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Jameson's Mamba: Facts, Venom, and Habitat

12/16/21, 11:38 AM
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Jameson's mamba
Jameson's mamba (Dendroaspis jamesoni) is a species of
highly venomous snake native to equatorial Africa. A member
of the mamba genus Dendroaspis, it is slender with dull green
upper parts and cream underparts and generally ranges from
1.5 to 2.2 m (4 ft 11 in to 7 ft 3 in) in length. Described by
Scottish naturalist Thomas Traill in 1843, it has two recognised
subspecies; the nominate subspecies from central and west
Sub-Saharan Africa and the eastern black-tailed subspecies
from eastern Sub-Saharan Africa, mainly western Kenya.
Predominantly arboreal, Jameson's mamba preys mainly on
birds and mammals. Its venom consists of both neurotoxins
and cardiotoxins. Symptoms of envenomation in humans
include pain and swelling at the bite site, followed by swelling,
chills, sweating, abdominal pain and vomiting, with subsequent
slurred speech, difficulty breathing and paralysis. Fatalities
have been recorded within three to four hours of being bitten.
The venom of the eastern subspecies is around twice as potent
as that of the nominate subspecies.
Jameson's mamba
Subsp. jamesoni, Korup National Park
Conservation status
Least Concern (IUCN 3.1)[1]
Scientific classification
Taxonomy and etymology
D. jamesoni
Distribution and habitat
Behaviour and ecology
Diet and predators
Binomial name
Dendroaspis jamesoni
(Traill, 1843)[2]
External links
Taxonomy and etymology
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Jameson's mamba was first described as Elaps jamesoni in
1843 by Thomas Traill, a Scottish doctor, zoologist and scholar
of medical jurisprudence.[4] The specific epithet is in honour of
Robert Jameson, Traill's contemporary and the Regius
Professor of Natural History at the University of Edinburgh
where Traill studied.[5] In 1848, German naturalist Hermann
Schlegel created the genus Dendroaspis, designating Jameson's
mamba as the type species.[6] The generic name is derived from
the Ancient Greek words δένδρον (dendron, 'tree') and ἀσπίς
(aspis 'asp').[7] The genus was misspelt as Dendraspis by
French zoologist Auguste Duméril in 1856,[8] and went
generally uncorrected by subsequent authors. In 1936, Dutch
herpetologist Leo Brongersma corrected the spelling to the
In 1936, British biologist Arthur Loveridge described a new
subspecies D. jamesoni kaimosae, from a specimen collected
from the Kaimosi Forest in western Kenya, observing that it had
fewer subcaudal scales and a black (rather than green) tail.[10]
Analysis of the components of the venom of all mambas places
Jameson's mamba as sister species to the western green mamba
(Dendroaspis viridis), as shown in the cladogram below.[11]
Range of Jameson's mamba
Elaps jamesoni — Traill, 1843
Dendraspis jamesoni —
Günther, 1858
Dendroaspis jamesoni —
Schmidt, 1923
king cobra (Ophiophagus hannah)
Jameson's mamba – western subspecies (Dendroaspis j. jamesoni)
Jameson's mamba – eastern subspecies (Dendroaspis j. kaimosae)
western green mamba (Dendroaspis viridis)
eastern green mamba (Dendroaspis angusticeps)
black mamba (Dendroaspis polylepis)
Jameson's mamba is a long and slender snake with smooth scales and a tail which typically accounts
for 20 to 25% of its total length. The total length (including tail) of an adult snake is approximately
1.5–2.2 m (4 ft 11 in–7 ft 3 in). It may grow as large as 2.64 m (8 ft 8 in).[12] The general consensus is
that the sexes are of similar sizes, although fieldwork in southeastern Nigeria found that males were
significantly larger than females.[13] Adults tend to be dull green across the back, blending to pale
green towards the underbelly with scales generally edged with black. The neck, throat and underparts
are typically cream or yellowish in colour. Jameson's mamba has a narrow and elongated head
containing small eyes and round pupils. Like the western green mamba, the neck may be flattened.
