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Opinionated Current Event Worksheet

Opinionated Current Event
For this assignment you will need to find a news article about
something you have a strong opinion about. You will read the article, fill
out the notes section, and summarize the article. You will then write a
paragraph stating your opinion about the article using at least one quote
from the article, and then discuss it with the class.
Check the boxes below as you complete each task.
☐ I read a news article that I’m interested in, AND have an opinion about.
☐ I completed the notes section on the back of this worksheet. _____/20
☐ I have formed my opinion, and I have found something to quote that
supports my opinion.
☐ I wrote a summary that completely describes the article I read. The summary
is my best work and it is at least
6 sentences long. _______/25
☐ I wrote an opinion paragraph about the article, or the subject the article is
about. It describes my opinion and explains why I have that opinion.
☐ My opinion paragraph is my best work, it includes a quote from the article I
read, and is at least 6 sentences long. ______/25
☐ My work is written neatly. ______/10
Be prepared to read your summary and your opinion to the class.
You will answer questions about your topic and lead a respectful discussion
about your opinion. _____/20
Total points ______/100
Title of the article:
Source of the article:
Where did this happen? (country, state, city):
What is this article about, or who is discussed?
When did it happen?
Why did the events in this article happen?
What is your opinion about the topic of your article? Do you agree or disagree? Is it
right or wrong? Good or bad? Why do you feel that way?
Write down a sentence that you will quote in your opinion paragraph:
Opinion Paragraph