UNIT 1 核心素養、學習重點、單元目標對應表 核心素養 A1 身心素質與自我精進 B1 符號運用與溝通表達 C1 道德實踐與公民意識 A2 系統思考與解決問題 B2 科技資訊與媒體素養 C2 人際關係與團隊合作 A3 規劃執行與創新應變 B3 藝術涵養與美感素養 C3 多元文化與國際理解 學習重點 學習內容 學習表現 ◎ 1-IV-1 A 語言知識 能聽懂課堂中所學的字詞。 Ac-IV-3 常見的生活用語。 1-IV-3 能聽懂基本或重要句型的句子。 Ac-IV-4 國中階段所學字詞(能聽、讀、說、 寫最基本的 1,200 字詞)。 1-IV-4 能聽懂日常生活對話的主要內容。 1-IV-7 能辨識簡短說明或敘述的情境及主旨。 Ad-IV-1 國中階段所學的文法句型。 Ae-IV-4 簡易賀卡、書信、電子郵件。 2-IV-2 能依情境使用日常生活用語。 Ae-IV-6 簡易故事的背景、人物、事件和結 局。 2-IV-5 能以簡易的英語表達個人的需求、意 願和感受。 敘述者的觀點、態度、及寫作目 的。 2-IV-6 能依人、事、時、地、物作簡易的描述 或回答。 簡易故事及短文的大意。 2-IV-10 能以簡易的英語描述圖片。 *◎ Ae-IV-7 * Ae-IV-8 B 溝通功能 ◎ 2-IV-1 能說出課堂中所學的字詞。 * 2-IV-12 能以簡易的英語參與引導式討論。 * 2-IV-13 能依主題或情境以簡易英語進行日常 生活溝通。 ◎ 3-IV-2 能辨識課堂中所學的字詞。 B-IV-2 國中階段所學字詞及句型的生活溝 通。 B-IV-4 個人的需求、意願和感受的表達。 B-IV-5 人、事、時、地、物的描述及問答。 3-IV-5 能看懂簡易的生活用語。 圖片描述。 3-IV-6 能看懂基本的句型。 引導式討論。 3-IV-7 能了解對話的主要內容。 短文、書信的內容及文本結構。 3-IV-8 能了解短文、簡訊、書信的主要內容。 3-IV-9 能了解故事的主要內容與情節。 ◎ B-IV-6 *◎ B-IV-8 B-V-8 D 思考能力 D-IV-2 二至三項訊息的比較、歸類、排序 的方法。 D-IV-3 訊息因果關係的釐清。 * 3-IV-12 能熟悉重要的閱讀技巧,如擷取大意、 猜測字義、推敲文意、預測後續文意 及情節發展等。 單元目標 能聽懂對話大意,並重述重點。 能閱讀不同體裁、不同主題的簡易文 章。 能讀懂文章大意,並重述重點。 4-IV-1 能拼寫國中階段基本常用字詞。 學生能認識維持身心健康的方式。 4-IV-2 能依圖畫、圖示書寫英文句子。 學生能認識英文書信及信封的寫法。 4-IV-3 能掌握正確書寫格式寫出英文句子。 4-IV-5 能依提示寫出正確達意的簡單句子。 5-IV-1 能聽懂、讀懂國中階段基本字詞,並 使用於簡易日常溝通。 5-IV-2 能掌握國中階段所學字詞及句型,適 當地使用於日常生活之溝通。 ◎ 5-IV-3 能聽懂日常生活應對中常用語句,並 能作適當的回應。 ◎ 6-IV-1 樂於參與課堂中各類練習活動,不畏 犯錯。 * 6-IV-6 主動從網路或其他課外材料,搜尋相 關英語文資源,並與教師及同學分享。 * 3-IV-16 7-IV-2 善用相關主題之背景知識,以利閱讀 或聽力理解。 9-IV-2 能把二至三項訊息加以比較、歸類、 排序。 9-IV-3 能根據上下文語境釐清不同訊息間的 因果關係。 能在不同階段利用閱讀策略幫助閱讀。 能使用現在完成式來描述及詢問經驗、從過去 持續到現在的狀態,或已完成的動作。 1 UNIT 節次 教學建議流程表 教學流程 1. Warm-up( pp. 10–11 ) ( 1 )教師帶學生閱讀討論範例,以及課本上維持健康的 時間 教學資源 3' 電子書 評量方式 方式。 ( 2 )請學生思考,並兩人一組互相討論分享。 一 2. Dialogue( pp. 12–14 ) ( 1 )利用 Pre-Listening 提問,讓學生觀察插圖,並預測 5' 討論 5' 電子書 7' CD Player 問答 對話的情境內容。 ( 2 )播放 CD,並利用 Post-Listening 的提問,提醒學生 聆聽對話時要注意的資訊。 ( 3 )讓學生整理並分享聽到的內容大意。 ( 4 )利用 p. 14 的 C 題目,檢視學生理解。 ( 5 )讓學生進行角色扮演,練習對話。 二 1. Dialogue( pp. 12–13 ) ( 1 )請學生朗讀對話。 ( 2 )帶學生熟悉對話中的單字。 2. Oral Practice( p. 14 ) ( 1 )帶學生閱讀範例,並介紹如何延續對話。 ( 2 )請學生分組練習。 3. Theme Words A( p. 15 ) ( 1 )播放 CD,帶學生閱讀課本所列維持健康的方式。 ( 2 )利用 Say it.,讓學生發表嘗試過哪些保持健康的方 10' 3' 12' 5' 10' 口說 讀寫 CD Player 角色扮演 CD Player 字彙卡 10' 7' 口說 口說 8' 5' CD Player 5' 10' CD Player 8' 字彙卡 5' 10' 電子書 口說 式。 1. Theme Words B( p. 16 ) ( 1 )播放 CD,帶學生閱讀課本所列的經驗活動。 ( 2 )請學生完成課本 Check the correct answers. 勾選, 讀寫、口說 並討論分享。 三 ( 3 )帶學生練習 Theme Words A 和 B 字彙。 2. Grammar Focus A( pp. 17–18 ) ( 1 )講解現在完成式表經驗的用法,並呈現句型。 ( 2 )運用教學策略引導學生熟悉規則與不規則動詞的過 去分詞變化,並請學生完成 Write.。 ( 3 )搭配 Speak and write. 讓學生進行句型練習。 7' 口說 讀寫 讀寫、口說 節次 教學流程 1. Grammar Focus A( p. 18 ) 利用 Answer the questions. 的題目,讓學生根據經驗回 時間 教學資源 7' 評量方式 讀寫、口說 答問題並與同學分享。 2. Grammar Focus B( p. 19 ) ( 1 )講解現在完成式表從過去持續到現在的動作或狀態 四 8' 電子書 的用法,並呈現句型。 ( 2 )搭配 Speak and write. 讓學生進行句型練習。 3. Grammar Focus C( p. 20 ) ( 1 )講解現在完成式表到目前為止完成的動作的用法, 12' 8' 讀寫、口說 電子書 並呈現句型。 ( 2 )搭配 Speak and write. 讓學生進行句型練習。 Reading( pp. 21–25 ) ( 1 )利用 Before You Read 的問題,讓學生回憶跟家人爭吵 10' 讀寫、口說 5' 討論 5' 口說 5' 10' 問答 的經驗。 ( 2 )搭配 Skimming,請學生用 30 秒略讀文章第一段和最 後一段,並說說看 Ted 寫信的原因。 五 ( 3 )請學生重新閱讀全部課文。 ( 4 )詢問學生讀不懂的地方並討論,並提問以確認學生對文 本理解狀況。 ( 5 )請學生整理並說出讀到的重點。 ( 6 )教師講解信件結構,帶學生完成 After You Read 的 5' 15' 口說 讀寫 Using Graphic Organizers 及 Reading Comprehension。 六 1. Reading( pp. 21–25 ) ( 1 )帶學生複習課文重點。 ( 2 )帶學生熟悉課文中的單字。 2. Exercise( pp. 26–28 ) 請學生完成題目並檢討。 10' 10' 字彙卡 口說 25' CD Player 聽、讀寫 教學目標 學生能分享自己保持 Have You Had Breakfast Yet? 健康的方式。 設計理念 本單元對話提到健康、 均衡的飲食以及培養 運動習慣,故以學生 發表自己維持健康的 方式作為暖身活動。 Warm-up 教學建議 教師可先讓學生腦力 激盪保持健康的方法, Share. 接著分享自己平時有 3 依例和同學討論下方的問題。 做到哪些維持健康的 方式,或是有哪些是 Q: What do you do to stay healthy? 自己想從事的。 A: To stay healthy, I exercise regularly and have a balanced diet. 4 1 drink enough water 10 10 Unit 1 2 exercise regularly 5 3 get a check-up regularly 4 get enough sleep 6 wash hands often 5 have a balanced diet regularly 規律地 check-up 健康檢查 [ ] [ -c] 11 11 Unit 1 D ialogue 教學目標 1. 學生能聽懂對話, 並重述重點。 2. 學生能聽懂現在完 成式的句子。 A. Look and predict. 觀察圖片並預測可能聽到的內容。 B. Listen and share. CD1: 1-2 聽CD,並和同學分享聽到的內容大意。 3. 學生能認識健康控 制體重的方法。 情境介紹 Ela is on a diet, and she doesn't feel well, so Cody is giving her some tips on healthy ways to lose weight. (In the classroom) well 在此為形容詞,在連綴動詞後做補語,表「好的;健康的」。 Ela: I don't feel well. I'm so hungry. 1 Cody: Are you all right? Have you had breakfast yet? 2 Ela: Yes, I have already had breakfast, but I only ate a banana. I'm on a diet. 3 Cody: How long have you been on a diet? 4 Ela: Since I last saw the photo of us in the Line group. I look fat in the photo. Now I eat very little for each meal, and sometimes, I just skip meals. Cody: You haven't eaten enough food for over a week. That's crazy! 5 Ela: I know, but I really want to be as slim as possible. Cody: Appearance is not everything, and I think you look great. have → had → had be → was/were → been eat → ate → eaten 應用字彙 CD1: 5 yet 還(沒) already 已經 crazy 荒唐的;瘋狂的 認識字彙 Line 即時通訊平臺 課文翻譯 skip 省略 diet 節食;飲食 since 自從 as... as possible 盡可能的⋯ photo 照片 slim 苗條的;微小的 12 (在教室裡) 艾拉:我感到不舒服。我好餓。 寇弟:你已超過一個星期沒有吃足夠的食物。這樣太荒唐 了! 寇弟:你還好嗎?你吃早餐了沒? 艾拉:我知道,但我真的想要變得越苗條越好。 艾拉:有,我已經吃了早餐,但我只吃了一根香蕉。我在節 寇弟:外表不是一切,而且我覺得你看起來很棒啊。 食。 寇弟:你已經節食多久了呢? 艾拉:從我上次在 Line 群組看到我們的照片開始。我在照 片裡看起來很胖。我現在每餐都吃很少,而且有的時 候,我直接不吃。 12 Unit 1 參考問題 參考答案 Look at the picture on page 12. How does Ela look? 1 2 What's on Ela's phone? 3 4 She looks sick. A picture of Zac, Ela, and other friends. Look at the picture on page 13. What are they talking about? They're talking about having a balanced diet and building a habit of exercising. What might the dialogue be about? It might be about losing weight in a healthy way. 課文解析 1 2 Have you had breakfast yet? Yes, I have already had breakfast, but I only ate a banana. • 這兩句為現在完成式 yes-no 問句及答句,會用助動詞 have/has 與動詞的過去分詞來詢問和表答「從過 去到現在已經完成的動作」。其句型為: yes/no 問句 Has/Have +主詞+過去分詞 …(+ yet )? 肯定簡答 Yes, 主詞+ have/has(+ already )+過去分詞 … . 否定簡答 No, 主詞+ haven't/hasn't +過去分詞 …(+ yet ). 現在完成式的用法詳見 Grammar Focus 解析。 e 例:A: Has she bought a gift for Sam yet?