2 ned oo We choose c = 0 and obtain one solution of the form y, = s Qn2", where we arbitrarily take nad ag = 1, and then must take a, = 0, aj = -4, and a, = — Gn—2 + On—3 na for n > 3, A second solution will be be of the form oO ye = yy inet So bax”, mah yy =yinzta ty oO + > nbac™, rem] oO yh = yf Ine + Qe7ly, — Py + »- n(n — 1)b_z"~?, n=? Substituting into the differential equation and simplifying gives us OO OG oO OO > n*b,27} + s ba-gz™) + >; bygt” } = ~2y) = ~2 S Na@,z"1, fend nag reed nol oO (by + 2a,) + (4bo + dag)a + (9bs + by + Gag)z? + 5” [n2b, + ba—2 + dns + 2nay] 2") = 0. nag 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 183 Equating each coefficient to zero leads to by = ~2a, a= 0, 1 by = a2 = 7, 1 6 2 bs = — Gh - 593 = 55, by = _bn=2 +n 2an forn > 4 ni 5B y= Yo anc”, Pr n> ao arbitrary, a; = 2a9, az arbitrary, and a, = — (2+ Van-1 = 6an-2 n{n— 2) for 3. _ 4ag~60, 3 ay = “4 4322 = _ _ Sag — Gag 19 | 8 12°77 Gaq — Gaz 7 a5 > 15 os = Tag ~ 6a ‘= 24 + 4ag, = 5 9° 13 gaa + _ 53 5 A _ 83 ©6772 * 60 Thus y = ag(x7} +2442? — 8$23 + 321 — 8 x4. -) +a2(2 ~ 42? +22 3 _ ZA + 82° tree). 7. We note that ag =—~ 1, a) =— i a3 —= ~1, ag =_ 5° @1 1 aq = 94° and a _(n + Lan—1 n(n +1) + On—§ for n > 5. Indeed ag = Oe too 5 30. ae = etm oe a2 w=s a? + 24° _ 31 «1008 1, 52° 14,15 + aq” at + To087 aoe, x — [CPR + 2) an + G24-< ae 1 31, Note that ang 2k x — | PRA Mak + 02-5] 2k(2k + 1) Observe that each ay, for k = 0, 1, og ak+d (2k + 1)(2k + 2) 2, 3 is positive while each ao,4; for k = 0, 1, 2, 3 is negative. From the recurrence relation for a9, we see that each successive az, will be the negative of the sum of two negative numbers; that is, a2, will always be positive. Similarly, @2%41 Will always be the negative of the sum of two positive numbers, so that a9,4., will always be negative. 184 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 2 9. a(x—2)?y” —2(2—2)y'+2y = 0. We set z = x—2 and get L(y) = (242) 9,4 42 rae ty = 0, OO where z = 0 is a regular singular point. Setting y = > an2z"** we obtain net L{y) = s(n +e)(n+e-lagz™tert + 5 [2n +c)(n+e-—1) ~2(n+c) + 2la,2"** n=O neQ oO xO = Soin +e)(n+e-—lagz™tet! + S 2(n + e—1)?an2z”*° n= nad oo = 2(¢ — 1)?agz* + S- [2(n +e - 1)?an + (nt+e~1)(n+¢—2)an-i]2"** = 0. n=l The indicial equation is (c — 1)? = 0 and ay, = —~(n+c~2) ani 2(n+e—1) forn > 1. a, = =e s _ “CA 02 = B(e+ 1) a = (-1)"({e— l)e---(e+n-2) a9 Wele+i--(e+n—1) oO a Yes? +h (-1)"(c (-1)"({e-1) a ~ Wle+n—1) ’ —_ Ajz™te sate nanaatnaste niainioniineemamessnowene #(n+c-1) OY (-1)"(e— Dero f dec = Yeln aos Wile+n—-1) 1 1 le-1 c+n-1]/ Substituting c = 1 we obtain two solutions Ye eT — 2; nant a= mine + OE me bi = yy in (a — 7+ n+i ore naz] 11. Let L(y) = 2ay" + (1 — xy’ — (14+ 2)y. Then L(e”) = [2a +-2)-+ x) |e” == 0; that is, e* is a solution of the differential equation Z{y) = 0. Moreover, the general solution is y = C1y1 + Caye where y; and yg were obtained in Exercise 10. It follows that the solution e* must be a linear combination of y, and ye; e* = cry, + cey2. Differentiation of this equation 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 185 yields e* = cyy} + cays. We look at the first few terms of the series for y1, yo, yj, yh and have = ty [et + i 50? 1 e” = Cy + | + Ca [ber 1 gata] € [gotta Gata ...| +eg([l+a+---]. We examine the behavior of these series at « = 0. From the first equation we see that cz = 1. From the second equation we must take ¢, = 0. Hence y, = e7. With this solution of the differential equation we use the method of reduction of order to produce the general solution. We set y = ve® and obtain 22u" + (82 + 1)v' = 0. Separating the variables and integrating (~3/2) yields the first-order equation vu’ = a Wg = UE =e so that finally o as another solution of the differential equation. z 3 obtain ys; = 2e7 [ 0 e2” df. ——=— VY dy, In this integral we substitute y = @? and It follows that ys = kyy, + kaye. As before we can examine the first few terms of the power series expansion for both sides of this last. equation for x = 0 and see that we must have ky = 0 and ky = 2. That is, y, = e” [ Miscellaneous VE 0 7 8/28 ga. Exercises 1. Set L(y) = cy” —(2+ax)y’ —y. Then Ly) =o [(n + o)(nte-1) -2n + Jaga” — "lint 0) + Yaga? n=O n=O = s(n +e)(n+e~ 3)anz™te-} ~ yin + c)an—ya"te! ned = e(e — 3)apx®* + nal > [(n+e)(n+e-3)an — (n+ c)an—s]2"te", noel 186 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS The indicial equation is c(e— 3) = 0 and a, = ‘ relation we have an c (ec By(e= exett Ye = c8 + ag Ne ty (e4n eget 3) for n > 1. Solving the recurrence e now take ag = c and get pets 9 + GIVER * C-DE-D oO n--e +3° = ; £~ (e-2)(e1) (e+ 1)---(c +n ~ 3)] Oe ac Ing +2° + tty e-2) cart (e-2(e-1l) 1 1 oO e-2 e-1 & “ettsl est) e-2|e etd (e~2Me-1) |, 1 1 1 e-2 e-1 ctl v= ying +1— , le , c-2 , c-l Seaeaicery ne (c~ 2)(e~ 1) [(c+1)---(e+n — 3)] 1 c+n~3]- 1 1 52+ 52° + 7 4D wom ai [5 ~ Hal 3. Set L(y) = 27y” + 2x7y’ — 2y. Then 5s 2(n + c)ana™ tet? ‘ [(m+e)(n+e~1) — Qana?t? + ned L(y) = ned is] OO = Som +e-2(n+e+ Dagz™t? + s 2(n+¢~l)ag—ya"t? ned a=l = (c— 2)(e + l)aga® + wc +e-Din+e+ lan + 2(n+e-an-y]2"**. nol The indicial equation is (c— 2)(c +1) = 0 and (n+e—-2}(n+e4 ljan t+ 2(n+e—1)an-1 =0 for n > 1. Using the smaller root of the indicial equation, ec = -1, we have (-2) ‘la, (—1)-2 +2: (~1) ag = 0, ag+2- (0) a, =9, (0)-3ag3+2-(1) a2 =0, ay, = (n= 3)n a, = ~a9, dg = 0, ag arbitrary, for n > 4. 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS Solving this recurrence relation we get a,, = 187 6(—1)"-32"-4(n — 2) ag al . We therefore have the solutions M1 =a} -1, © maa+65~! nod ¢_y\n—-3on-3 7, 1) 2 (n Th ! 2)x m1 . 5. Set L(y) = 27(1 + x?)y” + 22(3 + 2?)y’ + 6y. Then oO L(y) = > [(n+e)(nte-1) + 6(n +c) + 6Janz"* nad > [(n +c}(n+e~ + 1) + 2(n + c)ja,a"te+? no=O co ~ = s(n +¢e+ 2)(n +¢e+ Zagat? + Sin m=O te)inte+ La," ter? n= = (e+ 2)(c+ 3)agz® + (c+ 3)(e+ Dayx*t oO + s [(m+e+2)(n+e43)an +(nt+e-2)(n+e- 1)an—2|a"t?. nes? The indicial equation is (c+-2)(c+-3) = 0 and (n+c+2)(n+c+3)an+(n+e—2)(n+c—L)an_2 = 0 for n 2 2. Using the smaller root of the indicial equation, c = —3, we have can leave both ag and a; arbitrary and a, = ~-(n ~ 5)(n - 4) ana for n > 4, Thus a, = 0 for n > 4 and we n(n — 1) have the solutions y; = 27? — 327! and yz = 7? — 1, 7. Set L(y) = Qay” + (1+ 2z)y' ~ 3y. Then oo 95 Ly) = 5° [2(n+e)(n+e-1) + (nt+c)janaz™to} + ¥- [a(n + ¢) - Janet m0 nod oo oo = IG + ¢}(2n + 2¢ — Lagz” te"! + S_(2n + 2¢ — 5)ay ye? te-4 n=O nel oO = e(2¢ — L)agr®} + Ss; [(n + ¢)(2n + 2c — 1)an + (2n + 2c — 5)an—y]a?*e-?. aml The indicial equation is c(2c — 1) = 0 and a, = c= 0 and solving the recurrence relation yields _ on ~(2n + 2¢ — 5) Gy} > > 1. (n+ ¢}(2n + 2c — 1) for n 3(~1)” ao (2n — 1}(2n ~ 3)’ _ (—1)"2” n=l +30 nl (Qn— 1)(2n— 3)" OH . 4 Choosing 188 CHAPTER 18. Choosing c = 1/2 gives us ay = SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS > — +2) 1)Gn—1 —2(nn(an > 1. Thus a; == 2§ ag and a, == 0 for wae forn 21. anny, ares n > 2. Finally, yo = 2'/? + 209/?, 9. Set L(y) = x(1 ~ 2*)y” — (7 +27)y' + 4zy. Then oO Ly) = S- [(n+e)(n+e-1)~7(n+c)lagz™te* n=O - Solin tein +e~1) + (n+0) ~ dana nel) = +e)(n-+e~ 8)anzte"! — yin 0 +¢-2)(nt+e+2Manater n=O nad = e(e ~ 8)agz*! + (e+ 1)(e — Taiz® + c)an_g]a"te?. + S [(n + ¢){n +¢~8)ay — (n+e-4)(n n=? The indicial equation is c(c ~ 8) = 0. Using the smaller root of this equation, c = 0, we also need a, = 0 and (n — 8)a, = (n ~ 4)an—, for n > 2. (—1) (-3) ag = (2) a4 = 0, ao, ag = (2) = ag = 0, a5 = 0. as =0, (—1) a6 = (1) aa, (0) 3 Go, G2 a6, = We can therefore take ag arbitrary and ao, = (k ao — R=fb. 3\fk 2 9°0 92 Finally, y = a0 [1+ $27] +a5 [a8 + k=5 Q\a2k _ = Da — 2) ag for k > 8. 