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Energy & Water Resources Worksheet

Name: Sharlimar Faith Calimutan
Grade & Section: 11 STEM-A
Try this
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. C
5. B
Energy is used to power up machines, computers, appliances and other essential objects
that makes the human world easy and convenient to live in. Energy is vital to the progress of the
world. The basic raw material for reliving devices, especially the electronic ones is the energy itself.
As society continues to develop and evolve, energy sources must fulfill the necessities of
this advancement. Since some energy sources are non-renewable there is a great need for new
technologies and discoveries that produce sustainable and efficient energy resources. Though there
are many renewable energy sources that are in use and can be effective, humanity still utilize
non-renewable ones such as natural gas, coal and oil. The basis for the utilization of these
non-renewable energy sources is the availability and cost of production. Non-renewable energy can
be used up so it is now important to switch to renewable energy sources especially to this era. Every
country with just their simple or complex environmental condition can use renewable energy
sources such as geothermal energy, hydrothermal energy and solar energy to keep up with
globalization and to be sustainable in energy usage. To ensure energy independence, the knowledge
of the people about these energy sources is significant. The more people learn about it, the more
they can be assured and they can also be influenced to use it as possible.
Geothermal Energy
Renewable energy source
No harmful gases emitted
Cost of Fuel is negligible
No greenhouse effect
Capital cost is 40-60% less Than thermal
and nuclear plants
Corrosive effects of steam tackled By advanced
Availability at certain regions only (Where
magma is nearer to the surface)
Low efficiency (10-12%)
Geothermal facilities have high upfront
construction costs
Geothermal plants can cause earthquakes
Environmental Concerns for water compounds
that are present during a geothermal processing.
Distribution Costs
Application: Task 2
Geothermal Energy Description
It is an energy source which has both water and heat, the heat beneath the earth (magma) is used to
heat the water present inside the earth.
Geothermal Energy Working Principle
The magma heats the water present inside the earth and increases its temperature greater than 182
degree Celsius. This hot water from the earth is piping to the surface of the earth through hot water
wells. The steam from the hot water is separated and made it to strike on the turbine blade and it
starts rotating. A Generator is coupled to the turbine also starts rotating and produces electricity.
a) It requires no fuel for its working.
1. The fluid taken out from deep earth contains
b) It requires minimal land and fresh water. mixtures of gases such as Hydrogen sulphide
c) Geothermal power is a sustainable
(H2S), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Ammonia (NH3),
source of energy.
methane (CH4) and Radon (Rn). If these gases is
released, it will contribute to global warming,
acid rain, Radiation and noxious smell.
2. It requires emission control system to reduce
the exhaust that may be produce form acids and
volatile chemicals.
3. The hot water taken out from the geothermal
sources is hold in a solution which may contain
traces of toxic chemicals like mercury, boron,
arsenic, antimony and salt. when water cools
these toxic chemicals comes out of the solution
and can responsible for the environmental
damage if released.
4. Geothermal power plant constructed at the
site may adversely affect land stability.
The Earth has been emitting heat for about 4.5 billion years, and will continue to emit heat for
billions of years into the future because of the ongoing radioactive decay in the Earth’s core. What
are the pros and cons of geothermal heat exchange system in term of safety, comfort and effect on
the environment?
Reinforcement and Enrichment
Watt Rating
Time used
KWH used/day
131 Watts
300 minutes
6.55 kWH
12 watts
300 minutes
0.6 kWH
Cost of
at 7.50/
4.5 php
50” colored
Electric Fan
101 watts
300 minutes
5.05 kWH
1500 watts
50 watts
10 minutes
480 minutes
2.5 kWH
4 kWH
18.7 kWH
18.75 php
30 php
1. What appliances and electrical items does your family usually use on a weekday? On weekdays,
since there's pandemic, we are using heaters, electric fan, gadgets and bulbs. We seldom use the
refrigerator since we don't really have foods to refrigerate. On weekend?on weekend, the habit is
still the same. We use our appliances when we only need it.
2. How much energy do you consume in kWH and in peso? We consume 18.7 kWH per day. In peso,
we spent 140.25 per day. Assuming that my family is using coal power plant, we have emitted 28.05
lbs of carbon dioxide to the atmosphere.
3. What can you do in order to lessen the amount of carbon dioxide your family contributes to the
atmosphere? In order to lessen the amount of carbon dioxide released to the atmosphere, I have to
talk to my family regarding our usage of electricity. So far, I am suggesting that we don't have to use
appliances that can have efficient and convenient alternatives.
Assess Your Learning
1. B
2. They can only be found at certain places.
3. A
4. B
5. B
Try this: Task 1
1. B
2. A
3. D
4. B
5. B
1. Why care about water? Water is an essential element as to why life emerges on Earth.
Because of water, many substances evolved and became what they are today. Water is
important to metabolic processes in the human body and it comprises the human bodies for
more than 50%.
2. What is the importance of water in Human use and in the society? Water is necessary for
continuing growth of industry, agriculture and technology. Water has a vital importance for
some of the main functions in the human body . It can be summarized as follows; it is a
biological solvent that providesboth the transport and dissolution of vitamins and minerals in
the body; it is important in regulating body temperature; facilitates thework of the kidneys
and other organs, protects and acts as a cushion;plays a fundamental role in moisturizing the
skin, removing toxins and cleansing the body; it supports the conversion of nutrients taken
into the body into energy and also helps the absorption of nutrients; water also the main
ingredient of carbohydrates, fats and proteins inthe human body.
Task 1:
Earth is called a blue planet because it is covered with more water than land or continents. From
space, Earth can be seen as bright blue.
Task 2:
A. In the first bar, notice how only (1) 2.5% of Earth's water is freshwater - the amount needed for
life to survive.
B. The middle bar shows the breakdown of freshwater. Almost all of it is locked up in ice and in the
ground. Only a little more than (2) 1.2% of all freshwater is surface water, which serves most of life’s
C. The right bar shows the breakdown of surface freshwater. Most of this water is locked up in ice,
and another (3) 20.9% is found in lakes. Rivers make up (4) 0.49% of surface freshwater. Although
rivers account for only a small amount of freshwater, this is where humans get a large portion of
their water.
Task 3: Break the Water code
1. SEA
8. ICE
Task 4: Water Resources Chart
Assess Your Learning
What specific water resources
found in the locality?
Type of Water Resource
Rivers (Magapa River)
Surface water
Igbiating Falls
Surface water
What are the uses ofthis type
of water resources?
It is used to water the plants, to
wash the clothes, to clean the
bathroom and toilet, to wash
the dishes, etc., mostly to do
household chores.
It is used to be delivered to
houses for their household
usage. Sometimes, people also
go there to bath and wash their
It is used as a tourist spot.
Task 4: Reflect
What can you say about this quote “ Ang tubig ay buhay”
Water, indeed is life. Many organisms would not exist without needing water. Water is a very
important required substance in order to sustain vital activities of human such as nutrition,
respiration, circulation, excretion and reproduction. In addition water is also a life space as well as
being one of the basic substances in the formation of life environment.