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Jameson's mamba - Wikipedia
The subspecies D. jamesoni kaimosae, which is found in the eastern part of the species' range,
features a black tail, while central and western examples typically have a pale green or yellow tail.[12]
The thin fangs are attached to the upper jaw and have a furrow running down their anterior
The number and pattern of scales on a snake's body play a key role in the identification and
differentiation at the species level.[14] Jameson's mamba has between 15 and 17 rows of dorsal scales
at midbody, 210 to 236 (Subsp.) jamesoni) or 202 to 227 ventral scales (Subsp. kaimosae), 94 to 122
(Subsp. jamesoni) or 94 to 113 (Subsp. kaimosae) divided subcaudal scales, and a divided anal
scale.[a] Its mouth is lined with 7 to 9 (usually 8) supralabial scales above and 8 to 10 (usually 9)
sublabial scales below, the fourth ones located over and under the eye.[16] Its eyes have three
preocular, three postocular and one subocular scale.[12]
Distribution and habitat
Jameson's mamba occurs mostly in Central Africa and West
Africa, and in some parts of East Africa.[3] In Central Africa it
can be found from Angola northwards to the Democratic
Republic of the Congo, Republic of the Congo, Central African
Republic, and as far north as the Imatong Mountains of South
Sudan.[12] In West Africa it ranges from Ghana eastwards to
Togo, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea and Gabon.[3] In
East Africa it can be found in Uganda, Kenya, Rwanda, Burundi
and Tanzania.[12] The subspecies D. jamesoni kaimosae is
endemic to East Africa and chiefly found in western Kenya,
where its type locality is located, as well as in Uganda, Rwanda,
and the adjacent Democratic Republic of the Congo.[3] It is a
relatively common and widespread snake, particularly across its
western range. Fieldwork in Nigeria indicated the species is
Found in primary and secondary rainforests, woodland, forestsavanna and deforested areas at elevations of up to 2,200 metres
(7,200 ft) high,[12] Jameson's mamba is an adaptable species; it
persists in areas where there has been extensive deforestation
and human development. It is often found around buildings,
town parks, farmlands and plantations.[12] Jameson's mamba is
a highly arboreal snake, more so than its close relatives the
eastern green mamba and western green mamba, and
significantly more so than the black mamba.[13]
Subsp. jamesoni navigating a tree,
Korup National Park
Dorsal view of scales
Behaviour and ecology
Jameson's mamba is a highly agile snake. Like other mambas it is capable of flattening its neck in
mimicry of a cobra when it feels threatened, and its body shape and length give an ability to strike at
significant range. Generally not aggressive, it will typically attempt to escape if confronted.[12][13]
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In Nigeria males fight each other for access to females (and then breed) over the dry season of
December, January and February;[13] mating was recorded in September in the Kakamega Forest in
Kenya.[17] Jameson's mamba is oviparous; the female lays a clutch of 5–16 eggs; in Nigeria laying was
recorded from April to June, and most likely soon after November in Uganda.[17] Egg clutches have
been recovered from abandoned termite colonies.[13]
Diet and predators
Jameson's mamba has been difficult to study in the field due to its arboreal nature and green
coloration. It has not been observed hunting but is thought to use a sit-and-wait strategy, which has
been reported for the eastern green mamba. The bulk of its diet is made up of birds and tree-dwelling
mammals,[13] such as cisticolas, woodpeckers, doves, squirrels, shrews and mice.[17] Smaller
individuals of under 100 cm (40 in) in length have been recorded feeding on lizards such as the
common agama, and toads. There is no evidence they have adapted to hunting terrestrial rodents
such as rats,[13] though they have been recorded eating rodents in Kenya, and have accepted them in
The main predators of this species are birds of prey, including the martial eagle, bateleur, and the
Congo serpent eagle. Other predators may include the honey badger, other snakes, and species of
mongoose may also occasionally prey on the Jameson's mamba.[18]
Subsp. kaimosae, the more
venomous subspecies
Jameson's mamba is classified as a Snake of Medical Importance
in Sub-Saharan Africa by the World Health Organization,[b][19]
although there are few records of snakebites.[17] Field
observations over a 16-year period in the Niger Delta in southern
Nigeria found that both humans and snakes were most active in
rural areas during the rainy season, April to August, hence
rendering this a peak period for snakebite. As well as
succumbing to snakebites, workers were reported to have
perished from falling from trees after encountering Jameson's
mambas in the canopy of trees in palm oil plantations.[20] Snake
bites are rare in cities but more common in forested areas in
countries such as the Democratic Republic of the Congo; the
country's poor infrastructure and lack of facilities render access
to antivenom difficult.[21]
Like other mambas, the venom of the Jameson's mamba is
highly neurotoxic.[22] Symptoms of envenomation by this
species include pain and swelling of the bite site. Systemic effects
include generalised swelling, chills, sweating abdominal pain
and vomiting, with subsequent slurred speech, difficulty
breathing and paralysis. Death has been recorded within three to
four hours of being bitten;[17] there is an unconfirmed report of a
child dying within 30 minutes.[22] With an average intravenous
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murine median lethal dose (LD50) of 0.53 mg/kg,[c] the venom
of the eastern subspecies kaimosae is twice as potent as that of
the nominate subspecies jamesoni at 1.2 mg/kg. The reason for
this is unclear as the venom compositions are similar between
the two subspecies, though kaimosae has higher concentrations
of the potent neurotoxin-1.[11]
Similarly to the venom of most other mambas, Jameson's
mamba's contains predominantly three-finger toxin agents as
Subsp. kaimosae from beneath,
well as dendrotoxins. Other toxins of the three-finger family
showing ventral scales
fasciculins.[11] Dendrotoxins are akin to kunitz-type protease
inhibitors that interact with voltage-dependent potassium
channels, stimulating acetylcholine and causing an excitatory effect,[24] and are thought to cause
symptoms such as sweating.[25] Unlike that of many snake species, the venom of mambas has little
phospholipase A2.[11] Although cardiotoxins have been isolated in higher proportions from its venom
than other mamba species, their role in toxicity is unclear and probably not prominent.[22]
The speed of onset of envenomation means that urgent medical attention is needed.[17] Standard first
aid treatment for any bite from a suspected venomous snake is the application of a pressure bandage,
minimisation of the victim's movement, and rapid conveyance to a hospital or clinic. Due to the
neurotoxic nature of green mamba venom, an arterial tourniquet may be beneficial.[26] Tetanus
toxoid is sometimes administered, though the main treatment is the administration of the appropriate
antivenom.[27] Trivalent and monovalent[d] antivenoms for the black, eastern green and Jameson's
mambas became available in the 1950s and 1960s.[29]
a. A divided scale is one split down the midline into two scales.[15]
b. Snakes of Medical Importance include those with highly dangerous venom resulting in high rates
of morbidity and mortality, or those that are common agents in snakebite.[19]
c. The strength or toxicity of snake venom is traditionally measured using the LD50 (lethal dose
50%) test; in essence, injecting a certain amount of toxin into number of mice and recording what
dose kills half of them.[23]
d. A monovalent antivenom is specific for one toxin or species, while a polyvalent one is effective
against multiple toxins or species.[28]
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Jameson's mamba - Wikipedia
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