11. Set L(y) = 4x*y" — 2z(24+ x)y' + (34+ a)y. Then L(y) = > [4(n + c)(n +e-1) —4(n +c) + 3]aga”t? — s [2(n +c) ~ ljagz™*ott nO n=O oo oo a 5 (2n + 2e—1)(2n + 2c — 3)aga"** ~ So (an + 2¢ — 3)an_yx"*° n=O n=l s= (2c — 1)(2c — 3)aga* + So(2n + 2¢ — 3)[(2n + 2c — ja, — ay_y]a"**, nel The indicial equation is (2c—1)(2c—3) = 0. Choosing the smaller root of the indicial equation, c= i yields 2(n — 1)(2na, ~ dp1) = 0 for n > 1. This leaves both ao and ay arbitrary and 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS an an = > for n > 2. 189 tg . . . One solution is yy = z'/?. Solving the recurrence relation yields ay ghti/2 Qn = ga-1 yl Thus a second solution is yg = 3/2 4. v5 5anl gnt3/2 = 3/2 4 Yer PD Note that the answer in the text is correct, but perhaps misleading. a, = —1/2 in the answer in the text we get the solution y = 2'/?. If we put ag = 1 and 13. Set L(y) = 2ry” + y' + y. Then oO oO L(y) = ¥> [2in+e)(n+e-1) + (n+e)]ane te! + So ana n=0 nod mo ox = Sin + c)(2n + 2c — la,e? te?! + > Any xrter} n=O ress OO = e(2c ~ Ljaga®! + > [(n + c)(2n + 2e— Lan + Qn—1ja"te?, neexl ~an—1 The indicial equation is c(2c — 1) = 0 and an = Giontde2i) for n > 1. Choosing c= 0 and solving the recurrence relation yields a. = (=1)" ao ° nit 8 --Qn = 1)) "a" nat Choosing c = 1/2 and solving the recurrence relation gives us ay, = (—1)" ao nl (3-5---(2n+1)]’ = wes pif? a0 _ (-1)"x n+1/2 thon (3-5. (Qn+1)) 15. Set L(y) = 4a7y” — a*y' + y. Then oO L{y) = > [4(n +e)(nt+e—1)+1Ja,2"t ~Sr(n +c)a,a"tet! nel n=0 00 oS = do (2n + 2e~1)Pa,a™t? — So(n +e~-1)an—y2"*° n=l n=O Oo = (2e~1)?apx® + S$” [(2n + 2¢ —1)?an — (n+¢- Van—1]2"*°. re] 190 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS (n+¢-1) an-1 for n > 1. Solving the (2n + 2c — 1)? e(e+1)-+-(e+n—1) ap recurrence relation we have a, = . Therefore (2c+ 1)?(2c + 3)?---(2e + 2n — 1)? The indicial equation is (2c — 1)? = 0 and a, = e-(c+1)---(c+n—1)a"te arti Ger aye. ++ (2c -+ 2n ~ 1)?’ ose +) AeAepen _ ne e-(c+1)---(c+n—1)ar eigen 1 4 1 c 2 c+n—-1 oe _ 2%x+1 1)? 2 2e+2n~1) Setting c = 1/2 gives the solutions on BREE 2 3: : 1-3---(Qn—1)a"t/2 Q tary 7 2x*y” — (1 + 2z)y! + (14+ 32z)y. Then SO L(y) = 2 itgt 23" (nl)? et 17. Set L(y) = [2 oO > [2(n + e)(n + ¢-—1)—(n+c) + llagz™*? — S| [2(n +c) — 3Jana™ter! nel) n=l oO oO = S>(2n +2¢—1)(n+¢- 1)anzr"t? — So (an + 2¢ ~ B)an—iz"F° n=Q nol = (2c ~ 1)(e — ljapx® + 5 [len + 2¢-1)(n +e ~ lan — (2n + 2c — B)ag_y]2"*°, n=] The indicial equation is (2c ~ Choosing c = 1/2 and a = 1)(e ~ 2 1) 2) eo = 0 and On— (2n + 2¢ — S)an_1 a, = (n+ 2e-1inte—-1) forn > 1. we have a, = ~2a9 and a, = 0 for n > 2. Therefore one solution is y, = x'/? — 223/?, Choosing c = 1 and solving the recurrence relation gives us On = nl (n—1)(2n +1)’ oo a or grt 90 (Qn — 1)(2n +1) = boa grt (2n — 1)(2n + 1)" 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 191 19. Set L(y) = 4a*y" + 322y' + (1+ 3z)y. Then oO [4(n +e)\(n+e-1) + 1Ja,2"*° + 3 Ly) = > n=O 3(n+e+l)agz"tt! n=O oO o> = So (2n +2¢—1)*ann"t? + s- 3(n + chan ya"** n=O nol oo = (2c — 1)?agz* + > [(2n + 2c — 1)?an +3(n + c)an—ija"**, nel The indicial equation is (2c ~ 1)? = 0 and a, = ~3(n +c) Qn—1 Gn 4 2e— 1? for n > 1. Solving this recurrence relation we get ay = (-1)"3% (c+ 1)---(c+n) ag (2¢ + ye -(2e+2n—1)? ’ _ x os ye (—1)"3% (e+ 1)---(c+n) atte (2c +1)*---(2e4+2n~—1)? ’ (-1)"3"%(c+1)---(c+n) ate = yeina+ (2c4 1)2-- (e+ 2n —1)2 Do, e+l dt 4%W+l ec+n 2c+2n-—1]° Substituting ¢ = 1/2 gives the solutions yaar y y sat nal yo=yilng > aan (=1)"3" [3 ae =; Inz + »» (~1)"3" mins gntl/2 2) 2 i: bed a - 1)]a"*/2 E bok — _ n, 1)]artt/2 | 192 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 21. Set L(y) = 4x7y” + 227’ ~ (x + 3)y. Then lJanartet} oO + -1) — BJana"*? = = S72[2(n +c) — L(y) = S> [A(n +0)(n n=0 n=0 oO oo = >" (an + 2¢4 1)(2n + 2c ~ 3)anz™** + > (an + 2¢— 3)an_ya"t? nol n=l oO = (2e + 1)(2c — 3)aga* + >, [(2n + 2¢ + 1)(2n + 2c — 3)an + (2n + 2e — B)an—y]a"t*. naz] The indicial equation is (2c-+1)(2c—3) = 0. Choosing the smaller root of the indicial equation, c= ~1/2, and n(n — 2)ay + (nm ~ 2)an_1 = 0 for n > 1, we have 2-1-(-1) ay + (-1)-a9 =0, a ==, 2-2-Q0a2+0-a, =0, (-1)"-? and for n > 3, On = FF ag arbitrary, ag 974 Thus ~1/2 1/2) 2 os (— 187 a need Note that if we take ay = 1 and aj = 3 we have the solution yaa? +e b~ 3 + a 1)"2" 1a) (s/so(-2/2), a gl) That is, 2'~1/2) e(-#/2) is also a solution of the differential equation. 23. Set L(y) = x2y” + 2(3+a)y + (1+ 2x)y. Then oo oO L(y) = s- [(n+c)(n+e-—1)+3(n+c)+1a,e™*? + S(n +e+2agzter! n=O n=0 oO oO = Sota +e+1)apz™t? + Si(n +e+lay—i2"** n=l n=l Om = (e+ 1)*agz° + > [(n+c+1)*an+(n+e+I)an—y]2"*°. mo] 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 193 — Ont The indicial equation is (c + 1)? = 0 and a, = ntet+l for n > 1. Solving this recurrence relation we get (-1)" ao ~ (e+ 2)--(etn +l)’ _ Yes oe of + (-1)* ery OYe Bm arte ern Fy’ (-1)" uma+ 2?te oh+2).- sees | aa cael Substituting c = —1 gives the solutions peatSe att ye cota rn reed 1)"+1 Y= whet 5 7, gn 1 CU. 25. Set L(y) = a(1 — 2x)y” ~ 2(2 + x)y’ + 18y. Then L(y) = Ss, [(n+e)(n+e-1)—4(n+0e)]a,2"te"! n=O - 5 [2n +c)(n+¢e—-1)+2(n +c) - 18]an2"** n=O = y(n +e)(n+e-5)a,z™te-? — s An+e-3})(n+et+ 3)agz™t? re=D n=) = e(e — 5)agz®! + 3 [(n +e)(n +e - 5a, — 2(n+e~- 4)\(n+e+ 2)an—sJarte“}, n=l Choosing c = 0 and n(n — 5)ay = 2(n — 4)(n + 2)a,_1 for > 1, L-(—4) a, = 2-(-3)-3 ao, a; = 3 ap, 2+(—3) a2 = 12 ag, ag = 2+ (~2)-4 a), 3-(—2) ag = 2+(—1)-5 ag, ag = 20 ag, 4-({~1) ag = 2-(0)-6 a3, 5- (0) a5 = 2-(1)-7 ag, aq = 0, ag arbitrary. 194 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 2"-5(n— 4)(n + 1)(n + 2) as For n > 6 we solve the recurrence relation and get ay, = |x?+ . Finally, 2-5 (n — 4) (n+1)(n + 2)2” 2 oo. 3 + a5 y _= ao (1+ Sa + 12z°2 + 202°] 607 5 ne = 500 [2 +90 + 24x 2 + 402°]3 + 3 2 nm (n— 4)(n + 1)(n + 2)z" ai nm=$ 27. Set L(y) = a7y” — 3xy' + 4(1+2)y. Then oO L(y) = oo > [(n + e)(n +e-1) — 3nt+e) + 4Janc?** + s 4a,ertert ned n=l x oO = Sin +e~2)Pagx™t? + s- day xt n=) n=] oO = (c — 2)agr* + S; [(n+¢-2)"an + 4anr]a"*e. nee] ery tds * . _9\2 = = The indicial equation is (c - 2)* = 0 and ay —4 an Tt > mien? Fea for n > 1. Solving this recurrence relation we get _ 7 (—1)"4" ag (e-1)P ‘(e+n~ 2)?’ (- 1)F4" ene “+> ax OY. ( _ gre (e~ 1)?--- (c+ — 2)?’ = ante (-1)"4" See 2 e-1 ~~ 2 c+n~2 Substituting c = 2 gives the solutions 1=z epee ~1 nan ghee head am n=} 1)"4"H, ot? yo = Ui Ing -—2 s a nel —1)"4”" ght? 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 195 29. Set L(y) = 4x?y" + a(x — 4)y’! + (5 ~ 3x)y. Then L(y) = So [al + o)(n +e~1)—8(n+0)+5]ana™* +S [an +e) — sJagatte n=O n=O oO oo = 5 (2n + 2c ~— 1)(2n + 2¢ — SJana™*? + S-(an + 2e ~ 5)ay—y2"t° n= nol oO == (2c — 1)(2c — 5)agr® + > [(2n + 2c - 5)(2n + 2c — lay + (2n + 2c — 5)@n— Jat. nel Choosing c = 1/2 and 2n(n — 2)an + (n ~ 2)an_1 = 0 for n > 1. 