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Data Structures Viva Questions

Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Engineering
Sem III / Data Structures Viva Questions
Academic Year 2021-22
Module - 1
1. What are Data Structures ?
2. What is Abstract Data Type
3. Enlist the Operations on Data Structures
4. Enlist the different Data Structures with examples
Module - 2
1. Explain the operations on Stack
2. Explain the applications of Stack
3. Given an expression, check the well formedness of Parenthesis
4. Given an infix expression, convert to postfix
5. Given a postfix expression, evaluate it
6. Given an infix expression, convert to prefix
7. What is Recursion? Given examples for different types of recursions
8. Explain the operations on Queue
9. Explain the applications of Queue
10. Enlist the types of Queues
11. Explain Circular Queue
12. Explain the applications of Circular Queue
13. Explain Priority Queue
14. Explain the applications of Priority Queue
15. Explain Double ended Queue
16. Explain the applications of Double ended Queue
Module - 3
1. Difference between Arrays and Linkedlists
2. Enlist the different types of LL
3. Enlist the operations on Singly LL
4. Enlist the operations on Doubly LL
5. Enlist the operations on Circular LL
6. Explain the node structure of Polynomial Expression
Module - 4
1. What is a Tree?
2. Explain the internal representation of a Tree using LL & Array
3. Applications of Tree
4. What is a Binary Tree
5. What is a Binary Search Tree
6. Features of BST
7. Explain inorder, postorder and preorder traversal of a tree
8. What are Multiway trees?
9. Explain how huffman coding can be used for data compression
10. What is a height balanced tree?
11. What are AVL Trees? List their applications.
12. Explain various rotations in AVL trees
13. What are B Trees
Vivekanand Education Society's Institute of Technology
Department of Computer Engineering
Sem III / Data Structures Viva Questions
Academic Year 2021-22
14. What are B+ Trees and how do they differ from B trees
15. Applications of B Tree and B+ Trees
Module 5: Graphs
What are Graphs?
What is the difference between Graph and Trees
Definition of Various keywords used in Graphs
Explain BFS?
Explain DFS
Difference between BFS and DFS
Applications of BFS and DFS
What is Topological Sorting?
Applications of Topological Sorting
Module 6: Searching and Hashing
Explain Linear Searching and what is its time complexity?
What is Binary Searching?
Explain with respect to time complexity how binary search is better than linear searching.
What is Hashing?
What are the applications of Hashing?
Explain Various Hashing Functions.
What are Collisions and how can they be resolved?
Explain various collision resolution techniques.