(她為山姆買了一個禮物了沒?) B: Yes, she has already bought a gift. / No, she hasn't bought a gift yet. (是的,她已經買好了一個禮物。/ 沒有,她尚未買一個禮物。) • yet 和 already 皆為副詞,常與現在完成式搭配。yet 表「還(沒)」,通常用在疑問句及否定句的句尾, 有時也可至於否定句 not 之後;already 表「已經」,常置於句尾、主要動詞前或是 be 動詞後。 例:Carlos has not yet done his homework.( 卡洛斯尚未做他的功課。) Vivian has taken out the trash already.( 薇薇安已經倒垃圾了。) 3 4 en How long have you been on a diet? Since I last saw the photo of us in the Line group. • how long 疑問句搭配現在完成式,用來詢問「某事從過去開始到現在已持續多久」。 • 4 的答句為省略,完整的句子應為 I have been on a diet since I last saw the photo of us in the Line group.。 • since 在此為從屬連接詞,表「自從」。since 引導的從屬子句用來表示過去某個時間點,要用過去式。 例:They've learned English since they were young.( 他們從他們年輕時至今都在學英文。) • 的 5 4 中的 last 為副詞,有「上次」的意思,置於動詞前或 be 動詞後強調語氣。 例:When I last met Ryan, we had a fight.( 當我上次和萊恩見面時,我們起了爭執。) I know, but I really want to be as slim as possible. • I know 常用來回應他人,表示贊同。另外,I know 也可以用來表示突然想到好主意或問題的解決方式。 例:A: It's so cold today.( 今天好冷。) B: I know. I can't feel my hands.( 對啊。我的手都沒知覺了。) A: What should we have for lunch?(我們午餐要吃什麼?) B: I know. We can go to the new restaurant around the corner. (我有個主意。我們可以去附近新開的餐廳。) • 片語 as... as possible 有「盡可能 ; 越 … 越好」的意思,所以 as slim as possible 意謂「越苗條越好」。 例: If you got my message, please call me as soon as possible. (如果你收到我的訊息,請盡快與我聯絡。) 參考資料區 Pre-Listening Questions 參考資料區 課文解析 C I'm all ears! • 片語 be all ears 表示「全神貫注地聽」。 6 例:A: Do you have some time? I need to tell you something.( 你有時間嗎?我有事需要告訴你。) B: Sure. I'm all ears.( 當然。我洗耳恭聽。) Have you ever tried exercising? No, I never have. • 詢問和回答「從過去到現在為止的經驗」的句型為: 7 8 C Has/Have +主詞+ ever +過去分詞 ? Yes, 主詞+ have/has. No, 主詞+ haven't/hasn't. yes/no 問句 肯定簡答 否定簡答 • 問句中的 ever 為副詞,用來加強語氣。否定答句也可以用 No, 主詞+ never have/has. 表示,never 也 可置於助動詞後。 例:A: Have you ever been to Japan?(你有去過日本嗎?) B: No, I never have. / I have never.( 不,我從來沒有。) So building a habit of exercising is also important? • habit 常接介系詞 of 表「 … 的習慣」;如要表「養成、建立習慣」可搭配動詞 build。 9 C C C 例:She has built a habit of keeping a diary since she was in junior high school. (她從國中開始就有建立起寫日記的習慣。) You got it. • get 在此有「理解;聽見」的意思,You got it. 就是指「你懂了。;沒錯。」的意思。另外,You got it. 也 10 C 可以用來回覆他人對你的交代,表示「沒問題。;馬上做到。」。 例:A: So, the answer to this question is B?(所以這題答案是 B ?) B: You got it.( 沒錯。) A: Could you make me a cup of tea?(你能幫我泡杯茶嗎?) B: You got it.( 沒問題,馬上就來。) Post-Listening Questions 參考問題 1 Why did Ela only eat a banana for breakfast? 2 3 參考答案 She is on a diet. Why was Ela on a diet? She wasn't happy about how she looked, and she wanted to be slim. What tips for losing weight did Cody give Ela? Having a balanced diet and building a habit of exercising. 4 Did Ela take Cody's advice in the end? Yes. She said she would start taking action. 教 學 補 給 站 《均衡的飲食》 依據衛生福利部公布「國民飲食指標」建議,日常飲食依據飲食指南建議的六大類食物(全榖雜糧、豆魚蛋 肉、乳品類、蔬菜類、水果類、油脂及堅果種子類)份量攝取,營養素種類才能齊全。 三餐以全榖為主食提供身體適當的熱量,可以幫助維持血糖,保護肌肉與內臟器官的組織蛋白質。多選用高 纖維食物,促進腸道的生理健康,還可幫助血糖與血脂的控制。少油、少鹽、少糖,並多喝開水。 資 料 來 源 衛生福利部 國民健康署 應 t b 認 1 CD1: 3-4 Cody: If you really want to lose weight, I have some tips for you. 6 Ela: I'm all ears! or 連接兩個動名詞片語作本句主詞,後方接單數動詞 is。 Cody: A balanced diet is important. Eating so little or eating only one type of food is bad for your health. Ela: I didn't know that. What else? 7 Cody: Have you ever tried exercising? 8 Ela: No, I never have. I don't like to exercise. 現在完成式的附加問句會用「 have/haven't +代名詞」 。 Cody: You haven't seen my sister for a long time, have you? She has lost five kilograms since she started exercising. Ela: Five kilos? How does she do it? Cody: She exercises at least three times a week. 9 Ela: So building a habit of exercising is also important? 10 Cody: You got it. Ela: I see. I need to take action now. try → tried → tried see → saw → seen lose → lost → lost 應用字彙 tip 訣竅 CD1: 5 type 類型 be all ears 洗耳恭聽 認識字彙 weight 體重 ever 曾經 at least 至少 balanced 均衡的 habit 習慣 take action 採取行動 You got it. 沒錯。 13 課文翻譯 寇弟:如果你真的想要減重,我有一些秘訣可以給你。 艾拉:我洗耳恭聽! 寇弟:均衡的飲食很重要。吃太少或只吃一種食物都 不利於你的健康。 寇弟:你很久沒見到我姐姐了,對吧?她從開始運動至今, 已瘦了五公斤。 艾拉:五公斤?她是怎麼辦到的? 寇弟:她每週至少運動三次。 艾拉:我以前不知道這件事。還有嗎? 艾拉:所以建立運動習慣也很重要? 寇弟:你有嘗試過運動嗎? 寇弟:沒錯。 艾拉:沒,從來沒有過。我不喜歡運動。 艾拉:我了解了。我會開始採取行動。 13 Unit 1 C. Check the correct answers. 根據對話內容,勾選Cody建議的減重方法。 1. █ Get enough rest. 2. █ Have a balanced diet. 3. █ Build a habit of exercising. 4. █ Eat very little for each meal. Oral Practice: Continuing a Conversation Read and learn. 讀一讀,學習用answer、add、ask技巧延續對話。 Q Have you ever tried exercising? A No, I never have. answer │ 回答問題 I don't like to exericise. add │ 加入資訊 How about you? Do you like to exercise? ask │ 反問相關的問題 Pair up. 利用answer、add、ask技巧,分組練習對話。 1 eaten breakfast yet 2 been on a diet ... ... S 應 參考答案 1. A: Have you eaten breakfast yet? B: No, I haven't. I woke up late this morning. What about you? 2. A: Have you ever been on a diet? B: Yes, I have. It was so hard. And you? 14 Unit 1 T heme Words A 1 教學目標 1. 學生能認識維持健 How Do People Stay in Shape? CD1: 6 康方式的英文。 2. 學生能用英文分享 維持健康的方式。 教學建議 教師在講解完主題單 字後,運用 Say it. 的 I have tried... 句型,引 導學生分享自己的狀 況。另外,也可以請 學生提出其他保持健 康的方式,如對話中 建議的 go on a diet、 start the day with a glass of water make healthy food choices try exercising,或 自行補充,如 walk more,也可以回到暖 身篇,複習暖身篇中 提及的建議方式。 keep a good mood go to the gym Say it. 說說看上述保持健康的方法,你嘗試過哪一種。 Example 應用字彙 I have tried going to the gym to stay in shape. CD1: 7 choice 選擇 gym 健身房;體育館 stay in shape 保持健康 認識字彙 mood 心情 15 教 學 補 給 站 《更多保持健康的方式》 1 Eat less sugar, and drink more water. 少糖多喝水。 5 Wash your hands often. 勤洗手。 2 Eat less meat, and eat more vegetables. 少吃肉,多吃菜。 6 Cope with your stress. 學習應付自己的壓力。 3 Get enough rest. 充足的休息。 7 Don't smoke. 不要抽菸。 4 Move more, sit less. 多動少坐。 8 Avoid too much screen time. 避免長時間看螢幕。 15 Unit 1 B 教學目標 Talking About Experiences CD1: 8 學生能分享自身的經 驗。 be abroad be in a haunted house work from a classmate R cheat in a game copy homework from a classmate join a swimming race try to lose weight Check. 讀一讀下列的敘述,將與你相符的經驗打勾。 1. I have been abroad for more than once. 2. I have never copied homework from my classmate. 