2-1-(~1)- a, + (-1) +a = 0, a, = —4 ao, 2-2-(0)-ag+(0) -a, =0, ag arbitrary. —1)\" For n > 3 we solve the recurrence relation and get a, = es, oo y = ao [2¥? > 42/2] (- +a2,)> nax2 oo = dy [a2 - 30°" + 2 ay n=O Finally, 1)Pamti/2 gn-3 ny! (-1)"a"t8/2 2e-) (n+ 2) 31. Set L(y) = a(1 — x)y” ~ (44+ 2)y' + 4y. Then [(n+e)(n+e-1)-4(n+ c)|ana" te"? L(y) = > neal _ Jolla +e)(n+ce—1)+(n+e) —4]agz™t* nal oo oo =} \(nte)(n+c-5)ana%te} — reed KG +e-~2)(n+e4 2)ayz™t? ned = c(e — Saga?7} + oO > [(n+c)(n+¢-5)ay -(n+e—3)(n+e4 Vania? te}, nse} Choosing c = 0 and n(n — S)a, — (n ~ 3)(n + Lay, = 0 for n > 1 we have 1+ (4) ay ~ (-2)-2 ap =0, a; = ao, 2-(-3) = 0, a3 = ag = 0, a3 = 0, 3-(—2) ag ~(-1)-3a, a3 — (0)-4 4-(-1) aq — (1)-5 ag = 0, 5+ (0) ag — (2)-6 ag = 0, a9, ag = 0, ag arbitrary. 196 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS We solve the recurrence relation a, =ene Gn ~~ = Motte and get for n > 6. Finally, y= ag [1 +a2+ hx7] + ae s(n ~ 4)(n —3)(n + Dz". riseh 2 33. 2(1—z)y"—(4+a)y'+4y = 0. We let z = 2-1 and get L(y) = (241) 4+ (245) dy = Q. Then L(y) = y [(n+e)(nte-1) +(n +0) —4A]anz™*° + Y[tn +e)(nte-1) +5(nte)janzte! to)(n+e+4)anzte! 7 ye Fem a)(n+et Danz0s + Yn oO = O(¢ + A)agz* + », [(n+e)(n+e+ dan + (n+e-3)(n+e4lanaj2rtet. n=l] Choosing ec = —4 and n(n ~ 4)a, + (n — 7)(n — 3)an-1 = 0 for n > 1 we have 1+ (~3) ay + 2+ (—2) ag + 3-(~1) a3 4-(0) ag (—6) - (—2) (—5)-(-1) + (—4) - (0) + (—3)- (1) ag a, ag ag = 0, = 0, = 0, = 0, a, a2 a3 a4 = 4 do, = 5 ao, = 0, arbitrary, 5. (1) a5 +(-2)-(@) a4 =0, as = $ 04, = 0, (3) as 6 - (2) ag + (~—1)- ag = £ Ga, 7+ (3) az + (0) - (4) ag = 0, n > 7. ay, = 0 for Finally, y = ag (274 + 4279 4 5277] + ag[1 + dz + b27] = ag[(x ~ 1)~4 + 4(@— 1)79 + 5(@ - 1)7?] + aa [1 + f(@ - 1) + 3 (@-1)]. 1811, MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 197 35. Set L(y) = a(1 ~a)y” + (1 — 4ax)y’ — 2y. Then *te! L(y) = s [(n+e)(n+e-1)+(n+oc)jayz n=O oO ee Sln + c)(n +o 1) + d(n + c) “fe 2|anz"*¢ n=O OO oO = o(n+cPanz™*e! — S"(n¢e+l(ntet 2)ay2"*¢ n=l nal oo = Papa? + S7[(c+n)Pan — (e+ n)(c+n+ Iaaij2"t?. nad 1) aa. The indicial equation is c? = 0 and ay, = (c+ n+ 1) Qncn for n > 1. Solving this recurrence relation we get. _ {e+n+]) ao an ~ c+1 oO Ye = =X c + RCA OYe me ye In mee Oc , (c+n4+1) att onl , ALERT SAORI oS. (¢-+ +1) atte yen + J 1 e+l 1 ns ct+n+1 ; cl Substituting c = 0 gives the solutions oO xD w=1+So(nti1) a" =So(n4+)) 2%, nal nee oO 1 oO yo = yi Ina+ Sola +1) 2” sn n= n _ | = ying ~ Sona”. + nol 37. Set L(y) = zy” + (1 — x)y’ + 3y. Then oO Ly) = , oO | [(m+e)(n+e-—1)+(n+c)lana"te! — Sin +e-3)a,27*¢ nol) n=O OO = (n+ cana! nal oO — Son te Aan arte} n=l Oop = Cagr® t+ s- [(e+n)an — (c+ no] —4)an—a]a?ter?. CHAPTER 198 18. The indicial equation is c*= 0 and a (c— 3) ao relation we get a, =“edt? ag = SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS =€ +is ar 2) (c(er— 3)(c — 2) ag ipier a2” forn > 1. Solving this recurrence a3 = (c— 3)(c — 2)(c — 1) ao (oF 1) 4 2)%e4 a2? nd for e— 3}(e ~ 2)(c— Le ao ned a= [e+ SFA 2, ora (e-Sjatt! = (e-3)(e—2)a°t? Ye = e+ 1)(c +n) (ec — 3)(c — 2)(e — Ia**4 ye + eriie+a * (er ier 2)%e+ 3) [(e+1)--- (c+ n)](c+n—3)(c+n—-2)(etn—-Il(e+n) + y (ce ~ 3}(c ~ 2)(e — Yc aot” & [Aaa TOS Be sume 2 1 e~ 3jact! Oye (c—3)(e—2)a°t? [ 1 + (e+ 1)*(c + 2)? [3 (c-3c-2(e-ae* (e+ (e+ (e+ 3)? 1 ety- fl 2 9 1, iol latstea 1 2 an 2 2 -aa (e — 3)(c — 2)(c ~ 1)eae** “hy (e+1)- 1 i a=3te=2 ateni i+ ae ctn-l fetnlerne 3)(c+n—2)(c+n—-1)(e+n) © [P(e) ~ QCe)], and Q(c) = cti’ +o4n'ctn-3 edna + orn Substituting c = 0 gives the solutions _ w= 32+ 32 52 13 er x zt aa 235 U 2 _ 23 pen ya = ying + 72x 72 + 757 “6a n(n — 1)(n — 2)(n — 3) 39. Set L(y) = Qx(l — xy” + (1 — Qx)y’ + By. Then L{y) = + [2(n +e)(n+e-1)+(n+c)]anz™te"? ned ~ > [2(m + c)(n +e-~1) +2(n+c) —8]a,2"*° nod = Sr(n + ¢)(2n + 2¢ — lage” te"! — > An +c-2)(n+ e+ 2a z"*° n=O n=O oO (2c~ l)agr®! + IG + e)(2n + 2e~ Ian — 2(n +e 3)(n+c4 1)ay—y]a"te". nel 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 199 a(n +¢~3)(n +e-+1) ane The indicial equation is c(2c ~ 1) = 0 and a, = (ntcj(Qntac-1) 1 rr >2} 2(n ~ 3)(n +1) ana we have a, = —8a, a2 = 8a,, and a, = 0 n(2n —1) for n > 3. Therefore one solution is y, = 1 — 82 + 8x7. Choosing c = 1/2 and solving the Choosing c = 0 and a, = recurrence relation gives us _ 3[5-7---(2n+3)] a9 oF al Ga Gn = Hen _ ee i/2 1)’ (Qn + 3)antt/2 +8 aannl 5 3)(Qn —1)(Qn+ 1) 41. Set L(y) = xy” — 32(1 + z)y’ + 4(1 —ax)y. Then oO OO L{y) = S| [(n +¢)(n+¢-1) -3(n +0) +4]anz**? — S= [3(n +c) +4]a,a"tet! n=Q ye} oO oo = Yo(n +c-2)*a,a"t* — >_(3n + 3¢4+ Lanz"? n=0 ni oO = (e — 2)Papz® + : [m+e- 2)*a, — (8n + 8c+ Iaa—ija**. n=] The indicial equation is (c — 2)* = 0 and a. _ (3nr +3¢4+1) an-i (nte_ oy for n > 1. recurrence relation we get an = (3c + 4)--- (30+ 3n +1) a9 e (e~1)? (e+ n~2)? oO me Ye=a°+ D0 ’ (3¢ + 4)---(3e+ 38n4+ 1) a™t¢ (c-1)?:-(etn—-2p nel ee = Yelna +e 3 (8¢ + 4)- Get ant) gnte (6-1)? (e4n—2) 0, 38 3c +4 2 3e+3n+1 e-1 c+n-2|° Substituting c = 2 gives the solutions naar had = wee (8n+7) x n+2 (nl) oo neulng+ 2 7 10-+-(8n+7) 2™*? ye [3 jo tt 3 ayy 7 2A Solving this 1. 200 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 43. Set L(y) = 2xy” + (3 —a2)y’ — 3y. Then oo co L(y) = > [2(n + e}(n +¢~1) + 3(n + c)janz™te7} — n=} KG +c+3)ayz"t¢ nod x oOo = Son + c)(2n + 2c + Lagx™t? — Si(n +e+2)an,ye"te-t n=O n=} OO = (2c+ 1)agz®! + 3 [(n + c)(2n + 2e+ lan — (n+ 64 2)an—-y]a"te?. reed The indicial equation is c(2c + 1) = 0 and a, (n+ e+ 2) any = (ato)(an + 2eF1) for n > 1. e = 0 and solving the recurrence relation we have On "™ _= (n+ 1)(n +2) a SS DT 2[3- 5 @n+0)] 1) te Tse. + 2)a" si+ )°A({n “:A ie (Qn+0]" Choosing c = —1/2 and solving the recurrence relation gives us 7 fan) ao on = On nli-3---(Qn—1) _ a7 1/2 (2n +1)(2n + 3) ag 3-27] (2n +1)(2n + 3)z"-1/? + ene ral , ; hE 45, Set L(y) = xy” + 3y’ —y. Then L(y) = 3 [(n+e)(n+e-1) +3(n+c)]ana”te-} — s ayn”te ne n=O On OO = Sa +e)(n+e+ 2)agz™ten! — s a," ten} Tx} nol oo = ¢(¢ + 2)agzr°! + SS, [(m+e)(n ++ 2)an —an—ya7ten, nem] Choosing 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 201 ani The indicial equation is c(c + 2} = 0 and a, = hio(ntedd 1 (et Ie +3) = ag a a EO ee forn> 1. 2 (e+ I(e+ Het 3)(c + 4) ay, = oo (c+ 1)(c + 2)[(e+ 3)---(e+n)] [(e + 3)---(c+n+2)] for n > 3. We now take a9 = c+ 2 and get _ . (e+ 2)ac+} Ye = (e+ 2a + get eds) * ebiler ayers) oo gre +d Galery Oy. 2, Ge =Yelne ts emerson (e+2)c°*} 1 era ray 1 1 + CPI (e+5) Estresieresd e+? _ ‘ermeraners | 1 1 1 aa gite ‘Dames _ 1 _ e+l1 1 “(e+n)|[(e+3)-(ctnt2)] feed e+3 1 _ c+n 1 4 4 e+3 1 etnt2}}- Setting c = —2 gives the solutions 1 n=—3~ yi oO gt 2 Tee V(n — 21 k wd va =yiing +a? = l oO ving +o ~o ama era 1 W(l-F +] “ys _ gig 1) Gl 7 -y! n=] n Hy, —2)a"~? 2 n! (n— 2)! - An — Any2)2" n+2 nl (n +2)! 202 CHAPTER 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 47. Set L(y) = 32y” + 2(1 — x)y’ — 2y. Then L(y) = S> [Bin + e)(n +e~ 1) + 2(n +c) ann” 1 S°(0n 4 204 2)an ante n=O n=O oO ox = Soin + ¢)(8n + 3¢ — Dage™*te! — > 2(n + c)an—y2"ter! n=O spe] oO = (3¢— l)apz®? + S> [(n + €)(8n + 3e ~ Lan — 2(n + c)an—s]atO"", net 2(n + ¢) dn-1 en nt(Gn +en3c—1) er for n >> 1. 1, Choosing ; The indicial equation is c(8c — 1) = 0 and a, = (nt c= 0 and solving the recurrence relation we have _ 2” ay ~ 2-5++-(8n— 1) Choosing c = 1/3 and solving the recurrence relation gives us 2" 2" a9 ay = 3" gn nl ¥ _. pl fS peat On mee 9 3 aMSexp (3 2). “3 nl 49. Set L(y) = xy” + (3 — 2x)y’ + 4y. Then xO oo L(y) = > [(nte)(n+e—1)+3(n+c)janz™te"! — > (2n + 2¢~ 4)anz™*? aos) nO 00 oO = Sim +e)(n+e+2agz™te! — > 2(n +e —- Qanz™t? n=O n=) oo = e(e+ 2)agz*' + So [(nte)(ntet an — 2n+e-3)an—afate new] 18.11. MANY-TERM RECURRENCE RELATIONS 203 The indicial equation is c(c +2)= 0 and a, wee = a= forn>1 2{e — 2} ao + (e+ Dle+3) _ 27(¢ ~ 2)(e — 1) ap 2 = (e+ 1(e+ 2)(e + 3)(e 4 4) 3 _ {ce — 2)(e — 1c ag (e+ let Dle+3)%{e+ 4 (c+5) _ 24(c — 2}le— 1c ag “a= (c+ 2)(c + 3)?