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Deploy UI5 App on FIORI Launchpad: How-to Guide

SAP How-to Guide
UX & Platfrom
BIT End to End Scenarios
How to Deploy UI5 Applciation on the FIORI Launchpad
Applicable Releases:
SAP UI 5 1.18
Babu Ganesh V
Customer Experience Group
SAP Labs India Pvt Ltd
Version 1.0
April 2014
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Document History
Document Version
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First official release of this guide
Typographic Conventions
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include field names, screen
titles, pushbuttons labels,
menu names, menu paths,
and menu options.
Cross-references to other
Example text
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Example text
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Example text
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Variable user entry. Angle
brackets indicate that you
replace these words and
characters with appropriate
entries to make entries in the
Keys on the keyboard, for
example, F2 or ENTER.
Note or Important
Recommendation or Tip
Table of Contents
Exercises ................................................................................................................................1
Upload the SAPUI5 Application to the Gateway Server as a BSP application ............1
Create a Launchpad Role in LPD_CUST ....................................................................... 5
Create a Semantic Object in /UI2/SEMOBJ ................................................................ 9
Create Catalog, Target Mapping and a Static Tile ....................................................... 9
Create a PFCG Role for the Catalog and Group ......................................................... 16
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
1. Exercises
Prerequisites: You have created a Package and a Transport request
Upload the SAPUI5 Application to the Gateway Server
as a BSP application
Login to the SAP Netweaver Gateway System
Execute transaction SE38
Enter the Program Name: /UI5/UI5_REPOSITORY_LOAD
Click on
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Enter the name of the SAPUI5 Appplication: ZSTUDENT_XXX (XXX being your student Number Eg
XXX = C01 for “StudentC01”)
Choose Option “Upload”
Click on
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
On the “Browse for folder” popup, locate the “WebContent” folder in your workspace
Click on OK
(Tip : If you donot remember the workspace, in Hana Studio – Package Explorer view, select your
Project and click on File Menu -> Properties)
You may get an SAP GUI security warning, “Choose Remember My Decision”
Click on Allow
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Scroll to the bottom of the screen
Click on [Click here to Upload]
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
You may get this security popup
Click on Allow (You may get this popup Multiple times during the upload) You can disable this
popup by adjusting the SAP GUI security settings accordingly
You have now uploaded the SAPUI5 application to the SAP Gateway Server as a BSP application.
You can verify this by viewing the BSP application in Transaction SE80
Create a Launchpad Role in LPD_CUST
Execute Transaction LPD_CUST
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on
Enter the following details in the popup
Role: ZXXXLPD (XXX being your student number)
Description: Student XXX LPD Role (XXX being your student number)
Click on
Click on Yes on the popup
Click on
Enter the Details below:
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on the
button next to URL field
Click on button
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on the
button next to Application Alias field
Application Alias: ZStudentAlsXXX (XXX being your student number)
Additional Information: SAPUI5.Component=sap.infoday.selfservice
Click on
You have now created a Launchpad instance
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Create a Semantic Object in /UI2/SEMOBJ
Execute transaction /n/UI2/SEMOBJ
Click on the
You may get a message informing that the table is cross-client, click on
Click on
Enter the following:
Semantic Object: ZStudentSemXXX (XXX being your student number)
Semantic Object Name: ZStudentSemXXX (XXX being your student number)
Semantic Object Description: Semantic Object for Student XXX (XXX being your student number)
Click on
Chose your transport request and click on
You have successfully created a Semantic Object
Create Catalog, Target Mapping and a Static Tile
Launch the Fiori Launchpad Designer
Login with your SAP Gateway Student userid/password
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on
Enter Title: Student XXX Catalog
ID: ZSTUCATXXX (XXX being your student number)
Click on Save
Your Catalog is now created
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on
Click on
to create a Target Mapping
Click on the empty Target Mapping you just created
Enter the following in the Target Mapping Definition
Semantic Object: ZStudentSemXXX
Action: display
Launchpad Role: ZXXXLPD
Launchpad Instance: TRANSACTIONAL
Application Alias: ZStudentAlsXXX
(XXX being your student number)
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on Save to save your Target Mapping
Next we will create a static tile
Click on the
Click on the
Click on the Static tile you just created,
Enter the following details:
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on Save
You have now created a Static tile.
We will next create a Group
Click on
on the navigation pane
Click on the
Enter the following:
Title: Student XXX Group
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on Save
Click on
Click on
to add the catalog you created to the group
to lookup for your catalog
Key in your XXX student number to filter and lookup for your catalog and click on it to choose.
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on the
June 2014
button to add the catalog to the group
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
You have now created a Group and added the catalog to it.
Create a PFCG Role for the Catalog and Group
Execute Transaction PFCG
Enter Role Name: ZSTUROLEXXX (XXX being your student number)
Click on
Enter Description: Student XXX Role
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
Click on the Menu Tab
Click on the
(Click on the Arrow and not the button)
Choose Catalog from the list
Enter your Catalog ID and click on
Click on the
(Click on the Arrow and not the button)
Choose Group from the list
Enter the Group ID: ZSTUGRPXXX
And click on
Click on the User Tab
Enter your User Id and Click on Save to save the role
June 2014
How To... Build Device/Context Aware SAP UI 5 Application
You have now created a Role and assigned to your user
Test the FIORI Launchpad
Scroll to the end of the Page
Click on the Tile to launch your application from the FIORI Launchpad
June 2014