3. I have never been in a haunted house. 4. I have joined ten races so far. 5. I have cheated in a game before. 6. I have never tried to lose weight. 應用字彙 so far 到目前為止 CD1: 9 abroad 到國外 cheat 作弊;欺騙 copy 抄襲;複製 race 速度競賽 16 教 學 活 動 《 Find Your Soulmates 》 教學步驟 ① 讓學生在紙上寫出三件曾經或未曾有過的經驗,需含至少一個本篇章字彙。 ② 將全班分成每組六人,進行組內活動。 ③ 各組成員輪流說出自己的經驗,如 A 生說 I have never cheated on a test.,組員若有 相同者起立,並複誦句子。A 生說出第二項,先前起立者若有相同經驗則繼續站著, 並說句子,若無則坐下。A 生記錄說出第三項經驗後還站著的組員。 ④ 各組結束後,讓有找到與自己三項經驗都相同者說 ___ and I have ___.,並給予鼓勵。 16 Unit 1 教學小叮嚀 ⑴ 步驟 ①,可視學生程度限定 須包含的本篇章字彙數;亦可 鼓勵學習成就高者寫其他字 彙,學習成就低者從六個字彙 中挑選三個。 ⑵ 視時間,可重新分組,以相同 方式進行活動。 W e k ht. 止 G rammar Focus A 教學目標 學生能使用現在完成 Have you/they tried exercising? been to Taipei? ever Has he/she 式來描述及詢問經驗、 從過去持續到現在的 狀態,或已完成的動 Yes, No, I/we/they have. I/We/They have he/she has. He/She has I/we/they haven't. I/We/They have he/she hasn't. He/She has tried exercising (before). been to Taipei (many times). 作。句型 A 屬「表達 過去到目前為止的經 驗」。 tried exercising. been to Taipei. never ▲詳答部分可省略。 = I've we have = we've * I have you have = you've they have = they've he has = he's she has = she's have not = haven't has not = hasn't Read. 讀一讀動詞三態變化表。(完整第一∼五冊不規則動詞三態變化表詳見p. 189) 規則動詞 原形 不規則動詞 過去式 過去分詞 原形 過去式 過去分詞 原形 過去式 A A A A B cut put read cut put read cut put read [reD] [rED] [rED] A B B build feed find get have keep lose make teach think built fed found got had kept lost made taught thought built fed found got had kept lost made taught thought cheat climb exercise join live stay want work cheated climbed exercised joined lived stayed wanted worked cheated climbed exercised joined lived stayed wanted worked copy cry study try copied cried studied tried copied cried studied tried drop plan dropped planned dropped planned come run 過去分詞 A came ran come run A B C be begin do drive eat go know see speak swim take wake was/were began did drove ate went knew saw spoke swam took woke been begun done driven eaten gone known seen spoken swum taken woken Write. 寫出動詞的過去分詞形式。 1. run → run 2. read → read 3. keep → kept 4. go → gone 5. drive → driven 6. begin → begun 教 學 補 給 站 《動詞三態的變化》 英文動詞的三態是指動詞的原形、過去式、過去分詞三種型態,而動詞的三態變化又有分規則變化和不規則變化: 1. 規則變化 2. 不規則變化 (a) 動詞原形字尾直接加 -ed,如 play–played–played。 (a) A–A–A 型:動詞三態皆同,如 put–put–put。 (b) 動詞字尾有 e,只加 -d,如 like–liked–liked。 (b) A–B–A 型:只有過去式不同,如 come–came–come。 (c) 動詞字尾為子音,去 y 加 -ied,如 cry–cried–cried。 (c) A–B–B 型:過去式和過去分詞同,如 feel–felt–felt。 (d) 動詞字尾為 短母音+單子音 ,重複字尾加 -ed,如 stop–stopped–stopped。 (d) A–B–C 型:動詞三態皆不同,如 eat–ate–eaten。 17 Unit 1 Speak and write. 根據活動記錄表說說看、寫寫看。 Activity climb a mountain swim in the sea Time(s) Name feed a cow Harry 1 time 1 time Kate 1 time many times Jim many times 2 times Amy and Ben try frog meat 1 time 2 times 2 times many times Example A: Has Harry ever climbed a mountain? B: Yes, he has. He has climbed a mountain once. A: Has Harry ever swum in the sea? B: No, he hasn't. He has never swum in the sea. 1. A: Has Kate ever fed a cow? B: Yes, she has . She has 2. A: Has Jim ever B: No , he hasn't many has never tried 3. A: Have Amy and Ben ever swum in the sea? B: Yes, they have. They have swum in the sea twice. Answer the questions. 根據你的經驗回答問題。 1. Q: Have you ever climbed a mountain? A: 依事實回答 2. Q: Have you and your family ever tried frog meat? A: 18 18 Unit 1 依事實回答 times frog meat? tried . He a cow fed frog meat. . 《現在完成式》 1. 用來表達「到目前為止的經驗」、「從過去持續到現在的動作或狀態」以及「到目前為止完成的動作」。 2. 現在完成式的動詞形式:have/has +過去分詞 。除了第三人稱單數的助動詞須搭配 has 之外,其餘主詞 皆搭配 have。 3. 否定形為 have/has not +過去分詞 ,也可縮寫為 haven't/hasn't +過去分詞 。 4. 句型: 句型結構 肯定句 主詞+ have/has +過去分詞+ … 否定句 主詞+ haven't/hasn't +過去分詞+ … 疑問句 Have/Has +主詞+過去分詞+ … ? es 例句 I have had breakfast. (我吃過早餐了。) I haven't had breakfast. (我還沒吃早餐。) Have you had breakfast? (你吃過早餐了嗎?) Yes, I have had breakfast. 肯定答句 肯定詳答 Yes, 主詞+ have/has +過去分詞+ … 肯定簡答 Yes, 主詞(代名詞)+ have. (是的,我吃過早餐了。) Yes, I have. (是的,我吃過了。) . 否定答句 否定詳答 No, I haven't had breakfast. No, 主詞+ haven't/hasn't +過去分詞+ … (不,我還沒吃早餐。) 否定簡答 No, 主詞(代名詞)+ haven't/hasn't. No, I haven't. (不,我還沒吃。) 《現在完成式表經驗》 1. 常搭配的副詞(片語)有:ever、never、before、數字∕數量形容詞+ time(s) 。 2. Yes/No 問句中常加入 ever 來強調語氣,表「曾經」。須放在過去分詞之前。 例:Have you ever been to the USA?(你曾經去過美國嗎?) 3. never 則使用於否定句,表示「從未」。須放在助動詞與過去分詞之間。 例:Cassidy has never worn a dress.( 卡西迪從來沒有穿過洋裝。) 4. before 以及經驗次數( once、twice、three times …)須放在句尾。 例:Believe me. I've done this before.( 相信我吧。這件事我之前做過。) Dan has showered three times, but he still smells like fish. (丹已經洗了三次澡,但他聞起來還是像魚。) 參考資料區 文法加油站 B 參考資料區 文法加油站 《現在完成式表從過去持續到現在的動作或狀態》 1. 詢問「某事從過去到現在已持續多久」會用 how long 開頭。句型: 問句 How long have/has 主詞 答句 主詞 have/has 過去分詞 … 過去分詞 … ? for +一段時間 . since +過去時間點 . 2. for +一段時間 表示「已有多久了」。常搭配:half an hour、a few days、three days、a long time。 例:A: How long have you two known each other?(你們兩個認識多久了?) B: We've known each other for ten years.( 我們認識十年了。) 3. since +過去時間點 表示「自某時間點開始」,過去時間點可為片語或子句,常搭配 seven o'clock、 last night、Christmas、2018、January 31, 1995、we were kids。 例:A: How long has your dog been sick?(你的狗狗生病多久了?) B: It has been sick since last summer. / It has been sick since we adopted it. (牠從去年夏天就開始病了。∕牠從我們領養牠時就病了。) 《現在完成式表到目前為止完成的動作》 1. 常搭配的副詞有 yet、already、just。 2. yet 可用在 yes/no 問句或否定句句尾來加強語氣,表「尚(未)」。yet 有時也可置於否定句 not 之後。 例: A: Have you seen the movie yet?(你看那部電影了嗎?) B: No, I haven't seen it yet. = No, I have not yet watched it.( 不,我還沒看。) 3. 同樣用來加強語氣的還有 already,用於肯定句,表「已經」,可放在 have/has 與過去分詞之間或是句尾。 例:Erin has already done her homework. = Erin has done her homework already.( 艾琳已經做完功課了。) 4. just 可用於問句及肯定句,表「剛才」,須放在過去分詞之前。 例:Have you just arrived?(你剛到嗎?) We've just talked on the phone.( 我們剛剛才通過電話。) Sp B How long I/We have He has have you 1 been on a diet? lived in Taiwan? has he been on a diet lived in Taiwan 教學建議 句型 B 屬「用現在完 成式表某事已經持續 for a month. since last month. he was twenty. 多久了」。 Speak and write. 根據圖片內容說說看、寫寫看。 Example teach math / ten years A: How long has Mr. Wang taught math? B: He has taught math for ten years. 