(c + 4)2(¢ + 5)(c + 6) 2" (e~ 2)(e— Le ag “(e+n— 2)(e+n— 1)(e+n)(e+ 3)(e4+ 4)--- (c+ 242) for n> 5. We now take ag = c+ 2 and get We-2N(e+ 2x! (e+ 1)(e+3) 8(e — 2)(c ~ 1ex*t3 4(e— 2(e — 1) z°t? (e+ I}(e+ 3)(c+ 4) 16(¢ ~ 2)(c — 1)er*4 Ye = (C+ Q)a* + (CF NE+ Hl + > nnd lC+ NlE+ le+ NEF EF 6) 2"(c — 2)}(e ~ Lele + 2a"t° (ct+n—2)(c+n—-DYl(et+ net 3)(c+4)---(c+n+ 2)’ Bye _ Oc C+N EFS) "(CF 2(e—2)(e+2)aet! f yelng + 2° + {e+ i}(e+ 3) A(e~2)(e—1)x°t? [ 1 4 1 c~2 e+2 1 1 2 1 e+1 1 ec4+3 1 fe+1)(e+3)(c+4) [e-2 ec-1 ec+1 ct+3 e+4 8(e - 2)(e — 1jer*t? 1 1 1 gil 1 2 1 (e+ 1}(e+ 3)*(c+ 4)(e+5) l[e-2 c-1 ¢ e+1 +3 ec+4 16(c — 2)(e — 1)ex*t4 1 1 afm1 oe 2 _ 2 wn 1 (+ 3)%(e + 4%(0-+ S)(0-+ 8) c-~l1 6 ec+3 c+4 ec+5 ye 2"(c — Ble — lele + Barre . 1 ct+5 1 — c+6 ((e+n—2)(e+n—I)(e+n)[(e+3)---(ct+n+ 2) 1 c~-2 i ec~1 a4 1 1 e+2 c+n-2 _ 1 1 1 c#n—-1l cin e+3 4 1 ec+n+2)] Setting c = —2 gives the solutions yy = ~24 + 322 — 82", -2 + 8x7! + 26 _ e r+ 0 2 7) yo =— yilng + a7? gngn-2 snl(n~A(n—3)(n— 2) 204 CHAPTER 51. Set L(y)= 18. SOLUTIONS NEAR REGULAR SINGULAR POINTS 2x2y” + 3ay’ -— (14+ ac)y. Then gntetl L(y) = $= [2(n+e)(nt+e~-1)+3(nt+e)-1] anr"t © Sam n=0 n=0 oO OO a= So(n +e+1)(2n + 2c — lagnz™*? — 3 An—1z"t? reael) nol] = (¢+1)(2¢ — 1)ag2® + yilln ++ 1)(2n + 2¢— lan ~— a_—i]a"*°. n=l The indicial equation is (c + 1)(2c - 1) = 0 and a, = WietiGeteeD Choosing c = ~1 and solving the recurrence relation we have ay = #0 ni (—1)-1---(2n — 3)’ = was yl oo +a x n-1 (<i): 1 (Qn 3)" Choosing c = 1/2 and solving the recurrence relation gives us ay, = ——_—e _ nid. 7-.-(2n 43)’ = yi? ya=e es gnti/2 “y nb? (an+3). forn > 1, 205 Chapter 20 Partial Differential Equations 20.3 1 Method of Separation of Variables Ou _ pS at? ~~" We put u(x, t) = X(x)T(¢), separate the variables, and arrive at the equations Aa?" TH xX” apt r= If c = —f? < 0 then T” + a?6°T = 0 and X” + a287X = 0, so that u(x, t) = (A; cos aft + Ag sin aft)(B, cosafx + Bz sinaGz). Ifc = 0 then T” = 0 and X” = 0, so that u(x, t) = (A3+A4t)(B3+B4r). Ife = G? > Othen T’-a?Z?T = 0 and X"—a?g2X =0, so that u(x, t) = (As cosh aft + Ag sinh aft)(B; cosh ax + Bg sinhafz). au AE + du 2b ft = if ured ver @ 2 Pu aa We set u(xt) = X(x)T(t), separate the variables, and arrive at a = - = ¢, If ¢ = —k* we have T” + 267" + k’a®T = 0 and X" +42X = 0. The auxiliary equation m? + 2bm+ k*a? = 0 has roots m = —b+ Vb? — atk. If b? — a?k? = 4? > 0 then T = e~*t(AyeT + Age) so that u(x, t) = e~* (Aye + Age”) (B, coska + Bysin kz). If b? ~ a?k? = —6? < 0 then T = e~ (Ag cos dt + Ag sin dt), so that u(x, t) = e~°'( Ag cos dt + Aqsinét) (By coske + Bosin ka). If b? — a?k? = 0 then T = e~**(As + Agt), so that u(x, t) = e~ (As + Agt) (By coskz + Bg sin kz). Ifc = 0 we have T” + 207" = 0 and X” = 0. The auxiliary equation m* + 26m = 0 has roots m= 0, —2b, so that u(z, t) = (Ar+ Age”) (Bs + Byz). If c = k* > 0 we have T” + 267" — k?a?T = 0 and X" —k?.X = 0. Here the auxiliary equation m? + 2bm — k?a? = 0 has real roots —b + /6? + k%a? = —b+ yp. It follows that u(x, t) = 7 (Age + Aipe™#*) (Bge** + Bge~**). 206 CHAPTER 20. ow 5. tr ~ ow = w + Vay" f PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS . : : We put w = X(x)¥(y), separate the variables, and obtain the equations 4 = 1+ ue = k. Thus 2X’ ~-kX = 0 or y¥’ —(k -1)Y = 0. These equations have solutions X = Bark and Y = Cy*—!, so that w = Ax*y*~}, Au dui du ae aai +4>—— aadt + b= Oe _ . = 0. We make the substitution u(x, ¢) = X(z)T(t) and get the equation X"(x)T(t) + 4X" (2)T(t) + 5X(2)T"(t) = 0. Dividing by the product X(x)T(t) yields the x? equation - xX fr + 4 TH FP + a = 0, but the second term keeps us from separating the f variables in this equation unless either * eo is independent of x or i is independent of t. One suggestion would be to set T(t) = e** so that z = k, Then the variables will separate. Exercise 8. = 0. ff frees (on = * See We separate the variables by setting u = f{ax)g(y) and obtain Byv a. =. If c= —4k? then f” + 4xf’ + 4k? f = 0 and g” — 4k?g= 0. Thus u(z, y) = [Are7*¥ + Age*¥] [Bi fi(x) + Bofo(z)], where f; and fy are any linearly independent solutions of f” +42 f’+4k?f = 0. These solutions ao oO may be found by setting f(z) = S> azz” to obtain s [(n+2)(nt+an42 +4(n+k*)an| a2” = 0. nal n= The recurrence relation can be solved to get __ (~4)™h2(k? +2) +++ (k? + 2m ~ 2) ag A2m = G2m+1 (2m)! and + 3) - + (k? + 2m — 1) ay __ (-4)™(k? +. 1)(k? (im+i)I = so that — 2)? + 2mm-2)%m ++ (k? + 2)+at (—4)™k?(k? yk" fi(z) “14 OO f(z) =2+ 50 (4 4 mK? 44 k? 43)--- ) [eet m —— 1)a2m+1 1)e2™+1 k? 4+. 89m msl If c= 4k? then f” + 4zf! ~ 4k?f = 0 and g" + 4k?g = 0. Thus ulz, y) = [As cos 2ky + Aqsin 2ky| [Bs fa(x) + Ba fa(x)], 20.3. METHOD OF SEPARATION OF VARIABLES 207 where fs and f, are any linearly independent solutions of f"+4a f'—4k? f = 0. These solutions may be found by replacing k* by ~k? in fy and fg. We get fala) =14 s (—4)™(—k?)(2 — k?)(4 — k®)--- (2m — 2 — k?)x?™ (2m)i reel OS and we Am — be 2 4 nee Bye 2m4} If c= 0 then f” + 42f’ = 0 and g” = 0. These differential equations can be solved to obtain u(z, y) = [As + Asy] E + Be / exp (—2z7) as| . See Section 5.6 in the text for possible ways to treat the nonelementary integral in this set of solutions. 11. u= fi(z — at) + fo(a + at). We let y = x — at and z= 2+ at. Then Ou _ di Oy | df, 0z _ dfi | df Pu Pf @x ax? dy? dc dy Ox dz Ox dy + dz’ Gu_ fi Oy , Ufo dz _ di Wa at a2’ dy Ot dz Ot “ty Gu ag OE dy Pfrdz CA df dz® ax ‘dy? + dz’ fy, fo @ Oz _ weft La 2d? fo dy? at "ae ot dy? ‘dz au = got We see that —~ 3 13. Ag Ow — df dz df Ow _ af dz df w== (2x +9").2 We set z= == 22 +y". a Then a- == on 7 = = 25° and =By ~ dz dy ~= Mde’ follows that Ow Oy = Ow Yon" It 208 CHAPTER 21. Chapter 21 Orthogonal 21.6 Other ORTHOGONAL SETS OF FUNCTIONS Sets of Functions Orthogonal Sets 1, From equation (3) in the text we have D{ze™*Li(x)| +ne“*La(z) =0 and D[xe~*Li,(x)] + me~*Lm(x) = 0. Multiplying the first of these equations by L,,(2), the second by Z,(x), and subtracting we obtain (m — nje“* Lm(2)Ln(2) = Lm(2)D[xe™* Li, (x)] — Lp(x)D|xe~* Li, (x)]. (21.1) We also note that D{xe~* Lyn (x)Li,(2)] = L,(2)D|ze~* Li, (x)| + ze™* Li (x) Li, (2), D{ze~* Lm(x)L,,(x)] = Lm(z)D[ze~* Li,(x)] + 2e7* L,, (x) Li, (2). It follows that Lm{x)D[xe~* Li, (2)] - La(x)D[xe* Ly, (z)| = D[xe~*Lm(x)L},(2)| — D[we~*Ln(x) Li, (2)]. Equation (21.1) can now be written (m —nje"* Ly (x) L,(z) = D [ze~* {Ln (x) Lt, (2) - Ly(%) Li, (z)}] . An integration gives us (m—n) [ * e7* Lin (2) Ln (x) dx = [we~* {Lm(x)L},(x) - Ln(x) Li, (2)}]>. As x — oo the function on the right approaches zero because L,,(x) and L,(z) are polynomials. Moreover xe~* is zero for = 0. Hence we have for m # n, [ 0 7 Lm (2) Ly (2) dx = 0. The Laguerre polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function e~* on the interval 0 < @ < o<. 