Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering Graduating Student Career and Salary Survey Congratulations upon completing Senior Design II, and upon your imminent graduation. Please complete this survey for the purpose of collecting data on student career opportunities and salaries. This data will be used to monitor the status of the job market for graduating EE/CpE engineers. Feel free to provide additional information as you see fit. Instructions 1. Please enter your specific information in the data section. 2. Please complete the questions section of the survey. 3. Please return the survey to Final Document Due Assignment Dr. S. M. Richie Dr. Lei Wei UCF, Dept. of Elec. and Comp. Engr. 4000 Central Florida Blvd. Orlando, FL 32816-2450 Data - Please Print Name: David Crumley BSEE, or DC BSCpE or PID da937801 other , Minor(s) Intelligent Robotic Systems Term of Graduation: Fall 2021 Questions Answers 1. Please check which best describes you. I entered UCF following high school in Florida. I entered UCF following high school in another state in the U.S. I came to UCF directly from another country. DC I am a Florida resident with an AA/AS degree from Valencia, Seminole, Eastern Florida (Brevard), or Lake Sumter. I am from another state in the U.S. and I have an AA/AS degree from Valencia, Seminole, Eastern Florida (Brevard), or Lake Sumter. I am from another country and I have an AA/AS degree from Valencia, Seminole, Eastern Florida (Brevard), or Lake Sumter. I transferred to UCF after completing an AA/AS degree in Florida from another institution. Other: (Please specify: ) 2. For how many semesters (including summers) did you have co-op experience, summer internship experience, other engineering related work experience in your major? Obtained through Experiential Learning, enter number of semester Other engineering related work experience obtained on your own: 1. Name: 3. What was the company or agency with which you had your co-op, internship experience, or engineering related work experience? Where are the locations? Location: 2. Name: Location: 4 . How many semesters ( including summers) of research experience have you had as a UCF student Please enter number 2 - Thank You - semesters 5. Current Status DC I am a full-time student and do not work. I am a full-time student and have a part-time job. I am a full-time student and have a full-time job. I am a part-time student and do not work. I am a part-time student and have a part-time job. I am a part-time student and have a full-time job. 6. How many full-time job offers have you received or expect to receive for work related to your major after you graduate? 3 Please enter number. Not applicable to me, I’m not looking for a job, or I’m going to graduate school. 7. What is the dollar amount of the job offer that you have accepted or expect to accept? Include commissions as appropriate. 8. Did you receive a signing bonus or compensation for moving expenses? If so what was the amount? 9. Status After Graduation $ 70000_____, Job Title__Software Engineer________________ My job is in a field related to my bachelor’s degree:YES (Yes or No) $ 5000 I plan to pursue graduate education full-time. I am already working and will continue to work full-time in the same job immediately after graduation. DC I have job offers and plan to take one of these offers and start working immediately after graduation. I do not have job offers and I am actively looking for a job. I do not have immediate definite plans after graduation (e.g., working, going to graduate school) DC Public or Private company, FL Government Agency, U. S. College/Univ., 10. What type of organization will you be working for in the position you have accepted? What is the name of the organization and where is it located? Family Business, U.S. Military, U.S. Government Agency Private Charitable Organization Non-U.S. College/Univ. My own company, Other: Name: Northrop Grumman Location: Melbourne 9. Are you planning to attend a graduate or professional school within one year after graduation? I have no plans at this time to attend a graduate or professional school. DC I am planning to attend a graduate program in the same field as my degree. I am planning to attend a graduate program in a field related to my degree. I am planning to earn an MBA degree. I am planning to attend law school. I am planning to attend a medical school program. I am planning to attend some other graduate or professional school. Name of Institution: University of Central FLorida 10. If question 9 is yes, then what institution are you most likely to attend for graduate or professional school? Name of Program: Computer Engineering / Computer Science Location: Orlando - Thank You - 11. Have you earned any certifications (for example, CompTIA, Microsoft, Cisco, et.) before graduation? If so, please list the certification(s) and when you earned it. (If more than four, please list others on a separate page) 1. Date 2. Date 3. Date 4. Date We will be sending you a brief follow-up survey in four to six months via email. This follow-up survey, which will have the heading “UCF EECS Update Survey”, is also very important to our Department and College, and we will appreciate it very much if you respond to it. All your responses will remain confidential. Your preferred email address: _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - Thank You -