10 years 1. know each other / they were in junior high school A: B: How long known each other? They have have known Jane and Austin each other since they were in junior high school. 2. be a mail carrier / six months 4/1 10/1 A: How long has has been Jason been a mail carrier? B: He six 2018 now a mail carrier for months . 3. Lily / work at the gas station / 2018 A: How long has Lily worked at the gas station? B: She has worked at the gas station since 2018. 19 19 Unit 1 C 教學建議 句型 C 屬「用現在完 Have they Has she 成式表到目前為止是 Yes, 否已完成某事」。 No, had breakfast lost five kilos Re (yet)? they have. They have she has. She has they haven't. They haven't she hasn't. She hasn't (already) had breakfast. lost five kilos. had breakfast lost five kilos (yet). ▲詳答部分可省略。 Speak and write. 根據圖片內容說說看、寫寫看。 Example wake up A: Has Amy woken up yet? B: Yes, she has. (She has already woken up.) Amy 1. find their cat A: Have B: No, they ( the kids found their cat yet? haven't . They haven't found it yet .) 2. do the dishes A: Has Ken done the dishes? B: Yes, he has. ( He has (already) done the dishes. Ken 3. the workers / speak to their boss A: Have the workers spoken to their boss yet? B: No, they haven't. They haven't spoken to their boss yet. 20 20 Unit 1 ) Reading 1 Before You Read 1. 學生能讀懂文章內 Making Connections 利用自身經驗,回答問題。 1. When was your last fight with a family member? 參考答案 Last weekend. 參考答案 We felt terrible. 教學目標 容,並講述大意。 2. 學生能在閱讀各階 段利用閱讀策略幫 2. How did you two feel after the fight? 助閱讀。 3. 學生能寫信詢求建 議。 4. 學生能了解信封的 格式。 5. 學生能了解與家人 溝通互動和衝突處 理。 教學建議 教師可利用 Before You Read 的圖片,藉 由提問讓學生分享自 身經驗及感受,並與 閱讀的文章內容作連 結。 Whil e You Read Skimming 用30秒略讀文章第一段及最後一段, ) 並勾選正確的答案。 Why did Ted write the letter? To talk to his parents. To ask Debbie for help. To show his interest in music. 21 Before You Read 《 Questions 》 參考問題 參考答案 1 Look at the pictures on page 21. What's wrong with the people? They look like they're having a fight. The girls look unhappy. 2 When was your last fight with a family member? How did you two feel after the fight? Last weekend. We felt terrible. 3 What caused the fight? How can you stop it from happening next time? I shouted at her. I should have better control of my temper next time. 21 Unit 1 CD1: 10-11 課文大意 Ted had a fight with his parents about his interest in playing music, so he wrote a letter to Debbie for help. A Let ter from a Teenager Dear Debbie, I'm Ted, a senior high school student, and I need your help. 1 Last Monday, I had a serious fight with my parents about my interest in playing music. 2 I have been so unhappy and haven't talked to them since then. Playing music gives me joy, and my dream is to become a pop star. I am good at playing the drums, and I have just started a band with my friends. 3 However, I've spent too much time practicing lately, so I did terribly on my exams. My parents were angry and told me to give up my band. garbage. They even called my music I was so mad. 4 I know that my parents are worried about my future, but they have hurt my feelings. Music is everything to me. How can I make them understand? 5 Best wishes, Ted 22 課文翻譯 一封來自一位青少年的信 親愛的黛比: 我是泰德,一位高中生,我需要你的幫忙。上週一我跟 我的父母針對我玩音樂的興趣,產生嚴重的爭吵。我非常 不開心,從那時候開始就一直沒跟他們講話。 很差。我的父母親很生氣,叫我放棄我的樂團。他們甚至 還把我的音樂稱作垃圾。我很生氣。 我知道他們擔心我的未來,但他們傷了我的心。音樂 玩音樂帶給我樂趣,而且我的夢想是成為一位流行音 對我而言就是一切。我該如何讓他們了解呢? 樂界的明星。我擅長打鼓,而且我才剛與我的朋友們組成 最好的祝福, 一個樂團。然而,我最近花太多時間練習,我的考試都考得 泰德 22 Unit 1 1 Last Monday, I had a serious fight with my parents about my interest in playing music. • have a fight with... 有「與 … 發生爭執」的意思。另外,也可加上介系詞 about 或 over,表「因 … 而爭 執」。 例: I had a fight with my brother about the new computer game. (我跟我的哥哥為了新的電腦遊戲而發生爭執。) The kids are fighting over the new toys. ( 這些小孩正為了那些新玩具吵架。) • interest 後面常會搭配介系詞 in + N/V-ing ,表示「對 … 的興趣」。 例: John showed an interest in math when he was in elementary school. (約翰小學時就顯示出他對數學的興趣。) 2 I have been so unhappy and haven't talked to them since then. • 本句使用現在完成式,以表示從過去到現在持續的狀態,故用助動詞 have,而動詞要用過去分詞的 been 和 talked。 例:He has been hungry for two hours.( 他已餓了兩個小時。) • 3 介系詞 since 常與現在完成式搭配,指「自從 …」。then 指前句的 I had a serious fight with my parents。 例:I haven't heard from him since last week.( 我從上週起就沒他的消息。) However, I've spent too much time practicing lately, so I did terribly on my exams. • 人+ spend +錢 / 時間+ V-ing ,表示「某人花了多少錢 / 時間在做某事」。 例:She spent the whole night working.( 她花了整晚在工作。) 4 • exam 搭配的介系詞可以是 on 或 in;do well/badly on an exam 表「考試表現良好 / 不好」。 I know that my parents are worried about my future, but they have hurt my feelings. • 從 my parents... 到句尾為由 that 引導的名詞子句,作為動詞 know 的受詞,that 可以省略。 例:I believe the children are our future.( 我相信兒童是我們的未來。) • hurt someone's feelings 表「傷了某人的感情」。 5 Best wishes, • 通常用在信件或電子郵件的最後,作結尾祝詞。 • 其他常見的英文信件結語為 Best regards、Sincerely / Sincerely yours、Yours / Yours truly、Love 及 Take care。 參考資料區 課文解析 參考資料區 While You Read 《 Skimming 》搭配課本 p. 21 的 While You Read 本篇閱讀為一篇信件,述說青少年 Ted 與父母發生爭吵,因而寫信給 Debbie 尋求建議。學生能運用略讀的 技巧,快速看懂段落大意、掌握段落架構。教師可帶領學生閱讀每段的主題句及結論句找出文章的寫作目 的,回答 While You Read 的問題。 《 Questions & Graphic Organizers 》搭配課本 p. 24 的 Using Graphic Organizers 閱讀中,教師可透過以下提問,幫助學生檢視對文本的理解。另,也可以在閱讀後,利用這些提問,輔助學 生畫出文章的組織圖,以整理文本的架構,便於理解與複習。 1. Why did Ted write a letter to Debbie? 2. Why did Ted have a fight with his prents? After You Read 3. How can Debbie help Ted? p Using Graphic Organizers 根據文章內容,完成以下的組織圖。 ar ag r ap h Introduction 介紹 Express the reason for writing school student, had a fight senior high with his parents about his interest , and he needs help p Ted, a ar ag r ap h from Debbie. Main Body 主文 Explain the problem(s) Ted's parents wanted him to give up his band because p he spent too much time practicing and did ar ag r ap h terribly (Question 2) on the exams. Conclusion 結論 Conclude the writing Ted wants Debbie's help to make his parents understand that music is everything to him. paragraph 段落 express 陳述 Reading Comprehension 根據閱讀內容,選出正確的答案。 ( a ) What do we know about Ted? (a) He wants to have a career in music. (b) His parents understand all his choices. (c) He hopes to become a member of a band. 24 (Question 1) conclude 總結 (Question 3) 1 CD1: 12-13 Enve lo pe From: Ted Chin ., No. 360, Nanmen Rd Taichung City 402271 Taiwan (ROC) St am p r To: Ms. Debbie Baue Teenagers' Corner et, No. 111, Spring Stre New York, NY 10014 SA 應用字彙 CD1: 14 letter 信 teenager 青少年 pop 流行音樂 drum 鼓 senior high school 高中 serious 嚴重的 interest 興趣;使感興趣 unhappy 不快樂的 joy 樂趣;喜悅 garbage 垃圾 wish 祝福 envelope 信封 stamp 郵票 認識字彙 exam 考試 understand 瞭解 star 明星 feeling 情緒;感覺 lately 最近 call 稱呼 angry 生氣的 23 課文翻譯 信封 來自﹕秦泰德 郵票 402271 臺灣臺中市南門路 360 號 寄給﹕黛比.包爾 女士 青少年園地 10014 美國紐約州紐約市春天街 111 號 23 Unit 1 After You Read p Using Graphic Organizers 根據文章內容,完成組織圖。 ar ag r ap h Introduction 介紹 Express the reason for writing school student, had a fight senior high with his parents about his interest , and he needs help p Ted, a ar ag r ap h from Debbie. Main Body 主文 Explain the problem(s) Ted's parents wanted him to give up his band because p he spent too much time practicing and did ar ag r ap h terribly on the exams. Conclusion 結論 Conclude the writing Ted wants Debbie's help to make his parents understand that music is everything to him. paragraph 段落 [ PAR3 cGRAF] express 陳述 [IK$SPRES] Reading Comprehension 根據閱讀內容,選出正確的答案。 ( a ) What do we know about Ted? (a) Music is important to him. (b) His parents understand all his choices. (c) He hopes to become a member of a band. 由第二段第二、四、五句可知 (b)、(c) 錯誤。由第二段第一句可知 (a) 為正解。 24 Unit 1 conclude 總結 [K3N $kLuD] 信件會因寫信的目的在內容架構上有所不同。本課的信件屬於諮詢建議用,其內容架構大致分為 : 陳述要寫這封信的原因,如想請求朋友幫助或尋求諮詢;文章第一段 Ted 就點明自己是誰,以 及因為和家人吵架想要尋求協助。常見的開頭語有: 1 介紹 • I am writing to ask for your advice. • I wonder if you could help me with a problem. • Can you give me your advice? • I've got a problem, and I need your help. 2 主文 解釋所遭遇的狀況或問題的細節,如文章第二段,Ted 解釋和父母吵架這件事的來龍去脈。 通常會再次強調問題,並尋求意見或幫忙作為結束。如文章最後一段 Ted 再次強調跟父母間 3 結論 的衝突,並詢問 Debbie 該如何讓父母了解他的想法作為結束。常見的結語有:What should I do?、How can I...?、It would be great if you could give me some advice.。 資 料 來 源 mina7 教學補給站 《英文信件的格式》 英文信件的書寫格式主要分為以下兩種: 1 2 齊頭式 ( block format ) 縮進式 ( semi-block format ) 齊頭式的信件的格式,指的是從稱呼、主文、結束語到簽名都是向左對齊,如 第三冊第一課閱讀篇的明信片,就是用齊頭式的格式。 縮進式的格式是將每段書信第一行的第一個字母稍微向右縮進,通常以五個字 母為宜,每段第二行則從左邊的頂格寫起。信件的日期、結束語及簽名,則會 從信紙的中間處寫起。本閱讀篇的內文就是以縮進式行文。 結 《英文信封的寫法》 資 料 來 源 LEXICO 1. 在信封的中間或右下角偏左的地方寫「收信人」的名字和住址。收件人的地方要寫稱謂(如 Mr.、Mrs.、 Ms.、Miss )加上全名。住址的寫法與中文相反;英文住址由小至大。書寫順序如下: 第 1 行:姓名或公司名稱。 第 2 行:門牌號碼、弄、巷、路街名稱。 第 3 行:鄉鎮、縣市、郵遞區號。 第 4 行:國名。 2. 信封左上角寫「寄信人」的名字和住址。寄信人不用加稱謂。 3. 在信封右上角貼上郵票。 資 料 來 源 中華郵政 參考資料區 After You Read 《 Reading Structure 》詢問建議的信件 參考資料區 教 學 活 動 《 A Letter to Ted 》 教具 A3 紙張(每組一張)、彩色筆(每組一枝)、行動載具(每組一臺;事先下載好 App — Seesaw ) ① 將全班以異質分組,每組約 3–4 人;發給每組一張紙和一枝彩色筆。 ② 延續課文內容,問學生 If you were Debbie Bauer, what would you tell Ted? What would you suggest Ted do?,以組為單位進行討論,並將討論重點記錄在紙張上。 ③ 討論完畢,各組將紙張貼在黑板上,並輪流上臺分享;組別分享時,教師同時歸納、整合重 點,並記錄於黑板上。 ④ 告訴學生 Now, you're going to write a letter to Ted.,秀出電子書中的課文來複習書信格式, 再搭配 After You Read 的組織圖,說明回信的段落重點;回信重點參考如下: Introduction Express the reason for writing 惱。 Main Body 給 Ted 的建議(即「步驟 3 」各組所討論 Give Ted some suggestions 教學步驟 感謝 Ted 的來信,並簡要說明 Ted 的煩 的重點)。 Conclusion Conclude the writing 鼓勵 Ted。 ⑤ 發給每組 1 臺行動載具,並安排小組成員任務,完成給 Ted 的回信。 A生 • 小組討論。 • 協助 B、C 書寫和口語練習。 B生 • 小組討論。 • 於 Seesaw 上寫出回信,並上傳。 • 協助 C 生練習讀信。 C生 • 小組討論。 • 練習並上臺讀信。 ⑴ 步驟 ② 小組討論時,如提出的建議不會以英文表達者,可隨時提問,或於步驟 ③ 發表時,由 教學 小叮嚀 老師或班上同學協助其英文說法。 ⑵ 各組進行活動時,須行間巡視,以給予協助。 延伸議題討論 議題 家庭教育、青少年壓力 參考討 1. 了解與家人溝通及相互支持的方式。 論主題 2. 讓青少年學習如何反省自我,化解心理問題。 文章《說沒兩句就吵架?親子 諮商師陳志恆接受今周刊的訪問,給予親子溝通的建議。 都該上的一堂「溝通課」》 相關參 電影《 Boyhood 年少時代》 考教材 書籍《成為更好的自己》 描述一個男孩與家人經歷許多生活起伏,有所成長的故事。 作者劉軒為青少年量身打造的 18 堂心理課,替少年們化解生活 經驗中的大小心理問題,提升正向心理素質。 TED Talk《 How to make stress your friend? 》 如何調適壓力的演講。 1 Activity 從1.~3.中選一個情境,寫一封向他人尋求幫助的信。 教學建議 彈性使用 本單元教授詢問建議 Introduction Express the reason for writing 的書信結構,教師可 1. I failed an exam. 以搭配本頁活動,運 2. My best friend stopped talking to me. 用組織圖打草稿,從 課本提供的兩個主題 3. Other: 中挑選一個(或自由 發揮),實際讓學生在 Main Body Explain the problem(s) 1. I failed an exam because I didn't have time to study. I had to help my mom in her shop... 2. My best friend stopped talking to me because I forgot his/her birthday... 下方仿作一篇信件。 另外,在左方插頁也 有補充單獨的書信寫 作活動,提供教師作 更進階教學。 3. Other: 1. I need to find more time to study. Conclusion Conclude the writing 2. I want to let him/her know that I'm sorry. 3. Other: Dear Debbie, Hi, I'm , a junior high school student. I'm writing this letter because , and I need your help. I feel so sad. What should I do? Can you help me? Best wishes, 25 參考答案 Dear Debbie, Hi, I'm Tina, a junior high school student. I'm writing this letter because I failed on my last exam, and I need your help. I failed the exam because I didn't have time to study. I had to help my mom in her shop until late at night. If I don't help my mom, she will be too tired. We really need the money to make a living. It's hard to work and study well at the same time. I feel so sad. I know I need to find more time to study. I want to do well on the exam, too. What should I do? Can you help me? Best wishes, Tina 25 Unit 1 E xercise A Reading 閱讀練習 Dear Mr. Lu, I'm writing to you about my neighbor next door. He has caused me a lot of trouble, and I'd like to ask for your legal advice. My family and I have lived in our new house for a year now, and my neighbor next door has always been a pain in the neck. For example, my neighbor likes to play music loudly at night. What's worse, he always parks his car in front of my house and blocks my way. To go out, I have to ask him to move his car. At first, I talked to him about the problem nicely, but he kept doing it. Last Saturday, I finally called the police. I thought that would teach my neighbor a lesson, but it did not work. I found his car in front of my house again the next morning. As a lawyer, have you ever helped with this kind of problem before? Can we meet and talk about it? Best wishes, B Amy [ ] neighbor 鄰居 park 停車 [ ] legal advice 法律上的建議 block 阻擋 [] 26 閱讀練習翻譯 呂先生,您好: 我寫這封信給您是關於我的隔壁鄰居。