21.6. OTHER ORTHOGONAL SETS 209 3. From equation (6) in the text we have D{exp (—x”) Hi (x)] + 2nexp(—a?)H,(z) = 0, Dlexp (—x?) Hi, (x)| + 2mexp (~a*) Hy, (x) = 0. Multiplying the first of these equations by H,,(x), the second by H,,(z), and subtracting we obtain 2(m — n) exp (—2”)Hm(x) Hn (2) = Hm(x)D[exp (—2) Hi} (x)| — Hp(x)D [exp (~2?) Hi, (x)). (21:2) We also note that Dlexp (—x?) Hn (2) Hp, (2)] = Ha(z) D [exp (—2”) A, (x)] + exp (—2) H, (2) H,, (2), D{exp (-2?)Hm(x)H,(2)] = Hm(2)D [exp (-2”)H,, («)] + exp (—2”) H;, (x), (2). It follows that Hn (x) D [exp (—2”) H,(2)] - Ha(x)D[exp (—2”) H,, (2)] = Dlexp (~2?) Hm (2) Hi,(2)] — D[exp (-2?) Hp (2), (2)]. Equation (21.2) can now be written 2(m — n) exp (—z) Hm (2) H,(x) = D [exp (~2*) (Hn (2) Hi, (2) — H,(x)H},(x)}} . An integration gives us 2m —n) [exp (—2*)Hm()Fla() de = (exp (—2") {Hy (2)Hi (2) — Ha) Hs (2)}] OK As x ~ oo and as z — —oo the function on the right approaches zero because H,,(x) and H,,(z} are polynomials. Hence we have for m 4 n, [- exp (~27)Hm(x)Hy(z) dx = 0. The Hermite polynomials are orthogonal with respect to the weight function exp (—a?) on the interval —co < x < 00. 210 CHAPTER 22, Chapter Fourier 22.3. FOURIER SERIES 22 Series Numerical Examples of Fourier Series 1. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have ay = + f (e~2) de=§, i m= =f f(z)~ 4 + f° ee OS ly, ae = 3 ft- (-1)"] c (c—2)sin “= li RET n= 4 f (e~ aco dt = —. [fa ~({-1) n RAL _ RAT + nm sin“) } cos ~— . 3. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have c ay = =f 2 2 de che =, & an == f edi. — cose c dp = 20(=D" nig? e t= =f ce ~e a? sin de c dx =0 SA (-1)" fe)~ ot ae Lap one 5. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have 1 ao == | c dx = 1, on = 2 “00s 2 dr = 0, Clo 1 Moe f° . nae mies 1 f(a) ~ phon Boc"l5 n i)"]. Tyr ° 22.3. NUMERICAL EXAMPLES OF FOURIER SERIES 211 7. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have 0 Fa ay == f (8r+22) de += f rT ~ tT i 7° Qn = — ® (x + 2x) dx = 4n, Jo 1 (0 +l cose de bn = Lf /* | (3x + 2x) sinnz dz + —-t | ~~ ® —? bae-1 = 0, w 0 (7 + 2x) cosnz dx = 0, ~— (7+ 22) sinna dx = = [1 ~ (—1)"]. oO ba =a, fle) ~ ar — 25° sin 2ka k=l 9. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have weiner = f fae e+ 1yeos™% ae +} [- cos =~ dz = apy") att ~ nen? kz] ee wera 2 Jo nO 2 gp 2-1)" 1)" nT fiz) ~ = +5aoa = (0 _ (—1)"} cos “= +nn(—1)"*! sin = 11. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have Ls ay == ® f 2 T 2? de =, Jo an == f 3 RT b he ee do fa)~ e+ s MOA niet dx = 2! uy" Jo 1)"44n?4? ene 4 < — 24 2(-1)"] ‘ 5 [(-1)"44n?n? — 2+ 2(-1)"] sine. nai n=l 1) 2? cosne ™ 13. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have M0 ms -[ cos” dx = 4 eG Ljf* «. tn = = [cos sinne de = - ff cos = cosna dt = 4p" ne (2 2 = 0, ~ 9(4n? — 1)’ 4 f(a)~= +=) (-1)"+! cosnz 4n?2 —1 ° 212 CHAPTER 22, 15. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have _— Lf 2 sinh FOURIER SERIES 1 f° sinhe | e? cos EEc gg = 2(—ct I"+ n2q fet acm 2mche, ga?cJ_. a=}cJ_. 1 f° , h=cfe sin * sinhe f(a) ~ dexv= 2(-1)" sinhe age (MT). vane sinh c[ecos(nax/c) — nz sin (nra/c)| = >> By nial 17. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have ag =~ 1 ¢ f° 1 dx = 5, Jose € Qn =~ 1 © f° NAE —l . ner cosa—— dy = —— sin Jo/2 ec ne 2° if nNE _ nw cos —~> ) bp nt =~ [ a in —— dz dt=— (cos nT —— cos + (cos nn — cos 2 | sin =| cl ~ [sin ee2 cosc F(z) ~ Lisl wt 19. Let us put ¢ = 4 in Exercise 17. Then if f(z) is the function of Exercise 17, 1 — f(z) is the function of this exercise. Thus for the function of this exercise 1 lel torre fiz)~ nH T. eEi glee +2 bs = [sin 5 cos "= + ne lomo) (cosrem — cos) ae DAT sin“). 21. Using equations (10), (11), and (12) from the text we have 0 wml (c+ 2) dx = £, an =f (e+ 2) cos “S* de = 5g(l- cos), ~¢ 1 —C ees bn = of ¢cE f(z) © 1)" cos BToT — ae© sin sin BT — bee{1 ~ (—1)"} cos iF n 23. a7 ~ ns + = —o Ure . Since the function of the series is continuous at + = 0 we ‘ai ce have 0 = —- (-1)" yr oy oes . It follows that yo a =F 22.4. FOURIER SINE SERIES 25. cin —a 8e4 3 213 1)"(n 3 a _ 6 nee cos. nan Since the function of the series is continuous at c oO 1 z = ¢ we have c* = Sat n=l 48 1 the use of the answer to Exercise 24. We have “i a na = } that Dor 97. = x! x =~] + ; + 5 F = = - 90° lim e—sinhe_= lim 1—coshe = lim —sinhe ’ o40 2c sinhe c0 2¢2 coshe + 4csinhe~ ~~ 2c? sinhe + 8ccoshe at 4sinhe _ ~ cosh 2 = lim 2c? coshe + lWesinhe+ 12coshe 22.4 It follows ci" 5 oF neq? | (-1y"t) ox? ne 12° Hence y Fourier Sine Series 1. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain 2 f° . naz 2[1 - (-1)"] bn =< = f sin ——— dx dos ot! > f(z) 4 bop bapas = (kis ba,ob == 0, 0, in tok + Lara ty 5K +1" 7 hemo C 3. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain c 4 _p\n+t b, =ee egin ee de = 22 aS C Jo c nm an nw 2c? y [a ial _ 20 _ a] nix _ _ {14% nix | sini a. e . The odd periodic extension of this function is the same as the odd periodic extension of the function in op xercise 4, Hence the two functions have ths same Fourier sine series. Thus (yn sin BIe ~ sin ——. 7. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain 2 eh f(x) ~ f° _ ANE ee aE RSI +1)8 4c? (1— (-1)"| in tok + Lynx c bor = 0, bok+t 8c? = OEP aaas 214 CHAPTER 22. FOURIER SERIES 9. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain n= . mnt 2 [* sin 2 nit ae = = [1 - cos 21 fla) ~ 2° = (1 mato \ cos . vet sin ——. nol 11. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain 1 by = af (a — 4)sinnaz dz= -— cosna— 1/2 nr = _ sin nx? f(z) ~ 3 ee nw n=l sin naz. 13. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain 2 f* by = — WT , 2/71. cos2rsinna dz, by = — Jo ® ~ sin4da dx = 0. Jo 2 Wr Ifn # 2 then 6, = : [ {sin (n + 2)a +sin(n — 2)z] dx. Q (2k +1) 2k+1 4 = From this integral it follows that sin [(2k + 1)z] Pak =O and Paet1 = 7 OR ayae pa) We set I=) ~ syk=O k= 1)(2k+3) 15. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain 2 [% 2, =ife sin nee, — Inw[1—(—-1)"e~4] —~ dz = c? + n2n? » “ fz)~ > ix Qnn (1 —(—1)"e~*] c+ nix? 17. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain _2 by = =f oO » f(z) f* _ mmc , cosh kx sin 7 dz = 2nx[i — (-1)" cosh ke} hy nint ; Qnx(L—(—1)"coshke] . naz sin ——. Re a nine nak 19. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain c n= = f x4 sin dx = 2 [icon {2 - 5 - Fa} + ead, er 0 24 24.1. Pin {2n1 — 22nigt2 Eb f(a) ~ 92Id So= (ays nog n=l nex sin nwa ——. 22.5. FOURIER COSINE SERIES 215 21. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain i by"h = 2 (z ~1)* sinnaz dr = 35 [n?n? —2+42(-1)"], ~2+2(-1)" aoe 22.5 Fourier Cosine sin ng. Series 1. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain 1 a= [ 0 i a= 2 cart [ [ @-2)de=1, l nTeT & COS ~~ az + [ 2 naz, (2 ~ 2) cos ~~ dz = 4 nT 5 5 [20s 1—(-1) n |. oO — 1 ~ (- 1)"| cos “= [2 cos fe)~ 5+ aa 3. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain ay =2 | * {e-1) 2 dx = 3,2 an f(a) ~ i + 4 3 =2 | , (x — 1) 2 4 cosnma da = 55, > cosnme on? & n@ 5. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain wo == ['(e~2) dx =, C é an = 2 f(e-2) cos C 0 c 4c G2 = 0, 0 a 4e— fo. fi nex? ” ce Aenq1 = (2k + 1)?n?” de = =) 1 F(z) ~ 9° x2 2. @e+ip (2k+ lax —— 7. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain ao = hn (x - 3)$ =A 8 ~s <5 . n=l = > ap = 2 x=; (cosmn ~ COS oy) “ne 2 1 i 2 an ~ x)cosnmz dx = “a5 (cosa ~ COS >) : cos nTs , 9. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain 2/7 a == [ Jo cos 22 dz = 0G, 2" a == f w do if cos 22 cos nx dx = -| Rt Tr cos 22 cosnx da 216 CHAPTER 22. FOURIER SERIES But on the interval —7 < x < 7, cos2z is orthogonal to cosna for n 4 2. Hence a, = 0 for n 32, Moreover ag = ‘f° cos? 2 dx = 1, so that f(a) ~ cos 2z. 11. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain ay == A /2 x dz =, Ha) ~ $+ as a, == [ [nm sin = /2 woos“ de = <5 — 2 (1 [nm sin S* ~2(1—cos ="), cos =) | cos “E, 13. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain ao == f(z) ~ 2 | f* 2 sinh ke coshkx dz = sinhke ke 2 ike “. + sinh ke J -=/ 2ke(~1)” Pe+nin °° f° cosh kz cos nex 2 dr = sinh ke « 2ke(—1)" Baan ne 7. 15. From equations (1) and (2) in the text we obtain gf i f(z) ce Jo c ode= ©, 2 T Sy n=l [S iy" med Cc 0 1) 2 eos 5 So c ae = 5S |f 1) cos “TE. 424s fon n (~1) |; 217 Chapter 23 Boundary 23.1 The Value Problems One-Dimensional Heat Equation 1. The boundary value problem to be solved is bu aS Ast—0*, Asa forO<a<c, O< 1%; u— ug, for0O<a<e, 0t, u— 0, Asr-e, for 0 <¢; uO, for 0 < t. The standard procedure for separating the variables will be used. T form u = X(z)T(t). Thus we require that ——ap We seek solutions of the xX" = —- = k. We now seek nontrivial (not identically zero} solutions of the system X"—-kX =0, X(0)=X(c)=0. Ifk = 0 then X = 6; + bow. X(0) =0 implies that b; = 0. X(c) = 0 implies that 6, + boc = 0. Hence 6; = bp = 0 and X = 0. That is there are no nontrivial solutions in the case where k = 0, If k = 67 > 0 then X = c; sinh Bz + cy cosh Bz. X(0) = 0 implies that cg = 0. X{c) = 0 implies that c, sinh Be + cg cosh Bc = 0. Hence ¢; = cz = 0 and there are no nontrivial solutions in the case where k is positive. If k = —8? <0 then X = c; sin Gz + cg cos Bz. (0) =0 X(c) =0 implies that cg = 0. implies that c; sin Be + cg cos Be = 0. 218 CHAPTER 23. BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS We can now obtain nontrivial solutions by choosing 8c = na or @ = na/ec. These solutions are . Wax X(x) = ¢, sin — Bape The choice of the separation constant k = —§? = having been determined by the boundary conditions in z, we must now find functions that satisfy the differential equation hen2r2 j T+ 9 = 0. These functions are T(t) = b, exp (—h?n?47t/c?). We now have an infinite set of product functions _ are u(x, t) = A, sin — —hn? att exp (==) , each of which satisfies the required boundary conditions in x, but none satisfying the initial condition in t. We consider the infinite series with undetermined coefficients A, oo u(x, t)= A, sin — —h2n2a? exp (“3=) (23.1) ne] and attempt to choose the A, in a manner that will satisfy the initial value condition. Setting t= 0, we see that we want oO to = _ mre 7) An sin —, forO<a2<e. n=l That is we want the A, to be the Fourier sine coefficients for the constant function ug. Thus e An == | clo It follows that Ay, = 0 and Aggy: ug sin c ge = 201 nt Aug = aQk 41)" — cosnn). Using these coefficients we obtain the final solution s 1 u(x, t) = Aug —2v fg SY ——— 2k +1 _ (2k +1)rx sin — - exp oe + we a | . If u is independent of ¢ the heat equation reduces to u” = 0. Thus u(x) = a; + agz. The conditions u(0) = A and u(c) = 0 force us to choose a; and a2 so that a; = A and a; +age = 0. Thus aj = A and a2 = —A/e. It follows that u(x) = A(c — z)/e. 5. The solution proceeds as in Exercise 4. We want a solution of the form u(x, t) = Ale—2)/o+ 3 byexp - (my n=l sin o. 23.1. THE ONE-DIMENSIONAL HEAT EQUATION 219 Each term of the right hand side is a solution of the heat equation. Moreover the two boundary conditions are satisfied by each term. We need to choose 6, so that f(zj)= A= 2) 4 by sin HE, That is the constants 6, must be the coefficients of the Fourier sine series expansion of the function f(2) — A(e — «)/c on the interval 0 << 2 <c. 7. The problem to be solved is ou $e for 0 <a < 20, O< f; Ast —~+ 0+, u—» 120, for 0< 2 < 15, Ast for 15 <a < 20; 0+, u— 30, Asz—-0T, u— 30, for 0 < t; Asxz— 207, for 0 < ft. u- 30, We choose a new variable v = u — 30. The new problem becomes oy Ae for O< ¢ < 20, O <1; Ast 0+, v— 90, for 0 <2 < 15, As t—0t, v0, for 15 < x < 20; Asx—0*, for 0 <t; v0, As a 207, v-»+ 0, for 0 < é. This problem is much like the problem in Exercise 1. We must replace h? with “, ¢ with 20, and the constant initial temperature function with a step function. Exercise 1 becomes net v{a, =A, (Ge) Equation (23.1) in RIL 307 n=l The initial condition now requires that f(r)~ y of this problem. Q b,= 20 bn sin —— = where f(x) is the step function Thus Jp fe f(z) sin 0 = de= 1 10 , TNL 180 |, de = [1 20 Ssin—y snr 4 = it follows that _ 180 «=~ [1 — cos (3n7/4)] u(x, t) = 30+ v(2, t) = 30+ oy ~ n —n7t\ | nwa eXP | 7990 | SB q- 220 CHAPTER 23. BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS _1\k 9, We have for t = 0, yas 3 BE = A, But sin 2°" = 0 and sin OF + De 3 3 _ ())'v3 1) v3 2 _ sin CE+2)" Thus 3 —1)*(2k + 1) It follows that » «Gk Ge + yk +2) = (3k + 1)(3k +2) 8 £4) BRF1)8 ” (Bk+2)8) 3 n- 2k +1 (-1)*3V3 | (-1)'3v3 =); (—1)*oV3 3 3 1 nd OT an a 11. The problem can be interpreted as that of heat conduction in a slab of width c. The face at ax = cis held at temperature zero while the face at x = 0 is insulated. The initial temperature in the slab is given by f(z). We let u(z, t) = X(x)T(t) in the heat equation and obtain f a tt = x" = 4. The differential equation in X is accompanied by conditions X‘(0) = 0 and X(e) = 0. As in Exercise 1 the cases where a = 0 and a > 0 have only the trivial solutions X =0. When a = —a* the differential equation has the solutions X = Acosaz + Bsinaz, so that X’ = —Aasinaz + Bacosaz. The condition X'(0) = 0 implies that B = 0. The condition that X(e) = 0 forces us to choose a so that cosac = 0. for k = 0, 1, 2,---, 2 T' + mek (2k A +1) and 2g? —T 2k+1 X = A, cos (2k + 1)nx That is a = Cee e Now the differential equation in T’ becomes ~h? (2k + 1)?x? = 0, so that T = Byexp AS]. We therefore have a solution of the form u(x, t) = yox box Fears | _p2h*(2k + Qed 1)*x cos (2k + Uma 4c? 2c The initial condition forces us to choose b, so that f(z} ~ a (2k + l)rzr by, cos ———. k=0 23.4 Heat Conduction in a Sphere 1. We first solve the problem of equations (8) through (11). Separation of the variables can be accomplished by substituting u(p, t) = Q(p)T(t) to obtain an = < « k, The boundary value problem in @ becomes Q” —kQ=0, as p—+R, Q-0, and as p07, > a limit If k = 0 then Q = c, + cep and the boundary conditions force us to satisfy c; + cgR = 0 and as p—» 0, - + cq has a limit. These equations can be satisfied only if cy = cg = 0. 23.5. THE SIMPLE WAVE EQUATION 221 If k = a* > 0 we then obtain Q = cg cosh ap + cq sinh ap and the boundary conditions require that cg cosha.R + cysinhaR = 0 and that seme tee second condition forces us to choose cz = 0 and now have a limit as p — 0. This the first equation forces cq = 0. If k? = —8? the solution of the differential equation takes the form Q = cs cos Bp + cg sin fip. The condition as p — 0 again forces the choice c, = 0. Finally Q(2) = 0 requires that 6 = — 2,,2q2 and we get @ = c, sin ore QQ? T= a, exp | a) The equation in 7’ is now 7” + h ao = 0 with solutions This gives us u(p, th= 5 bn exp = —h?n2 nt | nip R2 “R nel oO We now force the condition in equation (11) and need pf(p) = s b, sin be the coefficients of the Fourier sine series for pf(p). That is 2 bn = af f® _ Thus 6, must need np pf (a) sin —- dp. Finally with these values for b, _t u(p, t) = O91 ue 23.5 —h'n 2 neo |e a 24 . |sin The Simple Wave Equation 1. The problem to be solved is ay 3a = Ast 2 O*y Ay? for O<a<e,0<4; 0+, y— f(z), for0<2<c; Astor, Yo, for 0< 2 <¢; Asx2—0T, y—-0, for 0 < ¢; Asz-e, y 70, for 0 < t. If we seek product solutions of the differential equation of the form y{x, t) = X(z)T(), we ff ue have aan = x = k. aT solutions of the system The two boundary conditions now require that we find nontrivial X"—-kX=0, X(0)=X(c)= 222 CHAPTER 23. BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS The only nontrivial solutions occur when k = —n?1?