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TMDA Business Strategy: Objectives & IS Strategy

I. Strategic Objectives
A. HIV/AIDS and NCDs reduced and service improved.
B. Quality, safety and effectiveness of medicines, medical devices and diagnostics assured.
C. Laboratory services improved.
D. Institutional capacity and to deliver regulatory services strengthened.
II. Task Performed to achieve objectives
Objective A: HIV/AIDS and NCDs reduced and service improved
Effective implementation of the National Guidelines for Management of HIV/AIDS and
NCDs in Public service of 2014.
IS Strategy:
Provide technical advice and support on ICT matters at TMDA.
Establish and coordinate use of electronic mail communications on LAN and WAN.
Objective B: Quality, safety and effectiveness of medicines, medical devices and diagnostics
Engage and maintain regional collaboration and internal harmonization initiatives for
regulation of medicines and diagnostics.
IS Strategy:
Establish and coordinate use of electronic mail communications on LAN and WAN.
Establish and coordinate use of electronic mail communications on LAN and WAN.
Objective C: Laboratory services improved
Decentralize laboratory services to zone offices.
IS Strategy:
Establish and coordinate use of electronic mail communications on LAN and WAN
Objective D: Institutional capacity and to deliver regulatory services strengthened
Enhance ICT usage:
IS Strategy:
Carryout studies and propose areas of using ICT as an instrument to improve service
delivery to the whole Office.
Create awareness and build capacity on the use of ICT in the institutions and
Ensure that hardware and software are well maintained.
Coordinate and provide support on procurement of software and hardware in the Office.
Provide adequate human and financial resources, working facilities and tools.
IS Strategy:
Design, install, administer, and maintain Regulatory Information Management System,
Finance Management System, Human Resource Management System and other system
To develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of e- Government initiatives;
Develop, monitor, evaluate and review implementation of Best ICT Security Practices;
Create awareness and build capacity on the use of ICT in the institutions and
Provide technical advice and support on ICT matters at TMDA;
Design, install, administer, maintain Regulatory Information Management System,
Finance Management System, Human Resource Management System and other system;
Develop and implement Business Continuity Plan and Recovery strategy TMDA system;
Implement ICT Policy and e-Government Act 2019;
Ensure that hardware and software are well maintained;
Coordinate and provide support on procurement of software and hardware in the Office;
Establish and coordinate use of electronic mail communications on LAN and WAN and;
Carryout studies and propose areas of using ICT as an instrument to improve service
delivery to the whole Office.