他造成了我許 多的困擾,我想向您尋求法律上的建議。 我跟我的家人已住進我們的新家有一年,而我隔壁的 鄰居一直是個極其討厭的人。例如,他喜歡在夜晚大聲播 跟他談論這個問題,但他總是再犯。上週六,我終於報警。 我本以為這樣可以讓我鄰居得到教訓,但沒有用。我隔天 早上又在我家門口發現他的車。 身為律師,您以前是否有協助過這類的問題。我們是 否可以見面討論呢? 放音樂。更糟的是,他總是把他的車停在我房子前,擋住我 最好的祝福, 的去路。我必須請他移車才能出門。剛開始,我有好好地 艾咪 26 Unit 1 1 A. Complete the graphic organizer. 根據文章內容,完成組織圖。 教學建議 Paragraph 1 Introduction: 教師可透過以下提問, Amy's neighbor has caused her a lot of trouble Express the reason for writing , so she wants to ask for legal advice. (Question 1) 1. Amy's neighbor likes to play music loudly Why did Amy write to Mr. Lu for legal advice? Paragraph 2 Main Body: at night. Explain the problem(s) (Question 2) 2. Amy's neighbor keeps parking in front of What problems did Amy's neighbor create for her? her house. Paragraph 3 Conclusion: 引導學生完成組織圖。 Amy wants to meet with the lawyer . Conclude the writing (Question 3) What did Amy plan to do with Mr. Lu? B. Choose the correct answer. 根據文章內容,選出正確的答案。 1. ( d ) What made Amy's neighbor "a pain in the neck"? (a) He gave her some good advice. (b) He was nice to her and her family. 1. 從後面 Amy 所舉出的例子可理解 她的鄰居給她的生活造成許多困 (c) He kept asking her to move her car. 擾,故選 (d)。 (d) He created a lot of problems for her. 2. ( d ) What does "it" mean? (a) Moving the car. (b) Calling the police. (c) Playing music loudly. (d) Parking in front of Amy's house. 2. 由本句前面得知 Amy 跟鄰居要討 論的問題,指的是第二段第三句中 所提到的 he always parks his cars in front my house and blocks my way,故答案為 (d)。 27 27 Unit 1 E xercise Listening 聽力練習 辨識句意 A. Listen and choose the correct picture. 根據聽到的句子,選出符合描述的圖片。 1. ( a ) (a) (b) (c) 2. ( c ) (a) (b) (c) CD1: 15 基本問答 B. Listen and choose the correct answer. 根據聽到的內容,選出最適合的回應。 CD1: 16 1. ( c ) (a) I've worked here for twenty years. (b) I just started my new job last week. (c) I've had some experience in teaching teenagers. 2. ( b ) (a) Sure. I'll do that as soon as possible. (b) Yes, I've been to three different countries. (c) Of course. I've always wanted to go to Japan. 言談理解 C. Listen and choose the correct answer. 根據聽到的內容,選出最適合的答案。 CD1: 17 1. ( a ) (a) She is twenty-five years old. (b) It is a joy for her to play the drums. (c) She has played the drums for five years. 2. ( c ) (a) He was slimmer before. (b) He's had a habit of exercising for many years. (c) He started going to the gym after he met Tiffany. 聽力內容 A 28 1. The man forgot to put a stamp on the envelope. 2. The running race has already finished. B 28 Unit 1 C 1. M: I didn't know you could play the drums so well, Meg. W: Thank you. I've played them since I was five. 1. What type of job have you had before? M: Wow, it's been twenty years. You must really like it. 2. Have you ever been abroad? W: Not really. My parents asked me to, and now I'm only doing it to make money. Q: Which is true about the woman? 2. M: Have you seen Tim lately? He looks different. W: I heard he's lost a few pounds since he started exercising last month. M: I thought he's always had a habit of going to the gym. W: No, not until he met the woman of his dreams, Tiffany. M: Wow, love changes a man, doesn't it? Q: What do we know about Tim? F CD1: 18 本篇可彈性使用 gone to 與 been to 的用法 1 閱讀練習翻譯 1. gone to:someone went to a place and hasn't returned 2. been to:someone went to a place and has returned 1 gone to That's cool. Hope he has a great summertime there. Where's Taco? 塔可在哪裡? 好酷喔。希 望牠在那裡 有個不錯的 夏日時光。 牠去一個在岩 石市的寵物夏 日學校。 He has gone to a summer school for pets in Rock City. Taco is not home. He is at a summer school for pets. 2 been to You look so different, Taco. Where have you been? I have been to a summer school for pets in Rock City. It was like hell. 我去了一家在岩石市的寵物 夏日學校。它就跟地獄一樣。 你看起來好不一樣, 塔可。你去了哪裡? Taco went to a summer school for pets and returned. Now he is at home. Fill in the blanks. 根據句意,填入gone to或been to。 1. Arthur has gone to Penghu. He's enjoying the great seafood there. 2. Arthur has been to Penghu many times. He has visited the beautiful island three times with his family and twice with his friends. 教 學 補 給 站 《 gone to 和 been to 的用法》 return 返回 hell 地獄 [ ] [] Penghu 澎湖 29 1. gone to:動詞 go 為「去;移動」的動作,故搭配現在完成式表「已經移動去 …」,即已前往某處,並不在現場。 例: A: Is John here? I need to talk to him.( 約翰在嗎?我需要跟他談話。) B: Sorry, he has gone to the office.( 抱歉,他去辦公室了。) → John 現在在辦公室或在去辦公室的路上。 2. been to:be 動詞描述人、事物的狀態,搭配現在完成式表「曾經處於 …」,故表示某人去過某地的經驗。 例: John has been to the office twice today.( 約翰今天去了辦公室兩次。) → John 現在應該不在辦公室。 29 Unit 1 Notes 筆記頁 30 Unit 1 單字解析 課本單字 例句翻譯 單字解析 • 表「自從」,當介系詞時後接過去時間點。 z I have been a teacher since 1995. (我從 1995 年開始當老師。) 以下搭配課本p. 158 Dialogue 1 yet adv. 還(沒) • 也可作表原因的從屬連接詞,指「因為;既然」。 z Mary went out by herself since her husband hates shopping.( 因為瑪莉的先生很討厭逛 • 用於否定句,表「還(沒)」,常置於句尾或 not 街,所以她就自己出門了。) 的後面。 z I haven't started preparing for the test yet. 5 I haven't yet finished my homework. • ph- 的發音為 [ ]。 (我還沒寫完功課。) • 由 photograph [ c ] 簡化而來,常搭配動 詞 take,表「照相」。 z Rick took some photos with those pretty girls.( 瑞克跟那些正妹一起拍了一些照片。) • 也用於疑問句,表「迄今」。除了現在完成式,美 式英文中 yet 也會用在過去簡單式。 z Have you talked to your group members about the problem yet? • photo 和 picture 的比較: (你已經和你的組員討論過這個問題了嗎?) photo Did Cathy call yet?(凱茜打電話過來沒?) 2 指由相機拍出的「照片;相片」。 already adv. 已經 z Can you take a photo of me and the building? • 可放句尾或一般動詞前、be 動詞或助動詞後。 z You already told me that. (你可以幫我跟這棟建築拍張照嗎?) picture (你已經告訴過我了。) 泛指「圖像」 ,可以是相機拍的「照片」、手繪 I have already seen the new movie. 的「繪畫;圖畫;畫作」 ,或是電視、電影的 (我已看過這部新電影了。) 「畫面」。 Ted is already here. We can start the meeting. z We had to draw a picture of our family in art class today.( 我們今天美術課必須畫 (泰德已經在這了。我們可以開始會議。) 3 diet n. 節食;飲食 一幅我們家庭的圖畫。) • 為可數名詞,指為了減重或醫療目的而限制飲 食。go/be on a diet 為「進行節食」的意思。 z To make her healthier, the doctor asked her to go on a diet. 6 • crazy 在意思上有兩個層面,一是形容某人或某 事是「荒唐的;愚蠢的」 ,另一種則為「精神失常 的;惱怒的;瘋狂的」 。 