/c? and are of the form sinnwz/c. That particular choice of the separation constant & requires us to find solutions of the system 2 T+" nm vr=0, These solutions are of the form cos nat ve NTL nrat Ay sin —~—- cos ---—-, We c ¢ T0)= Thus the desired product solutions are of the form are therefore led to consider the series NTE -> oe eA Any sin —— c In order to satisfy the remaining initial sondition we need to choose A,, in such a way that f(z) = s An sin —, for O< a<e. (23.2) n=l That is, we require that Cc An=2 C [ Jo f(z)sin—c de. (23.3) For the particular f(x) of this problem we have Q rel? An == [ NUT de | rsin“— de + ~ ff, (e-=x) sin —— da = 2,3 in It follows OUOWS that that Ag, Ag, == 0 and A Qk+1 == (Sk4e(—1)" + 1)2x?" (-1)* WeV finally y have (2k+1)ra yz, t) = SL wea nn a (2k + 1)xat 3. From equations (22.1) and (22.2) of Exercise 1 we have ef4 An == [ ¢ Jo 20. 2c <= de + = f c ae _ 30/4 sin "= 4 sino = y= 72 Seer a si ef4 2 < sin ——~ dx + 4 & € 3e/4 (e~2)sin “= de ¢ 4} 4. gin 3O™ m ne 4 + sin 3n7T ecettceetes 4 COS nant | naz sin semcraeanaone c 5. From equations (22.1) and (22.2) of Exercise 1 we have 274. we nxx 2 c/2 ee . ala 2 sin . nr ane (4¢- x) sin — of4 Cc nant n NE ~ sin --- | cos -———— sin. 2 c 2e c nh nT dt = — 5 (2sin*4 ~ sin) 2 rw ' 23.6. LAPLACE’S EQUATION IN TWO DIMENSIONS 223 7. This is like Exercise 1 except that the system in T becomes a. 2722 Tea T+ +—~37T nrat which has solutions sin so that y(z,t) => .. .. the remaining condition at t = 0, namely @(z) ast — OF. = 0, T(0) = 0, nA nirat A, sin —— sin By Bt = s nraA, —— oS Now we need to satisfy . NNT nat sin > cos ~ nnaA, AL Thus we need ¢(x) = s- ~ sin =. must approach This can be accomplished by n=1 choosing _ ¢ "na 2 / ae/ am sin d CJey3 2ugc nT an? 72 3 cos ant 3 Thus y(z, th = S- Bn sin — x nrat si oO Tis Oy _ 3 at We want d(x -> By nta ne] c e c . 7 8 sin ~~; that is we must choose nTrG 23.6 Bp nwa sin NUE cos nrat Bn os ef Laplace’s Equation in Two o(z) sin dz, Dimensions 1. This is the problem of equations (2) to (6) in the text. We seek product solutions of the form ut u(z, y)= X(z)¥(y). Separation of the variables leads to ~ = —— (4) together with this differential equation in X require that a = k, Equations (3) and X" kX =0, X(0)=X(a) = The only nontrivial solutions of this system come from taking k = ~—n?x?/a?. These solutions are of the form sin (nra/a). 224 CHAPTER 23, BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS If we use these same valus for the separation constant k, we must solve the following system in the variable Y: nen? _ Y ~"Y= 0, ¥(0)= The solutions of this system are sinh (nwy/a}. We therefore have an infinite set of product solutions, sin (nw2/a)sinh (nry/a), each of which satisfies equations (2) to (5), but none of which satisfies equation (6). We now consider the infinite series oO NtZ uz, y) = > Cp Sin = nw sinh =, nod and attempt to determine the constants c, in order to satisfy the remaining condition (6). We therefore require that nr bs NE f(z) = Sey sinh 22 in. n=l This may be accomplished by choosing a cn sinh “Et a 2 f f(z) sin a Jo = a dz. . This is the same problem as Exercise 1 with f(x) = 1 for 0 < 2 < da, f(z) =0forda<a<a, We need . | sin —_ 2(1 — cos (nm/2)| ~ asinh (nxb/a) Jy a ~ parsinh (nrb/a) ’ 2 [1—cos(n/2)] ney , naz OST » nsinh (nxb/a) sinh a a x? -y" Separation of the variables as in Exercise 1 gives us y= boundary value problem in X is X"—cX =0, Nontrivial solutions can occur only if e = Ip as This time however the X'(0) = X(a) = —8? < 0, X = e, cos Gx + cesin Bx, and also A’ = ~f sin Sr + cf cos Bx. The condition X’(0) = 0 causes us to choose cg = 0 and then X(a) = 0 requires that cosa = 0. This can happen only if 6 = Gh sue choices of 8 we have X = A, cos(es De yr" — (2k + 1)?” 4a2 and for these We now have for the equation in Y Y=0, ¥(0)=0. 23.6. LAPLACE’S EQUATION IN TWO DIMENSIONS Thus Y = 5, sinh Gee, 225 This leads to the series of products OO _ 4 ula, yy = S C,, sinh (2k+ lary 5a (2k +1)0x ar a k=O Now we require that u(x, 8) = 1, so that i= > Chs inCE (CF + oo , (ak + i)re oa It follows that we must take _ 2 o (ak+1jyez 4(—1)* Qa ~ asinh ((2k + 1)nb/(2a)| [ cos d ™ (2k + 1) sinh (2k + 1)nb/(2a)] Finally we have ulz, y) = sme (-1)* (2k+1)y (2k +1)ex sinh [(2k + 1)nb/(2a)] nag 88 ag 7. The solution of this problem is the same as that of Exercise 5 except that here we require Y‘(0) = 0 instead of Y(0) = 0. That change will result in each sinh function being replaced by a cosh function. All other details remain the same. We get uz, y) = + (—1)* ETH aii [Ok + 1)nb/(ay C8 (Qk+1)ry 5g 88 (2k +1)rex 9. Let the temperature at the center of the given square plate be the constant u,. Now consider four separate plates, each having a different face held at temperature unity while the other three faces are held at temperature zero. For each such plate the temperature at the center will be u,. Now if the four plates are superimposed we obtain a plate with all four boundaries held at temperature unity and the temperature at the center will be 4u,. But such a plate will have in the steady state a temperature of one at its center. Thus u, = 4. 8, with b = a, we get 2 5! (—1)* sech[(2k + 1)x/2 ai 7k 2k+1 ~ 4" Tt follows that s k=O (—1)* sech[(2k + 1)2/2] 2k+1 ao ~ 8 Now from Exercise 226 CHAPTER 23. BOUNDARY VALUE PROBLEMS 11. Because of the symmetry of the boundary conditions the temperature in the plate will be a function of r only. Hence the problem to be solved is fu Lda =Q fora<r<b. dr? or dr As r-68",u- 8, As r-at,u- A. The general solution of the differential equation is u = c, Inv + cg. The boundary conditions require that B = c; Inb-+ cg and A = c, Ina + ce, so that (B - A)lnr + Alnb- Blna — Bln(r/a) ~ Aln(r/b) In (b/a) In(b/a) In (b/a) , 13. The problem to be solved is uj 10u, 1 ou Gr? or Or =Q —r® OG? As @—0t, u- As @- 8B", u- 9, As r> Ro, As r—0*, for0<r<R,O<@<8. 90, u-i, u has a limit. a2 ut We separate the variables by letting u(r, 8) = F(r)G(6). We get ae f re = aol =.G must now satisfy G"+cG=0, G(0)=0, G(s) =0. ws : : nen? Nontrivial solutions occur only if c = er _ meré and they are of the form G = A, sin a F must & now satisfy rR" 4rF nxBed rm F=0, and F(0) exists. The general solution of this Cauchy type equation is F(r) = cyr"*/9 + egr-"*/F, To satisfy the condition at r = 0, we must take cp = 0. Thus F(r) = B,r”*/*. It follows that = nne u(r, 0) = S > Car®*/9 sin a" n=) oO nro Now we require that 1 = s- C, Rm! 8 sin a so that n=l) C= 2 BR*/8 8 fo nw aR dO = 2(1 — cos nz) naRerfe ° 23.6. LAPLACE’S EQUATION IN TWO DIMENSIONS 4 RORTTTETE It follows that Cz = 0 and Cres = GE 227 Finally we have u(r, 6) = Lyn (LE) OMe? sin 2k2k+ +11) 80/0), * pao 228 CHAPTER 24. Chapter ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES OF THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM 24 Additional Properties of the Laplace Transform 24.1 Power Series and Inverse Transforms 1. We use equations (4) and (7) and obtain sinkt) 1 fos (-1)"h? "4129 | t }=2{5 Om (2n + 1)! (—1)"k?"+} oe 2 SA (-1) 7k?" 41 (20)! \-¥ (2n + 1)! s@rt1 k Ont = arctan —, 3>0. 3. We use equations (6) and (10) and obtain L sinh kt “> Gee kantl yan q (2n + 1)! = YS arieer kent - oe k’ntl(dn)! 4 (2n +1)! +1)! s2ntt s2ntl =iin 1+ (k/s) = iin stk « (n+ 1)s?e+t ~ 2° (k/s) 1 s—k’ s>k>0. 