z To walk from Taipei to Kaohsiung is a crazy • 也可以用來表示「(日常)飲食」。 z You should eat at least five kinds of vegetables to keep a healthy diet.( 要維持 idea.( 從臺北走到高雄是個荒唐的想法。) Daisy just won't stop talking. I'm going crazy.( 黛西不停講話。我要抓狂了。) 健康飲食,你每日應該要吃至少五種蔬果。) be crazy about... 為 … 而狂熱、著迷 since conj.; prep. 自從 z My dad and I are crazy about basketball. • 作表時間的從屬連接詞時,常與完成式搭配,但 從屬子句必須為過去式,且為一時間點,非持續 的動作。 z We have not seen Shelly since she moved to Japan two years ago. (自從雪莉兩年前搬去日本以後,我們就沒見 過她了。) crazy adj. 荒唐的;瘋狂的 (為了讓她更健康。醫生要求她進行節食。) 4 photo n. 照片 (我還沒開始準備考試。) (我跟我爸爸都很瘋籃球。) 7 as... as possible 盡可能的… • 中間可加副詞、形容詞,或「形容詞+名詞」。 z Please be as quiet as possible. (請盡可能地保持安靜。) z A: Have you ever tried thousand-year-old eggs? B: I don't think I've ever tried those. ( A:你曾經有試過皮蛋嗎?) ( B:我不認為我曾經有過。) (我們遲到了。我們必須盡快行動。) Let's drink as much coffee as possible. It's free today. (我們盡可能喝多點咖啡。今天免費。) • 也常用在 if 子句或比較級中。 z If you're ever in Taipei, I can show you around.( 如果你在任何時候來臺北,我可以 • possible 為形容詞,表「可能的;有可能做到或 發生的」 。 z It's not possible to finish the report before 帶你到處逛逛。) Life has been great lately. I'm happier than ever. Friday.( 在星期五前完成這份報告是不可能 做到的。) (最近生活很不錯。我比往常來的快樂。) anything's possible 萬事皆可能發生 z A: I don't think I can be successful. B: Anything's possible if you work hard. ( A:我不認為我會成功。) ( B:只要你努力,任何事都可能發生。) 8 ever since 從那之後一直、forever( 或 for ever )永遠、happily ever after 從此幸福 美滿 z He has been unhappy ever since his father died.( 自從他爸爸過世後,他一直不開心。) Kate, I need to use the bathroom. You've been in there forever.( 凱特,我需要用廁所。 slim adj. 苗條的;微小的 • 表「苗條的」。 z The slim girl over there is my cousin. 你已經在裡面超級久了。) Everyone wants to find the right person and live happily ever after.( 每個人都想找到 (那邊那個苗條的女孩是我表妹。) • 也可表「微小的」。 z There is a slim chance that we will go to Australia next month. 對的人,然後從此過著幸福快樂的日子。) 12 (我們下個月去澳洲的機會渺茫。) 9 • 表「習慣」,為可數名詞。make/have a habit of V-ing 表「養成 / 有 … 的習慣」。 z You should make a habit of exercising. tip n. 訣竅 • 表做某件事的「訣竅;指點」,為可數名詞,常與 介系詞 on 和 for 搭配。 z What are your tips for growing these beautiful flowers? (你應該要養成運動的習慣。) She has the habit of drinking two cups of coffee in the morning. (她習慣早上喝兩杯咖啡。) (你種植這些美麗的花的訣竅為何?) kick/break a habit 戒除惡習 Staying up late is bad for you. You should z kick the habit. • 也可以指「小費」。 z He gave the waiter a tip before he left the restaurant. (他離開餐廳前,給了服務生小費。) 10 type n. 類型 (熬夜對你不好。你應該剔除這習慣。) 13 take action 採取行動 c • 表「採取行動」。action 在此表「行動」,為不可 • 與 kind(種類)同義,為可數名詞。 z There are many types of cakes in the cake shop.( 那蛋糕店裡有很多種類的蛋糕。) blood type 血型 11 habit n. 習慣 ever adv. 曾經 • 表「曾經;從來;在任何時候」,為副詞,常用於 疑問句或否定句中。 數名詞,指的是在處理問題的整個行動過程。 z We need to take action to help our friend. (我們必須採取行動來幫助我們的朋友。) • action 單指「行為;動作」時,則為可數。 z You will be sorry for your actions today. (你會為你今天的所作所為感到抱歉的。) action movie 動作片、be all talk and no action 光說不做 單字解析 We're late. We must move as quickly as possible. 單字解析 z We went to see the new action movie last night. 15 (我們昨天晚上去看了那部新的動作片。) • 由 gymnasium [ ] 簡化而來,表「健 Don't listen to her. She's all talk and no action.( 別聽她說的。她總是空口說白話。) 身房;體育館」 。 z Rob goes to the gym four times a week. (羅伯一個禮拜去健身房四次。) be all ears 洗耳恭聽 • 也可以指「體育課」,為不可數名詞。 z We have gym today, but I forgot to bring my gym clothes.( 我們今天有體育課,但我 I • 指「全神貫注地聽;洗耳恭聽」。 z If you need someone to talk to, I'm all ears.( 如果你需要找人談,我洗耳恭聽。) at least 至少 忘記帶我的體育服。) 16 z Amanda has lived abroad before. • 表「至少」。 z The car costs at least one million dollars. (亞曼達曾經在國外生活過。) My father often goes abroad on business. (這輛車至少要一百萬元。) (我父親常去國外出公差。) • 也可表「(在不好的情況下)至少還有某件好 17 he did his best.( 我兒子又考不及格了,不 • 表「作弊;欺騙」,常搭配介系詞 at、in 或 on。 z Ethan has cheated at cards. 過至少他盡力了。) (伊森玩牌時曾經作弊過。) 以下搭配課本p. 159 The famous singer cheated on his wife. (那位名歌手對他的老婆不忠。) You got it. 沒錯。 18 copy v. 抄襲;複製 • 可以用來附和他人,表「沒錯。」;也可表「沒 • 作動詞時,表「複製;抄寫」,後常接介系詞 from。另外也有「模仿、仿效」之意。 z It's clear that you copied the answers from Jack's homework. 問題。」 ,用來回覆他人對你的請求。 z A: Could you give me a hand? B: You got it! ( A:你可以來幫我一下嗎?) ( B:沒問題!) (很顯然你抄了傑克功課的答案。) Clive likes to copy his big brother in the way he dresses. Theme Words 14 cheat v. 作弊;欺騙 z My son failed the test again, but at least, abroad adv. 到國外 事」 。 gym n. 健身房;體育館 (克萊夫喜歡模仿他大哥的穿著打扮。) choice n. 選擇 copy machine 影印機 z The painting is just a copy — the real one hangs in the Tate Modern.( 這幅畫僅為摹 • 表「選擇;挑選」,通常為可數名詞。 z The company is losing money. The boss has some difficult choices to make.( 公司在 本 — 原作在泰特現代美術館裡。) copyright 版權 虧損。老闆有一些艱難的抉擇要做。) have no choice (but to do something) 沒 有選擇的餘地(只能去做某事) 、by choice 自願選擇 z He needed money, so he had no choice but to take that terrible job. (他需要錢,所以他沒有選擇的餘地,只能接 下那份糟糕的工作。) Sara lives in the forest by choice. (莎拉是自己選擇住在那森林中的。) 19 race n. 速度競賽 • 指比較速度的「競賽」,如 swimming race,為可 數名詞。 z Our class lost the relay race to Class 802. (我們班接力賽輸給八年二班。) • 也可以表「競爭;爭奪」。 23 (艾莉西亞和凱莉在爭奪那份工作。) • 表「嚴重的」。 stay in shape 保持健康 z Don't worry. Your cold is not serious. c (不用擔心,你的感冒不嚴重。) • 指「保持健康」。 z Claire goes jogging every day to stay in shape.( 克萊兒每天慢跑來保持健康。) • 也可表「嚴肅的;認真的」。 z I don't want to talk to the new girl. She looks serious all the time.( 我不想跟那個新 • stay 在此表「保持;繼續做」,為連綴動詞,後 來的女生講話。她總是看起來很嚴肅。) 需要補語。 z That shop stayed open for twenty years. serious adj. 嚴重的 24 (那商店保持營運二十年。) Stay away from that strange man. interest n.; v. 興趣;使感興趣 () • 表「興趣」,指對某事的關注,常搭配介系詞 in。 z John has had an interest in taking photos since he was a child. (遠離那位奇怪的男士。) • shape 本意為「形狀;身影」,在此衍伸為「健 (約翰從小就對攝影有興趣。) 康狀況」 ,為不可數名詞。 z I just had a health check, and I'm in great • 當動詞時,表「使 … 感興趣」。 z Going trick-or-treating doesn't really interest me. shape. (我剛做了健康檢查,而我身體不錯。) (去玩「不給糖就搗蛋」真的不使我感興趣。) Reading 20 letter n. 信 25 • 由表「不;無」的字首 un- + happy 組成。be unhappy about + N/V-ing 表「對某事感到不快 • 表「信件」,為可數名詞。 z I got a letter from my best friend. 樂」 。 (我收到了一封我摯友的信。) z My mother is unhappy about my decision to work abroad. love letter 情書、Dear John letter 分手信 (我媽媽對我決定去國外工作感到不高興。) • 也可表「字母」,為可數名詞。 z Let's practice writing the letter G. (讓我們來練習書寫字母 G。) 21 • un-( 缺乏;不;無;相反)是表示否定的字首。 用法舉例如下: teenager n. 青少年 c un- + adj. • 指「 13 到 19 歲的青少年」,在美式口語中也稱 teen。 z Although I am a teenager, I can still help a lot of people.( 雖然我是個青少年,但我還是 un- + adv. z unhealthy(不健康的) z undoubtedly(無疑地) un- + V z unpack(打開包裹) 可以幫助很多人。) 22 unhappy adj. 不快樂的 senior high school n. 高中 c • 口語可以簡稱為 high school 或 senior high。 z My mom is a senior high school English teacher.( 我的媽媽是一個高中英文老師。) • senior 作形容詞有「級別高的;較年長的」的意 思。 z He works as a senior writer in that company. (他在那家公司當資深作家。) 以下搭配課本p. 160 26 joy n. 樂趣;喜悅 • 表「樂趣;喜悅」,為不可數名詞。 z I find joy in reading storybooks. (我透過閱讀故事書找到樂趣。) • 也可作可數名詞,表「使人高興的人(或物);樂 事」 。 z It was a joy to watch her dance. (看她跳舞是件樂事。) 單字解析 z Alicia and Cary are in a race for the job. 單字解析 27 pop n. 流行音樂 ask me after class.( 如果你有什麼地方不瞭 • 為 popular music 的口語說法,為不可數名詞。 z Lady Gaga is a famous pop singer. 解,下課的時候可以來問我。) (女神卡卡是位知名的流行歌手。) 28 z If you don't understand something, you can 33 drum n. 鼓 • 當名詞時,表「願望」,常搭配動詞 make。 z A: Happy birthday, Bentley! Don't forget to make a wish. B: Thanks a lot. ( A:班特利,生日快樂!別忘了許願喔。) ( B:多謝。) • 為可數名詞。「打鼓」時通常會有好幾個鼓,所 以會用複數 play the drums。 z Phoebe's son is good at playing the drums. (菲比的兒子很擅長打鼓。) 29 wish list 願望清單 lately adv. 最近 • 當動詞時,表「祝福」,用法為 wish +人+名詞。 z He wished me a safe journey and waved goodbye.( 他祝我旅途平安並揮手道別。) • 為副詞,表「最近」。通常會與完成式一起使用, 指最近這段時間的狀況或持續發的事件。 z She hasn't been well lately. 34 (最近她身體不是很好。) 30 envelope during Chinese New Year.( 在過年 時,父母通常會給他們的小孩一個紅包。) • 與不同介系詞搭配整理: 生某人的氣 z Don't be angry with Gary. He didn't know.( 別生蓋瑞的氣。他並不知情。) be angry about/at sth 因某件事情或情況生氣 z Earl was angry about not being able to use the computer yesterday. (厄爾為了昨天沒辦法用電腦而生氣。) be angry at sb for sth 因某件事情或情況生氣或生某人的氣 z She was angry at me for breaking her cellphone.( 我弄壞了她的手機,所以她 在生我的氣。) 31 garbage n. 垃圾 • 為不可數名詞,意思與 trash 相同。 z You can't throw your garbage here. (你不能把垃圾丟在這。) 32 understand v. 瞭解 c • 動詞三態:understand — understood — understood • 表「瞭解」,指對某個事物有相當程度的認識,理 解整個東西的意思、來龍去脈和運作方式。 envelope n. 信封 c z Parents usually give their children a red angry adj. 生氣的 be angry with sb wish n.; v. 祝福 35 stamp n. 郵票 z I need a stamp for the letter. (我的信需要一張郵票。) star n. 明星 • 指「明星」,為可數名詞。 z Sally is a big fan of that movie star. (莎莉是那位電影明星的大粉絲。) call v. 稱呼 • 表「稱呼;給 … 取名」,後面要接受詞,以及稱 作的名號、東西。 z James called me a cheater after I won the game. He was a sore loser.( 我贏了比賽後, 詹姆士說我作弊。他輸不起。) 13take The police need to take action as soon as possible, or the bad guy may hurt the kid. Dialogue 1 警察需要盡快採取行動,否則壞人可能傷害那個小孩。 yet Have you finished your work yet? be all ears 你已經完成你的工作了嗎? 2 The students were all ears in the class. 學生們在課堂上全神貫注地聽講。 already When I got to the office, Harry was there already. at least 我到辦公室時,哈利已經在那裡了。 3 Eva goes to the movies at least twice a week. She loves movies a lot. diet 艾娃至少一個禮拜看電影兩次。她很喜愛電影。 Don't give me too much rice. I'm on a diet. 不要給我太多飯。我正在節食。 4 5 since 以下搭配課本p. 159 Emily hasn't seen Oliver since he moved abroad. You got it. 艾蜜莉自從奧利佛搬到國外後就沒見過他。 A: Is two the answer to this math question? B: You got it. A:這題數學題的答案是二嗎? B:沒錯。 photo Judy showed me some of her family photos. 茱蒂給我看一些她的家庭照片。 6 crazy It was crazy of her to drive a car like that. 7 14 choice All these dresses look pretty. It's hard for me to make a choice. as... as possible 這些洋裝全都看起來很漂亮。我很難做選擇。 請盡快回我電話。 15 當我們年紀漸長時,要保持苗條變得更為困難。 今天下午在體育館會有一場籃球比賽。 16 abroad Vincent has been abroad for work for six months already. tip 文森已經在海外工作六個月了。 My grandma knows some tips for making a chocolate cake. 我的祖母知道一些做巧克力蛋糕的秘訣。 gym There will be a basketball game at the gym this afternoon. slim Staying slim becomes more difficult when we get older. 9 Theme Words 她那樣開車實在很荒唐。 Please call me back as soon as possible. 8 action 17 cheat Cheating on a test is not the right thing to do. 10 type What type of clothes do you like to wear? 你喜歡穿哪一類型的衣服? 11 18 habit Luna has a habit of keeping a diary. 露娜有寫日記的習慣。 copy Karen copied down the answers from the book. 凱倫從書本上抄下答案。 ever A: Have you ever visited an art museum? B: Yes, I have been to an art museum twice. A:你曾經造訪過美術館嗎? B:有的,我去過美術館兩次。 12 考試作弊不是一件對的事情。 19 race Joe hasn't decided to join the swimming race yet. 喬還沒有決定要參加游泳比賽。 stay in shape What are some tips for staying in shape? 保持健康的秘訣有哪些呢? 單字例句翻譯 課本單字例句翻譯 以下搭配課本p. 158 課本單字例句翻譯 Reading 20 31 Don't forget to take the garbage out when you leave. letter Jerry wrote a letter to his cousin in Australia. 別忘記離開時把垃圾拿出去。 傑瑞寫了一封信給他在澳洲的表哥。 21 teenager 32 我不認為我理解你的問題。你可以再說一次嗎? 要那位年輕的老師教一群青少年是困難的。 senior high school 33 23 希望你所有的願望都能實現。 34 在中國文化裡,孩子們在除夕夜會拿到紅包。 羅根有嚴重的睡眠問題。 interest Playing the guitar is one of my interests. 彈奏吉他是我的興趣之一。 25 unhappy Owen was unhappy because he had a bad day today. 歐文不太開心因為他今天過得不太好。 以下搭配課本p. 160 26 joy Mrs. Davis was full of joy when she learned that she's going to have a baby. 戴維斯太太在得知她即將有寶寶時,她充滿了喜悅。 27 pop Who is your favorite pop singer in Taiwan? 誰是你最喜愛的臺灣流行歌手? 28 drum Lina has played the drums in a band for more than ten years. 麗娜在樂團裡打鼓已超過十年。 29 lately I have been busy with my reports lately. 我最近一直在忙我的報告。 30 angry Mom was angry at me because I broke her favorite cup. 媽媽在生我的氣,因為我打破她最愛的杯子。 envelope In Chinese culture, children get red envelopes on Chinese New Year's Eve. serious Logan has serious sleeping problems. 24 wish May all your wishes come true. They have known each other since senior high school. 他們從高中時就彼此認識了。 understand I don't think that I understand your question. Can you say it again? It is difficult for the young teacher to teach a group of teenagers. 22 garbage 35 stamp Remember to put a stamp on the envelope before you mail the letter. 寄出信前,記得在信封上貼上郵票。 star I've never heard of that movie star. Do you know any of her works? 我從沒聽說過這位電影明星。你知道她的任何作品 嗎? call His real name is Thomas, but most of his friends call him Tom. 他真正的名字叫湯姆士,但他大部分的朋友都叫他湯 姆。