5. We use equation (1) and obtain F(t) sz E77 (aaem} OO > = D7? ans }-4 1 S(t n=O ~ 2n)Pa(t — an) 2 F(5) = 5 [5?a(5) + 3?a(3) + 1?a(1)] = 17.5. 7. We use equation (1) and obtain “0-0 aaeaaa} 2 remem} = remy} 2 Ge 3967 Gen -o' fy ere} ned $(10) = 7a(7) + 1a(1) = 344. ae “foss-£ nes e7{6nt3)s sr} oO = Set n= 9alt—on—2). 24.1. POWER SERIES AND INVERSE TRANSFORMS 229 9. We use equation (1) and obtain L~* {f(s) tanh (cs)} = £7 ¢ f(s ~ 208 pes baet {so j- as [D7 (70) pa al} 1)" exp (-— mesa) | nse) = L7'¢ f(s) f +2 y(- 1)"*! exp (—2(n + ves n=D “efi 1 p +2 y- wera \ = F(t)+2 s(-1"Ft ~ Inc)a{t — ne). n=l ll. There is a notational problem here. We use Q(t) for the charge on the capacitor in the circuit and Q(t, c) for the square-wave function. Note also that C is the capacitance and c is half the period of the square-wave function. If we let i(t) = Q’(t) then the problem to be solved is RQ! ()+ 20) = EQ(t, ¢), Q(0)= Using the Laplace transform on this equation together with equation (16) from Section 14.10 we obtain 1 E cs Rsq(s) + aus) => tanh (S$), E/R cs 1 1 19) = sep apRey om (F) = CF E a “TR To obtain the inverse transform we make use of the result in Exercise 9. We get Q(t) =CE p 42 s7(-"alt _ vo The current in the circuit can now be found by a differentiation. We have i=5 5 |e (Fe) 2 1yrexp { 29 cs tanh (>), bate - ro) 230 CHAPTER 24. 24.2 The Error ADDITIONAL PROPERTIES OF THE LAPLACE TRANSFORM Function 1. Consider the graph of y = erf x. From equation (4) in the text we see that the slope of the graph is always positive. A second derivative of erf x shows that for x > 0 the graph is concave up. There is an inflection point at z = 0. From equation (7) we also conclude for x > 0 that the graph of erf x is asymptotic to the line y = 1. A similar argument for « < 0 yields the result that the graph is asymptotic to the line y = —1. Thus the entire graph lies between the lines y = land y = —~1. 3. Using PHopital’s rule we have 5. Since jerfe z| < 2 it follows that for m < 0, im, z™ erfc x = 0. The indeterminate form occurs ifm > 0. In this case lim 2” erfe c= x—tOO lim goo . fi oe gm ilim inert soo | gpm (~2/,/mjexp(—2*) = in, geet m+1 lm, gn 2 exp (2). But we know from Chapter 14 that polynomials are of expomential order so that this last limit is zero. 7. Using the suggestions made in the text we have etre} (bith}-' 1 ts l+s 1 l+s & s/l+s 1 a3 heatatah 1 1 ips? l+s Now from equation (3) and the equation preceding equation (2) we have L afoot \ie}- or ef = Lt erf( Vt) + Tae = erfe(/t). gece} -¥{de-gian} ¥en) em te jt 9. From Exercise 8 we have Now we use equation (1) from Section 14.6 to obtain = 7 follows that L~! {aa} = a — e! erfe(v't). ~Lo} { | \ = e! erfe(Vt). It 24.3. BESSEL FUNCTIONS 231 11. We are given that “ = 1 erf (;). Li{d(t)}= ~1)" Fe y Z Foe, nb a sinvi: o(t) 3 From equation (5) in the text we get the series : ; : : Appl Applying the inverse transform to both sides gives us 1)"4?" = = es (-1)" Ag a It follows that é(vt) = Vai 7a & “(Qn +1) al’ Therefore neeQ (—1)” 2 fi HOWD)= Fed ad 4 Gn : ar att = ad (an 1)! (Vaynr? ~ Yas (=a): 13. The derivation of equation (29) that is given in the text gives us a clue as to how to proceed here. We have _ 2 _ esch (x¥/s) = exp (2/8) —exp (~aV8) = Qexp(—zy/s) Sex _2exp(—zy/3) ~ y= exp (~22-V) ( ~2neyi) =2)° exp [—(2n + las}. n=d It follows that yt {sev asvun{t exp | ~(2n-+ 1)eva }. nsxQ} Now we use equation (24) from the text to obtain Lo 24.3. Bessel { osch (2's) eve) \ = 2) et ae *| . Functions 1. We expand the exponential function into a power series to get Lo - 1 - ian exp (2)}- L {3 aie} ki CO = pk gktn t meray (k+n)! = (£) a ae a on aan} (Vat)"* Sera” t (z) nf/2 I, (2va#) 232. CHAPTER 25. Chapter PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: TRANSFORM METHODS 25 Partial Differential Equations: Transform Methods 25.1 Boundary Value Problems 1. We apply the Laplace transform in the variable t, letting L {y(z, t)} = u(x, s). We get Ws is tsu = _oe ze-Q, u- -s. 33 . : . . ~2 This linear differential equation has general solution u = F +e,(s)e~**”. As x — 0 we need 4 —~2 to take 373 . +ci(s). 6 ~ That is c(s) = = We therefore have u = = + Bente, An inverse transform now yields the solution y(x, t) = —¢? + 3(t ~ 4x) a(t ~ 4z). 3. We apply the Laplace transform in the variable t, letting L {y(x, t)}} = u(2z, 3). We get du ~8 Gz t 4su- 4a =, z—Q, dz du Gy tf fsu=4t~ 8 5, uns g£-0, u- This linear differential equation has general solution u = = 4 i x — 0 we need to take = have u = = — = Ti -qa-F i 2 y(a, th =a - zt — stip 6 2 n +c(s). e74*® . An i 8 . 4 a s* ~ 2 + e;(sje"*#*, 6 1 That is c(s) = 3 + qt" We therefore transform now yields i nverse transf ields the the solution soluti 4 Ee — dar)? + ic ~ 4s)| a(t — 42). 5. We apply the Laplace transform in the variable t, letting L {y(z, t)} = u(z, 3). We get 2 oe drt _ 16(s2u +2), dy 3 9 7 16s*u = 392, 2-0, r~+0, u- ~z, Ss u- As 1 a . im, lim 2-700 exists, exists, 25.2. THE WAVE EQUATION 233 _ 2 This linear differential equation has general solution u(x, 8) = c;(s)e#** + e2(s)e~ 48" — =z: In ] order for lim, _.o. to exist we must take ci(s) = 0. As 2 — 0 we need to take 2 That is co(s) = s We therefore have u(z, 4) = Senses - 2. 2 co(s) ~- Zz An inverse transform now yields the solution y(a, t) = 3(¢ — 4x)a(t — 4a) — 2t. 25.2 The Wave Equation 1. Direct application of the Laplace transform gives us the transformed system 2 s*u ~ s(x ~ 27)= The linear equation u dx?’ z0t, u70, r 417, uO. has as its general solution u = zc gg 2 ~— — — — 3 + cye7** + cge®*. 8 condition z ~+ 0*, u — 0 implies that c; + cz = 2/s°. The condition z+ that e~*c, + e°co = 2/s3. The 17, u—+0 implies From these two equations we obtain ~ 38(1+e-*) 5 ~ 38axe nex y* . “na, and cz = 2e7* si(l+e*) 33= n=O n Wyre ~(n+l)s Therefore u(x, é) = - _ = ~ 5 +a2s (-1)1)” etl 1)"e —(n+2)8 +32 n==Q -2)s re==0 The inverse transform now yields y(z, t)= oat 24 S(-1)"[(t —n—2alt—n—2) + (¢-n—-142)alt—n—142)], ned 25.5 Diffusion in a Slab of Finite Width 1, Direct application of the Laplace transform gives us the transformed system sw ~[= d*w F g—0t, w+0,2-417, dw —7 0. The linear equation has as its general solution w = : + ¢, sinh (v/s) + cgcosh(x/s). condition 2 — 0+, w — 0 implies that cg = ~1/s. Thus oe = Vacs cosh (2/8) ~ % sinh (2/3). The 234 CHAPTER 25. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: TRANSFORM METHODS The condition z + 17, dw/da — 0 implies that c, = (tanh /s)/s. Thus 1 + tanh fssinh(x/s) 3 8 cosh (ry/s) Py_ 1 8 8 w(a, 3) = — cosh [(z ~ 1)/3] scosh \/s , The argument on pages 475 and 476 in the text that produced equation (29) can be slightly altered ta give the result h (tJ) pt_ {sey scosh ./s rn 1—~a2+2n = S*(-1)" jerfe tet) 2 ) aft l+a+2n 4 ente (AEE). me at Using this inverse transform with z replaced by x — 1 allows us to write u(x, t) = 1- you)" ent (Ae) + erfe (5)| . ne=Q Diffusion in a Quarter-Infinite Solid 25.6 1. v= erf (=) erf (4) = 2 i exp (| iL" exp (-a" aa . Since the inte- grand of each of these integrals is a positive decreasing function, the integrals themselves are positive monotone increasing functions of x and y respectively for any fixed t > 0. Moreover ox T the number [ exp (~ (7) d@ =ve is an upper bound for each integral. Hence for any fixed 0 z > 0, t > 0 each of these integrals has value less than fm /2. It follows that 0<u <1. 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